HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(F3) Discussion On Proposal For Bidding And Construction Phase Services - Maguire Road Improvement Segments 1 And 2 With PEC - Addendum No. 00-3 To PEC's Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services In The Amount Of $675,865.00 Agenda 6-U6-2000
Item VII F 3
(407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER
DATE: May 22, 2000
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners
FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director,
SUBJECT: Proposal for Bidding and Construction Phase Services - Maguire Road
Attached for your review is Addendum No. 00-3 to the Agreement for Consulting
Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee and Professional Engineering
Consultants, Inc. for bidding and construction phase services for the Maguire Road
The proposed Addendum is comprised of four main components:
1. Bidding phase services consist of the preparation and distribution of bid sets of
drawings and specifications including all addenda, review of submitted bids, and
preparation of conformed copies of bid documents after award of the contract.
2. Construction phase project management, shop drawing review and approval,
contract management services and inspection management services.
3. Inspection services for the bridges over the Florida's Turnpike. This work is to be
performed by a subconsultant specialist who is certified by the Florida
Department of Transportation in bridge inspection.
4. Geotechnical and materials inspection and testing. This work is to be performed
by a geotechnical subconsulting firm.
In order to save money, we have worked out an arrangement with PEC that will allow
us to use one of our inspectors as the on-site inspector. This will provide us with a
greater degree of contact with the field staff on a daily basis, and will enable us to
identify potential problems earlier. The inspector will work closely with PEC's
professional construction manager who will ensure that all procedural and
documentation issues are properly addressed throughout the project duration.
Prated ik9$e$VOte.OP$9url esF," +" O
The services to be provided directly by PEC are summarized as:
1. Conduct pre-construction meeting to outline construction schedule, coordinate
construction events and establish lines of communication between contractor,
City and design consultant. PEC will prepare and distribute a booklet with all of
the forms to be utilized during the construction phase to enhance
coordination/communication between the contractor, City and PEC during the
construction phase;
2. Administer and coordinate weekly progress meetings (estimate 104 weekly
3. Provide site visits and inspections with City inspector;
4. Review, approve and catalog all shop drawings, product date and equipment
5. Review and approve maintenance of traffic plans provided by contractor;
6. Review field questions of contractor and provide interpretation of contract
7. Review and recommend contractor's request for payment, change orders,
contract modifications;
8. Provide substantial completion inspection; and
9. Certify completion of the project and compliance with all regulatory permits.
The proposed fee for this work, inclusive of subconsultant fees, is $ 675,865.00.
I recommend that the City Commission authorize the mayor and City Clerk to execute
Addendum No. 00-3 in the amount of $675,865.00 in accordance with PEC's proposal
dated April 18, 2000.
Protedt0660 VeerResnurces5
This Addendum No. 003 hereinafter called the Addendum, as of this day of
2000, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting
Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional
Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre,
Orlando, Florida (the CONSULTANT), dated the 21st day of August, 1984, hereinafter
referred to as the AGREEMENT.
WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the
CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as
required from time to time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting
engineering services for the CITY as herein defined.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter
set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually
agree as follows:
Section 1 - Services of the Consultant
1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering Services as outlined in the
attached proposal (P-0122) dated April 18, 2000 relative to the provision of
bidding services and construction engineering and inspection (CEI) consulting
engineering services to the CITY.
Section 2 - Compensation
2.1 Compensation by CITY for engineering services for the Maguire Road - Bidding
Phase Services and Construction Administration Services is provided under this
Addendum shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement,
utilizing the Lump Sum Method of Compensation with the compensation for this
authorization not-to-exceed $675,865.00 as outlined in the attached proposal (P-
0122) and man-hour fee.
Section 3 - Time of Completion
3.1 The CONSULTANT shall provide the CEI services within a 730 day period (24
months) from the notice to proceed as outlined in the attached proposal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 003 the day the
year hereinabove set forth.
ATTEST: Kenneth R. Hooper, Principal
ATTEST: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
For the use and reliance
of City of Ocoee only.
Approved as to form and
legality this
day of , 2000.
City Attorney
4j,� 'tg+��
April 18, 2000 P-0122
Mr. James W. Shira, P.E.
City Engineer/Utilities Director
City of Ocoee
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 32761
Re: Bidding and Construction Phase Services - Maguire Road
Dear Mr. Shira:
Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC) is pleased to present the enclosed proposal for
professional engineering services concerning the four (4)-laning of Maguire Road.
