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VII(B) Change Order No. 1, Phase 3, Part 3, Water Distribution Mains With Prime Construction Group
Agenda 3-21-2000 Item VII B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER C S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITYOF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 5 DANNY HOWELL 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVEIOCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 SCOTT ANDERSON O RUSTY JOHNSON (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: March 10, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E. O 2 Al-✓ Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Water Distribution Mains Phase 3 Part 3 Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 1 on the Water Distribution Mains - Phase 3 Part 3 Project with Prime Construction Group, Inc. The Phase 3 Part 3 Project included new 12 inch water mains along Peters Avenue from Wurst Road to Vignetti Park, through Vignetti Park to Adair Street, and Eleventh Street from Peters Avenue to Clarcona-Ocoee Road. This change order request was initiated by City Staff to adjust the location of the proposed pipelines to not conflict with paving and drainage improvements planned by Orange County and to adjust unit quantities on numerous construction items and"final out"the project. PROJECT ADDITIONS: The first four items are as a result of Orange County developing plans and proposing to pave the streets and construct drainage improvements in the area of unincorporated Orange County encompassing Peters Avenue to Clarcona-Ocoee Road and Tenth Street to, but not including, Wurst Road. The County's project is proposed to go to construction in mid-year of 2000. The City's project was permitted through Orange County right-of-way/utility review and no comments on future work in this area were given at that time. Staff heard about the proposed project by Orange County when the City was invited to a public meeting in early December with the residents when the County explained the project. There was approximately three months between City project approval and the County's public meeting. Prime Construction Group was just beginning construction on the City's project and staff was able to work with them and get the location and depth changes made in the field without delaying the project. All the pipeline relocation work and additional pipeline installation was to miss the County's proposed improvements and not have to perform any relocation work, at the City' expense, during the County's construction project. 0 Old Q . Pf.fite066,9eq04te.i*alirc,es14 Item 1-A-Relocation of Water Main on Eleventh Street: The original design for the water main along Eleventh Street had the pipeline located in the approximate middle of the area between the edge of pavement and edge of right-of-way and approximately three feet deep to the top of pipe. Because the County proposes to construct a drainage ditch in this same location on the north side of Eleventh Street, staff proposed to move the pipeline closer to edge of pavement and lower the installation depth to get at as close to five feet of cover as possible. There was a clay layer at between five and six feet below grade that we did not want to get into without adding significant expense to this change. Moving the City's proposed pipeline the south side of the street was not an option because there are gas mains and telephone conduits on that side of the street. The additional expense was not in the moving the pipe closer to the edge of pavement but in the additional excavation to get the depth needed. The cost to perform this additional work was $4,562.89, with no increase in contract time. Item 1-B -Rework of Fire Hydrant on Eleventh Street: With the relocation of the water main on Eleventh Street to avoid the proposed drainage ditch the fire hydrant needed have some additional piping to allow for a proper installation. The fire hydrant was moved to the north, farther away from the pipeline, to get it on the other side of the proposed ditch and away from the road. All the piping, fittings and restrainers are to be ductile iron to provide safety from ditch construction and maintenance. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,389.88, with no increase in contract time. Item 1-C -Install Five Pipeline Crossings on Peters Avenue: The original design included a tee and valve stubout on the water main along Peters Avenue for the five cul-de-sacs adjacent to Peters Avenue. These stubouts were provided for extensions to connect to the dead end pipelines on New Meadow, Little Aspen, Fort Collins, Meadow Sweet, and North Durango Courts. The future crossings and connections were not initially included because the City does not own right-of-way from Peters Avenue to the cul-de-sacs on the end of the five courts. At the time the ROW issue is resolved the crossings and connections would be constructed. When the County planned on paving Peters Avenue and constructing a drainage ditch along the east side of the road, staff decided to at least install the pipeline crossings under the road. The cost to perform this additional work was $3,752.31, with no increase in contract time. Item 1-D -Install Ditch Crossing at the Five Pipeline Crossings on Peters