HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (B) Change Order No. 1 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for CIP Projects 4, 20, 21, 26 & 27 Agenda 1-18-2000 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" It eem VII B YOR•COMMISSIONER COcoee -S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT '4( CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVEDANNY HOWBLL SCOTT ANDERSONOCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258� RUSTY JOHNSON (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: January 10, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.EG9 Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: CIP Projects 4,20,21,26 &27 Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 1 on the CIP Projects 4, 20, 21, 26, and 27 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. These projects are described as: Project#4: Removal and rebuild of the road bed and installation of ribbon curbs on Kimball Drive including the intersection with Sabrina Drive going south terminating after the curve. Project#20: Removal and replacement of the 48 inch stormwater pipe along Little Spring Hill Drive from Fort Collins Court to North Durango Avenue. Project#21: Installation of a new curb inlet and a yard drain on Windswept Court and connection to the existing stormwater collection system. Project#26: Reset and replace the existing curb inlets to required grade on Lakeview Drive. Project#27: Reset and replace the existing manhole to required grade on Nancy Ann Terrace. This change order request was initiated by City staff to compensate the contractor for additional work requested by the City Staff to adjust unit quantities on numerous construction items and "final out"the project. PROJECT ADDITIONS: Item 1-A- CIP #4 -Kimball Drive: Expansion of Project Protect Ocoee`&Water R sources The Engineering Report, dated revised March 1996, identified the repairs needed for the Kimball Drive area only in the section of the roadway from north of the intersection with Sabrina Drive south to around the curve. Based upon review by the Engineering Department it was decided that a road rebuild project would be needed for all of Kimball Drive in the near future. There would be no need to do the middle quarter of the project, so why not do approximately half of the road at this time. The remaining portion would be included in the second stormwater CIP program to be put together this year for the City Commission's review. The project was expanded to continue north to the intersection with Wurst Road and the same design was utilized. The increase in scope was calculated into the quantities at the contract prices. The cost to perform this additional work was $61,391.00, with an increase in contract time of fourteen days. Item 1-B - CIP#4 - Kimball Drive: Reconstruct the Swales in the Expanded Project Limits The original design did not include the reconstruction of the swales as a part of this project. If the City is going to rebuild the road and do some drainage improvements to handle all but the major rainfall events, the swales needed to be reconstructed to provide some runoff retention. The swale reconstruction allowed for an approximately ten foot wide by twelve inch deep swale between the back of curb and the sidewalk. In areas where there was no sidewalk the same planned dimensions were utilized. The entire swale was resodded with Bahia or St. Augustine to match existing sod. The cost to perform this additional work was $6,440.00, with an increase in contract time of seven days. Item 1-C - CIP#4 -Kimball Drive: Reconstruction of Sidewalks in Select Areas The original project did not include any sidewalk replacement. The majority of the sidewalk is in an acceptable manner. However there were five areas that were cracked, crumbling, and or unacceptable to current City Standards (tripping hazards). The total combined area was approximately 38 square yards of sidewalk and the contractor agreed to replace the sidewalk at similar unit costs taken from one of the other projects. The cost to perform this additional work was $836.00, with no increase in contract time. Item 1-D - CIP #20 -Little Spring Hill Drive: Rehabilitation of Drainage Structure The drainage structure that this project was to connect to was cracked and showed evidence of leakage. The structure did not need to be replaced, only repaired. When the structure was exposed for the new pipe installation the exterior repair was performed. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,889.00,with no increase in contract time. Item 1-D - CIP#20 -Little Spring Hill Drive: Addition of Conflict Drainage Structure The original design included an existing utility discovery phase. Based upon the field surveys the sanitary sewer pipe crossed above the stormwater collection pipe and missed by a few inches. The sanitary sewer on Meadow Sweet court was identified on the project plans. Upon excavation of the intersection to remove the old and install the new pipes, it was discovered that the sanitary pipe had in fact been installed through the stormwater pipe by "crushing" the metal pipe. The only acceptable method of fixing this conflict is to install a structure similar to a standard drainage junction box and pass the sanitary sewer through it using ductile iron pipe per PoWF Pr ctkiiiirs:WaterRem;times- . St. Johns River WMD and Florida Department of Environmental Protection standards. The cost to perform this additional work was $5,100.00, with an increase in contract time of seven days. PROJECT ADJUSTMENTS: In all unit price construction projects, a change order is required to adjust quantities from the estimated contract amount to the actual installed amount and adjust the associated costs to perform that work, to make them equal so that the contract is 100% complete and does not appear as if there is still work to be performed. This change order is performing that task of adjusting quantities and final the contract between the City and Wharton-Smith,Inc. There were 95 items of work required under this contract on the five projects. There were 16 work items that were over the estimated contract quantity which had a value of$10,921.00 to the contractor and 15 work items that were under the estimated contract quantity which had a value of$22,111.00 to the City. The net result is a reduction in contract amount of$11,190.00, with no change on the contract time. The total cost for this change order is $64,466.00 with a time extension of twenty-eight days on the contract time. The original project cost was $407,000.00, this change order increases the contract amount to $471,466.00. This change order amounts to approximately 15.84 percent increase in the original bid price. The attachment is a copy of Change Order No. 1, which is the only change order for this project. The Stormwater Loan Account has approximately $500,000.00 left for construction related projects. The cost of this change order will be paid from the Stormwater Loan. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $64,466.00, with an extension in contract time of twenty- eight days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Attachment 1) Change Order No. 1 • PO Protect O coati's Water Rase urcest a Ocoee ; CITY OF OCOEE 4-4, a Engineering/Utilities ., 0 150 North Lakeshore Drive `'�,C ,�?° Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 `*OF COO°`? CHANGE ORDER NO. #1 CITY OF OCOEE CIP PROJECTS NOS. 4-20-21-26-27 PROJECT NO. DATE: January 3,2000 CONTRACTOR: Wharton-Smith,Inc. AGREEMENT DATE: January 5, 1999 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $407,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $407,000.00 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $64,466.00 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $471,466.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 150 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: January 19,1999 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: June 18,1999 Net.Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 28 Days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: July 16, 1999 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the • Project Manual listed in Article 1,Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Item 1-A: RPC#001 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive: Extension of the limits of construction of the project north on Kimball Drive to Wurst Road from the intersection of Kimball and Sabrina Drives. The extension of the project limits includes installation of ribbon curb and removal and replacement of the road base and asphalt. Item 1-B: RPC#002-CIP#4-Kimball Drive: Rework the swales along both sides of the street throughout the expanded project area. The rework of the swales will involve the construction of a 12 inch deep swale between the newly constructed curb and the existing sidewalk. The approximate dimensions of the swales are a total of 965 linear feet of swales at a ten foot width provides approximately 1000 square yards of construction and sodding. Item 1-C: RPC#003 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive: Removal and replacement of sidewalk in five select areas within the project area. The total work for the five areas equals 38 square yards of sidewalk construction. Item 1-D: RPC#004-CIP#20-Little Spring Hill Drive: Existing structure ED-3 will need to be repaired by external sealing to prevent further groundwater intrusion. Item 1-E: RPC#005-CIP#20-Little Spring Hill Drive: The conflict with the sanitary sewer at Meadow Sweet Drive requires the installation of a conflict manhole structure. Item 1-F: Adjustment of Quantities: This item is to adjust quantities of various pay items,up or down, based upon the actual work completed. The attached copy of the pay request backup documentation specifically delineates the line items that were overrun or underrun. The items listed as positive numbers are actually for work not needed and is money left in the contract. The items listed as negative numbers are for overruns and is additional money due the contractor. General Bid Categories: Zero items increased-Four items remained the same-One items decreased Net Change: ($ 8.00) Project 4-Kimball Drive: (adjusted under change order no. 1) Zero items increased-Twelve items remained the same-Zero items decreased Net Change: $0.00 Project 20-Little Spring Hill Drive: Five items increased-Eleven items remained the same-Five items decreased Net Change: ($ 11,307.00) Project 21 -Windswept Court: Three items increased-Eighteen items remained the same-two items decreased Net Change: $744.00 Project 26-Lakeview Drive: One items increased-Ten items remained the same-Five items decreased Net Change: ($767.00) Project 27-Nancy Ann Terrace: Seven items increased-Eight items remained the same-Three items decreased Net Change: $ 148.00 00842-2 III. JUSTIFICATION Item 1-A: RPC#001 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive:The original project only included the rehabilitation of the "middle quarter"of Kimball Drive,starting just north of the intersection with Sabrina Drive and ending around the curve to the south. Based upon the Item 1-B: RPC#002-CIP#4-Kimball Drive:The original design did not include reworking the swales. The project intent was to repair the road and provide a much runoff relief as possible. Therefore,the existing swales were reworked to increase the runoff/percolation characteristics. Item 1-C: RPC#003 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive: Sidewalk repair was not included in the original project;the majority of the sidewalk is in acceptable condition and does not need replaced. However,to give the project area a total retrofit it was decided to replace only the sidewalks that were cracked and crumbling. Item 1-D: RPC#004-CIP#20 -Little Spring Hill Drive: The existing structure has some hairline cracks that are leaking when there has been excessive rainfall to raise the groundwater levels. To prevent roadway settlement this structure should be repaired to prevent the leakage. This project exposed this structure during the construction process;therefore it was easier to fix from the outside and provide a more effective repair. Item 1-E: RPC#005-CIP#20-Little Spring Hill Drive: The existence of the sanitary sewer pipe was known during the design process and based upon the elevations within the existing sanitary and storm sewer structures it was determined that the pipes should not conflict with each other with the new project. This crossing was under the intersection with Meadow Sweet Court. Upon excavation of the intersection it was discovered that there was a conflict between the two pipes;the sanitary sewer pipe had been laid through the storm pipe by crushing the storm pipe. To alleviate the conflict it would require the installation of a structure to allow the sanitary pipe to cross without restricting the follow conditions of either pipe. Item 1-F: Adjustment of Quantities: During the construction of the improvements,various work was either reduced in scope because the work was not needed or their was excess quantities in the pay item or increased because the work was needed or their was less quantities in the pay item to cover the necessary work. This change order is needed to adjust the quantities of the pay items that were not installed at the bid quantities to the amount that was installed to show that the project was fully completed,the City approved the line item overruns,and accepted the line item underruns as completed work. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item 1-A: RPC#001 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive: These costs are based upon the contract bid prices. Item 1-B: RPC#002-CIP#4-Kimball Drive: These costs are based upon negotiated unit prices and contract bid prices. Item 1-C: RPC#003 -CIP#4-Kimball Drive:These costs are based upon the contract bid prices from similar work on the other sub-projects. Item 1-D: RPC#004-CIP#20-Little Spring Hill Drive:These costs are based upon negotiated lump sum prices. Item 1-E: RPC#005 -CIP#20-Little Spring Hill Drive:These costs are based upon negotiated lump sum prices. Item 1-F: Adjustment of Quantities:All line items were adjusted using the unit prices for that line item. 00842-3 V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price 1-A Expansion of Kimball Drive Project $61,391.00 1-B Reconstruct Swales and Sod New Swales 6,440.00 1-C Sidewalk Replacement 836.00 1-D Repair Structure ED-3 1,889.00 1-E Extra for Conflict at Meadow Sweet Court 5,100.00 1-F Adjustment of Quantities (11,190.00) Total Net Increase Change Order No.