HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A) Discus Hiring of Golder & Associates to Complete Risk Management Plan for Process Safety Management Agenda 1-18-2000
Item VII A
(407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER
DATE: January 5, 2000
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners
FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director
SUBJECT: Risk Management Plan - Process Safety Management
In accordance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, utilities such as ours were
required to develop plans to identify the potential for, and prevention of accidental
releases of hazardous chemicals.
In our case, the only hazardous chemical we need to address is liquid chlorine. We use
liquid chlorine at two of our four utility locations, the A.D. Mims Wastewater Treatment
Plant and the Jamela Water Plant. At the other two locations, the South Water Plant
and the Forest Oaks Water Plant, we have switched to on-site generation of sodium
hypochlorite and do not use liquid chlorine.
The first issue that we were required to address was the preparation of a Risk
Management Plan (RMP). The RMP was to identify the potential for an accidental
release of a hazardous chemical, and the effects of such a release. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency had established a website with detailed instructions
for completing this plan, but after reviewing the plan requirements on the website, I
determined that the amount of data collection required and the level of detail needed in
the report made in-house preparation of this plan unfeasible.
I next requested a fee proposal ford the preparation of this plan from each of our three
engineering consultants. Due to the highly specialized nature of the work, only one of
the firms submitted a proposal. Glace & Radcliffe proposed to complete a Risk
Management Plan for the A.D. Mims and Jamela locations for a total fee of $24,600.
I then spoke to a representative of the Orlando Utilities Commission, who said that they
had solicited quotes for similar work for their facilities and had selected Golder &
Associates to do an RMP for each of several dozen OUC facilities. ( A separate report is
required for each facility that trips a chemical threshold.)
oWIFk. Q.
Protect Ocoee`s Water ilesaurces
I called Golder &Associates and they provided me with a quote to prepare RMP's for
each plant for a combined fee of $5,900.00. This low fee was a result of their
experience with EPA's requirements related to the RMP process for the OUC facilities
and others in Florida and the southeast.
Golder prepared the RMP for each of the plants, and they were submitted on time to
The second requirement to come out of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 is that
utilities prepare a Process Safety Management (PSM) report. This report is based on the
requirements of an OSHA directive, 29 CFR 1910.119, "Process management of Highly
Hazardous Chemicals"which is termed the PSM Standard.
The PSM Standard describes 14 elements that must be implemented for each covered
process. In Ocoee's case, the liquid chlorine used at the A.D. Mims and Jamela plants
are covered processes, and fall under the PSM Standard.
The attached letter from Golder &Associates describes the work they did to prepare the
RMP, and describes in detail the requirements of the PSM Standard. As the letter
indicates, we have some of the elements that are required by the PSM Standard, but
there are several that have not been developed, and several that are only partially
As with the RMP, the preparation of the PSM is a very detailed, specialized task that we
are not prepared to undertake. Due to the complexity of the Federal guidelines, I know
of no utilities that have undertaken this task in-house.
Golder has provided a proposal to perform the work required to prepare a PSM report
for each of our two affected facilities for a combined fee of $15,000. They will perform
this work in accordance with State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS) #
973895 that Golder currently holds with the State of Florida.
I recommend that the City Commission authorize the transfer of $15,000 from the
Utility Administration Reserve for Contingency account to the Utility Administration
Professional Service/Other account, and further authorize Golder and Associates to
provide the services related to the Process Safety Management program as detailed in
their proposal dated October 20, 1999.
Protect Ocoee's Water 0
Golder Associates Inc.
8933 Western Way,Suite 12 LI
Jacksonville, FL USA 32256 6 ����Telephone(904)363-3430 ® = Golder
Fax(904)363-3445 (✓ Associates
October 20, 1999 PR9-3933
City of Ocoee
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira
Dear Mr. Shira:
Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) is pleased to respond to your request for a proposal to provide
Process Safety Management (PSM) development services for the City of Ocoee (Ocoee) Water
Treatment Plants located in Ocoee Florida at the following locations:
• Jamela Water Plant- 1108 Jamela Drive; and
• Mims Water Plant- 1800 A.D. Mims Road.
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 required the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) to develop a Standard designed to prevent accidental releases of highly
hazardous chemicals, which could impact the workplace. In May of 1992, OSHA satisfied this
requirement by issuing 29 CFR 1910.119, "Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous
Chemicals" (the PSM Standard). The PSM Standard requires that management principles and
methods be used to prevent and control accidental releases of hazardous chemicals. This
Standard applies to most facilities which store or use certain listed toxic chemicals in amounts
greater than given threshold quantities, or any flammable chemical (as defined in 29 CFR
1910.1200 (c)) in amounts greater than 10,000 lbs. Retail facilities and normally unoccupied
remote facilities are exempt from the PSM Standard, regardless of the quantities of chemicals
in their processes.