Avenue: This item is paired with Item 1-C. This item includes the piping to cross the proposed ditch on the east side of Peters Avenue. The piping, fittings and restrainers are proposed to be of ductile iron material instead of PVC. This change is necessary to allow for safety against damage during the construction and maintenance of the proposed ditch along Peters Avenue. Blow-off assemblies were included on the end of each pipeline for the City to operate and maintain its system until the connection are made. The installation also included a concrete safety pad over the pipe to guard against damage. The cost to perform this additional work was $7,471.87, with no increase in contract time. Item 1-E-Adjustment of Quantities: In all unit price construction projects, a change order is required to adjust quantities from the estimated contract amount to the actual installed amount and adjust the associated costs to perform that work, to make them equal so that the contract is 100% complete and does not appear as if there is still work to be performed. This change order is performing that task of adjusting quantities and final the contract between the City and Prime Construction Group, Inc. There were 27 items of work required under this contract on this project. There were 2 work items that were over the estimated contract quantity which had a value of $251.00 to the contractor and 8 work items that were under the estimated contract quantity which had a value of $9,294.60 to the City. The net result is a reduction in contract amount of $9,043.60, with no adjustment in the contract time. The attachment is a copy of Change Order No. 1, which is the final change order for this project. The original construction contract cost was $192,692.00. This change order increased the contract amount by $8,133.35, to final contract amount of$200,825.35. The overall contingency usage was 4.22% of the original construction cost. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Prime Construction Group, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $8,133.35, with no extension in contract time, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Attachment 1) Change Order No. 1 o` Ocoee .. CITY OF OCOEE :le ti o Engineering/Utilities 150 North Lakeshore Drive �'y, ���" 0 GooOcoee, Florida 34761-2258 `' , CHANGE ORDER NO. #1 CITY OF OCOEE WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINS -PHASE 3,PART 3 PROJECT NO. DATE:February 14,2000 CONTRACTOR: Prime Construction Group,Inc. AGREEMENT DATE: November 16, 1999 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $ 192,692.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $ 192,692.00 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $8,133.35 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $200,825.35 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 120 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: November 29, 1999 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: March 27,2000 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 0 Days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: March 27,2000 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1, Definitions, of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Item No. 1-A: RFP#001: Move the water main along Peters Avenue closer to the edge of the road and increase the depth of cover. The additional work items associated with the new location of the water main are: 1) saw cut,remove,and dispose the outside 12 inches of pavement and base material and 2)move the water main eight feet father away from the edge of right-of-way and lower the water main from three feet of cover to over four feet of cover to allow for appropriate cover based upon the proposed grades for the new ditch. Item No. 1-B: RFP#001: In moving the water main closer to edge of pavement and to allow for future drainage ditch construction,the piping for the fire hydrant will need to be modified to provide for at least two feet of cover from proposed ditch bottom,be located on the edge of the right-of-way, and have a"mud pad"over the piping to provide safety from ditch construction and maintenance. Item No. 1-C: RFP#002: Install 6 inch water mains from the tees and valves along the water main on Peters Avenue at New Meadow,Little Aspen,Fort Collins,Meadow Sweet,and North Durango Courts. The pipe will restrained for future connection to the water mains on those five streets. Item No. 1-D: RFP#002: At the end of each the five crossings of Peters Avenue,the new water main shall be installed to be at least two feet below the proposed grades for the new drainage ditch and install a blow-off on the end of each pipeline. All the material shall be ductile iron pipe,fittings,and restrainers for the 6 inch pipe and galvanized steel for the 2 inch blow-off assemblies. Item No. 1-E: This change order is to adjust quantities of various pay items,up or down,based upon the actual work completed. The attached table titled Contract Close Out Quantity Adjustment specifically delineates the line items that were overrun or underrun. The items listed as negative numbers are actually for work not needed and is money left in the contract. The items listed as positive numbers are for overruns and is additional money due the contractor. There were 27 