HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(A) Second Reading: Ordinance No. 96-23, Relating to Mayor/Commissioner Salaries ( AGENDA 11-19-96 City of Ocoee Item V A ,Ocoee -- R 0 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Jean Grafton f Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 City Clerk Of GOO (407) 656-2322 FAX (407) 656-5725 MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk Date: November 15, 1996 Re: Ordinance No. 96-23 Advertising Due to a clerk error at The Orlando Sentinel, the advertisement for this Ordinance appeared in the Orange Extra in the Thursday, November 7 issue, but in the wrong zone, so it did not appear in the Ocoee-Winter Garden area. The correction appeared in the Sunday, November 10 issue in the right zone for this area - but one day too late to satisfy the statute requiring 10 days prior notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the community affected by the adoption of an ordinance. When we notified City Attorney Rosenthal, he advised that it will be necessary to open the public hearing, hear anyone who has attended this public hearing wishing to speak to this issue, then continue this item until the December 3 regular meeting and readvertise. "PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" 0�/ i. •-,,E 2 ' . The Orlando Sentinel, Sunday, November 10, 1996 ,,}, - 1 LEGAL)': .,, '. - •,., - Item ,t,' ng q poor to execution oft con-, bar 19,1996,at 8 00 p m.,'att -H802,WALTER CUNNINGHAM- randa�Nursin &•'Rehabittation HIGHUANO:M rtrson of builds s,tanks wiredggsplitter,boxes,plus all site tract the Eucational- Leadershi J926 -' Center;830 Weet;29th Street..;-.N•w>S2550giading,drainage, To be eligible for award of con- Center;445 West:Amelia•Street: 3900-W. COLONIAL:DR-OR- OrtanddOrangs_Countyy,- -plotaaiFne , cat,etc. tract, the successful bidder Orlando; Florida:•The meeting LANDO.FL(10130 AM:.PAUL 32805,planning subdistrict.?-2,. 407865.5989 :Sealed Bids.must be re- must submit proof of prequalif• will be for the purrppose ofcon- RICHARD ,WILLIAIfSA20, for,the.piiposeii of-relicensing •WOODUWN—d by-the City of Kissim- cation by the.Florida-Depart- sidering-a-series of-items.which VINCE,BOWNE•08, JOHNNY andreelocabng up•to,22Bexist- •.�°lvation•E either by mail or hand de- ment of Transportation and be will be published in anagenda NIBBS-D73,:CHRIS BORON- ingr community-based nursing' a-57006• • , no later than 2:00p m. on the current bidders list, or seven days prior to the meeting. KAY-0111, MICHAEL SHEE- home beds at three separate Ie- WOODUWN— on December 17,1 6 at submit evidence of financial re The acenda may bit obtained at HAN•Di 13,`CHRISTOPHER cations to be located in Orange 352 sectonn;llowiinvg address sponsibility and satisfactory the Educational Leadership SMITH-DI 14, DARRYL GAY- County,planning subdistrict 7.2, is,, 1C01 North C Hall hurch Street o thetetion of satisfaction of theviouse Sanford '7:301er am,and 4 30'p m ours.of D11T N L ONG ES:MIA N UBYELEE ES-, expenditure Florida: end'a costs of theproject', WOOOP cG'Bah Y Kissimmee, Florida Airport Authority,and FDOT, If anperson decides top •Lord:-Supp er k� y appeal BONNIE RIGSBY-F7,ROSE RI- will not:exceed: i expect -•5450•'407.860 ep4741 The Bidders agrees to comply any decision made by the OS-F28 The project,if granted,is expect • ° ny Bids received after the with the'followina requirements: school board with respect to 131345TH.ST-0RLANDO,FL led'to-become'operatIonal in • E RI .sa}bove time will not be accepted 'No member,officer,or employ- 'any matter considered at said: (11:00 AM):-SYLLA LACINA• 1998,: 7 A ender any circumstances.Any ee of the Sanford Airport Au- meeting,he will-need a record A138.CARRIE BATTLES-8248, Signed:'-'-----'•...