HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (A) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 96-23, Relating to Mayor/Commissioners Salaries [ END96 City of Ocoee Item. V A (Ocoee _ _ Q 0150 N. Lakeshore Drive Jean Grafton ,�� Ocoee Florida 34761-2258City Clerk coon`�, (407) 656-2322 FAX (407) 656-5725 MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk Date: November 15, 1996 Re: Ordinance No. 96-23 Advertising Due to a clerk error at The Orlando Sentinel, the advertisement for this Ordinance appeared in the Orange Extra in the Thursday, November 7 issue, but in the wrong zone, so it did not appear in the Ocoee-Winter Garden area. The correction appeared in the Sunday, November 10 issue in the right zone for this area - but one day too late to satisfy the statute requiring 10 days prior notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the community affected by the adoption of an ordinance. When we notified City Attorney Rosenthal, he advised that it will be necessary to open the public hearing, hear anyone who has attended this public hearing wishing to speak to this issue, then continue this item until the December 3 regular meeting and readvertise. "PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" 0� b"� r. ,'• .- c :•'''', SERVICE CLASSIFICATIONS REFER TO THE �syTyAL 611 Acreagge Lots Waterfront • t, ( jl E© SEN11NEL SERVICE DlREa7 aT 1Ft T001Y S ntai5ervicesinfo.` •. .:.CONDOS1MUL'n-FAMILY:. .a.:i "' CIASS)FIEDSECTION.CALL&ASXABOf,IT CONDCIS/MUU7-FAAsILya'4 y�12`NWOrangeCounty <r +HOMES m;,r.OUR SPEt1AL30 DAY RATE_a-S.-a,. :.-a'W Orange County.,` 614 NE Orange County ._ - ADYERTISINGAPPEARiNG iNTHESENTlNEL: . £Oran Count s x+ 615'Orlando Centra town 700 Mfd.Homes for Rent , ,:..aa....SERVICE DIRE{TORY OF THE ORL1NDOr zarlando- entral Dawnrovm ., • 616 SW Orange County '- a: �, 702 Mfd.Homes for-Sale,: r I. ,+-.:SENT INEL IS ON PREPAID BAS13 h - - ' •days follows bid opening sets)'Said cost shall be refund-- proof of the publication of this will be distributed etthismeet- OF INTENTTO•REQUEST RE=• - • IB EEVEARD CCOOUNTY8Y FRLORiDA.I�nm le goo r ond'itlon within to (ed pit noticewiv: : the ficv., .1:i.team t Dinecember S at thQ Ored iantgee RROFfl)'At F tee,..FUNDS,,- one busyness OAVID•E SAWYER,Ed.D.,.r.''da following bid opening. . '- ORLANDO'REGIONAL.:-- County Health&-Community day aher.the terminetionrof the SUPERINTENDENT. ' ' -THE SCHOOL BARD OF t HOME INFUSION •- Services Building,2100 E.Mich- public commefifperiod for the. COR1248374._.;, , NOV.21,28; BREVARD COUNTY,FLORIDA under which we are engaged In ,Iggen Street First Floor Recap- FONSI;•but:not••before•-corn DEC.5,1996 '' DAVID E.SAWYER,Ed.D., business at 379 West Michigan tfon,,Orlando,Florida 32806.For ments on the FONSI have been • SUPERINTENDENT • - Street,Orlando:.Florida 32808..: more information;plane contact considered and:resolved, the • ! ''NOTICE FOR BIDS"'` C0R1248483 • NOV.21,28; That the corporation interest- Martha Ming at 836-7613'o 836- City of Orlando will submit a Re- Sealed bids will be received by . INVITATION TO BiD -• ed In said business henterprise is 6563'c•Applmcations,will be ac• Quest tor:.Release oh Funds ithe School Board of-Brevard PAB 97-02 as follows: 1"i.- cepted unt11430•p m. January. (RROFl,and:Certification"to !nlnq,b.Florida, by the Plan- •,:.Carellnk-Partners,lnc:?. 27'1997`at the Orange County ,HUO.By doing so,-the City of " 0 The Lee County Poo qu��rty is k i titthg�Design&Construction De requesting bids from qualified •'". -. Turkey Lake Rd OLS1bn;_•, a - 99 ,Orlando willies HID toproject low it• • 1`miesornt,lay, Vidge FFlorida- fines to render services required' Orlando.FL 32819 -+ OL6124tt/5f NOV.21,1998 •t0 commlt funds to this ro act . •32940;on December 13,1998 in connection with•Refurbishing Florida. at-'Orrange 1998 nry^ NOTICE'TO`PUBLIC OF NO cent InThe'ir at 1)on'has:Per Three (3):Passenger Loading SIGNIFICANT IMPACT'ON at 1:00 p.m.(local time)in Con- and,....„Southwest Florida It?. COR1249429. :,NOV.21,1998 view prescribed byHUD regula- tennce Room 8048 for the TotTHE ENVIRONMENT AND.NO- ,tons.('Environmental•Review temadOnal Airport,Fort Myers, NOTICE TICE TO PUBLIC'.ep : •- r Pro evelopment-aLComm ant g Florida. YOU'WILL.PLEASE.TAKE N0' auesr FOR RELEASE•'OF. . Replacement ofAlr Handlersty Development•Block Grant A mandatory prebid conference TICE THAT the regular meeting FUNDS City of Orlando, Plan- Program•- CFR Part 58),and. Cocoa Beach High School will be held at the Southwest of the City Council of the City of ning and Development Depart- 2 and'the'Certifying Office, gnated tFlorida International Airport Lake Buena Vista will be held moat,Housing and Communi lends E.