HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (C) Hess Service Station - Amendment to Social Exception (Plantation Grove) Case #1-3SE-98 Agenda 1-18-2000
Item VI C
(407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER
DATE: January 10,2000
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Russ Wagner,AICP,Director of Planning g i
SUBJECT: Hess Station—Amendment to Special Exception
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve an amendment to the approved Special
Exception for the Hess Station?
On July 20, 1999, the City Commission approved a Special Exception for a second Automobile
Service Station at the Plantation Grove Shopping Center located at the northeast corner of
Maguire Road and Moore Road. As part of that action, a Preliminary Site Plan with Conditions
of Approval was adopted to guide development of the project. (See attached Preliminary Site
On December 10, 1999,a letter(attached)was received from Thomas Daly,representative for the
Hess Station, requesting that Staff confirm that site lighting could be designed consistent with the
existing Mobil Station at the Plantation Grove Shopping Center. After discussing this matter with
the City Attorney,it was agreed that the Special Exception Conditions of Approval were not clear
on this matter, and that a formal amendment should be considered by the City Commission to
clarify the lighting standards.
Condition of Approval No. 11, which is requested for amendment,currently reads as follows:
Except as otherwise set forth in conditions imposed by the City Commission, this Special
Exception does not address or constitute an approval with respect to site plan issues including,but
not limited to, the following matters: a) proposed dumpster location and access; b) screening of
equipment; c) a sidewalk joining the site to the sidewalk along Maguire Road; d) architectural
features of the buildings on the site, including building signage, except that a connection between
the canopy and building shall not be required; and e) landscaping. These issues will be addressed
with the site plan review and must comply with Land Development Code requirements in effect at
the time of application for site plan approval.
Protect tJcoee's 4�tatee`Resnttrces.e��� ‘57
Page 2
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
January 10,2000
As written, this Condition does not specifically address site lighting standards. Accordingly,
language may be added which identifies the parameters under which the site lighting would be
designed. Unless waived or modified by the City Commission,the Hess Station would need to
conform to the current Land Development Code (site lighting standards attached). These
provisions limit lighting intensity to an average of 1.00 foot candle over the entire lot. After
researching this standard, which was adopted from the lighting standard used at the West Oaks
Mall, Staff intends to propose revised lighting standards which increase the allowable intensity
of light for various uses. This proposed ordinance prescribes a more intense lighting standard
for service stations based upon national guidelines.
Since this revised lighting ordinance has yet to be discussed and acted upon by the City
Commission, ambiguity exists relative to the standards by which the Hess Station could be
constructed. The Hess representatives have stated that they are willing to match the same
illuminance level of the Mobil Station previously approved and constructed at the Plantation
Grove Shopping Center PUD. Since Staff has always taken a position that all projects within the
PUD be designed in an integrated and consistent fashion,this approach is supportable given the
unique circumstances of this project, assuming that all other provisions of the site lighting
standards contained within the Land Development Code are met.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners amend Condition of
Approval No. 11 of the Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception for the Hess Station by
adding the following language at the end of the condition: "However, site lighting illuminance
levels may match those of the existing Mobil Station at Plantation Grove Shopping Center,
except that lighting design shall otherwise conform to all additional Ocoee Land Development
Code provisions pertaining to site lighting".
Attachments: Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception
Letter from Thomas Daly dated December 9, 1999
Land Development Code—Site Lighting Standards
daly design group, inc.
Land Planning•Landscape Architecture
•Project Management
December 9, 1999
Mr. Russ Wagner D R@ R 0 W 1
City Planner
City of Ocoee, DEC 10 1999 ..r
150 N. Lakeshore Dr.
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Re: Hess station, Moore Rd. Special Exception
Job no. 9812
The purpose of this letter is to request clarification on the special exception
approval for this project. It is our recollection that a serious effort was made to
insure that this project was developed consistent with the existing shopping
center and specifically with the Mobil station to the north.
In order to complete our construction plans, we would like for staff to confirm that
our lighting design needs to be consistent with the existing Mobil station located
at the north end of the Plantation Grove P.U.D. Shopping Center. ,
Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
Th as y
Press ent
Cc: Mr. Tim O'Conner
Reed Cook
Dr. James Ferdinand
Scott Clark
daly design group, Inc. • 861 west morse blvd. • suite 125 • winter park, fl 32789
phone 407-740-7373 • fax 407-740-7661
e. Walkways and Pedestrian Connections _
p end
(i) Walkway areas will have sufficient width and plant spacing to ensure • • as entrate feature
safe and efficient access. as entry feature
(ii) Pedestrian walkways shall be landscaped with shade or understory <`_:' ';�:•: = -= • .:::::
trees equal to an average of(1)tree per 30 linear feet of walkway. •e'• ' CM* oce,
.:-.1.441PHIIIIIL/W,.)414::,:.: -.
f. Stormwater Facilities �� lam.