#1 $64,466.00 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby,is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. 00842-4 RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA WHARTON-SMITH,INC. By: By: Signature Signature Date: Date: Title: Title: APPROVED BY: • CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA Owner By: S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF ,2000 UNDER ,2000. AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney 00842-5 ` Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 0� `'Si Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) �,il`t\ ogs;" Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax NO. OW PROJECT DATA: NAME: CIP Project Nos. 4,20, �/21,26,&l27 /l/ �J/� ✓� PROJECT NO: LOCATION: GJrP /t 0. lc,,, I4 e, DATE: OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Wharton-Smith, Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimedm for subcontracts/� must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION//� of change in work: 6x i,, pf /A v /,M/�s pF ��i I,r i//6t-j'� /1 Gar 714 7/0 L' t S 9 �10D/(/f 1;n0"I ,-i 1a // 6G/di1, 'i+A / rt 66c-+ G4-L / roa�S/il re--4e-G •�a�7i 4Paa O 'fhrr- aitGi4/Ar j WG/hL Change Order Type: d Deletion Addition d Revision d Other:( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: Changes in Owner Requirements el Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. d OWNER:David A.Wheeler,City of Ocoee d CONTRACTOR:Rick Alexander,Wharton-Smith, Inc. d ENGINEER:Greg Teague,PEC, Inc. d FIELD:Frank Bruce,City of Ocoee d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER:Jerry Cox, Daniels Contracting Company,Inc. d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. ()Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor ITEM OF WORK' QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL st;e. 47'-7/ AS Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 6/i 3 9/ ° EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal.the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of I additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: I, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of ,199 . (day) (month) (Year) 00847-2 v✓ark s kel bb /xr.$ ;1 I4.s1G/4 A✓ e•,f 776_4 vL S ` 6 W-: Lro c 4 L&C _ 77_6 s./_e U," s l 53 6" Co Al fSi4 74ie, Se 6.rC_G_LL 7 7.6 5Y °75 y 6, y " h L ‘/e, 776 5__Y__6 YO "/-9/ -- `1!,_Ld /d'71,4 ^ olis fil o 71ez14 w, �A �.��,°J�1 9 0A. " // Go,-iG/e.tie, /�.6�^_�:,,r _;47)0 / °`yGF 3_9 .Z D, ve .g 366, `° 74—Odd ;10;74 l I-)!/_/iL (.i'lGr_c/ 4.6. M6,-,//dnea! 1°c_y 2��Ms-1,5 G����� s�.—a 5_S/v_ N-"de,- Pay 1.1('i,+-,S , al e/ 71X/.S /D e rG En J�! � p/!� �D�C f/GnC,�/y i�+G1Gast, 1fri s 9. / .Z (4j3qs ) : 4. 5, 500 __-_dd•1t_P�^� LJ cr lc- (As o_diassJ 3, 0 2 S: 46 Tv fA / Cis f Fot 4DayiRA41 Lief �L = F�/ 3 9/. " o�` Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL e a Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) r�i< F 0 Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. 00 z � oF coa��� PROJECT DATA: NAME: CIP Project Nos. 4,20, / y 21,26,&27 n PROJECT NO: LOCATION: C2//�'' /�t o — /Ci » LiG I/ /Jr ivy DATE: OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Wharton-Smith, Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work:- /1C kipt le, 7/- e, S wG tGS onD o// S/dGAS D J' /Cie i a // /3r,`vC Fir -'A Cr eei 7:(id leI.-) >ti �fi 7 e., f rey Z.cr' , Tie O fproXr,,,7Gfe_ ,d,.-10--,S/ors ate. 0 to1a / of masa 0" 94 LF- o-P Sic/e,s 4i /b Foc/ t.,i/Wet . Toi' / cfLe, aD 6e, rc,,iG/ke,i /.S 1000 S y oF' Swa/e,, carxS71r4.4- 7 11 Cr(id s v dotil Change Order Type: d Deletion ®Addition d Revision d Other:( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: 0 Changes in Owner Requirements d Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. d OWNER:David A.Wheeler,City of Ocoee d CONTRACTOR:Rick Alexander,Wharton-Smith, Inc. d ENGINEER:Greg Teague, PEC, Inc. d FIELD: Frank Bruce,City of Ocoee d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER:Jerry Cox,Daniels Contracting Company, Inc. d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From-Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: d Established Contract Unit Price(s) © d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor a s V r '} ' ITEM QF WORK QUANTITY.` PRICE; TOTAL' �',.