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VII (A) Change Order No. 1, Reuse Pumping & Storage Facilities with Milmir Construction Co.
Agenda 4-04-2000 Item VII A "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY b F O C O E E DA ONNYSH WELL ONERS 150 N.L KESHORE DRIVE � 0 9 SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLOIUDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON �'' 9.y.? (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER F4 �f G 00 CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: March 24, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E. 00/0"/ Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Reuse Pumping and Storage Facilities Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 1 on the Reuse Pumping and Storage Facilities Project with Milmir Construction, Inc. The Reuse Pumping and Storage Project included the construction of a two 2 million gallon storage tanks ( one for reuse storage and one for reject storage), a transfer pump station, a system high service pump station, expansion of the golf course pump station, and associated piping, stormwater improvements and site work. This change order request was initiated by City Staff to allow for cost savings and a better constructed finished project. PROJECT ADDITIONS: There are twenty-three groupings of changes to the overall project. Nine of the changes resulted in a reduction to the contract price and the other fourteen resulted in an increase to the contract price. The net result is an overall reduction in the contract price. They are described as follows: Item A- Replace Flex-Tend Couplings With MJ Sleeves and Surcharge Storage Tanks: The original design included the use of Flex-Tend couplings between the storage tanks and the yard piping, to allow for any differential settlement after filling the tanks and placing them into service. The geotechnical site exploration performed during design recommended either the use of the Flex-Tend couplings and another option of filling the tanks after construction and allowing them to stay filled for at least thirty days to surcharge the ground prior to the connection to the yard piping. The original design used the option of the specialty couplings. Milmir offered a value engineering proposal to use the surcharge-then-connect option do to the long lead time on the specialty couplings and the potential cost savings. In accordance with the contract documents, the proposed savings allowed by the value engineering proposal is to be split equally between the parties, therefore allowing both parties to share in the benefits. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $20,000.00, with no adjustment in contract time. POW Item B - Substitution of Specialty Valves: The original design included a surge anticipator valve to allow for releases of water hammer should one occur and a pressure sustaining valve to maintain system pressure during normal operating conditions. The specified valves were of acceptable quality, but staff wanted these valves to be of a higher quality do to the special nature of their operation and the important role that these valves play in the operation of the system. The cost to upgrade these valves was $4,584.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item C - Rework Stormwater Pond and Reconfigure Fencing: The stormwater pond design did not take into account the main electrical feed into the treatment plant and location of the poles to the north of the employee parking area and their (guide/guy) wires. The pond had to be redesigned to meet the SJRWMD permit requirements for treatment volume and therefore required more construction than originally planned. The existing fence would have needed to be removed based upon either pond layout and replaced after completion of the pond construction. Temporary fencing was required during this construction to eliminate the potential of trespassing on the plant property. The cost to perform this additional work was $6,655.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item D - Substitute Piping and Eliminate Painting of Piping for the Alum System: The original design included double containment piping to be used for the liquid alum storage and feed system. Liquid alum is a very low class hazardous material that does not require the use of this type of protection. Therefore, the piping was changed to use schedule 80 PVC pipe materials. In addition, the design proposed to have the piping painted for aesthetic purposes. All the plant piping that is of non-metallic material is unpainted; therefore the painting of the alum process piping was deleted from the project. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $7,987.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item E - Substitute Schedule 80 PVC Pipe for Small Diameter Galvanized Pipe: The original design proposed the use of galvanized steel pipe for all small diameter above ground piping applications on this project, with the exception mentioned in the previous item. With the change proposed under item D, it was consistent to make all small diameter above ground piping schedule 80 PVC material and to not paint the piping. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $386.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item F-Delete Stormwater Structures and Remove Unusable Fill Material: The original design included the collection of stormwater runoff from a portion of the roadway and parking area to the northeast of the Operations Building, using existing grades. This same area was also included in the project area for the Vehicle and Material Storage Building and required changes in the grade to transition with the new roadway. Therefore, do to the other project requiring grade changes in this area, the stormwater collection was deleted from this 2 project. In addition, unusable fill was excavated from the stormwater pond site and reuse tank sites. This unusable fill consisted of old concrete and reinforced steel rubble that had been buried from previous construction projects. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $814.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item G -Install 8 inch Gate Valve at Connection to Water System: The original design did not include an isolation gate valve between the existing water main and the new water main to the Reuse Plant Facilities. This would allow for a reduced outage area(all of WWTP and the Beech Center) if maintenance were needed on the pipeline. The cost is only for material to replace valve provided by the City, Milmir did not charge for labor costs. The cost to perform this additional work was $526.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item H - Changes in Instrumentation System by Kruger: The City was performing an upgrade to it existing instrumentation system for the wastewater treatment plant during the construction of the new reuse plant facilities. Kruger, Inc. is the instrumentation system vendor for the existing WWTP Facilities and is the instrumentation system supplier for the Reuse Facilities. To accomplish both tasks, Kruger proposed to combine some portions of both projects which resulted in the addition of one panel, instead of two, and the relocation of some existing controls for ease of operations. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,210.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item I - Addition of a Exhaust Fan and Damper for Alum Feed Building: The original design did not include an exhaust fan and damper for the Alum Feed Building. Therefore, if any work would need to be performed within the building, appropriate ventilation would be provided for the employees. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,425.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item J - Delete Architectural Treatment of the Two Storage Tanks: The original design included architectural treatment of the storage tanks. The architectural treatment included panel attachments to the tanks along the top and down the sides to project arches for visual effect. The location of the tanks on the back of the plant property did not warrant the cost for the architectural enhancement. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $24,256.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item K- Rework of 8 inch Water Main Installation: According to the record drawings for the old treatment plant the 8 inch water main ended at the Operations Building and this information was used to design the new water main to the Reuse Plant Facilities. Upon excavation to perform the work, the actual existing facilities did not match the record drawings. The existing water main ended approximately 50 feet from the Operations Building with an elbow to a fire hydrant and a tap to serve the Operations Building. The new pipeline was to connect to the 8 inch main at the Operations Building. In addition, the fire 3 hydrant would need to be relocated for the new Vehicle and Material Storage Building. All this work is in conjunction with item G. The cost to perform this additional work was $4,866.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item L - Repair Leak in Air Header to Digestor: The 16 inch air header to the sludge digestor has had a leak at one of the joints for many years. The repair of this air header has not been a high priority, the Wastewater Department has waited for the next construction project on-site to include this work. The work requires a special fitting for high temperature exposure and equipment to handle 16 inch pipe, therefore excluding the City performing the repair itself. The cost to perform this additional work was $4,092.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item M - Provide Temporary Pump to Handle Supply to Forest Lake Golf Course: During the construction of the Transfer Pump Station, one of the pumps used to provide irrigation water to the Forest Lake Golf Course failed. Because the City was unable to supply all wastewater effluent to the golf course and keep the plant ponds empty, the plant pond water overcame Milmir's dewatering system and flooded the Transfer Pump Station excavation. The City's pump could not be fixed for at least one week. Milmir provided the City with a temporary pump to replace the pump needing repair so that Milmir could go back to work without a delay. Had Milmir been required to shutdown for the eight days that the pump was being repaired, because it delayed their construction, it potentially could have cost the City $20,000. The cost to perform this additional work was $2,611.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item N- Delete Miscellaneous Concrete Structures and Exterior Painting: There were to be concrete supports under two of the flow meters, but all other piping and valves were supported by adjustable pipe stanchions. These concrete supports were replaced with pipe stanchions. The exterior of the new concrete structures was to be painted; all existing concrete structures are natural concrete color with no paint. To make everything uniform, the painting of the new structures was deleted from the project. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $11,597.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 0 - Provide Additional Pipe, Fittings and Accessories for 30 inch Connection: The existing 30 inch gravity pipeline that was to be connected to was approximately ten feet below grade. Because of the depth, the design shown on the plans was not accurate and additional pipe, fittings, and accessories were required to complete the connection in the vertical and horizontal planes. This work item is paired with item T, because a portion of the force main needed to be relocated, too. The cost to perform this additional work was $5,129.