-;,-.,-:'.... 1 f...'_AUDIP( ,yncertainty regarding the time a thority during his tenure or for of the proceedings,and, for ANGELA-FRAZIER-C315,EDNA Michael P.Rosen-.'r ._' le received will be resolved one year thereafter shall have such purpose,he may need to 'HOLT-C327,'DOROTHY ANN President` - ,against the Bidder. - any interest,direct or indirect,in ensure that a verbatim record of WASHINGTON-0409.MYTEENI• The Long Term Care----.-•,..•• AUDITION -Cc Opening and Reading: The this contract or the proceeds the proceedings is made,which ZA BOSTON-D413,INEZ BRAD- Foundation - singer&dOnce Bids will be publicly opened thereof.' record Includes the testimony SHAW-E510, DAVID BEAMAN- 2230 Ashley Crossing.Drive-„ -Nov 17 4.7 -and read aloud at 2:00 p.m.on The award of this Contract will and evidence upon which the E540,DOY JOE OTT-E546.SU- Charleston:SC 29414 . Center dance Becember 17,1996 in the City be contingent upon the concur- appeal is to be based: SAN ANDERSON-F600, CAR- -((/t3)852-2273:, - t,' •more details: '9ommission Chambers of the rence of the Florida Department /s/Dontd Shaw - .• MEN ONTIVEROS•F630, AMY COR1231653 NOV.10,11.1996 .DISC JOCKEY ebpve address of Transportation. Donald Shaw - KRACH-H846 Announcer.v. ;$Wiling,Documents (Project SANFORD AIRPORT Superintendent 1601 W. OAKRIDGE RD-OR- NOTICE OF'INTENDED'DIS-'-"party come, I Manuar.and Drawings:Avail- AUTHORITY C0R1232062 NOV.10.1996 LANDO,FL(11:30 AM):BONIE POSITION OF- LOST OR •- Unions,.Wodc 'able for purchase and review at: By/s/Stephen J.Cooke VERY-822.RENA HANSBERRY- ABANDONED PROPERTY unions-etc. 'v Cam Dresser and Stephen J.Cooke NOTICE OF FOUND OR RECOVERED Scheduling/40 P P SCHOOL BOARD MEETING C8,SHIRLEY t7UINN•J6,DAVID WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF LEAD SINGERS Kee Inc Director of Aviation November 7,1996 BRANTLEY•J29, CHARMAINE ORLANDO,FLORIDA:-1,..,_: '- 1950 Summit Park CSE1231732 Nov, In accordance with Chapter TAYLOR•J70, RUSSELL SIMS- •TO: ALL PERSONS WHO Singers w/dal Drive,Suite 300 ' ' Invfatlon to Bld : 230.15.Florida Statutes,the an- K32,JOAN AKERS-K35,JOHN CLAIM AN INTEREST:IN.THE M°le/Female/i 5934 :Orlando,Florida 32810- Term Contract Agreement• nut organization meeting of the PRESCOTT-KBE MILTON FOLLOWING PROPERTY: S800 weekly For Furnish&install School Board of Orange Coun• GRIMES K93 LIST 81 - Produced le °" 407/660-2552 - Interior and Exterior Doors- ty, Florida is being called.for •5900 LAKEHURST DR-0RLAN- Multi-Media tl Axpayment of$400 in cash drg DO.FL(12:00 PM): OCTOBER 2 BICYCLES Appt-only-Sat, ,beck payable to CampDresser B/D-273-JVPountyov,immediately i t l following at ?the GEORGIA 1. 1-96 i26'on Roadmaster Call 1-800-96f Seminole County Board of p.m.,immediately the ROR12288 C175 10 1.98 Signal Hill/Lantern CL B,Jvic ee,Inc.,will be required Count Commissioners re- installation of newly elected COR1228859 NOV.10.17.1996Boy's66' -96 lor.eacit complete set of the of quests interested parties to sub- Board members for the follow- NOTICE OF SALE 1200 Blk.Ayeersshire at - FITNESS I�ngBiiddinng Documents Pro- mit formal sealed bids for the ing specific purposes: PUBLIC STORAGE INC. 3.Girl's 26'Ross 10-11-96 19 SFAS jManual and gs)• is above referenced Invitation-to 1)Election of Chairman of the PERSONAL PROPERTY CON- 2600 Blk.Center WEIGHT payment represents reproduc- Bid. School Board of Orange SISTING OF COUCHES,BEDS. 4,Ladles 26 Hufy 10-11-96 lion and handling cost,and is. Bid packages will be available County. TV'S, CLOTHES, BOXES OF Unknown.non-refundable, at the County's Purchasing DM- 2)Election of Vice-Chairman of HOUSEHOLD GOODS&0TH- 5. Man's 20' Nishiki 10-13-96 FITNESS—Evert Pre-81d Conference:A Pre-Bid sion located at the School Board of Orange