In addition to the OSHA Standard discussed above, the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 also
required the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enact a regulation to prevent the
accidental release of hazardous chemicals that could impact the general public or the
environment. In response to this requirement, the EPA promulgated 40 CFR Part 68,
Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs (RMP) Under Clean
Air Act, Section 112(r) in June of 1996. The RMP rule requires the owners of processes that
contain more than the listed threshold amount of 77 toxic and 63 flammable materials to take
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira -2 - PR9-3933
action to prevent the accidental release of these chemicals. All facilities subject to the RMP
rule were required to submit a summary of their program to the EPA before June 21, 1999.
PSM Requirements
Facilities that are subject to the PSM Standard must create a system of procedures and
management practices to ensure that their hazardous chemical processes are operated and
maintained, by the facility employees and contractors, in the manner for which they were
designed. The facilities must also collect information about each hazardous process and
perform a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) using one of the techniques listed in the Standard.
Finally, the facilities must establish incident response and investigation procedures to mitigate
the consequences of any accidental releases that do occur and to prevent the recurrence of such
The PSM Standard describes 14 elements that must be implemented for each PSM covered
process. These are listed below:
1. Employee Participation
2. Process Safety Information
3. Process Hazards Analysis
4. Operating Procedures
5. Training
6. Contractors
7. PreStartup Safety Review
8. Mechanical Integrity
9. Hot Work Permit
10. Management of Change
11. Incident Investigation
12. Emergency Planning and Response
13. Compliance Audits
14. Trade Secrets
RMP Regulation
Processes subject to the RMP rule are classified into one of three programs identified as
Programs 1, 2, and 3. Eligibility for each Program is based on process specific criteria so that
classification of one process does not influence the classification of other processes at the
facility. The three Program classifications are as follows:
1. Program 1 is available to any process that can show through an Offsite Consequence
Analysis (OCA) of the worst case release scenario that the worst case release of the
chemical would have no offsite impact. These processes must also have not had an
accidental release with offsite consequences in the five years prior to the submission
date of the RMP.
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 3 - PR9-3933
2. Program 3 applies to processes which do not meet the Program 1 criteria and are
subject to the PSM standard or are classified into one of ten NAICS codes named in the
RMP rule.
3. Program 2 requirements apply to all processes that do not meet Program 1 or Program
3 criteria.
All three programs require the following:
• A hazard assessment, consisting of an OCA of the worst-case release scenario and a
compilation of the process accident history over the past five years;
• An emergency response plan or emergency response coordination with local
responders; and
• An RMP submittal to the EPA for each facility, including registration, that covers all
affected processes at that facility.
For Program 2 and 3 processes, there are additional requirements: a management system, a 7
or 12 element prevention program, alternative release scenarios in the offsite consequence
analyses, and additional data submittal with the RMP. For any process subject to the PSM
Standard, measures taken to comply with PSM are sufficient to comply with the prevention
program requirements of Programs 2 and 3.
Ocoee's PSM and RMP Program Status
The Ocoee Water Treatment Plants have one chlorination process each, providing disinfection
of raw water. At each facility, the chlorine process is housed in an open, three-walled
building. Liquefied chlorine gas is stored in one-ton containers. Each chlorination process has
four one-ton containers connected at all times, resulting in a total chlorine inventory of 8,000
lbs in each process. Two containers are actively on line, continuously feeding the vacuum
system, and two are on standby. When the active pair is empty, the automatic switchover
device draws chlorine from the standby pair of containers. This system ensures continuous
disinfection of the water.
Both the PSM Standard and the RMP rule list chlorine as a regulated toxic substance with listed
threshold quantities of 1,500 and 2,500 lbs, respectively. Since each Ocoee chlorination
process contains greater than 2,500 lbs. of chlorine, both processes are subject to the RMP
rule. The Jamela Water Plant, however, has no permanent employees stationed at the plant and
can therefore be classified for PSM purposes as a remote, unoccupied facility. For this reason,
the Jamela Water Plant is exempt from the PSM Standard. The Jamela chlorination process is
therefore classified as a Program 2 process under the RMP rule and must have a 7-element
RMP Prevention Program (see RMP Regulation discussion above). The Mims Water Plant,
however, must comply with both the PSM and the RMP rules. The Mims chlorination process
is therefore classified as a Program 3 process, and its PSM Program can serve as the RMP
Prevention Program. Although Ocoee has taken some steps toward the development of these
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 4 - PR9-3933
required prevention programs, additional work is necessary at each facility to ensure complete
compliance with the PSM Standard and RMP rule.