The construction plans for the Maguire Road expansion project are complete and the project was
publicly advertised April 16, 2000 for construction bids. The total road project is estimated to cost
$9.5 Million. ($6.3 Million for roadway widening, $1.7 Million for the bridge over the Florida
Turnpike and $1.5 Million for underground utility relocation and improvements).
PEC proposes to provide bidding and construction phase services for a total amount not to exceed
$675,865. Included in the proposal are subconsultant contracts with GAI, Inc. (bridge inspection
services - $188,960) and PSI, Inc. (materials testing services - $131,860). PEC will provide
project management, shop drawing review/approval, contract administration and inspection
management services. The on-site resident project representative (inspector) will be provided by
the City and will be supervised by PEC's Project Manager (Bob Rudd, P.E.). This combination
of City staff and consultant will save substantial expense for the City and provide professional
inspection services.
The contract period for construction of the Maguire Road project is 730 calendar days. Inspection
services are scheduled for a forty (40) hour work week and working hours are planned from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Bidding phase services shall include preparation and assembly of the bid plans and specifications,
distribution of the plans to bidders, attendance at pre-bid meeting and preparation/distribution of
any needed addenda. Also included is review of the submitted contractor bids, engineer's
recommendation of award and preparation of the Conformed Documents after award by the City
engineers "Engineering Our Community"
surveyors 200 East Robinson Street • Suite 1560 • Orlando, Florida 32801 • 407/422-8062 • FAX 407/849-9401
Mr. James W. Shira, P.E.
April 18, 2000
Page 2
Construction Phase Services are necessary to provide quality construction and control contractor
expenses. A summary of engineering services provided during construction include:
1. Conduct pre-construction meeting to outline construction schedule, coordinate construction
events and establish lines of communication between contractor, City and design
consultant. PEC will prepare and distribute a booklet with all of the forms to be utilized
during the construction phase to enhance coordination/communication between the
contractor, City and PEC during the construction phase;
2. Administer and coordinate weekly progress meetings (estimate 104 weekly meetings);
3. Provide site visits and inspections with City inspector;
4. Review, approve and catalog all shop drawings, product data and equipment manuals;
5. Review and approve maintenance of traffic plans provided by contractor;
6. Review field questions of contractor and provide interpretation of contract documents;
7. Review and recommend contractor's request for payment, change orders, contract
8. Provide substantial completion inspection; and
9. Certify completion of the project and compliance with all regulatory permits.
In summary, the Maguire Road construction period is two (2) years and PEC proposes to provide
construction phase services on an hourly-compensation basis for an amount not-to-exceed
$675,865.00. If I can answer any questions, please contact me at 422-8062.
Ke Hooper
cc: Robert Rudd, P.E.
Fursan Munjed, P.E.
Art Austin, P.E.
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1. Manufacture bid documents(bid plans and bid 0 16 32 60 12 60 180
2. Distribute bid documents(bid plans and bid 0 0 8 0 0 32 40
specifications)to Contractors and Suppliers.
Contractor/Supplier cost of plans to be retained by
3. Provide plan and specification clarification. Prepare 0 4 12 4 8 16 44
and distribute two(2)addenda.
4. Conduct/attend pre-bid meeting. Prepare agenda for, 0 2 4 8 0 2 16
preside over and prepare and distribute minutes of
preconstruction conference.
5. Attend Bid Opening and collect a copy of each bid 0 2 2 0 0 0 4
6. Review bids and prepare a detailed bid tabulation. 2 8 16 4 0 12 42
7. Provide to Owner a written recommendation of 1 1 1 1 0 2 6
8. After offical award of the contract by the Owner, 0 4 8 4 12 8 36
prepare Conformed Documents(Construction Plans
and Construction Specifications)and transmit to
Contractor for use.
3 37 83
g:\clerical\hi ghway\pec\oe-3 53\p-0070.wpd
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_. .. ....:................................ ............................................ .....»...,.:. a,::..::. o ect;: n ecr:>:: >i;GF?.1V�...I�..S.......w...!........T.C. ............... ...............................................:.......................
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..Task.................................... ................p......................................
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(730 calendar day contract time,24 months)
1. Schedule and administer project preconstruction 0 4 4 12 0 4 24
conference. Prepare agenda for,preside over and
prepare and distribute minutes of preconstruction
conference. Note,utility coordination meeting to be
included as part of overall preconstruction conference.
