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VII (F1&2) Appointments to Boards: Planning & Zoning Commission; Education Commission
, Agenda 3-07-2000 VII 1&2 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COFMMISSIONER Item -OCOee. S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT fo� �' CITY OF OCOEEy • O COMMISSIONERS 1► , �-�' DANNY HOWELL - a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE �+ p SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 �'� 4a RUSTY JOHNSON PARKER 1> �4 (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER 1�\✓G 009 FROM THE OFFICE OF JEAN GRAFTON, CITY CLERK CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Marian Green, Acting City Clerk Date: February 29, 2000 Re: Appointments to Boards Planning& Zoning Commission(3 year terms)(City residents only) The terms of Members Pat Bond and Darlene Rhodus will expire April, 2000. They have served since April, 1986 and November, 1989 respectively. Both are willing to continue to serve should Commission wish to reappoint them. Action needed:Appointment/reappointment for two terms to expire April, 2003. Education Commission(2 year terms)(City residents only) An appointment to replace Member Cassie Lindenauer who resigned in January was deferred from the February 15th meeting. Her term would have expired August, 2001. No new applications have been received from citizens interested in serving on Education Commission. Action needed:Appointment to complete Ms.Lindenauer's term to expire August, 2001.- Attachments: Application Current Member Listings Brief Description of City Boards Pow Protect tkpea's Witar os*ces, "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O\pcoee COMMISSIONERS ,may ti,. ...._ CITY OF ®COEE mSCOANDERSON ..,i J10 d 1�0 N. LAI�ESHOR}� l(� G 18 AI I 8 07SCOTTA.GLASS D OCOEE, FLORIDA34761-225 NANCY J. PARKER. cam, S (407)656-2322 '!' '' �� CITY MANAGER rE.P `>� APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS OF GOOD ELLIS SHAPIRO 1. Name: v),7 n rrl. �p l/ Home Phone: (14 7) Z6)7-7737 2. Home Address: 13(,-, Vtct-ecs i-otc k ti--c I OCoet FL 34?6/ 3. Business: D)sN tt.3ar IA,t.d.z s trtcc Business Phone: (i07) g2y— Zo`?a. 4. Business Address: Sleo/ det,.s1,--,r ' Lac 0v2-,✓a Vt shraI FL Z 2936 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experiencezt{) 1`pch.efsrs 7e 5�k,- J../ Ca P,✓ Scl e:.JC' ci enstw�s ;3 OAmz-vS7 n cal,.). 2 JC- D y r-e• 1i feel Scie,,cc 74 T)crho Gce55!✓` 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes X No -District# LI 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes j� No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No >G 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No k 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes X No 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : etl 0-0 I'D Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- #1.second choice-#2,etc. * Board of Adjustment Personnel Board Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department : I * Planning&Zoning Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' 1 * Code Enforcement Board Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees **Education Commission Recreation Advisory Board * General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? FYas4- P --cc fi.U-AC. ( ii- 6l"FLarm -t cgs;✓ 3 c�P-t2 S - Mitt-�_I _ r IrJP� G-1.-e J /i'(xPt-e oc.J�!-,AP PS GtAt eLe- OA J e ry7.4n6G,e-s-t- -e_1-c!%✓Aecsa d}SSoctC3lZv+-6r,� 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected 6..1e" above? Yes No /1 14. Until such time you are selected Tor the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes )4, No 15. Please attach resume. J ** What school does your child attend? 0 C.a- -c MI-d�-e, 1 - r/ 0r- bt jet5-/ SIGNATURE . 6,2-124, DATE: g I(1\eV Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at 656-2322. extension 146. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT c:\all_datavFORMS\Bd Appl-Ed Com.doc\jl ' In-M.:Cooper•• 33omea 4407)29717737 -1360 Vickers Lake Drive. . • Ocoee,Florida 34760 • : 3usiness; -007)132472092 OBJECTIVE:. Desire.a Position in.the field of data processing,.Senior CICS-DB2-.ystems.Prngrammer,.T-ec-)nical Services,.in.which-previous training,..education,.and.years of-experience can_bemost_effectivelyOlized. •-EXPERIENCE DISNEY WORLDWIDE SERVICES, -La-ke-Buena=Vistajjegida SUMMARY- Position.