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item P - Install New Duct Bank to Change Overhead to Underground Power Service: 4 The existing power service to the Wastewater Treatment Plant comes from the Sara Lee Lane and Spring Lake Elementary School area east between the plant ponds and to the poles located north of the Operations Building. The entire service drop is overhead. The only location for the Transfer Pumping Station is approximately under the overhead power lines. To eliminate the potential for hitting the electrical power lines during maintenance of the pumps and possible death or injury to human life the overhead power in the area of the Transfer Pumping Station needed to be rerouted. The existing power lines have been struck by lightning many times in the past causing plant outages. Staff decided that if the electrical service was to be relocated then, at least this portion would be put underground. The work included the installation of four 4 inch PVC conduits at 3 foot of depth for approximately 300 feet with all necessary accessories. Florida Power Corporation would perform the actual transfer of the service. The cost to perform this additional work was $12,051.00,with no adjustment in contract time. Item Q - Credit for Alternative Bid Item No. 1: The original bid included an additive alternate to substitute the high service pump check valves to an alternative manufacturer. If the price was within reason, the City would take the substitution for the alternative manufacturer. The price was reasonable ($9,000 total, to upgrade three valves), therefore at the time of award the City included the additive alternate. Unfortunately, the plans and specifications for the project did not detail the design and all material required for the upgrade; therefore all the costs were not included in the price quoted. An additional $18,000 was needed to complete the package. Staff did not feel that this additional cost was warranted and therefore decided not to include the additive alternate and save additional dollars. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $9,000.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item R- Install Connection from 16 inch Pipeline to 10 inch Pipeline: The Reuse System is to have an interconnect from the high service side (irrigation distribution system) and the golf course system. This interconnect was to be in the form of a pipeline north of Prairie Lakes Subdivision that would run onto the golf course and serve the area between the two locations. This interconnect would allow for a second pipe to the golf course in case of maintenance and redundancy should the low lift golf course pump station have problems. The second pipeline to the golf course is delayed waiting for Orange County to construct the widening of Clarcona-Ocoee Road from Hiawassee Road to Ocoee-Apopka Road. In addition, the City needs to exercise the Reuse Pumping and Storage Facilities while under warranty while the Reuse Pipeline along A.D. Mims and Clarke Roads is being constructed. The cost to perform this additional work was $5,724.00, with no adjustment in contract time. 5 Item S - Credit for Change in Pump Impellers: The original project specified pump impellers for the transfer pumps to be of a nickel/aluminum/bronze alloy material. None of the specified pump manufacturers include this type of impeller in their respective pumps anymore. The manufacturer provided a credit for the ability to supply aluminum/bronze alloy material. The pump manufacturer also offered a three year warranty on the pumps in lieu of the standard one year warranty. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $1,071.00, with no adjustment in contract time. Item T - Relocate Existing Force Main: In order to make the connection for the new 30 inch gravity pipeline, a portion of the existing force main also needed to be relocated. These two pipelines were so deep and that City staff was unable to accurately locate the pipelines. This work item is paired with item O. This work item required an extension in the contract completion dates because of the lead time required for the coating on the force main pipe material, ductile iron material with a non-corrosive interior coating. The cost to perform this additional work was $5,205.00, with an increase in contract time of twelve days . Item U- Substantial Completion Bonus: As part of the contract schedule, a bonus was offered as an incentive for meeting substantial completion. This substantial completion date would allow the City wastewater operation staff to begin testing the alum feed system and get at a one half a year's data prior to full operations to the customer service area and interconnect with Winter Garden for discharge to their disposal site. In addition, it would allow for the completion of the Reuse Facilities and demobilization off-site of one contractor prior to the start of the Vehicle and Material Storage Building construction. Both of these projects would impact each other possibly causing delays that could financially impact the City with claims. The cost of this bonus was $25,000.00. Item V- Credit for Unused Permit Allowance: Without knowing the contractors bid, it was impossible to accurately calculate the Building Permit cost. Staff used a conservative estimate of 2% of the engineer's estimate and rounded down to $50,000. The actual incurred permit costs were $19,267.00. The cost savings to the City for this credit is $30,733.00. Item W- Spare Parts for Surge Anticipator and Pressure Control Valves: The original project specifications did not include providing spare parts for the surge anticipator and pressure sustaining valves. These are two important valves in the operations of the Reuse System and the system can not maintain safe and reliable operations without these valves. Had item B never been included in this change order, spare parts for the specified valves would have been required. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,938.00, with no adjustment in contract time. 6 The attachment is a copy of Change Order No. 1, which is the only change order for this project. The original construction contract cost was $2,928,000.00. This change order decreased the contract amount by $24,828.00, to a final contract amount of$2,903,172.00. This is a reduction of 0.85% of the original construction cost. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Milmir Construction, Inc. by decreasing the contract amount by $24,828.00, with an increase in contract time of twelve days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Attachment 1) Change Order No. 1 7 1/4 Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE Engineering/Utilities 150 North Lakeshore Drive .; Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 CITY OF OCOEE REUSE STORAGE AND PUMPING STATION PROJECT NO.: 0E-290/3.0-PS DATE: February 25,2000 CONTRACTOR Milmir Construction,Inc. AGREEMENT DATE: March 16, 1999 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $2,928,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $2,928,000.00 Net Increase(Decrease)Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER ($24,828.00) The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $2,903,172.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: _330_Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: March 8,2000 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: March 8,2000 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 12 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: March 20,2000 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION,SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS,SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1,Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES A. Replace Flex-Tend couplings,at piping connections to ground storage tanks,with M.J.sleeve couplings with Megalug restrainers. B. Furnish Golden Anderson 6-inch surge anticipator and 16-inch pressure sustaining valves in lieu of Bermad valves. C. Remove existing fence at stormwater pond. Install/remove temporary fencing at perimeter. Reconfigure stormwater pond. Install permanent fencing on top of new berms. D. Delete containment piping for Alum system. Provide Schedule 80 PVC pipe for Alum system. Delete painting of Alum piping(Schedule 80 PVC is dark gray in color). E. Replace small diameter galvanized steel piping with Schedule 80 PVC pipe. Omit painting of this dark gray,UV protected piping. F. Delete stormwater structures and piping from future parking lot area of proposed Maintenance Building. Haul and dispose of concrete and reinforcing steel rubble encountered during excavation of stormwater pond. G. Provide 8-inch M.J.Gate Valve at tie-in point of new watermain extension. H. Extend the Operations Building,existing MCC concrete pad to accommodate new PCP2,also relocate existing generator annunciator panel. Provide electrical wiring for ECTP A/C unit. I. Provide an exhaust fan and damper for the Alum Feed Building. J. Delete architectural treatment from the two(2)Crom tanks. K. Excavate and locate an existing 8-inch watermain. Provide a valve and hydrant. Provide additional 8-inch D.I.P.to existing watermain. L. Repair air leak in existing 16-inch D.I.P.joint. Replace joint gaskets with high temperature resistant Viton gaskets. M. Furnish 6-inch vacuum pump for the master effluent pump station. N. Delete miscellaneous concrete structures,exterior painting. O. Provide additional pipe,fitting and accessories for the tie-in to existing 30-inch gravity effluent pipe. P. Provide 300-feet of ductbank in order to bury existing overhead electric lines. Q. Credit for Alternate Bid Item No. 1. 00842-2 R. Provide 10-inch piping and gate valve between new 16-inch reuse piping and existing 10-inch,master effluent pumping station piping. S. Credit for allowing aluminum-bronze pump impellers instead of the specified nickel-aluminum-bronze impellers. T. Relocate existing 12-inch forcemain(from lift station No. 1)from the path of the new 30-inch gravity effluent piping. U. Bonus substantial completion(Completion Incentive Payment;Specification Section 00500,Article 3.6). V. Credit for unused permit allowance. W. Provide spare parts for 6"surge anticipator valve and 16"pressure control valve. III. JUSTIFICATION A. The Contractor proposed this cost-saving measure which requires the ground storage tanks to be filled with water and allowed to settle,prior to making piping connections. B. These top quality control valves were preferred by the Owner. The Owner has had good performance from this manufacturer's specialty valves. C. Stormwater pond had to be reconfigured to avoid existing utilities. D. Containment piping is not required for this application and requires maintenance of the 5(five)leak detectors. Schedule 80 PVC piping is more durable than the Schedule 40 PVC containment piping, requires no maintenance and is less expensive. E. Schedule 80 PVC piping is less expensive than galvanized steel piping and it doesn't rust or corrode over time. Unpainted Schedule 80 PVC piping is durable,attractive and requires no maintenance. F. Stormwater structures and piping would have to otherwise be removed by Maintenance Building Contractor,in the near future. Buried debris were removed from site to prevent future encounters with it. G. Valve is necessary to isolate new 8-inch watermain extension for future repairs or modifications. Contractor offered to install(labor)at no cost. H. These changes were required to accommodate the new control panel PCP2 which was added by Kruger Controls,after construction had started. I. This fan was not specified in the design contract documents. This fan is necessary to exhaust heat from this building. J. The City accepted this cost saving proposal of the Contractor. K. Watermain was located under the parking lot pavement at a different location than shown on the contract drawings. New hydrant will serve new Maintenance Building and existing Operations Building. L. Air is leaking from existing piping joint(s)and this wastes electrical energy. M. One of the two existing pumps at the master effluent pumping station failed. This portable pump allowed all of the plant effluent water to be pumped to the golf course. 00842-3 N. Existing concrete tankage is unpainted. New tanks will closely match existing. O. Existing pipe(30-inch GE)was at a different elevation than the new 30-inch GE was designed at. P. Existing overhead electric lines are dangerously close to new effluent pumping station. These lines would interfere with safe removal and replacement of the new pump columns. Q. Contractor used base bid check valves to avoid additional electrical and instrumentation costs. R. This interconnect piping will allow the reuse pumping station to pump water to the golf course. S. These pumps(4 effluent, 1 master effluent)were delivered with aluminum-bronze impellers,rather than the specified nickel-aluminum-bronze impellers. The contractor offered this credit,an additional two years of warranty on the impellers and provided data which indicates that the aluminum-bronze impellers which they provided are corrosion resistant to the pumped medium of chlorinated water. T. The existing 12-inch forcemain(with about 10-feet of burial depth)conflicted with the new 30-inch gravity effluent piping location. Relocating the 12-inc forcemain was less expensive than reconfiguring the new 30-inch piping. U. The completion incentive payment was earned by the contractor in accordance with Specification Section 00500,Article 3.6. V. This credit reflects the unused portion of the permit allowance. W. These necessary spare parts were not provided for in the Contract Document. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price A. Storage Tank Couplings Lump Sum ($20,000.00) B. Valves Substitution Lump Sum $4,584.00 C. Stormwater Pond Lump Sum $6,655.00 D. Alum System Piping Lump Sum ($7,987.00) E. Piping to Schedule 80 Lump Sum ($386.00) F. Delete Stormwater Structures Lump Sum ($814.00) G. 8-inch Watermain Valve Lump Sum $526.00 H. Instrumentation Modifications Lump Sum $1,210.00 I. Alum Feed Building Fan Lump Sum $1425.00 J. Delete Architectural Relief Lump Sum ($24,256.00) K. 8-inch Watermain Changes Lump Sum $4,866.00 L. 16-inch Air Ping Leak Lump Sum $4,092.00 M. 6-inch Vacuum Pump Lump Sum $2,611.00 N. Delete Misc.Painting Lump Sum ($11,597.00) O. Fitting for Tie-In to 30"G.E. Lump Sum $5,129.00 P. 300-feet Electrical Ductbank Lump Sum $12,051.00 Q. Alternate Bid Item No.1 Lump Sum ($9,000.00) R. 16'inch RE to Master P.S.Tie-In Lump Sum $5,724.00 S. Credit for Impellers Lump Sum ($1,071.00) T. Relocate 12-inch Forcemain Lump Sum $5,205.00 U. Completion Incentive Lump Sum $25,000.00 V. Permit Allowance Credit Lump Sum ($30,733.00) W. Surge and Control Valve Parts Lump Sum $1,938.00 Total Net Decrease Change Order No._O1_ 00842-4 I ieAt A . lirii5 r Construction, Inc. = PROPOSED CHANGE-ORDERcI , _ / (_- No. 00001 ,awe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 sonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Delete Flex.Expansion Joints DATE:3/30/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Attn: Phillip Harlow, P.E. CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN Professional Engineering Consultants 1114c,, N200 East Robinson St. ' Ce: / Suite 1560 Pl,:I q L - 't. Orlando, FL 32801 P k - �' co--Q =, Phone: 1-407 518-0493 DE . .. 1 -b. ► 4 . RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 0000 DESCRIPTIO OEPROP:OSAL Per our prior discussions with Mr. Chuck Shultz and Mr. David Wheeler,we are offering the/following cost savings proposal for your review: C M.lm•f Tc (wv:,pC. .:.11 fitrxPcr p/,,75, /ji,�e� yZe-k 2-c , « ...e ee d i,-. ,.,.. ) We propose to eliminate a flexible expansion joints at all pipe leaving the ground storage tanks. In their place we propose to pre-fill the storage tanks prior to final connection of piping adjacent to the tanks, in order to provide for the initial 80 percent settlement described in a geotechnical report. Control point elevations will be established on the outside of the tanks in order to monitor the initial settlement and determine when it has ceased. After the initial settlement has ceased the piping will be connected using mechanical joint sleeves which will allow moderate flexibility for any minor consolidation settlement which may occur. We believe this proposal is consistent with the geotechnical engineer's recommendations and options detailed on page 7 of the project geotechnical report. Due to delivery constraints for the piping we are requesting you/�C. Vs T A✓ provide a response to this proposal no later than April 14, 1999. /}'t4•(At,v (,v..(( cf:ib.-Kel 4 .�CP/ � c[✓lL t sv,. j /0- Cc G - .l S-- 1,,t4/t Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning this proposal. /'''"""�/ /•—17 .. Lump Sum: (S20,000.00) Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: ($20,000.00) /cam -4 477Cyj .5 r. 5.--/,-, , A C CG 'i=-b&_c 4 LE/4c - y xL- <_.__ ;ice-1.1 1 e, Q47y-zZ4 c•lci•-L ,-,/ / 'c' j ns APPROVAL: By: / 2. �— ��— //- Donald L. Klose �-_� 9o � 3. G Philli arlow, P.E. Date: 3/31/99 Date: G- �.z Exp.&bon 00 J —b. 0 Mlmir Construction, Inc. TRANSMITTAL P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00027 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 PROJECT: Reuse Storage& Pumping System DATE: 4/27/99 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants REF: C.O.No.1- Documentation 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. WE ARE SENDING: SUBMITTED FOR: ACTION TAKEN: ❑ Shop Drawings 0 Approval 0 Approved as Submitted ❑ Letter ❑ Your Use 0 Approved as Noted ❑ Prints [ As Requested 0 Returned After Loan ❑ Change Order 0 Review and Comment 0 Resubmit ❑ Plans 0 Submit ❑ Samples SENT VIA: . ❑ Returned ❑ Specifications ( f Attached 0 Returned for Corrections ❑ Other: Documents 0 Separate Cover Via: 0 Due Date: • ITEM NO. COPIES DATE ITEM NUMBER REV.NO.DESCRIPTION STATUS 001 01 4/27/99 CO Change Order No. 1 -Supporting CLO Documentation Remarks: Per our conversation,please see the attached. CC:Field Signed: File t},e H.Brown,Jr. Expedition® CONTRACTOR °cow CITY OF OCOEE PROPOSED i 1 a Engineering/Utilities CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656 2322 ext 142 Ocoee,Florida 34761 2258 (407)656-7835-fax CPC NO. 001 PROJECT DATA: NAME:City of Ocoee Reuse Storage and Pumping System PROJECT NO.: 0E-290 LOCATION:1800 A.D.Mims Road DATE:4/27/99 OTHER: REFERENCE:Milmir Construction,Inc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE:(By Contractor) Delete flexible expansion joints at Reuse and Reject Storage Tanks and tie-in after filling and initial settlement. Proposed Credit$ 006.00 No Change Days By. Joe H.Brown,Jr. Date: 3130199 RECOMMENDATION:(By Engineer) By: Date: REPLY:(By Owner) By: Date: D OWNER: ❑CONTRACTOR: 0 ENGINEER: El FIELD: D SUBCONSULTANT: 0 OTHER D:WLL DATA\WORD\CONTRACTDOCS\00878.DOC 00878 04/27/99 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page i PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 4/27/99 3:11 PM �.. . « s<>>� `;;.<Q>>:.::;::> ;; �<� <<' is --- �- --� �.. «......... � rtti^uar..................� {...:tpulpriiinr:>:1 [:>:>o[nOr::»::><>: k�'�'atat:::::::>>] Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.01 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.050 Yard Piping Labor 10 Perform Tank Tie-Ins 40.00 chrs 2,880 - - 2,600 - 5,480 -- Monitor Tank Settlement 1.00 Isum 1,350 - - 425 - 1,775 Yard Piping Labor 4,230 3,025 7,255 15.155 Coupling/Saddles 10 Delete Flex-Tend Couplings -1.00 Isum - (52,423) - - - (52,423) 10 MJ Sleeves and Megalugs 1.00 Isum - 7,680 - - - 7,680 Coupling/Saddles (44,743) (44,743) MECHANICAL 4,230 (44,743) 0 3,025 0 (37,488) PCO No.01 4,230 (44,743) 0 3,025 0 (37,488) Totals Labor 4,230 Material (44,743) Equipment 3,025 (37,488) (37.488) Taxes&Ins On Labor 2,056 48.600 % C 6% Sales Tax (2,685) 6.000 % C (629) (38.117) luilder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less (36) 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (370) B Total (38,523) V W9/ / CONTRACTOR °`°ee CITY OF OCOEE PROPOSED _\ isa Engineering/Utilities CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 `'�, CPC NO. 002 or G Ocoee,Florida 34761 2258 (407)656 7835 fax . PROJECT DATA: NAME: City of Ocoee Reuse Storage and Pumping System PROJECT NO.: 0E-290 LOCATION 1800 A.D.Mims Road DATE: 4/22199 OTHER: REFERENCE: Milmir Construction,Inc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE:(Requested By Owner) Furnish Golden Anderson 6"Surge Antidpator and 16"Pressure Sustaining Valve in Lieu of Bermad Valves Specified. Proposed Ad rr$_ 4,584.00 - No Change Days By / r�- Joe H.Brown,Jr./Proiect Manaoer Date: April 22,1999 RECOMMENDATION:(By Engineer) �j�_ 7 -5 IS A1),4CC ?A 3 4, .1. Si..' ‹,a 77E `EA S /-Pfl> D. E i 1 77?5 ,1Jt p-Ac vA'64 S $4 ,,k T Y V+ t S, By: �� A —H < /ate: .c q REPLY:(By Owner) d/I,/ C. .. /., Cl C - ''::/•/. !•, -' r •/- .( / /; ( l - By: * /� /� it;� y%;,/ -- Date: % /t�A r/- ,/QI OWNER: El CI TRACTOR. NGINEER: -•FIELD: 0 SUBCONSULTANT: 1, • ' D:V+II_DATA\WORD\CONTRACTDOCS\00878 DOC 00878 04/22/99 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-000EE REUSE SYST. 4/22/99 3:48 PM kiatiiiiii.Oig '1'iiiAtiiiiiikiN EZNEN6iiiiedifi.iiWOMMi] [,14.iitiiifiatM [in!bttiend eginfieni Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.02 • • ' 15.000 MECHANICAL • 15.246 Misc. Valves, +4" 10 Bermad Surge/Press.Valves -1.00 lsum - (11,698) - (11,698) 10 GA Surge/Press.Valves 1.00 lsum - 15,419 - - - 15,419 Misc. Valves, +4" 3,721 3,721 MECHANICAL 0 3,721 0 0 0 3,721 PCO No.02 0 3,721 0 0 0 3,721 . - . , Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 4/22/99 3:48 PM Partial Totals Material 3,721 3,721 3,721 Taxes&Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 223 6.000 % C 223 3,944 Overhead&Fee 592 15.000 % T Fee Adjustment For Subs (10.000) % C luilder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 4 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 44 B Partial Total 4,584 " LN31/ 05/12/99 13:08 $`904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST Z001 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00003 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax 904-768-6494 TITLE: Stormwater Retention Pond -RFP 001 DATE:5/11/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number. 00003 z�f>:m..�ecsip�•6d� �«'��+a..:.a:3.":`.�itoc� ..,.. .�... th�jr"''��Jti[Esr_„.... ...... to . ,t'fr�w'�3. �" ttx=�l'itl�011rit��:.�SiL"�11�J09t3lit-. 00001 Ranove Lib Feer^e 1.000 1,c S323.00 0.00% SC.00 S523.00 00002 InAr1UR.rnme Temporary Team 1.000 LS S1,569.00 0.00% S0.00 S1,569.00 00003 R+ooaffLu re SW Relation Yoa+d 1.000 1S S 1,163.00 0.00% S0.00 S 1,163.00 00004 taaall Piamsaaa Fencing 1.000 LS $3,400.00 0.00% S0.00 S3,400.00 Unit Cost: S6,655.00 Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: S6,655.00 • ��c(c 1 c;r C.d 1:// APPROVAL: By: B . Joe H. Bro , r. Phi lip Har ow, P.E. Date: 5111/99 Date: �o.57z77 ��m anreglsterndurer Standard Estimate Report Page 1 ^_ _5/tt/8e 8:25AM PC09801-OCOEE REUSE SYST. swim vrtomg ,..-'regiarialrAM ENKE gP.1,17asei FIRWrilil Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount 'CO No.03A '.000 SITEWORK _ ?.830 Fencing - 50 10 Remove Exist Fence in SW Area 450.00 !nit 450 s50 4450 Fvn�rng _ — SISEWORK 0 0 450 — -- 0-- 0 460 PCO No.034 0 0 450 0 0 450 Partial Totals Svhoo&rset 450 456 450 IL w On Latc1 48.600 % C ex 9alas Taus 6 OCQ V. C (verfleed S Tree 68 15.030 K 1 .12 MG a leas 0.095 S I 100.000 T Surety 0ond 5 0 Partial Total 573 • Standard Estimate Report Inregisiered User 5/11/99 d:35 AM PC0990?-OCOEE REUSE SYST, L -t � Name Amount Amount AmountItem Description Takeoff City Amount Amount Amount 'CO No.038 '.000 SITEWORK _..__ - • 1,350 830 Fencing 45000. inft — 1,350 7,350 10 lnstaltiRernove temp.Fence 1,150 fencing _ _ — 0 D 1,350 StTEW ORK — a 0 1,350 Q 0 1,350 PCO No.038 Partial Totals Subcontract 1350 1,35D 1,350 46.600% C faxes R Ins On Labor 601�0% C 6%Sales Tex t6.000 % T Overhead S Fce 203 10U 000 T 1 0.095 S tuildPf s Risk,12 MO.or less B Surety Bond 15 P>arttal Total 1,569 )nreglstered User Standard Estimate Report Page/ PC03901•OCOE..E REUSE SYST. 5r12799 1:43 PM �£.;. r•raw�:.�. 'S.'S'£+xaa ?y �:% i�,o S,fs.eX l C ffia� t yeq,.y5;:' ty;if i iiTtc:,...�'.7�; i I.1.h�` f" v�e.).A� 4�..'.:.![:.��a:t:Ftiu <P,'E?3�`�Y'�.-�:�:r':3. .�..J.arxo 9t.... :�l.�.tl.:ti:s x�#:i�:J.�..�...n:c.<, � n,',i.,,�.�'.� Item Description TskeoflOty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount ''CO No.03C !.000 . --- SITEWORK...._. . --- 2.100 Remove Unsuitable Met' -- HaullOisposal Coast. Debris 5.00 load - - 925 - - 925 Remove Unsuitable Mall 925 925 2.110 Clear 6 Grubb 30 Add'I Clear 6 Grubb• 30'East 0.248 acre 347 - 451 799 • 40 Houl Debris Off-Site 5 00 toad - - — 500 - ——500 Clear&Grubb 347 951 1,299 2.124 Site Grade 10 Add1 Fine Grade Site-30'East 108.00 sq 180 - - -_ 288 469 - Site Grade 180 288 489 2.545 Asphalt Paving 50 Delete Pavirtg,8ase,Soil Cem. -80.00 egyd - - (1,620) - — (1,620) Asphalt Paving (1,520) (1,820) 2.600 Site Utilities sub Delete 18'O.I.Pipe -30.00 Inft - (543) - (543) sub Delete 20"D.I. Pipe -30.00 !tit - (716) - (716) •— Delete 8"D.I. Pipe -30.00 Inft - _ . (209) - (209) • Site Utilities (1,468) (1,468) 2.722 Storm Drainage 34 Delete 18"RCP CL III -30.00 Inft 0 (230) - 0 (230) 36 Add'124"RCP GL III 10.00 Inft - 00 126 90 - 308 • Storm Drainage 90 (105) 90 75 2.952 Planting • - 1,040 30 Sodding-19aIik 866.667 sqyd - 1,040 Planting 1,040 1,040 • SITEWORK 818 (1,373) 345 1,330 0 720 • PCO No.03C 618 (1,573) 345 . 