HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (A2) Mobil Oil Corp. - Case No. 1-6SE-95:Mobil ' AGENDA 5-21-96 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item V A. 2 ` Ocoee J. JI.V11 vtllNuc1IlaIlrl O , `O COMMISSIONERS •_ E CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON a. SCOTT ANDERSON v / ...` 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS �'� I::_ _1 )491) OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258JIM GLEASON 'l'�,,`�\� (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER �'� OFGOO� ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: May 15, 1996 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning 1" SUBJ: Mobil Oil Corporation Special Exception Application Case No. 1-6SE-95:MOBIL ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Special Exception for Mobil Oil Corporation? BACKGROUND: Mobil Oil Corporation proposes to construct a convenience store, car wash and gasoline sales facility on Lot 3 OPUS South, a 0.96 acre commercial outparcel located within the Plantation Grove PUD. Since no specific guidelines for the commercial portion of this project were outlined within the PUD, the developer requested the City to follow C-2 zoning requirements for uses to be built within the Plantation Grove Shopping Center. Based upon the requirements of the Ocoee Land Development Code, a convenience store with gas sales is only permitted within a C-2, Community Commercial District upon approval of a Special Exception. In order to understand specific site issues affecting the Special Exception, a Preliminary Site Plan was submitted for City staff review. Even though the Preliminary Site Plan does not confer Site Plan approval per se, the inclusion of that Plan within the DRC recommendation permits the establishment of appropriate Conditions of Approval which may then be incorporated within the Final Site Plan approval. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Site Plan has had a number of technical changes made in response to Staff comments to ensure that the proposed facility maintains high quality design standards. As proposed, the Preliminary Landscaping Plan provides for enhanced planting and screening within the site to help beautify the project and buffer it from surrounding properties. Entryways have been designed to promote efficient access to the site and minimize potential traffic conflicts, and the buildings are to be designed to complement the shopping center architectural motif. Additionally, the Special Exception places limits on any substantial changes or expansion of the use and sets a limit of six months to pull a building permit. Page 2 •Planning and Zoning Commission May 15, 1996 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At their meeting on May 14, 1996,the Planning and Zoning commission unanimously recommended approval of the Special Exception per the Staff recommendations. RECOMMENDATION: At their meeting on April 23, 1996, the DRC unanimously recommended approval of the Special Exception. Based upon the recommendations of both the Development Review Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Special Exception application of Mobil Oil Corporation to construct a commercial convenience store, gasoline sales facility and car wash on Lot 3, OPUS South, located within the Plantation Grove Shopping Center, in accordance with the Preliminary Site Plan as date stamped received by the City on May 1, 1996 including the Conditions of Approval as specified thereon. RBW/csa c:\capdfile\ccsnsr96013.wpd I-10 • 'n eOriando.Sendnel,Thursday,May 9,,1996 . OR 4-.813 • CITY OF OCOEE- <- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING •- TO CONSIDER APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL./ - MICERTTON - • (CASE NO.1-6SE-95:MOBIL OIL. CORPORATION) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 4-8(A)I2).Ocoee Land Devel- opment Code.that the OCOEE PLAN- NING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a PUBUC HEARING on May 14, 1996 at their regular session,and the OCOEE crri COMMISSION will fold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 21,1996 at Chair regular session.Both public herr- ings will be held at 7:30 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as possible,at the Com- mission Chambers, Ocoee City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Fiorda to corsrder the ao l+cation fired by MOBIL OIL CORPORATION. for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION to construct a • convenience store.car wash and gaso- line sales facility within a-PUD,Planned • Unit Development', on certain real . property located on the east side of Ma- guire Road and 1!4 mile north of Moore Road within the Plantation Grove Shop- ping Center. The complete rase file.including a le- gal description of the subject poperty, may be inspected at the Ocoee Plan- ning Department,150 North Lakeshore Drive.between the hours of 8:00 a.m. end 5:00 p.m,Monday through Friday, wept legal hotdays. The Ocoee Ptmmng&Zoning Commis- sion or Ocoee City Commission may continue the public hearings to other dates and times as the deem heces- sary.Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the dates times,and places of any continuation of these or contin- ued public hearings shall be an • - nounced during the hearing and that no further notices regarding these matters will be published - Interested parses may appear at the public hearings and be heard with re- -.7apect to the application. Arty person who desires to appeal any decision made during the public hearing may need a record of the proceeding and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings is made which includes the testi- mony and evidence upon which the ap- peal is based.Persons with disabilities needing assonance to participate in any of the proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office 48 hours at advance of the rGtheetrhg>t(407)656-2322. JEAN CITY CLERK • . CITY OF OCOEE • • - May 5,1996 OLS926741 • •• MAY.09,1996 . E: C I ; ( C._ C,CC.= a.:27o EcZ04 P. 2 THIS SPACE FOR PROJECT NO. I-rn SE—95: • CITY USE ONLY FEE '750.0a DEPOSIT AMOUNTEI ?J 1 r� p �i DATE PAID 1I- I b- ?5 � �culP �7� ��GZx 1. �1�.2 5 C� � PT No. Sa�Y`7 CITY OF OCQEE APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION) SPECIAL EXCEPTION $ 750.00 (This application is only for those spacial exceptions which are consistent with the City of Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan. All others must submit Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications.) • APPLICANT'S NAME: Mobil Oil Corporation APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 2255 Glades Rd. Suite 444-W Boca Raton, FL 13411 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 407-997-1340 2. OWNER OF RECORD: Mobil Oil Corporation OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2255 Glades Rd, Suite ALL 6-W Boca Raton, r•r. 11ti1 (If more than one owner, please attach additional sheets) NOTE: A separate application fee is collected for each action sought and for non-contiguous parcels or for parcels held under separate ownership. Upon request, payment of the above fee entitles the applicant to a copy of the city of Ocoee's Land Development Regulations. 3. PROPERTY LOCATION: A. DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: Highway 50 to McGuire turn left to site B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL. APPUCATICNS MUST PROVIDE THREE (3) EXECUTED, CERTIFIED AND SEALED BOUNDARY SURVEYS FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL, WHICH SHALL INCLUDE A METES-AND-BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ATTACH SURVEY WITH �'• • FORM-19 1 -� 112 ^ Pau--1- I-I _:�3 .-::.L?M -riti CITY OF C=7. 41.073SRaD4 P. 3 Appllctk n to Spacial Exception FULL LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION AS EXHIBIT. SPECIFY BELOW: SECTION-TOWNSHIP. RANGE-SUBDIVISION-LOT-AND-BLOCK.rAS APPUCABLE. See attached !` C. PROPERTY TAX ID. NO(S): 2 - CO 0 3 o 4. BRIEFLY SPECIFY THE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL(S)SINCE JANUARY 1,1S8S,INCLUDING YEAR LOT WAS CREATED,PRESENT ZONING, YEAR ANNE<D, AND PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED DEVELOPMENT APPUCATIONS, ETC.: 72 �Conversio of a gas station to convenience store with gas pumps. 5. PROPOSED USE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL IF THE PRESENT APPLICATION(S) IS/ARE GRANTED? Convenience store with ? s pumps. 6. SPECIFY ZONING OR PARCELS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PARCEL A. NORTH: C G-,1A ti. E. SOUTH: C C+uz e �� C. EAST: C kf t..' ft C. Pr<- D. WEST: C C 2 ci AL 7. NUMBER OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ECISi 1NG LAND USE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL U 'a C 8. SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPUCATIONS ARE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR A PUBLIC HEARING, STUDY,AND RECOMMENDATION, AND ARE THEN FORWARDED TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL ACTION. 