HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (B) Award of Construction Contract - Reclaimed Water Mains, Phases 1 and 2 Agenda 2-15-2000 Item VII B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER ()Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY O F O C O E E COMMISSIONERS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVEDANNY HOWELL SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: January 31, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E. �P)/h/- Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Reclaimed Water Mains,Phase 1 and 2 Project Award of Construction Contract On Thursday, January 20, 2000, bids were received for the Reclaimed Water Mains, Phase 1 and 2 Project. The work for this project generally includes the installation of a new 16 inch reclaimed water main out of the Wastewater Treatment Facility on A.D. Mims Road, east along A.D. Mims Road to Clarke Road, north on Clarke Road to the Priarie Lakes Subdivision, and south on Clarke Road to Bryce Drive and connect to the existing converted force main that runs on south to the West Oaks Mall. The attached figure shows the general layout of this project. The pipeline will be installed north of the railroad tracks through the City property on A.D. Mims Road, cross A.D. Mims Road, along the south side of A.D. Mims Road to Clarke Road, and in the median of Clarke Road, north and south (Alternative Bid A). Alternative Bid B proposed that the pipeline along north Clarke Road be located to the outside of the road right-of- way and include the placing of fill for the future south bound lanes. Connections will be made to existing reclaimed mains at Hackney-Prairie Road, Prairie Lakes Boulevard and for the Summerville at Ocoee development. Pipelines will also be installed for future connections to the Reflections, Reserve, Waterside and Silver Glen Subdivisions and the Prairie Lakes PUD Properties along north Clarke Road. OIL pc)Pfutf rt no 's Water Resources This project was publicly advertised in the Orlando Sentinel and through Central Florida Builder's Exchange, F.W. Dodge Construction Reports, and the Business Alliance. Eight contractors submitted bids on this project. Their bids were: CONTRACTOR RECLAIMED WATER MAINS PHASE 1 and 2 Alternate Bid A Prime Construction Group, Inc. $ 978,273.70 Masci Construction, Inc. $ 985,681.00 Cathcart Contracting Company, Inc. $1,020,000.00 Maxwell Contracting, Inc. $1,057,000.00 Southern Site Works, Inc. $1,121,761.60 Scarborough Civil Group, Inc. $1,170,785.45 Carl Hankins, Inc. $1,203,562.05 Perri Builders, Inc. $1,350,000.00 Engineer's Estimate $1,190,149.00 Alternate Bid B Masci Construction, Inc. $1,001,902.20 Prime Construction Group, Inc. $1,043,990.70 Cathcart Contracting Company, Inc. $1,086,000.00 Maxwell Contracting, Inc. $1,124,049.20 Scarborough Civil Group, Inc. $1,170,785.45 Southern Site Works, Inc. $1,179,861.40 Carl Hankins, Inc. $1,224,364.95 Perri Builders, Inc. $1,450,000.00 Engineer's Estimate $1,245,646.00 This reclaimed water pipeline project was identified in the Reuse Feasibility Report as vital to the City's ability to establish the skeletal backbone for providing reclaimed water to the Clarke Road corridor and the City's program to expand the use of the reclaimed water for irrigation at not just the Forest Lakes Golf Course. Based upon the difference in costs between the two alternatives and the inability to secure easements from the Prairie Lakes PUD developers in a timely manner, the Engineering Staff recommends that the Alternate A design layout be utilized. The attached letter from PEC, Inc. is poWI nun&N 'St'iat r Resources cti a recommendation to award the contract to Prime Construction Group, Inc. in accordance with the Alternate A base bid. The Engineering Staff concurs with PEC's recommendation to award the Reclaimed Water Mains, Phase 1 and 2 Project to Prime Construction Group, Inc. in the amounts of$978,273.70. This construction cost of this project is approximately 17.80 percent lower than the engineer's estimate. The project will be funded from the 1997 Utility Bond Issue. The intent is to secure bonds and insurance certificates, execute contract documents, and issue the Notice To Proceed as quickly as possible. The construction schedule requires the contractor to be completed within 150 days. Action Items: I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Prime Construction Group, Inc. in the amount of $978,273.70 for the Reclaimed Water Mains Phase 1 and 2 Project in accordance with the following steps: • Authorize the Engineering Department to execute the Notices of Intent To Award and secure executed contract documents, bonds and insurance from the contractor. • Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contracts with Prime Construction Group, Inc. at such time as the contract documents are reviewed for compliance by staff and legal counsel, as needed. DAW/jbw Attachments POV. :Ti Prut;et koeft"s Wgter FtesindrCeS PEC FEB 42000 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. February 2, 2000 0E=290=RW12:5 January 27, 2000 (revised) 2-1.0 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SUBJECT: City of Ocoee Reclaimed Water Mains, Phase 1 and 2 RE: Recommendation of Award Dear Mr. Wheeler: On January 20, 2000, the City received sealed bids for the referenced project from eight (8) contractors. The attached tabulation of bids represents a summary of unit prices by each respective Bidder. Mathematical errors, omitted items and incorrect extensions, if any, are noted at the end of the bid tabulation. The (corrected) bid tabulation indicates Prime Construction Group, Inc. as the apparent-low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule A with a total bid price of$978,273.70. The second apparent low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule A is Masci Construction, Inc. with a total bid price of$985,681.00, and the third apparent low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule A is Cathcart Construction Company with a total bid price of$ 1,020,000.00. The highest bid price for Alternative Bid Schedule A is $ 1,350,000.00 submitted by Perri Builders, Inc., while the average total bid price for Alternative Bid Schedule A is $ 1,110,882.97. The Engineer's construction estimate for Alternative Bid Schedule A was $1,190,149.00. The(corrected)bid tabulation indicates Masci Construction Inc. as the apparent low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule B with a total bid price of $1,001,902.20. The second apparent low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule B is Prime Construction Group,Inc. with a total bid price of$ 1,043,990.70, and the third apparent low bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule B is Cathcart Contracting Company with a total bid price of$ 1,086,000.00. The highest bid price for Alternative Bid Schedule B is $ 1,450,000.00 submitted by Perri Builders, Inc., while the average total bid price for Alternative Bid Schedule B is $1,164,056.74. The Engineer's construction estimate for Alternative Bid Schedule B was $ 1,245,646.00. The bid proposals of the three apparent low bidders are complete and properly executed (except as noted on the attached Bid Checklist and Reference forms). They have acknowledged receipt of all addenda as prescribed and have submitted proposals to comply with other City bidding requirements (except as noted on the attached Bid Checklist and Reference forms). Based upon the information presented in the bid proposal Questionnaire, each of the three apparent low bidders is a licensed contractor in the Sate of Florida and seems to possess the manpower, facilities and equipment necessary to perform the classes of work contemplated within the time specified. We have also contacted several references for each of the three apparent low bidders(same for each Alternative Bid). A summary of this survey is presented in the attached "Bid engineers 'Engineering Our Community" planners surveyors 200 East Robinson Street • Suite 1560 • Orlando, Florida 32801 • 407/422-8062 • FAX 407/849-9401 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. February 2, 2000 January 27, 2000 (revised) Page 2 Checklist and Reference" forms. As these summaries.show, these contractors (three apparent low bidders)performed satisfactorily on past projects. However, it must be noted that through conversations with the respective references,it has been determined that Masci Construction, Inc:..is currently in litigation with the City of.Orlando over an on-going construction project. An oral synopsis of the litigation status was given to PEC by John Somsen, City of Orlando Attorney, and is summarized in the Masci Construction reference description sheet. Mr. Somsen informed PEC.that this case is a matter of public record, and more specific information can be obtained from the City of Orlando. PEC suggests that the Ocoee City Attorney review the City of Orlando/Masci litigation to determine if there is any potential impact regarding the qualifications of Masci to complete the City's construction project. Based on our review of the qualification submittals from each of the three apparent low bidders, our conversations with the respective references and our analysis of the bid tabulation, Prime Construction Group, Inc. appears to be the lowest responsible, responsive bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule A. Also, Masci Construction, Inc. appears to be the the lowest responsible, responsive bidder for Alternative Bid Schedule B, with the contingent item noted above regarding Masci's project with the City of Orlando. Since City staff has decided to implement the alignment reflected in the Alternate Bid Schedule A, we therefore recommend that the contract be awarded to Prime Construction Group, Inc. for Alternate Bid Schedule A. If you have any questions or comments, please advise me at you earliest convenience. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Arthur R. Austin, P.E. Principal/Manager, Environmental Department ARA/bm/cs Enclosures: Bid Tabulation Bid Checklist Bid References G:\...\089BMROA cc: taliiirWh—eelet—tity410-, f ®eoffHennessy, PEC Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. February 2, 2000 January 27, 2000 (revised) Page 3 CITY.OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER MAINS -PHASE 1 AND 2 SUMMARY TABLE OF MATHEMATICAL ERRORS, OMITTED ITEMS OR INCORRECT EXTENSIONS CONTRACTOR LOCATION OF TYPE OF TOTAL BID CORRECTED ERROR ERROR AMOUNT TOTAL BID AMOUNT BID SCHEDULE A -NO ERRORS FOUND BID SCHEDULE B Southern Site Bid Item 1.06 Incorrect Extension Works, Inc. Bid Item 1.07 Incorrect Extension Bid Item 1.36 Incorrect Extension $ 1,179,840.00 $ 1,179,861.40 BID CHECKLIST PROJECT DATA BIDDER INFORMATION Owner: City of Ocoee Name: Prime Construction Group, Inc. Location: Ocoee, Florida Address: 5528 Force Four Parkway Orlando, FL 32839 Contract: Reclaimed Water Mains - Contractor's No.: CGC 037504 & CUC 056650 Phase 1 &2 ..................„_„.............„,.„.„......................................:..... :-:-..::'•:,:-•'•:,:: :-:::-i*:,:si-:-:*i*i::-:':::i]ii•*•iiiiii:ii:i:ii'gii-iiiiMit:!,i'itiliiii.iMi.':-::]':•:.:::.'Og:in.M KIEWiIingiiii': .AIRONEMIE 1.1151110:apiiiggningiligmig, "Ittiottila4 - . ' : ::i.lg:::EitiiideitiiggiiiN Qii&t.iiedeGit.6gii:ig.:'; Comments . ,.;,,-,...,....---iim:Eiii:iii]iii]i:iiig::ii,:.-i::i,1::,1::11111,].,:,::: : :.. .. .. -mozw2:•iggin:::: .i; .ii;i:i::E.mi:::::;., :;:m]::.:.,::im::::::mi.:.1:]iig::::::,-i, ,e, :::-...............,.........,„„-„„..-,..,,,::::::..?-,,::-.. : ::-.w Ntig::: i.!i:,,,,,N6,;,::, i-Ni.m.:.]Iii5yeg:ii,ii.i-E:-It.,Tik::]i:: iii.::lita:;:„:.,f.,:;::„::::::::::::::,,.:.....,.....,..:,,.....,.............................................-. .... .... !...'..'..!...„....:.:,:'....,''''. .. ....'.. . . .. •••••,,,,,,,,, Acknowledges all Addenda? Mi:ri6:-.M • iiiiiiiiZiligi ,,,,::::•:,,,,i,i*i.:-,i. Indemnification (Minimum $1,000)? .E.•:4:::::g•;1 igeigiiiiii:••••• , ,„„:i:i::„.::i:i::::::: Balanced Bid (Section 00300)? , ....„:„: Extensions correct? .JKIVIII iiiiiiiiiiig. Incomplete unit prices? 111,1. •'..-ili:-.7ffi ..:..:.:,..>...,,.....-.: .................. Mobilization less than 5% of bid? iiiigigii.i-iiiiiii / liKI Approx. $1,000 over on Alt. • A. Conditional bid? iiii.!Ziiilig Mi:4iit"::1:i! _ Schedule of Thse Bid Manufacturers? HAM Bid Proposal properly signed? 11:1V.TIE . ,..!ij.V:ii.i.$•::!:ii Serious bid omissions? :ig4:::0; ii.a.@.i. _ Unauthorized alterations of form? igiiiAg ..„.:.::::: Questionnaire Completed (Section 00301)? ::!::.1i: *:. : i:i;iiii.ie!::i.i:V.: Additional information for .::-t.!.......:....... question 12 was provided in a "'"'"•-•....- ig.g:;gggi:i separate attachment. Subcontractors less than 50% of bid Jig,: 1111 amount (Section 00301)? Project Experience References -.-.:.:.:.:.••:.:.:.:.:.: .ii:: .:0--.. ........4--....:.:.: ,-,•:::*E:-::::,-K:i:K:i 1:::,.E:44::nii i-:,i.::::ii:.:;:ii:i.:i.-i (Section 00301)? :.:.:.:,.......:----- ................••••••••-•--- .............. -::::::::::::i::•,-imi Compliance with Florida Trench Safety Act ::,: , iijilfZili (Section 00301A)? , :::Ki•;].ii:: Drug-Free Workplace Certification : iiegi Mi;.1:;M ......................... (Section 00301B)? :,,,,,::::::,„„:.,....:., MBE/WBE Submittal (Section 00301C)? ,.. . .z.:.... 5% Bid Bond (Section 00410)? Iligtii1:1. ,.,.,..,...:.:,..:,.:.i.i.: :::::::...,:::::: Not in dollars, but as a •••••••••••••-•- percentage. Corporate Authority (Section 00501)? .1111 ::i::::::•::-?,--:-.::: Power of Attorney? liggig! .:...:.,::::::::::: ....41': Noncollusion Affidavit (Section 00480)? :::: 4::iiii: :4:::: ::-..,:-••:m: Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities •m:ii..:,::i,i,- 1.1141 (Section 00481)? -'::::]]:::•!i•!ii'•:;i:•.':. 1 ::. :Aiiii:ii Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes .:i ::: 8 V :::i (Section 00482)? Non-Discriminatory Labor Practices ligkil (Section 00483)? p.ii?I0 ---- . V:VAPiig in box for properly completed Bid. G:\...kBIDCKL -1- 013-290-RW/2.5(01/74/00) • . - • MD CHECKLIST PROJECT DATA BIDDER INFORMATION _ Owner: City of Ocoee Name: Masci Construction, Inc. Location: Ocoee, Florida Address: 5752 S. Ridgewood Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127 Contract: Reclaimed Water Mains - Contractor's No.: CUC 056854 Phase 1 &2 LOMISIMMMIIBIEIIEINBMMIMEMIIMMMR iiiniiieniiFitiging'giiiiiiiiiNgAtatinnii nniMiviiimaingifingsz Checklist matheek0fieiRmi: Cheek One vimwintowitgaitgiamimm. WgM4Wqwm== =mm= E „.„,mmmvmommmmmwmm RHMigMNOMNgMmgmmmmmmmmWyegb5JmE/NuiaawmARicaarookumggggmmmmgmgmg ......................................................................................__ ................................................................................. Acknowledges all Addenda? WM iiaki mu-...i Indemnification(Minimum $1,000)? 0001 ga.i.on . . ,::::::::::::::,,i. Balanced Bid (Section 00300)? iigiiiiieit Extensions correct? ENE oz- Incomplete unit prices? NM i: Wg; ,,,,i,oii Mobilization less than 5% of bid? MiAiiiilii Conditional bid? GAM giiggili Schedule of Base Bid Manufacturers? Nii!•Aiiiii MAE Bid Proposal properly signed? Mieki NAM MKk '.:' Serious bid omissions? :N::;•if• ;;i M•ifti • ....,....::::::? Unauthorized alterations of form? gilAiiiiiiP BM *EsEp,i,K.K. Questionnaire Completed (Section 00301)? !iigi!iiiiii] Vi4M Additional information for .questions 1, 7 and 12 was ..„...........__--------- .............. ...... ...........:-.-....--- provided in separate .............. MM= !EN attachments. Subcontractors less than 50% of bid ipM: ISM 5K amount(Section 00301)? PiNiNi ae.,KiK i*K-.KK Project Experience References OVUM ....................... (Section 00301)? iiiiiIiiitip Compliance with Florida Trench Safety Act INAS4 iN,emi (Section 00301A)? =x*f..* Drug-Free Workplace Certification .;46i.W g4tE (Section 00301B)? riMiii ............... -.1 . .:-i MBE/WBE Submittal (Section 00301C)? E:Agig Mgt, 5% Bid Bond(Section 00410)? . 41E EigiN ..........,...._. Not on form provided. Not in ................ •—••••""KW*KOK dollars, but as a percentage. ,:::::::::,::::::::::::::: Corporate Authority (Section'00501)? •::i::::*::::i:.,:i*:: st MBE I Not applicable. Signed by Corporate President. Power of Attorney? INAIN gMtffi Not on form provided. Noncollusion Affidavit(Section 00480)? lgig.ifi Wii&M Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities IiiiiAiiIii (Section 00481)? Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes 44.0 iffiAg ------- (Section 00482)? Non-Discriminatory Labor Practices . MiOM -- - (Section 00483)? MigIN ESegi'i in box for properly completed Bid. GA...\BIDCKL -2- • . ) 0E-290-RW/2.5(01(24/00) . , . , BID CHECKLIST PROJECT DATA , BIDDER INFORMATION Owner: City of Ocoee Name: Cathcart Contracting Company Location: Ocoee, Florida Address: 1757 West Broadway Street, Suite 3 Oviedo, FL 32765 Contract: Reclaimed Water Mains Contractor's No.: CGC 051005 Phase 1 &2 ''''''':i.:':ijiiPiii4:•:-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik__,.,. iiiii:i bgM *Mar RiiigniiiNAW.BMEig MiggganiNimigiiiiiiigiiiigegisisige Checklist iggOnliiiiiiiigiigifiiiE IliV:iit.g.thitkiVa Check gign EinMOitgaiiiigi Comments •••••••••••••••••-•-••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••---••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•..