•Hood:Mayor of Or- bidsAt he shell be-opened an above,a Training Facility Auditorium on on Wednesday, December •4; Development Bureau,400 S.Or- lndo consents•to accept the • aloud.Anybids received after Thursday,December 12,1996, 1996 at 12:00 Noce,1900 Hotel anga Avenue. Orlando,. FL jurisdiction of the federal courts the specified time and date will at 10:00 a.m.Bids received from Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena 32801, 407_248-2708.TO'ALL-• if an action is brow ht to enforce .not be considered.The School firms not in attendance will not Vista,Florida,At that time the INTERESTED AGENCIES, responsibilities lnrelation to the Board of Brevard County,Flon- be considered. . Council will consider such buss- GROUPS AND PERSONS:.This environmental review:or result- Bids are to be submitted by ness as may property come be- Combined Notice satisfies the ing decision makin and action. g j Thursday,January 9,1997,3:00 fore them. rocedural requirements con-, g any and all bids,waive informal- m„to the Purchasin Office, BY:DONNA L PALMER,CLERK p rreeqq The legal effect or the it,HUD hies and Irregularities in bidding P g. tamed In 24 CFR-Environment lion Is that by.waving it,HUD . E‘ County Port Authority, Ci of lake Buena Vista Review Procedures for the and to accept bids which are 16000 Chamberlin Parkways• a - •• • .•." ommunity DevelcpmentBlock "tie hand r tlsfl ral Envi oon- • considered to be in the best in- Suite 8671,Fort Myers,Florid= Gran,Rental Rehabilitation and sties unde[the.National Envir n terest of the School Board. NOTICE OF PUBLIC-HEARING. mental Po icy Act thus allowing • 33913.Opening of the bids wit- _ Housing, Grant ,the City df Orlando to comma Contractors who wish to bid as rams,On Development about Detain- tun occur immediatelythereaner in - '. prime or sub-contractors with a ;_' CITY OF OCOEE . � •' CDBG funds to this prolect-.0b- contract amount in excess of the Airport Training Facility Au- Notice is hereby given pursuant' 'er 9,1996 the above named tritons to Release of Funds did dmo. of Orlando will request the �( objections $50,000'must submlt•with their t0 Article VIII o the Constitution sty UD will acre lease- to its bid a Certificate of Insurance Bid documents may bVe oh- the State Florida. nd $ Department•of ousin approval of the release of funds. tained General Ser i cts/ Joe asdin; d Urban Develo ment'HUD y notingg that they qualify far a gg lion 166.Q41, Florida Statutes p ( and the certlflcetion onl mf lt la Orug•Free.Work Place insurance LC County S Pi rt AuthorityP un that the Ocoee City Commissi• o release Federal Community. on•one of the,tollowing bases: premium reduction in actor- cha County Part the will hold a public hearing(con- Development Block Grant Pro- 1)that-the certification•was not chasing Office,located on the •ram,funds under Title I-of theCertify- A with Florida Statute: second level of the terming tinned from November 19, 996) intact executed by-the ap.pfyII A MANDATORY- PRE-BID building,Southwest Florida during a regular session to be ousmg and Community Devel- ing Officer,or2)that.the app1I-:. MEETING will be held on Deelm., held on December 3;1998.in *pliant Act of 1974 for the fol- cant's Environmental:Review. camber 6,1996 at 3:00 p m.at temational Airports Fort Myrs, the Commission Chambers,City owing pmoEn,L Project Jackson Record-for the project indicated Florida 33913,telephone 13 ,' enter Recreation Complex;the site, Cocoa Beech High7 Hall; located et.150 N. Lek: P omission of a required decision, School�melrt entrance) 1500 768 43 e'fax ty t 4 ho t shore Drive,Ocoee.Florida.a, 1001 Carter Street. Orlando, finding,fact Or step applicable Minutemen Causeway,Cocoa rreeserves teurightPt nrejued any 7:30 p.m.,or as soon thereafte !lorida. Purpose: Improve- to the project in the environ- Beach,FL as possible,in order to conside" ants to the John H.Jackson mental review process.Objec- • Copies.ot plans cod's eciflca- or all bids,to accept or haled the adoption of an ordinance ti ` enter era a part of a master Lions •must be•prepared •and any or all alternates,to waive i� tied follows: •lee designed to enhance cur- submitted in-writing in accor- Architect,tions may be obtained from the formalities in any bid with o9 ent activities and overall funs- 9 BRPHIArahttects-En ORDINANCE NO.98 23 dance with the required photo Ineeringa,Inc.,3275 Suntree without cause, and to scoop. AN ORDINANCE.OF THE 'ion of the complex. Improve- dura.