-�w..../�� -,/ 1) fie,t-iGr/'- SL, /PJ pn 6071X 5Jp/CJ dP / Dcd ;Dai' SY S ``' .J�.001,`.0 -zJ 50PI Dd,.,S 4A):4 of HN e. 14ae r�e--/c1 easy ACi.' ; 41G1 (2-90 Sy a/e,€,d7 i/+ CA.17/14c4 Attach additional pages if necessary. c ,e) NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ Clj//%'l . EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 7 additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: 1, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of ,199 (day) (month) (Year) 00847-2 JAN-11-00 13: 58 FROM:WHARTON SMITH ID.4073231238 PAGE 2/3 ! GA • JUH 11 WU 11-/f r 11:31•Pwro,NrillAIRIIIMI MUM Eral!tb.SI*INP096-RJ nrwsl, BACK UP INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THE RECONTOURING OF THE SWALE ALONG KIMBALL DRIVE: THERE WAS 965 LF OF SWALE MEASURED ALONG KIMBALL-DRIVE- THE AVERAGE WIDTH WAS 10 FT..SO THE TOTAL SY OF SWALE WAS ESTIMATED AT 1,072$Y. CREDIT WAS PROVIDED FOR SOME DRIVEWAYS,ETC.AND THE FINAL QTY.WAS AGREED TO AT 1,000 SY. CREW COST UNITS QTY UNIT TOTAL LABOR: COST COST GENERAL FOREMAN/OPERATOR MH 40 • $ 26.00 $ 1,120.00 GENERAL LABORER(S) MH 80 $ 14_00 $ 1,120.00 EQUIPMENT: BOBCAT LOADER 40 $ 15.00._ _ FLAT BED TRUCK EH • 40 20.00 $ 800.00 HAND TOOLS&MISC. Eli 40 $ 15.00 $ 600.00" • • • • SUBTOTAL $4,240.00 SUBCONTRACTORS OH&P ••, • . $ " MOM • TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS COST $ 4,560.00 GENERAL CONTRACTORS OH&P • $ 460.00 . .. TOTAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS COST • $ 5,000.00 SUBCONTRACTORS UNIT COST $4.550/1,000 SY $4.55/SY GENERAL CONTRACTORS UNIT COST 8($5,00011,000 SY is$51SY • , • • .; • •1'• :;• • • : . • . . o� ocoae CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1-7%\ a Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) rfif F coo Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax NO. 062 PROJECT DATA: NAME: CIP Project Nos. 4,2,0,21,26,&27 /�, /' / PROJECT NO: LOCATION: C f N/ 9 k/1 c — "�4 A 7/ /J r/v Pi DATE: OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Wharton-Smith, Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: S,o% t./G if Ai hLe_. ^-+G^7,L — ThGIG C,/C Five /OGG 7//O,tS U//Aif G y/dJ e.L71 0rGA C PG'^76Ci Fa/' Ace, 4c7' C/Qcice-01/ bre/Len Con GrG�L E X/6 t,1 >4. 7 'J CCce-? it c.c.- . ' "Is 'fe, he re,,,-,avGL'/ 4--I /Ne i�4aE.Gi p e,- -/n ei .c p e c-i.Fit-4 f/r^J, •if'rs W Pi k., ,1S G�i 743/ G.r/Gr in' / i f-rp e c-/ r v u,/rc. c-n 7'S _ t! Change Order Type: d Deletion 6 Addition d Revision d Other.( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: Changes in Owner Requirements d Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. d OWNER:David A.Wheeler,City of Ocoee d CONTRACTOR:Rick Alexander,Wharton-Smith, Inc. d ENGINEER:Greg Teague,PEC, Inc. d FIELD:Frank Bruce,City of Ocoee d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER:Jerry Cox,Daniels Contracting Company, Inc. d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: • A. ®Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor � � ITEM OF�WORK ' � A QUANTITY �'}_g.'F x, t'aai �.r _ : Vh S`+t-� F s� s, u r '� ��,.g 3 4. .'r< r' r x y�' i✓ ! °,t-�^r...:ac..�...�y4..�za, -��.. .`';._A�,.w.�'a.0 cam`.,ks�., .,.,� _.....3d a,„.,,t„- ......,,..,x.,;--._.__. �Z.....,�, r s'kwn,a.�.,_ isF... ..��: . ._.'�,.�. ..�.. �N._.w.S 3e ,,.,�„s�= ._.�;«=r„� ,. ....r ._ _._. 5ta4 i //c it<Mkv / /rj/utre-'i 71 3 P S / )),.°°/Sx 8.36, `° S /Dt4 7' f'r.s 6.) MGrk-Vi Attach additional pages if necessary. aP NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 836. EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal.the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of D additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: I, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (ComPvY) (No.) this day of ,199 (day) (month) (year) 00847-2 Ocoee , CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Pr:i o Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE � 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) of G'aoo°% Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. PROJECT DATA: NAME: CIP Project Nos. 4,20,21,26,&27 PROJECT NO: LOCATION: C f io .At0 2-+O" t i 7hi'�e S f/�.. .^zj 1--/1 Y/ /�/n r i v'L DATE: OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Wharton-Smith, Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly -supported. 4 DESCRIPTION of changeLL in work: e?C/✓`7-e 5 ii''.iG."�74Uie.- a.-3 - s c CSC/o✓CfCcf �G AC✓P. JG.