•...•••••••••••-••••••-••••••••••-•-.............................-••••••••••••••%••••,•••-.......--.......................................................... .....................................,.,..........................................................w.,................. ............................................... ................•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••—.........................................„„..............................,.,................................ ....................„................................ ..........,.........................................................,..,....,...............,..........„..,....................... ......................................................,,,,..........,,,,,,,,,,,.......,..................................„.,,. .333' M:.'iiiili . :.:51Winig.I:EMEN:iitiggii.i.a.g Yt"*at No i.NIN:; !Mi.!i E.1±.itoi .iiii:.iN/IV:i: i-::iii::-::iii.:.-.i.::i.::.:i:i:i:i:i*i*x*.::.::.:::i::*:::*-:*i:-:: :-::if::::::*:::::**i:i:::::.::.,:*.::.::-:::.:i:i: Acknowledges all Addenda? • ni-::::• / . :-..--:•:.g / Addenda 2 not acknowledged ,............ :E:-.-•:.:.:.:-.:.:-:•:., ,i,,:i:i:i.,,,i,:::::,:i Indemnification(Minimum$1,000)? Aili:::gga.i. Balanced Bid (Section 00300)? . ::::::: :„, Extensions correct? :::?:iii::618i1 :I:.i-iiIfi.iiii:ii :.:.:,.......„:„....:...,.: ,Incomplete unit prices? igiAM kiii.VO:i:i. 4...,.....,,,,,, •:.:-:.:.:.,......-:- Mobilization less than 5% of bid? E::::i..VN : i::E:Mgil :::.,::::_,::.:.:::::: Conditional bid? i':i::i:::0-iiaiii:ris--. i-::iN:?.'%i•.-::-i :":•.---""'" . Schedule of Base Bid Manufacturers? netigi i::::::::.i4ni:::i::E:::i • ,..". Bid Proposal properly signed? , . iigiCill; ig4CEi 1 Serious bid omissions? IiiiiiiKei; iNgigig .::.::§::::0,-:::::::: :.:.:_:.:.:_:•:_-_-.:.:.:.:.:. Unauthorized alterations of form?. . i:ii:.:-.:i.,;0.;?.,i:-,; ,„....„,,,, Questionnaire Completed (Section 00301)? EIEKE :::::: 1i.":11 - •• Additional information for -......-- -question 12 provided upon •i•.:.il!iMilliii :':::iiigitil:fii further request. Subcontractors less than 50% of bid ii:ii.:iiiiei.. 1::i amount(Section 00301)? : g .::::::::,.::::: Project Experience References :):::Vitt (Section 00301)? -._iii::ilii.i.gi 1:1:V:likt --,...------ :.,....:..:-:-.:.,..,:-:.: ---......„..... :::::: •.\- .....••••••, Compliance with Florida Trench Safety Act NE:!ii4iigi.1 EOM (Section 00301A)? Oi.Nii•i:ii•agi• i .:..• Drug-Free Workplace Certification gaCilii . (Section 00301B)? MBE/WBE Submittal (Section 00301C)? i!ii•AVM' 1•:.'i,:i!;emg .....•...: Kok,i,i,3i,i,i 5% Bid Bond (Section 00410)? •- Bond amount given in dollars ---------. equal to 5%of most expensive Alternative. -------------, : .:5 Corporate Authority (Section 00501)? iiiiRRIMi 1 MaiM:::: 1 . Not applicable. Signed by Corporate President. •:.:-:.:.,,,,,,,,, ..,, : Power of Attorney? Wi•Oti ::::::::'-i lilkligiiiii Not on form provided. i•:::i:.:::i::-::•:ii: Noncollusion Affidavit(Section 00480)? r::•.; •4:::„:.:.:ii. :::*i:iii?!:::•::: • ::::::::::,-,.::::::::: Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities 1E40If (Section 00481)? .:ii:i: •: :.:':-: Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes ,,,,,,,,,,6,,,r,,,,, . IKE .,......,............., (Section 00482)? 4::gliii::::iiiiili :..................-...., Non-Discriminatory Labor Practices vi.V: :E • iligigH • (Section 00483)? ,•Eci. ::::•.:;::;:: •• ININ in box for properly completed Bid. G:‘...kBIDCKL - -3- OE-290-RW/2.5(01/24/00) PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE CONTRACT NAME: RECLAIMED WATER MAINS,PHASE 1 AND 2 Item Contact Person Charlie Conklin Mike Wehrfritz Charlyn Watts Date Contacted 01/21/00 01/21/00 01/21/00 Organization City of Orlando Orange County Orange County Utilities Telephone No. (407)246-3182 (407) 836-7884 (407) 836-7288 Project Name Bahama Drainage Improvements Rio Pinar Storm Drainage Retrofit Oak Meadows Contract Amount $280,000 $1,300,000 $260,000 Owner City of Orlando Orange County Orange County Utilities Completed on Schedule Yes Currently on Schedule On Schedule Change Orders Owner initiated Change Orders Minimal Change Orders None Comments: 1 Contractor is not Change Order oriented. Contractor is very easy to deal with due to the General construction at three separate water Excellent Contractor that made dealing with knowledgeable, straight-forward management plants. Remarked on high efficiency and owner initiated Change Orders very easy. personnel. professional attitude of Roy Smith the Project Supervisor. \131DREF 1 OE-290-RW/2.5(01/27/00) PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE CONTRACT NAME: RECLAIMED WATER MAINS,PHASE 1 AND 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..••.•••....•......••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•...............••••............•.................................................................. . . REFERENCES FOR MASCI •••••••••••••-•••••••••.••••••••••• INC ......................................................................................................................................... ............................. ................................. ..................................... Contact Person Brad Jewell Charlyn Watts John Somsen Date Contacted 01/20/00 01/21/00 01/26/00 Organization City of Kissimmee/Dept. of Water Resources Orange County Utilities Attorney for the City of Orlando • Telephone No. (407) 847-2821 (407) 836-7288 (407)246-3477 Project Name McLoren St. Extension Hill Top Manor/Evergreen Terrace Water City of Orlando Stormwater Drainage Project Main Improvements Contract Amount $450,000 $500,000± Owner City of Kissimmee/Dept. of Water Resources Orange County Utilities City of Orlando Completed on Schedule On Schedule On Schedule N/A Change Orders None Owner initiated Change Orders N/A Comments: / Project included water main and sanitary sewer Project included directional drill and water The City of Orlando is currently in litigation line construction throughout a residential area, main installation. with Masci Construction and Masci Surety Contractor has manpower and know-how to get over this project. The City alleged Masci the job done, failed to perform and terminated the contract. Masci has since filed suit for wrongful termination and the City in return filed a counter suit in which the outcome has yet to be determined. 2 0E-290-RW/2.5(01/27/00) PROJECT: CITY OF OCOEE CONTRACT NAME: RECLAIMED WATER MAINS,PHASE 1 AND 2 REFERENCES FOR CATHCART CONTRACTiNG COMPANY .......................................... Contact Person . Mike Wehrfritz Chuck Olsen George Hack Date Contacted 01/21/00 01/21/00 01/21/00 Organization Orange County DRMP WBQ Telephone No. (407) 836-7884 (407) 896-0594 (407) 839-4300 Project Name Hickorynut Stormwater Improvements Black Hammock Water Main Extension Midway Paving and Drainage Improvements Contract Amount $150,000 $91,000 $501,000 Owner Orange County Seminole County Seminole County Completed on Schedule On Schedule Ahead of Schedule On Schedule Change Orders Owner Initiated None Utility conflict Change Orders Comments: Mike has only been involved with Cathcart on Contractor was accommodating when a request Project consisted of paving and drainage one job, however, Contractor has met all to speed up the work was initiated and has been construction in a very old neighborhood. expectations and will be starting a new job with able to complete the work before the contract Contractor kept a good relationship with the the County in February. completion time. community and was very involved in keeping everyone pleased. Only schedule changes and contract changes were due to existing utility conflicts in which the contractor was very easy to deal with. 0:%...\BEDREF 3 0E-290-RW/2.5(01/27/00) •.y:::'••.. .. . -4:•:•••••••• BID TABULATION •.. . ...... . .. .....:•:...?••• 2; . CITY OF OCOEE . . • • :'.....•...:.;•:::.•'i RECLAIMED WATER MAINS.PHASE I AND 2 •• ::.............',",:, • •,.:', • ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE A ••'. . . -:::....::.:?'::,...?) • ' • BID DATE:January 20,2000 • PAGE 1 BID PRIME CONST.GROUP,INC. MASCI CONSTRUCTION,INC. CATHCART CONTRACTING CO, .. ITEM . ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT ALT.A ALT.A ALT.A •" ...'.!! NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE . • . . 1.01 Mobilization,Demobilization,Bonds and Permits . • (Maximum of 5%of Total Bid). 1 LS $50.000.00 $50.000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $51,000.00 $51,000.00 1.02 General Requirements•Division 1(except as follows ..