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VI (C3) Discussion/ Action re: Proposed Public Works Facility: Work Order Nos. 6, 6A, 6B, 6C, and 7 to Gee & Jenson for Public Works Department Demolition and New Parking Lot Facility for Central Park Ball Field
Ocoee Agenda 8-19-97 o ItemVIC3 P.: a © o 4>f4or o00- Ss� RICHARD W. CORWIN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 560 FLEWELLING AVE. •OCOEE,FL 34761 PHONE(407)877-8420•FAX(407)877-0392 STAFF REPORT DATE: August 8, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Richard Corwin, Public Works Director RE: Approval of Gee & Jenson W.O. # 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, & 7 ISSUE: To approve work orders for the demolition of the existing Public Works Facility and new parking lot facility for Central Park Ball Fields. BACKGROUND: With the approval of the acquisition of the property at 370 Enterprise Street, as the new Public Works Facility, the existing facility will be of no further use to Public Works. Families are now required to park in hazardous areas adjacent to the railroad and surrounding streets when using the ball fields. Additionally the impact of traffic volumes with little direction or control, when departing the area, creates an added hazard to pedestrians and other vehicles. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of the contract with Gee and Jenson to furnish design and engineering for the demolition of the existing facility and design of the proposed parking area for Central Park. The construction of this parking area will improve traffic patterns for pedestrian safety and safety of children in the area. Additional parking will alleviate the need to park within the railroad right of way and street. Landscaping will enhance the aesthetics of the site Rc/ cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE (c5 GEE &JENSON Engineers•Architects•Planners,Inc. SINCE 1951 2701 Maitland Center Parkway,Suite 150 Maitland,FL 32751 Telephone(407)660-1660 August 1, 1997 Fax(407)660-2852 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 Attn: Mr. Richard Corwin Re: Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Dear Mr. Corwin: Based on our meeting on July 30th we have revised Work Orders #6, 6a, 6b, 6c, &7 for your review. We carefully reviewed the hours allocated to each work order and asked that the Surveyor and Geotechnical consultants adjust their proposals also. Gee & Jenson sincerely appreciates this opportunity to present to the City of Ocoee, Work Orders #6, 6a, 6b, 6c, &7. We are available to begin these work orders immediately. Give us a call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Dale A. Crosby, P.E. Vice President Paul M. Herwig, R.A. Manager of Architectural ces PMH/mmc Attachments as noted Ilherwiglcorwin.ltr.80197 Engineering*EB 0002934•Architecture M AA C000656•Landscape Architecture N LC CW0050•Land Surveying M LB 0002934 CITY OF OCOEE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT PROJECT SCHEDULE (rev. 8/01/97) PROFESSIONAL WEEKS EST. NUMBER OF SERVICE SCHEDULED HOURS OWNER MEETINGS Work Order#6a b 6 weeks Work Order#6a—Topographic/Utility Survey (45 days) Work Order#6b—Prelim. Soils Explorations (30 days) Work Order#6c—Stormwater Permitting **6 weeks 120 hours Engineer conceptual grading &drainage plan; Prepare Stormwater Permit application; Prepare Stormwater Permit Calculations; Respond to SJRWMD Agency Review Comments. **Once soils report is received, allow 6 weeks to prepare permit application. Allow an additional 10 weeks for agency review/permit approval. Work Order#6—Design Criteria Package 6 weeks 160 hours 2 Performance Oriented Architectural Drawings & Specifications: Demolition Plan, Parking Lot Site Plan; Site evaluation; Conceptual site plan agency review mtg.; Site Code review; Summary of permit requirements; Cost Estimate& Revised Schedule. Work Order#7—Bidding/Contract Negotiations 8 weeks 50 hours 2 Prepare Addenda Attend Pre-bid Meeting Attend Bid Opening Evaluation of bids submitted by the design-build firms Work Order#8—Construction Document Review TBD TBD TBD Peer Review of signed/sealed Construction Documents prepared by design-build firm 26 weeks Items by Owner Div. 0& Div. 1 Front-end specification: Instructions to Bidders, etc. Construction Administration: Pre-construction Meeting, Construction Meetings, Process Pay Requests, Process Change Orders, Review Shop Drawings, Construction Observation, As-Built Drawings, Certifications& Final Close-out. Permit Application Fees. Items by Others (Design-Build Firm) Construction Documents (signed and sealed) Engineering Calculations (signed and sealed) including but not limited to Structural Calculations, *Drainage Calculations *Permit Applications: all Building and site related permit applications. Note: Work Order #6c, if elected, provides that Gee & Jenson prepare drainage calculation and prepare permit application to SJRWMD. The Design-Build firm would later submit to the agency engineered signed & sealed final construction plans consistent with the permit design. • • Ilherwiglwo#6schedr 801 Rev.doc WORK ORDER FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 6 PROJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT CITY: OCOEE, FLORIDA DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL: GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS, INC. Execution of the Work Order by City shall serve as authorization of DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: (X) Design Criteria Package DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments, exhibits and that certain Agreement dated December 5. 