`-ti /wk jei �%r ijAi -4� L,/A /(s - 14Zd s*c1 d1't{/G �7oecS nr>/ /1Gb0( -d0 t!i L i�p/GG��JPJa t,-i+/7 s e,a/1 Fi d., .,1/,--. o L.7/f 1 ,/ea Change Order Type: d Deletion &Addition d Revision d Other:( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: d Changes in Owner Requirements 0 Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. . d OWNER:David A.Wheeler,City of Ocoee d CONTRACTOR:Rick Alexander,Wharton-Smith,Inc. d ENGINEER:Greg Teague,PEC, Inc. el FIELD:Frank Bruce,City of Ocoee d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER:Jerry Cox, Daniels Contracting Company,Inc. d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received FromContractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor � t L ITEMOF WORK Y QUANTITYc PRICE TA eX�G/n4/ Se41 DP Sftu�7Grl� C4'3 / P Y7, Gy Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ / 9 5- EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator. Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: I, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of ,199 (day) (month) (Year) 00847-2 daniel, Contracting Company Project: Ocoee Capitol Improvements Prime Contract No. CE File: 844-0004 Daniel's Job No.50844 Date 16-Jun-99 Estimator psk Description: Rapid Seal on Structure ED-3 Little Spring Hill&Durango Street Unit Loc Description Quantity Measure Price L-M-E-S Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Total 1 L.J.Ruffin&Associates 1.00 LS 345.95 S 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.95 $345.95 Invoice#9832753 2 Labor. a.(1)Forman 5.00 MH 29.24 L 146.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 $146.20 b.(4)Laborers 20.00 MH 18.28 L 365.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 $365.60 3 Equipment: a.John Deer 310 2.00 Hr 23.00 E 0.00 0.00 46.00 0.00 $46.00 4 Material: a.Concrete Fill 8.00 Yds 80.00 M 0.00 640.00 0.00 0.00 $640.00 (In lieu of Soil Cement Replacement) Subtotal 511.80 640.00 46.00 345.95 1,543.75 Sales Tax @ 6% 38.40 38.40 OH&P included 96.00 4.60 34.60 135.20 Wharton-Smith 10% 171.73 TOTAL j I 1,889.08 Note: L. J. RUFFIN & ASSOCIATES 1- Invoice , 7928 Sebago Court 1 DATE INVOICE# Orlando, FL 32835 5/17/99 9832753 BILL TO SHIP TO Daniels Contracting Company _ Daniels Contracting Company 310 Waymont Ct - Ocoee,FL Suite 104 Lake Mary,FL 32746 P.O.NUMBER TERMS REP SHIP VIA F.O.B. PROJECT Verbal Paul Due on receipt PB 5/17/99 Truck Factory • QUANTITY ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 0.645 WS-12-50 Wrapid Seal 12-in.Wide — 50-ft. 306.02T I WS-12 Wrapid Seal Closure Piece 12-in. 474.455. 5.35T Service Items Project Service Items 15.00 15.00T Sales Tax 6.00% 19.58 /c..i1/Z;27,-i,:y/f/( Ag�I dove £ / (.'Ol)t:Sa8'y'�! Sub-code ,, ��11.4:C �„v Code � s-1 GROSS AMT. _-- . ltr'l'AINr,GF. _-_ I _ DISC.OtJN•►• --- --- Otte()Mr - I Ai wont or S. I l'RORA•t'I:A 1T• _-- -------------•-•------ -- Thank you for your business. Total $345.95 o\ Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL _��� o Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE �� 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) �f\�� Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. `'��Joao PROJECT DATA: NAME: CIP Project Nos. 4,20,21,26,&27 PROJECT NO: LOCATION: Cr, /./0, z0 — Z1 f'71/fi .Spi ir75 A/7/ 'QrivB DATE: OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Wharton-Smith, Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: fn S 't`G // C G n f'ti c. f J N n G 74/d4 Z co( / n PI e. doh) sk✓e-?1 Gk,C71-- /nr�4// /Jz, i ife, �G i 6/e. /li ,6 eXi,sy15 P✓� Je.i.,e/' , i/p-6 i4iG/.47Ai "i C (.Arl //G74 J�--rL71/r,7 f,OX • Change Order Type: d Deletion ®Addition d Revision d Other: ( ) Constraints of Change: • Initiated by: d Changes in Owner Requirements G Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. d OWNER:David A.Wheeler,City of Ocoee d CONTRACTOR: Rick Alexander,Wharton-Smith, Inc. d ENGINEER:Greg Teague,PEC, Inc. d FIELD: Frank Bruce,City of Ocoee d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER:Jerry Cox,Daniels Contracting Company, Inc. d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. ONegotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. TNegotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A, B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL .Ad 41 " OP p(E&asf Co'Gc�f� Si c- frrfe t 5I0o, l� A &aGYor✓ .i Cif Co Li iY .1"/' )f•P� �hrG1,13Ai s74/arc. -7414 Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ . /00, EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 7 additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: I, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of _, 199 (day) (month) (Year) 00847-2 JAN-11-00 13:SS FROM:WHARTON SMITH ID:4073231236 PAGE 3/3 raA JQI I 11 UV 14.41 I .VV [ .a+Ro Onke.IT,taIIM:M1111MV 1.0.4nyti1.11Iy., ,.I.,nti4 BACK UP INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THE ADDITION OF A CONFLICT MANHOLE LITTLE SPRING HILL DRIVE: CREW COST: UNIT QTY UNIT TOTAL LABOR: COST COST GENERAL FOREMAN . MH 8 $ 28.00 $ 224_00 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR MH 16 $ 19.60 $ 313.60 PIPELAYER MH 8 $ 16.80 $ 134.40 PIPELAYER-TAILMAN MH 8 S 18.80 $ 134_40 GENERAL LABORER MH 8 $ 14.00 $ 11Z.00 EQUIPMENT: KOMATSI.I PC300LC TRACK HOE EH 8 $ 120.00 $ 960.00 KOMATSU WA250 LOADER EH 8 $ 40.00 $ 320_00 BOMAG ROLLEER EH 8 5 25_00 . $ 200.0.0,_____ _ _ HAND TOOLS 8 EQUIPMENT EH 8 $ 15.00 5 120.00 TOTAL COST PER DAY S 2,5I3.40 ,;u i SUMMARY OF COST•FiOR;CONFLICT MANHOLE c:. LITTLE SPRING HILL' MATERIALS: TAYLOR PRECAST $1,643 88 • LABOR 8.EQUIPMENT(ROUNDED OFF) $2.600.00 SUBTOTAL. r S 4.048.66 SUBCONTRACTORS 4 ••- $ 687.70 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS COST .