items of work required under this contract on this project. There were 2 work items that were over the estimated contract quantity which had a value of$251.00 to the contractor and 8 work items that were under the estimated contract quantity which had a value of$9,294.60 to the City. The net result is a reduction in contract amount of$9,043.60,with no adjustment in the contract time. III. JUSTIFICATION Item No. 1-A: RFP#001: Had the water main been installed per the design drawings, it would have been in conflict with the proposed ditch construction. The movement of the water main from five feet off the edge of right-of-way to thirteen feet of the edge of right-of-way and three feet of the edge of pavement will allow for construction of the drainage improvements proposed by Orange County for installation in mid 2000 without having the relocate the water main. The option to move the water main was significantly less costly than lowering the 00842-2 water main to be at least three feet below the ditch bottom,using ductile iron pipe instead of PVC pipe,and the hardships associated with future maintenance. Item No. 1-B: RFP#001: The fire hydrant needed to located as close to the edge of right-of-way as possible which required additional fittings to deflect under the ditch bottom and a"mud pad"to protect the pipe from any excavation. Item No. 1-C: RFP#002: The City's plans provided for future stubouts(tees and valves)at each of the following streets:New Meadow,Little Aspen,Fort Collins,Meadow Sweet,and North Durango Courts. The crossings and connections would be made prior to Orange County paving Peters Avenue. Orange County has now developed design plans for the paving and construction of drainage ditches in the this area of unincorporated Orange County. Therefore, it was decided to install the crossings at this time while there was an active contract in this area. Item No. 1-D: RFP#002: Orange County's plans propose a ditch along the east side of Peters Avenue. The City's water mains need to cross this ditch for the future connections at the five streets. The elevation along the water mains was modified to reflect a minimum of at least twelve inches below the proposed ditch bottom with all the material to be ductile iron for safety against future ditch maintenance. The blow-offs were installed for City system maintenance until the connections can be completed. The connections were not installed at this time do to the lack of easements at this time. Item No. 1-E: During the construction of the improvements, various work was either reduced in scope because the work was not needed or their was excess quantities in the pay item or increased because the work was needed or their was less quantities in the pay item to cover the necessary work. This change order is needed to adjust the quantities of the pay items that were not installed at the bid quantities to the amount that was installed to show that the project was fully completed, the City approved the line item overruns, and accepted the line item underruns as completed work. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item No. 1-A: RFP#001: Prices based upon negotiated lump sum costs. Item No. 1-B: RFP#001: Prices based upon negotiated lump sum costs. Item No. 1-C: RFP#002: Prices based upon negotiated lump sum costs. Item No. 1-D: RFP#002: Prices based upon negotiated lump sum costs. Item No. 1-E: All line items were adjusted using the unit prices for that line item.. 00842-3 V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price Item 1-A Relocate pipeline on Eleventh Street to thirteen feet off edge of right-of-way and $4,562.89 lower to greater than four feet of cover. Item 1-B Rework of Fire Hydrant on Eleventh Street $1,389.88 Item 1-C Install 6 inch crossing of Peters Avenue at $3,752.31 five locations Item 1-D Install 6 inch DIP material for ditch crossing at those five locations and install 2 inch $7,471.87 blow-off on each pipe end Item 1-E Adjustment of Quantities to Final Contract ($9,043.60) Total Net Increase Change Order No.#1 $8,133.35 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby,is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. 00842-4 RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP,INC. By: By:. Signature Signature Date: Date: Title: Title: APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA By:. S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF ,2000 UNDER ,2000. AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER - By: City Attorney 00842-5 Ocoee12ect.k.v-4S) CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL a o► Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP)sf Try.%� Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. OD/ PROJECT DATA: � / �1 NAME: \/%7 Lf f.J 1� �Y //r�i 1 / G ,rL5 /- G 5 e. 3 ✓/ 7' -3 PROJECT NO: • LOCATION: F/evG-77zA /_1 VP.,"14 . DATE: /9ec /G /cc74 OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): I I eel(, Con f fi Ft v O/1 6/6_1,,/ Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. / n DESCRIPTION of change in work: 71)e. we / t ,i 6,., ?r, 5-6 //t4 4 foil L"/e✓'e^7/h /7y/En Sli 1^). ll r) b rod 7/4 //a G O pfG 7c. /y S 'P/k/r e., crr o A e, C/'G ./- ro•f\ �/i / er a Ste. 7AR !. D7'71436 Got /Gn s P-Jyr" �S d-f1-1 FG/ O#4r19P� / -1-1) � G>1-71 r-7 �/✓l /s �d �•�s-Ile. // •I'h e �o i fi o" 7) t� So 1-7� Ge., Dr �{i-� / DG�./ c 07 I c� �c CrGc -1.7/ G,Y/J It"cr (.1 7', /1IltS Change Order Type: d Deletion L Addition d Revision d Other:( Constraints of Change: �(p /o CG A- iA P. 1-'a!7`/�e. /►)C.