1995 between CITY and DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the date this Work Order is executed by the CITY. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL Ten Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($10,400.00) plus Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for Reimbursable Expenses. DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event, shall DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL be paid more than the fixed fee and reimbursables set. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this day of , 199 , for the purposes stated herein. GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC WITNESS: DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL ( 7)09'Sf/'ca-d By: 1/7z/ i,.L/' Dale A. Crosby, P.E., Vice President, Regional Mgr. Date: ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE Approved by Ocoee City Commission CITY OF OCOEE. APPROVED AS TO FORM at a meeting held on . 1997 AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF under Agenda Item No. . 199 FOLEY & LARDNER By: CITY ATTORNEY Attachment "A" (rev. 8/04 ,,7, Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6 — Design Criteria Package Scope of Work The Design Criteria Package shall include drawings related to the Demolition of the Public Works Department and New Parking Lct. Professional Services to be provided by the Desian Criteria Professional: 1. Review the following documents provided by others: Boundary/topographic/tree/L; survey and geotechnical report. Prepare site evaluation, code review, summary of permit requirements including conceptual site plan agency review mtg. with SJRWMD. 2. Prepare Design Criteria Package Documents: Performance oriented Architecture; Drawings: Demolition Plan and Parking Lot Site Plan; Architectural/Engineering Performance Oriented Specifications. The Design Criteria Package will indicate demolition of the existing Department of Public Works facilities and removal and storage of the fueling tanks at the existing approximately 300 ft. x 200 ft. Fleweiling Avenue site. The Design Criteria Package will also indicate the parking configuration and grading for the parking lot similar to Exhibit "C". 3. Prepare a Statement of Probable Cost and Update Project Schedule. Submittals by the Design Criteria Professional to the City: Provide one submittal of the following: • Design Criteria Package: Twelve (12) sets. • Statement of Probable Cost and Updated Project Schedule. Meetings: The Design Criteria Professional shall attend two (2) Design Criteria Professional/Owner meetings. These meetings shall be to discuss and exchange information with the established City's representative(s) with regard to the project. A final presentation to the City Commission is included in the two meetings. Items to be provided by the City of Ocoee: 1. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf attend above stated meetings. issue directives with regard to the Work, authorize the Work, prepare review comments with regard to the Work and approve the Work. The City's representative shall be: Richard Corwin Department of Public Works Director Name Title 2. At the completion of the Work, the City's representative shall review the Submittal. The City's representative shall provide review comments about the Submittal to the Design Criteria Professional. The Design Criteria Professional will address and/or incorporate those comments during the next phase of Professional Services: Work Order#7 — Bidding. 3. A Boundary/Topographic/Utility Survey, Geotechnicai Investigation documents are required by the Design Criteria Professional to complete Work Order #6. These items may be provided by the Owner or by the Design Criteria Professional under a separate Work Order. Attachment "A" ifasea Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6 — Design Criteria Package Scope of Work— Page Two 4. Div. 0 & Div. 1 Front End Specifications: Instructions to Bidders, etc. Construction Administration: Pre-Construction Meeting, Construction Meetings, Process Pay Requests, Process Change Orders, Review Shop Drawings, Construction Observation, As-Built Drawings, Certifications and Final Close-Out. Items by Others (Design-Build Firm) • Construction Documents (signed and sealed). • Engineering Calculations (signed and sealed) including, but not limited to, Energy Calculations, Structural Calculations, Drainage Calculations. • Permit Applications: Building Permits, SJRWMD, FDEP and all site related Permit Applications. Attachment "B" (reer 9/C1/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6 — Design Criteria Package Fees Worksheet Compensation 1. Basic Architectural/ Engineering Services $10,400.00 