HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (E) Approval and Authorization to Use Remaning Funds from the Capital Outlay for the Vignetti Recreation Center Floor Tile for Purchase of a Toshiba Copier #1560 for the Recreation Department's Beech Center • , Agenda 3-07-2000 Item III E • 11 CITY OF a it OCOEE CITY 4F OcOEE ' 9EECH IIONDEPARTMENT RECREAEN TION CENTER 414z, -V ' 1820 A.D.IVIIMS ROAD OCOEE,FL 34761 TEL: 407-656-2322 ext. 95,000 FAX:407-654-4734 STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners • FROM: Bruce Nordquist, CLP, Director of Recreation DATE: February 16, 2000 RE: Purchasing Toshiba Copier 1560 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the purchase of a Toshiba Copier #1560 for the Recreation Department's Beech Center. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Recreation Department's administrative staff occupies the Beech Recreation Center. There is a need for a copying system for the many schedules, flyers, registration forms, etc. used by the department. The original plans were to transfer the copier at the Community Center, which is an old copier transferred from the police department,to the Beech Recreation Center. While the serviceman was servicing the copier it was discovered that the toner cartridge was obsolete and could not be ordered. This makes the existing copier unusable. It is an inconvenience to make extra trips to City Hall just to make copies and many instances having to wait to use the downstairs copier. The Capital Outlay for the Vignetti Recreation Center's floor tile totaled $5300. The project was budgeted for the 1999-2000 fiscal year and completed at a cost of$2700. The department would like to use the remaining funds $2600 to purchase a Toshiba Copier #1560 for$1490 plus .006 cents per copy from Toshiba Business Solutions. This price is from a contract with Seminole County Public Schools (attachment). STAFF RECOMENDATIONS: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the purchase of the Toshiba Copier#1560 using thelremaining funds from the Capital Outlay for the Vignetti Recreation Center floor tile. Attachments: Seminole County Public School Bid List 01e. Pratert Oc€�ee's Water ResourcesCo C �" w k SEMINOLE COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS PAUL 1. HAGERTY, Ph.D. Superintendent Sealed proposals addressed to the School Board of Seminole County,Florida (hereinafter called the "Board")are requested. Proposals shall be marked PROPOSAL FOR PROVIDING Educational Support Center COPYING EQUIPMENT, SERVICE,AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DISTRICT 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 33773-7127 Conditions and specifications are available from the Purchasing Department, Office of the Superintendent, 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard,Sanford,Florida 32773. Proposals will be received at the above named office as indicated herein. All Conditions stated shall apply. All questions concerning the request for proposal or procedures to be followed should be directed to Don Nicholas, Director of Purchasing, in writing or by telephone. All responses concerning interpretation of scope of work to be performed will be Purchasing issued in writing and furnished to all persons requesting a copy of this proposal. Distribution Services ALL PROPOSALS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO DON NICHOLAS,DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING,SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY,400 E. LAKE MARY BOULEVARD, SANFORD,FLORIDA 32773 ON OR BEFORE Don Nicholas Director DATE OF OPENING TIME OF OPENING July 20, 1999LACE OF OPENING 407-320-0238 2:30 P.M.PM Purchasing Dept. - POSTING OF BID TABULATIONS-Bid tabulations with recommended awards will be posted at the location where bids were opened for review by interested parties on August 2, 1999, and will remain posted for a period of 3 days. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Board Rule DJC, School Board of Seminole County Board Policies shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Section 4. Don Coleman Coordinator Contact Person: JP Petrencsik • 407-320-0237 Buyer 407-320-0451 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLA. BY 0 - Don Nicholas Director of Purchasing Bid Numberz_1.0 6- NOTE: Bidder will submit one signed original and two (2) copies. Consider this part of the bid and is required for qualification of award see Number Two (2) in Special Conditions Date Mailed : June 17, 1999. S fr )L Y\ t AL/lS( r1 . 