HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A) Second Reading: Resolution No. 92-11, relating to Development Review Fees AGENDA 7-07-92 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI A Qcoee Lt'bILIc ur+Uno,,a.. - ° ' `ift ° CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOIHN COMMISSIONERS O. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE U TL J FOSTER v 0 OCOEE FLORIDA 34761 o (407)656-2322 VERN COMBS —3 N SAM WOODSON 4.��* OI GOOD c�K...., i CITY MANAGER SRP—%IRS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Bruce Behrens, Director of Planning DATE: July 1, 1992 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 92-11: UPDATED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioner adopt Resolution '`No. 92-11 implementing an updated schedule of Development Review Fees? BACKGROUND: Changes in development review have been necessitated by State Growth Management Laws . New review requirements , such as concurrency, have prompted staff to update the fee schedule for development review. DISCUSSION: The provision of Ordinance No. 92-15 requires that the . City Commission adopt by Resolution a Schedule of Flat Fees, a Schedule of Review Deposits and a listing of certain Applications for which the Flat Fee includes Review Costs . The Ordinance also authorizes the City Commission by Resolution to designate additional Applications which will be subject to Ordinance No. 92-15. Staff has carefully researched the time spent by the Development Review Committee and the City Attorney, in several categories of development review from annexation to vested rights . The attached fee schedule reflects the results of that research. Planner, Janet Resnik, spent many hours putting together much of the data necessary to estimate fair and accurate fees (see her attached memo of May 18 , 1992) . Her research was used as a basis for the fee schedule. Staff Report - Updated Development Review Fees July 1, 1992 Page 2 Estimated fees for Concurrency review were then added. Two (2) new categories of development review are: (1) Comprehensive Plan Amendments and, (2) Developments of Regional Impact . Since we have no actual experience in these Development Review categories , Staff studied what Orlando, Orange County and Seminole County charge. The proposed fees for review in both categories are our best estimate of what is needed to do the job. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt Resolution No. 92-11 in order to implement the Development Review Schedule. BCB/emk Attachments "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee LESTER DABBS,JR. % '` 1[11 ° CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY COMMISSIONERS �� a. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE 0 OCOEE FLORIDA 34761 PAUL W.FOSTER (407)656-2322 VERN COMBS SAM WOODSON CITY MANAGER °f GpO� ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: ELLIS SHAPIRO, CITY MANAGER FROM: JANET RESNIK, PLANNER 't/ THROUGH: BRUCE BEHRENS, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING DATE: MAY 18, 1992 SUBJECT: PROPOSED FEES FOR VARIOUS DEVELOPMENT-RELATED APPLICATIONS At the direction of yourself and Bruce Behrens, I have researched fees for the following categories, all of which would be considered consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (Bruce is working on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application fees. ) : - Annexation only - Annexation only of less than 10 acres - Annexation with initial zoning - Rezone only - Rezones or annexation with initial zoning for PUDs - Land Use Plan Amendments for PUDs (substantial and non- substantial changes) - Special exceptions - Variances Similarly to how we devised the flat fees for subdivision and site plan review, I asked staff and the City attorney for an average amount of time they spend putting these applications through the procedure, from start to finish. Following is a summary of each category: ANNEXATION ONLY (Does not include PUD annexations. ) Bruce Behrens : 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60 Julian Harper : 4 hours at $23/hr. = $ 92 Ellen King : 2 .5 hrs at $16/hr. _ $ 40 Legal advertisement (approx. ) = $250 City Attorney : 3 hrs. at $115/hr. = $345 $ 787. 00 (Round to $800 . 00) (The existing fee is $270. 00 . ) Page 2 Proposed New Fees ANNEXATION ONLY OF LESS THAN 10 ACRES Staff and the City Attorney both agree that in many cases, as much time -- if not more -- is spent on these smaller scale annexations as with the larger ones. Realizing, however, that the City wants to encourage these smaller scale annexations as a means of eliminating enclaves, the recommendation would be to charge a fee that would cover the cost of the newspaper advertisement. The recommended fee is $ 250. 00. (The existing fee is $270 . 