2. Schedule and administer periodic progress and 96 304 304 768 0 304 1,776
specially called meetings throughout progress of work.
Progress meetings will be held weekly. Number of
progress meetings estimated at one hundred and four
(104)with an average duration of four(4)hours.
Number of specially meetings estimated at twenty-four
(24)with an average duration of four(4)hours.
Preside over and prepare and distribute meeting
minutes of periodic progress and specially called
meetings. Note,continuing utility coordination
meetings are considered as part of overall project
periodic progress meetings.
3. Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the 0 208 208 416 0 208 1,040
various stages of construction in order to observe the
progress and quality of Contractor's executed Work.
Two(2)visit per week with an average visit duration
of approximately four(4)hours. Provide construction
observation report for each visit.
4. Review and approve Shop Drawings,Product Data and 0 60 120 24 0 60 264
Samples and Equipment O&M's.
5. Review and recommend Contractor's initial and 0 0 0 54 0 28 82
monthly updated/revised construction progress
6. Schedule and administer construction schedule 0 0 0 24 0 8 32
coordination meetings with Owner,Contractor and
affected utilities. Number of construction schedule
coordination meetings estimated at four(4)with an
average duration of four(4)hours.Preside over and
prepare and distribute meeting minutes of schedule
coordination meetings.
7. Review and Approve Contractor's MOT Plan 2 8 8 8 0 2 28
g:\clerical\highway\pec\oe-3 53\p-0070.wpd
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8. Review and Approve Contractor's Erosion Control 2 8 0 2 0 2 14
Plan ._
9. Review field questions and or problems and provided 0 24 24 12 0 24 84
interpretation of Contract Documents. Issue written
clarifications or interpretations of Contract Documents .
as necessary. Number of AEI's estimated at twenty
10. Review and provide comments/recommendations 0 16 16 48 • 0 16 96
concerning results of materials tests and observations
performed by project Quality Control Consultant.
11. Review,recommend and assist in negotiation of 5 20 20 80 20 40 185
contract modifications. Number of contract
modifications estimated at five(5).
12. Provide additional design services with respect to 2 24 12 4 16 4 62
actual field conditions of existing bridge piles.
13. Review and reconunend Contractor's monthly 0 0 0 96 0 24 120
application for payment. Number of monthly
applications for payment estimated at twenty four
14. Observe project Start-up,Demonstration and Testing. 0 8 8 16 0 2 34
15. Provide claim evaluation/negotiation assistance. 10 25 25 100 0 25 185
16. Upon written request by Contractor,conduct an inspect 0 4 4 6 0 2 16
to determine if Work is substantially complete and
prepare and distribute a punch list of items to be
addressed. Upon written request by Contractor,
conduct a reinspect to confirm that substantial
completion punch list items have been addressed.
Provide written recommendation with respect to project •
substantial completion acceptance.
17. Upon written request by Contractor,conduct an inspect 0 4 4 6 0 2 16
to determine if Work is finally complete and prepare
and distribute a punch list of items to be addressed.
Upon written request by Contractor, conduct a .
reinspect to confirm that final completion punch list .
items have been addressed. Provide written
recommendation with respect to project final
completion acceptance.
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18. Review final Application for Payment and 1 1 1 8 • 0 4 15
accompanying documentation to determine compliance
with Contract Documents. Review,recommend and
assist in negotiation of final contract modification,if
required,reflecting approved adjustments to contract
cost and time not previously made by other contract
modifications. Provide written recommendation with
respect to project final Application for Payment
19. Provide mylar reproducible set of record drawings 1 4 4 4 24 2 39
based upon field data provided by the Contractor,
Subcontractor(s),RPR,Subconsultant(s)and upon
information obtained directly during periodic site visits.
20. Assist in permit(s)clearance and certify completion of 1 8 8 8 8 8 41
construction on prescribed jurisdictional agency(ies)
21. Manufacture and Provide to Owner and Certify to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
jurisdictional agency(ies)O&M reflecting overall
system(s)construction and or improvements.
22. Provide Monthly Project Status Report to Owner 4 16 16 32 4 32 104
detailing PEC analysis of construction schedules,work
performed,contract modifications,action items,etc.
Provide Final Construction Report to Owner detailing
work performed,contract modifications,etc..
