HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (G1) Board Appointments: METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee 4 Year Term Agenda 4-02-2002 Item VII G1 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ot Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITYOF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS �r cr.) a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE DANNY HOWELL Co_ p SCOTT ANDERSON ' V OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON 4;.4-41:4, ` (407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER of 0000 (407)656-5725 FAX CITY MANAGER FROM THE OFFICE OF JEAN GRAFTON, CITY CLERK JIM GLEASON MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Jean Grafton, City Cler Date: March 12, 2002 Re: Appointment to METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee Former Commissioner Sam Woodson has served as Ocoee's representative on this Committee since February 1994. He has completed his third four year term as of February 2002, and has advised that he does not wish to be reappointed. In selecting a member to represent Ocoee, the following information may be helpful. The Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday each month at the METROPLAN ORLANDO office located at 315 East Robinson Street, Suite 355, Orlando. Voting members may not be elected officials or staff members, but may now have technical expertise. Attached for your information are the Committee's updated Bylaws as revised November 28, 2001. Also attached are highlights from the Bylaws and a conversation with Muffet Robinson of the METROPLAN ORLANDO office. Staff Recommendation Staff respectfully requests that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint a member to represent Ocoee for a four year term on the METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee. mg Attachments: (2) I Pow1 °rat,t se t 4V Ier Rf;to_;,_:;s METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee Muffet Robinson of METROPLAN ORLANDO has provided the recently revised By- laws for the Committee. She said voting members still may not be elected officials or staff members, but may now have technical expertise. Some highlights of the By-laws: Purpose The purpose of the Committee shall be to involve the citizens of the area in the transportation planning process by (1) assessing reaction to planning proposals and (2) providing comment to METROPLAN ORLANDO with respect to the concerns of various segments of the population in regard to their transportation needs. Membership . . . In selecting members for appointment, the appointing jurisdiction should consider the personal qualifications of the individuals relative to transportation and should strive to include ethnic as well as special interest groups. Voting members of the Committee shall not be elected officials. . . . The Committee members shall avoid any conflict of interest and prevent the appearance of undue influence. . . . . . Alternate members may be appointed by the appointing authority as necessary. . . . Nominees shall either reside or have his/her place of business/be employed within the jurisdictional boundaries of that city or county so as to be familiar with the general citizenry's needs and desires of that city or county. Ms. Robinson also pointed out that the City should give direction to the appointee about reporting back and seeking input. . ( i.e. In Commission meetings? If so, how frequently, etc.) METROPLAN ORLANDO CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Section 1. Authority, Creation In accordance with Federal and State law requiring that transportation planning must be comprehensive, cooperative and continuing in nature and provide for private citizen input, a citizens' advisory committee known as the "METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC)" is hereby created. Section 2. Definition For the purpose of these Bylaws, the term "the Committee" shall mean the METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee. Section 3. Purpose The purpose of the Committee shall be to involve the citizens of the area in the transportation planning process by (1) assessing reaction to planning proposals and (2) providing comment to METROPLAN ORLANDO with respect to the concerns of various segments of the population in regard to their transportation needs. It is the mission of the Committee to: A. Advise METROPLAN ORLANDO as to public opinion in formulating goals and objectives for shaping the urban environment. B. Conduct public information programs through its meetings, all of which are open to the public, and other appropriate means. C. Provide an effective citizens' review of the preliminary findings and recommendations of METROPLAN ORLANDO's plans, studies and issues. D. Participate in the amendment process to the Orlando Urban Area Long Range Transportation Plan by providing comment. E. Assist in other missions/functions as deemed desirable by METROPLAN ORLANDO. F. Committee meetings shall be publicly advertised. Section 4. Membership, Appointments, Terms of Office, Vacancies, Removal from Office A. Committee Membership 1. Committee membership shall consist of representatives from Orange, Seminole and Osceola Counties appointed at-large and from the municipalities within those counties whose population is over 5,000 according to the latest US census. The number of at-large members from each county shall be apportioned to equal the number of representatives from the municipalities within that county. (a) The maximum number of voting members from each jurisdiction shall be as follows: Orange County 7 City of Ocoee 1 Seminole County 7 City of Altamonte Springs 1 Osceola County 2 City of Casselberry 1 City of Orlando 1 City of Winter Springs 1 City of Winter Park 1 City of Longwood 1 City of Maitland 1 City of Sanford 1 City of Winter Garden 1 City of Oviedo 1 City of Apopka 1 City of Lake Mary 1 City of Belle Isle 1 City of Kissimmee 1 City of St. Cloud 1 2. All members shall be appointed by their respective county or municipality. In selecting members for appointment, the appointing jurisdiction should consider the personal qualifications of the individuals relative to transportation and should strive to include ethnic as well as special interest groups. Voting members of the Committee shall not be elected officials. 3. The Committee members shall avoid any conflict of interest and prevent the appearance of undue influence. Any Committee member who becomes aware of any type of conflict or attempt to influence shall make it known to the Chairperson and excuse himself/herself from the proceedings. 4. Alternate members may be appointed by the appointing authority as necessary. These alternates will serve in the absence of the primary member and have the same right to vote and comment on CAC meeting agenda items. Designated alternates shall not be elected officials. Each designated alternate shall either reside or be employed within the jurisdictional boundaries of that city or county so as to be familiar with the general citizenry's needs and desires of that city or county. The primary member is responsible for the attendance of the alternate. 4. From time to time, Committee meetings may be held at various locations throughout the region to encourage public involvement. B. Appointments, Terms of Office 1. Representatives shall assume their responsibilities as of the next Committee meeting after their appointment. 2. The term of office for a Committee member in good standing will be for a period of four (4) years or until reappointment, or the appointment of a successor. At the discretion of the appointing authority, a member in good standing can be reappointed to a succeeding term(s). 