00 . ) ANNEXATION WITH INITIAL ZONING (Does not include PUDs. ) We do not currently have a fee in place for an applicant who wishes to petition to annex and zone/rezone property concurrently. The applicant is simply required to fill out a separate petition for each request and to pay the two separate fees. Bruce Behrens : 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60 Julian Harper : 4 hours at $23/hr. = $ 92 Ellen King : 2 . 5 hrs at $16/hr. = $ 40 Legal advertisement (approx. ) _ $250 City Attorney : 4.2 hrs at $115/hr = $483 $ 925. (Recommend to round to $1, 000 to put it in line with rezone fee and existing fees. ) (The existing fees total $1.040 . ) REZONE ONLY (Does not include rezoning to PUD. ) Bruce Behrens : 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60 Julian Harper : 4 hours at $23/hr. = $ 92 Ellen King : 2 .5 hrs at $16/hr. = $ 40 Legal advertisement (approx. ) = $250 City Attorney : 5 hours at $115/hr = $575 $1,017 (Round to $1, 000. 00) (The existing fee is $770 .00 . ) Page 3 Proposed New Fees REZONES OR ANNEXATIONS WITH INITIAL ZONING FOR PUDS Rezone and/or annexation review time: Bruce Behrens : 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60 Julian Harper : 4 hours at $23/hr. = $ 92 Ellen King : 2 . 5 hrs at $16/hr. = $ 40 Legal advertisement (approx. ) = $250 Plus review time for the Land Use Plan: Ellen King : 2 hours at $16/hr. = $ 32 (to distribute Land Use Plan and type DRC Report) Jim Shira : 1/2 hour at $35/hr = $ 17.50 Ray Brenner : 1/2 hour at $33/hr = $ 16. 50 Don Flippen : 1/2 hour at $26/hr = $ 13 . 00 ) individual staff Ron Strosnider: 1/2 hr. at $30/hr = $ 15. 00 review of Land Use Plan Bruce Behrens: 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60. 00 DRC Meeting (1/2 hr. each for Ellis, Jim, Ray, Bruce, Ron, Don, Ellen) = $106. 00 $ 702 . 00 (Round to $700. 00) (The existing fees are $770 for rezoning and $1,040 for annexation and zoning/rezoning. ) NOTE: THE FLAT FEE FOR REZONES OR ANNEXATIONS WITH INITIAL ZONING FOR PUDS ONLY COVERS STAFF REVIEW TIME AND ADVERTISEMENT COSTS. CITY ATTORNEY FEES ARE CHARGED TO THE APPLICANT FOR ACTUAL COST/TIME INCURRED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. THEREFORE, THE FEE FOR THIS CATEGORY MAY APPEAR TO BE A REDUCTION OVER THE EXISTING FEE BUT IN REALITY (WITH THE ATTORNEY TIME ACCOUNTED FOR) IT WILL FAR EXCEED THE EXISTING FEE) . Page 4 Proposed New Fees LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR PUDS To determine whether the change is substantial or non-substantial : Ellen King : 1 hour at $16/hr. = $ 16. 00 (to distribute Land Use Plan) Individual Staff Review (1/2 hr. each for Jim, Ray, Don, Bruce, and Ron) = $ 77 . 00 DRC Meeting (to vote on substantial or (1/2 hr. each Ellis, Jim, non-substantial change) = $106 . 00 Ray, Bruce, Ron, Don, Ellen Bruce Behrens: 1 hr. at $30/hr. = $ 30. 00 (to write staff report for City Comm. mtg. ) Ellen King : 1 hr. at $16/hr. = $ 16. 00 (to type/distribute report) Bruce Behrens: 1/2 hr at $30/hr. = $ 15. 00 (to attend City Comm. mtg. ) $ 260. 00 (There is currently no charge for this determination. ) If it is determined to be a substantial change, the following additional review is required: Bruce Behrens: 1 hour at $30/hr. = $30 (to write staff report for P&Z) Ellen King : 1 hour at $16/hr. = $16 (to type and distribute report) Advertisement cost (approx. ) = $250 Bruce Behrens: 1/2 hr at $30/hr. = $15 (to attend P&Z Meeting) $ 311. 00 (Round to $320. 00) (There is currently no charge for this. ) NOTE: THE FLAT FEES FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS ONLY COVER STAFF REVIEW TIME AND ADVERTISEMENT COSTS. CITY ATTORNEY FEES ARE CHARGED TO THE APPLICANT FOR ACTUAL COST/TIME INCURRED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. Page 5 Proposed New Fees SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Bruce Behrens : 2 hours at $30/hr. = $ 60 (review Julian's report and attend meetings) Julian Harper : 3 hours at $23/hr. = $ 69 (draft staff report, field investigation, notice to property owners) Ellen King : 3 ,hours at $16/hr. = $ 48 (ad, notice to prop. owners, type staff reports) Don Flippen : 1 hour at $26/hr. = $ 26 (review application) Advertisement cost (approx. ) = $250 City Attorney = $450 $ 903 (Round to $900. 00) (Existing fee is $270 . 00 . ) VARIANCES Bruce Behrens : 1 hour at $30/hr. = $ 30 (to review Julian' s report) Julian Harper : 3 hours at $23/hr. = $ 69 (draft staff report, field investigation, notice to property owners) Ellen King : 3 hours at $16/hr. = $ 48 (ad, notice to prop. owners, type staff reports) Don Flippen : 2 hours at $26/hr. = $ 52 (review application and Julian's report and • attend meetings) Advertisement cost (approx. ) = $250 City Attorney = $275 $ 724 (Round to $725. 