..............................:............................................................................... 124 746 786 1,728 72 801 4,257
ask Task)escrlptlon Bridge inspectQr Roadway Inspetor TJüJity Inspector Clerk Total
Provide Resident Project Representative
(RPR)Services and Construction
Inspection Services as follows:
PEC will endeavor to provide further
protection for the Owner against defects
and deficiencies in the Work of the
Contractor through more extensive on-site
observations of the Work in progress and
final checks of materials and equipment by
providing the services of a RPR.
The RPR will be assigned full-time to the
inspection of the construction activities and
will observe the Work in progress.
The Duties,Responsibilities,and
Limitations of Authority of the RPR will be
as described in Attachment E.
Construction Observation will be as
described in Attachment F.
2. Owner Resident Project Representative
' (RPR)to attend project preconstruction
. ........ .......... ....................... . .
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T9 AbM N TRATIO1,.. ... : >.. ;::>::>::>::><>:.;;.::.::::.::::. ::. . .
:::.::::::RATE..::::::.:: .:.:.:.BIDDI G::z:::>::::. . : ::
..:::::::::.:.::.:..:::::.:::::.�..::.::::::..:.:::............:...................... ........................... .. N. .............CONSTo:..YIIASE....::TO •I U . .........
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:>>.«: ::>:>:<:::>::>:<;;::»::.
S. 2 I�ABO .0
Principal $35.00 3 124 127 $4,445 $12,979
Project Manager $30.00 37 746 783 $23,490
Project Engineer $28.00 83 786 869 $24,332 $71,049
CAM(Construction Administration Manager)/Resident Engineer $30.00 81 1,728 1,809 $54,270 $158,468
Technician $18.00 32 72 104 $1,872 $5,466
Clerk $12.00 132 801 933 . $11,196 $32,692
SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS 368 4,257 4,625
•:••••••••..:••?:•...••>;>CON•S••T••R•UCTIONINSPECTION: .....>:::::: .` . ......::RATE.... BIDDI .G:........ . .::.::::.:::... :::
: ... : .•.. ....::...... .. :::...::::.:::::::::::::::.:.-:::.:::...:.:: :......................... N .CONST.:PIiASE:: TOTAL.IiOIJRS.::.:.::.::::..::::.I2AW COS.:.............. ..... .:... .:,. ...i
::::;;:.::::•;,:...a:>:LABO :CL. S :: . :. M U :2:: 0 :: >:•:•:`:.>:;:•::•::•:>:::::::•:•':�•<:::::>::::::;�>::;;;::•: > "::.:.;:: .... ............... ..................... .. : >;:;::>::: >::x::>:<:»>:;:>•:»:<:r:>::>::;;<
.... ......................................(A......1•M.: •.........)......::..•:.•.......•.......•.•..•.....::::•::.::::::::.:•.•.:::::..:,:.: PHASE:S.Y,CS..:.:: .:..::..... V
RPR(Resident Project Representative)
Bridge Inspector
Roadway Inspector
Utility Inspector .
. ..... . . I R.DIR CTCO.STS:OD.:. D1;T L.............................. ...... . ..: .... ,....:: .. . .::.... .....:.... ... :: ..... ..... .:.: ;>
:::;a;s::>Ea+.TERNAI:ASSOCIATC:°j:::::;:: <::>`:i: :<?: >' ......:.. :;::>:::::r«:.:>:::�::::::::>s:<>::;>:>::::::>;:::,
GAI,Inc.(Bridge Inspection Services) $188,960 $188,960
PSI,Inc.(Materials Testing Services) $131,860 $131,860
SUBTOTAL-E.A.DOLLARS $320,820 $320,820
Reproduction/Printing $1,400
Telephone(Mobile) $1,000 $1,400
Mileage $3,400 ,400
SUBTOTAL ODC COSTS $6,100 $5,800
g:\clerical\highway\pec\oe-3 531p•0070.wpd
1. PEC shall provide Project Quality Control Consultant services by this proposal.
2. This Construction Administration/Construction Observation services proposal is based on a not-to-exceed 730 calendar day construction period with PEC office staff personnel normal 40 hour
work weeks and on-site personal normal 40 hour work weeks. Standard PEC office staff personnel working hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
3. The Owner shall provide additional compensation for construction phase services preformed by PEC in connection with contract time extension beyond the stated not-to-exceed 730 calendar day
construction period. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner to PEC on an hourly basis for time worked at the given rates as provided in this proposal and/or by any future
amendments and/or modifications thereto.