• under this Item). 1 LS $10.003.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $55,230.55 ' $55230.55 •''• . . :?:::S:'•" a. Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation. 1 LS - $800.00 $800.00 $10.000.00 $10,000.00 $16.500.00 • $16,500.00 •. •• • :::•.::;..'..... b. Record Drawing Preparation. 1 LS $303.00 $300.00 $5,000.00 • $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $7.600.00 ' .i-..'••••:.::::;.••: C. Color Audio•Video Preconstructlon Record. I LS $1200.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00. •. . • .. _ ' • 1.03 Indemnification(See 4620,Section 00700 and •:::::::::::.•-.: Section 725.06 F.S.).Minimum amount Is$1,000. 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 51.000.00 $1,000.00 .. .. 1.04 Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification . . Section 01025.1.02.E.1). 1 Allow. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 . . 1.06 16-inch Reclaimed Water Main,ILL,or EKG(Circle .....• . choice of material). 7,114 LF $26.00 $184,964.00 $35.00 $248,990.00 $40.45 $287,761.30, , . ..::::Z,..'....• 1.06 16-Inch Ductile Iron Reclaimed Water Main. 4,349 LF $26.00 $113,074.00 $35.00 $152,215.00 $36.95 $160595.55 . .. , :•:::. .. 1.07 12-inch Reclaimed Water Main,DI,Or P.V..0(Circle • • .......,::::: . choice of material). 52 LF $25.00 $1,300.00 $40.00 $2,080.00 $33.00 $1,716.00 , •, . . . . 1.08 8•Inch Reclaimed Water Main,al or PyQ(Circle choice of material). 20 LF $24.00 $480.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $102.63 $2.052.60 1.06 6-inch Reclaimed Water Main,1/1.,or EY.Q(Circle .• choice of material). 10 LF $23.00 $230.00 $45.00 $450.00 $27.50 5275.00 ....:•. 1.10 16-inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 EA $4.500.00 $81,000.00 $3,500.00 $63,000.00 $3,689.40 $66,40920 '....'.':.•: - 1.11 12•Inch Gate Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,600.00 $3,200.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,474.00 $2.948.00 ... ..-.•;:,..:1'.... - 1.12 8-inch Gate Valve and Box. 9 .EA $1.163.00 $9,900.00 $800.00 $7,200.00 $897.60 $8,078.40 . . , 1.13 6-inch Gate Valve and Box. 1 EA $1.000.00 $1,000.00 $750.00 $750.00 $687.50 $687.50 ''.:.:,•.'.:,.: 1.14 Install Alr Release Valve and Vault Assembly. a EA $2,800.00 522,400.00 $3,500.00 $28,000.00 $2,100.00 $16.800.00 ...:::••••.:' - 1.15 Install Blow off Valve Assembly. 1 EA $700.00 $700.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $600.00 ... ..S Bore and Jacic CSX Railroad 16-inch Reclaimed Water 1.16 Main within 30-inch steel casing(Station .s•.:...:.:.....•'.•i 34+00.,C-2). 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $41,000.00 $41,000.00 • • .•:::...*•:;'.:.....!'ii Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.17 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road median(Station . .• ' :::,..:••,..•.'..., $20,000.00 $20.000.00 . 46.20,C•3). 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $32,300.00 $32,300.00 -. ••,•:•2.:,'...'.',1 ... Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main .-..r:. : 1.18 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station . . 104+50.,C-3). 1 LS $60.000.03 $60,000.00 $60,500.00 $60.500.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 •. . ..:.:',.... 3 1.16 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main • •••••;::-. ! (Station 110+00.,C-3). 1 IS $20,000.00 -'120,000.00 $17.125.00 $17,125.00 $12,000.00 S12,000.00 . . .:.;•.:..,•:.•-.--.. 120 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 114.44.,C-3). 1 LS $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $14,700.00 s $14,700.00 $12.000.00 $12,000.00 .• :........s.,:•.1', Directionally drill 12-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water . ....... - -'.•••'. ....,., 121 Main across Clarke Road(Station•-•'ff.:••••:• 149.43.,0-5). 1 LS $12,030.00 $12.000.00,. $9,300.00 $9,300.00 $6.000.00 $6,000.00 .--- 1.22 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main . . (Station 63.40.,C•7). 1 LS $60,000.00 $60,000.00 555,000.00 $55.000.00 $36,030.00 $36,000.00 -..... .•• Directionally drill 8•Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water .......:!.....•? 123 Main across Clarke Road(Station .. •- •.:..si..•... 64.32,,C-7). 1 LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 . • - ....'''.:•fr•.': 124 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main . ' •:...:.•;:-..-! (Station 78.60.,C-8). 1 LS $55,000.00 $55,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $36,000.00 $36.000.00 •. -. . . Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water . • ,::::!..?:••:; 125 Main across Clarke Road(Station .. '...::....:::.'.: 77+72.,C-13). 1 LS $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 -',:::'. ': Directionally drill 8•Inch.R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water • ' .. -1':'.:.,..,•.. 126 Main across Clarke Road(Station ::.•.?:::.. ; 88+66.,C-8). 1 LS $7.500.00 $7,500.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 . •'.•:::'• ' • Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water • • • ...... •. ::.:•'. 1.27 Main across Clarke Road(Station • .•.•:::i.:...'' 95.46:,C-9). 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,003.00 $10,000.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00, • ..: 126 2•inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with 1:.:.:•....:'.. . casing(Long Service). 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $3.000.00 $3,000.00 ' •. .'....;.';'...:. . 1.29 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). 179 SY $60.00 $10.740.00 $30.00 $6.370.00 $75.00 $13.425.00 .. '...:-.••.'s- , 1.30 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail). 291 Si' $40.00 $11,640.00 $28.00 $8,148.00 $20.00 $5,820.00 ."':.'...:...r..f.. . . . . . 1.31 Concrete Pavement. 89 SY $39.00 $3,471.00 $31.00 $2,759.00 $90.00 $8,010.00 • . . 1.32 Sod(12'maiOmurn pay width for pipe Installation). 11,675 SY $1.60 $18.680.00 $1.30 $15,177.50 $1.41 $16,461.75 • •.1.33 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for pipe ' .. . . Installation). 3,129 SY $0.30 $938.70 $0.50 $1,564.50 $0.31 $969.99 . . 1.34 Tree Clearing and Removal. 1 LS $10.000.00 - $10,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $35,000.00 $35.000.00':'....'..:.•.....'.! 1.35 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove silt fence. 10,552 LF $0.50 s5,276.00 $1.00 $10,552.00 $0.83 $8358.16 . . .?::::.......•'' 1.36 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove hay bales :::.: '••• (Dimension:18N1rx361. 40 EA $12.00 $480.00 $10.00 $400.00 $55.00 $2.200.00 • For any Work items not Included In the above bid • hems,supply all materials and lurnIsh all labor and • -.'•.::.;••••••• equipment,perform all Work required,pay all costs• 1-37 Including permit lees,taxes,Insurance,overhead and , • • profit necessary for a complete and°matineet system per the intent of the Specifications and Contract Drawings. 1 LS $17.000.00 $17,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1.00 $1.00 Total Base Bid Schedule A •- (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.37) $978,273.70 $995,681.00 $1,020,000.00 • •Gfi...431DTABAB OE•290-RW/2.5(01/26/00) ..•.?::::,-.... 1 • .. . . . , ..•.•• • :::.!..•,":. .. . . . ..-. ..,:: '::::-'.;;• ......:.....;.:.•:-i • • • • •......., .'.•.:.,•'.... • . ......•.. '•:•:•::': ' .. . - -.•'....::-...::".. BID TABULATION :.. •' .. .... . .1:::::-S.:"•."..: CITY OF OCOEE ... • • -:•."...:;:-;• -' RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-PHASE I AND 2 -).'.."•,'".:." ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE A .• .. • '.....:::::...':.• .. .. .... .. BID DATE:January 20,2000 PAGE 2 .'• ...... • - .......'": -..---.1. BID MAXWELL CONTRACTING,INC. SCARBOROUGH CIVIL GROUP CARL HANKINS,INC. -• - •".'-::: ::•...) ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT ALT.A ALT.A ALT.A . . ... NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE •1.".;•::".•••••.1 Mobilization,Demobilization,Bonds and Permits . . 1.01 (Matdmum of 5%of Total Bid). 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $58600.00 $58,500.00 $59,000.00 $59,000.00 nd., General Requirements•Division 1(except as follows 1.- under this Item). 1 LS $5.000.00. $5,000.00 $13,892.17 $13,892.17 $40,500.00 $40,500.00' :-'•:.;......."...:-.' a. Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $24,587.91 $24,587.91 $7,025.00 $7,025.00 •:-:."'::.....: b. Record Drawing Preparation. 1 LS $15.000.00 $15,000.00 $6,146.98 $6,146.98 $8,450.00 58.450.00 C. Color Audio-Video Preconsiructlon Record. i LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 53.073.49 $3,073.49 $3,050.00 $3.050.00 1 , • ',...":-.:.