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III(B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Work Order #7, Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study.
• AGENDA 4-2-96 # Item III B ►r4a 0 ^�..��*Or 0000'>a�tl JAMES W.SHIRR,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT.142•FAX(407)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 12, 1996 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities!;• ector SUBJECT: Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Attached for your review and approval is a copy of Work Order No. 7 under the Master Drainage Study contract between PEC and the City. Work Order No. 7 will authorize PEC to begin work on the Lake Lotta Drainage basin study, with the result being a report analyzing the existing conditions, identifying problem areas, and proposing required capital improvements. We had originally hoped that we could have at least a portion of this study completed by the developer of the mall, but that did not turn out to be the case. Since this is one of the fastest developing drainage basins in the city, it is important to get this study completed as soon as possible. PEC has proposed to perform this study for a fee of$138,860.00, with an additional $2,500.00 for reimbursable costs, for a total not-to-exceed amount of$141,360.00. I recommend that the City Commission accept PEC's proposal, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Work Order No. 7 for the not-to-exceed amount of$141,360.00. PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE H- THE WORK ORDER FOR ENGINEER'S SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 7 PROJECT: Master Drainage Plan (Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study) ENGINEER: Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Execution of the Work Order No. 7 shall serve as authorization of ENGINEER to provide professional engineering services as described in Attachment "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. ENGINEER shall provide said service pursuant to Work Order No. 7, its attachment and that certain Agreement of June 2, 1992 between CITY and ENGINEER which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed by Friday, December 31, 1996. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate the ENGINEER a negotiated fixed fee in the amount of One Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars and no/100 (S138,860.00) for the professional services required under this Work Order. An additional amount, not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and no/100 ($2,500.00) shall be paid as direct reimbursable charges for copying and reproduction expenses. Engineer shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event shall ENGINEER be paid more than the fixed fee set forth above without authorization of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this 5th day of March, 1996 for the purpose stated herein. ATTEST: PROFESSIO AL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 4tii-Lh-K) B Y• Ke neth R. Hooper, ice resident Date: , J� 6 ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: For the use and reliance of City of Ocoee only. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 1996. City Attorney ll ATTACHMENT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES WORK ORDER NO. 7 LAKE LOTTA DRAINAGE BASIN STUDY OBJECTIVE The purpose of this project is to improve the conveyance capacity,of the 3,800 acre (5.9 square mile) Lake Lotta drainage system; reduce the 100-year water surface profiles within developed sub-basins; and establish the limits of the 100-year flood plain in order to regulate future development. The cause of the conveyance problem appears to be twofold. First, the lack of routine maintenance has reduced the conveyance capacity. This issue has been addressed in Work Order No. 6 entitled "Drainage Maintenance Program." Secondly, the amount of development that occurred prior to stormwater permitting has increased the flood stages since ponds were not required to attenuate post-development runoff rates. The lack of ponds has had a secondary impact over time in that urban runoff has contributed to water quality problems within Lake Lotta. This study will entail the analysis of the existing drainage system and identification of problem areas with respect to level of service, water quality impacts, and historical flooding conditions. This study will also involve the design of stormwater management improvements