HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (B) 7:30 P.M. Closing of Bexley Boulevard Agenda 7-15-97 Item V B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•CoM\nss1u ER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee COMMISSIONERS ,ryy �o CITY OF O C O E E DANNY HOWELL ` - 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON o OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 SCOTT A.GLASS c�, v NANCY J.PARKER y (407)656-2322 AN CITY MANAGER 4a:9 Of GOO ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Janet G. Resnik,AICP, Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst u Through: Russell B. Wagner,AICP, Director of Planning 017 Date: July 9, 1997 Subject: Proposed Closing of Bexley Boulevard ISSUE Should the Mayor and City Commission approve the closing of Bexley Boulevard at its connection with Natchez Trace Boulevard? BACKGROUND Last year, the City Commission approved the temporary closing of Bexley Boulevard at its connection with Natchez Trace Boulevard as a means of addressing the concerns of Silver Bend residents. At that time, residents felt the access was contributing to problems with cut-through traffic, crime, damage to lawns, speeding, and excessive litter. In May of this year, the City Commission voted to poll the residents of Silver Bend to determine if they wanted to make the closing permanent. The City Commission directed staff to meet with the homeowners' association representatives to determine the cost of an acceptable barrier- since the homeowners would be responsible for paying for the barrier - and directed staff to mail a ballot to all Silver Bend residents to determine if a majority was in favor of permanently closing the road. Lastly, the City Commission directed staff to schedule a public hearing for June 3 at which time the outcome of the balloting and an explanation of costs would be presented. After the May 6 Commission meeting, staff met with the homeowners' association representatives. The residents decided to propose a wrought iron fence with brick columns on either side as the permanent barrier. The cost for the improvements was estimated at$7,500. In order to have time to hold a homeowners' meeting to present the proposed design and cost, and to do the balloting, homeowners' association representatives asked to delay the public hearing until July. A notice of this public hearing was published in the West Orange Times. 4 DISCUSSION Attached is the summary of the balloting which shows that 68 percent of the property owners in Silver Bend are in favor of the permanent closing. The ballot is also attached. It provided the residents with a depiction of the barrier and a cost. Staff and the residents feel that the fence is the best solution. The design actually provides for the fence to function as a gate that can be opened in the event of an emergency. Cross access for bicycles and pedestrians has also been incorporated into the design. If the City Commission approves the closing, formal quotes will be solicited for the work. The Engineering Department will coordinate that aspect of the project. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests that the City Commission approve the wrought iron fence with brick columns as the permanent means of closing Bexley Boulevard at Natchez Trace Boulevard and further recommends that the Commission include in its approval that the homeowners be responsible for the cost of improvements up to a maximum of$7,500, with the funds to be paid to the City before the work is awarded under the City's purchasing system. Any additional costs will be the responsibility of the City, to be taken from the Road Repairs Account in the Public Works Department. cc: Ellis Shapiro,City Manager Jim Shira,P.E.,City Engineer/Utilities Director Ron Strosnider,Fire Chief Bob Mark,Police Chief Richard Corwin,Public Works Director Whit Blanton,JHK&Associates Lloyd Johnson,President,Silver Bend Homeowners'Association Martha Lopez-Anderson,Homeowners' Association Liason Attachments bexleyclose.sr.doc TALLY SHEET . BEXLEY BOULEVARD CLOSING Conducted for Silver Bend Homeowners Association, Inc. JULY 2, 1997 A valid vote is one that was returned to the City Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 2, 1997, which has a signature and one box checked. All other votes are invalid. Ballots were mailed by Silver Bend Homeowners Association, Inc. to the following: Homeowners 163 Aristocrat Builders 3 XL Homes 16 Total 182 Ballot envelopes returned to City Clerk's office: 129 (79% of the possible votes were cast) Votes: YES 12 Li- NO I LP INVALID 4.. C 3 ,, / I YL.D) TOTAL 1 li- % in favor 2 % against 9 0/0 invalid 2. % abstaining 2. 1 Total 100% SI:gt`6 Witnesses to the counting of the votes: F, C1-1A/ "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE.' MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee, COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE DANNYHOWELL _�./ �'�1ti -.6.-• SCOTT ANDERSON �` 1 JO N. L,11:ESHORE DRIVEv a OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-3258 SCOTT A.GLASS NANCY J.PARKER cw (407)656-2322�y>f� CITY MANAGER OF June 18, 1997 FELTS SHAPIRO Dear Lot Owner: Pursuant to City Commission action of May 6, 1997, the Ballot below is for the purpose of determining your position. The deadline to return this Ballot is Wednesday, July 2, 1997. Please return in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope to ensure that your vote counts! In order for your ballot to be counted you must check one box indicating your approval or disapproval and sign this ballot. Sincerely, ___ —_! - h _ = g. I :M I II%I !! 1 El Shapiro � 1I1llHIt1( _ I•--- ity Manager 1G lR XVl INSIR BALLOT Do you approve of the permanent closure of Bexley Boulevard at Natchez Trace Boulevard with a permanent barrier consisting of columns on either side of the street supporting a closed wrought iron fence at a cost of $7500 or less which will be maintained and insured thereafter by the City of Ocoee? Li YES LiNO Signature required in order for vote to be valid - Signature of Lot Owner w 2.4•10a1.0 MOM n La.nu.l asrat 1-1--WZgVH `an7H A3'UCiH •-w Mtn 11150 o —.AA .wAIO WA. •a ' NM OFOUMOMS MOO to 1 ■wii - L�1tT1�tMI MEN• .nI.�• 11 00o t—i...--.... t 'Tlr',-- it [IjII In IIMM��� TTT ----..,•," t'---1 'T _ • onto omillimloo. f '��ij l iw i �.i — VI'11t tl. tt f • •i��.�• w., Tt r' r"---r il ,atv..sv s•wIN•bk- I I _I SA The West Orange Times Thursday, July 3, 1997 CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE CLOSING OF BEXLEY BOULEVARD The Ocoee City Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday,July 15, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical, at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Florida, to consider the proposed closing of Bexley Boulevard at the point of its connection with Natchez-Trace Boulevard.The public is encouraged to attend this hearing. Further information may be obtained from the Ocoee Planning Department at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida,or by calling(407)656-2322,extension 140,between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,except legal holidays. The date and time of any continuation of this hearing shall be announced at the hearing and no further notice will be published. Any person who desires to appeal any decision made during the hearing may need a record of the proceeding and for this purpose will need to ensure that a verbatim record for the proceeding is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office 48 hours in advance of the hearing.