1,330 0 720 Partial Totals • unr.gkltered User Standard Estimate Report Pt1ge 2 PCO99Of•OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5r12199 1:43 PM Partial Totals Labor 610 Motorist (1,573) Srbcootrael 345 Equip•mot 1.330 T211 720 &Ins Co Labor 300 48.600% C 6%Saes Tax (19) 6.000% C Ovezheod&Fee 150 15.000% T 12 IAo or kit, 1 0095 S t 100.000 T Surety Rood 11 B Par11af Total t,163 y<ra nreplsteriad User Standard Estimate Report — ���9 g rag. AM PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. Takeoff Qty Amount Artunt rn Amount Name Amount Anunt Amount ltem Description COw No.030 —_ DOD StTEWORt( — —_ _ � --- 2,925 - 450.40 Inft 830 Fencing - - � — 10 Pemranent Fence at SW Area 25 2,925 2,925 Fencng — 0 — 0 2.92� SITE WnRK 0 0 2,926 ,,--- 0 0 2,925 PCO No.O.?D Partial Totals Subcontract ——_ 7 2,026 2,925 411.600% C Taxes S Ins On Labor 6000 % 0 VA Sales Tax 15.000 % T Overhead d.Fee 439 100.000 T 3 0.095 Si tul{ders Risk,17 Ma,or less B Surety Pond 33 Partial Total 3,400 05/12/99 13:08 V904 788 6494 MILMIR CONST Z3002 pEr/PROEESSION.4L ENGINEERING CONSULT.INTS,/NC. FOR PROPOSED CHANGE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL•." ECLA PARK CENTRE, 200 E.ROBINSON ST_SUITE 1580, ORL4N00,FLORIDA 32601 Att5liste Rt :P£C(W.K.Dougherty Consulting Engineers (REP) sn piretrz prsnrr•rs NO. 40 l .�;a�xl,�,a, s ti F,r,it<S._ ,� 1.c ,<, t� 7.,i i„.,4'RL�,3`irt. S, )f.17 - Q.4Y° n 4 . '-'. r •q C` M�`„�Fy �� �1�+rr a: `"tbn�c'E>L t . �f, a. 'tom^ •., 4:.,2r,�?"$,.'�w-+ '. i.. ..: , <;L'dro i.,,, ...,...., ,, s� t:e, jl�._ s�., . .. D Tom 7 �G/ S PROJECT NO.: e 'Z"0 NAME: �J/ ` �`��`f�� � Y1`�' DATE: o.S�1 L 1 LOCATION: _ - DRAWING NO.: ►s, OWNER:S' lPGPre* C.6 2, C-6 c- OTHER: }; r >.-< r �, ,1 a Y, ui>r 'h.,„:imm > i 7,,, „ SI�. ,�t�c r .a.�-iy, � �u .,,ti. .�i+t .rA�'' >'`�� o 2"'R>a�."'� '�Y��'',�q`t �` '� ��y �.h?"LY t �> dt � �L,co .r�..a td,i:5:«w::'E:�xe+�1: � ,r,;r�riLt'.• '::5�,.:rx`�' ,_F.i.". �`k-. .�'✓.t'IFS �s7l.:'t'C TO (CONTRACTOR): / 1/4. Cam s t•cT741"-1f 1 . Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following cluing,In the work within twantyone (21) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an iternizad estimate of the time and ail material and labor(by trsda),sutaonusot and overhead costs and fees.Any amount calmed for subcontracts must be ainilatiy supported. DESCRIP710Nof change(rtwart: �Jb • j4l' .TE5rtr:4/1e4rQ.Y / ,4•44J17 S1,6tnzA1 P • to ,$T f"1a.x4?E& / A'totA'`s t CSl7?7,... • F4 __ • �. V7 i .1 Pr5- J ' 44.J b eta d t5.-- �.rtS���y hr �r r17r,'-st.tiv1 IKYf 7;':l Y,3 4KI.>Q�M7'S.r'0 ��1sii,=�iTIVr i P;4•0 "p� ,� ,` ;-:3:t � « :: tis. r+'K 7: :�. o.; t,÷ »!....Y`v .?^.L 5> F '! Vi z ' . I, K s WZ0 +wt. „<.�st�r<l^''„:1t;�b:'�.L:l., ,.�_e � e :� � t`i�R,�.. l.�i., Change Order Type: 0 Deletion .Addition ,Re via ion 0 Other: ( y ) Constraints of Change: C C�''['�-'I r ' � 41t ,CT` vt f Es !S/ ---- Initiated by: 0 Change s in Owner Requirements C Unforeseen Conditions ,'Other:( ) Proposal must be received by;_ e6'2 373 (22 days frnrn date below). .:;r^'' 11 t �K;.�� cr+r<'a«N. iy .�..'�Cn gie hT"�«, �zf'Y n +n»�S t.F�`4X'1� '�. �'.y �'uc.�c3i�`"' n�3�'i .rim "� a,��' aka-�'{' 7?!;�: ,+'-:J.ii-3 i 11$3 1'. ti i ;' tt 1 r ei �"r tlx. ^:7 w a w i..._ 0 �` d'�`:.,..Y E4 4*...':ei'". 'tom 4''�'ii�•�a e»M�>ti�ini��``a<- ` .J.>r„ir.i�.�1 t,-; 5'e-.'!i�'�.', ..'°-v.Y..:�a.'tF`.`S�.. :..�...^f!-p.�tZkfi:; �. !...«.i�.. �... A T 7 A C H M E N T S (Ust;r;of attached documen:s that support description): . 1. Centrtctor Request for Information No. _ 4. 2 6. 3. 6. .•.+ ; n "' �' t it`s i s t - 4 S"' �'. ,.,.. t'1Y>"Ui>j si r it y;S-.,,K,.., � ,�z yf.7,,;:,,a :'Ji A T7 �,ii �.r tJ:.. .J.�. na :<> 1 - ' ♦..+i:�5: .^ ' �w.�...4 �`.a.�l'.7,Y, 3-a' .:..f„i w���q�.. !`...:r..,} 1•^� �Fk�q.�<+.t2`!47^ ''<..-..�,'.ytv+S, PROJECT Ng,: 4 . JC. a CONTRACTOR: seD 270 C- AlI FIELD: c i DATE: ARCHITECT: _ E.) OTHER: _ r is1...WE'1i:0fLUtSICOrJS11G08e7.ffitl f-00847 (11mVa41 / T6Mt •1VMpmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00004 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Delete Alum Sys. - RFP 002 DATE: 5/11/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00004 . .:.. ....... .::::::.... 00001 Delete Alum Sys/Pipe 1.000 LS ($7,969.00) 0.00% $0.00 ($7,969.00) 00002 Furnish SCH 80 PVC Piping 1.000 LS S234.00 0.00% $0.00 S234.00 00003 Delete Painting-SCH 80 PVC 1.000 LS ($252.00) 0.00% $0.00 . ($252.00) Unit Cost: ($7,987.00) Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: ($7,987.00) .4G e7 , 04pC l4.s-r C s 4 c/af\ C,G `//LV/2' APPROVAL: By: - By: ,_--- Joe H. Br Jr. Philli arlow, P.E. Date: 5/11/99 Date: 21-77 Page 1 Standard Estimate Report 5/11/99 10:53 AM Unregistered User PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. losisioffl PRIMatifMI MINSir-aTragiii:NE Limn i :nit! ENAEL_jm:i.iuSni.ilt Name Amount Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Item Description • )CO No.04A 5.000 MECHANICAL - 5.010 Piping Materials - (7,43_91 - (7,439) -1.00 !sum 10 Delete Alum Sys/Pipe (7,439) (7,439) Piping Materials MECHANICAL 0 (7,439) 0 0 0 (7,439) PCO No.04A 0 (7,439) 0 0 0 (7,439) Partial Totals Material (7,439) (7,439) (7,439) &Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax (446) 6.000 % C , 12 Mo.or less (7) 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (77) B Partial Total (7,969) • nregIstered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-000EE REUSE SYST. . 5/11/99 10:45 AM M:itliiiiM IMMO MR§.Warlaiangfig FOREEefid iii.!ill:1::'•iii':—iigH Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • 7-'0 No.049 1.000 MECHANICAL i.010 Piping Materials 10 SCH 80 PVC Piping 1.00 isum - 191 - - 191 Piping Materials 191 191 MECHANICAL 0 191 0 0 0 191 PCO No.04B 0 191 0 0 0 191 Partial Totals Material 191 191 191 &Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 11 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 30 15.000 % T , 12 Mo.or less 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 2 8 Partial Total 234 nreglatervd User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5/11/99 10:54 AM FIGURET IMMO immisubwriamon Pi:64MM Vii.iiii:1:0Ig• L1ii01 Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • :0 No.04C )00 FINISHES MO Painting sub Delete-SCH 80 PVC -1.00 Isum - -- (250) - (250) Painting (250) (250) FINISHES 0 0 (250) 0 0 (250) PCO No.04C 0 0 (250) 0 0 (250) Partial Totals Subcontract (250) (250) (250) 8 Ins On Labor 48.600 % C •6%Sales Tax 6.000 % C 12 Mo.or less 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (2) B Partial Total (252) • • r i -� • /PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,JNC. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EOLA PARK CENTRE, 200 E. ROBINSON ST., SUITE 1560, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Rim: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers planners = surveyors NO. Q-? .... ..............:':.�::�:'::::.�:.��.;v::::............,::.�::i.i:?::::•v....,v::::v...... v-:.v:nv':::}?:.:•}i}i}iii.)........ .. „.......... ..n:.........v .......:,'::v.v::::.v-.......r.................:..... :•.......... .. .....:::......v:?v!?'?}:^:}?}}?}i:?:.::}:J:v........Ki.!:S}:!!.i?•:;::!,:}}}/...r ..<J..r!.::.,:.::.. ..v.v.,..C.v r.,...n..v.::•\.... ..r.........n?..:nv.?.•.r........n..r.. ... /........v.r...r........,.v.v�;:•::.v:::nv .......,v::.....::........}:::......:.. ,...n\::....:'r:::•v\ram:::�v.<-:`:^i.::v::.r.:::::n•v r^::):� ..!:/. .... ........ ...................v........... .. ......:::.::._.::.........v:.:::.v:.v.::�..:.:::::::n',v,..:.w::::r.,.....n ,.....::.'!.;^:v:•i:i::':..r; l..:r. .v...W..........v -...,................. ......... :.v..r....:}... .. ...:...... ...... ... ..:..x{..J}?:}'.v-:4i:....--' .:/N i:.>::W :!.S}w:i.,:�/.:�:C'.:i�EB:?:i:::Y}y.: .n•..v .....,....:.':.. .:.............. .,., .,.v..:!'n...?!v:»>i;;'}:i:!C:. <\!-.v....:::(:•.:4�v.:!'/.-.v:-::!...?..:4:vF:.!i?r::..n... n....-v:� rw ..., ..\,V.n:.•., ..<.r.... ...n..........r.:................ .,.<......n...r... .....�.?.. ........ .............................. .......:....r.:....:n ..v.:::r....:<:!r4}ilv.<.:rr.n..'%:��^i:•!C'::::v!!��. •:r..nn. nvv.:...,.......v,......:.�................r.................v,.:...w::...w.:'.:':::.,:....:...: .r....n....-,.:n....:,\:.::f..n,::...!. .. ::5:'•`,:;:.l.??+..?'}r ii.�ii .......r .......,..n....n•::r.... .... ..........,:......:. ....:.....v:::,;'.�:.�::::r .....:..,.........r. ..f,.-n..}.}...}:vvn ..rf<./.v::::..:: ..,,..n. vv.:.......! ......................................... .n'::.:::......:. .....v:.v:vi??}}i:v::.::.:... ..::::.::.. ..r.......n........vv:,:v':..•. ' PROJECT DATA: NAME: � ► PROJECT NO.:Q 2 !0 LOCATION: DATE: 63SQ/ OWNER: G�T� of C DRAWING NO.:"die /1/41--11 OTHER: SPEC. SECTION: f .. ... ..,.... .........:................... ,,..,.::,:;:•}::-}:,::.'?}:-is<-};>:;•}?:'::::.}};:.::.::::::--:::::::::.: ....n ... :....:..v.v..,.:...,:J::•:.:.. ...,r........,v........r..............n...:............v..,.\....:.::::::.:::-...........r..r...n.rr..r.v..,.......:.v:;.+,.:::::::.v:.!:_:r.}..,w::::::::.v .4.::.v'.-«^:�!.r... ....n, v ...., ..r....n.. .. .. ........ ...............:::.v:!vv::.:.......:. ........... ::r✓.•n':!:!•r:.v.v::::..... .r:. TO (CONTRACTOR): C Lt�U�I�I�r f i& . Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an Itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor (by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. D ES C RLPTIO N of change in work: • 711E 4 W/i 5Ecc,e--b 4 0- C�,.��-�/ ►C - • /.eon/ AC /r. Et,A.TH . Soc �7c -1 �b11 r1-44 - S/ S�E�, b' 4 J/-k 5 SYS79 i rilqicht 1444gcH 723 S Change Order Type: eVDeletion ,.,t,Addition � CI Revision ❑ Other: Constraints of Change: /24/ce --�'t o� / 1 3 Ac77 vI `) ' -S I "" <` E . Initiated by: 0 Changes in Owner Requirements 0 Unforeseen Conditions Other: ( Proposal must be received by: cS".S 9'9 (22 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS (listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. yy�� � PROJECT NO.: �t7WNER: vi���'-y,T0 �-f / ❑ CONTRACTOR: 2-1TO I tNGINEER: —k-P1ELD: /Tc �DATE: 0 ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: /r6-fii E. Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00005 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Delete SCH 40/GSP - RFP 003 DATE: 5/11/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO:9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 i ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00005 Item.Description Stoch##i Quantity :I3nits ;Unit knee Taa RiteTax Amount 1�fet Amc� < 00001 Delete SCH 40 and GSP 1.000 LS ($243.00) 0.00% $0.00 ($243.00) 00002 Furnish SCH 80 PVC Piping 1.000 LS $220.00 0.00% $0.00 $220.00 00003 Delete Painting-PVC and GSP 1.000 LS ($363.00) 0.00% $0.00 ($363.00) Unit Cost: ($386.00) Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: ($386.00) • 4c cro tied Tar- C 47.0 APPROVAL: By: v' G By: Joe H. Bro n, Jr. P ' 'p Harlow, P.E. Date: 5/11/99 Date: r 572.77 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Pagel PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5/11/99 11:20 AM Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • PCO No.05A 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.010 Piping Materials 10 Delete SCH 40 and GSP -1.00 'sum (227) (227) Piping Materials (227) (227) MECHANICAL 0 (227) 0 0 0 (227) PCO No.05A 0 (227) 0 0 0 (227) Partial Totals Material (227) (227) (227) &Ins On Labor 48.600 % 6%Sales Tax (14) 6.000 % , 12 Mo.or less 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (2) Partial Total (243) • Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5/11/99 11:26 AM PM= Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • 'CO No.05B 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.010 Piping Materials 10 SCH 80 PVC Piping 1.00 !sum 179 179 Piping Materials 179 179 MECHANICAL 0 179 0 0 0 179 PCO No.05B 0 179 0 0 0 179 Partial Totals Material 179 179 179 &Ins On Labor 48.600 % 6%Sales Tax 11 6.000 % Overhead&Fee 28 15.000 % , 12 Mo.or less 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 2 Partial Total 220 • Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5/11/99 11:20 AM boi bafftliktfitid S balltelidtainn ita• kiN4titatiW Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • PCO No.05C 9.000 FINISHES 9.900 Painting sub Delete-PVC and GSP -1.00 !sum (360) (360) Painting (360) (360) FINISHES 0 0 (360) 0 0 (360) PCO No.05C 0 0 (360) 0 0 (360) Partial Totals Subcontract (360) (360) (360) &Ins On Labor 46 600 % 6%Sales Tax 6 000 % , 12 Mo or less 0 095 $/ 100 000 T Surety Bond (3) Partial Total (363) • • PEC/PROFESIOAL ENGlNEERlNG CONSULTANTS,lN . REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EOLA PARK CENTRE, 200 E. ROBINSON ST.,SURE 1560, ORLANDO, FLORIOA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers planners NO. su rveyors ors PROJECT DATA; NAME: /`L-() 1 e e / PROJECT NO.:��-- LOCATION: DATE: QSC-,I OWNER: �/ of DRAWING NO.: V 1405. OTHER: SPEC.SECTION: oQitl our TO (CONTRACTOR): /—•itL Il� -577 "L5C./ //\IC` I Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs end fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: • AEA/lcE A fVcrr' ,4Na cst' W i771 sG 8o f1/c • t -c.6-7 . }1',1/4-T/ vF T 7'i / ichl c o ea Change Order Type: ,elation Addition 0 Revision 0 Other: ( Constraints of Change: �/‹,(ti-v-• �Cii OF 771G 4C777Vt' " E5 &'b Initiated by: Changes in Owner Requirementsre 0 Unforeseen Conditions 0 Other: 2 ( ) Proposal must be received by: , 3 ` L (22 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS (listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: 1 OWNER: 11> •€ . 