• `_1 ,-- ! '
(i) Stormwater facilities ponds and/or drydepressions will be desioned �
and utilized as site amenities and buffers along entrances and street • SP/ld ar'®).~' '( '`
frontages or as buffers between incompatible uses and landscaped _ _ `"' '."".`'''5 '' =_ '- --''-'•`,`-:
• with minimum 10 foot buffers consistent with side an rear yard buffer CUM ��- ` {��DJ=
regulations"(Figure 11) ;:1'� “ ' l - %�:
(ii) Wet stormwater detention facilities adjoining public streets which are • r�� '/ • .
required to include a water feature such as a fountain or spray jet �r
may be planted with appropriate aquatic plant material as outlined in E "`"
• Section E.3.(v)of these Private Property_ Regulations, upon approval Figure 11
of the City Engineer.
g. Lake Edges and Wetlands — Development sites abutting surface water
bodies or wetlands shall provide a minimum 25 foot wide buffer area
. • planted with appropriate aquatic plantings, as outlined in Section 3: Plant
Material List, along at least 75% of the littoral zone unless sufficient
\natural vegetation already exists.
h. Storage Areas and Site Utilities
(i) All masonry dumpster/solid waste enclosures shall be screened with
a 3 foot high planted hedge planted around the perimeter of the
(ii) Backflow devices shall be located back from the street frontage at
inconspicuous locations and painted green and fully landscaped to
screen them from view.
(iii) All outside electrical, telephone, cable, and gas equipment shall be
placed as dose to the building as possible and painted black and
screened with landscaping.
i. Site Lighting
(i) Parking lot lighting standards and fixtures shall be decorative in = _ •• -_'30'max.
nature, painted black, and not exceed 30 feet in height and shall be -az
equipped in such a manner as to eliminate spillover onto adjacent - =r` _ _
tracts.(see Figure 12)Parking lot lighting shall not exceed an average _ • •: .-.E=,,_�_..;. • .
of 1,00 foot candles in intensity over the entire lot ":; - ;,. _? ; `_-
(ii) Decorative Lighting shall be provided along walkway connections and _ _ --`7'• ``�� _- =
pedestrian areas along building frontages where garking lot lighting is = - - 5 : = _
inadequate to provide sufficient illumination. Lamo posts and fixtures �• -- •_ - ', `;: :e::c'
` shall be painted black to match parking lot fixtures and should not .;.6
exceed 12 feet in height.(see Figure 12) • — •. = .
Figure 12 .. :.
(iii) Site Lighting shall not incorporate flood-light fixtures mounted on
buildina walls or roofs.
(iv) Liahtina f on site buildings shall be limited to wall-washer type
fixtures or up-lights which do not produce spillover liahting.
(v) Liahting at building entrances may exceed 1.00 foot candle in
intensity for safety purposes, however such lights shall be directed
downward to minimize spillover lighting_ •
(vi) Liahting fixtures located under porte-cocheres, service station
canooies or similar structures shall direct liahting downward to
prevent any visible glare to surroundina properties.
j. Irrigation and Maintenance
(i) All landscaped areas within professional office, service,commercial,
and industrial areas shall be designed, installed, and maintained to
the highest quality judged against accepted best management
practices for tandscaoina_
(ii) All landscape areas shall be irrigated with a timed, automatic
underground system utilizing_poo-up heads whenever possible to
Provide 100%coveraae.
(iii) All landscaping materials shall be adeouatel maintained in a health.
condition and shall be allowed to arow in a natural condition and not
be pruned in a manner which inhibits the normal arowth pattern of the
3. Plant Material List
All required landscape materials shall be selected from the Plant Materials List These common plant materials shall
be used along streets,buildings,buffers. and parking lots. The palate of plant materials chosen for any project should
predominately utilize species which maintain foliage throughout the entire year.Decorative plant materials,not included
on the list,shall be used only with City approval.
All plant material to be used shall be container grovm and shall equal the standards for Florida No. 1 as set forth in
"Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", Part I, 1963 and Part II State of Florida Department of Agriculture,and any
amendments thereto. Plant material will be evaluated by texture,color,ultimate growth,xeriscape properties and ease
of maintenance.
a. Shade Trees •
Minimum size: three to three and one-half inch dbh,ten to twelve feet
height,five-foot spread,container grown.
Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak
Quercus virginiana Live Oak
Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia