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III (A) Dissussion re: Recreation Facility, Gee and Jensen Report
"CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656-2322 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Jim Beech, Director of Recreation DATE: August 22, 1996 p AGENDA 082396 Item III A MAYOR • COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS JIM GLEASON CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO RE: Site Evaluation for Proposed Multi -Purpose Recreation Center The packet you have received is the completed project of Work Order #1 to Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. Direction from the City Commission was to have two sites evaluated. The two sites were The Central Park area on Flewelling and the area by the Wastewater Plant located on A.D. Mims Road. From the study you will see that Gee & Jensen is recommending the Wastewater site as being the area best suited for the type of recreation area needed by the City. Mrs. Laura Nemethy of Gee & Jensen is here tonight to give you a brief overview of this report and answer any specific questions you may have. I respectfully request your decision as to the building site you prefer. With this decision we can move on to the second work order to Gee & Jensen to do a schematic design. Ocoee K3^ 4di a. n ?v F G00 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656-2322 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Jim Beech, Director of Recreation DATE: August 22, 1996 A(ZENDA 082396 Item III A ?dAYOR • COMMISSIONu S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS JIM GLEASON CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO RE: Site Evaluation for Proposed Multi -Purpose Recreation Center The packet you have received is the completed project of Work Order #1 to Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. Direction from the City Commission was to have two sites evaluated. The two sites were The Central Park area on Flewelling and the area by the Wastewater Plant located on A.D. Mims Road. From the study you will see that Gee & Jensen is recommending the Wastewater site as being the area best suited for the type of recreation area needed by the City. Mrs. Laura Nemethy of Gee & Jensen is here tonight to give you a brief overview of.this report and answer any specific questions you may have. I respectfully request your decision as to the building site you prefer. With this decision we can move on to the second work order to Gee & Jensen to do a schematic design. GEE & JENSON ON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 Maitland, FL 32751 Telephone (407) 660-1660 Fax (407) 660-2852 I OCOEE RECREATION CENTER WORK ORDER #1 Programming/Site Evaluation for the CITY OF OCOEE May 17, 1996 Design Criteria Documents Gee & Jenson Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. ill TABLE OF CONTENTS • Letter of Transmittal attachments: Project Schedule Drawings 1 thru 5 • Section One: • Section Two: • Section Three: • Section Four: Building Program Preliminary Site Evaluation Statement of Probable Cost Exhibits #1 thru #7 GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. • 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 ON May 31, 1996 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 Attn: Mr. Jim Beech Re: Ocoee Recreation Center Dear Mr. Beech: GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 Maitland, FL 32751 Telephone (407) 660-1660 Fax (407) 660-2852 We want to thank you for the opportunity to present Work Order #1: Program- ming/Site Evaluation to yourself and Mr. Shapiro on Tuesday 5/28/96. As we discussed, the off-street parking requirements (147 cars or 1 car/100 g.s.f. building) for the 14,687 s.f Recreation Center w/ Gymnasium at the Central Park Site cannot be accommodated unless an existing facility on adjacent City -owned parcels were demolished and replaced with a parking lot. Options presented are: a.) Demol- ish/remove the Public Works Building and replace it with an additional parking lot constructed in its place; or b.) Demolish the existing lighted tennis courts and one ballfield and replace them with an additional parking lot. Based upon our meeting on 5/28/96, it is our understanding that the City is not prepared to demolish/remove the Public Works Building, lighted tennis courts or the ballfield at this time. The A.D. Mims Rd/Wastewater Site will accommodate the 14,687 s.f. Recreation Center w/ Gymnasium, required parking, Olympic Swimming Pool, Multi -sport Track/Field, Tennis, Racquetball, Volleyball, Playground, Tot -Lot, Ballfields, Picnic -- Areas and Nature Trail. Development of the 147 acre Wastewater Site Park Project as delineated would involve a long term financial commitment on the part of the City to fully develop the site with these amenities. As our report states, these improve- ments could be developed in. phases beginning with the Recreation Center. Per Mr. Shapiro's request, we have prepared a List of Phased Development Costs for the Wastewater Site to assist you in long range planning for the project. (see attached) We have enclosed revised Wastewater Site Plan drawings (5/31 /96) for Work Order #1 which incorporate Mr. Shapiro's comments during the meeting. Please note that the wetland limits line shown on the Wastewater Site Plan was interpolated from U.S.G.S. Maps. The actual wetland limits line will need to be located and surveyed ! prior to commencement of Work Order #2. As one of the four planned balifields makes a 1.2 acre encroachment into the wetland area, wetland mitigation/permitting may be involved regarding this phase of improvements. We have also included i! CITY OF OCOEE Attn: Mr. Jim Beech May 31, 1995 - Page 2 revised Central Park Site Plan drawings (5/31 /96) with an Alternate Plan at the Central Park Site for a future 5,000 s.f. Community Building with required parking. This 5,000 s.f. Building would provide classrooms/meeting rooms, small kitchen, lobby, storage, restrooms, but would not include a gymnasium. While this building is an option for the future, it would not meet the current Building Program needs of the Recreation Department. We have highlighted the pros/cons of each site in our report and listed options for consideration herein. The City's decision regarding these two sites should be determined by fiscal budget considerations and an overall community improvements schedule. We stand ready to assist you in your presentation to the City Commission. Let us know if you have any further questions regarding Work Order #1. Very truly yours, L ra E. Nemethy, R.A]10 Project Manager/Associate attachments noted cc: Beverly Garrett Paul Herwig John Gray 96044.011053196.Itr I ON OCOEE RECREATION CENTER PROJECT SCHEDULE PROFESSIONAL WEEKS ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SERVICE SCHEDULED HOURS MEETINGS Work Order #1 - Programming/Site Delivered 5121196 Selection 3 120 Architect/Owner Meetings: 2 • Develop Building Program - Develop Conceptual Floor Plan w/ Future Expansion - Project Schedule & Construction budget • Preliminary Building/Site Code Review • Preliminary Site Evaluation of Two Sites Work Order #2 - Schematic Design 3 120 Architect/Owner Meetings: 1 • Schematic Site Plan • Schematic Floor Plan/Elevations/Building Section -- Statement of Probable Cost • Project Schedule Work Order #3 - Design Criteria Package 6 240 Architect/Owner Meetings: 1 City Commission Presentations: 1 • Performance -Oriented Architectural Drawings: Site Plan, Floor Plan, Roof Plan, Ceiling Plan, Finish & Door Schedules, Building Elevations & Building Section • Architectural/Engineering Performance Technical Specification Work Order #4 - Bidding/Contract Negot. 8 60 Bid & Prebid Meetings: 2 • Prepare Addenda • Attend Pre -bid Meeting • Attend Bid Opening • Evaluation of bids submitted by the design -build firms Work Order #5 - Construction 32 60 Meetings: 1 • Peer review of signed/sealed Construction Documents prepared by design -build firm TOTAL: 52 weeks 600 hrs. 8 n *9; Items by Owner • Geotechnical Investigations ACAD Boundary/Topographic/Utility/Tree Survey • Div. 0 & Div. 1 Front-end specification: Instructions to Bidders, etc. • Construction Administration: Pre -construction Meeting, Construction Meetings, Process Pay Requests, Process Change Orders, Review Shop Drawings, Construction Observation, As -Built Drawings, Certifications & Final Close-out. Items by Design -Build Firm - Construction Documents (signed & sealed) • Engineering Calculations (signed & sealed) including but not limited to Energy Calculations, Structural Calculations, Drainage Calculations • Permit Applications: Building Permits, SJRWMD, FDEP, and all site related Permit Applications J GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. • 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 EAST. TREE ONE EAST. TRAIL T I $EIBACN --------- ---- ---__-- LANE MOVE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO ADJACENT CITY OWNEO PARCELS MEGH.AaC. CLAP. [ASfo10 POND � PARKING TEST PANG LOT 37. TREE LINE µ./Ewa (1K SPACES EASING LIGHTED TENNIS muRTSTs 100 YR, rEom 11NE ❑IsnNc ROOM LVSTNG BALL FIELD LITTLE LEAGUE BAu rEED EASING LPG= EASTNG " FOOTBALL FIELD MMON LFAcm BALL FIELD / {0.FL 9 RETEM Pam. �E►• OND O / auNfAN c'" /'� tYJO.sl � H RAG POLE s@*" / EST PARXW LOT (27 SPACES) / . ��WW" /1%•• EASING LIGHTED aL' TENNIS CGKLTS SITE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY PROPERTY OWNER: i m Hr om¢ nuo+ / / DEVELOPER: / Onv•[QL A[WM+ev+�+ / / / m w�oi oer. eNta n rwI PROXCT ENGINEER Q / OCOEE RECREATION CENTER VipITEOT: ,m SITE PLAN STUDY - CENTRAL PARKMZWELLINO AVENUE SITE LEGAL oEscRKPnw: STE AREA/DATA: v W>a PROPOSEO FAOLIRES/PARNINO'T.oNA A+UI� rrwG 0 H00 ]OO 4 vpAa Y® I nv. . via I. wA MOyJ ) w4 ►� RPAm I IAAPMO SCALE: nwm,+�rmA u �u,m M1•w! RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOR11000 EAST PARKING LOT (22 SPACES) _ `_-2E� & /' \\ ENTRY SIGN Ewl'"_ N./i Arm RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS / \ (SOUTH SIDE OF FLEWELLING AVE.) —FUG POLE MECNJELEC EMP. EAST PARKING LOT to ' --_-- - Ins SPACES) --- �1y ` IP LJNE / PROPERTY aa' H a ❑ ENTRY SIGN / PARTIAL ALTERNATE SCHEME W/ SMALL COMMUNITY BUILDING (NO GYMNASIUM) \\ 1' . 6O-0' PROPOSED FACR]TIES/PARNNG vAe GEE & JENSON Oft ENGINEERS- ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS,INC. SIEET .( Or S !I I EGAL DESCRIPTION aaot'C LAIKKK IOIIIM ADOTICK ACSOIaMC TO M "I THEMOr AS REOME) IT HAT COOT v. VAot AI O M HM1C KOWS O UtAN" C W. FWWA SURVEYOR'S NOTES (1) 91 Kw'n0" W TVfT IIxTp1 ARC MY VAW ORZSS SUIID RIM M (a) LANN D OM IOaa WN MY ASSIRACrM rW ROIn-d-MTL EAStIKAIL oMos.. on on" IaIK■oTis or atom LT nd nn. (a) KNIM!f LOM KRa A4 MATYW M AS}IIm IIAW GMW ON nK "Es, UK O M RaMAIT COD" O SKTOr 17-n-ZL Loa Num t0Oa10o- E n. (l) OAR 9 I"ta tab COKAID IRa M r41.AK.l v AtCLAO AM aQ! MY COTI YTIJA A ran �'. M LIOC a nq >aHucr ooa NOT tAranroK A RaIROARr SIR'Kr. AS SOOC L IM WOo PLNVK RONCT IS rIIDOm M SMIF M APPMA—TE tOrATIa or M NLD5,C TO M ARROn IE ROH-47-M1 IRK Or M SCL RAVI= oaI T-SC RKR . 1— Iuts AtDI LOURIL AR HI T'`; NOTE NOTE`;• M Dk a SAS RAnn A = L A)*X [-A-t. TLC IROI A W"O AT I.MTM ROAOARr SmH(r IT C.T. IN ASSOC r I'MM11) A AK ow" TOI RIc D ItOt Oar. usaYL OLD rAPL r.LK& Hato I-1 AM oTr v oc= AIAML w m MK Atso AV— F �S I NOT PLATTED AWM lA•a K 1/A. SAe11n 1I-zZ-ZD K Arat[ (P) aXY (P) ��oo �€ RPM RLEGENDRARlIOAO / ■ E PIT PYAT RDM TV .AM cm comewt SL= STucw R/n ROIT-01 se SEcTIVI a COIOIITI NaNAOIT (P) HAT h) KAwan III., I►oI OLVAIVI o D) zoo I GRAPHIC SCALE: ASBUILT SURVEY DATA — CENTRAL PARK SITE ,III lilt, 0 0 u w Qq u G I w U W v Z 090 W c x � rc (r U I W U K Ld 0 0 0 U 1oW � X OCOEE RECREATION CENTER GEE & JENSON CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN 14.887 G.S.F. MQNEMS-eaMWCM-Pu NEPsnxC "I-,. NE II/C SW I/1, 1V "�d �ml was BI ob» Pw VIXq I C. NE. W. Ili. RX 1 aP9. )3)], Pa J36 ®� C. ¢] NW I/. ale. Ji]3. vo m N [unv eND. 'd LE[A OF<CP GTfIN v� ae usl a] wM 9 4 5p ��� $LRVFYOR'c¢ Zy bb 14 »ummmManvau q¢ K�xrwn ]e g 4 [Wnn Ixt¢ 3`i�wx�vw urt¢�R " , I rm m�rdw6B naafi ¢¢��pie v Nq Sea 9-]]-lB � uwrse¢¢no ]wqmw.1mi5 � (ebl W u�uRi (>)m $f�T' L � e»m WKur ».xrto vu�uallKYla m L e _ rtv¢ mt .v a AN uAq a _NLTF�TES Yaaw.h dN iaY ..c+n �a»] a¢ryn^ienenLl xn I]w� ��I�L ao Lo Su �K ;e¢ aO 00 _ Ow NOT Mlha >w �i AI L z Bee. 9-]]-3. ' 9 4 dxo s'a- ca"c. U. LLIe 70 3 �3 W C7 w w.w.c scu: I AS BUILT SURVEY DATA - WASTEWATER SITE M'4 --'j--�— RESDExML NDC .WNDDD OCOEE RECREATION CENTER SITE PLAN STUDY • WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE 5-]0.9B 9I[ MLSLOPu[NI 911N1lAY I PflOPFALT DWfA CEV ER: m n:uXiuz r.[®zn PM"an[cxoxfM h tlm-� LfLRt MSfANxgl: 9rt ME.L�.L�N: �nm S PRCPOIIn E.1OIInESRMNWG z Lvun GEE & JENSON ENCINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS.INC. ON OCOEE RECREATION CENTER BUILDING PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAMMED SPACE Lobby Activities: Special Features: Equipment/Furniture: - Programmed Number of Occupants: Gymnasium Activities: Special Features: I Equipment/Furniture: Programmed Number of Occupants: Special Issues: Director's Office Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Building Program May 17, 1996 .1,200 n.s.f. Prefunction/Reception for Events in Gymnasium & Sign-up for Recreation Programs Reception Area. Reception Desk. The glass storefront entrance allow the receptionist and assistant director to survey the Portico & visitor's pick- up/drop-off area. Two portable tables with chairs, Lobby & Reception Desk Seating, Computer at reception desk & Sign-up tables, Vending Machines. 50 people/Sign-up for Recreation Programs at one time. (+) 6-8 dept.staff/interns/volunteers 8,840 n.s.f. Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Children's Programs, Community Meetings and Dances. Curtain dividing partitions along rigid frame @ column lines to subdivide the gymnasium into eight 20 ft x 40 ft classrooms. Computers, Telephone, Portable Stage, Portable telescoping bleachers, Digital Scoreboard, Regulation High School Basketball Court w/ four practice courts. 150-200 people/Sporting Event, 500 people/Dance w/ 20-30 dept.staff/interns/volunteers/parents/coaches/teachers/ush ers/concessionaires. Typically people will form two long lines through Lobby into Gymnasium while waiting to get into a Dance or Concert Program. Air Condition the Gymnasium. 