9. BRIEFLY ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING: A THE NEED AND JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REQUESTED ACTION: To further develop the present project. FORM-19 2 1 1-i E--t SAS S:aSPM FRO"_ IlY OF OC^OE E 'TGEcc voa P. d Application for Special Exception 10. HOW WILL THE FOLLOWING ESSENTIAL SERVICES BE PROVIDED? A. POTABLE WATER: — �i-!"[�' . " . 74, i., B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT: City sewer syarem C. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: State & County approve system exist. D. RECREATION: NSA E. SCHOOLS AND PROJECTED NUMBER OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN: N/ F. MAIN HIGHWAY ACCESS (A traffic study may be required): Mc"ui_e Rd. G. FIRS PROTECTION (NOTE: Fire flew data will be required be:pre final daring): All ready in existins. -. 11. SUBMIT A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ILLUSTRATING THE FOLLOWING: A. PROJECT NAME. B. NAME,ADDRESS,AND TELEPHONE NUMBER CF THE APPUCANT,OWNER, alGINEER, AND SURVEYOR. C. SUBMITTAL AND REVISION DATES. ES. D. PROMINENT NORTH ARROW. E. SCALE AT NOT LESS THAN 1' = 100' F. A SEALED'BOUNDARY SURVEY,INCLUDING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION.TOTALACREAGE. AND SHOWING LINEAR DIMENSIONS AND SURVEY HEADINGS. G. EXISTING AND PROPOSED ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ADJOINING PARCELS. H. LOCATION MAP WHICH CLEARLY SHOWS THE SUBJECT PARCEL WITH RESPECT TO EXISTING ROADS AND LANDMARKS. I. LOCATION, NAME, RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTHS, AND PAVEMENT WIDTH CF EXISTING STREETS AND PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS POINTS. FORM-19 3 i- : __ w:V5PH FRC CITY CC. 4,276SSIELEad. - P- Application for Special Excepticn J. FISTING TOPOGRAPHY AT ONE (1) FOOT CONTOUR INTERVALS BASED ON THE ORANGE COUNTY DATUM, IDENTIFY AT LEAST TWO (2) BENCH MARKS. K. VEGETATION TYPES, WOODED AREAS, AND LIKELY CONSERVATION ZONES. L LIMITS OF 100-YEAR FEDERAL FLOOD PLAIN AND NORMAL HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS OF ALL LAKES AND WETLANDS. M. IDENTIFY SOIL TYPES USING THE U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYSTEM. N. ANY OTHER INFORMATION DEEMED NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE BY APPLICANT TO HELP DE t ERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF OCAEE'S DEVELOPMENT CODES. LIST AND ILLUSTRATE ITEMS SO IDENTIFIED: N/A 12. APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A LIST CF THE OWNERS' NAMES AND MAILING ADDRESSES FOR ALL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THREE HUNDRED (300) FEET CF THE PERIMETER OF THE - SUB.;ECT PROPERTY, PER THE LATEST ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS AD VALOREM TAX ROLL. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MAY CAUSE THE SUBMITTED APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. FORM-1 S 4 1 1-1 S-1995 S:BOPM FR CITY OF OCC.IBE 4.276660604 • P. 6 • Application for Special Exception CITY OF OCOIEE, FLORIDA OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT • STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Polk ( L [L 04 C d-P Before me., the undersigned perscnally appeared Van Rankin V.to , who being first duly sworn on oath, depose(s) and say(s): 1. That they/she/he are/is the fee-simple owner(s) of the property legally described in this application and that the attached ownership list is made a part of the affidavit and contains the legal description(s) for the real property, and the names and mailing addresses of all owners having an interest In said land. 2. That they/she/he desire(s) Special Exception (specify action sought) for said property. n a That they/she/he/ have/has appointed Donald E. Pass g2e..�i (specify himself or agent) to act as agent in their/her/his behalf to accomplish the above. 4_ That they/she/he affirm(s), certif(y)(ies) and will comely with all ordinances, regulations and provisions of the City Code of the City of Ocoee, and that all statements and diagrams submitted herewith are true and accurate to the best cf their/his/her knowledge and belief and further, that this application and attachments shall become part of the official records cf the City of Ocoee, and are not returnable. 5. That the accompanying acifacent property owners list is, to the best of their/her/his knowledge, a complete and accurate fist of the owner's names and mailing addr cses for all property lying within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel, as recorded on the latest official Orange County Tax Rolls. 