HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (D) Discuss Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Agenda 1-18-2000
Item VII D
O OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258
c'd•yJ ' _ (5 (407) 656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER
E�tip G 000`` CITY MANAGER
Staff Report
Date: January 10, 2000
To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director
Subject: Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners provide additional funds for this year's Volunteer
Appreciation Dinner in order to try a different type of event this year?
The City has held an annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for several years to thank the many
residents who give their time to serve on our boards and committees. The event originally took
place at the Community Center and has been held at Health Central for several years now.
For the past three years, Health Central has catered a wonderful meal for about $25 per person.
There are roughly 90 volunteers and another 25 people (elected officials and staff) who interact
with these volunteers. Each person is invited to bring a guest for a possible grand total of 230
people. For the past three years, we have averaged about 130 people at the dinner. Because of
this, staff budgeted$3,500 for this year's event.
Because of the number of people, there are only a couple of places in Ocoee where we can hold
the event. Health Central is the best location to accommodate the group. We have also checked
into the Colony Plaza which could hold a maximum of 125 and the Woman's Club which has a
maximum capacity of 150.
If we were to hold the event outside Ocoee, the options are, of course, endless. In West Orange,
there is the West Orange Country Club and beyond that there are countless opportunities in
Orlando, along the International Drive corridor, or at the theme parks.
Staff has three options for the City Commission to consider for this year's event. (1) The dinner
could remain at Health Central, in which case additional funds will only be needed if the total
count changes dramatically.
Protect Ocoee's Water Resources `=
Page 2
Staff Report-Volunteer Dinner
January 10, 2000
(2) The dinner could be held at Church Street Station. Keeping the event on a Friday evening,
there would be a dinner in one of the private banquet rooms which includes admission to the
Church Street Station entertainment complex afterwards. There are three different clubs to
enjoy: Rosie O'Grady's, which features World Famous Dixieland Jazz, the Cheyenne Saloon,
which has live Country music in a Wild West Saloon setting, and the Orchid Garden, which has
live Rock `N Roll classics from the 50's to today. The cost per person for Church Street is
estimated to be $40.
(3) Either a luncheon or dinner cruise aboard the Rivership Romance, an old-fashioned riverboat
that cruises the St. Johns River from Lake Monroe in Sanford. There are Saturday and Sunday
cruises available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or evening cruises Sunday through Thursday. A full
meal is served in air conditioned comfort. Afterwards, there is entertainment inside, or you can
choose to sit outdoors. If a luncheon cruise is available, guests can take in the river's pristine
scenery and see some of Florida's wildlife. The boat has a capacity of 200 people. The cost per
person for the Rivership Romance is estimated to be $40.
Although attendance has been steady at 130 +/- for the last three years, in estimating expenses,
staff is basing costs on 250 people. This would mean a maximum of$10,000.00 for the event.
There is already $3,500 budgeted, so that leaves a maximum of $6,500 additional dollars that
would be needed. If attendance remains at 130, the total expenses would drop to $5,200.00 and
only$1,700.00 additional would be needed.
Depending on availability, we are planning to schedule the event for either the last week of
February or the first week of March. In order to provide you with as much information as
possible, I have attached copies of brochures and menus from Church Street Station and
Rivership Romance. I will be unable to attend the Commission meeting, but I would be happy
to answer any other questions or discuss this further with any of you at your convenience prior to
the meeting.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve of either the
Church Street Station or Rivership Romance locations, depending on availability, and authorize
an amount not to exceed $6,500 to be taken from contingency to cover the additional cost of the
event. There is $115,036.40 currently in contingency.
cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
Wanda Horton, Finance Director
Protect Ocoee`s Water Resources °„
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Thank you for your interest in constantly creating new and exciting
Church Street Station, Orlando's_ culinary masterpieces. We will cus-
festival of live entertainment, culinary tomize a menu with your taste and
delights and sheer enjoyment. This budget in mind,whether you desire
historic district in downtown is the an hors d'oeuvre reception or an
perfect location for any special exquisite multi-course meal.