221 n.s.f. GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. • 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Building Program May 17, 1996 - Page 2 Special Issues: The Director needs to be able to view the Gymnasium & the Park from his office at all times. Equipment/Furniture: Computer, Telephone, Desk w/ Chair, Credenza, Two Guest Chairs, Bookcase, File Cabinet, Dry Erase/Tackboard Assistant Director's Office 144 n.s.f. Special Issues: The Assistant Director needs to be able to view the Gymnasium & the Lobby from his office at all times. Equipment/Furniture: Computer, Telephone, Desk w/ Chair, Credenza, Two Guest Chairs, Bookcase, File Cabinet, Dry Erase/Tackboard Conference Room 240 n.s.f. Activities: Children's Programs, Small Group Meetings, Classes. Equipment/Furniture: Multimedia Capabilities: Wall Mtd. Television/Computer, Telephone, Conference Table w/ Eight Chairs, Credenza, Projection Screen and Dry Erase/Tackboard Number of Occupants: 8-16 People. Conference/Activity Room 576 n.s.f. Activities: Children's Programs, Large Group Meetings, Classes. Equipment/Furniture: Multimedia Capabilities: Wall Mtd. Television/Computer, Telephone, Conference Table w/ Eight Chairs, Credenza, Projection Screen and Dry Erase/Tackboard Number of Occupants: 20-35 People. Kitchen 288 n.s.f. Equipment/Furniture:- Telephone, Freezer, Refrigerator, Icemaker, Double Basin Sink w/ Disposal, Dishwasher, Two Microwave Ovens, Oven/Range with Ducted Exhaust Hood w/ Remote Fire Suppression. Special Issues: Commercial Grade Kitchen, needs access to both Gymnasium and Conference/Activity Rm. Storage 528 n.s.f. Equipment/Furniture: Items to be stored are portable stage components, athletic Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Building Program May 17, 1996 - Page 3, equipment, folding chairs. SUBTOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACES ANCILLARY SQUARE FOOTAGE 12,037 n.s.f. Portico (Covered Entrance) . 720 n.s.f. Special Features: Center pair of doors is main entry, side pairs of doors are held -open and opened only for Concerts & Sporting Events only. Equipment/Furniture: Two bench seats, two public telephones. Mechanical Mezzanine Electrical Room Restrooms 252 n.s.f. 120 n.s.f. Women 272 n.s.f. Men 234 n.s.f. Janitor Closet 53 n.s.f. Vestibule 350 n.s.f. Corridor 65 n.s.f. Walls & Structure 584 n.s.f. SUBTOTAL ANCILLARY 2,650 n.s.f. TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 14,687 G.S.F. (FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION @ Wastewater Site only) Weight Room 480 n.s.f. Aerobics/Dance Studio 768 n.s.f Locker/Shower Rms. 500 n.s.f. Storage* 528 n.s.f. Vestibule 75 n.s.f Walls/Structure 145 n.s.f (+ 2,496 G.S.F.) * Relocated Storage Rm. Revise former storage rm. to an Activity Room. OCOEE RECREATION CENTER PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Preliminary Site Evaluation May 17, 1996 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project consists of a one story pre-engineered metal/masonry/slab on grade/14,687 g.s.f. Recreation Center and related site improvements. A building program and conceptualfloor plan (drawing sheet 5) are attached. Two site were evaluated for the proposed improvements: The Central Park Site on Flewelling Ave.. Ocoee. Florida (Exhibit #1) and The Wastewater Site on A.D. Mims Road, Ocoee, Florida (Exhibit #2). The purpose of this review was to determine the buildable area and best use of each site as related to the Recreation Center. A conceptual site plan and boundary survey of each site is attached. (drawing sheets 1 thru 4) Gee & Jenson has prepared this preliminary evaluation based upon the following: 1. On -site field observations. 2. Review of Existing Data (refer to exhibit #1 thru #7): Owner Provided Boundary Surveys, Owner Provided Aerial Photos, Owner Provided As -Built. Construction Documents of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, U.S.G.S. Quad Maps, LJNodarsi Soils Report (4/28/95), F.E.M.A. Flood Maps and U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Orange County, FL. 3. Review of City of Ocoee Land Development Code, F.D.O.T., S.J.R.W.M.D. & F. D. E. P. Standards. 4. Interview of the Owner's Representative - Jim Beech, Director of Recreation. SITE EVALUATION/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE CENTRAL PARK SITE The existing 1.2 acre triangular shaped site w/ outdoor basketball court, picnic tables and playground is located at 580 Flewelling Avenue (local road), is bounded on the north, side by Lake Moxie, a residential neighborhood to the east & south and adjacent City owned lakefront parcels to the west. The adjacent 17.2 acres of City owned parcels contain the following existing site amenities/facilities: two lighted tennis courts, three ball field, one lighted football field and a Public Works Building with parking. The Seaboard Coast Railway Line borders the south side of the site along Flewelling Avenue. Water and power utilities are available to the site. The former recreation !_ building was demolished/removed and the existing septic tank abandoned. A new septic sewer system will be required for the Recreation Building. Setbacks, easements, actual Lake Moxie water, line and 100 year flood line are delineated on the drawings. GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. 9 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 _ Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Preliminary Site Evaluation May 17, 1996 - Page 2 The required parking per the Land Development Code for the New Recreation Building - is 1 space/100 g.s.f. = 147 spaces. The New 14,687 g.s.f. Recreation Building can be constructed on the Central Park Site, but the required parking does not fit on the 1.2 acre site. Therefore, Gee & Jenson recommends that the City consider improvements to the Project Site and the adjacent City owned parcels so as to accommodate the required parking for the Recreation Center: Improvement to Project Site: • 14,687 g.s.f. Recreation Center _ East and West Parking Lots (37 cars total parking) joined by a Drop Off Lane in front of covered entrance to building, Mech/Elec equipment and Dumpster Enclosure. Improvements to Adjacent City Owned Parcels: • Demolish existing basketball court -' Construct a new 256 car parking lot with fountain circle drive/drop-off area _ Demolish/relocate existing Public Works Building • New connection trail/walkway between the ballfields and the recreation center —� which ultimately connects to the existing lakefront trail. Alternative Parking For Public Works Building: If it is desired that the Public Works building remain within the Central Park Masterplan, then we offer that the City construct only the west side (154 spaces) of this Parking Lot. The 154 spaces could be shared by the Ballfields and the Recreation Center assuming that major events are alternated. The attendance/parking needs for the Ballfields should be studied prior to making this decision. -" The existing site appears to have no real stormwater management plan at this time. - Stormwater management facilities will be required to insure proper drainage and to achieve City of Ocoee and SJRWMD permit requirements. Retentionponds are delineated with the improvements. Pond volumes would be calculated after geotechnical testing has been conducted. Due to the extreme slope of the site, significant regrading will be required to accommodate the building pad elevation. A retaining wall will be required because the building is so close to the 100 yr. flood line/lakefront. The site does not appear to have any wetland or environmental concerns beyond those concerns related to Lake Moxie: no construction within 50 ft. of water line or within floodline and required on -site storage of stormwater run-off. Per the LJNodarsi - Soils Report, the soils and water table are suitable for the proposed construction. Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Preliminary Site Evaluation May 17, 1996 - Page 3 Impact of the improvements: Advantages - The proposed improvements would enhance the appearance and usage of the Central Park Site. The lakefront setting is idealfor a small community park. The site is located on a local neighborhood street which renders safe/easy access to pedestrians and bicyclists. -_ Disadvantages - Increased automobile' traffic on Flewelling Avenue because of these new facilities may prove to be a nuisance to the neighborhood. A Public Meeting to review the improvements should be.conducted prior to proceeding with the Central Park - Masterplan. SITE EVALUATION/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER SITE The existing 147 acre Wastewater Treatment Plant Site is bounded on the north & east sides by unplatted, heavily wooded transitional wetland area (Lake Meadow & Lake Sidney), on the west side by residential neighborhoods and on the south by A.D. Mims Rd. (collector road) Across A.D. Mims Road is the heavily wooded, unplatted Spring Lake area. The A.C.L. Railway Line borders the south side of the site along A.D. Mims —' Road.. Water, sewer and power utilities have already been brought onto the site for the existing improvement - The Wastewater Plant. The Wastewater Plant includes wastewater treatment facilities and pond structures in 40 acres of fenced compound on the north and west sides of the site. This existing facility provides a buffer between the Proposed Park Improvements and the existing residential neighborhood on the west side of the site. The Wastewater Plant Compound is not particularly unsightly, but we recommend that a 30-50 ft. wide landscape buffer of trees & shrubs be added in front - of/along the barbed wire fenced perimeter of the compound. The existing entrance drive/access road from A.D. Mims Rd. to the Plant could be used for the Park Site. In the future a deceleration lane to the road could be provided from A.D. Mims Rd. The Preliminary Site Plan sites the Recreation Center building toward the east of the site overlooking an olympic size pool and wooded, wetland area beyond. The site improvements are zoned by function to buffer the Park from both the neighborhood and the Wastewater Plant: • Recreation Areas are zoned to the east of the site - near the wooded areas, away from the neighborhood. • Parking and park boulevard are zoned to the west of the site as a buffer separating the recreation areas from the residential neighborhood and wastewater plant. Work Order #1 . Programming/Site Selection Preliminary Site Evaluation May 17, 1996 - Page 4 j The approx. 40 acres of proposed improvements to the Project Site are noted on the -- Site Plan and include a 14,687 g.s.f. Recreation Center which can be expanded to 17,183 g.s.f., a 400 m. pool, a pool bath house (restrooms/showers/equipment), volleyball courts, tennis courts, racquetball courts, multisport track/field, four ballfields, playground/tot lot, nature trail and picnic area. The improvements could be executed in phases beginning with the Recreation Center Building, park boulevard and north W parking lot. The site is of sufficient size to accommodate the required parking. A separate fenced wet pond is located on the north side of the site. This structure appears to be part of an existing stormwater plan. It may not be possible to connect new improvements into this system. Stormwater management facilities will be required to insure proper drainage and to achieve City of Ocoee and SJRWMD permit requirements. Retention ponds are delineated with the improvements. Pond volumes would be calculated after geotechnical testing has been conducted. The site is relatively flat and well drained, therefore a building pad elevation could easily be achieved without significant regrading. Per U.S.D.A. Soils Survey Data, the areas of the site planned for improvements consist of St.Lucie Fine Sand. This type of soil is suitable for the proposed construction. However, the northeastern portion of the site is indicated to ' have basinger/depressional and sanibel muck. This area of the site is prone to drying -up and leaving transitional wetlands. and meadows. Cattle grazing is not uncommon. This portion of the site is unsuitable for construction and is planned to be left natural. We have delineated a 50 ft. setback from what appears to be the limits of the wetland. An environmental survey is recommended to determine the actual wetland line. Impact of Improvements: Advantages - These improvements would enhance the appearance and usage of the site. The wooded setting is ideal for a park with nature trail. The park would be utilized by the adjacent and surrounding neighborhoods. Disadvantages - • The. site is accessed by car or bus only from a busy high speed connector road with no pedestrian walks or bicycle paths. • Possible nuisance odors from the Wastewater Plant may be of concern. - Hours of operation of the lighted ballfields will be of concern with the adjacent residential neighborhood. -1 Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection - Preliminary Site Evaluation May 17, 1996 - Page 5 CONCLUSION - Both sites are suitable for construction of the proposed facilities. Either site can be engineered. The Wastewater Site is easier and less costly to develop given the current data. (Geotechnical Testing is required on the Wastewater Site to verify soil conditions.) The 147 acre Wastewater Site also allows for expansion of park facilities. Each park site has unique character of it's own. The 147 Acre Wastewater Site is a _ very large remote facility accessed by car or bus with unlimited possibilities for development. The 18.4 Acre (w/adjacent parcels) Central Park Site is a small neighborhood lakefront park which can be safely accessed on foot or by bicycle. The 'City could ultimately pursue both projects. The final decision may be hinged on dollars available. The Wastewater Site could be constructed in phased improvements, but it requires a long term financial commitment to fully develop the site. Whereas the Central Park Site with Recreation Center could be complete for $1.5 million dollars. Carefully review the Work Order #1 Submittal: an evaluation of each site, site survey data, preliminary site plans, statement of probable cost, project schedule, building program and conceptual floor plan. Gee & Jenson stands ready to begin Work Order #2 - Schematic Design per the City's selection of a site. J OCOEE RECREATION CENTER J STATEMENT OF PROBABLE COST Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Statement of Probable Cost May 17, 1996 Rev. 7/22/96 CENTRAL PARK SITE (Flewelling Ave./Lake Moxie) BUDGET $527,275.00 Scope of Improvements: Demolish the existing outdoor basketball court. Construct a 5,000 s.f. Community J Building (WITHOUT GYMNASIUM), Trash Enclosure and Parking Lot (50 spaces) w/ Drop-off Lane in front of building. Community Center Improvements include development of approximately 2 Acres of the existing 17.2 Acres of City Owned Parcels which comprise the Central Park Site at Lake Moxie. i — Site Costs A site improvements allowance for the Central Park Site could be set at $65,000.00/acre. 2.0 Acres x $65,000.00/acre = $130,000.00 Facility Costs - -� • 5,000 g.s.f. Community Building x $65.00/s.f. _ $325,000.00 • 100 g.s.f. Trash Enclosure w/ Gate x 35.00/s.f. _ $3,500.00 Subtotal $458,500.00 + (15% Design Contingency) $ 68,775.00 TOTAL $527,275.00 