HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (G) Discussion: MVP Neighborhood Matching Grants Agenda 2-15-2000 Item VIIG "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 0(01, COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE DANNYHOWELL a 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE 0 SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON � (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER 144.4P N`.4 Of G OOa CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Staff Report Date: February 4, 2000 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director 6 Subject: Neighborhood Matching Grant Applications for 1999/2000 The attached memorandum to Ellis Shapiro provides a summary of the applications we received this year for the MVP Neighborhood Matching Grants Program. A total of 10 neighborhoods applied, requesting a total of$23,201.40. This year's budget includes $20,000 for the neighborhood grants program. Staff is requesting direction from the City Commission to determine how to deal with the $3,201.40 difference between what is budgeted and what has been requested. At least three, and possibly five, of the applicants do not meet the specific match requirements outlined in the program. Last year the City Commission decided to relax the matching requirements and fund all the projects submitted regardless of the amount of cash the neighborhood was contributing. This was because there was $15,000 budgeted and only a total of about $12,000 in requests. It is apparent that the program is becoming more popular. Neighborhoods who have applied in the past continue to take advantage of the program while other neighborhoods are seeing the benefits and applying for the first time. This year we have five subdivisions who have previously received neighborhood grants and five who are"first timers". If the program's popularity continues, it appears next year the City will have to institute a committee to rate and rank the projects. Although it was not meant to be a competitive program, the level of funds available will make that inevitable. This year, however, staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners consider funding all ten projects as proposed, with the extra $3,201.40 coming from either the Legislative Community Promotions Account (with a current balance of$12,388.11) or Contingency (with a current balance of$113,536.40). If it is the City Commission's decision to stick with the $20,000 budgeted allotment, staff would respectfully request that a member of the City Commission be appointed to serve on a committee with City staff to rate and rank the projects in order to determine which projects receive funding and at what levels. 1// � PoWF Protect acaee's Water Resources Page 2 MVP Grants Staff Report February 4, 2000 Staff will be working with the applicants over the next couple of weeks so that all applications include the necessary documentation. To do this, we need Commission direction as to whether the neighborhoods are required to meet the matching fund requirements as specifically outlined in the program guidelines or not. If the Commission decides to fund the projects as submitted, staff will stress to each of the neighborhoods that they should anticipate having to meet the match next year. This will also be stressed in talks given to other groups throughout the year who are contemplating on submitting applications next fiscal year. Depending on the decision of the City Commission, the applications will be presented to the City Commission either the first or second meeting in March. (March 7 if the decision is to fund all applications; March 21 if we first have to meet as a committee to rank the projects and make recommendations to forward to the City Commission). The actual grant awards (checks)will be presented at one of the April City Commission meetings, and then the neighborhoods will have until September to complete their projects. I will be unable to attend the City Commission meeting on February 15. I hope if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, you will call me prior to the meeting. Cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Wanda Horton, Finance Director PCIWr Protect Ocnee's Water rjsaurces "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O� pci o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 1vDANNY HOWELL 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON (407) 656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER N` CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Memorandum Date: February 2, 2000 To: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager From: Janet Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Subject: Neighborhood Grant Applications Received The deadline for submitting neighborhood matching grant applications this year was January 28. We received 10 applications requesting a total of$23,201.40. The City has $20,000 budgeted for the grants this year. Not all of the applications follow the 50-50 match as outlined in the program. Last year the City funded all the projects without requiring the strict 50-50 match which would include a 25%minimum cash or in-kind contribution match. Below please find a list of the subdivisions who have applied, the total they have requested from the City, what their proposed project entails, whether they have received a neighborhood matching grant before, and whether their application meets the 25%minimum cash or in-kind contribution match. SUBDIVISION TOTAL MONEY DESCRIPTION OF HAS NEIGHBOR- APPLICATION REQUESTED PROPOSED PROJECT HOOD RECEIVED A MEETS MATCH GRANT BEFORE? REQUIREMENTS? Coventry $2,500 professional landscaping YES District 4 of front entrance Cross Creek $2,500 gazebo,trees, NO YES District 3 landscaping Hammocks $2,500 landscaping,notice NO NO District 2 board,lighting,painting, Lake Lilly Oaks $1,200 planting trees in center NO NO District 3 island Lake Olympia Club $2,500 landscaping,fencing, YES YES District 2 lighting Lake Olympia,Lake $2,500 irrigation system, NO ? Village-District 2 removal of fence posts Richfield $2,001.40 new entrance signs, YES NO District 4 upgraded lighting Sleepy Harbour $2,500 complete perimeter wall YES YES District 2 Waterside $2,500 landscaping,lighting, NO YES District 4 painting Wesmere $2,500 landscaping,benches, YES YES District 3 garbage cans,lights TOTAL $23,201.40 I would like to discuss the possibility of funding all the projects versus limiting the dollar amount to the budgeted $20,000. Many of the applications lack adequate back up material; however,before I call the applicants,I need to know whether the City is going to require the strict matching prerequisites or not so that I can let them know what they will need to provide to make their applications complete. Pow1 .Ik: Protect Ocoee's Water Rescur es ('