within the Lake Lotta basin to improve the quality of the receiving water bodies. The Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study will address the following objectives: 1. To develop an inventory of the existing stormwater drainage facilities, delineate the watershed drainage basin, and identify other related hydrologic parameters; 2. To evaluate existing and proposed stormwater drainage systems and identify problem areas and deficiencies; 3. To establish a level of service criteria for the basin and determine the adequacy of the various hydraulic components of the stormwater drainage system; 4. To develop and apply a stormwater management computer model capable of simulating storm runoff under existing land use conditions within the drainage basin; 5. To evaluate alternative management plans to meet the established service levels based on any deficiencies identified through data collection and modeling; 6. To generate a Master Drainage Plan with established improvement priorities and engineering and construction cost estimates; and 1 P-31678 7. To develop a Capital Improvement Program based on system requirements identified in the Master Drainage Plan. The following scope will outline the steps required to complete Work Order No. 7 and meet the aforementioned objectives. DATA COLLECTION The Engineer shall review all pertinent data as it relates to the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin. The Engineer shall perform the following tasks: a. The Engineer will obtain and review the following information: • Specific Information Report for the Wekiva River Drainage Basin - Lake Lotta subbasin prepared by Glace and Radcliffe, Inc., dated December 1976; • Special Report - Lake Sherwood, prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, dated November 1988; • Flood Insurance Study - Orange County, Florida, Unincorporated Areas, prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, dated December 1989; • Flood Insurance Study - City of Ocoee, Florida, prepared by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-Federal Insurance Administration, dated May 1978; • Construction Plans and Drainage Calculations for the West Oaks Mall, West Orange Industrial Park, Prima Vista Subdivision, Hammocks, etc.; • Orange County DrainweIl Study for Lake Sherwood (Drainwell #W-50); • Schedule a meeting with the Orange County Stormwater Management Department to discuss historical County drainage improvements within the Lake Lotta Basin; • FDOT and/or County roadway plans for East-West Expressway, Florida Turnpike, State Road 50, and Proposed Western Beltway; and • St. Johns River Water Management District aerial topographic maps. At the conclusion of the data review, the Engineer shall perform sufficient site inspections to identify existing stormwater facilities (i.e. ditches, inlets, collection systems), existing land use, drainage patterns and drainage subbasin boundaries. b. Based on existing and proposed developments, FDOT drainage basin maps, site inspections, and existing SJRWMD and Orange County topographic maps, the Engineer 2 P-3167R shall delineate the drainage basin and subbasin boundaries. Based on further investigation of the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin, the overall basin boundary may change and will be incorporated in the AutoCAD layer created during Work Order No. 2. c. The Engineer shall establish existing land use characteristics based on aerial maps, Ocoee's adopted land use maps, FDOT land use classification, and site inspections. d. The Engineer shall delineate the existing storm sewer collection systems from review of existing construction plans and site inspections. PEC will coordinate with Southeastern Surveying to perform the following services (refer to Attachment "C" entitled "scope of surveying services" for a detailed description of each task): • Perform a bench level run within the six square mile basin; • Establish a baseline between Lake Sherwood and the West Orange Industrial Park; • Survey approximately 140 cross-sections along 35,000 linear feet of ditches and tributaries; and • Survey approximately 20 bridge and culvert crossings. e. The Engineer shall delineate conservation areas and/or wetlands based on review of recent aerials, construction plans, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council maps, existing soil classifications, and the adopted Land Use Maps. f. The Engineer shall review Flood Insurance Studies (FIS), Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and previous studies to establish current 100-year flood elevations and limits. g. The Engineer shall review the SCS soil layer, provided by Orange County, and created during the digital mapping phase and assign attributes describing the hydrologic soil groups (e.g., A, B, B/D) within the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin. h. The Engineer shall compile the above referenced information and create a Lake Lotta Drainage Basin map utilizing AutoCAD, Version 12. The file will be plotted on reproducible mylar in addition to an aerial base map. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Engineer shall analyze the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin under existing conditions and identify system deficiencies based on the adopted level of service (LOS) with respect to peak flood stages, flow rates, duration of flooding, and water quality issues. The Engineer shall perform the following tasks to complete this phase: 3 P-31678 a. The Engineer shall establish existing basin characteristics for each drainage subbasin which includes the following parameters: drainage subbasin area (acres), weighted runoff curve number (CN), time of concentration (Tc, minutes), and peak rate factor. • b. The Engineer shall prepare a stormwater model of the existing stormwater facilities in order to perform a single event simulation (e.g., 25-year, 24-hour). A computer program entitled "Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (adICPR)" will be utilized to analyze the existing system. The Engineer shall create the input files needed to model existing stormwater ponds, lakes, drainage ditches, structures, and cross-culverts. c. Based on the existing basin characteristics and computer model, the Engineer shall analyze the existing stormwater facilities under various rainfall events. The Engineer shall select three (3) design storm events that are consistent with the Land Development Codes and Comprehensive Plan in order to establish peak flood stages and address existing levels of service. It is anticipated that the selected storm events shall be the 10-, 25-, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events. d. Based on the results of the computer modeling, the Engineer shall identify possible deficiencies under existing conditions based on the desired level of service. If problem areas exist, the Engineer shall develop alternatives and establish preliminary construction costs and right-of-way requirements. This task will consist of an interactive meeting between City staff and the Engineer to discuss one (1) practical alternative for each identified problem area. e. The Engineer shall create an AutoCAD layer(s) containing all existing drainage structures, basin boundaries, time of concentration flow paths, etc. within the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin. III. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS The Engineer shall analyze the Lake Lotta Drainage Basin taking into account the recommended improvements and establish flood stages, flow rates, and duration of flooding. The Engineer shall perform the following tasks: a. The Engineer shall revise basin characteristics for each drainage subbasin which includes the following parameters: drainage subbasin area (acres), weighted runoff curve number (CN), time of concentration (Tc, minutes), and peak rate factor. b. The Engineer shall modify the stormwater model to account for recommended improvements with respect to stormwater facilities. The Engineer shall revise the input data files of the existing condition computer model in order to properly analyze existing, future, and proposed stormwater facilities. c. Based on the revised basin characteristics and computer model, the Engineer shall analyze the existing and recommended stormwater facilities for three (3) selected storm events. The Engineer shall meet with City staff and discuss their findings. The Engineer shall 4 P-31678 also provide a presentation to the City Commissioners and the general public to discuss and explain the recommended improvements. IV. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The Engineer shall establish a capital improvements program designed to correct identified deficiencies in levels of service. The Engineer shall perform the following tasks: a. The Engineer shall coordinate with City staff concerning the selection of the desired alternatives/improvements. For each alternative selected, the Engineer shall prepare a detailed cost estimate which will include material costs and estimated land costs. b. Based on the selected alternatives, the Engineer shall determine the amount of additional right-of-way required in order to accommodate the recommended improvements. c. The Engineer shall summarize the project cost and right-of-way requirements for each alternative selected in an engineering report. The Engineer shall also outline an Operation and Maintenance Program in order to insure the long-term performance of the drainage system. This task shall conclude with a presentation to the City Commissioners summarizing the results contained in the final engineering report. d. The Engineer shall prepare a final Engineering Report which will include the following: • Existing and proposed basin characteristics. • Existing and proposed flow rates and peak flood stages for various design storm events. • Levels of water quality treatment to receiving water bodies under existing and proposed conditions. • Identify problem areas and provide design alternatives taking into account various parameters to achieve the level of service for the Lake Lotta Basin. • Provide exhibits delineating limits of flooding and location of existing, proposed, and modified stormwater facilities. 5 P-31678 00 %.0 VO oo N 0 0 0 yO O N co er 0 0 0 .NyN00TVO V1 n0Mr • OeThON00 .--- 0 • N coN E" .0 N V'1 N 65 H r» p e7 CO 00 0 00 yy vs 0 O H co - 69 �4.... 6T9 ON V0 e' O N CD = = 7 et N N 00 C C y =49 t"•4 o00 60 VS VI' G 69 69 O OMrINet000001 007 NO O15 ,.0NMN - 00 N N N .-" CD O 69 14-1 o an 3 69 Cit CC/l .-. ¢ ,. ,.1CI 'C N CD et 00 'C rn 000 N CD 00 0O - p p eCA Er L. ^ �i �"l •q .0 c'64i ~ ' N p 66.1 ry ¢ ALL 69 69 � o _ IQi OO NiN NN N 00 01 ..* CD N ,ct .7I4000 et CD 4 ,--. tj v n0yG�1� 0. .-. MO Q 4 ...T69. ! •-•I N N I ¢ 69 c\ I IQj 0 �i 7 !I' 0000 t..iV:I W .0 ! : Ri01 691 crI aC i6900 64 IZ .1 C•4 , • l I I J z 1 O I NUI = i c4 Q w '." 01 'V ^1 '.'Z. (n z .0C•w Q = > to y > S '" as = ghr 0 E .� 2 =3 — .2gc_: i o ^I 00 CO eg on CT ^ ^ NS on NuI if 00 © C' OOSSS ti-Ne a .--� .� MO — ~ M � r-ivoO 00000 04. 1,1"....I VI H N49 r-r N H H - H H c co NIS OOOQ � � II III II III. o - O t2 ^vs I C h O 0 H H telO N 49 C C O en VD— NSC .�r � N�- VDS sv` •C .4 G N O C M N in CO C j a H N M N 'pp U tie M re; C= F `, H H N 1 cn vCCCCC C 'C CC O o ^ O ti. ^ 'et er 7r-+ N 000 O ' la CLI V x O C NI Q N O _''G r. H un c:, N G%i O 69 54 ' — 1 1 N C� t` p OI NIS SNS CD \ 1 N rrrJJl eTet � 41 CD ett C ..r rUO V� I �. C� OI "' C ^+ •C �O c.� ... a a 47 w p �J co • N g ... 7... 4 � � � — Ci 0 11O NNOONC OOI.tj7N00O N O r. LI" /1 I V pp... � O .O 3 ¢ 4 un 4 s .4 / .o I , o► Ni � .cr• � Sl � � .c IH c Z c t N 1 g____ vi I I H 3 C C > 4 L:; L c i L • C U col >1 -- z � z .. William E.Byrd,P.S. c s fSov meas er- Suryey_rng Brian K.Hefner,P.S. Gary 8.Krick,P.S. Awjwiriiimm.1a_ Roger Lonsway,P.S. Jaes L Petersen,P.S SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING&MAPPING CORP. February 13, 1996 ��m � �>D FEB 1 41996 Mr. Michael B. Galura, P.E. `"" i''��Oa:t COs: lam,•.. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Y---�•� 200 East Robinson Street aTc.R Suite 1560 So;, ; Orlando, FL 32801 ~ I RE: Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Surveying Services Dear Mr. Galura, Please accept our fee proposal for Twenty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars & 00/100 ($23,790.00) for the Scope of Surveying Services that accompanies your letter dated February 23, 1994. The fee is based on alternative methods and final products that I have detailed in my attached Alternative Scope of Surveying Services. Your scope is a very good one, but we believe that when our Alternative Scope adds the efficiency of GPS and electronic data collecting and delivers data in larger format books, the City will have received a better product for less cost. Because of the differences between our approach and the conventional requirements in your scope, manhours are not relevant. The total fee proposed does include the 10 crew days for miscellaneous surveys described in 1.2.5. Sincerely, • es L. Petersen, P.L.S. Vice President/Project Manager JLP:dl Attachment o:\wPeoioATA\ppoPosAu\.so,2eSc 925 South Semoran Boulevard.Suite 112 Winter ALTERNATIVE SCOPE OF SURVEYING SERVICES LAKE LOTTA DRAINAGE BASIN STUDY SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING AND MAPPING CORP. These Alternative Scope items define those portions of the work for which a proposed departure fro the PEC scope will be applied. GPS or electronic data collection will be applied to furnish a product equal to the requirements of the PEC scope. 