4. PEC shall not provide construction related surveying services by this proposal.
5. The Owner shall provide additional compensation for construction phase services preformed by PEC in connection with additional Owner requested services either beyond that estimated by this
proposal or not addressed within the scope of this proposal. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner to PEC on an hourly basis for time worked at the given rates as provided in
this proposal and/or by any future amendments and/or modifications thereto.
6. Pursuant to the Contract Documents the Contractor is required to reimburse the Owner for Owner's Engineer's review and recommend of Contractor proposed substitutes/changes with respect to
project materials and or equipment,design/process and Value Engineering. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner to PEC on an hourly basis for time worked at the given rates
as provided in this proposal and/or by any future amendments and/or modifications thereto.
g:\clerical\hi ghway\pec\oe-3 53\p-0070.wpd
City of Ocoee, FL
Maguire Road over the Florida's Turnpike
Classification Manhours Rate Total/
Resident Engineer* 108 $100.00 $10,800.00
Project Engineer** 2227 $80.00 $178,160.00
TOTAL FEE $188,960.00
1. Labor Cost includes hourly rate for inspection personnel,fringe
benefits and overhead, vehicle leasing, insurance, estimated
mileage and repairs, materials sampling and testing equipment
such as nuclear density gauges, concrete air meter, slump cone,
molds, etc. all miscellaneous supplies such as engineering rules,
pads, paper, etc., mobile telephone and service fee, and all
administrative office support
2. Compensation to the Consultant for services set forth in the •
agreement will be made by PEC to the Consultant on an agreed upon
date for each month during the life of this agreement. The
Consultant shall prepare and submit to PEC at the lime specified by
PEC, a monthly invoice showing the hours worked on the project for
each Consultant staff member at the agreed hourly rate shown in
this Exhibit
3. Material Testing Laboratory services to be provided by PEC
through Ardaman &Associates.
4. Project Engineer's time includes review of shop drawing
submittals for compliance with contract documents. Final Approval
of shop drawings to be made by the engineer of record.
* Based upon the estimated hours needed on the project to issue
an Affidavit of Certification.
**A minimum of 4 hours/day will be charged to the project when work
is scheduled by the Contractor, but not performed due to inclement
weather or for other reasons determined by the Contractor. No
time will be charged to the project for the Project Engineer and
Inspector when advance notice is given by the Contractor of no
work being performed on the project.
GAI Consultants-Southeast, Inc.
Estimated Manhours
City of Ocoee, FL
Maguire Road over the Florida's Turnpike
2000 2001 Total
AMJ J ' A S O N D J FMAMJ J A S O N D Manhours
Maguire Road Highway
Construction :x �„
Maguire Rd. Bridge over
the Florida's Turnpike . t •
Resident Engineer 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 • 108
ProJect Engineer 1651 1851 165 1651 165 165 165 165 165 .:165 165 1651 165_1 82 I I 2227
TOTAL • 1731 173) 173) 1731 173) 173) 173(173) 173) 1731 173) 1731 1731 861 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2335
Activity Orig Rem Early Early 1.
1 , 1 , ,, , , , , 1 , „ r „ , r, , , , ,, r , , ,, ,,1 , , , ,,, , r, , , ,,,, r „ „ „ rr „ r , , , , , rr , , , , , , , , rr „ rrrr , r , r
:e MOT Devices on Maguire Rd.&FL's Turnpike 15 15 03APR00 21APROO r7Place MOT Devices on Maguire Rd.&FL's Turnpike