WASTEWATER SITE (A.D. Mims Rd.) BUDGET $6,135,888.00 Scope of Improvements: Construct a 14,687 g.s.f. Recreation Building with Gymnasium, Entrance Boulevard & Fountain, Parking Lot (640 spaces) with Drop -Off Lane in front of building, Trash Enclosure, Multisport Field w/ 400 meter Track (Soccer/ Football), 50 Meter Competitive Swimming Pool, Four Baseball Fields, Six Tennis Courts, Four Racquetball Courts, Six Sand Volleyball Courts, Ten Picnic Pavilions, Restroom/Concession Building, Pool Bath House, 2,496 g.s.f. Recreation Building Expansion, Playground and Tot Lot. Park Improvements include development of approximately Acres of the existing Acre City Owned Parcel which comprise the Wastewater Site at A.D. Mims Rd. These Improvements can be installed in Phases. See attached breakdown of Phased Costs. Site Costs Site Costs include entrance boulevard, fountain, parking lots, nature trail, playground & tot lot, ballfields, multisport field, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, paving, grading, drainage, utilities, site lighting, signage, landscaping and irrigation. A site improvements allowance for the Wastewater Site could be set at $50,000.00/acre. 40 Acres x $50,000.00/acre = $2,000,000.00 Facility Costs 1 • Recreation Building w/Gymnasium: 13,715 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x $65.00/s.f. _ $891,475.00 + 720 n.s.f. Exterior Covered x $30.00/s.f. = 21,600.00 + 252 n.s.f. Mechanical Mezzanine x $30.00/s.f. _ $7,560.00 14,687 g.s.f. Total Recreation Building $ 920,635.00 • 2,496 g.s.f. Recreation Building Expansion x $70.00/s.f. = $174,720.00 • 100 g.s.f. Trash Enclosure w/Gate x 35.00/s.f. = $3,500.00 GEE & JENSON.=Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. • 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 ,I Programming/Site Selection Statement of Probable Cost May 17, 1996 - Page 2 Rev. 7/22/96 • Racquetball Courts (exterior) -3,200 g.s.f. x $30.00/s.f. = $96,000.00 • 50 Meter Competitive Swimming Pool - 20,000 g.s.f. x 90.00/s.f. = $1,800,000.00 • 3,500 g.s.f. Pool Bath House x 75.00/s.f. = $ 262, 500.00 • 576 g.s.f. Restroom/Concession Bldg. at Ballfields x 75.00/s.f. = $43,200.00 • 10 Picnic Pavilions @ 100 s.f./each x $35.00/s.f. _ $35,000.00 Subtotal $5,335,555.00 (15% Design Contingency) $800,333.00 TOTAL 6,135,888.00 The Recreation Center construction costs for either site will run approximately $65-68 dollars/square foot. The Central Park Site will be on the higher end for the following reasons: • Small area for construction staging and construction. Construction in a residential neighborhood limits hours of work and requires extra -ordinary fencing/protection methods. • Slope of site requires considerable grading to achieve building pad elevation. NOTE. ITEMS INCIDENTAL TO, BUT NOT INCLUDED IN, THE STATEMENT OF PROBABLE COST ARE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FEES, FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT, BUILDING OPERATING COSTS, IMPACT AND PERMIT FEES AND UNFORESEEN SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A DESIGN CONTINGENCY OF 15% IS RECOMMENDED FOR ESTIMATES OF CONCEPTUALUSCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE AS PER "R. S. MEANS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST DATA". \ocoeecst.doc ON OCOEE RECREATION CENTER LIST OF PHASED DEVELOPMENT COSTS: A.D. MIMS RD. / WASTEWATER SITE --' Work Order #1 Programming/ Site Selection May 31, 1996 -- PHASE ONE IMPROVEMENTS: Recreation Center w/ Required Parking SITE COSTS - Entrance Boulevard, Parking (147 spaces) w/ Drop -Off Lane in front of building, Fountain, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for the Phase I Improvements could be set at $50,000.00/acre x 6 acres of improvements = $300,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $45,000.00 BUILDING COSTS $345,000.00 - Recreation Center 13,715 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x $65.00/s.f. _ $891,475.00 + 720 n.s.f. Exterior Covered x $30.00/s.f. = $21,600.00 + 292 n_s_f. MPnhaninal MP77aninP x �20 00/G f — S7,560 00 $920,635.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $138,095.00 i Trash Enclosure w/ Gate $1,058,730.00 100 g.s.f. x 35.00/s.f. = $3,500.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $525.00 025.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $1,407,755.00 PHASE TWO IMPROVEMENTS: Ballfields w/ Required Parking SITE COSTS Entrance Boulevard, Parking (182 spaces), Ballfields, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for Phase II Improvements could be set at $50,000.00/acre x 20 acres of improvements = $1,000,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $150,000.00 BUILDING COSTS $1,150,000.00 —� Restroom/Concession Bldg. 576 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x 75.00/s.f. _ $43,200.00 J (+ 15% Design Contingency) $6,480.00 $49,680.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $1,199,680.00 GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. • 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, Florida 32751 • (407) 660-1660 • Fax (407) 660-2852 Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Phased Development Costs: A.D. Mims Rd/ Wastewater Site May 31, 1996 - Page 2 PHASE THREE IMPROVEMENTS: Swimming Pool, Recreation Center Future Expansion, Bath House, Playground, Tot -Lot, Tennis Courts, Sand Volleyball Courts & Required Parking SITE COSTS Parking (219 spaces), Playground, Tot Lot, Lighted Tennis Courts, Sand Volleyball Courts, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for Phase Hi Improvements could be set at $50,000.00/acre x 6 acres of improvements = $300,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $45,000.00 — $345,000.00 BUILDING COSTS 50 Meter Olympic Size Pool 20,000 g.s.f. x 90.00/s.f. _ $1,800,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $270,000.00 $2,070,000.00 Pool Bath House 3,500 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x 75.00/s.f. _ $262,500.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $39,375.00 -- $301,875.00 Racquetball Courts (exterior) 3,200 g.s.f. x $30.00/s.f. _ $96,000.00 (+15% Design Contingency) $14,400.00 $110,400.00 Recreation Center Future Expansion 2,496 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x $70.00/s.f. _ $174,720.00 (+15% Design Contingency) $26,208.00 $200,928.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE III IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $3,028,203.00 Work Order #1 Programming/Site Selection Phased Development Costs: A.D. Mims Rd/ Wastewater Site May 31, 1996 - Page 3 PHASE FOUR IMPROVEMENTS: Multi -sport Track/Field, Picnic Pavilions, Nature Trail and Required Parking SITE COSTS Parking (92 spaces), Multi -sport Track & Field, Nature Trail, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for Phase IV Improvements could be set at $50,000.00/acre x 8 acres of improvements = $400,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $60,000.00 $460,000.00 BUILDING COSTS Picnic Pavilions 10 @ 100 s.f./each x $35.00/s.f. = $35,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $5,250.00 $40,250.