event... from a business meeting of An added bonus to our beautiful
10 to a street-wide party for 6,000. private parlour room facilities is
The facilities at Church Street admission to the fabulous Church
Station are flexible enough to Street Station entertainment complex.
accommodate any group. From After your private event, your party
luncheons, gala dinners and cocktail will enjoy the exciting entertainment
receptions to seminars and profes- of our themed-showrooms and late
sional conferences, we can make each night shopping in The Exchange.
event a unique experience. Just ring the Catering Sales
From the first site inspection to Department at Church Street Station
the day of your event, our profession- for all the details at (407) 422-2434
al sales staff will adapt to your every ext. 236.
need. Our award winning chefs are
(Additional Price Per Person) Filet Mignon and Chicken Breast 34.00
Oak Smoked Salmon 7.95 Filet of Beef and Fresh Fish 35.75
Seafood Napoleon 6.25 Sea Grill 29.95
Lobster Bisque en Croute 5.50 Grilled Chicken and Fresh Fish 31.95
Sole Sermarimis 5.95 Filet of Beef and Jumbo Gulf Prawns 37.95
Shrimp Cocktail 7.25 Trio of Tenderloin, Quail
Stuffed Quail 6.50 and Scampi 39.95
Salmon in Pastry 5.95
Cajun Scallops and Shrimp 5.95 (Additional Price Per Person)
House Pate 4.95 Strawberries on the Half Shell with
Capel ini and Prosciutto Ham 4.25 Sabra Cream 3.50
Grilled Eggplant and Gouda Terrine 4.95 Cherries Jubilee 2.50
Almonds Frangelico 2.50
DINNER ENTREES Chocolate Mousse 2.00
Fresh Fish of the Day 29.00
Pork Loin Danoise 26.50
Veal with Mushrooms 35.25 DINNER PACKAGES
Roast Prime Rib of Pork 28.00 A Touch of Class 55.00
Roast Prime Rib of Beef 32.95 Church Street Promenade 59.00
Filet Mignon 35.50
Skewered Beef Teriyaki 25.95 DINNER BUFFETS
New York Strip Steak 34.00 Victoria's Preference 38.00
London Broil 28.50 Way Down South 35.00
Beef Charlemagne 31.95
Chateaubriand 36.50
Roast Beef Livingston 29.95 PROGRESSIVE DINNERS
Triad of Chicken with Shrimp Mousse 26.75 Culinary Delights From
Grilled Duck Breast 28.25 Around the World 40.00
Chicken Champignon 25.75 The Gambler 49.00
Grilled Breast of Chicken 25.75
Turkey Chivry 25.75
Chicken Cashew 25.75 "A Vintage Occasion" 70.00
Stuffed Rainbow Trout 28.00 "Tastes and Toasts" 75.00
Lobster Thermidor 39.25 "Gone with the Wine" 80.00
Seafood Brochette 29.95 "D'Vine Celebration" 85.00
All evening events incur an additional $3.00 per person taxable facility fee
Prices do not include applicable sales tax (currently 6%)
and taxable service charge (currently 19%)
In arranging for a private function, the A 6% sales tax will be applied to all food,
attendance must be definitely specified beverage and service charges.
two (2) working days in advance by 3:00 p.m.
Guarantees for Saturday and Sunday must be SET-UP
given on Thursday. Monday and Tuesday Set-up requirements and specifications will be
guarantees must be given on Friday. This coordinated by your Catering Sales
number will not be subject to reduction. If Representative.
no guarantee is received by the catering office
by 3:00 p.m., Church Street Station will AUDIOVISUAL
consider the number of guests indicated on Your Catering Sales Representative will assist
the Banquet Function Agreement to be the you with any Audio/Visual requirements.
guaranteed attendance.