-.System'Program ming,:Ma7;;er 1993 to present . Hired as Senior Systems Programmer with the objective to support,stabilize and anage the maidfranie CICS/DB2 environments. This consisted of thirty-five production,forty Q/A and TEST CICS regions.The DB2 environment consists of four production and four Q/24-and i 1,ST--database platforms:CICS has over five thousand terminals across four-large mainframes et two.insL4Iations within multiple time zones.Responsibilities included-CICS/ESA 4,1,-DB2 4.1-and all software-Utilized under these environments. IvlajorAccompliishments: .Managed major migrations and installations of.1)B2.Releise21,3_3 and 4.1. Managed.major migrations and installations ofCICS/ESA.3 2.1,3.3 and 4.1. -Installation.and ongoing technical support of.Walt.Disney World strategic.technology to exploit CICS/MRO aad ISC fiinctionality throughout Disney World. -Developed,.coordinated and implemented process to migrate new CICS and DB2 maintenance levels on asemi-annual basis. •-Designed and implemented-CICS and DB2-performance improvements decreasing CPU usage-and increasing significantly response times. . 1985 to 1993 • MARINE•:MJDLAND BANK;.N;A.; .B lla,New York Position: Senior-Technical Specialist Hired as Systems Technical:Specialist-with-the objective-to support-and stabilizethe°CICS/MVS environment;which consistedofthirtyCICS production-regions,forty testsegions, and er ten .thousand terminals across four large mainframes at-two-installations.Along with-thiis,A enior Technical.Specialist,responsibilities.includedsoftware ofEICS1MVS2.1-.2, CA_ACF2i7192 and all related.software at MarineMidland-Bank. Major Accomplishments: -Managed multiple major migrations and-installations o£:CICSIMVS Releases 1.6r L7,and2,1,2. for 30-production-regions and-al-applications_ -Initial installation and ongoing technical support of DB2 and CICS-interface-support-Sq DB2. -Installation and.ongoing technical-support of CA-ACE2/CICS-security.software -Technical-Support for implementation-of IBM strategic teehnvlo r.to utilize CICS/MR9 and ISC functions.throughout MarineMidland Bank-and HongIKongBank;Plc. John-M.Cooper- .Page,.two 1979464985 AMERICAN.OPTICAL CORPORATION.. 1 .ork • (Currently known as LEICA INS-TRUMEJITS) Position.Systems Pr 'Mager .Initially.hiredas.a Sr.-CO$OLProgrammer Affer.one year,.arfivan red to.Sr_-Programmer.Ana1 t with responsibility for prograniming_and manufarturingapplies tions.Responsibilities included an harylware and software on the mainframe-D.OSIVSEand 8Td0:systems_Prronioted to SystemsProgranlming' Manager after_2 years with_responsibiiitiesof M IS systems budget and-five supportpers©nnelt two sites. 'Major A-LA.,oi kt,lishments: - Installed and implemented DOS/V-SE operating systems-with-suppvrtingsoftare. - Installed and implemented IBM 8-1-00/DPS manufautui irrgshop-floor.control..system. - Support for atl.communieationgto-a fronrthe-m inframe-system-via3725'.sne lolleyrs. - Installed and implemented MSA"Productsle.Ceaeralledger,.Accounts.Receivable,Mccpunts Payable and.Bill of Material sofware.-pacl�ages. 1978 to 1979 CENTURY HOUSEWARES CORPORATION,,. Hamburg, New York (Corporation-has since closed) _Yosition:-:frograr mer Hired out of college as a COBOL-programmer-ta support all:applications and.development_.Suppprted UNIVAC Software on 90/30 teems. HARDWARE/ AMDAHL: 5995-6650,IBM Systems:E9000,3090/84/81,434-1,330/138 SOFTWARE Operating Systems: OS/390,-MVS/ESA,-MVS/SP, DQ$/VSE Communication Software:.CICS/ESA,-CICS/MVS;.ACF/VTAM;SNA;ACF/NCP,LLU6,2IAPPC Database Software Installed:DB2;'IMS and-IDMS- Software Products Installed;Om-egamon;Mainvieve,TMON,CEtVITIBATCH,.CAFC,.CA-3ntgrtest, ABENDAID/FX,Teleview,:CA-ACF2, BMC-327 .0ptimizer.,ITOSS, VTAM P.rintSpooler(VPS-);CMA,.CICS OS/2. -EDUCATION: -Buffalo State College, Buffalo;-blew,York Majored-in Management-Information-Sy,stems (formally-known as Computer Science) Bachelor of Arts Degree -- 1981 Canisius College,'Buffalo,Ne Xork -Majoring in Business Management 12 Hours short'of second Bachelor 6fiArts Degree ...Erie Community.College, Williamsville,:Ncvv York Majored in-Data-Processing. Associates.in.Applied Science •— 1978 Attend SHARE,CICS and DB2 Technical Conferences and additional training coursescensducted principally by-IBM and AMI)AHL. PERSONAL Data-of Birth: October-19 1956 DATA. Marital Status: ' :Married,-1-_hildren .RELOCATION Open.to-possibilities .REFERENCES Furnishedupon.