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE IV IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $600,250.00 GRAND TOTAL (PHASE I, II, III, IV) = $6,135,888.00 NOTE. ITEMS INCIDENTAL TO, BUT NOT INCLUDED IN, THE STATEMENT OF PROBABLE COST ARE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FEES, FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT, BUILDING OPERATING COSTS, IMPACT AND PERMIT FEES AND UNFORESEEN SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A Design Contingency of 15% is recommended for estimates of Conceptual/Schematic Design Phase as per "r.s. means building construction cost data" \phased.cst :XIS-.iNG REs7RWO E D CCNCE8SION RE-SiDEN NCRTH 'DARKING LOT !N -el&D :NE RE7. NE 3ASDAL� X AREA RE TRAIL RE F CUN iMN RET I<— R,\,r N.A_,URE. TRAIL P (0 N tc, pt IC RE A PICNIC .✓/� ---- z -7r :527.7B' AREA -ZARE" S. 01-23'59" E. F,. L�NE M %" .�7 . I* s A 1 ; av - fill. v 4' AM- FLORIDA-ORANGE CO. _, ar 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) LFD .91,30, ` 35r �� rAr.1PK`1 P46 APOPKA LI M1. , 32'30' 1148 : 330 000 FEET '49 a. 28 E. `.50 _ 28°31'30' 60 Lake ra Lee so Bream Lake 32a............. `33-'63 Q • - _ i - Trout Lake = 34 I 0-0 y - 1v/ `I °y p- SO D i 61 'cfi• • 1 _ ...r'. '' .. - - a'� iod i- _ °-- .. • ° \ T. 21 S. T• �. da• :'yi'Sandait ro9 T. 22 S. ° T21 S:a 2zs 6M ` C 'moo - ----- r .133"NEP '� i r r ��q.� • N O - I I �'i �o PB_ ••I `~ P.` _ o'/• O ..- - Qa70 3 r9 "64 5 o a oz 6 d' d _ ��•'�Fullers '1� _ •r.= '_ •=��u :"�,.•, FEE CrownPolnt ! - _- .. _ - - - - _ - - _ -��'r =- ... � .. _ e --_ • rsJ � • ��-_.� " __ ` - _` '`?I •. _ - _ - _: `oar 1 a163 irze Lake00 ' St0 ii I .S18 09 06 '�'1. ` \ f!!1 c ° P;.: a: • ' r. N i li Tr ... _ y_ — rI ••�� � V it Y © 1� ,��°-•_ ` / ��1�0 •� G[OWQ POIIIt�II• ,l o `\ \ D •�'1 iO y`� C r •�•: I 1` T '"" -- _ 7 -1 { v _ Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey a O^ `�\ 1 ldI ,ontrol by USGS and USC&GS '1,'C' ) �_ .! Peach Lake �' l` - Ao •• 35 In pography from aerial photographs by Kelsh plotter r Aerial photographs taken 1952. Field check 1956 +.i.4 r�oPe 6Prinp I 'Jo • /' • ' ON O I B polyconic projection 1 II,s•• 6R _��_��_____ I °s • SCALE 1:24000 �,000•foot grid based on Florida coordinate system, east zone 1 -- .zsL -',- - -- 1 i - 0 1 " 3fi MILS II 0'76• I: • �--� -- .300-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, 5 MILS '- I'UT. _ _ - rT^, L(r�ler ark ° �- I ( I 1000 0 IODO 2000 3000 4000 5000 E000 r000 FEET zone ]7, shown in blue. 1927 North American Datum Y: I - I g p 1 KILOMETER 11 :i To place on the predicted North American Datum 1983 .1• % �'� ' �• -`� T �- T•C�"F• _ _ IIOve the projection lines 27 meters south and UTM GRID AND 1980 MAGNETIC NORTH ' -^--1' _ Pa'ker,,: ••:,.'li.r' . „ '.--�•••_ ""'?� • •-"' - ParH %ram` II _3 meters west as shown by dashed corner ticks DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET •� ` I• I i - L' . ' c CONTOUP. INTERVAL 10 FEET Red tint indicates areas in which only landmark buildings are shown - .- e • • ,'•' _�Jf` NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 revisions shown in purple compiled from aerial photographs `'•18 __=r ' I' r�� ?•• �_e•_-( *en 1977 and other source data. This information not - 17 ?=-_� THIS MAP COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS •" �':_+' FOR SALE BY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY field checked. Map edited 1980 I i' �-..-. • '" ----- ' purple tint indicates extension of urban areas _. I .'.:..' f:• .=%� ---, "' ( DENVER, COLORADO 80225, OR RESTON, VIRGINIA 22092 • • !'; •:!' +�\, Starke Lake A FOLDER DESCRIBING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ..:��.. ; .••!:::,.mod ! :'�1� .... ._ ... CORPORATE LIMITS � COY I CO KEY TO MAP i 560-Ye3r Flood Boundary --- a,, ,.,,_ 100•Year Flood Boundary 4 O NO Zone Designations• With Date of Identification e.g., 1212/74 100-Year Flood Boundary 500-Year Flood Boundary s' '•ye� Base Flood Elevation Line _ _513 With Elevation In Feet -- Base Flood Elevation in Feet (EL 987) Where Uniform Within Zone• Elevatlon Reference Mark RM7x River Mile • M1.5 **Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 'EXPLANATION OF ZONE DESIGNATIONS ZONE EXPLANATION A Areas of 100-year flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. AO Areas of 100-year shallow flooding where depths are between one (1) and three (3) feet; average depths of inuhdation are shown, but no flood hazard factors are determined. AH Areas of 100-year shallow flooding where depths are between one (1) and three (3) feet; base need elevations are shown, but no Ilood hazard factors are determined. Al-A30 Areas of 100-year Rood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors determined. A99 Areas of 100-year flood to be protectcd by good Protection system under construction; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. B Areas between limits of the 100-year flood and 500- year flood; or certain areas subject to 100-year flood- ing with average depths less than one (1) foot or where the eontrfbuting drainage area is less than one square mile; or areas protected by levees from the base flood. (Medium shading) C Areas of minimal flooding. (No shading) C Areas of undetermined, but possible, flood hazards. V Areas of 100-year coastal Flood with velocity (wave action); base Flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. V1-V30 Areas of I00•year coastal flood with velocity (wave action); base flood elevations and flood hazard factors determined. NOTES TO USER Certain areas not in the special flood hazard areas (zones A and V) tray be protected by flood control structures. This map is for flood insurance purposes only; it does not neecs- sarily show all areas'subject to flooding in the community or all planimetric features outside special flood hazard areas. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION AUGUST 2,1974 CONVERSION f0 REGLLAR PROGRAM structures In the zones where elevations or r established, EXHIBIT #4 To determine If flood insurance is available 1 contact your insurance agent, or call the National Flood insurance I Prograin, at (800) 638.6620. or (800) 424-8872. 4 APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 1000 FEET NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 120185 0005 8 (ONLY PANEL PRINTED) EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION E :f Y'r ..:Y , 1.:1 A'F:—OEM ZONEA � coR:1 I.Eb' -);t ..f:•.•. I McCORMICf( RO yD ,V>,LEv DRIVE) `6-�•�- 87 }' ZONE C i ZONE C ZONE A10 tEL 761 A I ZONE A10 IEL861L� ONEA; ' ?� �RM21<- /�•�� o 'Z ON E A SYSTEM ZONE C - sy ,2rF ci:j Srr �r OCOEE RM22 ;I CLAHCONA �� flOAD BMI 153rl"'••• Wastewater Sitd a! r29 •I •• City of Ocoee ZONE C • �'" : AREA NOT INCLUDED '—� ZONE AS (EL 121) , 1211181 ZONEA _ AIR* ZONEA Sl . I - z _' Xra ..