(24 CFR Part 58)and may the bid that in its judgment wil' ants include renovation of Boulevard, Melbourne, FI CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA be addressed to HUD at the 32940, (407) 254-7666,.at a be in the best interest of the Lee RELATING TO SALARIES :xisting building, parking lot, HUD Regional Office, -Spring,. Cou Port Authority. ra ed tennis courts, new g 00 cost of$50.00/per set(up to 2 CORK 48517 NOV,21,27,1996 AND COMPENSATION OF- p9 Street SW,Atlanta,GA•3 303-. sets).Said cost shall be refund- •THE MAYOR AND COM- .layground, new basketball 3388 A copy of the objection(,), able if returned unmarked and INVITATION TO BID 'MISSIONERS;AMENDING ourts and fencing,sidewalks, should be-submitted'to the in good condition within ten(10) PAP 97-01 :SECTIONS 241 AND 24-2 •athhouse pavilions,bathhouse City's Certifying Officer,Mayor days following bid opening. The Lee County Port Authority is OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE 'novaaon,pool pavilions:water Hood, at the Orange Avenue THE SCHOOL BOARD OF requesting bids from qualified CODE OF ORDINANCES- .'lay area,pool amenities, an- address listed below.Objections BREVARD COUNTY,FLORIDA firms to render services required OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: 'rovements include activities to the'reease:of funds-on bases DAVID E SAWYER,Ed.D., in connection with Maintenances• INCREASING THE ANNUAL rough the year 2000. FIND-- other than those state above will ', SUPERINTENDENT of Loading Bridges,Baggage •SALARY OF THE MAYOR NG OF NO SIGNIFICANT.Ifek.not.be considered by HUW All COR1248469., NOV.21,28; Conveyor Systems,-400 Hertz ''AND COMMISSIONERS OF ACT(FONSI)It has been: sn de; :persons desiring to make corn- DEC.5,1996 - - Power systems and Aircraft Air .THE.CITY OF OCOEE:RE' ermined that.such request for 'men.are-advised-to-specify , ConditioningssyySSsystems, 400 -PEALING ORDINANCE -elease of fonds for the above which•.notice:,their-comments all Sealed bids will beg received by craft Air Conditioning g Systems CITY OF OCOEE PROViD-'FTHE I .are an aenced ction significantlect will y at- objections.ureceived within rthe the School Board of Brevar& for the Southwest Florida Inter- ING FOR SEVERABIUTY: acting the quality of the human fifeenr.day?=period following County, Florida. by the Plan- national airport,.Fort Myers PROVIDING FOR•CODIFV.- ' d natural environmental and HUD',receipt-of Request for ninpamnertt,Design700 Construction ra De A mandatory preproposal con- CATION;CTIVE DTE PROVIDING AN °of Orlando has.the bdecided•not of Orlanve-named Reiease do Nodobectionlcom the m meson Way, Viera. Florida Terence will be held at the Interested parries may appear at o prepare an Environmental an- merit received after date will be• 32940.on December 10,1996 Southwest Florida alternations the meeting and be heard with !act otatement under the Na- considered. Glenda E. Hood• at 1:45 p.m.(local time)in Con- Airport Training Facility Auditors- respect to the proposed action. anal Environmental Policy Act Mayor City of Orlando 400 S. ference Room 804E for the fol- urn on Thursday,December 12 A copy of the proposed ordi- .f 1969(P.L 91-190).An Envi- Orange Avenue Orlando. FL lowing 1996.at 2:00 p.m.-Proposals re- nance may be examined at City •nmental Review Records re- 32801 , COOLING TOWER REPLACE- calved from-firms not in atten Hall, 150 N..Lakeshore Drive, :arding the proposed project .COR1249136'K-'--NOV21,1996 --, ' MENT ,..- dance will net be considered. Ocoee, Florida.•between the as been,made by the City of,*- _ - '' FOR ' Proposals.are to be submittec hours of•8:00•a.m.and 5:00: 'riando which documents.the; ;•-•.` PUBLIGNOTiCE :,: AUDUBON 'ELEMENTARY' by Thursday,:January 9,'1997�pp..m: Monday through Friday..` = ronrnental review of the-pro- Notice:is hereby given thata SCHOOL 3:00 p.m.,to the Purchasing OF NOTICE Any person.who de- ect`and more fully sets forth the- Public Hearing will be held by SEA PARK ELEMENTARY fice,Lee County Port Authority sires to appeal any decision :asons why such Statement is the City.Commission of the City SCHOOL 16000 Chamberlin Parkway made by the City Commission • •t required.This Environmental of.Winter Park,Florida.on No- SURFSIDE ELEMENTARY Suite 8671,Fort Myers.Florida with'respect to any matter con- -eview Record is on file at the 'vember 26;1996 at 4:30 p.m.in ' SCHOOL 33913.Opening of the bids wil sidered at such meeting will e•ove address and is available the Commission Chambers of At the designated time above, occur immediately thereafter sr• need a record of-the proceed- or public examination and City Hall t0.consider the follow- bids shall be opened and read the Airport Training Facility A ings and for such purpose may spying upon request in the ing: aloud.Any bids received after ditorium. • - . need.to ensure that a verbatim" •fanning and.Development De- AN ORDINANCE-OF THE CITY the•specitied time and date will Proposal documents may record of.the.proceeding is •° ern,Housingand Commu- OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA not be considered.The School obtained by contacting Joe Vi made,which record lnadesfh- try Development Bureau,:be-'AUTHORIZING AND PROVOING Board of Brevard County,.Flori din,General ServiceslPurch testimony•and evidence upo -_ the hours of 8:00 AM and FOR'THE, BORROWING OF da,reserves the right to reject ing,Lee County Port Autho' which the appealisbased.Per .:00 PM,Monday,through-.Fri- 565,000.00:TO FINANCE THE any and all bids,waive informal- Purchasing Office. located sans with disabilities needin•, .ay. No further environmental. COST OF THE'ACOUISITION sties and.irregularities in bidding the second level of the terrain assistance to participate•ln•-+ eview-of the project is:pro-' OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL and-to accept bids which-are boding,Southwest Florida I of.these proceedings-shout. • •to be conducted poor to PROPERTY INCLUDING EQUIP- , considered to be in the best in- temational Airport,Fort Myers contact the Office of the CI a request for release-ot Feder MENT,FURNITURE:AND FUR- ' terast of the School Board. Florida 33913;telephone 941 Clerk.