•-•,.,.. Indemnification(See 116.20,Sectiort 00700 and . ...03 Section 725.06 F.S.1. Minimum amount is 11,000. 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $12,293.95 $12293.95 $1,000.00 $1,000.00•"•-::::: ' 1.04 Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification • • . Section 01025-1.02.E.1). 1 Allow. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25.000.00 $25.000.00 .. 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,111.Or E&(Circle choice of material). 7,114 LF $43.00 $305,902.00 $38.03 $270,545.42 $43.60 $310,170.40 .":-.:1-•'.1.'.......:•. 1.06 16-inch Ductile IMO Reclaimed Water Main. 4,349 LF $43.00 $187,007.00 $38.03 $165,392.47 $43.75 $190268.75 ••• . 1.07 12-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,DJ.,or PIM(Circle "•-'-••-. - choice of material). 52 LF ._ $41.00 $2,132.00 $58.62 $3.04824 $39.85 12.07220 1.08 84nch Reclaimed Water Main,al,or esQ(Circle choice of material). 20 LF $90.00 61600.00 $52.99 $1,059.80 $123.00 12.460.00 ."•:•:J.."...::: " 1.09 6-inch Reclaimed Water Main,DI or PVC(Code choice of material). 10 LF $40.00 $400.00 $50.38 $503.80 $31.85 $318.50 .....::"..f..-•.:::.: 1.10 16-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 EA $3,700.00 $66,600.00 $4.701.59 $84,628.62 $4.721.00 $84,978.00 .1.11 12-inch Gate Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,400.00 32,800.00 $2,443.20 $4,886.40 $1,839.00 $3,678.00 .'''...::-..•". 1.12 84nch Gate Valve and Box. 9 EA $800.00 $7.200.00 $1,899.80 $17,09820 $1,108.00 $9,972.00 ..-.2.."..:..'.:...,, 1.13 6-inch Gate Valve arvd Box. 1 EA $500.00 - $500.00 $1,751.05 $1,751.05 $800.00 $800.00 • . 1.14 Install Air Release Valve and Vault Assembly. 8 EA $2,500.00 $20,000.00 $1,634.25 $13,074.00 $1,836.00 $14.688.00 1.15 Install Blow off Valve Assembly. 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 $1,480.58 51,480.58 $799.00 5799.00 ,.:•:;:-- • Bore and Jack CSX Railroad 16-inch Reclaimed Water 1.16 Main within 30-inch steel casing(Station "•-::::•-• 34+002,C-21. 1 LS S55,000.00 $55,000.00 $50,988.19 $50,988.19 $80,554.00 $80.554.00 -::-..-::-.•:.•. Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.17 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road median(Station -:%.-•:"-::.:....- 46.20,C-3). 1 LS $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $59,092.36 $59,092.36 $28,633.00 $28.633.00, Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main....•.•. 1.16 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station 104.50.,C-3). 1 LS $30.000.00 530.000.00 $20,827.43 520,827.43 $54,591.00 $54.591.00 - ' 1.19 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Maki(Station 110.00.,C-3). 1 LS $18,000.00 .---5.1 8,000.00 $19,29 6.84 $19296.84 $19,070.00 $19,070.00 . 120 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main S.:.•..;:::...:: (Station 114+441,C-3). 1 LS $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $17,766.24 $17,76624 $17,703.00 $17,703.00 .....••••••''.;:.... Directionally drill 12-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water • 121 Main across Clarke Road(Station •''' '' 149.43.,C-5). 1 LS $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,219.71 $11.219.71 58.517.00 16.517.00 -•::-.:(::..:. 1.32 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main .••• • (Station 63440:,C-7). 1 LS $44.000.00 $44,000.00 $53,429.15 $53,429.15 , .S4353600 $43,536.00 •::-::".%.:.- :-•:•:.:".‘f.: Directionally drill 8-Inch RJ.PVC Reclaimed Water 123 Main across Clarke Road(Station 64+32,,C-7). 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,555.84 $10,555.84 $7250.00 $7250.00 • . ...124 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main .. (Station 78.60.,C-8). 1 LS $47,000.00 $47,000.00 $53,429.15 $53,429.15 $49,536.00 549,536.00_ Directionally drill 8-Inch RJ.PVC Reclaimed Water • 125 Main across Clarke Road(Station . • • ..... • - 77+72.,C-8). 1 LS $6.000.00 $6,000.00 $8,367.51 $8,367.51 15.419.00 $5419.00 ..'......':.::"....". : Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water r•:-:::•;•:'. 126 Main across Clarke Road(Station ''..:::.';••; 8E1.66,,C-8). 1 LS 57.000.00 $7,000.00 $9,461.67 $9,461.67 56,335.00 $6,335.00 • .....-- - ''•-:::--• Directionally drill 8-inch RJ.PVC Reclaimed Water 127 Main across Clarke Road(Station 95.46..C-9). 1 LS $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $11,650.00 $11,650.00 $6,355.00 $6,355.00 1.28 2-Inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with .-:•:::-'.:. casing(Long Service). 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,507.69 $5.507.69 $975.00 $975.00 -•128 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). 179 SY $35.00 $6265.00 $91.45 $16,369.55 $2825 $5.056.75 '120 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail). 291 SY $30.00 $8,730.00 $68.18 $19,840.38 $2920 $8,497.20 1.31 Concrete Pavement. 89 SY $40.00 $3,560.00 $43.97 $3,913.33 $29.85 $2,656.65 -"S'....:.:-.:2 • 1.32 Sod(12'maximum pay width for pipe installation). 11,675 SY 52.00 123,350.00 $1.78 $20,781.50 $4.25 $49,618.75 ":-..1-:.-::. 1.33 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for jape Installation). 3,129 SY $0.50 $1,564.50 $0.32 $1,00128 $425 $13.29825 • • ...:•.:::- • .. 124 Tree Clearing and Removal. 1 LS $20.000.00 $20,000.00 $201382.04 $20,982.04 $7,035.00 $7,035.00 ....:•• 1,35 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove silt fence. 10,552 LF $1.00 $10.552.00 $2.61 $27,540.72 $1.55 $16,355.60 1.36 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove hay bales (Dimension:lint trx36'). 40 EA $15.00 $600.00 $67.44 $2,697.60 $21.00 5840.00 For any Work Items not Included In the above bid .''..'..-• Items,supply all materials and furnish all labor and .•..!.- equipment,perform all Work required,pay all costs .'...'..--;• 1.37 Including permit fees,taxes,Insurance,overhead and - profit necessary fore complete and operational system ..:.,....:.'. per the Intent of the Specifications and Contract ........ ..... •. . Drawings. 1 LS $223750 $2,237.50 $19,104.19 $19,104.19 $7.500.00 $7,500.00 .. -:'•'-'...•.:. Total Base Bid Schedule A (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.37) $1,057,000.00 $1,170,785.45 $1.203,562.05 "." -. On...\BIDTABAB 0E-290-RW/2.5(01)26/00) ...,..... ..:.:.::... ..........: -..•••• :.. . . •-•:-•::.:(...:• . .... . .... ... . .............: . . -....::::..... . . .. , • , . ...:•.:•:::,: . , . . • ..."-:•:•.....i 4.. BID TABULATION '• . ,I ..::...•,:..:•.....•..... .. . . , CITY OF OCOEE ... . • ..••.•.. . RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-PHASE I AND 3 • . ..-.., • - ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE A • •- . BID DATE:January 20,2000 PAGES „ .• •, . .....:...:,::....f!.:.I. BID SOUTHERN SITE WORKS,INC. PERRI BUILDERS,INC. ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT ALT.A ALT.A ALT.A '::•.... . ...... •• NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE • 1.01 Mobilization.Demobilization,Bonds and Permits .. . . (Maximum of 5%of Total Bid). 1 LS $56.003.00 $56,000.00 $67,500.00 $67,500.00 ,. -...:.!:.:•:,:: n,,, General Requirements.Division 1(except as follows 1"- under this hem). 1 LS $30,655.00 $30,655.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 - .::...•.:.:"i -. a. Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation, 1 LS $37,740.00 $37,740.00 $13,125.00 $13,125.00 - b. Record Drawing Preparation. 1 LS $1.800.00 $1,800.00 $3,125.00 $3,125.00 •. - • 4. Color Audio-Video Preconstruction Record. 1 LS 31,440.00 $1,440.00 $5.000.00 $5.000.00 ,1.7...•::: .I 1.03 Indemnification(See 9620,Section 00700 and Section 725.06 F.S.).Minimum amount is$1,000. 1 LS • $1,000.00 $1.000.00 $1.000.00 $1,000.00. . -....,::-•: Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification Section 01025-1.02.E.1). 1 Mow. $25.000.00_ $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 '. . . . . • .. - 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,ja or pyL(Circle 1.05 .... choice of material). • 7.114 LF $36.00, $256,104.00 $49.00 $348,586.00 ••. .. .- - • '1.06 16-Inch Oljeate_ifQn Reclaimed Water Main. 4.349 IF $36.00,„ $156,564.00 $49.00 S213,101.00 - I:.' 1.07 12-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,al,or pyQ(Circle 2:'...•.,:. -•, choice of material), 52 LF $4620 $2,402.40 $51.00 $2,652.00 ' - ••'...-,.... •:..:.•• : 8-inch Reclaimed Water Main,12.L or PVC(Circle 1.08 ..:.:1•/. -• choice of material). 20 LF $131.90 $2,638.00 $115.00 $2,300.00 1.09 6-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,EL or PVC(Circle . ' choice of material). 