In May 1999, Ocoee contracted with Golder to provide the RMP services necessary to comply
with the RMP Submittal deadline of June 21, 1999. Under that contract, Golder performed the
Offsite Consequence Analyses required by the RMP rule, prepared the required RMP*Submit
file, and assisted Ocoee in submitting files to the EPA by the June 21 deadline. Because of the
short time frame allowed for that scope of work, Golder could not assist Ocoee in the
development of the prevention programs required of the RMP rule (see RMP Regulation
discussion above). Golder is now proposing a scope of work to develop the required
prevention programs which will further assist Ocoee in achieving compliance with the RMP
rule and, where applicable, the PSM Standard.
Mims Water Plant - PSM Program
PSM Manual
Golder will direct and assist Ocoee in creating a central, controlled PSM Manual for the Mims
Water Plant. The manual will list the PSM documents that are to be controlled, specify their
locations, and designate responsibility for maintaining them. The manual will contain any
procedures that are developed specifically for the PSM Program, such as the Management of
Change procedure, the PSSR procedure, and the Employee Participation Plan. The manual
will reference procedures that exist for general plant safety purposes, such as the Emergency
Response Plan, the Lockout/Tagout procedure, and the Hot Work Permitting procedure,
instead of duplicating the information. This will distribute responsibility for the various PSM
elements to the departments from which they can best be managed, while keeping the number
of PSM Program documents to a minimum.
Employee Participation Plan
Golder will prepare a written plan describing how the Mims facility will involve employees in
development and implementation of the PSM Program. The plan will give guidelines for
consulting employees when developing operating procedures and training; involving employees
in Process Hazards Analyses, Pre-Startup Safety Reviews, and Incident Investigations; and
communicating PSM information to employees. This plan will be included in the PSM
Process Operating Procedures
Golder will review the existing operating procedures for the chlorination process and will direct
and assist Ocoee in writing new ones as needed. Golder will ensure that the operating
procedures contain all of the PSM requirements.
Safe work practices are addressed in the PSM Standard along with Operating Procedures. To
ensure full compliance with this PSM Standard paragraph at the Mims facility, Golder will
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 5 - PR9-3933
assist in the development of Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space Entry, Access Control, and Line
Breaking procedures, insofar as they apply to the chlorination equipment. This scope of work
does not include development of Lockout/Tagout or Confined Space Entry procedures for
non-PSM covered equipment at the facility.
Process Safety Information
Golder will review the process information available at the Mims Water Plant and direct the
collection of the information that is required under this paragraph of the Standard. This
information must include at least the following for the chlorination process:
1. Physical, reactivity, corrosivity, thermal, and chemical stability data for chlorine;
2. PELs and toxicity information for chlorine;
3. Discussion of the hazardous effects of inadvertent mixing of incompatible chemicals
that may occur;
4. Documentation of maximum chlorine inventory levels;
5. A block flow diagram of the process;
6. Documentation of the process operating limits;
7. Discussion of the consequences of deviations from process operating limits;
8. A critical equipment list;
9. Piping and Instrument Drawings (P&IDs); and
10. Process equipment specifications.
This proposal does not include the development Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs);
however, Golder will review existing P&IDs and advise Ocoee on the P&ID content required
for PSM purposes.
The process hazard, technology, and equipment information may be compiled into a Process
Safety Information notebook, or may be stored electronically in a database, as directed by
Ocoee. The compiled information will serve as a reference for Process Hazard Analysis Teams
and for further development of the PSM Program.
Process Hazards Analysis (PHA)
Golder will lead a team of Ocoee and Mims facility employees through a PHA for the process,
using the What-If/Checklist technique. Golder will also incorporate a semi-quantitative risk
ranking technique in order to prioritize the recommended action items that result from the
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 6 - PR9-3933
analysis. Upon completion of the PHA, Golder Associates will prepare a PHA Report and
deliver it to Ocoee.
Additionally, Golder will include in the site PSM Manual a PHA procedure that will give
guidance for performing, updating, and retaining PHAs. The procedure will also describe a
tracking system to ensure that PHA recommendations are resolved and that their resolutions are
Golder will prepare a written Training Plan, which will describe the type of training that
operations employees must receive and the required course content of the training. Golder will
review Ocoee's existing training, such as HAZCOM and chlorine safety training, and
incorporate the existing training into the Training Plan, insofar as it meet the PSM Standard
requirements. In addition, Golder will assist Ocoee in determining an appropriate refresher
training frequency. The Training Plan will also state the requirements for training record
content and retention. The Training Plan will be part of the PSM Manual.
Golder will also review the qualifications, training, and work experience of employees who
were working with the chlorination equipment prior to May 26, 1992 and, as appropriate, will
prepare certifications that will satisfy the PSM requirement for initial training.
Golder will develop a Contractor Safety Procedure that describes how contractors will be
screened and selected before working on or near the chlorination process. The procedure will
give specific contractor qualification criteria and contractor employee training requirements.