-Request PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Members must be City residents per § 3-2.A, Land Development Code Member District Phone Number Term Expires Pat Bond (Chairman) 2 877-2992 H April 2000 295 N. Lakeshore Dr. 656-2342 W Ocoee, FL 34761 934-1180 Pgr Kimberly Christoefl 3 654-8304 H September 2002 572 Bridge Creek Blvd. 654-8305 W Ocoee, FL 34761 800-970-3958(VM) Louis Landefeld 2 877-3661 H August 2002 512 E. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, FL 34761 Dan Matthys 3 654-5647 H July 2002 533 Emory Oak St. 843-5120 W Ocoee, FL 34761 ext 3173 Robert M. McKey 2 292-2586 H February 2002 1110 Wineberry Court 292-2586 W Ocoee, FL 34761 James H. McNeil, Jr. 4 523-9651 H February 2002 405 Abbeyridge Court 244-1157 W Ocoee, FL 34761 Tanya C. Miller 2 877-7296 H June 2002 (Mrs.William E.M.McCallister,Jr.) 912 Center St. 836-8097 W Ocoee, FL 34761 Darlene Rhodus 1 656-8594 H April 2000 704 Spring Lake Cr. 849-6291 W Ocoee, FL 34761 Harold Switzer (Vice Chairman) 2 656-1604 H September 2002 609 E. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, FL 34761 P&ZCOM/mbg/February 1,2000 EDUCATION COMMISSION Established by Resolution No. 98-07 on May 19, 1998 Members must be City residents per§5.d of Resolution No. 98-07 Member Phone Number Term Expires Sherrall Applegate 656-7409 (home) August, 2000 504 Spring Creek Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Johan Bergh(Vice Chmn) 654-6972 (home) August, 2001 2268 Wickdale Court 654-5821 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 pjb@unidial.com Dennis A. Chen 296-5285 (home) August, 2001 1191 Vickers Lake Drive 290-9902 (office) Ocoee,FL 34761 Lester Dabbs, Jr. (Chairman) 656-4332 (home) July 15, 2000 619 Caborca Court Ocoee, FL 34761 Rosemary A. Davis (Vice Chairman) 297-6661 (home) August, 2001 6812 Woodgrain Court 877-5047/Ext. 405 (w) Ocoee, FL 34761 Kathie Glass 877-0661 (home) August, 2001 203 Laurenburg Lane Ocoee, FL 34761 Dian Hooper 294-8302 (home) August, 2000 1314 Vickers Lake Drive 877-5027 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Cassie Lindenauer (Resigned 1/00) 290-9455 (home) August, 2001 616 Sherwood Oaks Circle 857-6328/Ext. 112 (w) Ocoee,FL 34761 e-mail: dcjkl@aol.com Inge M. Loeffler 521-2070 (home) August, 2000 2372 Cory Court Ocoee, FL 34761 Margaret MacDonald 654-7544 (home) August, 2001 910 Center Street 656-6678 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Education Commission Page 2 Member Phone Number Term Expires Jeffrey Morin 293-3495 (home) August, 2000 1505 Prairie Lake Boulevard 246-1688 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761, Berwyn L. Oltman 877-9115 (home) August, 2000 622 Palomas Avenue 595-5683 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Tamela Vercamen 293-6034 (home) August, 2000 2465 Andre Court 827-2196 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Robert W. Williams 407-656-4409 (home) August, 2000 905 Hawaii Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Rosemary Wilsen 298-1574 (home) August, 2000 1019 Shady Maple Circle 656-6678 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Ex-Officio Member Dr. Peter Gorman Commissioner Rusty Johnson (Appointed 9/7/1999) 445 W. Amelia Orlando, FL 32801 Staff Liaison Janet Shira Education_Members/mbg/2/01/2000 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission special exceptions and variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, alternate months, 7:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, if needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. BRDSDES/mbg/May 6, 1999 "A' I'villb4'_ „ k 4 4 t .. ft • y^Thursday, February 3,.2000N • �,. The Orlando Sentinel,Thursday,February 10,2000. K73. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF OCOEE Notice is hereby given pursuant • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING to Article VIII of the Constitution. CITY OF OCOEE' E of the State of Florida and'Sec- alind Article II,66.041, FSectida on (H): Notice is hereby given,pursuant to Arti- Ch Arof the SCity o C-8 ee, . cle VIII of the Costilution,of the Slate that tter City Commissionof m , of Florida and Section 166.041,Florida willat the Ocoee City Statutes,and Article II,Section C-8(H), holda�publir,Chambers,s in City I Charter of the City of Ocoee,that the CommissionlocatedHall, Lake- Ocoee City,Commission will hold a shore e;Ocoee,• Florida0N. public hearingin the Commission Drive; esio F dud• hambers,Cit Hall,located at 150 N. ing a March 7,2000,atn 7:15to b p.m., Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee,Florida during or s 7,thereafter possi- a regular session to be held on March or as soon as 7,2000,at 7:15 p.m.,or as soon there- ble, In order to.consider the. after as possible,in order to consider adoption of the following resolu- tion: the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO.2000-02 RESOLUTION NO.2000-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AP- OCOEE, FLORIDA, APPROVING A PROVING A FRANCHISE AND FRANCHISE AND CONSTITUTING A CONSTITUTING. A. FRAN- FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH CHISE AGREEMENT WITH TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT- TIME WARNER ENTERTAIN- ADVANCE/NEWHOUSE PARTNER- MENT - ADVANCE/NE- SHIP,D/B/A TIME WARNER COMMU- WHOUSE PARTNERSHIP,D/B/ NICATIONS,INC., "TIME WARNER A TIME WARNER COMMUNI- PURSUANT TO THECITY OF OCOEE, CATONS,INC. ("TIME WARN- FLORIDA CABLE TELEVISION CODE, ER")PURSUAt'iT,TO THE CITY' ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO.99- OF OCOEE,'FLORIDA CABLE 37,TO OWN,OPERATE AND MAIN- TELEVISION,CODE'ADOPTED TAIN A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM BY ORDINANCE No. 99-37; IN THE CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA, TO OWN, OPERATE AND AND SETTING;FORTH CONDITIONS . MAINTAIN A'CABLE TELEVI- ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF -SION'SYSTEM IN THE CITY,: SUCH FRANCHISE AND PROVIDING 'OF OCOEE,'FLORIDA, AND FOR REGULATION AND USE OF SETTING 'FORTH CONDI= SUCH SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR TIONS ACCOMPANYING THE -CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEV- GRANT OF SUCH FRANCHISE ERABILITY;AND PROVIDING A SAV- AND PROVIDING FOR REGU- INGS CLAUSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE LATION AND USE OF SUCH THEREFORE. SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR Interestedparties mayappear at the CONFLICTS;PROVIDING FOR pP SEVERABILITY;AND PROVID- meeting and be heard with respect to ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND the proposed action.A copy of the pro- EFFECTIVE DATE THERE- posed resolution may be examined in FORE. the office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 150 N.Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee,Florida, Interested parties may appear at between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and the meeting and be heard with 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday,ex- .respect to the proposed action. cept legal holidays. A copy of the proposed resolu- NOTICE:Any person who desires,to Lion may be examined in the of- appeal any decision made by Commis- fice ol.the City Clerk at.City Hall, sion with respect to any matter consid- 150 N.Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, ered at such meeting will need a record Florida, between the hours or of the proceedings and for such pur- 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Mon- pose may need to ensure that a verbs-' day through Friday,except legal tim record.of the proceeding is made, holidays. Which record Includes the testimony NOTICE: Any person who de- and evidence upon which the appeal is sires to appeal any decision based.Persons with disabilities need- made by Commission with re- ing assistance to participate in any of spect to any matter considered these proceedings should contact the • at such meeting will need a re- Office of the City Clerk, 150 N.Lake- cord of the proceedings and for shore• Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761, such purpose may need to en- (407)656-2322 Ext.1023,48 hours In sure that a verbatim record of advance of the meeting the proceeding is made,which Jean Grafton,City Clerk record includes the testimony February 3,10, and evidence upon which the 17,&24,2000 appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance I OL53129835 FEB.10,17,24,2000 to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761,(407)656-2322'Ext.1023, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Jean Grafton,City Clerk February 3,10, 17,&24,2000 C0R3129810 FEB.3,2000 1