2. Reprographics Reimbursables: reproducibles, blueprints, photocopies. $ 300.00 (These charges will be billed at cost as they arise. The total amount shown is the amount Not To Be Exceeded unless approved in writing by the City. The following rate schedule represents inhouse printing costs. Printing company rates may vary.) Photocopies: $0.15 per page (8 1/2 x 11-14) $0.20 per page (11x17) Reproducibles: $1.50 per S.F. Blueline Prints: $0.40 per S.F. Method of Payment The Design Criteria Professional shall invoice amount due based on the percent of the total work order services actually performed and completed. Invoices shall be submitted to the City once monthly. We understand that the City shall retain 10% of the total work order fee until one hundred percent f 100%) of the work order services are actually performed and completed. • W y 1 b I . 4110 oti eqt� F-/Ff'1 GO1► III EXIST. TRAIL Aerpox i rE-. . .......„T tint-i t . 'r [NPR-K. ..... ...1 c) To 1CIf MAd N ---- — 20 -- 4 Y lin-mil- 1r rri u 1111 r i ui E1A N / _ lir 1 i.-J N - __ . __ -___ _ _ _ - [ Jj ITh LLLLUP n 011 1 I 1 _ _____ <- , - -- — - �� I --- DEMOLISHLi � REMOVE EXISTING SHAREDADJACENT f WORKS BUILDING PARCEL PARKING LOT (109 SPACES) 6-$17) VI,1 WL[L NG AVENUE ------ � WORK ORDER FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 6a PROJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT CITY: OCOEE, FLORIDA DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL: GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS. INC. Execution of the Work Order by City shall serve as authorization of DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: (X) Topographic/Utility Survey DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL. shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments, exhibits and that certain Agreement dated December 5, 1995 between CITY and DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the date this Work Order is executed by the CITY. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Five Dollars ($2,865.00) plus Reimbursable Expenses. DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event, shall DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL be paid more than the fixed fee and reimbursables set. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this day of , 199 , for the purposes stated herein. GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS. INC WITNNESS: DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL e i By: (1,2 Dale A. Crosby, P.E., Vice President, Regional Mgr. Date: ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE Approved by Ocoee City Commission CITY OF OCOEE. APPROVED AS TO FORM at a meeting held on , 1997 AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF under Agenda Item No. , 199 FOLEY & LARDNER By: CITY ATTORNEY Attachment"A" (8/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6a —Topographic/Utility Survey Scope of Work Refer to Work Order #6/Design Criteria Package (8/01/97), Southeastern Survey & Mapping Corp.'s Specific Purpose Survey of the Central Park/Flewelling Avenue Site. Professional Services to be provided by the Design Criteria Professional: Topographic/Utility Survey as described in Exhibit "A" —Subconsultant's Proposal. Required Submittals by the Design Criteria Professional to the City: • Ten (10) signed/sealed Blueprints of Survey. • One reproducible plan of Survey. Meetings: On-site meetings with City personnel where required. Items to be provided by the City of Ocoee: 1. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf provide free access to the site for the Design Criteria Professional and it's subconsultant, issue directives with regard to the Work, authorize the Work, prepare review comments with regard to the Work and approve the Work. The City's representative shall be: Richard Corwin Department of Public Works Director Name Title 2. Title Search and Deed Restriction for this City Owned Property. 3. Listing of all Utilities providing Service to or have Easement on this City Owned Property. Attachment "B" A3M4.17) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6a —Topographic/Utility Survey Fees Worksheet Compensation 1. Design Criteria Professional Fee Subconsultant Cost $2,865.00 Coordination 500.00 Compensation 2. Reprographics Reimbursables: reproducibies, blueprints, photocopies. $ 300.00 (These charges will be billed at cost as they arise. The total amount shown is the amount Not To Be Exceeded unless approved in writing by the City. The following rate schedule represents inhouse printing costs. Printing company rates may vary.) Photocopies: $0.15 per page (8 1/2 x 11-14) $0.20 per page (11x17) Reproducibles: $1.50 per S.F. Blueline Prints: $0.40 per S.F. Method of Payment The Design Criteria Professional shall invoice amount due based on the percent of the total work order services actually performed and completed. Invoices shall be submitted to the City once monthly. We understand that the City shall retain 10% of the total work order fee until one hundred percent (100%) of the work order services are actually performed and completed. 