-150 N.Lakeshore Drive ' furuda.Public Comments on' NISHING FOR THE WINTEF�' • Contractors who wish to bid as 768.4325,fax(941)768-48 3-' Ocoee;FL 34761: (407) 65: ONSI All interested agencies;. PARK POLICE GUN RANGE; • prime or subcontractors with a The Lee County Port Autho' 2322.Ext.148,48 hours-m ad croups and persons disagree- PROVIDING FOR THE-ISSU- I contract amount in excess of reserves the right to reject. _ wants of the meeting - ng.with this decision are invited ANCE OF.A•NOT EXCEEDING 550,000 must submit with their or all bids,to accept or rej Jean,Grafton,City Clerk o submit written comments for 365,000.00 UNSECURED NON- • bid a•Certificate of Insurance any or all alternates, i to waive - November 21,1 ••nsideration by the City of Or- INTEREST BEARING TERM noting that they quality for a inmates in any bid-with o COR1248756 - NOV.21 1 • •0 to the Housing and Com- NOTE.1998:MAKING CERTAIN i Drug.Free Work Place insurance without cause, and to acts unity Development Bureau. CONVENANTS.AND-AGREE- premium•reduction in accor- the bid that in it's judgment wil PUBLIC NOTICE ` Such written comhients should MENTS IN- CONNECTION , dance with Florida Statute. be in the best interest of the Lee Notice to non-profit agencies be received at 4p0 S. Orange THEREWITH.AND PROVIDING i A MANDATORY PRE-BID County Port Authority. offering services In Orange Avenue,Orlando(FL 32801 on AN EFFECTIVE DATE MEETiNG will be held on Do- COR1248744 NOV.21,27,1996 County Is hereby.given that or before December 6,1996 at All interested Dailies are invited a camber 2,1996 at 1:00 p.m.at Orange County and the City of 5:00 pm.All comments so re- .to attend and be heard.Addi- • the site of Sea Perk Elements- NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS• Orlando will release applications calved wilt be considered and tional information is available in - ry (main entrance)•,-300 Sea• NAME STATUTE for human service dollars dis- the City of Orlando will'not re-. the City Clerks office. Perk Blvd.,.Satellite Beach. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: tributed through.the-citizens' quest of Federal funds or take 'If a pperson decides to appeal i Copies=of-plans.and specifics- • Notice is hereby given that Review Panel process for Fiscal- any administrative action on the anydecision made by the Com- I lions may be obtained from the the undersigned pursuant to the Year 1997-1998.An introductory proposed project prior to the mission with respect to any mat- e Architect BRPH/Archltects-En- 'Fictitious Name Statute°,Chap- meetirg.on the Citizens'Review date specified-in the preceding ter considered at such meeting • gineeringa„Inc-,.3275 Suntree ter 86509,Florida Statutes,will Panel process la-scheduled for sentence.All persons,desiring or hearing,he will need a record • • Boulevard, Melbourne, -Fl register with the Division of Car- 8:00 a.mn December 5,at Lau to make comment are advised r'of the proceedings,and that;for. _'z• f 32940;..(407).254.7866. at a orations.Department of State. Garden 1920:Forest Avenue, to specify which notice theirs such purpose,he may need to cost of$50.00/per Set(up to 2 Mate of Florida,upon receipt of Orlando,vFIcrida: Applications comments address. NOTICE- ensure that a verbatim record of e. I' y. es.. ..Dirk_ - •_._ ,E'2 The Orlando Sentinel, Sunday, November 10. 1996 . _ . . .. - .! at buildings.tanks mired prior to execution of co► bar 19.1996,as 6,•OD.p.er..at-F1603;WALTER CUNNINGHAM-.,nuafrrOhrafr raxetehabiltstiore .INIIIINIDi ME splitter boxes;purs all see tract '' the Educations!. 2:Leadership-•,J9 .•" ' :..•• - t • -'••4 Cas tar:830-PWY.s*291h-Slime.. peen%g 'gage• To be eligible for award of co► Center;445 WeetMna8rSbeit 3900'W COLONIAL DR-0OP;Ortame:tet:Nan a-County.e"pbsra.a:i e4Setnpl.MG• tract the successful bidder OnenclmRorideeThemeeting LAND%FL(10:30 PAUL 32805.plahitMg>Ad7dhbice7 : ,�- '''''_eIaAaOL•- SwNd Bids must be re- must submit proof of ptequalill• we a for the purpae dean- RICHARD WI WA B-A.