�zs•'_1 .?et j-�_LJnnin3 ria10 KEY TO MAP 500-Year Flood Boundary 100-Year Flood Boundary Zone Designations• With Data of Iden[lfication e.g., 12/2174 100-Year Flood Boundary 500-Year Flood Boundary Base Flood Elevation Line 513 With Elevation In Feet' Base Flood Elevation in Feet IEL 987) Where Uniform Within Zone" Elevation Reference Mark RM7X Zone D Boundary--' --- River Mile • M 1.5 —Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum If 1929 *EXPLANATION OF ZONE DESIGNATIONS ZONE EXPLANATION A Areas of 100-year flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. AO Areas of 100-Year shallow flooding where depths are between one (1) and three (3) feet; average depths of inundation are shown, but no flood hazard factors are determined. AH maas of 100-year shallow Flooding where depths are between one (1) and three (3) feet; base flood elevations are shown, but no flood hazard factors are determined. AI-A30 Areas of 100-year Flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard Factors determined. A99 Areas of 100-year flood to be protected by flood pro [action system under construction; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. B Areas between limits of the 100-year flood and 50D- year flood; or certain areas subject tp 100-ycar flood• Ing with average depths less than one (1) foot or where the contributing drainage area Is less than one square mile; or areas protected by levees from the base flood. (Medium shading) C Areas of minimal flooding. (No shading) D Areas of undetermined, but possible, flood hazards. V Areas of 100-year coastal flood with velocity (wave actidn); base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. V1-1/30 Areas of 100-year coastal flood with velocity (wave action); base flood elevations and flood hazard factors determined. NOTES TO USER Certain areas not in the special rood hazard areas (zones A and VI m ♦ u, protected by flood control structures. This map is for flood insurance purposes only; it does not neces- sarily ;how all areas subject to flooding In the community or all planimetric features outside special flood hazard areas. For aejoining map panels, see separately printed Mat, Index INITIAL IDENTIFICATION: JANUARY 30, 1976 FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP REVISIONS: APRIL 75. 1977 EXHIBIT #, To determine If [lead insurance Is available in thi contact your insurance agent, or call the National Flood Insurance Program, at (800) 638.6620. -0- . APPROXIMATE SCALE 2000 0 2000 FEET NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) PANEL 175 OF 625 COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 120179 0175 C MAP REVISED: 1UNE 15, 1984 Federal Emergency Management Agency vnnrvua wun i i. 1—Muh - oncu 1-1-cm 1a I 18 N EXHIBIT # 6 ! EXI-10T # V U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SOIL LEGEND M,A units are In numenul o.d—A the feet al the survey. The alpha. wanting .sock is firths ct- bebo'A'. io the names reld.e 1. w, Aa1those faith mapped in the survey. Sails coon. A P,. 1 • slow des�gnalmn �n the 1. are m�w.11a,Awut areas. name arc on nwrly level knasrawl ar NUMERICAL ALPHABETICAL SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL NAME 1 Artnk, nearly level 2 I..'a hne San.. 01.5pe.eent elopes 2 Archbold hne mod. I, to 5 percent Slopes t Asents. nearly level 3 Basinger I.ne and, Pop...sianal ' Candler hne sand. Old 5 percent slows 3 Basinger line land. aePreafmnal s Ca Adler hne no. 5.12 Pervert slaws 6 C,AeI.AP.A. Ime sands. 510 12 wrcant slopes 4 Candler hne Ind.0 to 5 percent aladel T CSAd--UroaA land complex... 5.",At slows 5 Candler ',A.sane. 5 to 12 Percenl daces B CandlerD,bdn land complex. 5 ed 12 portent slaws 6 C.Adlll.APA1 IIA—Ads.5tat2woldAl boos 9 Canova much 7 Candler -Urban land complex.. 0 5 Percent slows f0 CIA-1 bnesandy loam, N49uenlry Nodded B candler -Urban lane wmplae, 51. 12percenl slopes I1 Floridan. and Chobod soils. Ir .Illy flooded 9 C.A..muck 12 Emeralds and Hold— hne sands. freauenlly flooded 10 Ch.— fine sandy loam. Irapuently llooaed 13 14 Feld,Ilne sane FelPe 1—sand. wcasronally flooded l2 Emeralea and Holopaw Iloo vMa, I --sly flooded 15 Feld. line sane. Iraauenlly flooded 16 Flarldana hne vn0. Irepuenny ibpaed 13 Felda hne sand I) Flarmana mucky hne mod, de4rewmnal 14 FNda fine sand. wcaslonatly loWaO )B Get,, muck 15 Felda one vnd. Ire uenily flooded 19 Honiwn muck 2a Florahome hne sand. 0 to 5 percent slaws 20 Immohalee hne sans 29 Flnrando,"Iben leAd do—im. 0 to 5 weeanl stowl 21 Lahe hne land. Oe. 5 percent 11-1 1fi Flvridana hne wnd,..I uenlly ((added ' 22 LocmPowlina sand 17 Fl_P.A. mPay fine cons. deprd.s.onal 23 Mabb„hne mod 11 Flor+dana and Chows'ea" Ireavenlltr flooded 24 Mlllh.ppe,.U,P.d lane complex, 0. 5 do —Al slaws 25 Oheelanla much 18 Get., muck 26 27 0na one sand Ona.Urbin lend=.old. 19 Honi.o. muck 2S Flo,ahama hne sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes 29 FN.ah.".Ule- do—Pkl,.W 5 wrwAt4bw, 2. IAAA. ,hne sand 30 31 Pmeda sins vAd P-Pe Ime sand. I—PloolY llweee 21 Lahe hne mod. 0 to 5 a.Ceni slope' 32 Pinellas toe was 22 Loahled. 1'.. mod 33 34 Pik Pomella hne I'd, 01. 5 perwnt slaw( 23 Malabar fine Pond 35 Pomel(o-Vrban WM comPka, 0 to 5 cer=m sows 24 Mad, ... er-Urban Iand co-1e1.0 W 5 percent lbws 36 37 Pompano llne mod St. Jahn, Iln, Pond 25 O..Ien. muck 38 St. blue limo vnd, 0 to 5 percent slopes 26 On. hne Pond 39 SL L.P U-A land complex, 0 to 5 Percent Hopes 27 O—Urban Iand complex 4. S,msul....k 41. 42 Samsulx.Nontaon.8asmges assocbtion.dWresimnal Sanibol much 30 31 Pmedabne Pond PmedahAe Pond, 11-111 fooded 43 Soliner line vnd 32 Rnellas Ime vAd 44 "'A. hne send 33 Pda a5 46 S-11 baAldAd cola. . Ta.,,a, fine vnd, 0 to 5 percem slows 34 35 Pomella foe vAd. 0. 5 wewm sidws PCmdl10-U,ImA find co-111. 0 io 5 Dert,nl slopes 47 T...... MfllkO-1 hne vnd,,..5 moment slows 36 Pompaw I— mod 4s Tava,aLUlban land, ample. 01. 5 PdA—sIa- 49 Terra Ceia muck 37 St. Johns line no $0 Urban land 38 St. L.- line Pond, 0 to 5 de —Al slaws 51 Wabasco line mod 39 St. Luck Ulban lend complex, 0 to 5 percent slows 52 53 Wsb,,w.UrWn land complex Wsuo"It hne sand 40 41 Samaula much Samsull-HO.M.-B-A911 asfMwlmn, deuressmnal 54 map hne Pond a2 S,Mbel muck 55 Z.I.-Urban Jana=mold. 43 Sell—hne was 44 S.y.A, hne Pond a5 Smy,na-U,in—d—A., 46 Tavares hne sand. 0 m 5 p,,,.A' fldpe, 47 Tavare5-M+llhppwr hne "Ad'0 to 5-.At lloDes 48 Tavares-U. .land—Alel.0 At 5 moment slopes 49 Terra Co. muck 50 Will. land 51 Y,.b... lop A. 52 Waba,=-Ulbin lane Co.Dlea 53 Waube hne Pond 54 2allo hne vAd 55 Z.P.-U,oan bAd=m 11. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES CONVENTIONAL AND SPECIAL SYMBOLS LEGEND CULTURAL FEATURES BOUNDARIES ..A., skin dr PI.— — — — MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL FEATURES Counry a1.1ah — Farmstead, house (omit in vrben areas( Min. 1AAI Pmsi.l — — — Church Bew ,,. lnaupnel ldrasiw park. S.Pof stale lorest., cork toot've. as PAID —'-- Ind- mound(.b.0 Lane tram --••— L—led.Moll Noon Loma ON sad survey (label) Tank (bite. Field sheet Am-Rne aAd dean— Wells. Oil or Be, AD HOC BOUNDARY IIabeN WAdmill Smell ad—L((,held, cork. oilielC. SLgoa --Y,. u— Pool Kihhen mNden STATE COORDINATE TICK LAND DIVISION CORNER L1+-rL (sectoe.3 and Lnd grants) ROADS WATER FEATURES Divided (meWrt ehpwn it scale permits) DRAINAGE Other ruses Perennial, daubfe Roe T-1 ----- PernAnuL .ivgl, fine ROAD EMBLEM 4 DESIGNATIONS Intersiale Q t—doKent D,elnage end Federal CIA.%or dl/ehes Sbte O fMu0lo-lme Moan Caunn, I— ran. O Dralnaee and/or irngalmn RAILROAD —1-4�— LAKES. PONDS AND RESERVOIRS POWER TRANSMISSION LINE (Po, ", not sAownj Peen -I PIPE LINE (normally not shavm7 Inte-1.1 FENCE —'—'— p o.melly not mown) MISCELLANEOUS WATER FEATURES LEVEES Mer. or swamp Wimp.. road wan nnuu SP,lag wa.,rwe k�kl�ll�lllll wen.eHefun Wdhrail.wd Well, mrigatlpn DAMS Wet scot Low (lit wail Memum a, Smell PITS Gravel.( X Mine or..... X SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR SOIL SURVEY SOIL DELINEATIONS AND SYMBOLS 3 14 ° ESCARPMENTS yBerd-1, .................. (wm0 eo.n ]lope) i 011," Bun bedrock „ ......... •"•• Iwun (prank down sid.0 nr-wane SHORT STEEP SLOPE """ GULLY • ' DEPRESSION OR SINK 0 SOILSAMPLE 0 - (nOrmallY riot shown) a MISCELLANEOUS B—I Clay iwt Gravelly awl G—. almM or cabby awl too),) 0 Dumps end poor 11,Aftr ..A.1 areas 1� PAdA.A.At bill aecosh r Rock oatvoP ' (intfue. yr .