0 CONTRACTOR: 2 rt 1�GINEER: -et-FIELD: �� 0 ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: / 7- F Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O. Box 9400-A No. 00006 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 ' Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: 18" RCP and Add'! Hauling DATE: 5/17/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO:9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00006 >:1tem:�3esenRf><nu. .:_ :Stock# Unit Price.: Tax Rate Tit Amount. N tA nnnt: 00001 Delete 18"RCP,D-5 and D-6 1.000 LS ($2,325.00) 0.00% $0.00 (S2,325.00) 00002 Hauling and Disposal of Debris 1.000 LS $1,511.00 0.00% $0.00 S1,511.00 Off-Site • Unit Cost: ($814.00) Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: ($814.00) • ,4c c 1e ' ' 4c'c uS 4; pvs)' OP C. ! APPROVAL: /7 By: � By: Joe H. rown, Jr. P,illlp Harlow, P.E. Dat . 5/17/99 Date: os--7-'77 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Pagel PC09901-000EE REUSE SYST. 5/18/99 2:57 PIV. EV MOM Migftitial !!MMEI:: §iiiiai3Riiiiinnie Logiimiti mi:i!!:ii.'...win EMYSTE7 Item Description Takeoff Qty ,Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • PCO No.08A 2.000 SITEWORK . 2.276 Rip-Rap 50 6%12" -Rock Rip-Rap -49.00 sqft (94) (94) Rip-Rap (94) (94) 2.722 Storm Drainage 34 18"RCP CL III -65.00 Inft- (195) (499) - (195) - (889) Storm Drainage (195) (499) (195) (889) 2.724 Inlets 10 Drop Inlets-Precast -1.00 each (175) (487) - (150) - (812) Inlets (175) (487) (150) (812) 2.729 H'wall/Mit'd End 34 Mitered End-18"Pipe -1.00 each (85) (75) - (55) - (215) H'wall/Mit'd End (85) (75) (55) (215) SITEWORK (455) (1,156) 0 (400) 0 (2,011) PCO No.06A (455) (1,156) 0 (400) 0 (2,011) Partial Totals Labor (455) Material (1,156) Equipment (400) (2,011) (2,011) &Ins On Labor (221) 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax (69) 6.000 % C , 12 Mo.or less (2) 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (22) B Partial Total (2,325) • Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 5/18/99 2:59 PP EiViiikai ]:ViiiiiiiiiiiE Eiliii.gi.:tiEaiiiiiiiiiieignM kaatkijiarid i'i:: Other iiiMI NTotalia Item Description Takeoff Qty . Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • PCO No.06B 2.000 SITEWORK 2.110 Clear&Grubb 40 Haul Debris Off-Site 13.00 load - - - 1 -,300 1,300 Clear&Grubb 1,300 1,300 SITEWORK 0 0 0 1,300 0 1,300 PCO No.06B 0 0 0 1,300 0 1,300 Partial Totals Equipment 1,300 1,300 1,300 &Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 195 15.000 % T ,12 Mo.or less 1 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 15 B Partial Total 1,511 Y �t1EOLA PARK CENTRE.,200 E.ROBINSON ST., SUITE 1560, ORLANDO,�FLORIDA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers • planners NO. d d surveyors } } PROJEC DATA: G } �¢ y —,. ,� S A 7' ` i v`�4.),- 7 //x /��� PROJECT NO.: NAME: / sb r �� fff LOCATION: /7� /A/ DATE: Q..��--� OWNER: DRAWING NO.: G '✓ OTHER: SPEC. SECTION: Tj TO (CONTRACTOR): /LAI/ C�� /RUC' ` / C / C- Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor (by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Lx ce771`.:- DEL 7 /8'//‹.7/4 RECEIVED • m Ay 1 7 i99g • Change Order Type: „ ieletion 0 Addition 0 Revision 0 Other: ( Constraints of Change: / —�+D Lis(S //Ce S Initiated by: hanger in Owner Requirements 0 Unforeseen Conditions 0 Other: ( Proposal must be received by: dtiQ ( (22 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS (Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: OWNER: 1> ✓ r` ,��"`7/./IL• O CONTRACTOR: <f)c .ENGINEER: ›:fF1ELD: r/ DATE: 0 ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: iI_5 / ? F:1...1PECIFORMS\CONST1OO847.FRM F-00847 (1 1/02/94) / 71 Cj. Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O. Box 9400-A No. 00007 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: 8" MJ Gate Valve @ Water Main DATE: 6/10/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00007 Item Description Stock# Quantity Units Unit Price Tax Rate Tax Amount Net Amount 00001 Furnish(l)8"MJ Gate Valve at the 1.000 LS $526.00 0.00% $0.00 $526.00 Existing Water Main Tie-1n Unit Cost: $526.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $526.00 • / 4/q arm /1J kJ, . APPROVAL: Joe H. own, Jr. P lip Harlow, P.E. Date: 6/15/99 Date: G / l rtaehion Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/10/99 9:55 All i ; 'Labdu `,f aterI' I't StilaCent act ut ; }+_ ileitOlArgh01 Clthet t ; rittirtaiWki Item Description Takeoff Qty .Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.07 15.000 MECHANICAL 10 8"Mega-Lugs w/Accys 1.00 Isum - 52 - - - 52 10 8"MJ Gate Valve 1.00 !sum - _ 375 - - 375 MECHANICAL 427 427 PCO No.07 0 427 0 0 0 427 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/10/99 9:55 AA Partial Totals • Material 427 • 427 427 Taxes&Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 26 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 68 15.000 % T Builder's Risk. 12 Mo.or less 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 5 B Partial Total 526 H w1/ Mi1mir Construction, Inc. ?RC/POSED CHANGE ORDER P.O. Box 9400-A No. 00008 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Instrumentation Modifications DATE: 6/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse.Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00008 .,..... _.. ..._ROPOSAL . _. .,:.. .,—. '.4., t...... � +« > Z- -'E �'.�' it • nP` -. +'}(-r�q DE,�OR MMI P _ ,'`x� t �� � .._ .: `.r.. _ .-,. ._. , . .;:.- .,ti 4 .. .4;t.., �r�;�z7.,.;♦,t>: Instrumentation Modifications: 1. Enlarge the Existing MCC Concrete Pad 2. Relocate Existing Generator Annunciator Panel for PCP2 Installation 3. Additional Wire Feed for ECTP A/C Unit Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $1,210.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $1,210.00 PL--e APPROVAL: By: Davi A. Wheeler, P.E P lip Harlow, P.E. Date: //f 95 Date: 2 6777 Expedition 0 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/16/99 11:02 AM 1 .,r n tF r .r, ?i, (Firm �; ' "= ii it SO CAnt act ,�,. . .* l tEquipmeF t:;u rs 3 T:Other01 PC. ,Aotai M_ . d1A i ar'� `� Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.08 3.000 CONCRETE 1 20 c 40 MCC Cone Pad 4000psi 0.25 cuyd 3 17 20 CONCRETE 3 17 1 16.000 ELECTRICAL - 672 sub PCP2/Rel.Ann.Panel 1.00 sum - - 672 - sub 10 AWG Wire/A/C Unit 1.00 Isum - - 346 - - 346 ELECTRICAL 1,018 1,018 PCO No.08 3 . 17 1,018 1 0 1,038 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/16/99 11:02 AM Partial Totals • Labor 3 . Material 17 Subcontract 1,018 Equipment 1 1,039 1,039 Taxes&Ins On Labor 1 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 1 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 156 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 1 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 12 B Partial Total 1,210 • T w31 / Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O. Box 9400-A No. 00009 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Alum Building Exhaust Fan DATE: 6/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO. To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00009 fitORMACOMMONOYAI:, - Furnish and Install Exhaust Fan and Damper in Alum Feed Building Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $1,425.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $1,425.00 • /7-7 -62-> APPROVAL: By: AVA/ By: David A. Wheeler, P.E. p Date: j;440z 2,Tr; lf 9 Date: .!5s Expedition o Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/16/99 3:29 PM WitIiiiiiiNtl 'r ifi aleci 4, Witif ' 6VO `ractV " x :Equipnt' Ark, r,„ Otiierg: ' eigiatitiYaZi Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.09 15.000 MECHANICAL - 1,132 01 Wall Fan W/Damper 1.00 each 64 1,043 - 25 MECHANICAL 64 1,043 25 1,132 PCO No.09 64 1,043 0 25 0 1,132 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 'PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/16/99 3:29 Ph Partial Totals Labor 64 . Material 1,043 Equipment 25 1,132 1,132 Taxes&Ins On Labor 31 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 63 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 184 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo. or less 1 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 14 B Partial Total 1,425 l w�li M[ilmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O. Box 9400-A No. 00010 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Architectural T'ment @ P/S Tanks DATE: 6/21/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00010 ItemxDestiptan. Stocic#r Qua3t =,=i7nrfs Un�tr�ce-. ; Ta2eax,Pimo;un.. .N .mounts; 00001 Delete Architectural Treatment on -2.000 Each $12,128.00 0.00% $0.00 ($24,256.00) Prestressed Storage Tanks Unit Cost: (S24,256.00) Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: (S24,256.00) APPROVAL: � By: p61�Crf��✓L By: David A. Wheeler, P.E P • 1p Har ow, P.E. Date: 15./9/�f Date: �` l Inregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/21/99 9:15 AM it " L�Sti ; gMnteCia taMOStifilVinesgrOtAti4 tkEtitiViVert0 _.ifiti'er."" "j Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount 'CO No.10 0.000 SPECL CONDITIONS 10 P/S Tank-Arch T'ment -2.00 each (24,000) - (24,000) SPECL CONDITIONS (24,000) (24,000) PCO No.10 0 0 •(24,000) 0 0 (24,000) Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 6/21/99 9:15 AM Partial Totals Subcontract (24,000) (24,000) (24,000) Taxes& Ins On Labor 48.600 % C • 6%Sales Tax 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo. or less (23) 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (233) B Partial Total (24,256) / iEM k • 08/02/99 14:42 $904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST l001 -Mffmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED G ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No.00011 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Add'l Hydrant, Valve and Fittings DATE: 7/21/99 PROJECT: Rcusc Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee,FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC • From:MILMIROC Number: 00011 . RMIM ` lZna ,, Z r 7: _ ;�ci`4 ?avifik4 `e; s:: _} f�r s -?5 e ;�'"�u:4 t�+s*•.� y+!b.zy ;t �.,�"D i !S �:r;:%.1v.+�cM�-?..:s.. -� t_.�:us�i.:Lts:�y-�:__«.«..`:2i.....�.a..:.�it'.:.:':l. :p:r..,.�-x:.7:.-,... ..•i.'v.:.Ta� _ �: Excavate and locate existing water main. Furnish and install an additional fire hydrant,gate valve,fittings,restrained joints and accessories as requested. Unit Cost $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: S4,190.00 • Lump Tax: • S0.00 Total: S4,190.00 • � 1�'Iilmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERNo. 00025 P.O.Box 9400-A 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Add'l 8" D.I. Pipe for Fire Hydrant DATE: 12/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00025 • DESeRIPMONO1F`•PROPOSAL , . .., Furnish(54)LF of 8"ductile iron pipe for the additional fire hydrant per the previously approved PCO No. 11. The tie-in location for the hydrant was beneath the existing pavement and exact footage of pipe required was unknown. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: S676.00 Lump Tax: $0.0( Total: S676.0( 08/02/99 14:42 $904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST Z 001 -Constructi.on, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No.00011 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Add'l Hydrant,Valve and Fittings DATE: 7/21/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Minis Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00011 Y. '_ wiZ .t r 2 ` a '�`''�.7�a^kv,env+:•.. c3, 1,7.teti!t�m tY.E!�1`'4'wcN 7t;.!! `-`'�'i.1 rn n f_'�;7T;}�`n''^. S ! nv�H'1:�_aw:�'.:7�N)n...�5... �:�t. ....a:�.i:f;�N7�1y =— .3�.... ':i..v..&1i'......