'se I Construction 142 142 17APROO 31 OCT00 V Phase I Construction ' I
re Test Piles(Pier No.2) 5 5 17APROO 21APR00 1VDrive Test Piles(Pier No.2)
re Temp.Sheetplles Wall"A" 5 5 24APR00 28APR00 mDrive.Temp.Sheetplles Wall"A" i •
re Temp.Sheetplles Wall"B" 6 6 01MAY00 08MAY00 CV Drive Temp.Sheetplles Wall;'B"
re Temp.Sheetplles Walls"C"&"D" 6 6 09MAY00 16MAY00 IS?Drive Temp.Sheetplles Walls"C"&"D" '
re Perm.24"Piles 1 thru 4-Abut.No.1 6 6 17MAY00 24MAY00 /Drive Perm.24"Piles 1 thru 4-Abut.No.1
ve Perm.24"Piles 1 thru 4 Abut No,3 5 5 25MAY00 31 MAY00 [V Drive Perm.24"Piles 1 thru 4 Abut No.3 •
vs Perm.24"Piles Footer No.1&2 Pier#2 _ 7 7 01 JUN00 09JUN00 ,57Drive Perm.24"Piles Footer No.1&2 Pier#2
tall MSE Wall No.1A&1 B(Partial) 18 18 17MAY00 09JUN00 /Install MSE Wall No.1A&1 B(Partial) i •
tall MSE Wall No.2(Partial) 20. 20 12JUN00 07JUL00 : LIIIIIiICInstail MSE Wall No.2(Partial) I :
Tn&Pour Ftrs.1&2,Cols&Cap,Pier#2 25 25 12JUN00 14JUL00 Form&Pour Ftrs.1&2,Cols&Cap,Pier#2 I •
rm&Pour Abutment No.1 11 11 17JUL00 31JUL00 LForm&Pour Abutment No.1 1 '
rm&Pour Abutment No.3 11 11 01AUG00 15AUG00 I L7Form&pour Abutment No.,3 •
t AASHTO Type 5 Beams 5 5 16AUG00 22AUGOO [ ]Set AASHTO Type 6 Beams
net.Sub-Flooring,Form&Pour Diaph. 18 18 23AUG00 15SEP00Const Sub-Flooring,;Form&Pour Diaph. •
rm&Pour Deck Incl.Traffic Bar.Wall 31 31 01 SEP00 13OCT00 Form&Pour Deck Incl.Traffic Bar.Wall ,
Dove Deck 5 5 160CT00 200CT00 • /Groove Deck I
mp.Strip Prep.MOT&Open to Traffic _ 7 7 230CT00 31 OCT00 ,7Temp.Strip Prep.MOT&Open to Traffic
ase 2 33 33 01 NOV00 15DECOO Phase 2
i •
w Cut Existing Bridge Slabs 5 5 01 NOV00 07NOV00 LQSaw Cut Existing Bridge Slabs !
move Existing Bridge Deck&Beams 17 17 08NOV00 3ONOV00 tgia7Remove Existing Bridge Deck&Beams i
move Existing Substr.&Embankment 23 23 15NOV00 15DEC00 i . L7Remove Existing Substr.&Embankment
lase 3 125 125 27NOV00 18MAY01 I Phase 3
ive Perm.24"Piles,Abut.No.1 4 4 27NOV00 30NOV00 : &7Drive Perm.24"Piles,Abut No.1 •
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:mpl.MSE Wall No.18 21 21 01 DEC00 29DEC00 Compl.MSE Wall No.1 B
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:apt:aptForm&Pour Pier No.2 16 16 25DECOO 15JAN01 Lis Compl.Form&Pour Pier No.2
ompl.MSE Wall No,2 23 23 01JAN01 31JAN01 L7Comp1.MSE Wall No,2 •
ompl.Form&Pour Abut.No.1 12 12 16JAN01 31JAN01
,N17Compl.Form&Pour Abut No.1
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Drm&Pour Deck Incl.Traffic Bar.Walls 32 32 01 MAR01 13APR01
ASIBERE7Form&Pour Deck Incl.Traffic Bar.Walls
roove Deck 5 5 16APR01 20APR01 i
mGroove Deck
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istall Chain Link Walkway Fence 11 11 16APR01 30APR01 L317Mstall Chain Link Walkway Fence
•leanup,Rem.Temp.Bar.Wall,etc. 11 11 01MAY01 15MAY01 Cleanup,Rem.Temp.Bar.Wall,etc.
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'Wild Finish ����+Pros"".Bar City of Ocoee, FL --
)d.Oats OIAPROO iallillWAHNIMIair CAW Activity
limn Dale ,aol:cos Maguire Road Bridge SIj 1
O Prlm.v.re Systems,Inc.
over the Florida Turnpike
ipirrg71 Information
Build On
Engineering • Consulting• Testing January 24, 2000
Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC)
200 E. Robinson Street, Suite 1560 ;
Orlando, Florida 32801
Attention: Mr. Robert P. Rudd
Re: CEI Support Testing and Inspection Services and Lab Testing Services
Maguire Road, Ocoee, Florida
PSI Proposal No. 761-PO-012
Dear Mr. Rudd:
As per our discussions, PSI is pleased to submit the following Estimated Scope of
Services and Budgetary Cost for providing lab testing and CEI support services for
Segments 1 and 2 for the Maguire Road project.