The procedure will also outline Ocoee's responsibilities as required by the PSM Standard.
Golder will review any existing contractor safety procedures or standard contract documents
and incorporate them into the PSM Program as appropriate. This procedure will be part of the
PSM Manual.
Management of Change (MOC)
Golder will prepare a Management of Change Procedure to ensure that all changes to the
equipment, procedures, chemicals, and facilities in the chlorination areas are properly
reviewed, authorized and documented. Golder will design the Management of Change system
to incorporate existing Ocoee work-planning and authorization procedures. Golder will also
develop and provide change authorization forms and a safety review checklist as part of the
procedure. The MOC procedure will be included in the PSM Manual.
Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR)
Golder will prepare a written PSSR procedure to ensure that chlorine is not introduced into new
or significantly modified equipment until the following items have been confirmed:
• design specifications have been met;
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 7 - PR9-3933
• adequate safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place;
• PHA requirements or Management of Change requirements have been met; and
• training of operators has been completed.
The procedure will include a PSSR checklist and will state when a PSSR must be performed. It
will be designed to work in conjunction with the Management of Change Procedure. This
procedure will be included in the PSM Manual.
Mechanical Integrity
Golder will assist Ocoee in developing a list of critical _equipment that is subject to the
Mechanical Integrity requirements of the PSM Standard. Golder will review the existing..
maintenance procedures and inspection and testing guidelines for all_equipment on the critical
equipment list. Golder will provide direction and assistance in revising the maintenance
procedures as required. In addition, Golder will also review the documentation of inspections,
tests, and other preventative maintenance work and will advise Ocoee on any additional
documentation needed for PSM compliance.
Hot Work Permit
Golder will review the existing Hot Work Permit Procedure and make recommendations for
revisions as necessary. If no such procedure exists, Golder will develop a Hot Work Permit
Procedure for the Mims Water Plant.
Incident Investigation
Golder will review the existing Incident Investigation Procedure and advise Ocoee on any
changes needed for PSM compliance. If no such procedure exists, Golder will develop an
Incident Investigation Procedure for the Mims Water Plant.
Compliance Audits
Golder will develop a compliance audit procedure to be used by Ocoee employees when
performing the required periodic compliance audits. The procedure will describe the audit
frequency, auditor qualifications, audit method, and documentation requirements. It will also
describe the system for ensuring that audit findings are addressed. The audit procedure will
include an audit checklist, audit report forms, and discrepancy forms. The Compliance Audit
Procedure will be included in the PSM Manual.
Emergency Response Plan
Golder will review the existing Emergency Response Plan and advise Ocoee on the plan's
compliance with the PSM Standard, as well as the following additional OSHA Standards: 29
CFR 1910. 38, Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Plans; 29 CFR 1910.165, Employee
Alarm Systems, and 29 CFR 1910.36, Means of Egress. If no such plan exists, Golder will
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 8 - PR9-3933
assist Ocoee in developing an Emergency Action Plan and a procedure for handling small
releases of chlorine.
Trade Secrets
Since chlorination processes are not proprietary or protected processes, the trade secrets
element of the PSM Standard is not applicable. Golder will write a statement to this effect and
include it in the PSM Manual for the Mims facility.
Jamela Water Plant — RMP Program 2 Prevention Program
Prevention Program Manual
Golder will compile the information and procedures required to satisfy the Program 2
Prevention Program requirements into a Prevention Program Manual. The manual will also list
the Prevention Program documents that are to be controlled, specify their locations, and
designate responsibility for maintaining them
Operating Procedures
Golder will review any existing operating procedures for the chlorine process and will revise
the procedures, or write new ones as needed to ensure compliance with the Prevention Program
requirement. These procedures will include not only the steps required to operate the process,
but also all of the RMP required information, such as emergency operations, emergency
shutdowns, consequences of deviations from the operating limits, and health and safety
Safety Information
Golder will gather or develop the information that is required under this element of the
Prevention Program. This information will include at least the following for the chlorination
1. A Material Safety Data Sheet for chlorine;
2. Maximum intended chlorine inventory level;
3. Safe upper and lower temperatures, pressures, flows, and compositions;
4. Process equipment specifications; and
5. Codes and standards used to design, build, and operate the process.
The safety information will be compiled into a Chlorine Safety Information notebook or in an
electronic database as directed by Ocoee. This information will serve as a reference for the
Hazard Review and for further development of the Prevention Program.
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 9 - PR9-3933
Hazards Review
Golder will lead a team of Ocoee employees through a Hazard Review of the process, using the
Checklist Hazard Review technique. The review will identify the hazards associated with the
chlorination process, opportunities for equipment malfunctions or human errors that could
cause an accidental release, the safeguards needed to control the hazards and prevent releases,
and the steps used to monitor and detect releases. Upon completion of the Hazard Review,
Golder will prepare a Hazard Review Report and deliver it to Ocoee. The report will include a
table of action items and a Hazard Review Action Item Tracking Form.