6. That prior to the public hearing, if applicable, signs will be prominently pasted on the subject parcel not less than twelve (12)days before the application will be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board or the Board of Adiustment, and will remain posted until final determination, after which time the notices are to be removed and destroyed. Owner's Signature Q- 11ND P„Z G it— Ce;QP Sworn to and subscribed before me this&L day of 7VI o U , 19 , by T, IA- (Z Pee/Ica), who is personally know to me or who produced as identification, and who took an dells Notary biic My commission expires: sk -7:6 DONALD E.FASS .1. i4 MY COMMSSlON#c0431435 EXF{RES mr�P�;\o January 4,1999 MREIITKRUTRQT FAIR!RS(SViRCC.tHC. FORM-19 5 • i 995 S:51 PM FPC" C I 7Y CF CC.^O 427a-74G Z.504 P. 7 • Application for Special Exception Owner's Signature • Sworn to and subscribed before me this /' day of N J v , 19_2E. by- •to af-b-c.x),who is personally know to me or who produced as Identification, and who took an oath . Notary Public My commission expires: DOtdALD E.FA88 MyCOMASSION CG431438EXPIFIS Amoy 4, 1992 BMCED Owner's Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of_ , 19 , by ,who Is personally know to ma or who produced _ as identification, and who took an oath. Notary Public My commission expires: • FORM-19 6 I f-1 S-1 99S 5:S I PM FRO, t TY OF OC OEE 407GS:3850A P. 8 Application for Sp i ,E.Y.capdcn OWNERSHIP LIST OWNER'S NAk1E: Mobil Oil Corporation OWNERSHIP INTEREST: Fee simple MAILING ADDRESS: 2255 Glades Rd. Suite 444-W Boca Raton, FL 33431 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_ See attached OWNER'S NAME: N jA OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS:_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FORM-19 7 1-19-19S5 S:2PM FRO`' C_7Y CF C=ZE 4.07a.=. ;r.574 P. 9 Application fcx Special Exception OWNER'S NAME: NSA OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • OWNER'S NAME: N/A OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILING ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • FARM-is g Property ownership within 300 Ft. Lot 2 Opus South Corporation 4200 W. Cyprus Blvd. #444 Tampa, FL 33607-4170 Lot 4 Opus South Corporation 4200 W. Cyprus Blvd. #444 Tampa, FL 33607-4170 . Y IF •.t IF of • l ;F tt 1'. Jt DESCR/P/7ON A portion of the Northwest 1/4 of SECTION 32. TOW SIiI? 22 SOUS,, RANGE : 26 EAST, Orange County, Florida, being more particularly described a follows; Commence at the Northwest corner of SECTION 32, TCWNSHIP 22 SCUD, RANGE ' 23 'EAST; thence run South 89°59 '26" East. along the North line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 32, a distance of 40 .00 feet, to a point on the :aaterly right-of-way line of Maguire Road; thence run South 000'21 ' 35" East, along said Easterly right-of-way .1ne, a distance of 1118 .56 feet; thence leaving said Easterly bight-of-way line. run North 89`53 ' 36" East, 20 . 00 feet; thence run South 00'21 '35 " East, 279 .94 fee , to the Point of Beginning; t. ence run North 34-54 ' 50 " East. 209 . 65 feet; thence run South 00-21 ' 35' East. 200 . 00 feet; thence run South 89'54 '50" west, 209 . 65 feet ; thence run North 00.21' 35' West, 200 . 00 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Also known as ; ;rot 3 , Cpus South, according to the plat thereof, as recorded :.. Plat Book 33, Pegs 21, Public Records of Orange County,F1 orida . Mobil Oil Corporation GLADESRCAO SUITE 444 WEST SOCA RATON,FLORIDA 33421 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 SUBJECT: Authorization to Sign Applications and Permits ADDRESS: Mobil 02-D65 McGuire Rd. Ocoee, FL Gentleman: This letter is to authorize MDM Engineering/Don Fass, P.O. Box 6930, Lakeland, FL 33807, to apply for all necessary approvals and permits to install signage for the above referenced service station and to sign in my stead, if needed. I certify that I am the owner and/or authorized agent of the property and I authorize the above listed company and/or representative to initiate the site plan petition for consideration by the Plan Board. c."\) . i ► I� (� Signature of Property Owner Date !'• ENGINEERINisi January 12, 1996 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lake Shore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 To Whom it may concern; This is to certify that J.H. Rankin & Van Rankin are one and the same. Sincerely, MDM Engineering Donald E. Fass Project Permit Manager DEF/cj MLc3DEF CKBURN Notary Public, State of Florida My Comm. Expires Oct.22. 1997 No. CC327232 • P.O.BOX 6930,LAKELAND,FLORIDA 33807-6930•PHONE(941)646-9130•FAX(941)648-1106•3706 D.M.G. DRIVE,LAKELAND,FLORIDA 33811