10 LF $63.50 $635.00 $115.00 $1,150.00 1.10 16-inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 EA $3,875.00 $69,750.00 $4250.00 $76,500.00 1.11 12-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,440.00 $2,880.00 $1,800.00 $3,600.00 ..*:'•::.. 1.12 8-inch Gate Valve and Box. 9 EA $855.00 $7,695.00 $1,200.00 $10,800.00 • 1.13 6-inch Gate Valve and Box. 1 EA $660.00 $660.00 $825.00 $825.00 ... 1.14 Install Air Release Valve and Vault Assembly. 8 EA $2,420.00 $19.360.00 $3,600.00 $28,800.00 ..2.',..•::•,':. 1.15 Install Blow off Valve Assembly. 1 EA $370.00 $370.00 $1,000.00 51,000.00 • "-.::•,',........,. : Bore and Jack CSX Railroad 16-inch Reclaimed Water .• 1.16 Main Within 30-Inch steel casing(Station ':.::.::•:..'"*...... 34+00e,C-2). 1 LS $61.315.00 $61,315.00 $59,250.00 $59,250.00 , Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main l.....•':!.. ::': 1.17 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road median(Station ...., . . ......::::.."::, 46.20,C-3). 1 LS $28,475.00 $28,475.00 $51,750.00 $51,750.00 • :-:••'?".•'... .: Directionally drill 16-inch HOPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.18 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station ::::.•::..,-1 104+502,C-3). 1 , LS $48,695.00 $48,695.00 $24,500.00 $24,500.00 .... .....;-;.':.- .: 1.19 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 110+002,C-3). 1 LS $20,510.00 %.....$20.510.00 $14.500.00 $14,500.00 .. -•••.:- 120 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main . . (Station 114+442,C-3). 1 LS $19,280.00 $19.280.00 $14,500.00 .., $14,500.00 •.:::::.': ..-Directionally drill 12-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 1:21 Main across Clarke Road(Station . -.••• ••••••••:' , 149+432,C-St. 1 LS $9,435.00 $9,435.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 -.!.......... •! 122 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main ::.::.....:, .: (Station 63+402,C-7). 1 LS $51,065.00 $51,065.00 $49,000.00 $49,000.00 ., . Directionally drill 84nch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water . • 123 Main across Clarke Road(Station .. .• 64+32.,C-7), 1 LS $12,960.00 $12,960.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 • 124 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main . .•.:::.1 • (Station 78+602,C-8). 1 LS $51,070.00 $51,070.00 $47,500.00 $47,500.00 Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water •••••:::::.:- 1 125 Main across Clarke Road(Station ..• . 77+722.C-8). 1 LS $6,960.00 $6,960.00 $7,800.00 $7,800.00 • Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water ..:••••-•.'..,'. 126 Main across Clarke Road(Station 88+662,C-8). 1 LS $11,760.00 $11,760.00 $7,800.00 57.800.00 ':...•....: Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water - .. . 127 Main across Clarke Road(Station . *. 95+462,C-9). 1 LS $13,055.00 $13,055.00 $5.503.00 $5,500.00 _ ':-....:.:.r..::... 1.28 2-Inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with -• - casing(Long Service). 1 EA $5.145.00 $5,145.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 .*:• - 129 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). 179 SY $105.00 $18,795.00 $60.00 $10,740.00 • - ' ::...f.:•'i 1.30 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail), 291 SY $94.00 $27,354.00 $50.00 $14.550.00 . '.•/::.:: •••:.••••:::: 1.31 Concrete Pavement. 89 SY $47.50 $4227.50 $100.00 $8,900.00 -- • *...-,....: • • .•... . 1.32 Sod(12'maximum pay width for pipe Installation). 11,675 SY $3.10 $36,192.50 $2.00 $23,350.00 I 133 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for pipe • . '• Installation). 3,129 SY $0.60 $1,877.40 $1.00 $3,129.00 .. ••• • 1.34 Tree Clearing and Removal. 1 LS $7.200.00 $7.200.00 $33,000.00 $33,000.00 ... .•.....• 1.35 Furnish,install,maintain and remove silt fence. 10,552 LF $0.90 $9,496.80 $1.00 $10,552.00 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove hay bales • - •.. 1.36 ,•:"....:..... (Dimension:18'x1 8'2361. 40 EA $15.00 $603.00 $10.00 $400.00 •. - .........'1.4 j For any Work Items not Included In the above bid• '•. . . Items,supply all materials and furnish all labor and ,,., equipment,perform all Work required,pay all costs ..':.....'::.'.-.: 1•"` Including permit fees,taxes.Insurance,overhead and • profit necessary for a complete and operational system • .•::!....'-......• per the Intent of the Specifications and Contract • Drawings. 1 LS $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $110.715.00 $110,715.00 . . . Total Base Bid Schedule A :.•:..s...,•::: (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.37) $1,121,761.60 $1,350,000.00 .. • • • GA...V3IDTABAB 0E-290-RW/2.5(01/26/00) ' -.S.::::::::•...1. ;•'.:•-• . ...is:.:.- - . • . ',.....:::.•' ... - .•. . •••••-• • . . ::::;'...2.•. , ' . -......S....:: . . . . . , :':•:::::. , . -:...!.'• • , . . BID TABULATION CITY OF OCOEE .•:::...::,.. . RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-PHASE I AND 2 •l'....::::...., ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE B .• •..•.... - , .. . BID DATE:January 20,2000 PAGE 4 .....;,-. ..... ... BID PRIME CONST.GROUP,INC. MASCI CONSTRUCTION,INC. CATHCART CONTRACTING CO. .. • ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY. UNIT ALT.B ALT.B ALT.B .. . . :'.....'.•:-.1 NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1.01 Mobilization,Demobilization.Bonds and Permits .• . . (Maidmum of 5%of Total Bid). 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $54,300.00 $54,300.00 • 1.02 General Requirements-Division 1(except as follows •*.••'.'::•.' under this item). 1 LS S10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $35,795.96 S35,795.96 0- Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation, 1 LS $800.00 $803.00 $5,003.00 $5,000.00 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 •.::;.'":':.:....- b. Record Drawing Preparation, 1 LS $300.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 -..:.:.,...•••• C. Cdor Audio-Video Freconstruction Record. 1 LS $1200.00 $1200.00 51,000.00 $1,000.00 $1.100.00 $1,100.00 . • ' - 1.03 Indemnification(See 9620,Section 00700 and ..• .:::::::•:.'... Section 725.06 F.S.).Minimum amount is$1,000. 1 LS 51,000,00 $1,000.00 $1,030.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00: •••::''.• l to, Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification ••.:::::': •' Section 01025-1.02.E.1). 1 Allow. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25.000.00 $25.000.00 $25.000.00, . . 1.05 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,al or Ey..Q(Circle choice of material). 11,461 LF $28.00 $320,908.00 $34.00 $389.674.00 $40.00 $458,440.00 • . • s..•••••?•-• 1.06 12-Inch Reclaimed Water Main Q.,L or Ey.Q(Circle • choice of material). 70 LF $25.00 $1,750.00 $40.00 $2,800.00 $36.00 $2.520.00 '..,;..?!-..... 1.07 8-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,DI or )(Q(Circle •_ choice of material). 20 LF $24.00 $480.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 . . . 1.08 6-Inch Reclaimed Waler Main,D_J,or ey.G(Circle •:::::,•' dioice of material). 50 LF $23.00 51,150.00 $45.00 $2250.00 $30.00 $1,500.00 •::::.::. 1.09 16-inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 LF $4,500.00 $81,000.00 $3,500.00 $63,000.00 $3,700.00 $66,600.00., 1.10 12-Inch Gale Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,600.00 $3,200.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 1.11 8.inch Gale Valve and Box. 9 EA $1,100.00 $9,900.00 $800.00 $7,200.00 $900.00 $6.100.00 • ,,.....:;..' 1.12 &inch Gate Valve and Box. 1 EA $1.000.00 $1,000.00 $750.00 S750.00 $700.00 $700.00 1.13 Install PJr Release Valve and Vault Assembly. 7 EA $2,800.00 $19,600.00 $3,500.00 $24,500.00 $2,100.00 $14,700.00 •.:::..::...• . 1.14 Install Blow off Valve Assembly. 1 EA $700.00 $700.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $550.00 $550.00_ ' Bore and Jack CSX Railroad 16-inch Reclaimed Water • 1.15 Main within 30-Inch steel casing(Station 34+00.,C-2). 1 LS • $100,000.00 $100.000.00 $50,000.00 S50,000.00 $41,000.00 $41,000.00. ,. Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.14 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road mecfian(Station . •. 46+20,C-3). 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $32,300.00 532200.00 $20,000.00 $20.000.00: .. 1.:::.'•:,:."*.- Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main .• , 1.17 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station •.•....i.::..•.-.. : 10450.,C-3). 1 LS $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,500.00 $60,500.00 $41,000.00 $41.000.00 1.18 : •• Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main S. :...::::::. -•. (Station 110+00..C.