We developed our Scope of Services based on a thorough review of the November 10,
1999, 90% submittal for Segment 1 and January 24, 2000, 100% submittal for Segment
2 and past experience with The City of Ocoee, PEC and Orange County. We propose
to provide these services under the direction of PEC. Our firm will only invoice for the
actual technical time expended for the project and actual laboratory testing performed.
We appreciate the opportunity to become a team member with PEC and The City of
Ocoee for the construction of Maguire Road.• Should you have any questions or require -
any additional information, please do not hesitate to call.
Profe sional Service industries, Inc.
govich, P.E.
Vi e Construction Services
Florid e 'station No. 51869 "
Professional Service Industries,Inc.•1675 Lee Road•Winter Park,FL 32789•Phone 407/645-5560•Fax 407/645-1320
Segment 1 —Maguire Road
Lab Testing
Fill Soil and Embankment
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(Proctor Tests) (1 per material type)
Estimate 5 tests @$50.00/each $ 250.00
Grain Size Analysis(as needed) •
Estimate 5 tests @$30.00/each . $ 150.00
Stabilized Subgrade Soil
Limerock Bearing Ratio(LBR:.FM5-515)
(1 test per 300 If—Orange County spec.) (4 tests per mile—FDOT spec.)
Estimate 46 tests @$165.00/each $7,590.00
Limerock Base Course
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(proctor)
Estimate 4 tests @$50.00/each $ 200.00
Soil Cement Base Course
Compressive Strength of Molded Specimens
Estimate 2 sets per day(estimate 2 days of soil cement operations)
Estimate 4 sets @$30.00/each $ 120.00
Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
Laboratory Extraction, Gradation, Marshall Stability Analysis
Estimate 1 set per 500 tons; min 1 set per day.
Estimate 14 sets @$135.00/each .$1,890.00
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Estimate 1 set per day(28,28, H) •
Estimate 40 sets @$20.00/each $ 800.00
Pipe Backfill Soils
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(proctor)
(1 per change of material)
Estimate 9 tests @$50.00/each $ 450.00
Professional Services
Project Engineer-Report review and evaluation
Estimate 40 hours @$70.00/each $2,800.00
Subtotal $14,250.00
Segment 1 —Maguire Road
Field Testing/CEI Inspections
Fill Soil and Embankment
in-Place Density Tests(1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 28 tests
Estimate 40 hours @$30.00/hour $1,200.00
Stabilized Suborade Soil
In-Place Density Tests(1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 180 tests •
Estimate 175 hours @$30.00/hour $5,250.00
Thickness Measurements
Estimate 55 tests •
Estimate 75 hours @$30.00/hour $2,250.00
Limerock Base Course
In-Place Density Tests(1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 50 tests
Estimate 75 hours @$30.00/hour $2,250.00
Thickness Measurements
Estimate 50 tests
Estimate 50 hours @$30.00/hour $1,500.00
Soil Cement Base Course(Moore Road)
Soil Cement Technician—(To monitor placement, mold compressive strength samples,
perform field proctor tests and perform thickness measurements per 300 If of materials)
Estimate 2 days
Estimate 16 hours @$30.00/hour $ 480.00
Asphaltic Concrete Pavement _
Asphalt Technician—(To monitor placement, perform temp tests, perform control strip,
density testing, etc.)
Estimate 14 days of paving
Estimate 140 hours @$30.00/hour $4,200.00
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Concrete Technician—(Periodic monitoring of placements, molding of compressive
strength specimens.)
Estimate 100 hours @$30.00/hour $3,000.00
Pipe Backfill Soils
In-Place Density Tests-1 test per 300 If per lift of fill; min of 1 test between structures
per lift of fill; 1 test per lift of fill at structures.
Pipe Backfill—Estimate 190 tests
Structures—Estimate 400 tests
Utilities—Estimate 310 tests
Estimate 900 hours @$30.00/hour $27,000.00
Professional Services
Senior Engineering Technician—To obtain field samples, perform inspections and on-site
monitoring at clients request.
Estimate 100 hours @$30.00/hour $3,000.00
Project Engineer
Estimate 65 hours @$70.00/hour 1 $4,550.00
Subtotal $54,730.00
Segment 2— Maguire Road (Roadway)
Lab Testing
Fill Soil and Embankment
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(Proctor Tests)(1 per material type)
Estimate 5 tests @$50.00/each $ 250.00
Grain Size Analysis (as needed) •
Estimate 5 tests @$30.00/each $ 150.00
Stabilized Suborade Soil
Limerock Bearing Ratio(LBR: FM5-515)
(1 test per 300 If—Orange County spec.) (4 tests per mile—FDOT spec.)