� fn M i s.S �� e X/SIziez a e �07 FJf DiD bS Pip'/ Pa G 1 714S Initiated by: Changes in Owner Requirements d Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: i)e,c, /7, /9�J�1 ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. PLi atilis P/ fl;Lf (y7 -$AID 6. d OWNER: /Jo fd Lc,/r/ / G frly Ul G4 P•C: d CONTRACTOR: rain Pfr4,� l��r-n�_ GG,+s1 Grout 4 ENGINEER: (ePFIR Henri sc < / l°GG d FIELD: Ran 4., 6,4c i /C,j�`, c4 aG&� d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOF : d OTHER: d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor y 3.....y'Ta" ns c i i�a .: h �. -� .r s ^t3RF"� s x 4 w s't - 'A'"z xv1-s-. ".,�2,.h P) .+ V Oar :. r .:: 1 S 'mil„}t ti a e + r s AS�,r.k Ka€.'�_ t af,1..r tRai 'e a '`� ,y-'r.. ����^iu s i ' I r'.�9!� �Z ` „# .a ` �. k�u x 21�jJ,k3� p. i z y ter +��`m'm;msa . �� ;' yr" § ti k as ITEM OF WORK QUPNTITY ��,`; ,PRICE s1; ts` TOTAL W aWdl c- g k _k. a. .�-, '.r #.�..... i,.'S` ::< , f.,,n.�.., Y.:. .k��.ari xd.,m•1�. >..�,.: :J,_ib rti"j `-ij 4Ag AF.'.`r4 Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part.of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: 1, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP. (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of ,199 (d&Y) (month) (Ye) 00847-2 rf€,n /- 4 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407-856-8180 Post Office Box 590507 Fax 407-856-8182 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 January 11,2000 City of Ocoee 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 32761 Attn: David Wheeler RE: Change Order Request#4 RFP#001 Water Distribution Main Phase III—Part 3 Relocating 12"water main to avoid future conflicts with Orange County proposed road and drainage improvements on 1 1th Avenue. As per our conversation, instead of laying the pipe 5' deep,we installed the main 13' off the Right of Way and maintained 3.5' of cover. The hydrant feed was lowered to avoid future ditch. Description Quantity Unit Price Tax Total MOT including Flaggers 2 days $28.00 -- $56.00 Sawcut 11th Street 855 ft $ .58 -- $495.90 Equipment&Fuel 2 days $240.00 -- $480.00 LaborBurden 2 days $924.00 -- $1848.00 Trucking/Disposal 4 loads $255.60 -- $1020.00 Total $3899.90 Contractor Mark-up and Bond Premium $ 662.99 Total for Change Order#4 $4562.89 Prime Construction Group requests 2 additional day be added to contract time for the above referenced work. Please expedite a written acceptance of this change order by initialing below on the signature line. Call Tom Perley at 407-466-1291 if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully, Tom Perley . Project Manager David Wheeler Date City of Ocoee TP/cr PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. -I-i'edn fr Q 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407-856-8180 Post Office Box 590507 Fax 407-856-8182 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 January 11,2000 City of Ocoee 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 32761 Attn: David Wheeler RE: Change Order Request#3 RFP#001 Water Distribution Main Phase III—Part 3 Relocating 12"water main to avoid future conflicts with Orange County proposed road and drainage improvements on 11th Avenue.As per our conversation,instead of laying the pipe 5' deep,we installed the main 13' off the Right of Way and maintained 3.5' of cover. The hydrant feed was lowered to avoid future ditch. Description Quantity Unit Price Tax Total MOT including Flaggers .5 days $28.00 -- $14.00 Material to relocate hydrant LS $433.20 $25.99 $459.19 Equipment&Fuel .5 days $215.00 -- $215.00 Labor/Burden .5 days $924.00 -- $462.00 Miscellaneous Concrete LS $35.60 $2.14 $37.74 Total $1187.93 Contractor Mark-up and Bond Premium $ 201.95 Total for Change Order#3 S1389.88 Prime Construction Group requests 1/2 additional day be added to contract time for the above referenced work. Please expedite a written acceptance of this change order by initialing below on the signature line. Call Tom Perley at 407-466-1291 if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully, Tom P ley Project Manager David Wheeler Date City of Ocoee TP/cr 11 V..L G 1 I-.G/G s •1 1Hk.1 3.CFI. �aliVI.I. ON _INVOICE NUMBER CUSTOMER ' PAGE 2347 5*ENTERPRISES,INC. 1662100 _ 20801 1 2361 N.W. 22ND STREET POMPANO BEACH, FL 33059-1394 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO; Please contact with 1. 1j7\rTCO 14 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC: 954-973-8100 � 1 FERGUSON UNDERGROUND INC #125 REMIT TO: PO BOX B61621 I.II�ririi Ii I I IrI III,„„I1IIIp riumirrI I1I II �' rt 32�"`�Hl �d: PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 PD BOX 590507 PETERS AVENUE & 11TH AVENUE ORLANDO FL 32859-0507 ❑COEE, FL 00000 SHIP SELL TAX CODE CUSTOMER OROEFI NUMBER SALESMAN JOB NAME INVOICE OATS BATCH WI-ISE. W-ISE. IO 126 126 FL6 TOM P. 022 WATER ❑IST MAINS PH III-PART 3 12/17/9S 49066 ORDERED SHIPPED ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT 20 20 DI350SUPU 6 CL350 DI SJ PIPE 5.910 FT 4g1•5119.20 1 1 OISJFGU 6 DI SJ FASTITE GSKT 0.000 EA 0.00 1 1 MJSLAU 6 MJ C153 90 BEND L/A 43.000 EA I' 43.00 2 2 MJ4LAU 6 MJ C153 45 BEND L/A 36.000 EA '- 72.00 8 8 E1106AS 6 MEGALuG ACC SET FOR DI 25.000 EA 516•4 200.00 1 1 MJLSLA12 42 MU C153 LONG SLV L/A 85.000 EA iC 85.00 n INVOICE SUB-TOTAL 518.20 TAX FLORIDA 6% SALES TAX 31 .09 r.