-o am lhafe) Saline scot + .. Sandy loos S—ty...a l90t Shoe oa sfiP (lip, Point up,low) `- SA., scot. very Mony swl O m EXHIBIT # 7 go LJ Nodarse & Associates, Inc. - April 28, 1995 Project No. 92-0333.5 TO: CITY OF OCOEE 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 32608 ATTN: Ms. Montye Beamer RE: Report of Preliminary Subsurface Soil and Groundwater Conditions, Three (3) Potential Sites for Proposed New Recreation Center, Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Dear Ms. Beamer: -' Per your request and in accordance with our proposal dated April 13, 1995, L.J. Nodarse & Associates, Inc. (LJN) performed preliminary geotechnical engineering evaluations for three (3) potential sites for a proposed new recreation center in the City of Ocoee, Florida. The purpose of the investigations were to assess the near surface soil and groundwater conditions at three (3) proposed building sites: Two (2) sites at Vignetti Park and one (1) site at the southwest comer of Fleweling Drive and Orange Avenue in Ocoee, Florida. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project consists of three (3) potential sites: two (2) sites are located at Vignetti Park west of Adair. Avenue and one (1) site at the southwest comer of Fleweling and Orange Avenue in the City of Ocoee, Florida. Per your request, an engineer from our firm met with Mr. Jim Beech at the proposed site location on April 11, 1995. We understand the proposed building will be lightweight one (1) story structure with approximate dimensions of 160 ft. x 120 ft. This preliminary study is limited to the three (3) potential sites and does not include any roadways or ponds. A final geotechnical engineering study will be required once final building and pond locations are determined. Geotechnical, Environmental, & Materials Engineers 807 South Orlando Avenue ♦ Suite A ♦ Winter Park, Florida 32789 ♦ Telephone 407.740.6110 ♦ Facsimile 407.740.6112 Project No. 92-0333.5 Page 2 FIELD EXPLORATION Our field exploration for this preliminary study consisted of performing two (2) shallow hand auger borings to an average depth of seven (7) feet below existing ground at each of the three (3) sites. The approximate boring locations are shown on the location plans (Sheets 1 and 2) in the Appendix. Boring locations should be considered approximate. The hand auger boring procedure consisted of manually turning a 3 inch diameter, 6 inch long sampler into the soil until it is full. The sampler is then retrieved and the soils in the sampler are visually examined and classified. The procedure is repeated until the desired termination depth is achieved or shallow groundwater levels cause collapse of the _ borehole. Samples of representative strata were obtained for further visual examination and classification in our laboratory. NEAR SURFACE SOIL AND WATER CONDITIONS The soil types encountered at the boring locations are presented in Table 1 in the Appendix. Descriptions of the soils encountered in the borings are accompanied by the Unified Soil Classification Symbol (SP, SC, etc.) based on visual examination. In general, the soils encountered in the shallow_ borings consisted of fine sand (SP) and slightly silty fine sand (SP-SM) from the existing ground surface to the boring termination depth of 7 feet. One exception occurred in boring HA-5 performed in the Vignetti Park. Boring HA75 encountered decayed roots and traces of organics within the slightly siltystratum encountered from the depths of 4 to 7 feet below existing ground. Groundwater levels measured in the open boreholes during our field study (April, 1995) indicate that groundwater at the Vignetti sites ranged from 3.2 to 4.5 feet below the ,existing ground surface. Groundwater was not encountered in borings HA-1 and HA-2 performed at the Fleweling site to their seven (7) foot termination depths. Groundwater levels will fluctuate with the amount of local rainfall and with site development and, therefore, may be different at other times. The normal wet seasonal high groundwater levels for the borings performed at the Vignetti Park are anticipated to be 12 to 18 inches higher than the levels recorded during our field study. Wet season groundwater levels are expected to remain no higher than of 7 feet below existing ground surface in borings HA-1 and HA-2 performed at the Fleweling site. PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS According to the results of our shallow auger borings. It appears that the three (3) potential sites contains soils that should be suitable for the construction of the proposed light weight structure. After the final site has been selected, a final geotechnical study Project No. 92-0333.5 Page 3 will be required. The final geotechnical study should include Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to an approximate depth of 20 feet. The information included in this report can be used to obtain general soil and groundwater conditions at the three (3) sites -� and should not be used to draw recommendations for building foundation design. LJN would be glad to perform a final geotechnical study for the selected site, if you so desire. We trust this information will be of assistance to you. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, L.J. DARSE & ASSOCIATES, INC. ile4 H. Hussein, E.I. jet Engineer, E.I. KHH/DCS:kk 92-0333.5.pro Enclosures 0 Daniel C. Stanfill, P.E. Manager, Geotechnical Services FL Registration No. 42763 APPENDIX - Boring Depth (ft.) No. From - To A. Fleweling Site HA-1 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.5 HA-2 B. Vignetti Sites HA-3 HA-4 HA-5 HA-6 1.5 - 6.0 6.0 - 7.0 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 7.0 Table 1 New Recreation Center LTN Project No. 92-0333.5 Soil Description Gray fine Sand (topsoil) (SP) Light brown fine sand with clay with traces of clay lenses (SP) Orangish brown fine sand (SP) Light brown fine sand (SP) Groundwater not encountered Gray fine sand (topsoil) (SP) Light brown fine sand (SP) Orangish brown fine sand (SP) Groundwater not encountered 0.0 - 3.0 Light brown fine sand (SP) 3.0 - 7.0 Dark brown slightly silty fine sand (SP-SM) Groundwater encountered Q 4.5' 0.0 - 3.0 Light brown fine sand ($P) 3.0 - 7.0 Very dark brown slightly silty fine sand (SP-SM) Groundwater encountered Q 4.0' , 0.0 - 4.0 Light brown fine sand (SP) 4.0 - 7.0 Very dark brown slightly silty fine sand with decayed roots, trace organics (SP-SW Groundwater encountered @ 4.0' 0.0 - 0.5 Dark orangish brown slightly silty fine sand (SP-SW 0.5 - 3.5 Light brown fine sand (SP) 3.5 - 7.0 Brown fine sand (SP) Groundwater encountered @ 3.2' BALL FIELDS LEGEND APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF HAND AUGER BORING - APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED CENTER HA-2 L.J. NODARSE & ASSOCIATES, INC. _ HARR/S ROAD i I I I I HA-5 A- 4 I HA- 6+H APPROXIMATE )i HA-3 j q i LOCATION OF PROPOSED APPROXIMATE I CENTER LOCATION OF EXISTING PROPOSED CENTER BALL FIELDS NORTHERN DURANG_O AVENUE 10th. AVENUE - - I I MEADOW SWEET COURT 11 th. AVENUE I I I I I FORT COLLINS COURT_ I I I 12th. AVENUE t I LOCATION PLAN PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION PROPOSED RECREATION CENTER VIGNETTI PARK ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGEND L.J. NODARSE & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF o HAND AUGER BORING DRAWN: SCALE: PROD. NO: Mr. N_T_S_ 92-0333-