Golder will prepare a written Training Plan, which will describe the type of training that
operations and maintenance employees must receive and the required course content of the
training. Golder will review Ocoee existing training, such as HAZCOM and chlorine safety
training, and incorporate the existing training, insofar as it meets the Prevention Program
requirements, into the Training Plan. The Training Plan will also state the requirements for
training record content and retention.
Golder will assist Ocoee in developing a list of critical equipment that is subject to the
Mechanical Integrity requirements of the PSM Standard. Golder will review the existing
maintenance procedures and inspection and testing guidelines for all equipment on the critical
equipment list. Golder will provide direction and assistance in revising the maintenance
procedures as required. In addition, Golder will also review the documentation of inspections,
tests, and other preventative maintenance work and will advise Ocoee on any additional
documentation needed for PSM compliance.
Incident Investigation
Golder will review the existing Incident Investigation Procedure and advise Ocoee on any
changes needed for PSM compliance. If no such procedure exists, Golder will develop an
Incident Investigation Procedure for the Jamela Water Plant.
Compliance Audits
Golder will develop a compliance audit procedure to be used by Ocoee employees when
performing the required periodic compliance audits. The procedure will describe the audit
frequency, auditor qualifications, audit method, and documentation requirements. It will also
describe the system for ensuring that audit findings are addressed. The audit procedure will
include an audit checklist, audit report forms, and discrepancy forms. The Compliance Audit
Procedure will be included in the PSM Manual.
Golder Associates
City of Ocoee October 20, 1999
Attn: Mr. Jim Shira - 10 - PR9-3933
Emergency Response Plan
Golder will review the existing Emergency Response Plan and advise Ocoee on the plan's
compliance with the PSM Standard, as well as the following additional OSHA Standards: 29
CFR 1910. 38, Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Plans; 29 CFR 1910.165, Employee
Alarm Systems, and 29 CFR 1910.36, Means of Egress. If no such plan exists, Golder will
assist Ocoee in developing an Emergency Action Plan and a procedure for handling small
releases of chlorine.
Golder proposes that this project be performed on a time a material basis for at total cost not to
exceed $15,000 in accordance with State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS)
#973895 that Golder currently holds with the State of Florida. Golder suggests performing this
work under the SNAPS agreement because the SNAPS contract terms and price schedule are
available to all public entities within the State of Florida without further negotiation or
procurement justification. This can greatly simplify the procurement process for some public
agencies. To use the SNAPS agreement, reference SNAPS contract #973895 on the Purchase
Order (see attached SNAPS information).
Golder will initiate the proposed work within 2 weeks of receipt of written authorization to
proceed. The scope of work can be completed within three months of the date on which it is
initiated, unless otherwise directed by Ocoee.
Please contact the undersigned if there are any questions regarding this proposal. Thank you
for providing Golder with the opportunity to assist you with this project. We look forward to
further assisting Ocoee with its PSM and RMP compliance efforts.
Very truly yours,
Martha Mead Ira
Senior Project Manager
FN: c:\kameron\proposals\pr9-3933.doc
Golder Associates
is -e_:-•
•r. :
.._..405.0 Esplanade Way•Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950
i j
May 4, 1999 • Suite 325
Mr. Donald Miller
Golder Associates, Inc.
8933 Western Way Ste.12
Jacksonville, FL 32256
RE: SNAPS Agreement#973895
Dear Mr. Miller:
Enclosed is your approved copy of the requested renewal for the above mentioned SNAPS agreement. Your
reporting dates for your sales reports will be the same as for the previous term.
You are reminded of the Special Condition titled"Summary of Total Sales", stipulated that a summary of sales
made under this contract must be furnished to State Purchasing at the end of each quarter in the format specified
in the contract. Should you not make any sales during a quarter, a negative report must be submitted. Failure to
submit these reports will result in cancellation of your agreement.
If you have any questions please call Gloria Dixon at(850)921-2212,David Wright(850)487-3833,Martha
Hancock(850)488-2347 or Susan Barr at(850)487-6592.
Atei,1 Ata
Gwen Baker
SNAPS Administrator
Recycled Paper
• T.41
6 SNAPS ... ... ._
O . .
State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule
Division of Purchasing•4050 Esplanade Way•Tallahassee,Florida 32399-0950
*To be completed by the Division of Purchasing n
• SNAPS Tdle:04/kJS-u-LTlM G : 2"�k)/ dHEA R-I. •SNAPS No.