1.2 (1) The Surveyor shall establish bench marks and temporary bench marks in the vicinity of the survey area at approximately 1/2 mile spacing by *RTK GPS. 1.2 (3) The FDOT Location Survey Manual does not speak the GPS or electronic field data collection methods. 1.2.1 (4) "Photographs" will be interpreted as two 3" x 5" color views of each section. 1.3 Wherever "field books" appear in the PEC scope, this proposal will furnish 8.5 x 11 three ring binders containing laser or dot matrix printed reports, sketches, or tabulated data equal to or better than traditional field books. *Real Time Kinematic l O:AWP60\OATH\PROPOSAL\450 t 2PEO �.e firlras e _7 �Y Xin ltI i SCOPE OF SURVEYING SERVICES LAKE LOTTA DRAINAGE BASIN STUDY Ocoee, Florida ATTACHMENT "C" 1.0 General The purpose of gathering topographic data is to provide for identification of existing drainage conditions. The data will be used to develop a hydrodynamic drainage basin model which will be utilized by the City of Ocoee to identify existing drainage problems, establish the 100-year flood profile and to assess the need for drainage improvements. 1.1 Survey Services The Surveyor shall perform all survey services as outlined herein. 1.2 Survey Requirements (1) The Surveyor shall perform a closed bench loop to establish bench marks and temporary bench marks (TMB's) throughout the limits of the survey area. (2) The level loop and subsequent bench marks shall be based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (N.G.V.D. 1929). Orange County bench marks are acceptable. A bench mark description form will be submitted for each bench mark set, or existing bench mark used to be incorporated in the City's Bench Mark catalog. (3) The survey activities shall be performed in accordance with Section 8: DRAINAGE DATA, Location Survey Manual, Florida Department of Transportation, Policy No. 760.001-760.012 and the Minimum Technical Standards for Land Surveyors, Chapter 21HH-6, F.A.C., pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. 1.2.1 Channel/Ditch Surveys In establishing a channel or ditch survey, the Surveyor shall establish a referenced, recoverable base line from which topography and cross-sections, where required, will be obtained and recorded in a bound field book. Aerial MBG/0E-207/0E-207.501 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 2 photographs will be provided by the Engineer to assist in the ditch survey location and extent of survey (Refer to Exhibits No. 1 to No. 7). (1) The channel or ditch survey shall consist of cross-sections where indicated by the Engineer; (2) The cross-sections shall be taken at a maximum of twenty (20) foot intervals and at all grade break points. The section shall extend laterally far enough to accurately define the channel extent left and right of the baseline of survey; (3) In instances where the overbanks are relatively flat, the cross-section survey shall extend fifty (50) feet beyond the natural or apparent top of bank of the channel or ditch; (4) The Surveyor shall provide photographs at each cross-section surveyed in order to document the existing vegetation; (5) All cross-sections must be taken perpendicular to the flow within the channel or ditch; and (6) If steady or flowing water is present, the Surveyor shall provide the water elevation. The following cross-sections will be required to be surveyed for the drainage basin study. Cross-Section No. Location Comments Channel .. Between Lake Lotta and Citrus Moderate to A-A Oaks Avenue (Structure No. 7). dense Lake Lotta vegetation. Main Channel B-B Between East-West Expressway Moderate to (Structure No 8) and SR 50 dense Lake Lotta (Structure No. 9). vegetation with Main Channel standing water. MBG/OE-207/0E-207.501 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 3 Cess-Section To Locahoa Commeatt�aIInes> `<<: C-C Approximately 300-feet west of Dense E-W/Clark Road Intersection, vegetation with Lake Lotta Ditch is parallel to SR 50. standing water. Main Channel D-D Approximately 400-feet east of Dense Structure No. 10 at the neck of vegetation with Lake Lotta a wetland slough, standing water. Main Channel D1-D1 Approximately 1,100-feet west Dense of Structure No. 10, at the neck vegetation with Lake Lotta of a wetland slough. standing water. Main Channel E-E Approximately 1,600-feet east of Dense cemetery road (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 11) at the neck of wetland standing water. Main Channel slough. F-F Approximately 250-feet east of Dense cemetery road (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 11) at neck of wetland slough. standing water. Main Channel G-G Approximately 150-feet west of Dense cemetery road (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 11). standing water. Main Channel H-H Approximately 250-feet west of Dense Butternut Avenue (Structure vegetation with Lake Lotta No. 12) at neck of wetland standing water. Main Channel slough. I-I Approximately 200-feet east of Dense Bluford (Structure No. 12) at vegetation with Lake Lotta neck of wetland slough. standing water. Main Channel J-J Approximately 300-feet east of Dense Marshall Farms Road (Structure vegetation with Lake Lotta No. 14). standing water. Main Channel K-K Approximately 400-feet west of Dense Marshall Farms Road (Structure vegetation with Lake Lotta No. 14). standing water. Main Channel MBG/0E-207/OE-207.so1 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 4 ern ss-Sect�oa Lon .:.> !Itil; ocatiCommelzts 111;imiiiiiii .......................::...::..: A A Approximately 350-feet north of Moderate to confluence with Main Channel. dense Lake Lotta vegetation. Trib "A" B-B Approximately 300-feet south of Moderate to Geneva Street (Structure No. dense Lake Lotta A) vegetation. Tnb "A" C-C Approximately 500-feet north of Moderate Lake Lotta Geneva Street (Structure No. vegetation. Tnb "A" A) D-D Approximately 400-feet south of Moderate to Washington Street (Structure dense Lake Lotta No. C). vegetation. Trib "A" A-A Approximately 500-feet north of Dense Lake Lotta SR 50. vegetation. Tnb "B" A-A Approximately 850-feet north of Dense Lake Lotta SR 50 (Structure No. 15C). vegetation. Trib "B1" B-B Approximately 200-feet north of Dense Lake Lotta SR 50 (Structure No. 15C) vegetation. Tnb "B1" A-A Approximately 200-feet north of Dense Lake Lotta SR 50 (Structure No. 15B) vegetation. Trib "Bl-A" A-A Approximately 500-feet east of Dense Marshall Farms Road (Structure vegetation with Lake Lotta No. 15). standing water. Tnb "C' B-B Approximately 300-feet Dense northwest of Marshall Farms vegetation with Lake Lotta Road (Structure No. 15). standing.water. Tnb "C" C-C Approximately 650-feet west of Light existing channel bend vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Tnb "C" MBG/0E-207/0E-207.S01 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 5 No. CSross-Section Location ..: . _.. : Comments ChaaneI D-D Approximately 350-feet south of Dense Story Road (Structure No. 16). vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Trib "C' E-E Approximately 300-feet north of Dense Story Road (Structure No. 16). vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Tnb "C" F-F Approximately 200-feet north of Dense Capitol Court (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 17) standing water. Tnb "C" A-A Approximately 200-feet south of Dense Enterprise Street (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 18) standing water. Tnb "Cl" B-B Approximately 400-feet west of Moderate to existing channel bend. dense vegetation (no Lake Lotta standing water) Tnb "Cl" A-A Approximately 350-feet east of Dense Roper Parkway (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 19). standing water. Trib "C2" B-B Approximately 150-feet west of Dense Roper Parkway (Structure No. vegetation with Lake Lotta 19). standing water. Trib "C2" A-A Approximately 500-feet north of Dense Story Road (Structure No. 20) vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Tnb "02-A" A-A Approximately 700-feet north of Dense Story Road. vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Tnb "C2-B" B-B Approximately 900-feet north of Dense Cross-Section A-A, Tnb "02-B". vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Trib "C2-B" 03/16/94 11:42 am MBG/OE-207/0E-207.501 Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 6 Cross-Section No. Location Comments Channel C-C Approximately 600-feet north of Dense Cross-Section B-B, Tnb "C2-B". vegetation with Lake Lotta standing water. Tnb "C2-B" A-A Approximately 250-feet east of Moderate to Woodlawn Cemetery Road dense (Structure No. 4). vegetation with Lake Rose standing water. Main Channel B-B Approximately 200-feet west of Dense Woodlawn Cemetery Road vegetation with Lake Rose (Structure No. 4). standing water. Main Channel C-C Approximately 200-feet south of East-West Expressway