-3). ' 1 LS S20,000.00 , $20,000.00 $17,125.00 $17,125.00 S12,000.00 ' $12,000.03 1.19 Directionally drill 16-inch HOPE Reclaimed Water Main -.. •••::.?......:. (Station 114+44.,C-3). 1 LS $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $14,706.06 $14,700.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 . . . . .•:'..•.:•:.....-, Directionally drill 12-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 120 Main across Clarke Road(Station • ' ..".... . 149+43r,C-5). 1 . LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00 S9,300.03 $9,300.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 *.f'..•••••••••• ...: 1.21 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 63+40..C-7). 1 LS $60,000.00 $60,000.00 555,000,00 • $55,000.00 $36,000.00 S36,000.00 "....::::•••,.. •::........•:., Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water - 122 Main across Clarke Road(Station • -*::::.•:.••r 64+32.,C-7). 1 LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00 510,000.00 $10.000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 123 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 78+60.,C-8). 1 LS $55.000.00 $55,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 • •••:::::.:."..•'.''..., Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 1.24 Main across Clarke Road(Station 77+72..C-8). 1 LS $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $9,000.00 59,000.00 $3,500.00 53,500.00 -•••'•"'•1: Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water . • -1•.?.•••:.:••••• . • •.••"..•.: * 125 Main across Clarke Road(Station 88+66.,C-13). 1 LS $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $4.000.00 $4,000.00 • • 126 2-inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with casing(Long Service) 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $5.000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 , • Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 127 Main across Clarke Road(Station • • ..,...::::.. • 95+46.,C-9). 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,000.00 $6.000.00 120 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). ' 179 SY $60.00 $10,740.00 $30.00 $5,370.00 $75.00 $13,425.00, • .:,.."•:••, 129 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail). 26 SY $40.00 51,040,00 $28.00 $728.00 $75.00 $1.950.00 .• •• 1.30 Concrete Pavement, 12 SY $80.00 $960.00 $31.00 $372.00 $275.00 $3,300.00 1.31 Embankment(including clearing and grubbing). 8,121 CY $7.00 $58,847.00 $5.00 $40,605.00 $9.00 $73,089.00 .::;:e.....':-.!.:•..• : 1.32 Sod(17 maximum pay width for pipe installation). 6,262 SY $1.60 - $10,05120 $1.30 $8.166.60 $1.41 $8,857.62 Slis;••;.•:' 133 Sod Embankment 9,537 SY $1.60 $1525920 $1.30:• $12,398.10 $1.41 $13,447.17 •••••••:.:.• .1.34 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for pipe .. Installation). 5,871 SY $0.30 $1,761.30 $0.50 $2.935.50 2.0.31 $1,820.01 135 Tree Clearing and Removal. 1 LS $10,000.00 . $10.000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $35200.00 $35200.00 - • 1.36 Furnish,install,maintain and remove silt lence. 10,728 LF 50.50 $5,364.00 $1.00 $10,728.00 $0.83 $8,90424 .:::•.:: 1.37 Furnish.Install,maintain and remove hay bales • . ••l.. (Dimension:113'xl8ax36'). 40 EA • $12.00 $480.00 $10.00 $400.00 $55.00 $2200.00 •'....:- For any Work Items not Included In the above bid items,supply all materials and furnish all labor and • • equipment,perform all Work required,pay all costs • . 1.38 Including permit fees,taxes.Insurance,overhead and profit necessary lore complete and operational system per the Intent of the Specifications and Contract Drawings, 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 S100.00 $100.00 $1.00 51.00 Total Base Bid Schedule B • ..'..-. (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.38) . $1,043,990.70 $1,001,90220 51,086,000.00 , - .....-.. G:L.ABIDTABAB OE.290-RW/2.5(0126/00) :-...• :-:•....•.• ::•.":.;•.,• .:::..••••:.'.• ' .• •-•••••••::.. ..S.f..i:"..:•.... .. .. ..'..•:::•:.:.•• ..... . . . .•••:.•. .*.1.•••::'.."1::,... • . •:....:-. . . , BID TABULATION • • - CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-PHASE I AND 2 ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE B BID DATE January 20,2000 PAGE S BID MAXWELL CONTRACTING,INC. SCARBOROUGH CIVIL GROUP CARL HANKINS,INC. ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT ALT.B ALT.B ALT.B •' ') NO. - UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE _ 1.01 Mobilization,Demobilization,Bonds and Permits (Maxlmum o15%of Total Bid), 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 NO BID $0.00 $59,000.00 ' $59,000.00 1 General Requirements-Division 1(except as follows - - under this Item). 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $40,500.00 $40,500.00 • • ' a• Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation. 1 LS $5,000.03 $5,000.00 $0.00 $7,028.00 $7,028.00 •. b. Record Drawing Preparation, 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,003.00 $0.00 $8,443.00 $8,443.00 C. Color Audio-Video Preconstructlon Record, 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $3,027.00 $3,027.00 1 Indemnification(See 96.20,Section 00700 and Section 725.06 F.S.). Minimum amount Is$1,000. 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 1,04 Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification Section 01025.1.02.E.11. 1 ,Allow• '-S25,OW.00 $25,000.00 . $0.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 1.05 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,DI or PVC(Circle • choice of material). 11,461 LF $43.00 $492,823.00 ' 1.06 12-Inch Reclaimed Water Main, J.or pyQ(Circle $D.00 513.60 $499,699.60 j . choice of material). LF $41.00 $2,870.00 $0.00 $38.35 $2,664:50 ' 1.07 84nch Reclaimed Water Main,pi.or py¢(Circle • choice of material). 20 LF $90.00 $1,800.00 in 6•inch Reclaimed Water Main,p,l or P1IQ(Circle - $0.00 $123.00 $2,460.OD, - choice of material). 50 LF $40.00 $2,000,00 $0.00 $31.85 $1,592.50 1.09 16-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 LF $3,700.00 $66,600.00 $0.00 $4,721.00 $84,978.00 • 1.10 12-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,400.00 $2,800.00 $0.00 $1,839.00 $3,678.00 1.11 8-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 9 EA $800.00 $7,200.00 $0.00 $1,108.00 $9,972.00 1.12 6-inch Gate Valve and Box, 1 EA $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $800.00 $800.00 1.13 Install Alr Release Valve end Vault Assembly, 7 EA $2,500.00 $17,500.00 $0.00 $1,836.00 $12,852.00 ' 1,14 Install Blow off Valve Assernbly. 1' EA S800.00 $800.00 $0.00 $799.00 $799.00 • Bore and Jack CSX Railroad 16-Inch Reclaimed Water ' 1.15 Main within 3D•irnch steel casing(Station , 34+00:,C-2). 1 LS $55,000.00 $55,000.00 - $0.00 $80,553.00 $80,553.00 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.16 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road median(Station • 46+20,C-3). 1 LS $27,003.00 $27,000.00 $0.00 $28,633.00 $28,633.00 -• - Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.17 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station . 104+50.,C-3). 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 50.00 $54,591.00 $54,591.00 1.113 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main • {Station 110+00.,C-3). 1 LS $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $0.00 $19,069.00 519,069.00 •' 1 19 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main \ (Station 114+44.,C-3). 1 LS $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $17,703.00 $17,703.00 Directionally drill 12-in R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water - 12-inch 1.20 Main across Clarke Road(Station ' 149+43+,0.5). 1 LS $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $8,517.00 $8,517.00 Directionally drill 1 16-In HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 121 _ (Station 63+40.,C-7). 1 LS $44,000.00 $44,000.00 $0.00 $49,536.00 $49,536.00 Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water --.•__ 122 Main across Clarke Road(Station . 64+32*,C•7). 1 LS St0,000:00' $10,000.00 - SD.OD $7,250.00 $7250.00 • 1.23 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 78+60.,C-8). 1 LS $47,000.00 $47,000.00 $0.00 $49,536.00 $49,536.00 Directionally drill 84nch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water • 124 Main across Clarke Road(Station - 77+72.,C48). 1 LS $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $5,419.00 $5,419.00 Directionally drill 84Uhch RJ.PVC Reclaimed Water 125 Main across Clarke Road(Station - 88+66:,C•81. 1 LS $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 S6,334.00 $6,334.00 126 2-Inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with casing(Long Service). 