/� ,, c - 3 o ,( ��-
' Effective: .I Q ( 31 ��(q •Through: ll�(2XI CD, 4�J 5'- `/`l
Federal Employer Identification Number 58-1401091 'SPURS or S.S. Number t F5c2 J/40!09/- 00(
Vendor Name Golder Assoicates Inc. Internet Address www.gold er.com
Vendor Mailing Address 8933 Western Way, Suite 12 city Jacksonville
State Florida - Zip 32256
Telephone Number 904-363-3430 Toll-Free Number N/A
Area to be Served Entire State
Delivery will be N/A days after receiving order. Warranty N/A
kY �g m 4C (r Ci p � _a -. :{ 'Vz � �h: — � .-.., ✓ �' .. ,gt 3ti
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Check box(es)which apply.If yes,describe in space provided.
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Product provides energy conservation factors ❑ D.
Product has environmentally desirable characteristics ❑ n Provides environmental consulting services
Product conserves resources -• ❑ to protect the natural environment using _
Encourages an emerging technology ci innovative approaches as needed.
Posting of SNAPS Agreement
Proposals with recommended awards will be posted for review by interested parties at the location where proposals wore negotiated,and will remain posted for a period of 72 hours. Failure to
file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.53(5),Florida Statutes,shall constitute a waiver of proceedngs under Chapter 120,Florida Statutes.Alt proposals accepted by the State
are subject to the State's terms and conditions and any and all additional terms and conditions submitted by the proposers are rejected and shall have no force and effect Posting will be on or
about -
(D.; DU p O `), /99
I certify that this agreement Is made without prior understanding.or connection with any corporation.firm.or person submitting a proposal for the same materials,supples or equipment.and is
in at respects Lai'and without collusion or fraud.I agree to abide by all conditions of this proposal and certify that I am authorized to sign this proposal for the proposer and that the proposer Is
in compliance with at requirements,Including but not limited to certification requirements.In submitting a proposal,the proposer offers and agrees that if the proposal Is accepted.the proposer
will convey,sell.assign or transfer to the Stale of Florida all rights.title and Interest In and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the Anti-trust Laws of the United States
and the State of Florida for price fixing retat 0 .the particular commodities or services purchased or acquired by the Stale of Florida At the State's discretion,such assignment shag be made
and become elf-. •al the time the psi :�• agency terhers fahal payment to the proposer.
k.dSii�Fv,,�/'v''�:T`Cy3^'s"IjL. • t 4,..
53F,,,,. M ,tl3@'QniY.li".,.iv+,dcarrrc� ,sFsaa�r�i Y'f�
Au' onzed Proposer's Signature iill.t' A3Tr'" '
1Gi•a:`r,... 1— /r<��'�iL�-Pit"
Donald J. Miller '' ..^�' `
Proposer's Name(Please Print) Authorized Signature
DF1'ARTMENTOFMANAGEME T ^7 Principal/Branch Manager SERVICES . 4,0ALe _.41
Standard SNAPS
Units Billing Billing
Level Labor Category Rate* Rate"*
7 PRINCIPAL $/hr $131.75 $119.00
6 ASSOCIATE $/hr $113.00 $102.00
5 SRPROJMNGR $/hr $103.75 $93.00
4 SENIOR $/hr $92.75 $83.00
3 PROJECT $/hr $77.50 $70.00
2 STAFF II $/hr $60.00 $54.00
1 STAFF I $/hr $55.50 $50.00
A-E TECHNICIAN $/hr $43.75 $39.00
'' A-E 'DRAFTER $/hr $49.00 $44.00
' A-E SECTY/CLERICAL $/hr $39.25 $35.00
Notes: Labor rates shall remain valid for a period of one year.
"*" -Standard billing rates derrived from four representative projects (see Table 2). -
"**" SNAPS rates reflect a 10% discount from Standard Rates (rounded to the nearest dollar).
Labor charges are based on standard hourly billing rates for each category or staff.The billing rates
include costs to cover salary, payroll taxes (U.S.), insurance incident to employment, benefits
(including holiday, sick leave, and vacation), administrative overheads, and profit.
Other direct costs, including materials,travel, and subsistence will be invoiced at cost.
7, Subcontractor costs will be invoiced with a 12% markup.
,y `: . All mileage, per diem, and any associated travel expenses will be submitted in accordance with
State of Florida Statutes.