_.i.1-w.ri�....�.c�..... ...'✓.::�a�w..: r.c Excavate and locate existing water main. Furnish and install an additional fire hydrant,gate valve,fittings,restrained joints and accessories as requested. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $4,190.00 Lump Tax: S0.00 Total: S4,190.00 • • l'1C ' T` APPROVAL: - By: /�l 47.,�Si'!'1. BY: 7 _. David Wheeler, P.E. Phil ' szlow,PP.E. Date: /be., . '� z/c-lc�,9 Date: / 'nregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 7/21/99 10:38 AM Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount CO No.11 5.000 MECHANICAL 10 8"x 6"MJ DI Tee 1.00 sum - 76 - - - 76 10 Install Hydrant&Ftgs 16.00 chrs 960 - - 720 - 1,680 10 8"x 2"Saddles 1.00 Isum - 70 - - - 70 10 6"Megalugs Restrainers 1.00 !sum - 63 - - - 63 10 8"Megalugs Restrainers 1.00 !sum - 62 - - - 62 10 2"Corporation Stop 1.00 'sum - 72 - - - 72 10 6"Gate Valve 1.00 sum - 240 - - - 240 10 Fire Hydrants 1.00 !sum - 792 - - - 792 MECHANICAL 960 1,375 720 3,065 PCO No.11 960 1,375 0 720 0 3,055 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2- PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 7/21/99 10:38 AM Partial Totals Labor 960 Material 1,375 Equipment 720 3,055 3.055 Taxes&Ins On Labor 467 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 83 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 541 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 4 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 40 B Partial Total 4,190 Mlmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00025 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Add'l 8" D.I. Pipe for Fire Hydrant DATE: 12/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00025 117B;BCTION=OE PROPOSAL Furnish(54)LF of 8"ductile iron pipe for the additional fire hydrant per the previously approved PCO No. 11. The tie-in location for the hydrant was beneath the existing pavement and exact footage of pipe required was unknown. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $676.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $676.00 APPROVAL: By: AL/ 0 David Wheeler, .E. P ' p Harlow,P.E. Date: Date: Za2f) Expedition Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 12/22/99 10:19 AM IlgrafiBOVS41 Iggitilitgliiia,, tattfig*.lsiiiieblitfiatig00 km11110'1610 IVVtiitif-MI VaivreititrAW Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.25 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.010 Piping Materials 10 Freight to Jobsite 1.00 isum - -106 - - 106 Piping Materials 106 106 15.101 D.1. Piping 10 8"D.I.Push-On Pipe 54.00 if - -443 - - 443 D.1.Piping 443 443 MECHANICAL 0 549 0 0 0 549 PCO No.25 • 0 549 0 0 0 549 . • . . Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 12/22/99 10:19 AM Partial Totals Material 549 549 549 Taxes&Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 33 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 87 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 1 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 6 B Partial Total 676 / 7ML . Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00013 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Repair 16" Air Line DATE:7/26/99 PROJECT:Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO:9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00013 D.ESORIPTIOMORPROPOSAL Excavate and repair air leak in existing 16"ductile iron pipe. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $4,092.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $4,092.00 U /Tc APPROVAL: By: O�' l� Q,/ By: David Wheeler, P.E. Phillip ow, P.E. Date: ��3 R z l r�f Date: Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 7/26/99 11:09 AM Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.13 15.000 MECHANICAL 10 16"VITON Gaskets 4.00 each - 500 - - - 500 10 Repair 16"Air Line 12.00 chrs 720 - - 540 - 1,260 10 16"DI Push-On Pipe 18.00 If - 449 - - - 449 10 16"MJ Sleeves 2.00 each - 418 - - - 418 10 16"Megalugs w/Accys 4.00 each - 436 - - - 436 MECHANICAL 720 1,803 540 3,063 PCO No.13 720 1,803 0 540 0 3,063 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 7/26/99 11:09 AM Partial Totals Labor 720 Material 1,803 Equipment 540 3,063 3,063 Taxes & Ins On Labor 350 48.600 % C 6% Sales Tax 108 6.000 % C Overhead & Fee 528 15.000 % T ilder's Risk, 12 Mo. or less 4 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 39 B Partial Total 4,092 ire M CAA co t -99 09 : 59A P . 02 KtrAl l I U: Service Pump & Compressor of Florida: Inc. I "..:.° Lull��' V260 Cou,ewoy Blve.i. • InnnpO. FL 3:}614 340 Thorpe Rd. • Orlando. FI 32824 (813)621-59'4 (407)888-2626 hoax(613)621.611 13 fox(40!)6U-4626 SALES • RENTAL • SERVICE • PUMFS • WELLPOINT SYSTEMS • GENERATORS kccount# Order# Brc SLs INVOICE Date Invoice# Page 301092 222054 202 0RJ1 07-29-99 02203965 1 Sold To: Ship To : MILMIR CONSTRUCTION MILMIR CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 9400 OCOEE WASTEWATER TREATMENT JACKSONVILLE , FL 32208 Ship Via SPCFL Entered by Customer Purchase Order Customer Contact Ord Date ceil verbal-Gary Gary 07-27-99 TERMS : NET20 DAYS 1 ID# : 94003004 07-27-99 TO 08-06-99 MODEL VTCE6M3F4LT • $ 910 . 00 1 SVC LABOR 07 -27-99 TO 08-06-99 • 193 SERVICE HOURS USED $ 61 . 76 2 6X2OPVC 07-27-99 TO 08-06-99 $ 320 . 00 6X20 PVC SUCTION HOSE DELIVERY ; PICKUP $ 50 . 00 Milim r Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00016 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 1t-'/eZ p"(LE TITLE: Delete Painting of Ext. Concrete DATE: 8/18/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00016 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL • Please see the attached itemized breakdown for the proposed painting items to be deleted. The following should be considered prior to a final decision: I. In reference to the Ground Storage Tanks,be aware that concrete left unfinished will have color variations and a non-uniform finish (See Attached CROM Letter). Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 X4E D Lump Sum: ($11,597.00) I'm99 Lump Tax: $0.00 ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED Total: ($11,597.00) APPROVAL: /' .. B By ' y ��� ���� i David Wheeler, P.E. P P Harlow, P.E. Date: ,/ 4 /p f Date: C`737/ Jnregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 9/17/99 8:20 AM a I14:,th 'Ai ii- ll' . .�„ . Y. ,:.4 . .s 3i'L►1iiii1lAX>�.w I.. A°U.ii>;.Ir, , .. i!v,q .U. Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount DCO No.16 ).000 FINISHES ?.900 Painting sub Flow Mtr Supports -1.00 Isum - - (65) - - (65) sub GST Ext-Painting -1.00 Isum - - (11,015) - - (11,015) sub Alum Containment -1.00 'sum - - (395) - - (395) Painting (11,475) (11,475) FINISHES 0 0 (11,475) 0 0 (11,475) PCO No.16 0 0 (11,475) 0 0 (11,475) inregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 . PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 9/17/99 8:20 AM Partial Totals Subcontract (11,475) (11,475) (11,475) Taxes&Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less (11) 0.095 $I 100.000 T Surety Bond (111) B Partial Total (11,597) 101 THE CROM CORPORATION II Prestressed Composite Tanks Stephen W.Pavlik,President R.Bruce Simpson RECEIVED James A.P Neff,rP.E. Aug ust t 13, 1999 Lars Balck,Jr.,P.E. AUG 6 g 199 Samuel O.Sawyer,P.E. Richard L.Bice,P.E. James D.Copley,P.E. Gerald C.Bevis,P.E. Jeffery D.Malpass,P.E. Via Mail and Fax: 904/768-6494 Mr. Joe Brown Milmir Construction Inc. 1617 Rowe Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208 Subject: Ocoee WWT Ocoee, Florida Crom Job Number 99023 Dear Joe: Thank you for your inquiry regarding tank coatings. Exterior coatings, Thoroseal and paint are not required for structural purposes. Thoroseal is a waterproof coating that we use to seal and enhance the appearance of our concrete tanks. It helps to fill in rough areas of the concrete. Paint is applied only for decoration. Please understand that a tank with either a concrete finish or Thoroseal finish will have a mottled gray appearance. It will not have a uniform coloration. I hope this is helpful to you. Sincerely, THE CROM CORPORATION a,k_6 Dave A. Ball Project Assistant DAB/tb 250 S.W. 36TH TERRACE • GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA 32607-2889 PHONE (352) 372-3436 • FAX (352) 372-6209 • VVWW.CROMCORP.COM 7 3 o • 09/17/99 14:24 V904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST a001 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00018 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904168-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768.6494 TITLE: Additional Pipe&Fittings DATE: 9/16/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road . - Ocoee,FL 34761 6 X1 I-- I .CZ 6 7Mi ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E. ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00018 lntatWergWtirXg(5,PMM_',N:nli-larl. '.:':-aaigTgggiM*'zd,-Ta-S7ZG.'.E•iKa'772 .1"-Aa.7gPf•W-&--F,F41M.MgraTM Furnish additional pipe,fittings and accessories to complete the installation of the 30"Gravity Effluent Line at the Effluent Transfer Pump Station. The additional pipe and fittings are due to a change in Elevation. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $5,129.00 Lump Tar: $0.00 Total: $5,129.00 .— -CLI> t-1 •• APPROVAL: By: ,2--- 1--.-7#1..Lt. ',.. ..__-- David Wheeler, P.E. ip Harlow,P.E. .. Date: '7 z, 7-: Date: , ::,?.... "77 , , Lepodiioo 02 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 9/17199 3:16 PM Item Description Takeoflflty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.18 __ __ 15.000 MECHANICAL — _ 15.010 Piping Materials 16, 3,1 Sd 10 '30•22 1(2 MJ w(T esi. 1.00 'sum - _ H6D 10 304 PExPE DIP 6'01L 1.00 each - - 999 4,163 4,163 Piping Malorrals MECHANICAL — ` — 0 4,163 0 0 D 4,163 PCO No.18 -.. 0 4,163 0 0 0 4,163 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC099O1-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 9/17/99 3:15 PM `- _ Partial Totals Matenal—__-,- --.-------4 163 4,163 4,163 1 48.60D % Caxes E,Ins On Labor 6.000 % C 6%Sales Tax 250 Overhead&Fee 862 15.000 % r Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 5 _ 0.095 $1 100.000 T Surety 6ortd 49 ti Partial Total 5,129 /TE�1 /0 10/14/99 13:52 C904 768 6494 HILMIR CONST J001 Milini Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE OIRDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00019 1617 Rowe Ave.. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: FPL Ductbank and Encasement DATE: 10/14/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D.Ocoee, FL 34761 Mons Road /. >AL D -'V -- ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED RE: PC() To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00019 DESCRIPTION OF:PROPOSAV: : . ... .. _ . _ Revised:(Approximately 300'of Ductbank in Lieu of 500'.Previously Quotated) Furnish and install primary electrical ductbank and concrete encasement as described in FPL letter dated August 20, 1999. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $12,051.00 Lump Tax: '. $0.00 Total: S 12,051.00 • /2 APPROVAL: By: SAL �� � By: David Wheeler,P.E. Ph:l1i arlow, P.l. Date: /GA, .07 Date: Z�'�� ' _ Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. • 10/14199 1:42 PM •:/011' ; 6',ri:`6s'•".i`•:l:j', v 47.:jfkif.xt.��.:;.-4 t.LY!) f,1a 'u'_7JZi`icc .`.:—::ifrea.1d.'::.. Item Description Takeoff Qty w Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.19 2.000 CONCRETE __ _ 3.181 S.O.G Concrete c 40 4000PSI Ductbank Conc. 31.00 cuy0 0 _ 3,194 - 0 3.184 S.O.G Concrete 3,164 3,184 3.201 Concrete Werks c 40 Walk Conc 4000 psi 5.00 cuyd _ 50 — 330 - —— 20 — 400 Concrete @ Walks 50 330 20 400 CONCRETE i 50 3,514 0 20 0 3,664 16.000 ELECTRICAL ,___ 15.001 Etecfrket g 5r� sub PrimaryEIec. Dugbank 1.00 Isum ---__ 6,550 - E1nctr cal 6,550 8,550 ELECTRICAL. 0 0 6,550 0 D 8.550 PCO No.19 50 3,514 6,550 20 0 10,134 , Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. _ 10/14/99 1:42 PM Partial Totals Labor 50 Material 3,514 Subcontract 6,650 Equipment 20 ._�— 10,134 10,134 Taxes&Ins On Labor 24 43.600 % C 6%Salor.Taos 211 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 1,555 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo or toss 11 0.095 $1 100.000 T Surety Bond 116 Partial Total 12,051 rc c.i EOLA PARK CENTRE, 200 E. ROBINSON ST., SUITE 1560, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers planners surveyors NO. 46 surveyors PROJECT DATA:�7- }� i) �� NAM : ` .�Lda ` �! ��' �}�—�/LJ`r\ PROJECT NO.: �`��0 LOCATION: ,/ 14. i• AAi A DATE: 0 3 OWNER: CITY OF' d DRAWING NO.: OTHER: SPEC. SECTION: -::i+:iJi:^i::i::::•i}:i:vi:i::.i:<.::i::viii:::::::.:::.::::::::::...::.