Estimate 30 tests @$165.00/each $4,950.00
Limerock Base Course
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(proctor)
Estimate 2 tests @$50.00/each $ 100.00
Asphaltic Concrete Pavement -
Laboratory Extraction, Gradation, Marshall Stability Analysis
Estimate 1 set per 500 tons; min 1 set per day.
Estimate 6 tests @$135.00/each $ 810.00
Cast-In-Place Concrete—(Does not include bridge concrete, see superstructure)
Estimate 1 set per day (28,28, H)
Estimate 26 sets @$20.00/each $ 520.00
Pipe Backfill Soils •
Optimum Moisture/Density Relationship(proctor) -
(1 per change of material)
Estimate 7 tests @$50.00/each $ 350.00
Professional Services(Roadway)
Report review and evaluation
Estimate 30 hours @$70.00/each •
Subtotal $9,230.00
Segment 2
Lab Testing
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Compressive Strength (1 set per 50 cu.yds. of concrete, min 1 set per day)
Estimate 30 sets @$20.00/set $ 600.00
Professional Services
Prefect Engineer
Estimate 10 hours @$70.00/hour $ 700.00
Subtotal $1,300.00
Total $10,430.00
Segment 2 — Maguire Road (Roadway)
Field Testing/CEI Inspections
Fill Soil and Embankment
In-Place Density Tests(1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 82 tests
Estimate 80 hours @$30.00/hour $2,400.00
Stabilized Subqrade Soil
In-Place Density Tests (1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 50 tests
Estimate 100 hours @$30.00/hour $3,000.00
Thickness Measurements
Estimate 50 tests
Estimate 50 hours @$30.00/hour $1,500.00
Limerock Base Course
In-Place Density Tests (1 test per 300 If)
Estimate 30 tests
Estimate 50 hours @$30.00/hour $1,500.00
Thickness Measurements
Estimate 30 tests
Estimate 50 hours @$30.00/hour $1,500.00
Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
Asphalt Technician—(To monitor placement, perform temp tests, perform control strip,
density testing, etc.)
Estimate 6 days of paving
Estimate 60 hours @$30.00/hour $1,800.00
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Concrete Technician—(Periodic monitoring of placements, molding of compressive
strength specimens.)
Estimate 50 hours @$30.00/hour $1,500.00
Pipe Backfill Soils
In-Place Density Tests—1 test per 300 If per lift of fill; min of 1 test between structures
per lift of fill; 1 test per lift of fill at structures.
Pipe Backfill— Estimate 100 tests
Structures—Estimate 200 tests
Utilities—Estimate 160 tests •
Estimate 500 hours @$30.00/hour $15,000.00
Professional Services
Senior Engineering Technician—To obtain field samples, perform inspections and on-site
monitoring at client's request.
Estimate 40 hours @$30.00/hour $1,200.00
Project Engineer
Estimate 30 hours @$70.00/hour $2,250.00
Subtotal $31,650.00
Segment 2
Dynamic Testing
PSA Testing
Estimate 2 days @$1,200.00/day / $2,400.00
CAPWAP Analysis
Estimate 2 tests @$200.00/each $ 400.00
Pile Driving
Monitoring Pile Driving Operations
Estimate 20 hours @$30.00/hour $3,600.00
Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing Steel Inspections
Estimate 160 hours @$30.00/hour $4,800.00
Retaining Wall
Retaining Wall Inspections
Estimate 30 hours @$30.00/hour $ 900.00
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Concrete Technician(To monitor placing, perform slump, temp and air tests.)
Estimate 200 hours @$30.00/hour $6,000.00
Professional Services
Senior Technician—(To obtain field samples)
Estimate 40 hours @$30.00/hour $1,200.00
Project Engineer
Estimate 20 hours @$70.00/hour $1,400.00
Subtotal Superstruture $20,700.00
Total $52,350.00
1. Additional tests will be in accordance with PSI's regular rates and quoted upon request
2. .Cancellation without notice and standby time will be invoiced at the technician's hourly
3. Hourly rates are portal-to-portal.
4. Work conducted after 5:00 P.M. or on holidays and/or"weekends, at your request,will be
invoiced at 1.3 times normal rates unless other arrangements are made in advance.
5. Minimum 4 in-place density test per trip.