3. Should a member resign, the appointed successor will fill the unexpired portion of the term and be eligible for reappointment to a full term at the discretion of the appointing authority. C. Membership Vacancies, Replacement Process 1. The Committee should maintain its continuing nature by reporting the vacancies on the membership roster to the appointing authority as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs. The supporting METROPLAN ORLANDO Staff Person will maintain a continuing oral and written dialog with the appointing authority until the vacancy is filled. 2. When a vacancy from a particular city or county occurs, the remaining members from that county of jurisdiction and all municipalities within that county shall assist, as appropriate, in finding a suitable replacement representative. In the event that more than one suitable replacement representative is found, a list of possible candidates shall be prepared by the supporting METROPLAN ORLANDO Staff Person and forwarded to the appointing authority for the necessary action. 3. Each nominee suggested for a vacant city or county position shall either reside or have his/her place of business/be employed within the jurisdictional boundaries of that city or county so as to be familiar with the general citizenry's needs and desires of that city or county. 4. The Chairperson shall, in coordination with the supporting METROPLAN ORLANDO Staff Person, be responsible for the proper management of the Committee. Problems arising out of filling vacancies will be resolved between the Chairperson, the appointing authority and METROPLAN ORLANDO. D. Membership Removal 1. Each member is expected to demonstrate interest in the Committee's activities through the member's or a designated alternate's participation in the scheduled meetings, except for reasons of unavoidable nature or an excused absence. An excused absence is one wherein the absentee has notified the supporting METROPLAN ORLANDO Staff Person, in advance of the meeting, as to the reason for the anticipated absence. 2. If a member has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from the meetings or has missed a majority of meetings during the year, that member's name shall be brought before the full Committee for a decision on whether said member shall be recommended for replacement. The supporting METROPLAN ORLANDO Staff Person shall notify the appointing authority and said member by telephone and/or in writing. 3. The Chairperson will consider a removal, under Section 4, Paragraph D item 2 above, as a vacancy and take the necessary steps to obtain an appropriate replacement in accordance with Section 4, Paragraph C above. E. Changes in Committee Size 1. The Committee may be increased in size if current US Census population figures determine that additional communities are eligible for membership. 2. New vacancies created in this manner shall be filled according to the procedures outlined in Section 4, Paragraph C above. Section 5. Officers, Terms of Office A. The regular June monthly meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting of the Committee, and shall be for the purpose of electing new officers and conducting such other business as may come before the members. The Citizens' Advisory Committee shall elect from its membership the following officers, with the following responsibilities: 1. Chairperson a a. Preside at all Committee meetings. b. Sign any documents authorized by the Committee. c. Serve as ex-offcio member of all standing committees and/or appoint another Committee member to do so. d. Form and appoint subcommittees and subcommittee chairpersons according to the needs of the Committee. e. Represent the Committee on the METROPLAN ORLANDO Board and at community functions. 2. Vice-Chairperson a. Preside at all Committee meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. b Exercise all other duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson in his/her absence or incapacitation. These functions shall be performed not longer than the next annual election of the Chairperson. B. Each officer so elected shall serve for one (1) year or until said officer is re-elected or a successor is elected, except that the Chairperson's term of office shall be limited to two (2) consecutive one (1) year terms and said officer shall not be eligible again until two (2) additional years have elapsed, nor shall said officer be succeeded by a officer from the same jurisdiction. C. Newly elected officers shall be declared installed following their election, and shall assume the duties of the office at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. D. Should the Chairperson resign from Committee service, the Vice-Chairperson will assume the position of Chairperson. A new Vice-Chairperson will be elected at the next regularly scheduled meeting. E. The successors will fill the unexpired terms and be eligible for reelection to full terms as stated in Section 5, Paragraph B above. Section 6. Rules of Procedure A. The Committee shall meet at least once each month at a time and location designated by the Chairperson, and at such other times as the Chairperson or the Committee may determine necessary. A monthly meeting may be waived by the Chairperson but two consecutive meetings may not be waived. Business to have been conducted at the waived meeting shall be considered at the next successive monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson as necessary to deal with immediate issues. B. Committee members or their designated alternates must be present to cast a vote. A quorum shall consist of 40 percent of those members entitled to vote. Any business transacted by the Committee must be approved by not less than a majority of votes cast. Business shall be transacted only at regular or called meetings and shall be duly recorded in the minutes thereof. The minutes of the Committee's proceedings and official actions shall be public record. C. Voting shall be by voice, but a member shall have an individual vote recorded in the minutes if said member so desires. A roll call vote shall be held upon request. All questions or procedures shall be governed by the most current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order," unless superceded by law. Section 7. General Policy The Committee shall maintain a broad perspective covering the range of all modes of transportation and associated facilities in all recommended planning work programs, so that proper study and evaluation of transportation needs shall result in a multi-modal transportation system plan, balanced with respect to areawide needs and properly related to areawide comprehensive plan goals and objectives. • Section 8. Subcommittees A. There shall be a standing Executive Committee consisting of the Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Immediate Past Chairperson (if still a member of the Committee) and two members to be nominated by the Chairperson and elected by the full Committee. 1. The Executive Committee shall be designated as necessary to investigate and report on specific subject areas of interest to the Committee. These may include: a. Airports b. Highways c. Mass Transit d. Transportation Needs of Special Interest e. Directions of Future Growth 2. The Executive Committee shall be designated as necessary to deal with administrative and legislative procedures. B. There shall be two standing Subcommittees: a Nominating Subcommittee and a Bylaws Subcommittee. These Subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chairperson and their duties shall be as outlined in "Roberts Rules of Order. " C. The Bylaws Subcommittee shall review these Bylaws at least every two years on even numbered years and report their recommendations to the Committee. Revised November 28, 2001