00) (Existing fee is $150.00 . ) For variances requested by Single-Family Lot owners, a reduced fee is recommended since the City Attorney is not normally involved in such applications and the staff time would be provided as a service to the homeowner. If such a policy decision were made for this fee, we would recommend $250 to cover the cost of the advertisement. The City Attorney has advised me that for both Special Exceptions and variances the fees may be reduced by reducing the size of the advertisement we currently run in the newspaper. Paul says that other jurisdictions run smaller ads without maps. Jean Grafton called a few other cities and found that most run small ads in weekly papers, without maps. Jean estimates between $75-$100 for a smaller ad in the West Orange Times. Consequently, I would recommend that the special exception fee be reduced to $750 and the variance fee be reduced to $575 (and $100 for the single-family lot owner) . If a policy decision is made to keep the larger ads running in the Sentinel, then the fees listed above under Special Exception and Variance would apply. Page 6 Proposed New Fees The existing fee structure for all of the above categories is a flat fee only and currently none of the City Attorney charges are accounted for in the fees or charged to the developer separately. (In other words, the City is paying for the City Attorney review time. ) Under the proposed fees, certain flat fees would include attorney time (as noted) and others would have the attorney cost billed separately at the actual cost to the City. I have attached a chart which outlines what other jurisdictions are currently charging for the above categories to give you an indication of how our fees compare. Lastly, in the proposed draft of the Land Development Code, certain fees are spelled out. If we want to keep these specific references in the Code, we need to have the Development Review Fee Ordinance revised one last time, as we have discussed, either before the adoption of the Land Development Code, or concurrently. This would also allow us to charge the new fees when we open the next window for applications. It is recommended that Paul Rosenthal be consulted as soon as possible to advise how best to coordinate the passage of these new fees with the passage of the Land Development Code and the opening of the next annexation/rezone window. The other fees that must be incorporated into the ordinance are a revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment fee, a fee for Developments of Regional Impact, and any fees associated with Concurrency Management. • ANNEXATION ANNEXATION REZONE REZONES OR LAND USE IF SPECIAL VARIANCE ONLY WM-1INTML ONLY ANNEXATION PLAN SUBSTANTIAL EXCEPTION ZONING WITH INITIAL AMENDMENTS ZONING FOR PUDS APOPKA $700• $700 • $300• $850 for $300* $250• $300• PUD annexation/ $300 for zoning• $150 for single lot owner Single-Fam. $600 for lot PUD rezoning OCOEE "EXISTING-FEES $270 $270+ $770 $1,040 for - - $270 $150 $770=$1,040 annexation/zoning $770 for rezone to PUD "PROPOSED'FEES $800 $1,000 $1,000 $700• $260•(to $320* $750 $575 determine if additional $250 for substantial or $100 for under 10 acres non-substantial) Single-Fam. lot ORANGE COUNTY $818 $472(to $500 $912 $341 determine if additional • substantial or non-substantial) ORLANDO $105 $105 $1,050 $525 S-F/Duplex: • SEMINOLE COUNTY $1200+$10/acre $400 $1,100 $250 $100 over 10 acres additional (Max.of$2000) Others:$1400+ $50/acre over 5 acres (Max.of$2,500) PUDs:$1500+$2/D.U. or$10/acre(Max.$3500) • : These fees do not include attorney fees(the appicant is charged for the actual time/cost charged by the City Attorney). • DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS OF REGIONAL IMPACT APOPKA N/A $500 OCOEE 'EXISTING'FEES N/A N/A Future Land Use Map Amendment 'PROPOSED'FEES $7,429.00 without a PUD $8,049.00 with a PUD Less than 5 acres: $1,050.00 5-19 acres : $1,500.00 20 or more acres: $2,100.00 Comprehensive Plan Goal,Objective,or Policy Amendment:$2,100.00 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment(Petition by Citizen of Ocoee):$100.00 ORANGE COUNTY $7,429.00 without a PUD $2,100.00 $8,049.00 with a PUD ORLANDO $10,500.00 Future Land Use Map Amendment 5 acres or less : $1,050.00 5-19 acres : $5,250.00 20 acres or more :$10,500.00 Policy Amendment : $5,000.00 Amendment to Text(Petition by Citizen): $100.00 SEMINOLE COUNTY $7,000.00 if consistentwith the Comp Plan $5,000.00 $10,000.00 if inconsistentwith the Comp Plan RESOLUTION NO. 92-11 CITY OF OCOEE A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES; ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FLAT FEES; ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF REVIEW DEPOSITS; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH THE FLAT FEE INCLUDES ALL REVIEW COSTS; DESIGNATING ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 6 of Chapter 2 of Appendix "Au of Code of Ordinances of the city of Ocoee, as adopted by Ordinance No. 92- 15 on July 7 , 1992 , requires the