•1. . .3" • . „:74-- 1 • 1 i..it L , 4 • a l'� U DE, 2g ,9„ STRUC ION Gaou,.INC. PRIMA°,„ T . . !., [...J... , . . . . ,,_t, , :( . Lim•; I ,,, • ,,,, • I .t�t I I 'Il� sd i If paid on or before 01/10/00 you may deduct 10.36 FERIAS: TOTAL DUE Ill eccounht e112IKanlMPledR7 11 1 511 0 3[I terns,All out due Amounts are euhlad Ia 2 nawle Al 411.a'n..eu u....,.-n....._..... jeti.e.,„1 su DEC 1 1999 CITY OF OCOEE REQU STFORPROPOSAL Engineering/Utilities PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. FOR PROPOSED CHANGE _ a 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 6 6-2322-ext 142' (RFP) nf~'`'„�o,a"'�?b Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. Op 2 PROJECT DATA: • NAME: \'�Q ft/ /J 1S 74'//L l/v1 (-)7/G/fkj �S Pr 3 r71.3 PROJECT NO: n LOCATION: /'' f / S If✓b^e-+ L- DATE: 6 L(, OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): A.,M L CGn S rH G7//�� ar 1,.G G Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: F✓e., e 1•-/'-41 g Pi ' ✓P.r/✓ed /D t",G fI G2S C>/Ge7 G, - pt-tr/'s A✓e. e.• C t y rr.9 u e,s-4 e �x�'cJ/u, • L./ +7/A 6 i/c 6 •�1L GrG55 Pi !,`r cif s M /�soD/� - on �74i �/GvGe V D�a 4✓Ct `/ f:nc( 71 A e e,0 S71z ,c C CJi' �1�i / •e.-71r/`r /A✓I,A 1 L /4f)kJ, / Carer 3!j Gt.. 101/ b- C, r> �- c J e a f f 2- � t l c t✓ a h {. pi cJ r ( �'1'C ti 0,0( to c,u/` cA?) X'r", 1 f /' C ✓ . Change Order Type: d Deletion Addition //d Revision d Other.( Constraints of Change: 'Oro ✓lu.li S't u 6 G 1-1-67s 1 I v/ Fir T/k r e— Car, �v1I rim G 7 -iJ. C ti• - p! Initiated by: 01 Changes in Owner Requirements d Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: 6 I.c, I7/ 19 9 9 ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. d OWNER: /Jc✓,Of I.✓A(,G/c/'1 CL7`7 /C4 CICG�� d CONTRACTOR: Tprn �f�/z� / /�-Lt;�J Crd, d ENGINEER: G�rlf' ' f l t .7 SJ P.� �li C ��G d FIELD: Fed.i A. 4r y ftil C`yy G? OCD� d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d OTHER: d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Cdntractor. Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 .ZICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Price(s) D IE C F. 1 " � , B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) 21 C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) • �� ' 1999 D. d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit CO;;S j RUC Ili I GROUP, INC. E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor ciy,'i,s'lq.} ,.z: v.a d 2 �... �3 :° r"s n u. K : 7 x,: -C�. 1.r c �, t u' �.ryi �a t' ,. .� '�.,a.L'v��mt�tKc�..�', {char• xswM. ,) . r T =, y•� u?.,� z 3A' s'"N3 h.;re �' fir, i ''."�-.,.a.�a �+ �' i,`.r° '. i.�-�r u�53 r ,s"� "".A 3+ +."T - l z.. �+.. ����a�: ��� �.:. , z7 - 't i"+9 � �r :� ai 1 � "'t :1�8, 'zT:�5.�?-�• �s {'r+#�sZ 7 3-tis��� �„ � 7,'"'+��r. ��v � s�' .� a� �.r�b.: �'�',�tR.�� i r � :. 4 r�Y....ti v's� � }� i .,,"'�e�.. - - s ITEM OF WORK ° . QUANTITY'= car,.PRICE t �. 2i,4'*foTAL - m a �`s;P' �F3x x u�F '� >,n�x ! 9!r. ..ey ' �s '1... �' 7 '9.. �i �` z mst4 n.t w. `�s sa^�g�F 1l T; ,', k �u ,r �2'�t� �.m,4 •a,F�yr+su". �yc'a : '(a0 �'.'� ��TSf '!L��'^5'�R...�.-.�_.::. �.. ... H..n-+-.$•r..'[.� ...L........�:� ..... ..... ...E�..'+-....�`.'..i4. �.3�,.'-. .. r. .��,�_:u. .v..r ..x..:.i^......L..,�:A�'5'a.....raY�-..... , x._d..? t..n.,'.. ?f'irv..__ • Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected itenis of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: 1, ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP (Name) (Company) (No.) this day of ,199 (day) (month) (yea) i^00847-2 `mac • • PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. T7Lrl /—C 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407-856-8180 Post Office Box 590507 Fax 407-856-8182 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 March 13,2000 City of Ocoee 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 32761 Attn: David Wheeler RE: Change Order Request#1A RFP 11002 Pricing to extend water lines to the east side of Peter's Road which is soon to be paved by Orange County. This work includes extending 6"PVC water main across Peter's Avenue in 5 separate locations and restraining the pipe per the city&requirements at New Meadows,Little Aspen,Fort Collins,Meadow Sweet and North Durango Courts. Description Quantity Unit Price Tax Total MOT including Flaggers 1.25 days $28.00 -- $35.00 Material—6"PVC LS $1035.00 $62.10 $1097.10 Including fittings and restraints Equipment&Fuel 1.25 days $520.00 -- $650.00 Labor/Burden 1.25 days $924.00 $1155.00 Testing—chlorinating 10 each $27.00 $270.00 Total $3207.10 Contractor Markup including Bond Premium $ 545.21 Total Change Order#1A $3752.31 Prime Construction Group requests 1.5 additional days be added to contract time for the above referenced work. Please expedite a written acceptance of this change order by initialing below on the signature line. Call Tom Perley at 407-466-1291 if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully/ Tom Perley Project Manage David Wheeler Date City of Ocoee TP/cr 0 FERGUSON INVOICE NUMBER I CUSTOMER PAGE 2327 ENTERPRISES,INC: ..