ER PERSONAL ITEMS USED IN 400 Blk.Shine Orlando Seri Conference has been scheduled 1101 E.1st Street,Room,3208 County. THE HOME, OFFICE OR GA- 6.Woman's 26'Sears-10-13-96 • section.featur !!to-discuss the scope of the pro- Sanford.FL 32771-1468 3)Establishment of dates and RAGE. WILL BE SOLD FOR 2100 Blk.Monte Carlo fitness, Get ti Lem. ndarequirements of cue Tel:407/321-1130 Ext.7116 times for_the school board CASH OR OTHERWISE DIS- 7.Boy's 20'Schwinn-10-14.96 and feeling_c Bidding_ Fax:407/330-9456 meetings for 1996-97. POSED OF AT PUBLIC SALES 55 Blk,Devonbriar 800-741-5353 melts.The Pre-Bid Conference Bids received by the Purchasing /s/Donld Shaw ON NOVMEBER 28, 1996 AT 8.Boy's 24'Huffy10-14-96 seven-day hen will be held at 10:00 am. on Division no later than 10:00 am. Donald Shaw LOCATIONS&TIMES INDICAT- Dixie Belle/Hick Tuesday,December 3. 1996 at (local time) on November 22, Superintendent ED BELOW TO SATISFY 9.Man's 26'Unknown make POWERHOUSE MI .the City Commission Chambers, 1956.Bids received after such, COR1292075 NOV.10.1996,OWNERS LIEN FOR RENT & 10-22-96 900 Blk,Conley11 mo. left, °i City Hall Kissimmee,Florida.A time will be returned unopened. FEES DUE IN ACCORDANCE 10.Girl's 26'Murray10-19-96 560 2 80 x2 m "tour of the project will be con- NOTE:ALL PROSPECTIVE BID- NOTICE OF OF OCOEE EEARING WITH FLORIDA STATUTES, 3300 Blk.N.Westmoreland E KW 0 0272 ducted at 11:30 a.m,beginning DERS ARE HEREBY CAU- CITY OF SELF-STORAGE ACT. SEC- 11.Boy's Murray10-22-96 TAE mi N Oat the City of IOssimmee's Sand TIONED NOT TO CONTACT NOTICE tursuant oS HEREBY GIVEN TIONS 83.806 AND 83:807.ALL 2000 Blk.Raper Dairy3s mbo. 407 hill to Bid Co ad WRF nference.All bidders gthare ANY MEMBER OF THE SEMI Constitution of thelSl tee lof Flonf e ITEMS OR SPACES MAY NOT 12.Man's 20'Murra 10.22.96 WORLD GYM MEI .encouraged ce.expected to at- NOLE COUNTY STAFF OR OF• Ca and Section 166.O41 Fonda BE AVAILABLE AT THE TIME 2900 Blk.E.Colonial (2 remaining t tend. FICIALS OTHER THAN THE Statutes, that the Ocoee CityOF SALE• 13.Girl's 26'Huffy 10-26-96 Altamonte loc. -Old Security Bid security in the SPECIFIED CONTACT PER- Commission will hold,at a pub- LANDO.SEMORAN BLVD-OR- 900 Blk.W.Central 5670/both.Co; amount of 5%of the Bid must SON. lic hearing in the Commission LANDO. FL (9:30 AM): DEE 14.Man's 26'Murray 10-27-96 accompany each Bid in actor- M/WBE's are encouraged to Chambers,City Hall,located at SMITH-D177, ENRIQUE Unknown dance with the'Instruction to participate in the bid process. 150 N.Lakeshore Drive.Ocoee, APONTE JR:D126 15. Man's 26'Unknown make 21: GREETIN( Is/Charles Irvin 2275 N.SEMORAN BLVD-OR- 10-28-96 Jefferson and Graham Bidders.' Charles Irvin,CPPB Florida duringa regular session LANDO,FL Bid Withdrawal:Bids shall not PurchasingSupervisor to be held on November 19, (10:00 AM):BABE 16.Boy's 26'Huffy 10-28-96 be subject to withdrawal for a 1996,at 7:30 p,m.,or as soon t(ASLOU-853,.DAVID LETNER- Unknown period of ninety (90) calendar CSE1231155 OV.10.1996 thereafter as possible:in order E277, MICHAEL CASE-E282, 17.28'Huffy 10-28-96 CONGHIITUUTIONS days-after the Bid opening,ex- ' VICTOR RODRIOUEZ-F432, 300 Elk.E: •Invitation to Bid • • to consider the adoption of an Colonial cept as provided in the Instruc- Term Contract Agreement ordinance titled as follows: - FRANK GONZALEZ JR.G508& OTHER`: [1 lion to Bidders. For Hot&Cold -ORDINANCE NO.96 23 H554.JERILYN JORDAN-H563. 