^0. fdetfta, ofrrNkrtrsm4 :' , by the City of Keene cation by the.Flanda-Depart- srdervtg seems ot.lton .wttictr VINCE:BOWNE-08. JOHNNY up to.2265exist- ' Off^ • aietr be nos(or terra de- mein of Transoortatton and be we be ublfWerin magma* HIBBS-073:CHRIS BORON- ! common •based nursing' no later than 2:00 p.m. on the current bidders list.or seen days prior to the meeting.. KAY-Oi i i, MICHAEL SHEE- .i dime bees al -separate la• t on December 17.1998 at submit evidence of financial re- The agenda may be obtained at HAN-0113. CHRISTOPHER' cabana tote located irrOm>9e -.352.34aim 1olowirg address sponsibility and satisfactory the Educational Lesdarshlp SMITH-0114. DARRYL GAY- Courny;plaryeeeseetee Set73 ee -:City Hen completion of previous projects. Canter between'the•haute.of 0116.LEOMIA KEITIf•E2:JUS- Fonda:The:proposed=capita! WO03U M ye,., - 101 Nara Church Sheet to the sa a ad=of me Santana 7:�am.and 4:30'pen e , TIN-LONG•E5i•RUBY LEE-EL rtpundHtue a euegethrproi�'e s` L e_toes es Kissimmee, Florida Airport Aumonty,and FOOT. It any decides temps* BONNIE RIGS8Y-F7,ROSE RI- wdl rot'exceedeS150,000,000' •.•24BOr4el 14741 The Bidss de agrees to comply arty detesion. made by the (3S•F28 Thep It granted,is expect ' ey Bids received after the with the-lolkawing requirements school board with.respect to 131a 461110ST-ORLANDO;FL led•toe bfcomee eperatemel in - &above lime mil no be accepted 'No member,oftker.or employ- 'arty;rnatter considered at said. (11:00 AMi:-SYUA LACINA. 1998 7-EWE ,iIndrrs er any circu tsncee.My ee of the Sanford Airport-Au- meatmg,he will.need a record A138.CARRIE B �..ATTLES•8248, •.' - - - t AUD(j ynod ermrtry regarding the time a thonty during his tenure or for of the proceedings:and, for ANGELA•FRAZEA•C315.EDNA P:Rosen: e t81 received will be resolved one year thereafter shell have such purpose.he may need to HOLT•C327,'DOROTHY ANN President , against ore Bidder. arty interest direct or indirect,in ensure that a verbatim record car WASHiNGTON-0409.MYTEENI. Tire tonE Te eCare- � - AUDIROM-e Opening and Reading: The this contract or the proceeds the proceedings is made.MOM ZA BOSTON-0413.INEZ BRAD Frwrtdatfon. singor&danr •Bids will be publicly opened Memo!.' record Includes the testimony SHAW-E510,CAVIL)BEAMAN- 2230 Ashley Croasinq Drive._ Nov t7 4. 'sSd read aloud at 2:00 p.m.on The award of this Contract will and evidence upon.which the E540.DOY JOE OTT•E548:SU- Charleston;SC29414 - • CaA�ee"' ,ilfecember 17,1996 in the City be contingent upon the concur- appeal Is to be based-6 SAN ANDERSON-F600. CAR- "803)852-2273:. e"' - more details J =R .013CJOCItEr- ¢ommtaatan Chambers of the retie of Flaida Department is/Donald Shaw `i MEN ONTNEAOS-F83Q AMY 1291853' NOV 1Qii.1996 Announcer :gave address. ' of lmropoRmiar. Donald Shave .• Kneel - NOTICE OF INTENDED.PIS- apinmrty mine ,,31dd1rrnnqQ Doopmefee (Prefect SANFORD AIRPORT Suoenntendem 1601 W. OAKRIDGE RD-0OR- POSITION. OF- LOST OR •-Porfieq.wec Nartual•and Drrefngs):Avail- AUTHORITY C0R1232062 NOV.10,1998 LANDCI,FL(1100_AMA:BONIE ABANDONED PROPERTY unioro 'arc 'aole for pureness and review at By/sl Stephen J.Cooke NOTICE OF VERV'B22 REND BERRY- FOUND' OR RECOVERED Sdiedeling/4' Camp Dresser and Stephen J.Cooke. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING CS.SHIRLEY QUINN-JO.DAVID WITHIN.THE CITY UMt OF LEAD SIMMERS Write Inc. Director of Aviation Novembr 7;1996 BRANTLEY-J29. CHARMAINE ORLANDO.FLORIDA, se •• 195Q Summit Park CSE1231732 Nov.10.11,12,1998 In accordance with Chapter TAYLORJ70.RUSSELL SIMS- TO: ALL PERSONS- WHO Si ors w/de _ Imitation to Bid 230.15.Florida Statutes,the an- -JOAN AKEAS-K35.JOHN CLAIM AN-INTEREST+IN.THE �kte° Drive. Ortatp0.Ronda 32810- Term C�pp • nuat meeting of the PRESCOTT K85, MILTON FOLLOWING PROPERTY 5934 For Swett dilnstall Stites aW of Orange Coup- GillMES t®3 UST 81 Multi-Mediaa e3, 407/660-2552 Interior and Exterior Doors. ty�Florida is beuigg called.for 5900 LAKEHURST Dn-eree N- OCTOBER BICYCLES . pr.only-So Axpayment of S400 in cash or MVP Narumber-19..1906 at 7:00 DO-1L IZ:00 PU):GEORGIA t.Man's 26'Roadmaster Call 1-800-Si cta c pat � Gr Seminole County Board of p.m..immediately following the RO 5 115 10-1-96 Signal Hill/antem CL ee,Inc vial be reawrcd County Commissioners re- installation of newly elected COR1228859 NOV.10,171998 2.Boys 26'Huffy 10-1-96 FITNESS for eactr carrrplete set of the fol- quests interested parties to sub- Board members for the follow- NOTICE OF SALE 1200 Bee Ayersmre metir Ing Beddi n m ng Documents Pip. mn formal sealed bids for the ing speafic puoses: PUBUC STORAGE INC. 3.GWS 26'Ross 10-11-96 19 SPAS • e I Mlarwaal and(k gal- 4 above referenced Invitation to 1►Election of Chairmen of the PERSONAL PROPERTY CON- 2800 81k.Center ' WEEK payment represents reproduc- see School Board at Orange SISTING OF COUCHES.BEDS. 4.Lades 26'Huffy 10-11-96 cost and is. Bid packages will be available Canty. IV'S, CLOTHES. BOXES OF Urrkneen RiehsbIS. my'at the Cous Purchasing Dive- 21 Election of Vice-chairman of HOUSEHOLD GOODS&OTH- 5.Man's 20'NOUN 10-13.96 FITNESS.