--'"' 660719 _ 20801 1 2361 N.W. 22NDSTREET POMPANO BEACH,, 17414'1 /FL 33069-1394 � C ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE NUMBER WHEN 7- /�� MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO: Please contact with QuestionTro l ERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. `. FERGUSON UNDERGROUND INC #125 REMIT TO: PO BOX 861621 **********AUTO**MIXED AADC 233 I ORLANDO, FL 32886-1621 Ittllltt1tlI a 1tt1i1tliItiIIttti111111u t1trt1IltrtIrtt(tltrII - SHIP TO: PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 PO BOX 590507 PETERS AVENUE & 11TH AVENUE ORLANDO FL 32859-0507 OCOEE, FL 00000 SHIP SELL TAX CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SALESMAN JOB NAME INVOICE DATE BATCH WHSE. WHSE. IO 126 126 FL6 JOHN FAUBERT 022 WATER DIST MAINS PH III-PART 3 12/20/99 49073 DRDERED SHIPPED ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER 200-- 20C DR18PU 6 C900 DR18 CL150 PVC GJ PIPE 2.9504 FT 590.00 DIAMOND PIPE .- = _ - 6_ CL.7SOL..D1 5J P- nF erg-...ga 5— 5 E1606 6 JT RESTRAINT DEVICE FOR C900 32.000 /EA 160.00 O'' 10 E2006PVAS 6 MEGALUG ACC SET FOR C900/IPS 28.500✓ EA 285.00 5-r EBB nNI Y - -5 5 MJTCA•LAUK 6 2 M C153 T' CAP L/A 27.6'0 EA 138.0s • 5 ' 2006P • . M ' .UG ACC T FOR t':00/I' 28.:ss�E, '42.5• e KP 2X' G. V L P 3.00s 'A 15.es -5 5 G' 2 . V MI .0# 90 • .500 EA '2 0 5 5 G .'8 2X.: GALV R •sY CUT • PE 4.00o EA -f.00 5 'FT *OK O0# IPS •OG ATE 44.s41411 A 0.00 GNK1 . 2X12 G.L STL P 6.e410 30 ♦O I -5 . • G4K e. .V MI 1 4N 45 EL 4 es -A 9, s0 -5 SPMB' ` L 'LAS MTR : / CI . As1:.00s EA 8s,ss sICE S c:-TOTAL 433.0 TAX FLORIDA 6% SALES TAX 145.98 • 3 v SOS i 60 G \\L.\ •-r.\I!\L B\L ,,,....., . . . t D DEC 3 0 1999 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP,INC. If paid on or before 01/10/00 you may deduct 48.66 TERMS: 2% 10TH NET 25TH ORIGINAL INVOICE TOTAL DUE 2,578.98 All ar en,tnta Ara.1 ,rvt navehte ner the invoiced terms. All oast due amounts are subject to a service charge at the maximum rate allowed by state A 0 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407-856-8180 Post Office Box 590507 Fax 407-856-8182 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 March 13,2000 City of Ocoee 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 32761 Attn: David Wheeler RE: Change Order Request#1B RFP#002 Pricing to extend water lines to the east side of Peter's Road which is soon to be paved by Orange County. In addition to extending the pipe across Peter's Road, the county plans to install a drainage ditch on the east side of Peter's Road. As discussed, we would change pipe material to DIP and install the water main to be at least 12"below proposed ditch grade elevations and match ditch cross section in layout to allow for proposed drainage improvements.Material includes DIP pipe,fittings,restraints, and galvanized pipe and fittings for the blow off assemblies. A concrete pad will be poured over this pipe to prevent damage during ditch excavation. This will happen in all 5 locations. . Description Quantity Unit Price Tax Total MOT including Flaggers 2.5 days $28.00 -- $70.00 Material—6"PVC,DIP LS $2275.00 $136.53 $2411.53 Including fittings and restraints Miscellaneous Material LS $100.00 $6.00 $106.00 Miscellaneous Concrete LS $178.00 $10.68 $188.68 Equipment&Fuel 2.5 days $520.00 -- $1300.00 Labor/Burden 2.5 days $924.00 $2310.00 Total $6386.21 Contractor Markup including Bond Premium $ 1085.66 Total Change Order#1B $7471.87 Prime Construction Group requests 2.5 additional days be added to contract time for the above referenced work. Please expedite a written acceptance of this change order by initialing below on the signature line. Call Tom Perley at 407-466-1291 if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully, V;71"-- m Perley Project Manager David Wheeler Date City of Ocoee V awls Rq peMope elegy wnwarm eyl le e61e40 aevues a of pekoe eie slunowe enp;sea Hy suual peolonul eql Joe elgeneu pue errp we srunu;ue py 86'8L5'Z aria 1V101 30I0ANI 1VNI9I21O H15Z 1314 HIM %Z :SWIM 99.8b 4.onpap Aew noA 00/04/ 0 aJo38q .Jo uo p4ed dI 'ONI'df1089 NOI13fP iSNO33WIdd 6661 02c3G s Q ..; T. \-1\\ fin, ;•. 86'9171 XVI S31VS %9 VOI2i01d XVI 00'£EbZ 1V101-8fS 30I0ANI 00'08 V3 000'9L 830V38 I3 /M X8 211W SV1d 19S 21I38WdS 5 9- 00'6 V3 005'b . 113 517 #05 L IW A1VD Z >1179 Z 5- 00'0E V3 000'9 dIN 11S A1VD ZLXZ ZL>1N9 5 5- 00'0ZZ V3 000'bb AlA 31V9 DOM SdI #00Z Z219 Z MOOCidd 5 5'" 00'05L V3 000'0E 3dld 1f13 A0V38 AND BbXZ 8b>1ND 5 5" 05'ZZ V3 005'17 113 06 #051. IW A1VD Z >169 5 5- 00'S1 V3 000'E dIN 11S A1VD PXZ d>1N0 5 5-• 05'Z17L V3/00S'8Z SdI/0060 N0d 13S 00V 0liVJ3W 9 SVAd900Z3 9 00'8E4 V3 009'LZ V/1 dV0 dVl E513 f W ZX9 >IfVldV3lf W 9 5- A1N0 VV93C. eer-ei'l eesa ?lei Z,34-A r;;d�+il:1ii9 ©G81 3 r 0.... Z� 00'165 1J/016'5 3dld f S I0 05E10 9 fldf S05EI0 001 001- 3dL' nnlnwwrry ..86.6At39' f1J04 ************ d30t10 39NVH0 1NtlOWV Wfl 3318d 11Nl N0LI 1130S30 1:139IN11N 1N311 03ddIHS 03d30E10 EL0617 66/0Z/Z4 C 18Vd-III Hd SNIVW 1SI0 d31VM ZZO 183911VA NHOf 91d 9ZL 9Z1. OI '3SHM '3SHM HOIVS 31V0 3OIOANI 31NVN 80f NVWS2IVS H38Wf1N 1:130H0 H9W01Sl0 3000 Vol 113S dIHS 00000 ld '33000 L050-658ZE ld 00NV1210 3f1N3AV H11.L V 3flN3AV S 1313d L05065 X09 Od EldVd-1.14 Hd SNIVW 1SI0 d31VM* E1dVd-1LL Hd SNIVW 1SI0 N31VM* dfl021D NOI10f1d1SN00 3WIdd