1 EA $2,503.00 $2,500.03 $0.00 $975.00 $975.00 Directionally drill 8•Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 127 Main across Clarke Road(Station 95+46:,C•9). 1 LS $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $6,370.00 ' $6,370.00 128 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). 179 SY $35.00 $6,265.00 - $0.00 $28.25 $5,056.75 ' 129 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail). 26 SY $30.00 $780.00 $0.00 $2925 $760.50 • 120 Concrete Pavement. 12 SY $40.00 $480.00 $0.00 $29.85 $35820 • 1.31 Embankment(including clearing and grubbing). 6,121 CY $6.00 $48,726.00 $0.00 $2.35 $19,08435 1.32 Sod(12'maximum pay width for pipe Installation). 6,282 SY $2.00 $12,564.00 $0.00 $425 $26,698.50 123 Sod Embankment 9,537 SY $3.00 $28,611.00 1.34 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for pipe $0.00 $425 $40,532.25 Installation). 5.871 SY $020 $1,17420 $0.00 $0.40 $2,348.40 125 Tree Clearing and Removal. 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 57,035.00 $7.035.00 1•36 Furnish,Install,maintain end remove silt fence. 10,728 IF $2.00 $21,456.00 $0.00 $1.55 $16,628.40 . 1.37 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove hay bales '. ` (Dimension:18'x18'x36'). 40 EA $15.00 $600.00 $0.00 $20.90 $836.03 For any Work Items not Included In the above bid _ Items,supply all materials and furnish all labor and ,:_ 1 136 equipment,perform all Work required,pay all costs - Including pemet fees,taxes,Insurance,overhead and profit necessary for a complete and operational system per the Intent of the Specifications and Contract . Drawings. 1 LS $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 $7,027.00 $7,027.00 51,170,785.45 Total Base Bid Schedule B SAME AS ALT.A (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.38) $1,124,04920 $1,224,364.95 G:1...1BIDTABAB OE-29D-RW/2.5(01/26/00) -'...•.:-:.'•;...• . . '•:,•:•"•'.:.? BID TABULATION ."••-. .- -CITY OF OCOEE . • . . ... RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-PHASE I AND 2 .. .........*;:yi.) . . ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE B .-..•;•:...;;J. 1 BID DATE:January 20,2000 PAGE 6 - . BID SOUTHERN SITE WORKS,INC. PERRI BUILDERS,INC. , .. ........... ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT ALT.B ALT.B ALT.B '• :::::•.:;::..:.•••••, NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE . ..., to., Mobilization,Demobilization,Bonds and Pemba iMaidmum of 5%of Total Bid). 1 LS S58.000.00 $58,000.00 $72,500.00 $72,500.00 .• 1.02 General Requirements.Division 1(except as follows under tills Item). 1 LS $21,840.00 $21,840.00 S25.000.00 $25,000.00 .. . - Field Engineering and Exploratory Excavation. 1 LS $28,370.00 S28,370.00 S13,125.00 $13,125.00 ' b. Record Drawing Preparation. 1 LS $1.800.00 $1,800.00 $3,125.00 $3,125.00 . . C. Color Audio-Video Preconstruction Record. 1 LS $1.440.00 $1.440.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 . . 1.03 Indemnification(See$620,Section 00700 and Section 725.06 F.S.).Minimum amount Is$1,000. 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 • $1,000.00 _ :•:...::.:..".... 1.04 Construction Permits Allowance(refer to Specification Section 01025- 1 - Allow. $25.000.00 $25,000.00 S25,000.00 $25,000.00 ...... . 1.05 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,DA,or PVC(Circle '...:•••..,..l.:::.: choice of material). 11,461 LF $3520 $403,42720 $49.00 $561,589.00 ... ... 146 12-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,DI or py...Q(Circle choke of material). 70 LF $46.65 $3,265.50 $51.00 $3,570.00 ••'•••... ....:•'-:.s..'• 1.07 8-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,D.J,or P.V.c(Circle choice of rruaterial). ' 20 LF $125.03 $2,500.00 $115.00 $2,300.00 -...:::." 1.08. 6-Inch Reclaimed Water Main,12.1 or EyQ(Circle • . • " ,:.'.....11-l:- choice of material). 50 LF $33.00 $1,650.00 $100.00 $5,000.00 sl•:•••••:.''....' 1.09 16-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 18 LF $3,875.00 $69.750.00 $4,250.00 $76,500.00 1.10 12-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 2 EA $1,440.00 $2,880.00 $1.800.00 $3,600.00 . . :.:::•••••': 1.11 8-Inch Gate Valve and Box. 9 EA $855.00 $7,695.00 $1.200.00 $10,800.00 1.12 6-Inc1 Gate Valve and Box. 1 EA $660.00 $660.00 $825.00 $825.00 ...:::.•?..: 1.13 Install Air Release Valve and Vault AssemblY. 7 LA $2.665.00 $18,655.00 $3.600.00 .$25,200.00 '''.....:::•-••' 1.14 Install Blow off Valve Assembly. 1 EA $370.00 $370.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 . . Bore and Jack CS%Railroad 16-inch Reclaimed Water 1.15 Main within 30-inch steel casing(Station 34+00,,C-2). 1• LS $61,315.00 $61,315.00 $59,250.00 $59,250.00 .l::'......'•':: Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main•••':.::'.1: 1.16 from A.D.Mims Road to Clarke Road median(Station-•::-", 46+20,C-3). 1 LS $28,475.00 $28,475.00 S51,750.00 $51,750.00 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 1.17 across A.D.Mims Road and CSX Railroad(Station 104+501,C-3). 1 LS $48,690.00 $48,690.00 $24,500.00 $24,500.00 1.18 Directionally drill 16-inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 110+00.,C-3). 1 LS $20,510.00 $20,510.00 S14,500.00 $14,500.00 • - • - 119 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main ,-........ - . ..... . . (Station 114+44.,C-3). 1 LS $19,280.00 $19,280.00 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 .... •• - ..... • -• . Directionally drill 12-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water .......'.,..:.. 120 Main across Clarke Road(Station ,.. . • .l'...::::••:.l..; 149+43.,C-5). 1 LS $9,435.00 $9,435.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 - •••••:.•;::::::l- Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main 121 --• ' (Station 63+40.,C-7). 1 LS $51,065.00 $51,065.00 $49,000.00 $49,000.00 ....:•:;.::::.:::: Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water 'l 122 Main across Clarke Road(Station 64+32.,C-7). 1 LS $12,960.00 $12,960.00 $8,500.00 • $8,500.00 1.23 Directionally drill 16-Inch HDPE Reclaimed Water Main (Station 78+60.,c•s). 1 LS $51,065.00 $51,065.00 $47,500.00 $47,500.00 ..... . Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water ...':':'....! 1 124 Main across Clarke Road(Station . . . 77.72.,C-8). 1 LS $3,640.03 $3,640.00 $7,800.00 $7,800.00 • - Directionally drill 8-Inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water • . •..f::::::: 126 Main across Clarke Road(Station ..• 88+661.C-8). 1 LS $11.760.03 $11,760.00 $7,800.00 $7,800.03 - • • -• ' 126 2-inch Reclaimed Water Service Connection with •••••.':::::.• casing(Long Service). 1 EA $5,145.00 $5,145.00 $3.000.00 $3,000.00 • ....;::::,. Directionally drill 8-inch R.J.PVC Reclaimed Water . • 127 Main across Clarke Road(Station •.-. • 95+46.,C-9). 1 LS $13,055.00 $13,055.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 128 Asphalt Pavement,Case 1(see Detail). 179 SY $105.00 $18,795.00 $60.00 $10,740.00 . - 129 Asphalt Pavement,Case 2(see Detail). 26 SY .., $100.00 •$2,600.00 $50.00 $1,300.00 120 Concrete Pavement. 12 SY $47.00 $564.00 $100.00 $1200.00 . . ... 1.31 Embankment Onciuding clearing and grubbing). 8,121 CY $9.55 $77,555.55 $15.00 $121,815.00 ... . - l..-.'...:1:;:-... .... 1.32 Sod(17 maximum pay width for pipe Installation). 6282 SY $4.40 $27,640.80 $2.00 $12,564.00 .....•.. ••••••••;:.'" 1.33 Sod Embankment, 9,537 SY $4.40 $41,962.80 $2.00 $19,074.00 .....:"...•.....:.... .1 i4 Seed and Mulch(12'maximum pay width for pipe ' installation). 5,871 SY 50.85 $4,990.35 $1.00 $5,871.00 126 Tree Clearing end Removal. - 1 LS $7.203.00 $7,200.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 ......- -•• ''',....l... 126 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove sill fence. 10,728 LF $0.90 $965520 $1.00 $10,728.00. .. -•:•:•:. 1.37 Furnish,Install,maintain and remove hay bales (Dimension:l8x19'x36•). 40 EA $15.00 $600.00 $10.00 $400.00 For any Work hems not included In the above bid Items,supply all materials and furnish all labor and equipment,perforrn all Work required,pay all costs i 1.38 Including permit fees,taxes,Insurance,overhead and .l..l.';•::;.l.::. profit necessary tore complete and operational system • • per the intent of the Specifications and Contract 'll:.....'. Drawings. 1 LS $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $95,574.00 $95,574.00 Total Base Bid Schedule B (Total of Bid Items 1.01 through 1.38) $1,179,861.40 $1,450,000.00 • GA...$31DTABAB 0E-290-RW/2.5(01/26/00) .... -:::•.••••::: ' . .... . .••••• .. .. ..l.....::;.:: •-:;.•;l:,. . . ... •• ...'.. .• ..