•; ,c Office services are billed at the following rates:
•;'.`. Service Unit Standard SNAPS
v° • Rate Rate
Personal Computers $/hr. $10.00 $9.00
-it CAD Computers $/hr. $15.00 $13.50
' _ Photocopies $/page $0.15 $0.14
x Color Photocopies $/page $3.00 $2.70
}`'= Drawing Reproduction $/mylar $14.00 $12.60
`r l $/blueline $2.00 $1.80
, Plotter(D and E size) $/plot $16.00 $14.40
Fax Transmission $/pg local $1.00 $0.90
.:� $/pg long-dist $2.00 $1.80
Jan-98 `
a}r -
1998 -APAiL
Moisture Content ASTM D2216 EACH $5.00 $4.50
Visual-Manual Classification ASTM D2488 EACH $5.00 $4.50
Unit Weight&Moisture from a Tube Sample ASTM D2937(Mod) EACH $25.00 $22.50
Atterberg Limits(LL,PL,PI,LI)(Method A) ASTM D4318(2) EACH $70.00 $63.00
Atterberg Limits(LL,PL,PI,LI)(Method B) ASTM D4318(2) EACH $55.00 $49.50
Carbonate Content ASTM D4373 EACH $50.00 $45.00
Specific Gravity ASTM D854,C97,C127,C128 EACH $40.00 $36.00
Organic Content ASTM D2974 EACH $35.00 $31.50
pH Determination ASTM D1293,D4972 EACH $35.00 $31.50
Resistivity ASTM G57 EACH $75.00 $67.50
Sieve Analysis,Wet Method(3"-#200) ASTM D1140,D422,C136(2) EACH $70.00 $63.00
Sieve Analysis with Hydrometer ASTM D422(2) EACH $85.00 $76.50 i
Sieve Analysis(passing#200 only) ASTM D1140,C117(2) EACH $35.00 $31.50 iv',
Standard or Modified Proctor ASTM D698,D1557(2) EACH $105.00 $94.50 \
Leak Off Test API RP 39 modified EACH $325.00 $292.50 1Permeability Test(granular soils) ASTM D2434 EACH $145.00 $130.50
Permeability Test(flexible wall)(Method C) ASTM D5084(1) EACH $255.00 $229.50 D"
Permeability Test(flexible wall)(Method D) ASTM D5084(1) EACH $245.00 $220.50 m
Permeability Test(GCL)(flexible wall)(Method D) ASTM D5887* EACH $245.00 5220.50 .m, •
Consolidation(one-dimensional) ASTM D2435(1) EACH co g
a. standard load/unload to 16ksf EACH $350.00 $315.00 lb.z.
b. each additional load increment EACH $50.00 $45.00 4TE, m
c. each additional rebound cycle EACH $75.00 $67.50 o
Swell or Settlement of Cohesive Soils ASTM D4546 EACH o.
a. method A or B EACH $150.00 $135.00 y;
b. method C EACH $350.00 $315.00
Unconfined Compression Test ASTM D2166 EACH
a. peak only EACH $50.00 $45.00
b. with stress/strain curve EACH $100.00 $90.00
TRIAXIAL U/U(3 samples) ASTM D2850(1) EACH $400.00 $360.00
TRIAXIAL C/U(3 samples) ASTM D4767(1) EACH $700.00 $630.00
TRIAXIAL C/D(3 samples) EM 1110-2-1906 App.X(1) EACH $800.00 $720.00
TRIAXIAL C/U(3 cycles) ASTM D4767 EACH $500.00 $450.00
Direct Shear C/D(3 samples) ASTM D3080 EACH $400.00 $377.50
California Bearing Ratio Test ASTM D1883 EACH $375.00 $325.00
a. one pt.specified density EACH $150.00 $135.00
b. dry punch(per pt.) EACH $70.00 $63.00
Pinhole Dispersion Test ASTM D4647 EACH $200.00 $180.00
'Tests are accredited by the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute(GAI),a subsidary of Geosynthetic Institute(GSI).
(1)ASTM D5084,D2850,D4767,D2435,D3080&E1110.2 includes a one point specific gravity,unit weight/moisture content,tube
extraction or remold at no additional charge,if requested.
(2)Includes moisture content
Note: Rates are based on the Information received at the time of quotation and the laboratory's interpretation(any modifications of the
above methods may affect the rates).
SAMPI F STORAGE POI ICY All samples will be disposed of thirty(30)days after submission of the test results unless otherwise stated in a
written request to the Laboratory. GCS will charge a storage fee after the 30 days,or return the samples to client at the clients expense. v1i
Please call regarding turnaround times. Turnaround times are affected by the combinations of multiple tests,samples,materials,and projects. 1fj
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Air Sampling Pump 40.00/120.00 35.00/105.00
Pump Calibrator 40.00/120.00 35.00/105.00
Noise Dosimeter 50.00/150.00 45.00/135.00
Anderson N-6 50.00/150.00 45.00/135.00
Detector Tube Pump 20.00/60.00 15.00/45.00
Spore trap 55.00/165.00 50.00/150.00 ,
Solomat MPM 4000 100.00/300.00 90.00/270.00
Heat Stress Monitor 50.00/150.00 45.00/135.00
Confined Space Entry 85.00/255.00 75.00/225.00
Moisture Meter 25.00/75.00 20.00/60.00
Boroscope 175.00/525.00 150.00/450.00
Air Sampling Stand 10.00/30.00 8.00/24.00
++S, xvW t --cu.'+^cr rya. tr vY �s'rX - x' A,f `c»d..