-Eve, Read Ca CO f been A son located at the School Board of Orange ER PERSONAL ITEMS USED IN 400 Bak Shine Orlando Se, C4hfer �� ate 1101 E.1st Street Room,3208 County. THE HOME. OFFICE OR GA- 6.Woman's orSears 10-13-96 . s clime faint Sanford.FL 32771-1468 31 Establishment of dates and RAGE. WILL BE SOLD FOR 2100 01k.Monte Carlo Meese Get t l!est, and requirements of the Tel:407/321-1130 Ext.711E times for.the school board CASH OR OTHERWISE DIS- 7.Boy's 20'Schwinn.10-14.96 end feel;ng Bidding_and Contract Docu- Fax 407/330 456 meetings for 1996.97. POSED OF AT PUBUC SALES 55 Elk.Devonbeiar 800-741-5353 ments•11e Pta-did Conference Bids received by the Purchasing Is/Donald Shaw- ON NOVMEBER 26. 1996 AT 8.Bays 24'Huffy 10-1496 s.v+n-day nor twit be held at 10:00 am, on- Melon no later than 10:00 am. Donald Shaw LOCATIONS&TIMES INDICAT- Dixie Belle/Hickey • Tuesday,Decemoer 3,199E at (local time)on November 22. Superintendent ED BELOW TO SATISFY 9.Man's 26'Unknown make POWERHOUSE M •I1B City Cornrrassion Charribes, 1996.Bids received attar such CORtene075 NOV.101996 t OWNERS UEN FOR RENT& 10.22.9E 900 81k.Conley1 5400.teatime lair•c Hall.lesstmmee.ilonda.A 6 .2 .72 COY time will be PROSE PROSPECTIVE BID NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING FEES DUE IN ACCORDANCE 10.Girl's 26'MurrayMurtay 10.t9 96 560-2280 a27 tour at the orored wwu be con- NOTE:ALL PROSPEC IVE 81D CITY OF OCOEE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES. 3300 Elk.N.Westmoreland TAE KWAN 000 r. ducted at 11:30 a.m.beginning DERS ARE HEREBY CAU- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN SELF-STORAGE ACT. SEC- 11.Bees Murray 10-22-96 36 mos) to '3t the City off Kissimmee s Sand- TIONED NOT TO CONTACT pursuant to Article Vlll of the TIONS 83.806 AND 83:807.ALL 2000 elk.Raper Dairy S1000obo.4o: hill Road 4YRF(allowing the Pre- ANY MEMBER OF THE SEMI- ion at the State of FlareITEMS OR SPACES MAY NOT 12.Man's 20'Murray 1022.9E WORLD GYM ME Old Conference,Act bidders are MOLE COUNTY STAFF OR OF- Ca-and Secaa1 168.041 Ronda BE AVAILABLE AT THE TIME 2900 Mk.E.Colonial (2 remaining• -e�uraged and emecteo to at- FICIALS OTHER THAN THE Statutes, that the Ocoee City OF SALE 13.Girl's 26'Huffy 10.26.96 Altamonte-loc SPECIFIED CONTACT PER- Commission will hold,at a pub, 903-S• SEMORAN BLVD-OR- 900 Blk.W.Central 5670/borti.Ca Bid Security.Bid security in the SON. LANDO, FL (9:30 AM): DEE 14.Man's 26"Murray 10-27-96 amount of %of the Bid must I c nearing ini me Commted at M/WBE's are encouraged to G'iarttoers.City Hall,located at SMITH-0177. ENRIQUE Unkrwvm II^�� -accamparry eaeh Bid in actor- participate in me bid process. /s0 N.Lakeshore Drive,.acme. APONTE JR.-0126 15.Man's 26'Unknown make -j1..��N( dance with the Instruction to is/Cranes Irvin Florida during a regular session 2275 N.SEMORAN BLVD-OR- 10-28.96.Jefferson and Graham L Bidders,, to oe held On November 19, LANDO.FL(1fk00 AM):BABE 16. s 26' 10-28-96 . Charles Imn,CPPB BOY Huffy Bid WiMdmeah Bids shall not Purchasng Supervisor 1996.at 7:30 p.m..or as soon KASLOU•853.•DAVID LETNER- Urem" be subject utronewIwytharawe for a CSE1231155 NOV.10.1996 illtaeattM as pose/ in order E277. MICHAEL CASEE282, 17.28'HuOy 10.79.9E CONGRATl4JI710Hs Period ninety (90)calendar Invitation to Bid to consider the adoceon re an VICTOR RODRIQUEZ--F432, 300 BBL E.t'.alanal. ����f� days alter Bid sUS.t 9'tax- -'Temt Corareet ormitance Mled as tabws _ FRANK GONZALEZ JR..G508& OTHER _ •.r hNE1GJ1 ceat as advised in gig tratrua- _ H554.JERILYN JORDAN•H5SL 18.Colonial H.S..Gass Ring -- _ - lion to Bidders Far Hot&� ORWIDI N N N0.F TH ANY LEWIS•31594.GRETCHEN 10-14.98 Shaver Cr-Lake Mary - COR12233012 NOV.tg17,1998 Concrete• AN ORDINANCE OF THE GRUNENBi RGER-H627, PHY- 19.VCR 10.16.98 900 BEk I_ - A1JVP CITY OF OCOEE FLORI- SECIANS CHOCIE-L642. HEIDI W.Anderson St JJ,Jr+ ... NOTICE Seminole County Board DA RELATING TO SALA- SHINKOVICH-L663.JAY CESA- 20.CO Mayer 10-21-96 of Leesburg,Roma . County Cammnsaraners re- RIES AND COMPENSA- REOJ704. REBECCA HILL- 400 Bet McFall Avenue -_Request for traidr�ans quests ml'sale Dames to sub- ION OF THE MAYOR ANO D207, SCHMIDT CONCRETE- THE ABOVE DESCRIBED tor mit farmai seated bias for tee C 0 M M I S S I 0 N ER S: H601 PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY IN -tenement Bamcng Services move referenced Invitation to IAND AMENDING SECTIONS 24- 1625 N. SEMORAN BLVD.- THE CUSTODY OF THE OR- Mr Bid. ' 1 AND 24-2 OF CHAPTE WINTER PARK A.((1030 A� LANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT. For yyoouur°°c°a Tax Exempt ocher Fig, packages Courne will be availablengDiv 24DI OA CEES CODE OF OR- . SIGNET CORP-013, WINTER LAWFUL CLAIMANTS TO THE • 1 KARRATE i` R and a Ne Faetndal at son an at Ptscsrastn9 Dior ENHANCES OFIN THE CITY PARK CARE CENTER-055. PROPERTY MUST APPEAR AT a go Hi anctCapdal Needs star located E. .at OF OCOEE:INCREASING ��AI.EXANOER-E192 THE PROPERTY AND EVI- .