'ESS t7 �t I l"t1rS Visit Our Web Site C fte r e 11i-r Cd4ef- 'C CL((ed 03 e • www.scps.kl2.fl.us �1 • Seminole County Public School Bid opening July 20, 1999 Bid 102639 Com/ina Equipment and SuonlieS _ Vendor Make I Model ,. Class „ , q „„,.„„„CPC:„„„„..... q CPC Rank ' , ,A Purchase n r $29.00 WC Leese n Cost moot Danka Canon NP6412 '���.,,•� ,,, �. ; N/B ' N/B Copyco Gestetner 27132 1 Purchase $1,185.00 0.006 Lease } $37.50 0,006 Seminole Office Prod_Panasonic FP 7715 1 Purchase $1,172.94 N/C Lease S37.32 i WC y Copytronics }Minolta ep103 1 Purchase $1,265.00 0.0048 Lease $40.00 0.0048 Asxa 'Sharp AR 160 1 Purchase 51,300.00 0.0144 Lease $35.62 0.0144 Pitney Bowes _ Pitney Bowes C140 1 Purchase �51-,359.00 0.0075 Lease $42.00 0,0075 Toshiba Toshiba 1560 1 Purchase $1,490,00 0.006 . Lease $45.19 0.006 - EGP Mita DC 1560 1 Purchase $1,676.00 0.0079 j Lease f $52,00 0,079 Copytronics Minolta ep 1085 1 Purchase $1,848.00 0.0048 Lease $78.75 0.0048 Xerox Xerox 5818T 1 Purchase $2.775.00 0 196 Lease S78.00 0.023 Lanier No Bid 1 1 Purchase N/B N/B Lease N/B N/B Axsa Sharp AR200 ,,.w!.: ^ ? r�'.a, Purchase 52,255.00 0.0141 _Lease i $61.75 0.0141 Copyco Gestetner 3220 2 r Purchase $3,625.00 0 005 Lease 5114.50 0.005 Seminole Office Prod. Panasonic FP7722s2 2 Purchase $3,779.55 N/C Lease $112.95 N/C Seminole Office Prod. Panasonic FP772252 2 Purchase i $3,779.55 N/C Lease II $120.26 N/C Toshiba 'Toshiba 2060 2 Purchase $3,803.00 0.0065 Lease I $114.47 0.0065 - Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes C235 2 Purchase $3,968.00 ' 0.0075 Lease $123.00 0.0075 Copyco Gestetner 2722 ZTD 2 Purchase $4,405.00 0.005 Lease $128.00 0.005 EGP Mita Al 2020 (digital) _2 Purchase 54,405.00 0.0068 Lease S138.00 _ 0.008 + Copytronics 'Minolta EP 2030 _ 2 Purchase $4,420.00 0.0045 Lease 5138.00 0.0045 Danka Canon GP 200 S 2 Purchase $4,688.00 N/C Lease N/B N/B Lanier Lanier 7320 2 Purchase 54,459.00 0.013 Lease We N/B EGP Mita DC 2360 2 Purchase $4,939.00 0.0068 Lease __$155.35 0.0068 __ I Lanier 'Lanier 5020(digital) 2 Purchase $5,476.00 r 0.019 Lease I NIB NIB Xerox 'Xerox 5624 TA i 2 Purchase 55,615,00 ; 0,0155 Lease I $179.00 0,022 Copytronics Minolta EP 3000 '^ ; 1' Purchase $4,828.00 I 0.0045 Lease I $125.00 0,0045 Toshiba Toshiba 3550 3 Purchase $4,910.00 0.0065 Lease S148.23 0.0065 Seminole Office Prod. Pansonic FP7735s2 3 Purchase $5,102.48 N/C Lease $152.00 N/C Asxa Sharp SF 250 I 3 Purchase _ $5,217.00 0.0113 Lease $152.94 0.0113 Seminole Office Prod. Perasonlc 035082 3 Purchase $5,536.62 N/C Lease $165.49 N/C Copyco Gestetner 2732 ZTD 3 Purchase $5,555.00 0.004 Lease $175.50 0.004 Pitney Bowes ,Pitney Bowes c360 3 Purchase $5.655.00 0.0065 Lease $178.00 .. ' 0.0065 Seminole Office Prod, Peresonic FP7735s2 3 Purchase 5.102.48 WC Lease $162.38 WC Danko Canon NP 6230 3 Purchase $5,999.00 N/C Lease NIB NIB Lanier Laniery 7335 3 Purchase $5,017.75 0.0115 Lease WB N/0 Seminole Office Prod. Panasonic FPD350s2 3 Purchase $5,536.62 WC Lease 3176.17 i N/C EGP Mita DC 3060 3 Purchase $6,732.00 0.0105 Lease $211.78 0,0068 Lanieer Lanier 5235 3 Purchase $7,836.00 0.0125 Lease N/B N/B Xerox Xerox 5830 T 3 Purchase $8,745.00 0.0125 Lease 1 $265.00 0.022 Seminole Office Prod. Panasonic FP7750s2 N'._; ; „,,: Purchase $5,711.37 N/C Lease $170.71 I N/C Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes C500 I 4 Purchase $5.891,00 0.0055 Lease $183.00 j 0.0055 Copytronics Minolta EP 5000 4 Purchase $6,447.00 0.0039 Lease S179.00 0,0039 Seminole Office Prod. Parsonic FP7750s2 - - 4-___-Purchase $5,711.37 N/C Lease $181.74 I N/C Toshiba Toshiba 5560 4 Purchase 57,309.50 0.0055 Lease $223.67 0.0055 Axsa Sharp SF 2052 4 Purchase It $8,219.00 i 0.0079 Lease $22520 0.0079 Copyco Gestetner 2851 4 Purchase $8,275.00 0.004 Lease I $261.50 0.004 EGP Mita Al 505(digital) 4 Purchase $11,502.00 N/C Lease N/B N!B 1 Danka Canon NP 8591 4 Purchase $9,999-00 � 0.0059 Lease $361.85 0.0059 JP PETRENCSIK ESC, BUYER Page 1 t'O2j MISDN32IZ3d cif 8T900ZCLOt' IV'd O£:5T 00/60/ZO