City Commission of the City of Ocoee to adopt by Resolution a Schedule of Flat Fees, a Schedule of Review Deposits, and a listing of those applications for which the Flat Fee includes all Review Costs; and WHEREAS, the City staff has presented to the City Commission a report setting forth the estimated average cost of reviewing an Application; and WHEREAS, the Flat Fees and Review Deposits relating to the review of Applications as set forth in this Resolution are an accurate method of assessing the costs of development review functions and ensuring payment thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Section 6 of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION TWO: Definitions. All terms used in this Resolution shall be construed in accordance with the definitions set forth in Section 6 of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. SECTION THREE: schedule of Flat Fees. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby adopts and approves the SCHEDULE OF FLAT FEES as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION FOUR: Schedule of Review Deposits. The City Commission of the City of ocoee hereby adopts and approves the SCHEDULE OF REVIEW DEPOSITS as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The Schedule of Review Deposits shall be subject to upward adjustment: (1) by the City Manager or his designee on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 6.D.1. of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee; and (2) by the City Finance Manager in the circumstances set forth in Section 6.D.3 . of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. SECTION FIVE: Applications for Which the Flat Fee Includes all Review Costs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 .C.2 . of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby designates those Applications set forth in Exhibit "C" attached 2 hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as the applications for which Review Deposits are not required and for which the City Attorney, legal, consultant and engineering fees and costs incurred by the City are included within the Flat Fee. Except for those Applications set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto, a Review Deposit shall be paid in accordance with the Schedule of Review Deposits and the Applicant shall be required to pay the applicable Flat Fee and all Review Costs associated with the Application. SECTION SIX: Designation of Additional Applications Subject to the Payment of Development Review Fees. Pursuant to Section 6.A. 2 (xiv) of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, the City Commission of the City of ocoee hereby designates those Applications listed in EXUiibit "A" hereto as additional Applications within the scope of and subject to the provisions of Section 6 of Chapter 2 of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. SECTION SEVEN: Conflicts. All resolutions, parts of resolutions or acts of the City Commission of the City of ocoee in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. It is the intent of the City Commission that the Development Review Fees established by this Resolution will supersede all Development Review Fees heretofore established by the City. SECTION EIGHT: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and 3 independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION NINE: Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this - day of , 1992 . APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk Lester Dabbs, Jr. , Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, PLORIDA. APPROVED AS To FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1992. FOLEY & LARDNER APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON , 1992 By: _ UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. city Attorney C:1WP$11UOCSpEVFEES.RES 17/1192I IWW0101 PER;jb 4 EXHIBIT "A" FLAT FEE SCHEDULE(3) APPLICATION FLAT FEE Administrative Appeal to Board of Adjustment $ 150 . 00 or City Commission Annexation of Less than 10 acres with $ 250 .00 (1) , (2) Initial Zoning to Zoning classification other than Planned Unit Development Annexation of 10 acres or more with $1250 . 00 (1) , (2) Initial Zoning to Zoning classification other than Planned Unit Development Annexation (without regard to acreage) with $ 950 .00 (1) Initial Zoning to Planned Unit Development Annexation with Initial Zoning requiring $2000 . 00 a Developer 's Agreement Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Future Land Use Map Amendment Less than 5 acres $1050 . 00 5 - 19 acres $1500 . 00 20 or more acres $2100 . 00 - Comprehensive Plan Policy Amendment $2100 . 00 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $ 100 . 00 (Petition by resident of Ocoee) Deannexation $1500 .00 Development of Regional Impact $8000 . 00 Development Order for Development Regional $2625 . 