18.Colonial H,S.Class Ring -- ' =-'-• Eh • COR12233012 NOV.10.17.1996 ' - Asphaltic Concrete AN ORDINANCE OF THE ANY LEWIS H59a.GRETCHEN 10-14-96 Shiver Cr-Lake Mary • A/B-127JVP CITY OF 000EE, FLORI- GRUNENBERGER-H627,.PHY- 19.VCR 10-16-96 900 Blk, - NOTICE Seminole County.Board of DA, RELATING TO SALA- SICIANS CHOCIE-1642. HEIDI W.Anderson St. F'of Leesburg Florida County Commissioners re- RIES AND COMPENSA- SHINKOVICH•I663,JAY CESA- 20.CD Player 10-21-96 .,.Request for Qualifications quests interested parties to sub- TION OF THE MAYOR AND REO-J704, REBECCA HILL- 400 Elk.McFall Avenue for mit formal sealed bids for the C 0 M M I S S 10 N E R S; 0207, SCHMIDT CONCRETE- THE ABOVE DESCRIBED -Investment Banking Services above referenced Invitation to AMENDING SECTIONS 24- H601 PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY IN -- for Bid. 1 AND 24-2 OF CHAPTER 1625 N. SEMORAN BLVD.- THE CUSTODY OF THE OR- For your accorr Tax Exempt Financing, Bid packages will be available 24 OF THE CODE OF OR- WINTER PARK,FL(10:30 AM): LANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT. . 1gg6-for winnii Refinancing arid other Filancil at the County's Purchasing Divi- DINANCES OF THE CITY SIGNET CORP-013. WINTER LAWFUL CLAIMANTS TO THE • . KARATE and Capital Needs • sion located at OF OCOEE; INCREASING PARK CAREALE7 CENTE 055. THEP PROPERTY MT APPEAR EAT CHAMPIONSHI .Copies otthe request for qualifi- 1101 E 1st.Street Room.3208 THE ANNUAL SALARY OF CORY L HND 17 -FEAN- ECE E ANDDE OR- '"KICK USA Grai ration can be obtained by con- Sanford.Fl 32771-1468 THE MAYOR AND COM Love,Mon tatcing: - - Tel:407/321-1130 Ext.7116 MISSIONERS OF THE CITY PARK,FL(11:00 AM):MEKLE LANDO POLICY HEADOUAR- your siste .James A.Williams, Fax:407/330.9456 OF OCOEE: REPEALING ANITA EDWARDS•A705, TERS BUILDING AT 100 S. Finance Director Bids received by the Purchasing ORDINANCE NOS. 446 CHARLES HERMAN-F621. HUGHEY AVE. ORLANDO JOHN &DE l e M. Cityof Leesubrg Division no later than 2:00 p.m. AND 546 OF THE CITY OF HOPE WHITE•J917, WALTER FLORIDA, BY NOVEMBER 27, P.O.Box 490630 (local time) on November 22, OCOEE; PROVIDING FOR KACZEGOWICZ•0468 1996 AND PROVIDE PROOF OF Leesburg,Florida 34749-0630 1996.Bids received after such SEVERABILITY: PROVID- 141 W STATE RD 434WIN- OWNERSHIP.PROPERTY NOT 352-728-9720 time will be returned unopened. ING FOR CODIFICATION; TEFI SPRINGS,FL(11:30 AM): CLAIMED BY THIS DATE WILL Requests for qualifications are NOTE:ALL PROSPECTIVE BID- PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE MITCHELL WORDEN-A10,AMY EITHER BE SURRENDERED TO due by November 29. 1996 at DERS ARE HEREBY CAU- DATE LUXJ366,NANCY BUDENSEE- THE FINDERS,RETAINED FOR '200 p.m. TIONED NOT TO CONTACT Interested parties may appear at K438 USE BY THE DEPARTMENT. 'COR1233653 NOV.10.1996 ANY MEMBER OF THE SEMI- the meeting and be heard with 570 N. HWY 17-92-LONG- DONATED TO A CHARITABLE Happy 50th A =3,• NOLE COUNTY STAFF OR OF- respect to the proposed action. WOOD, FL (12:00 PM): JEF- ORGANIZATION, TRADED TO - °n Nov NOTICE TO BIDDERS FICIALS OTHER THAN THE A copy of the proposed ordi- FREY WEE) EA-6206, HIWP ANOTHER UNIT OR LOCAL -Love,The "` FOR SPECIFIED CONTACT PEA- nonce may be examined at City STITT-C3OS,ESTELLA GARCIA- GOVERNMENT OR A STATE PETE M; — Car °'" TERMINAL APRON SON. Hall. 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, E-97,DELORAS ARCHER-F601, AGENCY,OR SOLD AT PUBLIC Masters-in Bush EXPANSIONgCHAELA ROSSON-F618 SALE. tration, Websti .7...,.,.. .„EXPANSION M/WBE's are encouraged to Ocoee, Florida,Flonda, between the 2905 S. ORLANDO DR-SAN- COR1231969 NOV.10.17.1956 ATWOW-Wennnothr .' ORLANDO SANFORD /s/participate in the bid process. hours o 8:00 a.nt, and y:00 FORD, FL f12:30 PM) FOR- Lrne -' AIRPORT Is/Charles Irvin p m..Monday through Friday. O LEGAL NOTICE SANFAIRP FLORIDA Charles Irvin,CPPB NOTICE:Any person who Cc- MERLY SOUTHERN SELF PrimeCo Personal Communica- /1r1 GOOD TI Purchasing Supervisor sires to appeal any decision STORAGE CONSTANCE FOX- lions,L.P.recently submitted an 2 i TO EAT Sealed proposals for the fur- CSE1231166 NOV.10.1996 made by the City Commission B11,KAREN CHANIOT-120 application to the Federal Com- L1J Service of labor,materials.ntfo REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS with respect to any matter con- COR1226940 NOV.t0.17.1996 munications Commission services and equipment for sidered at such meetingwill NOTICE OF SALE TERMINAL APRON OMAN- RFP 96/97-21 ('FCC') seeking authority to SION at the Orlando Sanford The City of Sanford.Florida,is need a record of the proceed- TENANTS • SPACE# construct a persons communi- 'FOOD Each.Ti Airport will be received by the seeking Sealed Proposals up togs and for such purpose may Denise Smith 152 cations services tower at 2163 covers Orlando Senthe Sanford Airportto 1:30 PM on Monday,Novem- need to ensure that a verbatim Filar Tortes 418 Longwood-Lake MaryRoad,By lion the Authorityf at the record of the proceedinggourmet to do Office of the Director of Aviation, bar 25,1996,in the Purchasing is Carmen Druz 811 letter dated October 1,196,the with lots of cc made,which record incudes the Andrea Gogaume 752 FCC granted the application, puns. Get a-tit: Orlando,Sanford Airport,One Office.Room 241 of City Hail, Red Cleveland Boulevard,Suite for the following items: testimony and evidence upon Melagros uscher 809 concluding that the proposed 1-800-741-5353 200,Sanford,Florida 32773 until ROLL-OFF AND COMPACTOR which the appealis based.Per- Elizabeth Wickham 841 construction would not have a seven-day horn, 1:00 P.M.,December 5,996,at )OLIO WASTE SERVICE sons with disabilities needing Christopher Wnvtq 172 significant impact on the envi- which time the proposals will be All Proposals must be ad- assistance to participate in any Caren Lopez 604 ronment.A copy of the FCC's FRESH'GREENS— tdy opened and read aloud dressed as follows: of these proceedings.should Christine Ductile . 769 letter may be obtained by send- 51.75/bunch.Bc publ A Far Mall Del contact the Office of the City Virginia Robinson. . - . 886 ing a written request to William Produce 407-32: Bidders are invited to submit w°ry' Clerk,150 N:Lakeshore Drive, Wilbert Torres - - 553 L Rou hton,Jr.,PrimeCo Per- - ro Is on ProposalPurchasin Agent g .@�rmtddeed-A bid pr must be 2'a of °d Ocoee, FL 34761..(407) 656- Luis Garced , 849 sons Communications. LP„ r ;aubmitted'or each fain listed r•w= 1788 2 Ext 146.48 hours,in ad-' To satisy•owner lien or.rent ,1130 20Ih Street,N.W:,,Wash.-,25 ..-..—ND txi.mi p Sanford.FL 32772-1788 vane of the meeting -: '• due in-accordance with Florida-- kngton;D.C.20038. LV. l-CMen and`after November 13; B.For hand� ry8 Jean Grafton,City Clark-•`. Statute.Self Storage Fedlity-Act, ,COR1232418 •-•NOV.10,11;12. T998:cooiesef the plaits:Soec- Purchasing Agent, � November 7,1996 Section 83.806 and 83.807. :•- AGENDA 11-05-96 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI A 0000e3 b.bl.V 1 1 vravvcaL,\lrCOMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE SCUOTTANDERSOONN 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVESCOTT A.GLASS OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258JIM GLEASON (407)656-2322 CRY MANAGER • ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM • TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: September 25,1996 RE: PROPOSED ORDINANCE - SALARIES OF MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS Pursuant to your request, the attached proposed Ordinance is given to you for your review and action. Since this Ordinance cannot be funded until 1997-98 Fiscal Year, no budgetary action need be taken. Staff recommends the adoption of this Ordinance. Respectfully Submitted, i ES:fdg ,''• Attachment FOLEY & LARDNER ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHICAGO POST OFFICE BOX 2193 SAN DIEGO JACKSONVILLE ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32802-2193 SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE,SUITE 1800 TALLAHASSEE MADISON ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801-2386 TAMPA MILWAUKEE TELEPHONE(407).423-7656 WASHINGTON D.C. SACRAMENTO FACSIMILE(407)648-1743 WEST PALM BEACH WRITER'S DIRECT LINE MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq. , City Attorney �/ DATE: September 17, 1996 RE: Ordinance Reaardina Salaries of Mayor and City_ Commissioners _.,:.. Please find enclosed a proposed- Ordinance which would increase the salaries of the Mayor and each City Commissioner in accordance with the direction taken at the Budget Hearing. Please note that the Ordinance would not become effective until, 1998 . However, it should be adopted prior to the February 1997 municipal election. PER:dh Enclosure CAWP5INDOCS\OCOBMEMOSVERDDH09.03219/17/961DEBBIEHIPER:dh ESTABLISHED 1 8 4 2 ORDINANCE NO. 96-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO SALARIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS; AMENDING SECTIONS 24-1 AND 24-2 OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE; INCREASING THE ANNUAL SALARY OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE; REPEALING ORDINANCE NOS. 446 AND 546 OF THE CITY OF OCOEE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-16 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to amend Sections 24-1 and 24-2 of Chapter 24 of the,. Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee in order to increase the annual salary of the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Ocoee; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to repeal Ordinance Nos. 446 and 546 of the City of Ocoee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and Section C-16 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee. SECTION TWO. Sections 24-1. and 24-2 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby amended to read as follows: § 24-1. Compensation of Mayor. 1 The annual salary of the Mayor is hereby established at efic the.and eight four thousand five hundred fifteen dollars ($4.515.001, payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. § 24-2. Compensation of Commissioners. The annual salary of each Commissioner is hereby established at hundred dollars ($1,200.00) three thousand nine hundred seventy-nine dollars ($3.979.001. payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. NOTE: Deletions are struck through. Additions are underlined. SECTION THREE. Ordinance No. 446 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee on October 15, 1963 and Ordinance No. 546 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee on January 4, 1972 are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION FOUR. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION FIVE. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the_City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. 2 SECTION SIX. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective on the first Wednesday following the swearing into office of the City Commissioners elected to Seat No. 2 and Seat No. 4 at the regular municipal election scheduled on February 24, 1998 or, if necessary, the run-off election scheduled for March 24, 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1996. • APPROVED; ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) 10 ADVERTISED November f 1996 READ FIRST TIME November 5 , 1996 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED . 1996, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1996 FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney C:\WP51\DOCS\OCOE\SALARY.MAYI 10/31/96iDEBBIEH1PER:dH 3