�::::^::::::::.:::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::..v::::::::::::::::::::`:;.�:::::::::::::::::.:::::.:...::..::.:..:..........................:..............:...........:::::::._:::•:::::::: TO (CONTRACTOR): "14"14 /, /A)C• Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing en itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor (by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. ���� �+�-� DESCRIPTION of change in work: /4�•.+L'1-E��vit �t'= .t> cifS73 . A A vi > .4., A Ca-lboiTS is t)ESt/ b 14) --ea4l't _/. . G 77 L47-6J> -Zc,re /79c/. 2 7-E - f- 4-€'--7-- ci -C>—Y> t 7'S. 3. 'V/bE / A DYE /,--17 E E - 6-J7-- Gz•-- E7-E.. Change Order Type: 0 Deletion Addition 0 Revision 0 Other: ( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: 0 Changes in Owner Requirements 0 Unforeseen Conditions Other: ( >65'/ 4s Q I Proposal must be received by: (22 days from date below). A T T A C H M ENTS (Listing of attached documents that support description): Contractor Reque for Information No. 4. P��y-� L6�?r 5. /L.Y �-�[ �� /777 6. -7y }� t , PROJECT NO.:O. O OWNER: CAI ! df. 0 CONTRACTOR: 44-4Y lta' '4'vc) - -Z'/- �� . DATE:`17 O ENGINEER: / L., � ❑ FIELD: /LS� O ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: C-� nc!` fnn..crnr.crnnon7 cne. F-(10R47 111/02/9' ' • • AUG 20 '99 08:57AM MID FLORIDA DIVISION P. 1 4,14 •z Florida �'� . d", Power • C O R P O R A T,O N August 20, 1999 David Wheeler City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: Water Treatment Plant on A.D. Mims Road Dear Mr. Wheeler: The approximate cost to bury the existing power lines between the pad mounted transformer and the existing power line on the south side of the new pumping station is $10,000. This cost is for 500 feet and is based on your contractor providing FPC an acceptable PVC duct system as outlined below: 1. All PVC to be Schedule 40, 4 inch, with 36 inches minimum cover. 2. All bends to be pre-bends, minimum 36 inch radius. 3. PVC to be glued together with minimum of 6" bells. 4. PVC bends at poles to be installed up against poles. 5. PVC bends at transformer to be installed as directed by FPC. 6. Jet line pull string to be blown through duct system. 7. FPC to inspect entire system before it is back filled. Please call me at (407)646-8569 with any additional questions you may have. • Sincerely, FLORLDA POWER CORPORATION irGN�t Joel Mastrogiacomo Apopka Engineering APOPKA ENGINEERING.275 Ponkan Road•Apopka• Flor;da 32712 Phone(407)646.8669 Fax(407)646.8574 A Ronda Progress Company / TEA q 10/26/99 08:39 $904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST Z001 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00020 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Dcicte G/A Electric Check Valves DATE: 10/26/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage& Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILNIIROC Number. 00020 DES `XOMOY-3ROP(35Af. . - .. --'::-_1--. ::.' -. 1 _ — — Credit for Alternate Bid Item No. 1 - 4"GA Electric Check Valves. ��- ,rtcm Deacnption- ---. Slot-4-r'-` _. -ray__ ...�_•_. -.._•.-- •---iJniosrrce_.; Ti:rl4tuleTitx::Aiuount �feE;Agtounx;., 00001 Altemale Did Item No.1 -1.000 1S ($9,000.00) 0.00% SO.00 (59,000.00) Unit Cost: (S9,000.00) Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: S0.00 Total: (S9,000.00) • ti 6-1--t,--- Ffe--- - APPROVAL: By: ..,0:2,44 of,/ By. David eeler, P.E. Philp arlow,, P.E. Date: /pA7 f9 Date: � '� i6/%-\ A 10/22/99 10:25 $904 768 6494 1(ILMIR CONST ®Oo1 r. . Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED C1 ANGE ORDER R P.O.Box 9400-A No.00021 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonvi le,Florida 32208 Far 904-768-6494 r TITLE: Reuse Jumper Connection Point @MEPS DATE: 10/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Minis Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow,P.E_ RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00021 DZSt lO11_oFPROr.DsA::. :. .____ . 777:_11. . ..• Furnish and and install jumper connection points between the 16"Reuse and the existing 10" Reuse Pipeline. Furnish and install 16"MI Tee,Plug and miseries and 10"Flanged Tee with Blind Flange and accessories. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $1,856.00 Lump Tax: •• . $0.00 Total: $1,856.00 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00023 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: 10" Jumper Interconnect Piping DATE: 11/1/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CO _ • CT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road A X4�--- Ocoee, FL 34761 � , D ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00023 -0N1 OFFROPOSAI. Furnish and install 10" interconnect jumper piping and gate valve as requested. The interior of all ductile pipe and fittings to be cement-lined. Unit Cost: $0.0C Unit Tax: $0.0C Lump Sum: • $3,868.0( Lump Tax: $0.0( Total: S3,868.0( 10/22/99 10:25 V904 788 6494 MILMIR CONST Z 001 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CAGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00021 1617 Rowe Ave. Phony 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax 904-768-6494 TITLE: Reuse Jumper Connection Point @MEPS DATE: 10/22/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Minis Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00021 DESt (IPIIO3X OF PROJ'DSAL - Furnish and install jumper connection points between the 16"Reuse and the existing 10" Reuse Pipeline. Furnish and install 16"MJ Tec,Plug and accessories and 10"Flanged Tee with Blind Flange and accessories. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $1,856.00 Lump Tax: •. $0.00 Total: $1,856.00 l 1 LC— APPROVAL: By: /41-!j, ,l✓'�'f By:/ David Wheeler, P.E. P Harlow, P.E. - Date: /p/ /i f Date: Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1• PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 10/22/99 10:14 AM .- Item Description TakeoffQty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount m m r PCO No.21 c cm 1fi.000 MECHANICAL 15.010 Piping Malerfals 2S0 10 10"OI FLG Tee 1.00 each - 250 . 10 10"01 Blind FLG 1.00 each - 56 - • - 56 m 10 10"HOG FL G Accy Set 2.00 each - 38 - - . 38 i°' 10 16"x 10"DI MJ Tee 1.00 each - 420 - - - 420 10 10"DI MJ Plug 1.00 each - 32 - - - 32 0, 10 16"Megalugs wlAccys 2.00 each - - 204 204 Prying Malera(s 1,000 1000 to A• P 15.050 Yard Piping Labor 10 Install DIP Yard Piping 4.00 chrs 240 • - 180 420 YaM Plphng Labor 240 180 420 MECHANICAL 240 1.000 0 160 0 1,420 PCO No.21 240 1,000 0 180 0 1,420 W n 0 z 4 • 0 0 „ Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09401-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 1012 2/9 9 10:14 AM 0 ro Partial Totals m Labor 240 Material 1.000 Equipment 180 1,420 1,420 4 w Taxes&Ins On labor 117 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 60 6.000 % C Overhead it,Fee 239 15.000 % T guilders flis1c,12 Mo.or less 2 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 10 B p Pariia!Total 1,856 00 0 CO H 8 z to H 0 0 w r• Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00023 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: 10" Jumper Interconnect Piping DATE: 11/1/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CO _ ' • CT NO: 9901-MAIN • 1804 A.D. Mims Road A X Ocoee, FL 34761 I! ! `/ . D ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00023 Furnish and install 10" interconnect jumper piping and gate valve as requested. The interior of all ductile pipe and fittings to be cement-lined. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: .• $3,868.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $3,868.00 APPROVAL: n By: n, /�✓/� By: David Wheeler, P.E. Phillip ar ow, P. . Date: "voy /p f, 9 f Date: r lnreglstered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 11/1/99 9:46 AM Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount • 'CO No.23 5.000 MECHANICAL 5.010 Piping Materials 10 10"MJ DI Pipe 54.00 If - 635 - - - 635 10 10"MJ DI 90 Bend 1.00 each - 92 - - - 92 10 10"FLxPE DIP 9'-OL 1.00 each - 226 - - - 226 10 10"FL DI 90 Bend 1.00 each - 176 - - - 176 10 10"FL Gate Valve 1.00 each - 611 - 611 10 10"FLxFL DIP 1'-4"L 1.00 each - 140 - - - 140 10 10"Megalugs w/Accys 5.00 each - 194 - - - 194 10 10"FL Accy Sets 3.00 each - 54 - - - 54 Piping Materials 2,127 2,127 5.050 Yard Piping Labor 10 Inst.10"Interconnect 8.00 chrs 480 - - 360 - 840 Yard Piping Labor 480 360 840 MECHANICAL 480 2,127 0 360 0 2,967 PCO No.23 480 2,127 0 360 0 2,967 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 11/1/99 9:46 AM Partial Totals Labor 480 Material 2,127 Equipment 360 2,967 2,967 Taxes&Ins On Labor 233 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 128 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee 499 15.000 % T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 4 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 37 B Partial Total 3,868 a /tritice ext-r774 15b aag:14° 9 I-1'Li TO BE REMOVED 14it771 A pr Te . AND CONVEYED 0 I THE OWNER 0 A346.4.3 fa a _ vrtt-✓€. _ 1 I \ TO ` EXIST. 12"x10 'EDI E . BE REMOV oii _Sr n6z*€ y AND CONVEYED 0I II THE OWNER I I 114: 6 4sd. 1 - E1 I_'� ____di, re.ANrrep. 7, 11161-4:,(4 .,_‘~.) ) ,( --- A" ? °A. ( c ) , 1\ , ) ,�x o♦! ./ 11 If _ ® �6 1 i1J_TEE I •1/4.1 ,:___/ - /*//4,q. 5/Y4L.Z. 4:1 / / .S/ /X)63?_JLc-fT- M F I MP-1 .--„,,..\\\ Tom T ' 0 I ,- ) }- I -- / � I • o I J 1 • • i • ____0111H© ----1. -\/----- ./ - - po-----7Th_-___7/ 0 AC) r f /Gt if/A17- t - CT,//°) I �� SEE M-4 F, --®-0 • I • 1 _ } I it/ / / / -..- - '\-----2 I I i tUI I •••/\\/N 1 cn I 24 0 8" EXIST. 8" P.V.C.VTO BE REMOVED Ii /7-ST • CC o - 7�V/ ///// - - ------ - \ 11 _ _ I I . CONTI EXIST : 1 , a AND . MI v\ it Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER 400-A No. 00022 Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 le,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 Vertical Pumps- Impellers DATE: 10/18/99 2T: Reuse Storage &Pumping System JOB: 9901 Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-P007 1804 A.D. Mims Road pLA v Ocoee, FL 34761 n'tr). 1/BrA Phillip Harlow, P.E. ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED E: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00022 owner for the use of Aluminum-Bronze Pump Impellers in Lieu of Nickel-Aluminum-Bronze Impellers Specified. This Proposal full three(3)year warranty to cover the pump end,excluding mechanical shaft seal which will have a standard one(1)year The details of the extended warranty were stated in our correspondence dated 10/15/99. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: • $0.00 • Lump Sum: ($1,071.00) Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: ($1,071.00) f14641) /L /AL: By: David Wheeler, P.E. Phtll Harlow, P.E. Vo✓/,f �'�9 Date: �< Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2. PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 10/18/99 1:51 PM • Partial Totals Material (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) Taxes&Ins On Labor 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax (60) 6.000 % C Overhead&Fee T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo. or less (1) 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond (10) B Partial Total (1,071) /T&'\ 7 lvlllmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00024 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Relocate Existing 12" Force Main DATE: 12/13/99 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From: MILMIROC Number: 00024 Relocate the existing 12"Force Main in conflict with the new 30"Gravity Effluent Line. All ductile iron pipe and fittings to be ceramic lined. Note,an additonal(12)days should be added to the Bonus Substantial Completion Date due to the procurement and delivery of materials to execute this work and the 10"Jumper Interconnect Piping,which was previously approved. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 • Lump Sum: $5,205.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $5,205.00 APPROVAL: By: 4• ,l✓iak✓ By' David Wheeler, P.E. Phillip arlow, P.E. Date: Date: e•,(/ Expedition Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 12/13/99 .9:14 AM ,vim k °''<Otli6r i , LaboF6 ,� f�k�M6lel'iai�,,�t .�%,�.f.,x,��-.: +SI1�coHti�ack�'�'�,�a� ',=��i11�im�hE:,» ,, "�+:.