df1021D NOI10f1d1SNO0 3WI21d :01d1HS 11111llnlln1111"1lnlII'III''"VI'I'I'Illlnlllin'Ilul LZ9L-988ZE 1d 'OONV1210 EEZ OOVV 03XIW**01f1V********** 1-Z9498 X08 Od :01 lIW3d 5Z1N 3NI ONf102192130Nf1 NOSf19d3d G:3N1 `S3S12k1P131N3 Nosnos3 �`` 1 QJj( oiseno Lmm 13e1u03 eseald :01 IIW3d ONV 1N31NAVd r)NI)IVW N3HM a39WfN 3010ANI Ol indaa 3SV31d 031S311b321 30IA213S SS32fOOV a �./ 61771 b6E1-690EE ld 'H0V38 ONVdWOd 1 133211S ONZZ 'M'N 19EZ 1 L 080Z 61.L099 o3N1'S3SIZId2131N3 0 LZEZ 3DVd H Yl1O1Sr1O 1:139WfN 33IOANI NOSt1D213I 0 FERGUSON I INVOICE NUMBER CUSTOMER PAGE• • 1930 ENTERPRISES,INC: 663746 20801 1 2361 N.W. 22ND STREET Zen /'O POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069-1394 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO: .a-- : f FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC: Please contact with Quest' �i r/ 954-973-8100 _ �. I "' �f �r FERGUSON UNDERGROUND INC #125 REMIT TO: PO BOX 861621 **********AUTO**MIXED AADC 233 • . ORJ A^Inr1,-.EJ 10 886-1 62 1 IuIllI11IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrn III n IInuIIIIIII - .. SHIP TO: PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 *WATER DIST MAINS PH 111-PART3 PO BOX 590507 PETERS AVENUE & 11TH AVENUE ORLANDO FL 32859-0507 OCOEE, FL 00000 SHIP SELL TAX CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SALESMAN JOB NAME INVOICE DATE BATCH WHSE. WHSE. I0 126 126 FL6 JOHN F. 022 WATER DIST MAINS PH III-PART 3 12/23/99 49130 ORDERED SHIPPED ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT 4/:0 10 MJ4LAU 6 MJ C153 45 BEND L/A 36.000 EA 360.00 5 15 E1106AS 6 MEGALUG ACC SET FOR DI 25.000 EA 375.00 5 5 E2006PVAS 6 MEGALUG ACC SET FOR C900/IPS 28.500 EA 142.50 INVOICE SUB-TOTAL 877.50 ' TAX FLORIDA 6% SALES TAX 52.65 • 'L LLA it, I .iLiLd cosail'el j# JOB ( ��� Li 11 ` & A CAST, 14 RQVAL BY _ , ' I .--0 [EcEng ] B Oi 0 3 2000 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP.INC. • If paid on or before 01/10/0C you may deduct 17.55 TERMS: TOTAL DUE All accounts are 411Kant kbldifirThe2ETdelf terms.All past due amounts are subject to a servERIGANAle rINM -LQEallowed by state 930.15 law nluq coats of nnllartinn inrkidinn attnmav facia if inrnrrwd Frninhf forms are FOR our drink iinle5s otherwise snecifind ahnva fEB.z8.z000 J:54PM NO.760 P.1/2 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. ���r► 1� 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407-856-8180 Post Office Box 590507 Fax 407-856-8182 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 February 28,2000 To: David Wheeler From: Cheryl Reimann Ocoee Water Distribution Mains Phase III—Part 3 Known Deletions for Payment Applications Item# 1.04 Permit under run $2947.00 1.10 Connect Existing'/,"(33+72+or-) $250.00 1.11 Connect Existing 2"(34+51+/-) $300.00 1.16a From Clearing Stripping limits to 3 ft. $400.00 1.16b From 3'to 5'below grade $500.00 1.16c From 5'to 7'below grade $600.00 1.19 Remove and replace sod S361.60 1.20 Furnish,install,remove silt fence $3936.00 $9294.60 Over Runs 1.05 Install 12"Water Main $27.00 1.17 Remove and replace concrete driveway $214.40 $241,40 Change Orders IA $4753.15 1B $6471.61 3 $1389.88 4 $4562.89 $17177.53 PROJECT:WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINS PHASE III-PART 3 PROJECT# NA PAGE 2 OF 2 CITY OF OCOEE CONTRACTOR: PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP,INC. PCG JOB# 990336 APPLICATION NUMBER: 3 P_O_BOX 590507 APPLICATION DATE: March 3,2000 ni % ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32859 NISCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPL BALANCE IITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT UNIT VALUE PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD PRESENTLY AND STORED % TO RETAINAGE NO. QTY. PRICE AMOUNT APPLICATION APPLICATION STORED TO DATE FINISH m is- . 1.01 MOBILIZATON,DEMOBILIZATION,BONDS,PERMITS 1 LS $6,700.40 $6,700.40 $5,025.30 $1,675.10 $0.00 $6,700.40 100.00% $0.00 $870.04 z 1.02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS-DIVISION 1 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $100.00 1.02a FIELD ENGINEERING&EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,560.00 100.00% $0.00 $150.00 1.026 RECORD DRAWING PREPARATON("AS BUILTS") 1 LS $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 100.00% $0.00 $50.00 1.02c COLOR AUDIO-VIDEO PRECONSTRUCTION RECORD 1 LS $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 100.00% $0.00 $60.00 1.03 INDEMNIFICATION ' 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $100.00 1.04 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ALLOWANCE 1 LS $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $6,053.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,053.00 67.26% $2,947.00 $605.30 1.05 INSTALL 12"Water Main,D.I..Or PVC. 4588 IF $27.00 $123,876.00 $123,903.00 $0.00 $0.00 $123,903.00 100.02% -$27.00 $12,390.30 1.06 INSTALL 6"GATE VALVE and BOX 5 EA $675.00 $3,375.00 $3,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,375.00 100.00% $0.00 $337.50 1.07 INSTALL 12"Gale Valve&Box 7 EA $1,600.00 $11,200.00 $11,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,200.00 100.00% $0.00 $1,120.00 1.08 I INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 3 EA $2,800.00 $6,400.00 $8,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,400.00 100.00% $0.00 $840.00 1.09 INSTALL 10"TAPPING SLEEVE&VALVE 1 EA $2,961.00 $2,961.00 $2,961.