00 Impact (Amendment to) Land Use Plan Amendment for $ 310 .00 Planned Unit Development (non-substantial change) Land Use Plan Amendment for $ 630 . 00 Planned Unit Development (Determined by the Development Review Committee to be a Substantial Change) Exhibit "A" - Flat Fee Schedule Page 2 APPLICATION FLAT FEE Rezoning (to a Zoning classification $1125 .00 Consistent with Comprehensive Plan) Rezoning (to a Zoning classification $1125 . 00 (1) Inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan) Site Plan Review (or any revisions to a previously approved Site Plan) - Residential 12 - 25 Units $ 675 . 00 26 - 100 Units $ 700 . 00 More than 100 Units $ 825 . 00 - Non-residential 25,000 to 50 ,000 square feet $ 700 .00 50 ,000 to 100 ,000 square feet $ 750 .00 More than 100 ,000 square feet $ 835 . 00 Special Exception $ 750 . 00 Subdivision Plan Review (or any revisions to a previously approved Subdivision Plan) - Residential 2 - 20 Lots $1070 . 00 21 - 200 Lots $1225 . 00 More than 200 Lots $1380 . 00 - Non-residential 2 - 5 Lots $1085 .00 6 - 10 Lots $1130 .00 More than 10 Lots $1275 .00 - Planned Unit Development $1300 . 00 Exhibit "A" - Flat Fee Schedule Page 3 APPLICATION FLAT FEE Abandonment and Vacation of Streets and $ 500 .00 Easements Variance - Single Family Residential Lot $ 100 . 00 - All other variances $ 575 . 00 Vested Rights Determination $ 100 . 00 NOTES: (1) If requested zoning is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan, then the Applicant must also apply for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and pay the applicable Flat Fee in connection with such Comprehensive Plan Amendment . (2) If the City, in its sole discretion, determines that a Developer Agreement is required in connection with an annexation and initial zoning to a zoning classification other than Planned Unit Development, then the Applicant shall pay the indicated Flat Fee for an "Annexation with Initial Zoning requiring a Developer Agreement" which will be in addition to Flat Fee associated with the annexation and initial zoning application. (3) Except for those Applications set forth on Exhibit "C" to this Resolution, the Applicant shall be required to pay: (a) the Flat Fee in accordance with the Flat Fee Schedule set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, (b) the applicable Review Deposit set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Resolution, and (c) all Review Costs associated with such Application. EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF REVIEW DEPOSITS(1) APPLICATION REVIEW DEPOSIT Proposed Subdivision $1000 .00 Proposed Non-Residential Site Plan $1000 . 00 Proposed Planned Unit Development $1000 . 00 Master Plan Proposed Multi-Family Development $1000 . 00 Proposed Apartment Complex $1000 . 00 Application for Determination of$1000 . 00 Vested Rights (This Review Deposit shall not be required if the applicant currently has a Review Deposit on account with the City in connection with a Project . ) Annexation and Initial Zoning Inconsistent $2500 . 00 with the Comprehensive Plan All other Applications requiring a $1000 . 00 Review Deposit NOTES: (1) Except for those Applications set forth on Exhibit "C" to this Resolution, the Applicant shall be required to pay: (a) the Flat Fee in accordance with the Flat Fee Schedule set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, (b) the applicable Review Deposit set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Resolution, and (c) all Review Costs associated with such Application. EXHIBIT "C" LISTING OF APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH THE FLAT FEE INCLUDES ALL REVIEW COSTS¢ • Abandonment and Vacation of Streets and Easements Application Annexation and Initial Zoning Application (without regard to acreage) for an initial zoning classification consistent with Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, except for applications seeking an initial zoning classification of Planned Unit Development.M Deannexation Application Rezoning Application to a zoning classification consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, except for applications seeking rezoning to a Planned Unit Development zoning classification.c1> Special Exception Application. Variance Application_ • NOTES: (1) The Applicant for a PUD zoning classification (including Land Use Plan approval) shall be responsible for the payment of all Review Costs in connection therewith. (2) Except for those Applications listed in this Exhibit "C", the Applicant shall be required to pay: (a) a Flat Fee in accordance with the Flat Fee Schedule set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, (b) the applicable Review Deposit set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Resolution, and (c) all Review Costs associated with the Application. CAWS I IDOCSUDLCI7/I.9;f IMMOf PLR j6