CANCELLATIONS Ask your catering sales representative about the
A cancellation that is given within sixty (60) rental of beautiful silk arrangements.
days of the scheduled function will result in a
penalty fee and/or forfeiture of deposit. Room CHARGE
Room rentals may be incurred based on
BILLING estimated attendance, space requirements
Payment shall be made at conclusion unless and/or food and beverage sales.
credit has been established with Church Street
Station. Deposits are required on all private Roots SELECTION
party functions. Payment on social functions is Assignment of rooms is based on the number
required two (2) working days prior to the of people anticipated. If attendance or require-
event. ments vary, Church Street Station reserves the
right to reassign rooms accordingly.
All food and beverage must be provided by LABOR CHARGES
Church Street Station and consumed on Attendant and chef charges are a minimum
the premises. of$50.00 for up to 2 hours, $25.00 each
additional hour.
All menu prices are subject to change without ENTERTAINMENT
notice. Church Street Station will guarantee Church Street Station offers a wide variety of
pricing a maximum of six (6) months prior to fine musicians for your listening and dancing
the event. pleasure, from Dixieland Jazz to Country
Western. Your Catering Sales Representative
SERVICE CHARGE can assist you in enhancing your private event.
An 19% taxable service charge will be applied to
all food and beverage. TRANSPORTATION
Ask your Catering Sales Representative
for details.
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Note:Items pictureedmay be optional depending on Cruise Format Chosen.Call for more informationi
• www.rivershipromance.com
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American River Cruises
Off Scheduled Cruise Times (GRP10S-TH)
(Rates apply for Groups of75 or more.)
Requirements: January-November Only- Sun-Thurs Evenings - Minimum 75 passenger
guarantee or payment equivalent, max capacity 200 passengers. Cruise Time Window- anytime
after 4:00PM returning before 12:00AM.
Cruise Duration: 2-Hour Cruise
Appetizers: Buffet Style Hors D'oeuvres including Fresh Fruits, Cheeses & Crackers, Mini-
Quiches, Cocktail Meatballs,Nacho Chips & Salsa, Brownies
Beverages: Draft Beer, House Wine, Coffee, Tea, Iced Tea and Soft Drinks, All others Drinks
.on Cash basis.
Entertainment: D.J. or Live Music may be added at additional charge
Rate: $15.00 PER PERSON
Cruise Duration: 3-Hour Cruise
Appetizers: Buffet Style Hors D'oeuvres including Fresh Fruits, Cheeses & Crackers
Menu: Chicken Breast St. John in Bechamal &Mushrooms with Hot Seasonal Vegetable,
Baked Potato Plated Meal Served to Your Table with Salad &Warm Rolls and followed
with Dessert.
Beverages: Coffee, Tea&Iced Tea- Cash Bar
Entertainment: Single Entertainer Provided
Rate: $25.00 PER PERSON
Cruise Duration: 3-Hour Cruise
Appetizers: Buffet Style Hors D'oeuvres including All You Can Eat Jumbo Peel N'Eat Shrimp,
Fresh Fruits, Veggies, Cheeses & Crackers
Menu: Choice of Entree Upon Boarding Served to Your Linen-Covered Table
Chicken Breast St. John-Tender Skinless Breast of Chicken In Bechamel&Mushrooms
Vegetarian Lasagna-Served with Garlic Roll&Parmesan Cheese
Seafood Medley- Crabmeat Stuffed Filet of Whitefish Baked-Steamed in Parchment
Chicken Caesar Salad- Crisp Seasoned Greens Topped with Julienne Chicken Breast
Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus- Roasted to Your Preference
All Meals are Accompanied by Salad, Warm Rolls, Hot Seasonal Vegetable, Baked Potato &
followed with Dessert
Beverages: Coffee, Tea&Iced Tea- Cash Bar
Entertainment: Dance Band Provided
Rate: $41.00 PER PERSON
American River Cruises
Group Rate Information (GRP10)
(Rates apply for Groups of25 or more.)
A 200-passenger, 100ft, 3-deck rivership. The 1940's, Great Lakes steamer style ship,
continues the tradition of her predecessors, the original Rivership Romance and the Grand
Romance. The plush, climate controlled interiors and spacious outer decks, afford the best view
of Florida's river heartland. Still family owned and operated, our company celebrates 15 years in
business in 1998!