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,961.00 100.00% $0.00 $296.10 1.10 CONNECT TO EXISTING 3/4"WATER MAIN(STATION 33+72+OR-) 1 LS $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $250.00 $0.00 1.11 CONNECT TO EXISTING 2"WATER MAIN STATION 34+51+/- 1 LS $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 1.12 CONNECT TO EXISTING 3/4"WATER MAIN STATION 35+00+/- 1 LS $325.00 $325.00 $0.00 $325.00 $0.00 $325.00 100.00% $0.00 $32.50 1.13 CONNECT TO EXISTING 3/4"WATER MAIN STATION 38+98+1- 1 _ LS $275.00 $275.00 $0.00 $275.00 $0.00 $275.00 100.00% $0.00 $27.50 1.14 RELOCATE EXISTING 3/4"WATER METER STATION 39+08+/-34'L 1 LS $350.00 $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 100.00% $0.00 $35.00 1.15 DISCONNECT EXISTING4"WATER MAIN STATION 43+00+/-26'L 1 LS $375.00 $375.60 $0.00 $375.00 $0.00 $375.00 100.00% $0.00, $37.50 1.16 REMOVAL&DOSPOSAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL.INCLUDING REMOVAL&REPLACEMENT/COMPACTION OF OVERBURDEN 1.16a FROM CLEARING/STRIPPING LIMITS TO 3 FEET 50 CY $8.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $400.00 $0.00 1.16b FROM 3'TO 5'BELOW GRADE 50 CY $10.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 1.16c FROM 5'TO T BELOW GRADE 50 CY $12.00 $600.00 $0.00, $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $0.00 1.17 _REMOVE&REPLACE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 60 _ SY $32.00 $1,920.00 $2,134.40 $0.00 $0.00 $2,134.40 111.17% -$214.40 $213.44 1.18 PERMANENT REPAIR ASPHALT 97 SY $35.00 $3,395.00 $3,395.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,395.00 100.00% $0.00 $339.50 a 1.19 REMOVE AND REPLACE SOD (12'MAXIMUM PAY WIDTH FOR 5596 SY $1.60 $8,953.60 $8,592.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,592.00 95.96% $361.60 $859.20 vRESTORATION)In $0.00 i-6 1.20 FURNISH,INSTALL MAIN.&REMOVE SILT FENCE 2624 LF $1.50 $3,936.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,936.00 $0.00 i 1.21 ANY ITEMS NOT COVERED 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.09 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 100.00% $0.90 $100.00 m m TOTAL BASE BID $192,692.00 $180,638.70 $3,000.10 $0.00 $1133,630.00 59,053.20 $18,363.88 cd W W W L L CONTRACT AMOUNTS CO NO.1 REDUCTION FINAL INSTALLED QUANTITIES Item No. Description Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost 1.01 Mob,Demob,Bonds&Permits 1 LS 6,700.40 6,700.40 0.00 1 LS 6,700.40 6,700.40 1.02 General Requirements-Div 1 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.02a Field Eng.&Exploratory Excavation 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1.02b Record Drawings 1 LS 500.00 500.00 0.00 1 LS 500.00 500.00 1.02c Color Audio-Visual Precon Video 1 LS 600.00 600.00 0.00 1 LS 600.00 600.00 1.03 Idemnification 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.04 Construction Permits Allowance 1`LS 9,000.00 9,000.00 -1 LS 2,947.00 -2,947.00 1 LS 6,053.00 6,053.00 1.05 12 inch Water Main 4,588 LF 27.00 123,876.00 1 LF 27.00 27.00 4,589 LF 27.00 123,903.00 1.06 Install 6 inch Gate Valve&Box 5 EA 675.00 3,375.00 0.00 5 LF 675.00 3,375.00 1.07 Install 12 inch Gate Valve&Box 7 EA 1,600.00 11,200.00 0.00 7 LF 1,600.00 11,200.00 1.08 Install Fire Hydrant Assembly 3 EA 2,800.00 8,400.00 0.00 3 LF 2,800.00 8,400.00 1.09 Install 10"Tap Sleeve&Valve 1 EA 2,961.00 2,961.00 0.00 1 LF 2,961.00 2,961.00 1.10 Connect to Existing 3/4"Water Main 1 EA 250.00 250.00 -1 EA 250.00 -250.00 0 EA 250.00 0.00 (sta.33+72) 1.11 Connect to Existing 2"Water Main 1 EA 300.00 300.00 -1 EA 300.00 -300.00 0 EA 300.00 0.00 (sta.34+51) 1.12 Connect to Existing 3/4"Water Main 1 EA 325.00 325.00 0.00 1 EA 325.00 325.00 (sta.35+00) 1.13 Connect to Existing 3/4"Water Main 1 EA 275.00 275.00 0.00 1 EA 275.00 275.00 (sta.38+98) 1.14 Relocate Existing 3/4"Water Meter 1 EA 350.00 350.00 0.00 1 EA 350.00 350.00 (sta.39+08) 1.15 Disconnect Existing 4"Water Main 1 LS 375.00 375.00 0.00 1 LS 375.00 375.00 (sta.43+00) 1.16 Rem.&Disp.of Unsuitable Material 1.16a Clearing/Stripping Limits to 3 Feet 50 CY 8.00 400.00 -50 CY 8.00 -400.00 0 CY 8.00 0.00 1.16b 3 feet to 5 feet below grade 50 CY 10.00 500.00 -50 CY 10.00 -500.00 0 CY 10.00 0.00 1.16c 5 feet to 7 feet below grade 50 CY 12.00 600.00 -50 CY 12.00 -600.00 0 CY 12.00 0.00 1.17 Remove&Replace Concrete Driveways 60 SY 32.00 1,920.00 7 SY 32.00 224.00 67 SY 32.00 2,144.00 1.18 Permanent Repair Asphalt 97 SY 35.00 3,395.00 0.00 97 SY 35.00 3,395.00 1.19 Remove and Replace Sod 5,596 SY 1.60 8,953.60 -226 SY 1.60 -361.60 5,370 SY 1.60 8,592.00 (12'maximum pay width) 1.20 Furnish,Install,Maintain&Remove 2,624 LF 1.50 3,936.00 -2,624 LF 1.50 -3,936.00 0 LF 1.50 0.00 Silt Fence 1.21 For Any Work Item not Included Above 1 EA 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1 EA 1,000.00 1,000.00 Change Order No.1 1-A Relocate Pipeline on Eleventh Street 1 LS 4,562.89 4,562.89 1-B Rework Fire Hydrant on Eleventh Street 1 LS 1,389.88 1,389.88 1-C Five 6 inch Crossings on Peters St. 1 LS 3,752.31 3,752.31 1-D Install DIP Ditch Crossing w/Blowoff 1 LS 7,471.87 7,471.87 -9,043.60 200,825.35 ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT 192,692.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT 183,648.40 Page 1