HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(C1) Ordinance No. 97-01, Relating To Temporary Parking And Occupancy Of Recreational Vehicles AGENDA 12-17-96 Item V C 1 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING -PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 0 COMMISSIONERS � ia ' CITY OF OCOEE SCOTTANDERSON v 0 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS �E. ? OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON JF� ��J (407)656 2322 CITY MANAGER Op G000 ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: D.W. FLIPPEN, BUILDING AND ZONING OFFICIAL i2:• •� DATE: DECEMBER 12, 1996 SUBJECT: LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT - PROPOSED TEMPORARY PARKING AND OCCUPANCY OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES CASE # LDC-96-003 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve Ordinance #97-01 that would permit nonprofit, charitable, religious, philanthropic, civic or other organizations of a similar nature to park and occupy recreational vehicles on their property for two weeks at a time not to exceed two times within a calendar year? DISCUSSION/BACKGROUND: On March 19, 1996, representatives of the Church of Christ, 40 South Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, appeared before the City Commission and requested permission to temporarily park recreational vehicles on their property for a two-week time period. The City Staff advised the Commission that our existing Codes prohibited the parking and occupancy of recreational vehicles within the City of Ocoee except temporary parking for loading, unloading and cleaning with a 48-hour time limit. The Commission directed Staff to look at our existing ordinance and bring back a proposed change that would permit the Church of Christ and other similar organizations to temporarily park recreational vehicles on their property. The attached draft of a proposed ordinance is submitted for your consideration. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: On December 10, 1996, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to discuss Ordinance #97-01 . Members of the Church of Christ asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to revise the proposed Ordinance to allow recreational vehicles to be temporarily connected to water and electric services. The Planning and Zoning Commission agreed that it would not be objectionable if the recreational vehicles were connected to electric service by approved extension cords and provided with water The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners December 12, 1996 Page 2 service by intermittently filling the RV water tanks. Staff asked to discuss the proposal with the Building and Zoning Official prior to the City Commission meeting. Accordingly, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of Ordinance #97-01 providing for a revision to Section 5-8 . D. of the Land Development Code, upon finding it to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and subject to City Commission consideration of the provision of electric service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After discussing the proposed revision to Ordinance #97-01, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve of Ordinance #97-01, as previously presented by Staff. Attachment: Ordinance #97-01 F:\CAPDFILE\STAFFR-1\CCSR-1\SRP96042.WPD pup 'ogaaau; gaadsaa LI;TM gnduT OTTgnd paATaOaa pup aDT;ou OTTgnd a2q;e 'L66T 'L Aaenuer uo pup 966T 'LT aaquiaoaa uo aOueuTpaO sTgq uo sbuTaeaq OTTgnd pTeq uoTssTuiuio0 AgTO au; 'sagngeqs EPTaoT3 ' (a) (E) T30 ' 99T uoTDOaS Pue E9T aagd2u0 0; quensand 'srd32IaHM pup !aoueuTp10 STu; gdope uoTssTiuuio0 A TO Gq; qeu; papuammooaa pup 'aa000 3o A;TO auf 3o gsaaa;uT gsaq au; uT pup ueTd aATSuauaadm00 aaooO auk 1 TM quagsTsuoO Gq oq GoueuTpao STgq punog buTaeaq L Ons buTMoTToJ pup 'uETd aATsuauaadmo0 aaoOO . au; pup GoueuTpaO STu.; uaaMgaq dTTSuoT.ETaa au; M2Tnaa 0 , 9661 ' 0T aagmaDaa uo S uTaeaq OTTgnd e pTaq Sell 'AgTO auk 3o Aoua6If buTuuETd Te007 auk Se buTgDE '1OTSSTmmOD EUTtOZ pue EUTUU2Td aao00 au.z 'sa;nzegS EPTa0T3 ' E9T a2gdau0 go suoTsTAOad auk o; quensand 'sSs2IaiIM pue 'epTaoT3 'aaoDO Jo A;TO all; go saoueuTpaO ;0 aP00 aq; go 08T aaq.dega J0 A aTOTgaV uT ;as Se SUOTTeTnbaa asn Aaeaodmaq S ,AgTO aql puame oq SaaTsep („uoTssTmmo3 ';TO„ ) aa000 ;o ;TO auq. go uoTssTmmoD ALTO au; 'SV'32iEHM aria sAIzzaaaa NTd JNIaIA02ia !NOILVDI3IQ00 2Io3 JNIQIAOHd =LSI'IISva31ias 2Io3 DNIQIAOHd aiiw iaa uvioaas V 30 'IVIOI330 DNIa'IIns 3HIIL X9 aoNXnssl Moan E?Nn.T.VN EV'IIWIS V 30 NOISVZINVD O 2ImZ0 110 'OIAIO 'OIdO HSNFI'IIHd 'snOIJI't 'arlavaauvem 30 Laxaa02Ia aHZ NO sa'IOIHSA 30 XONvan000 aNV DNI) VVd Z.EVUOdRIEI MOTIV OS Ha000 30 XSIO HILL 30 samvNIauO 30 faOO NHS 30 0 8 T 2IHSdVHO 30 A E'IOIS2IV 30 *a ' 8-S NOIIDES DNIaNEWWV :sasn AUVUOdW L os DNI1LYTIS2I vaI2IO'I3 ammo 3o ASIO aHS 30 aDNVNIauo NTi TO-L6 'ON 30NVNIGUO WHEREAS, the City Commission finds and determines that this Ordinance is consistent with and implements the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and that adoption thereof is in the best interest of the City of Ocoee . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF • THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes . SECTION 2 . Temporary Parking and Occupancy of Vehicles. Section 5-8 .D . of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions underlined) : D. Temporary Uses 1 . The following uses and/or structures shall be permitted for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days upon issuance by the Building Official of a permit therefore : (1) sale of Christmas trees, (2) fireworks, (3) special craft sales (sale items must be made by sellers, and (4) construction trailers . A second permit not exceeding ninety (9.0) days may be issued to allow the completion of the activity and removal of structures . Any subsequent continuation of the temporary use structure shall only be permitted pursuant to a special exception issued by the City Commission. 2 . Within all zoning districts, a non-profit charitable, religious , philanthropic, civic, or other organization of a similar nature may allow temporary parking and occupancy of vehicles on its property for the purpose of conducting charitable, religious , philanthropic, civic and similar activities within the corporate limits of the City, 2 for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days upon issuance by the Building Official of a speca i. permit to the oraanizati_on therefor. No more thaf two (2) such special permits may he issued to any such organization within a calendar year. No electric, water, or sewer connections will be permitted in connection with such temporary uses and occupancy. SECTION 3 . Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, •and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto . SECTION 4 . Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter" , "section" , "article" , or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the Code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 5 . Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. 3 PASSED. AND ADOPTED this day of _ , 1997 . APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY. OF OCOEE, FLORIDA • Jean Grafton, City Clerk S .. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED , 1996 AND ADVERTISED , 1996 READ FIRST TIME , 1996 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 1997, ' UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY, BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ' this day of , 199 FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney December 4, 1996(11:57am) P:\AHPDFILE\LDC-REVD1LDC96003\TEMPUSE.ORD A:\TEMPUSE.ORD 112/11/961 OCOEE/FORMS(DISK)!MHF:jed 4 • K-4 The Orlando Sentinel,Sunday,December 8, 1996. NOTICE OF OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CHANGE AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 166.041, Florida Statutes, that the City Commission of the City of Ocoee proposes to adopt the following Ordinance to amend the Ocoee Land Development Code: ORDINANCE NO. 97-01 - i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELAT- ING TO TEMPORARY USES; AMENDING SECTION 5-8. D. OF ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 180 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. . OF THE CITY OF OCQEE TO ALLOW TEMPORARY PARKING AND OCCUPANCY OF VEHICLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CHARITABLE, RELIGIOUS, PHILANTHROPIC, CIVIC, OR OTHER ORGANIZATION OF A SIMILAR.NATURE UPON ISSUANCE BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OF A SPECIAL PER- MIT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING FOR CODI- FICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Public hearings on the Ordinance will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical, and Tuesday, January 7, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical, at the Commission Chambers, Ocoee City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida. • A copy of the proposed Ordinance may be inspected by the public : in the office of the Ocoee Planning Department, City Hall, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., 1 Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. Interested parties may appear at the hearings and be heard with respect to the adoption of the proposed Ordinance. A If any person desires to appeal any decision with respect to any matter considered at these public hearings, such person will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is j made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of the proceedings should contact the City a Clerk's office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407)•656-232 ; aQ Jean Grafton, City Clerk am City of Ocoee - s December 8,1996 i December 29,1996 i •