L/A fence line (Structure No. 6) Moderate where full channel section exists vegetation with Lake Rose (upstream of existing standing water. Main Channel depressional area). D-D Approximately 400-feet north of Dense East-West Expressway L/A vegetation with Lake Rose fence line (Structure No. 6). standing water Main Channel E-E At channel entrance from Lake Dense Lotta. vegetation with Lake Rose standing water. Main Channel A-A Approximately 300-feet north of Moderate to unpaved private driveway dense (Structure No. 3A). vegetation (no Lake Sherwood standing Main Channel water). B-B Approximately 600-feet north of Dense Old Winter Garden Road vegetation with (Structure No. 3). no standing Lake Sherwood water. Main Channel MBG/0E-207/0E-207.501 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lona Drainage Basin Study Page 7 Cross-Sect oa Location liaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaSt&Fiii:NiM Commeats ChanneT0>>> ......................: C-C Approximately 250-feet south of Moderate to Old Winter Garden Road dense (Structure No. 3). vegetation with Lake Sherwood lno standing Main Channel water. figiSTOTAL NUMBER OF CROSS SECTIONS'TO BE SURVEYED ( ` 42 1.2.2 Culvert Surveys The Surveyor shall perform the following: (1) Determination of size, configuration (i.e., round, elliptical, arch, box, etc.), number of barrels, length, and type (i.e., CMP, RCP, etc.) of culvert. This shall include the type of end treatment (i.e., concrete straight endwall, concrete headwall with 45° wingwalls, sand cement bag headwall, etc.) and any other physical features present (i.e., guardrails, etc.); (2) Determination of upstream and downstream invert elevations of the culvert. The surveyor shall also notate whether any sediment and/or vegetation accumulation is present in the culvert during the survey. If sediment build up is present, the Surveyor shall remove the accumulation and provide the invert elevation of the culvert; (3) Field notes shall contain a complete sketch showing elevations and dimensions. This shall include plan and profile of the culvert surveyed. Also show any angle of skew, if any; (4) Location and type of utility(ies) which may be attached to the culvert or which may interfere with the flow characteristics of such; (5) Elevations of encountered water surface; (6) A profile of the roadway a minimum of two hundred (200) feet on either side of the culvert at (25-foot intervals) or as directed by the 31BG/0E-207/0E-207.501 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 8 Engineer(Note:For roadways with superelevations,profile the highest edge of pavement, otherwise provide roadway profile along centerline); and (7) A visual determination of the structural condition of the culvert (utilize categories new,very good, good, fair, poor, failed). The Surveyor shall provide photographs upstream and downstream of each crossing in order to document the condition, size, configuration, etc. of the culvert to be surveyed. The following culverts will be required to be surveyed. Structure N . ... Location Type Channel .................::...::.::. 2A Private Driveway (unpaved) Lake Sherwood east of Good Homes Road. RCP Main Channel Old Winter Garden Road, east Lake Sherwood 3 of Good Homes Road RCB Main Channel 3A Apopka-Vineland Road, on Lake Rose south side of Lake Rose. RCB Outfall Woodlawn Cemetery Road, Lake Rose 4 south of Good Homes Road Arch RCP Main Channel Old Winter Garden Road, west Lake Rose 5 of Good Homes Road RCB Main Channel Old Winter Garden Road, immediately north of Structure Lake Rose 5A No. 5. Weir Main Channel East-West Expressway, west of Lake Rose 6 Good Homes Road RCB Main Channel Citrus Oaks Avenue, east of Wooden Lake Lotta 7 Clark Road, south of SR 50. Multiple RCB Main Channel East-West Expressway off-ramp, Lake Lotta 8 south of SR 50. RCB Main Channel .L1BG/OE-207/0E-207.501 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Latta Drainage Basin Study Page 9 Structure to :....Location [.!!: ,: ;. Tom : Channel SR 50, west of East-West Lake Lotta 9 Expressway off-ramp/Clark RCB Main Channel Road Unpaved farm access road, west of BC Terry Road (also west of the Hammocks Planned Multiple Lake Lotta 10 Development) Arch CMP Main Channel Cemetery entrance Road, south Multiple Lake Lotta 11 of Geneva Street. Elliptical RCP Main Channel Butternut Avenue (unpaved), Multiple Lake Lotta 11A south of Geneva Street. RCP Main Channel Bluford Avenue, south of Lake Lotta 12 Geneva Street. RCB Main Channel