Home port is Sanford, Florida, directly in between Orlando and Daytona Beach,just 4
miles east of I-4. We cruise the calm, tranquil waters of the historic St.Johns River, one of the
few in the world which flows "backwards", from the south to the north. Ancient cypress and
palm trees line the banks, setting the perfect scene for the sight of such diverse wildlife as birds,
turtles and alligators. We've always been an"Eco Tour" - way before Eco was cool!
Every day of the year except Christmas day. (See the reverse side of this sheet for our
schedule of lunch and dinner cruises.) Perfect for seniors, corporate groups, international tourists
- anyone who enjoys a relaxing day or evening soaking up the romance of the river and the
ambiance of our entertainment and elegant setting.
Minimum-25 or more. One comp per 25 passengers and bus drivers are always our
guests. Best to book at least several months in advance, but we can always check availability at
the last minute. Upon booking, a deposit schedule will be set up for you with the final number of
passengers required a week in advance and final balance due on or before arrival.
Full refund if 60 days prior to cruise. A $50.00 cancellation fee if cancelled 30 days
prior. Less than 30 days prior to cruise, all monies forfeited. Transfer of money to a different
cruise date will be allowed one time, if cancelled 10 days prior.
Turn this page over for our schedule, prices and menu. After you've read it all, call our
800 number and ask for Linda or Debby. They'll be happy to answer any more questions you
may have. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!
RIVER VISIT 3-HOUR Luncheon: 11am-2pm Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
This delightful and entertaining luncheon cruise teases you with a taste of St. Johns River
cruising. Lively entertainment and a table of appetizers greet you as you board. A choice of five
entrees is served to your reserved table by the South's most hospitable ship's staff.
Regular Rate Group Rate Sept-April Group Rate May- Aug.
$38.50 $33.00 $30.00
RIVERESCAPE 4-HOUR Luncheon: llmn-3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
A great way to spend an afternoon on the River. We have expanded our 3-hour luncheon with an
additional cruise hour, our famous welcome aboard"sticky buns, rounded out with all the jumbo
chilled shrimp you care to eat in the afternoon. This is river cruising at it's best!
Regular Rate Group Rate Sept.-April Group Rate May-Aug
$49.50 $42.00 $40.00
(Children 3-12 years old are $10.00 off on day cruises only- full price on dinner cruises.)
MOONLIGHT MAGIC DINNER-DANCE: 7:30pm-11:OOpm Friday & Saturday
Friday and Saturday nights are for special occasions. An upbeat combo of musicians, bounteous
hors d'oeuvres and plump chilled shrimp, a choice of five entrees for dinner and a smooth cruise
on moonlit waters all combine to make this evening a very special affair.
Regular Rate Group Rate Sept. - April Group Rate May-Aug
$55.00 $48.00 $45.00
Above rates are net inclusive of 7% Florida State sales tax and gratuity. Boarding available 30
minutes prior to departure time. (Prices for weddings and holidays are excluded)
LUNCH OR DINNER MENU - Passengers choose own entree on board
* Glazed Chicken Breast St. John
* Vegetarian Lasagna: Served with Garlic Roll &Parmesan Cheese
* Seafood Medley: Crabmeat-Stuffed filet of Whitefish Seasoned with
Butter, and a Dash of Paprika and Baked-Steamed in Parchment
* Riverboat Chicken Caesar Salad w/choice of dressing
* Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus...Roasted to your preference
Entrees are prepared fresh in ship's galley and are preceded by salad, rolls &butter, accompanied
by vegetables, potato, followed by dessert. Want a 2nd helping? If it's available, it's yours!
Fresh, hot coffee, tea and iced tea are complimentary and a full service cash bar is available.
Call our group department at 800 423-7401
F:\WP Doc\Group Doc\Group Rates\SUMMIO.WPDJanuary 14, 1999