�, �;`.,.w, � :,s;:iro Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.24 • 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.010 Piping Materials 10 12"Fastite DI Pipe 36.00 If - 687 - - - 687 10 12"MJ LP Sleeve 1.00 each - 75 - - - 75 10 12"MJ DI 45 Bend 2.00 each - 300 - - - 300 10 12"x10"SEMJ Reducer 1.00 each - 133 - - - 133 10 12"Megalugs for DIP 8.00 each - 488 - - - 488 10 10"Megalugs for PVC 1.00 each - 71 - - - 71 10 12"-11 1/4 E-Lined Bend 1.00 each - 163 - - - 163 10 10"Megalugs for DIP 1.00 each - 38 - - - 38 10 10"SDR35 Trans Gaskets 4.00 each - 53 - - - 53 • 10 10"Flange Accy Sets 1.00 each - 18 - - - 18 Piping Materials 2,026 2,026 15.050 Yard Piping Labor 10 Rel. Exist.12"Main 8.00 chrs 480 - - 360 157 997 Yard Piping Labor 480 360 157 997 • 15.400 Plumbing sub Septic Pump Trucks 1.00 'sum - - 1,100 - - 1,100 Plumbing 1,100 1,100 MECHANICAL 480 2,026 1,100 360 157 4,123 PCO No.24 480 2,026 1,100 360 157 4,123 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 12/13/99 9:14 AM Partial Totals Labor 480 Material 2,026 Subcontract 1,100 Equipment 360 Other 157 4,123 4,123 Taxes&Ins On Labor 233 48.600 % C 6%Sales Tax 122 6.000 % C • Overhead&Fee 672 • 15.000 V. T Builder's Risk, 12 Mo.or less 5 0.095 $/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 50 B Partial Total 5,205 11701/99 09:28 V904 788 8494 HILMIR CONST (21001 Milmir Construction, Inc. P.Q.Box 9400-A Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 November 1, 1999 FA ME D /. , 7 Professional Engineering Consultants 1804 A.D. Mires Road ORIGINAL TO BE MAILED Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Phillip Harlow, P.E. Project: Reuse Storage &Pumping System Re: Existing 12" Force Main Relocation Job 4: 9901 Dear Mr. Harlow: As you are aware, during the execution of our work, we have encountered an existing 12" Force Main that must be relocated. We have entered an order for the epoxy-lined ductile iron piping materials to accomplish the relocation. The procurement of these materials will take approximately 12 days. At this time, we formally request that the appropriate number of days are added to the Bonus Substantial Completion Date, due to this delay. Please review this matter and notify me of your findings. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, NATURE SAVERT'FAX MEMO 01616 Daly/c/n p4es f !� TI1J" d/AL, From /6_ ColDept. Co Joe H. oven, Jr. Project Manager Phone I Phone g y f- Fax# -�7t,2 Fax* bb ))�� CC. File/Field Post it`Fax Note 7671 Date/My?? pagges� CC: CXTY aF /` j f II, ,6 TY�IV/J13I� ( T' From �TfC✓/ /4 ; Gr(� Co/Dept. Co F/6ZA F14•'� Phonee## / Phone Y.l �7.. f K gio t=i 1IV`) 5���? �F— Fax# Milmir Construction, Inc. P.O.Box 9400-A Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 December 10, 1999 Professional Engineering Consultants 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Phillip Harlow, P.E. Project: Reuse Storage & Pumping System Re: Bonus Substantial Completion Job #: 9901 Dear Mr. Harlow: Per our previous conversations and subsequent discussions. Milmir Construction, Inc. requests that an additional (12) days be added to the Bonus Substantial Completion Date of December 31, 1999. This request is driven by the fact that Kruger, the sole-source instrumentation supplier specified for the project, is unavailable during the period of December 20, 1999 to January 3, 2000, to start-up and test the new reuse storage and pumping system. Milmir Construction, Inc. will proceed to complete all work as scheduled, in anticipation that a representative from Kruger, will become available. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, • AJoe H. Br n, Jr. Project Manager CC: Field/File R.* , 01/13/00 15:09 /3'904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST Lj002 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No, 00026 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville,Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 TITLE: Bonus Substantial Completion DATE: 1/13/00 PROJECT: Reuse Storage & Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CONTRACT NO: 9901-MAIN 1 804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From:MILMIROC Number: 00026 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL :::._.._._:._........ ::............_.. Satisfaction of Article 3.6 of the Contract Agreement: Completion Incentive Payment for substantial completion of 3-Day Clean Water Demonstration Test. The Reuse System was initially placed into service on December 21, 1999. The 3-Day Test period began on January 3,2000 and todate is currently still in use. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $25,000.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $25,000.00 e45 ',s cr� APPROVAL: By: J//, By: — David Whee er, P.E. Philli arlow, PT . Date: 2 5 00 Date: QrI13c Ilxgeditiati 01/13/00 15:08 '$904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST Cit001 Milmir Construction, Inc. P.O.Box 9400-A Phone: 904-768-2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 Fax: 904-768-6494 January 13, 2000 Professional Engineering Consultants 1804 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Phillip Harlow, P.E. Project: Reuse Storage &&Pumping System Re: Bonus Substantial Completion Job#: 9901 Dear Mr. Harlow: Since January 3, 2000 to this present date, the Reuse Storage and Pumping System has been started up and is currently "in service". We believe that this satisfies the requirements of the 3-Day Clean-Water Demonstration Test required to meet the Bonus Substantial Completion requirement. We formally request that the attached change order be approved and then forwarded to the Owner for approval and incorporation into our Contract. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, oe . Br , r. Project ager CC: Field/File /7Z-I-d\ V 3 Sun-Trust Bang,North Ftorida N.A D027593 200 Wes!forsyrh 9lraet 63234 MILMIR CONSTRUCTION, INC. 630 • -I .lark:onvina.Florida 32202 z P.O.ROX 9400-A JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 32208 C a pay*************Ri hteen thousand four hundred thirty and no cents ti a 4 L. DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT a u 5/3/99 27593 $18,430.00 PAY I. 4 TO TxE City of Ocoee CNN t ORDER MILMIR CONSTRUCTION INC. - . \ILLt..-- CI'''4,..:'1:4-C1-4) a h 0027593 ' ':06 300 2 3461:007000376 92 n• 4 D 000 18 4 3000. �H A = o n n ID 0 kt.SunTrust Bank North Flo Ida.N.A. 63-234 027592 �.J 7y200wealForsyth sired - r A MILM Jacksonville, IR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Jkllle,Florida 32202 630 ,r P.O.BOX 9400-A N.5 I o (cam `� JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 32208 s .. •. b P o 2 0 7 1- U 4 _k II D 0 pay***************************************One fired and no cents************ **x******** **xx D CHFCK NO. AMOUNT 5/3/99 27592 $100.00 A z n PAY TO THE St. Johns River Water Management Dist. ORDER 618 East South Street, Suite 200 7NLLMIRCONHTEIUCTION,+ D Or Orlando, Fl. 32801 ; e_ • ......A._....) J NI 11'027592'' ,:0S30023461:00700037 II' 0110000o' 02704/00 16:06 a904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST PEC OCOEE PHIL A j002-006 21/59 05:43 CO3RL,R BROS SVCS, INC. i 924 76 6494 NC.32S X1 asrAza_t; June 21, 1999 Milmir Construction Inc P.O. Box 9.400-A Jacksonville, Fi 32208 FILE COPY Attention. Joe Brown RE: Reuse Storage & Pumping System (Permit Payment) Dear Joe'. At this time we have completed the permitting required for this project. 1 have attached copies of the 2 electrical permits required, please review this information and let us know if this money is refundable to us. • Construction Trailer permit#0003023 in the amou of S35.00 Electrical permit for construction #0003122 in the amou ' $502.00'-\\ �t,NA'r3cf. , T;f t�N (a r �'F-4 rz'• P, Wt4Er-a.eg: If you have any question or need add,tional information please do no: hesitate to contact ��`9/ me. ��—.. ncerei atSullivan,_,'~r— Vice President 647 E.27TH ST. • JACKSONVILLE, FL 32206 • TELEPHONE 904-358-7344 • FAX 90435E-2805 02/04/00 16:08 12904 768 6494 MILMIR CONST -' -. PEC OCOEE PHIL A Z005/006 CITY OF OCOEE 04/15/99 11:52 AN salt 2 COMSTRUCTICN TRAIL RECEIPT NO411400853S3 AMOLIn BPSP 2 CONSTRUCTION TRAIL 190.00 IPSL CICC--�I- TOTAL FEE 5.00 PPYIQIT RECEIVED COMM CK NO ; TOTAL BU} L RECE 02/04/00 16:07 ' '904 768 6494 MILMIR COST -444 PEC OCOEE PHIL A j 004/006 avtr:z ::fly':"`Ri,K„T't.OAi. 0N::. • .,Acxsc,: • } ISDQTE Ir fINVD{C {,183 . •ixstRIPTIQN' ; r:!.IN l,Ol¢E'/xMOEJN:r, OEDUI TION ' `` BALANCE. August 27, 1999 licensing and registration •renewal:: $5.00 $5.00. 99001 - City of Ocoee 1-00-857 • • CHECK DATE 8/27/99 NUMBER 28501 TOTALS $5.00 $5.00 KEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS SunTrust Bank',NoPth RprI D,tV,A; R3-234 C12. 8501 M)LMER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 200 Wei;Parwp tow ecimanvl`I.,Flor4te 32202 P.O:BOX 94OO A JACKSONViLLE,FLdRFCIA 32208 ****************************** ******pay five five dollars, and no/100****************** .. **,i.*,ar t**, DATE CHECK NO. AMOQNT 8/27199 28501 $5.00 PAY- City of Ocoee Building Dept. TO THE- 150 North Lakeshore Drive ORDERM`; ; : 0 , TRiriLC'IIOI'�,ING. Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 OF � 11, u'0 2850 l{I' 1:06 300 21461:00 7000 3 ?6 ?q 2 211* ,TES, W. 02/24i00 THU 14:32 FAX 904 7686494 Joe Brown ZO01 Milmir Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER P.O.Box 9400-A No. 00028 1617 Rowe Ave. Phone: 904-768.2300 Jaclsomille,Florida 32208 Fax: 904.768-6494 TITLE; Golden Anderson Spare Parts DATE: 2/24/00 PROJECT: Reuse Storage&Pumping System JOB: 9901 TO: Professional Engineering Consultants CON E _ gl .'!• .....14 •• - 1804 A.D. Mims Road F.. /L\ r"'4 D Ocoee, FL 34761 a erff ORIGINAL 713 BE !Ate ATTN: Phillip Harlow, P.E. RE: PCO To: PEC From;MILMIROC Number: 00028 Furnish spars parts kits for the 6"Golden-Anderson Surge Anticipator Valve,the 16"Golden-Anderson Prszure Conu-ol Valve and the Golden-Anderson 2-War Pilot Valve. Thcsc items were not included in the original project specifications. Unit Cost: S0.00 Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: S1,938.00 Lump Tax: SQ.00 Total; 51,938.00 APPROVAL: BY: ---0 41. 17 , s y,„7 —/71 David R eler, P.E, Philli low, P. , Date: v,l cf' CD Date: 6 Expeirion$ Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 1 PC09901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 2/24100 2:12 PM ix�i.7t'.Lw:.:: Z. t , r!:kt* .7`e H t.11-.T'-u 2+ r' S ax.<ra ilZT.-e z ash[ a `� `;F�„ !%.� ��'nil:: '>!w'<,Ei� c ,r��'� ia.+:l.'_ ....•..3.s.��..Sa�a:! s�. :. . ..l •�.•`��"i'.�..';�....... a�f.....�.e., x Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Amount Amount Amount PCO No.28 11.900 MECHANICAL 15010 Agog Adatedets 10 EGA X5000 Pena 11t 1.00 faun - 254 - - 254 10 2-Way Prot VW Parts fit 1.00 ISM - 154 - - - 164 10 16'GA X6700 Parte Kit 1.00 Isom - - 1,154 - - 1.154 P►pMig Materials 1,573 1,573 MECHANICAL 0 1,573 • 0 • 1.673 PCO Na.2d 0 1,573 0 0 0 1,573 Unregistered User Standard Estimate Report Page 2 PCO9901-OCOEE REUSE SYST. 21124/00 2:12 PM Partial Totals Materiel 1,573 1,673 1,673 Uas R Ins On[Axe 411.600% C 6%Sales Tea 94 6.000% C Overhead a Fee 250 15 000% i Usk,12 Mo.or lees 2 0.095$/ 100.000 T Surety Bond 19 B Partial Total 1,938 02/24i00 THU 14:34 FAX 904 7686494 Joe Brown 12004 02/23;00 WED 12:43 FAX 8138279387 0002 PART# DESCRIPTION UNIT 6"GA Fig.X5000 IHDC•D Spare Farts $ 84- 294- 15 OA-6W Water Service Kit Consisting Of: 4A Piston U Cup 7A Liner U Cup 10 Swat Ring 18 indicator Packing 24 Vent Gland Packing 32 Cover 0 Ring 33 Top Liner 0 Ring 35 Bottom Liner C Ring " Overpressure Piiot Valve(3"Type) 2 Seat S 12.00 3 Lower 0 Ring S 10.0C 7 Upper O Ring S 10.00 a Stem - 10.00 9 aohragm sure Reducing Pilot Valve(5"Type) 2 Seat 12.00 3 Lower 0 Ring 3 10.00 7 Upper O Ring S 10.00 Stem G 10.00 ragrn 3 5 . 2-Way Time Delay Pilot Valve PM Kit S 4-9.2.7H t .cs Including: Meter 0 Ring 3 Bail e Guide Seal 9 Piston U Cup 11 Pin Seal 17 Ball Retainer 18 Seat 19 CneckAssy Unit 25 Poppet Assy Unit 27 Meter Horsing Outer 0 Ring 28 Meter Housing Inver 0 Ring 1S"GA Fig X 700-DRS Spare Parts $ 1,36L-00. 1,1514.53 R-16 Reducing Water Service Kit Consisting Or! 4 Piston Cup 7 Liner Cup 10 seat Ri.-tfl McDADE WATERWORKS,INC. 5410 56th Commerce Parts Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33610 uz(z4/UU lriL 14:J4 rAb aU4 [Oi7a4U4 roe brown Lp.Juu5 02,23.03 WED 12:49 FAA s1;62793$7 goo3 15 Cover gasket 18 Indicator Packing 24 Vent Gland Packing 112" Ptessuni Reducing Pilot 2 Seat 12.00 3 Lower 0 Ring 5 10.00 7 Upper 0 Ringer 10.00 5 Stern S —10:00— ragm 5 52.00 Main Valve Assembly-Reducing 4 Piston Cup . 552.00 7 Liner Cup $ 552.00 10 Seat Ring $ 172.00 15 Cover Gasket 75,00 18 indicat Ana $ 00 24 Gland Packing $ 20, McDADE WATERWORKS.INC, 5410 561h Ccmmerce Park Blvd. Tampa, Florld2 33610