Existing railroad right-of-way, immediately west of Structure Multiple Lake Lotta 13 No. 12. Elliptical RCP Main Channel Maguire Road, east of Marshall Lake Lotta 14 Farms Road. RCP Main Channel Lake Lotta A-1 Behind Oakwood Plaza. CMP Trib "A" Geneva Street, east of Lake Lotta A Kissimmee Avenue RCP Trib "A" Columbus Street, east of Multiple Lake Lotta B Kissimmee Avenue RCP Trib "A" Washington Street, east of Multiple Lake Lotta C Kissimmee Avenue RCP Trib "A" Marshall Farms Road, Lake Lotta 15 southwest of Maguire Road RCP Trib "C" Marshall Farms Road, Lake Lotta 15A southwest of Structure No. 15 RCP Trib "C" MBG/0E-207/0E-207.501 03/14/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 10 Structure: No )location :. TYPO ;:; Channel .1110, SR 50, west of Maguire Road, . Multiple Lake Lotta 15B east of Structure No. 15C RCP Tab "Bl-A" SR 50, east of Marshall Farms Road, west of Structure No. Lake Lotta 15C 15B. RCP Trib "B1" Story Road, between Roper Lake Lotta 16 Parkway and Capitol Court RCP Trib "C' Capitol Court, east of Roper Lake Lotta 17 Parkway. RCP Trib "C" Enterprise Street, east of Roper Lake Lotta 18 Parkway. RCP Trib "Cl" • 19 Roper Parkway, north of Lake Lotta Capitol Court, south of RCP Trib "C2" Enterprise Street. 20 Story Road, west of Roper Lake Lotta Parkway. RCP Trib "C2-A" . TOTAL NUMBER OF CULVERTS TO BE SURVEYED 29(1t NOTES: (1) Includes one (1) weir structure (Structure No. 5A). 1.2.3 Bridge Surveys The bridge survey for the project will consist of two (2) structures as described: • Bridge along State Road 50 over Lake Sherwood (dry) • Bridge along State Road 50 over Lake Lotta (partially submerged) MBG/0E-207/0E-207.501 03/16194 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 11 The following data are necessary for the hydraulic evaluation of the bridges within the project limits: (1) Ground line profile of the bridge opening along the left and right edge of the bridge; (2) Normal water elevations with date; (3) Location and type of utilities attached to bridge; (4) Bridge width (outside face to outside face); (5) Location of any benchmark monumentation on bridge structure(notate any established benchmarks and compare with survey); and (6) A complete sketch showing elevations and dimensions. This shall include plan, profile and elevation of the bridge to be surveyed. Also show any angle of skew, if any. The following table summarizes the bridges required to be surveyed for the drainage study. Structure No. Location Type i Channel SR 50, over Lake Sherwood Lake Sherwood 1 (dry) Bridge Main Channel SR 50, over Lake Lotta Lake Lotta 7A (partially submerged) Bridge Main Channel 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF BRIDGES TO BE SURVEYED I 2 1.2.4 Drainwell Surveys A drainwell is present in Lake Sherwood which will be required to be surveyed to confirm Orange County data and to input the data into the drainage basin model. In addition, another drainwell may exist in Lake Lotta (unconfirmed), which will be required to be located. The following data are MB G/O E-207/0 E-207 S01 03/16/94 11:36 am Scope of Surveying Services - Lake Lotta Drainage Basin Study Page 12 necessary for the hydraulic evaluation of the drainweIls within the project limits: (1) Horizontal location of drainwell box; (2) Location, size, material and elevation of intake pipe; (3) Elevation, material and size of drainwell casing; and (4) A complete sketch showing elevations and dimensions. This shall include plan and profile of the drainwell to be surveyed. The following table summarizes the drainwells required to be surveyed for the drainage study. Structure No. Location Type Channel North of SR 50, on west side of Lake Sherwood (drainwell 1A box is adjacent to SR 50, with Drainwell Lake Sherwood the intake pipe visible) 12-inch Dia. Main Channel Lake Lotta drainwell Drainwell Lake Lotta 7B (unconfirmed) (size unknown) Main Channel TOTAL NUMBER OF DRAINWELLS TO BE SURVEYED 2 1.2.5 Miscellaneous Surveys In the event that additional survey services are required to prepare the drainage study, a maximum of ten (10) crew days shall be allocated to conduct such miscellaneous surveys. This includes but not limited to additional cross- sections or survey of pertinent drainage structures. 13 Documentation All survey notes (to be reduced by Surveyor) and sketches shall be documented in appropriate field books, which will be submitted to the City of Ocoee upon completion of the survey tasks. MBG/0E-207/0E-207.so1 03/16/94 11:36 am