$4'638.38 • GENERAL CONTRACTORS oH&P $ 463.04 TOTAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS COST $8.100.00, • • .:: . _ ADJUSTMENT of QUANTITIES Sheet1 CO NO. 1 ADJUSTMENTS CONTRACT AMOUNTS ADJUSTMENT OF QUANTITIES FINAL INSTALLED QUANTITIES Item No. Description Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost 20.1 Survey Staking and Layout 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 20.2 Temporary Signage and Barricades 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1l LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 20.3 Pollution Abatement 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 20.4 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 20.5 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement, 1,272 SY 9.00 11,448.00 86 SY 9.00 774.00 1,358 LS 9.00 12,222.00 Sidewalk and Driveways 20.6 Remove Existing Storm Pipes 1 LS 11,000.00 11,000.00 0.00 1 LS 11,000.00 11,000.00 20.7 Soil Cement Base 1,005 SY 17.00 17,085.00 -481 SY 17.00 -8,177.00 524 LF 17.00 8,908.00 20.8 Compacted Subgrade 1,200 SY 9.00 10,800.00 -676 SY 9.00 -6,084.00 524 LF 9.00 4,716.00 20.9 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LF 1,100.00 1,100.00 20.10. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 1,005 SY 40.00 40,200.00 91 SY 40.00 3,640.00 1,096 LF 40.00 43,840.00 (type S, 2 inch) 20.11 Bituminous Material(tack coat) 55 GA 11.00 605.00 5 GA 11.00 55.00 60 EA 11.00 660.00 20.12 Concrete Driveway Replacement 66 SY 33.00 2,178.00 -26 SY 33.00 -858.00 40 EA 33.00 1,320.00 20.13 Furnish and Install 48-inch CMP 497 LF 110.00 54,670.00 0.00 497 EA 110.00 54,670.00 20.14 Remove and Replace Roadway 497 LF 17.00 8,449.00 0.00 497 EA 17.00 8,449.00 Underdrains(6-inch) 20.15 Remove and Replace Concrete 100 LF 17.00 1,700.00 -16 LF 17.00 -272.00 84 LS 17.00 1,428.00 Valley Gutter 20.16 Remove and Replace Concrete 515 LF 17.00 8,755.00 -43 LF 17.00 -731.00 472 LS 17.00 8,024.00 2-foot Wide Miami Curb 20.17 Concrete Sidewalk Replacement 210 SY 22.00 4,620.00 12 SY 22.00 264.00 222 LS 22.00 4,884.00 20.18 Sodding 450 SY 2.00 900.00 41 SY 2.00 82.00 491 SY 2.00 982.00 20.19 Furnish and Install Type J-3 Curb Inlet 2 EA 3,300.00 6,600.00 2 SY 3,300.00 6,600.00 20.20. Furnish and Install Type J Manhole 1 EA 5,500.00 5,500.00 1 SY 5,500.00 5,500.00 20.21 Core Bore Drainage Inlet and Connect 3 EA 1,100.00 3,300.00 3 SY 1,100.00 3,300.00 6-inch Roadway Underdrain -11,307.00 182,003.00 ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT 193,310.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT 182,003.00 182,003.00 Page 1 Sheet1 CO NO. 1 ADJUSTMENTS ' CONTRACT AMOUNTS ADJUSTMENT OF QUANTITIES FINAL INSTALLED QUANTITIES Item No. Description Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost 21.1 Survey Staking and Layout 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 21.2 Temporary Signage and Barricades 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 21.3 Pollution Abatement 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 21.4 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 21.5 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement, 171 SY 9.00 1,539.00 11 SY 9.00 99.00 182 LS 9.00 1,638.00 Sidewalk and Driveways(CITY) 21.6 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement, 32 SY 14.00 448.00 0.00 32 LS 14.00 448.00 Sidewalk and Driveways(RESIDENT) 21.7 Excavation for Storm Sewer Trench 125 CY 11.00 1,375.00 0.00 125 LS 11.00 1,375.00 21.8 Limerock Base-Type B Stabilization 60 SY 11.00 660.00 0.00 60 LF 11.00 660.00 21.9 Compacted Subgrade 75 SY 9.00 675.00 0.00 75 LF 9.00 675.00 21.10. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 60 SY 40.00 2,400.00 38 SY 40.00 1,520.00 98 LF 40.00 3,920.00 (type S, 2 inch) 21.11 Bituminous Material(tack coat) 5 GA 11.00 55.00 3 GA 11.00 33.00 8 EA 11.00 88.00 21.12 Concrete Apron Replacement at Pond 20 SY 33.00 660.00 0.00 20 EA 33.00 660.00 21.13 Concrete Driveway Replacement(CITY) 33 SY 31.00 1,023.00 0.00 33 EA 31.00 1,023.00 21.14 Concrete Drive Replacement(RES.) 32 SY 31.00 992.00 0.00 32 EA 31.00 992.00 21.15 Furnish and Install Yard Drain Inlet 1 EA 550.00 550.00 0.00 1 EA 550.00 550.00 21.16 Furnish and Install Type P-5 Curb Inlet. 