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401 -0/.4s,4 --th �T ,-,tra-rr,,i4,, •." .",sXr -.`irr�_,,,A. .;+,-v:7i�'-"a. w`.,L_ , s, , a
Walkie Talkie, P100 2 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
Channel, Motorola
Generator, Portable mounted 60.00/300.00 55.00/275.00
onto hand truck
�,,A•• i1 i .9�ft , s .'ice —.,4 s 1,- _-0-,.� 3-1a..,4 , aS--j'F Ar.tz t -Taw., 5` ';
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S,Te st 0" -7 C - `S•,C F. 0 :Frt.r'wv "i a N y 1,4. P.) fly f P i'4,,2-s, .... i s- -1 44.P.
3A �.:uaf3'��. � �� '.?etaF��..d '..�Sr"�>,.) -�',Fs7a"a'::4�.:• "t!',..E'+t�i�'S>. .Y'1.o����z ,.. '4�'� £��+'�.t"3,`_'�
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Gastechtor 1214 40.00/200.00 35.00/175.00
MSA 62S 15.00/75.00 14.00/70.00
Manometer 10.00/30.00 8.00/24.00
MSA 361 40.00/120.00 35.00/105.00
OVM 75.00/225.00 50.00/150.00
Eberline Radiation Dector 15.00/70.00 10.00/45.00
Photovac —Microtp 45 00/225 00 40.00/200.00
w 3,,. •rr a' I 'ems 41 Ay4-11 4 T,E�•ctc ilt-G 4.t .7 rr'f` 1 F w my +o .g 2
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Flighter Auger Kit, (Bosh, 30.00/120.00 20.00/80.00
.‘,,'...-'' SNAPS 1717-'12-;:-'
Approved by DMS•State Purchasing
.Isti* ! ur...At, s {'i x� it. jI1 '�;API x-'S � t�i+e! f VIr s ,d x-a e s . �. ;._ >i r i7,,. :,'�., yw .yYta i{I .k� � S} y t i.+i 1 t'� )- ,in
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Horizontal Inclinometer, 50.00/200.00 45.00/180.00
Mud Balance, DFI Testing 5.00/15.00 4.00/12.00
Oven 10.00/30.00 8.00/24.00
Point Load Shear Device 75.00/225.00 68.00/200.00
Ponar Dredge 10.00/30.00 8.00/24.00
Tape Extensometer, Sinco 10.00/30.00 8.00/24.00
Hand Augur & Extensions 6.00/30.00 5.00/25.00
Field Tool Kit 15.00/75.00 14.00/70.00
Torvane 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
i a q,, 'Y x3 x a*«"i 0.'9 ' M .,*., • .g ,— I a g e y, . a ,,,+x A.
_ `�4r .P = aye * Y ?fib Q 0 61N . m 1 � ` "` L'�a 3
wL@ul ,. a4'9-7Ww /-14'ne ,` A Bally R a 4 :1 ,. yN�f,
Aluminum Flowmeter Kit, 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
Cole Parmer
Arch Pump, Westinghouse 15.00/75.00 14.00/70.00
Colorimeter, Hach 10.00/40.00 8.00/32.00
Conductivity Meter, Myron L 15.00/50.00 10.00/33.00
Conductivity Meter, YSI 15.00/50.00 10.00/33.00
Data Logger, SE-1000 In-situ 100.00/300.00 90.00/270.00
Geokon GC-3 35.00/Day
Digi Sense (Thermometer), 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
Cole Palmer
Digital Thermometer 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
Grundfos Development Pump 70.00/350.00 60.00/300.00
Peristaltic Geo Pump 20.00/50.00 10.00/45.00
pH Meter, Hach 15.00/75.00 14.00/70.00
Transducer 10,25,50,75,100, 10.00/50.00 9.00/45.00
& 750 psi, Geocon, 150' to
Turbidity Meter, DRT 35.00/175.00 32.00/160.00
Water Level Indicator 6.00/30.00 5.00/25.00
Water Testing Kit, Portable, 15.00/70.00 10.00/45.00
YSI Dissolved Oxygen Meter 15.00/70.00 10.00/45.00
Interface Probe — Oil 30.00/110.00 25.00/92.00
ORP Tester 5.00/20.00 4.00/16.00
Pygmy Flow Meter 50.00/200.00 40.00/150.00
Petro Flag — Hydrocarbon Kit 75.00/225.00 60.00/75.00
SNAPS .,:,.�_:..--
Approved by DMS s State Purchasing