-Kmac.USA�r Zeiss QUIe regtrast for maid- 1101E 15L Street Room.3208 THE ANNUAL'SALARY OF 7190 S. HWY 1T•92-FERN- DENCE SECTION.IN THE OR- Love.Marc r�0ars can be obtained by con- Sanford.fe 32771-1468 THE MAYOR'AND COM-• PARK.FL(11:00 AM):MEKLE LANDO POLICY HEADOUAR- your slate tactirex Tel 4p7/321-7730 Ext.7116 MISSIONERS OF THE CITY ANITA EDWAROS-A105. TERS BUILDING AT 100 S. .James A.Weave.Finance DirectorBids received bf�Purchasing 9456 ORDINAF OCOEE: NOS.UNG446 CHARLES HERMAN-F621. HUGHEY AVE, ORLANDO JONN&OB1A M. Division no tater than 2:00 p.m. AND 546 OF THE CITY OF HOPE WHITE•J917, WAITER FLORIDA.BY NOVEMBER 27. P.O,Gryryof Bon 4,9 Leese063lixxqq 1 (local time) on November 22. OCOEE:PROVIDING FOR KACZEGOWCZ-I 1996 AND PROVIDE PROOF OF Leesburg,Florida 347490630 199E Bids received after such SEVERABIUTY: PROVID- 141 TY NOT TERSW. STAGS.Rf(mac WIP- OWNERSHIP.BY THIS DDATEE WILL �-728-9720 qualificationslie mil be returned unopened ING FOR CODIFICATION: MOCHEi L RDEN A70.AMY CLAIM BE SURRENDERED TO Requests f are NOTE:ALL PROSPECTIVE BID- PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE LUXJ366,NANCY BUDENSEE- THE FINDERS,RETAINED FOR due by November 29. 1996 at DERS ARE HEREBY CAU- DATE LUX USE BY DEPARTMENT. TIONED NOT TO CONTACT Intl pastes mail appear.at K43 N. HWY 1T-92-LONG- DONATEDY THE A CHARITABLE Nappy`,Oth A. •rORt1233(;53 NOV.10,1996 ANY MEMBER OF THE SEMi- the meetingand be heard wntt WOOD. FL(12.00 PAa�•JEF- ORGANIZATION, TRADED TO • me Nov •,e NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOLE COUNTY STAFF OR OF- reseed to the proposed action. FREY WEESNER-8206.PHIWP ANOTHER UNIT OR LOCAL •lm,s The FICIALS OTHER THAN THE A cony of the proposed be examined at CIty STiTT 00. GOVERNMENT OR.A STATE PETE Aar -Con .aQ•-• TERMINAL APRON FOR N.SPECIFIED CONTACT PER- Hmice all. 15 may LakeshoreDrive E-97,DELORAS ARCHER•F601, AGENCY.OR SOLD AT PUBLIC o1'n So i, gam'. _ EXPANSION _ _ MIWBE' _ s are encouraged to Ocoee. Florida, between me MICHABA ROSSON-F618 SALE - WOW-Arwihr �� participate in the pip process. urs of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 2905 S. ORLANDO DR-SAN- COR1231969 NOV.10,17.1956 Love Wenn . ho ORLANDO SANFORD /y dies irwn pm..Monday through Ridgy, FORD. FL (12:30 PM) FOR- LEGAL.NOTICE '- AIRPORT Chaves Irvin.CPPB NOTICE:Any person who Oa- MEALY SOUTHERN SELF mimeo Personal committee_ r�n{1 SANFORD.FLORIDA Purchasing Supervisor sires to appeal any decision STORAGE:CONSTANCE FOX- pens LP.recently submitted an WuQ Sealed Proposals for the tut' CSE1231166 NOV.10.1996 made by the City Commission 811,KARBI CWWtOT 120 application to me Federal Corn- 23` TO EAT services and all labor. nor.meat afor AEOUEST FOR PROPOSALS ' respect to any matter coo- COR1228940- NOV.10.17.1996 munications Commission TERMINAL APRON DCPAN- RFP 9G/9T-21 edered at such meeting will NOTICE OF SALE ('FCC') seekingauthorityrtO FOOD -Each-TI SION at men Orlando Sanford The City of Sanfofod,Florida,is need a record of the proceed- TENANTS SPACE* construct a personal r at i- Orlando Semite rt will be received by the seeking SWed Proposals up ipgs aril for such purpose may Dense Smith 1521 cabana services tower at 2163 lion covers the need to ensure that a verbatim Mar Torres Longwood-Lake Mary Road:By gourmet to a. Sanford Airport Awho f A at the tO t:30-.Seelig Monday, using record of the proceeding is Carmen Oroz 811 letter dated October 31.196.the with lots of cc Ofsce of the nford Drat viation, tier 25,t996.in me PurrxlasingInc ides the Andrea 752 FCC granted the application. poets. Get a-tat Orfaitdo, Sedord Airport,One Office,Room 241 gar City Hall. Me w1-600-741-535 Red Cleveland Boulevard.Suite fa Vie tams): weeds the and evidence upon W 8al concluding that would proposed verxeSr the is based.Per- Elizabeth YVeriilgtn 841 construction not have a smear-day hem, 204Sanford,Ronda 32773 word R-SOUD WASTECSERVICE R sons with disabilities needing Ch stopher Woods 172 significant impact on the envi- 7:00 ere December 5.996,at AN Proposals must be ad• assistance to participate in arty Carer I'ire, 604 teemed.A copy of the CC a FRESH'S GREENS Sc - wail'time the oioprsale wY be of these proceedings should Christine Duda - 769 lane may be obtained Produce a07 . api�rb1lyid�yy opared and reed aloud. darrr3sse_s contact the Office o1 the.City Virgins Rot isor , - 866E ing a written request to William Birders are invited to submit Clem 150 N.Lakeshore Olive. ygbertTodes. .• :: 553 L Ro for Jr.,PrimeCo Per- t mitoses duoses on Proposal Forms Per +9 Agee: Ocoee. FL 34781-(407)•.658- Luis Gamed'--- ..-- 849 sonel Communication. LP.. ^ r ter i A bid price mist be C of Sadao • 2322 Ext.146.48 hor/rsirade-To satisfy-owner Nen for rent 1130.20th Street N.W...,iesh-._52 Wsr:PIQ • for eecit Ness dated P. Bic t7B8 • va ws of the me - due in-accordance with Fonda- wrngtdt O.C.20038 ��Mdd ,._, aletho-Preecsa►Farms JearnDream.Qtyl9als•-'>t:''•'- SlaOse-SaESeeageFa ,Adt :rW�RR77232418 '_•NOV.10.1-112 and-after November 13; G.For hand DeDvarl: November T.199R R.-Gen en ono...+• e•. f996:copiesot the Pears.Soto- PIAT:hasira Agent AGENDA 11-03-96 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VIA Ocoee I 1 v„ara,cnk,aari O\ � COMMISSIONERS •� ® CITY OF OCOEE. RUSTY JOHNSON J a SCOTT ANDERSON \ yo Iso N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS OCOEE.FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON(407)656-2322 ' Crry MANAGER G000 ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: September 25,1996 RE: PROPOSED ORDINANCE -SALARIES OF MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS Pursuant to your request. the attached proposed Ordinance is given to you for your review and action. Since this Ordinance cannot be funded until 1997-98 Fiscal Year, no budgetary action need be taken. Staff recommends the adoption of this Ordinance. Respectfully Submitted, ES:fdg Attachment FOLEY & LARDNER ATTORNEYS AT. LAW CHICAGO POST OFFICE BOX 2193 SAN DIEGO JACKSONVILLE ORLANDO.FLORIDA 32802-2193 SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE.SUITE 1800 TALLAHASSEE MADISON ORLANDO.FLORIDA 32801-2386 TAMPA MILWAUKEE TELEPHONE(407)423-7656 WASHINGTON D.C. SACRAMENTO FACSIMILE(407)648-1743 WEST PALM BEACH WRITER'S DIRECT LINE MEMORANDUM. TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager r �FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq. , City Attorney ,��rL DATE: September 17, 1996 RE: Ordinance Regarding Salaries of Mayor and City Commissioners Please find enclosed a proposed Ordinance which would increase the salaries of the Mayor and each City Commissioner in accordance with the direction taken at the Budget Hearing. Please note that the Ordinance would not become effective until 1998 . However, it should be adopted prior to the February 1997 municipal election. PER:dh Enclosure CAWP5I IDOCSIOCOELME 4051PERDDH09.032I9/17N6I DFBBIEHI PER:4 ESTABLISHED 1842 ORDINANCE NO. 96-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO SALARIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS; AMENDING SECTIONS 24-1 AND 24-2 OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 'THE CITY OF OCOEE; INCREASING THE ANNUAL SALARY OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE; REPEALING ORDINANCE NOS. 446 AND 546 OF THE CITY OF OCOEE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EleFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-16 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to amend Sections 24-1 and 24-2 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee in order to increase the annual salary of the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Ocoee; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to repeal Ordinance Nos. 446 and 546 of the City of Ocoee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF - THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and Section C-16 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee. SECTION TWO. Sections 24-1 and 24-2 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby amended to read as follows: § 24-1. Compensation of Mayor. 1 The annual salary of the Mayor is hereby established at eft—dm:toed-ems four thousand five hundred fifteen dollars 515.00 , payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. § 24-2. Compensation of Commissioners. The annual salary of each Commissioner is hereby established at hundred dollars (S4,200.00) three thousand nine hundred seventy-nine dollars ($3,979.00), payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. NOTE: Deletions are stfaek--thr-e . Additions are underlined. SECTION THREE. Ordinance No. 446 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee on October 15, 1963 and Ordinance No. 546 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee on January 4, 1972 are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION FOUR. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION FIVE. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the.City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. 2 SECTION SIX. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective on the first Wednesday following the swearing into office of the City Commissioners elected to Seat No. 2 and Seat No. 4 at the regular municipal election scheduled on February 24,, 1998 or, if necessary, the run-off election scheduled for March 24,. 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,. 1996. APPROVED; AI EST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. Sean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) Io ADVERTISED November,Y 4 �..1 , 1996 READ FIRST TIME November 5 , 1996 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 1996, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY TUT CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1996 FOLEY & LARDNER By: r City Attorney CAWP51\DOCSIOCOSSALARY.MAY;10/31/961DEBBIEH;PERdH 3