1 EA 3,100.00 3,100.00 0.00 1 EA 3,100.00 3,100.00 21.17 Connect Proposed 15-inch RCP to Inlet 1 EA 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 EA 1,100.00 1,100.00 21.18 Furnish and Install 15-inch RCP 60 LF 44.00 2,640.00 -17 SY 44.00 -748.00 43 EA 44.00 1,892.00 21.19 Furnish and Install 8-inch PVC 28 LF 55.00 1,540.00 0.00 28 EA 55.00 1,540.00 21.20. Remove Type F Concrete Curb 54 LF 9.00 486.00 0.00 54 EA 9.00 486.00 21.21 Replace Type F Concrete Curb 37 LF 9.00 333,00 0:00 37 LS 9.00 333.00 21.22 Concrete Sidewalk Replacement 58 SY 20.00 1,160.00 -8 SY 20.00 -160.00 50 LS 20.00 1,000.00 21.23 Sodding 40 SY 2.20 88.00 0.00 40 SY 2.20 88.00 744.00 25,968.00 ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT 25,224.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT 25,968.00 25,968.00 Page 1 Sheet1 CO NO. 1 ADJUSTMENTS CONTRACT AMOUNTS ADJUSTMENT OF QUANTITIES FINAL INSTALLED QUANTITIES Item No. Description Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost 26.1 Survey Staking and Layout 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 26.2 Temporary Signage and Barricades 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS _ 1,100.00 1,100.00 26.3 Pollution Abatement 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 26.4 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 1 LS 3,300.00 3,300.00 26.5 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement, 146 SY 11.00 1,606.00 -8 SY 11.00 -88.00 138 LS 11.00 1,518.00 Sidewalk and Driveways 26.6 Remove Existing Storm Pipes 1 LS 2,750.00 2,750.00 0.00 1 LS 2,750.00 2,750.00 26.7 Limerock Base-Type B Stabilization 108 SY 17.00 1,836.00 0,0C 108 LF 17.00 1,836.00 26.8 Compacted Subgrade 125 SY 9.00 1,125.00 -13 SY 9.00 -117.00 112 LF 9.00 1,008.00 26.9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 110 SY 40.00 4,400.00 -2 SY 40.00 -80.00 108 LF 40.00 4,320.00 (type S, 2 inch) 26.10. Bituminous Material(tack coat) 7 GA 3.00 21.00 G.G() 7 EA 3.00 21.00 26.11 Concrete Driveway Replacement 18 SY 33.00 594.00 2 SY 33.00 66.00 20 EA 33.00 660.00 26.12 Remove and Replace Type P-4 Curb Inle 1 EA 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 1 EA 3,200.00 3,200.00 26.13 Furnish and Install 15-inch RCP 30 LF 44.00 1,320.00 0.00 30 EA 44.00 1,320.00 26.14 Remove and Replace Concrete 40 LF 17.00 680.00 -24 LF 17.00 -408.00 16 LS 17.00 272.00 Type F Curb 26.15 Concrete Sidewalk Replacement 18 SY 20.00 360.00 -7 SY 20.00 -140.00 11 LS 20.00 220.00 26.16 Sodding 30 SY 2.00 60.00 Q.0 30 SY 2.00 60.00 -767.00 23,785.00 ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT 24,552.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT 23,785.00 • Page 1 Sheet1 CO NO. 1 ADJUSTMENTS ' CONTRACT AMOUNTS ADJUSTMENT OF QUANTITIES FINAL INSTALLED QUANTITIES Item No. Description Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost ,! 27.1 Survey Staking and Layout f LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 27.2 Temporary Signage and Barricades 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 27.3 Pollution Abatement 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 27.4 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 1 LS 2,200.00 2,200.00 27.5 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement, 110 SY 8.00 880.00 83 SY 8.00 664.00 193 LS 8.00 1,544.00 Sidewalk and Driveways 27.6 Remove Existing Storm Pipe&Manhole 1 LS 2,750.00 2,750.00 • 0.00 1 LS 2,750.00 2,750.00 27.7 Soil Cement Base 65 SY 17.00 1,105.00 -58 SY 17.00 -986.00 7 LF 17.00 119.00 27.8 Compacted Subgrade 80 SY 9.00 720.00 -56 SY 9.00 -504.00 24 LF 9.00 216.00 27.9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 65 SY 40.00 2,600.00 41 SY 40.00 1,640.00 106 LF 40.00 4,240.00 (type S, 2 inch) 27.10. Bituminous Material(tack coat) 5 GA 3.00 15.00 2 GA 3.00 6.00 7 EA 3.00 21.00 27.11 Concrete Driveway Replacement 30 SY 31.00 930.00 20 SY 31.00 620.00 50 EA 31.00 1,550.00 27.12 Furnish and Install Type P Manhole 1 EA 3,200.00 3,200.00 • 0.00 1 EA 3,200.00 3,200.00 27.13 Furnish and Install 15-inch RCP 32 LF 44.00 1,408.00 • 0.00 32 EA 44.00 1,408.00 27.14 Excavation System Design 1 EA 2,750.00 2,750.00 -1 EA 2,750.00 -2,750.00 0 EA 2,750.00 0.00 27.15 Excavation 900 SF 17.00 15,300.00 • 0.00 900 EA 17.00 15,300.00 27.16 Remove and Replace Concrete 45 LF 20.00 900.00 32 LF 20.00 640.00 77 LS 20.00 1,540.00 Type F Curb 27.17 Concrete Sidewalk Replacement 18 SY 20.00. 360.00 19 SY- 20.00 380.00 37 LS 20.00 740.00 27.18 Sodding 15 SY 2.00 30.00 219 SY 2.00 438.00 234 SY 2.00 468.00 148.00 38,596.00 ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT 38,448.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT 38,596.00 Page 1