1. Sr•i . . EXHIBIT "A" warms, a'.,e. a .P.S.M. ' Gary a. Krick, P.S.M. 11 mom � Myron F.Lucas, P S.M. Thomas K.Neect. P.S.M. ,:amae L Petersen,P.S.M. SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING&MAPPING CORP. August 1, 1997 Mr. Paul Herwig VIA FAX: 4O -660-1552 Gee & fens-or. 2701 Maitland Cents: Parkway Suite 150 Maitland, FL 32751 RE: Department Of Public Works Facility And New Parking Lot Construction Located On Part Of Lots 1-6. Block F, 3rd Addition To Lakeview, Recorded In Plat Book O. Page 126, Orange County, .Florida Dear Paul , We are pleased to submit our revised proposal for surveying services on the above referenced project. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide a 'Topographic Survey in accordance with Chapter 61G17-6 F...C. to the following: A. Locate and delineate existing utility piping, equipment and easements (above ar,c+ below ground) which cross or impact the site, including but not Limited to the following: Rail Road, Power, Telephone, Cable Television, Radio, Water Utilities, Wastewater, Stormwarer and Natural Gas Utilities. Locate any existing septic tanks or drain field. Also, delineate development restriction: front, rear and side yard setbacks per Gee & Jenson Site Master plan on the survey. B. Locate and delineate existing site grade contours at one foot (vertical) intervals. Grade includes all paved areas. unpaved areas. ponds and vegetative areas within the limits of area to be surveyed. Project Aa ea The project area will extend to the centerline of Flewelling Avenue on the South, to the West Right-of-Way line on the West to the lake on the North and the edge of dense vegetation West of said lake to the West side of the Rail field on the Fast 3 5 SQtAti Sdncr n 3outeva1d. Suds 112 `Afirrter Pr =Ic(Y7s 32792 407,13 8- 7 7a3c a rrra- a 7 08/01/97 12:22 TX/RX NO.9525 P.001 PAGE @2 Page 2 The final product will be (2) certified blueline prints, and an ACAD 12 electronic file of same on. disk for your use. Our fee for the above referenced work will be Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Fire Dollars & 00/100 ($2865.00). We anticipate completion of the above described work within (3) weeks after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty days from date of invoice. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, /' Gary B. Krick. P.S.M. President/Project Manager If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed. ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Signature Printed Name Date GBK:dl =•vsowax\P PO1At.\eersiuue\.soeer••r 14� • ! I. tia=.t 08/01/97 12:22 TX/RX NO.9525 P.002 U WORK ORDER FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 6b PROJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT CITY: OCOEE, FLORIDA DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL: GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS, INC. Execution of the Work Order by City shall serve as authorization of DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: (X) Preliminary Subsurface Soil Explorations DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments, exhibits and that certain Agreement dated December 5, 1995 between CITY and DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the date this Work Order is executed by the CITY. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) plus Reimbursable Expenses. DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event, shall DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL be paid more than the fixed fee and reimbursables set. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this day of . 199 , for the purposes stated herein. GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC WITNESS: DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL eALI/e ) By: v,.%/ / /w= Dale A. Crosby, P.E., Vice President, Regional Mgr. Date: ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE Approved by Ocoee City Commission CITY OF OCOEE. APPROVED AS TO FORM at a meeting held on . 1997 AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF under Agenda Item No. . 199 FOLEY & LARDNER By: CITY ATTORNEY Attachment "A" (8/0197) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6b — Preliminary Subsurface Soils Exploration Scope of Work Refer to Work Order #6/Design Criteria Package (8/01/97). Geotechnical services related to the new parking lot at the former Department of Public Works site at Central Park/Flewelling Avenue Site will be the subject of this work order. Professional Services to be provided by the Design Criteria Professional: Conduct Preliminary Subsurface Soil Explorations as described in Exhibit #1: Subconsultant Proposal. Submittals by the Design Criteria Professional to the City: Provide one submittal of the following: Five sets signed/sealed Preliminary Subsurface Soil Exploration Report prepared by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. Meetings: None. The Design Criteria Professional will include a written review of the Report in the Work Order#6: Design Criteria Package. !terns to be provided by the City of Ocoee: 1. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf provide free access to the site for the Design Criteria Professional and it's subconsultant, issue directives with regard to the Work. authorize the Work, prepare review comments with regard to the Work and approve the Work. The City's representative shall be: Richard Corwin Department of Public Works Director Name Title Attachment "B" (R/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6b— Preliminary Soils Exploration Fees Worksheet Compensation 1. Design Criteria Professional Fee Subconsultant Cost $1,000.00 Coordination 200.00 Compensatior! 2. Reprographics Reimbursables: reproducibles, blueprints, photocopies. $ 200.00 (These charges will be billed at cost as they arise. The total amount shown is the amount Not To Be Exceeded unless approved in writing by the City. The following rate schedule represents inhouse printing costs. Printing company rates may vary.) Photocopies: $0.15 per page (8 1/2 x 11-14) $0.20 per page (11x17) Reproducibles: $1.50 per S.F. Blueline Prints: $0.40 per S.F. Method of Payment The Design Criteria Professional shall invoice amount due based on the percent of the total work order services actually performed and completed. Invoices shall be submitted to the City once monthly. We understand that the City shall retain 10% of the total work order fee until one hundred percent (100%) of the work order services are actually performed and completed. 14.078.F. 31 P.02 NEW ' •Ardarnan & Associates, Inc. EXHIBIT "1" eotechr,cal. Envircnmer.tar and iiimAi Matonals Oonsuitarts June 9, 1997 i Proposal File No. 97-6 -317 Revised July 31, 1997 Gee & Jenson 2701 Maitland Center Parkway Suite 150 Maitland, Florida.32751 Attention: Mr. Paul leerwig, P.E. Subject: Proposal for Subsurface Soil Exploration and Gegtechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Parking Area Department of Public Works Ccoee, Orange County, Florida Gentlemen: As you requested, we are pleased to present the following proposal for conducting a Subsurfaces teed Exploration for the subject project Based on a preliminary site plan and discussion with Mr. Paul Herwig, P.E. of Gee & Jenson, the proposed develop'tM,rt includes the demolition of the existing Department of Public Works facility at the site and the construeian of a paved parking area approximately 3.1? by 130 feet in plan area We understand that an old above ground fuel tank area exists at the site. Grading plans are not complete at this time. Therefore, we have assumed that the placement of up to 1 foct of fill will be required to raise the parking areas to final elevatIon(s). The scope of our services will include determining if the soil types and groundwater levels encountered in unobstnucted/accessibie areas are suitable to construct the proposed pavement.. FiELD AND LABORATORY PROGRAMS Based on the supplied site plan and our previous experience in the area, the total number of borings can be minimized. We suggest conducting 6 auger borings to a depth of 8 feet in unobbtruted areas in the proposed parking area. The auger borings will be drilled using a 4-inch diameter, truck-mounted continuous flight auger. Earrrt sample will be removed from the auger in the field and then examined and visually classified by our crew Grief. Representative portions will be sealed and packaged for transportation to our laboratory for further analysis as required. Water level observations will be made in the boreholes during the drilling operation_ The aforementioned scope of services should represent adequate coverage if relatively uniform soil conditions are encountered. Routine laboratery visual classification will be performed on soil samples obtained along with specific tests deemed necessary (i.e., sieve analysis, and organic contents). ees 3.nrarCe avenue rc23Ce” a, u)3.0,1a.-43. =4nir1a:245+')^U: h<:ne 1:)7%,15.-3860 -A;(1<C7)459-d12 crrwe5 in:9udq.w.Coca.'.'-ort Laudnro:ve.=7.Myer,.%li:iml,Or+etnAc. rt::r.9ri ita.P'Nt St.L:.nr,t Sar:rJuf:f.Ta6;,t+uaae.-wu ntLa,'N ?Jiic 9eacn 07/31/97 16:35 TX/RX NO.9501 P.002 - - 142785 98121 P.03 Gee & :enson Proposal Fite No. g7-6G317 _2_ • ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND REPORT Engineering analysis of ail data obtained will be made to evaluate general subsurface conditions and to develop engineering recommendations to guide site preparation at unobstructed locatiorns. A typical pavement section for conventional parking lots will be provided as part of our recommendationa for design. For our analysis, we will require anticipated trafl5c types/frequencies for the pavements. Cur recomrrserxia Ions, together with all data developed during the exploration, will be submitted in a written report upon conclusion of the study. TiME AND COST ESTIMATE Based on our present schedule, we could mobilize our drilling equipment to begin week within one week after receiving authorization'+ to proceed. We expect the fetid explorattron will require 1 to 2 days to complete. Qur analysis and report preparation will require an additional 5 to 7 days after campletion of the laboratory and field programs. However, verbal results can be provided shortly after complationiot the field program. The costs associated with the aforementioned tasks are not to exceed $1,CCC.CO without _ < written authorization. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The total cost is based on the unit prices as shown on the attached fee schedule (see Atttac nment 1). This proposal is subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) access to boring fccatioias is to be readily available to our truck-mounted drilling equipment, (2) the proposed number of borings and the boring depths wM be adequate, (3) undisturbed samples and consolidation tests on fie grained soils are not budgeted into the total cost, (4) Andaman & Associates will riot take responsibility for damages to underground services; their locations are to be provided by the client prior to commencement of the field work, (5) this proposed exploration is a relatively shallow exploration and is not intended to be an evaluation for sinkhole potential and (e) this proposed exploration does not include an evaluation of potential toxic or hazardous contamination of the site or subsurface. CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you on this Project_ if this Proposal meets witty your approval, please indicate your acceptance by signing and returning the attached Proposal/Project Acceptance sheet. Please call if you have arty questions or require addittcnal information. Very truly yours, AROAIviAN & ASSO S, INC. Mark S. Rawiinson, E_1. e A. Cox, Ill, P.E. Staff Engineer Orlando Branch Manager ZC8JEAGks giee-r revere 07/31/97 16:35 TX/RX NO.9501 P.003 . Y ' ' '-... 14.0795 8121 P.3.' Attachment 1 1. Mobilization of Crew and Equipment, lump sum Varies 2. Standard Penetration Test 8orxngs: (a) $8.75/1.f. (0 - 50 ft. depth) (b) 310.00/1.f. (51 - 100 ft. depth) (c) $12.00/1.f_ (100 - 150 ft. depth) 3. Auger Borings/Wash Borings $7.00/l.f. 4. Cone Penetration Tests $7.00/Lf. 5. Install Casing, as required Se3.O0/1.f 5. Mudc Probes $85.00,c ew-hour 7. Undisturbed Samples (Shelby Tube) $00.00/each 0. Groundwater Level Piezcmeter $15.00/1.f. 9. Grouting Dorehoies, as required $120.001hour 10. Double Ring Infiltrometer Test $300.00/each 1.1. Field Permeability $.200.00/each 12_ Laboratory Testing: (a) Incremental Consolidation Test $400.00/test (b) Atte berg Limits $70.00/set (c) •Sieve Analysis $29.00/each (d) Percent Fines $19.CC/eactl (e) Natural Moisture Content $7.00/eac m (f) Organic Content $20.00leach (g) Limermxlc Bearing Ratio $250.00/esch (h) Permeability (K>10-7cm/sec) S130.00/each 13. Engineering Analysis and Report Preparation: Senior Pcaject Engineer (RE.) $85.00/hour Project Engineer (P.E.) 375.00 hour Staff Engineer $135.00/hour Sr. Engineering Technician $43.00/tlour Engineering Technician 335.00./hour Technical Craftsperson $30.0c/hour Technical Typist $31.00 tour 14. Standby of drill crew and equipment for reasons beyond our control or difficult access $115.00Thour `Unit prices effective until Cec7eernber 31, 1997 07/31/97 16:35 TX/RX NO.9501 P. 004 111 WORK ORDER FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 6c PROJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT CITY: OCOEE, FLORIDA DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL: GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS, INC. Execution of the Work Order by City shall serve as authorization of DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the documents • which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: (X) Stormwater Permitting DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments, exhibits and that certain Agreement dated December 5, 1995 between CITY and DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement. the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the date this Work Order is executed by the CITY. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($7,800.00) plus Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for Reimbursable Expenses. DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event, shall DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL be paid more than the fixed fee and reimbursables set. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this day of , 199 , for the purposes stated herein. GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC WITNESS: DESIGN I ? CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL A9)//e/ /y: �...G � b01/t-- Dale A. Crosby, P.E., Vice President, Regional Mgr. Date: ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE. FLORIDA By: Jean Grafton. City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ��W Date: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE Approved by Ocoee City Commission CITY OF OCOEE. APPROVED AS TO FORM at a meeting held on , 1997 AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF under Agenda Item No. . 199 FOLEY & LARDNER By: CITY ATTORNEY Attachment "A" (rev. 8/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Farkina Lot Work Order#6c — Stormwater Permitting Scope of Work Refer to Work. Order #6 — Design Criteria Package (8/01/97). The Stormwater Permit Application shall be made related to the Demolition of the Public Works Department and construction of a New Parking Lot at the Central Park/ Fieweiling Avenue site. Professional Services to be provided by the Design Criteria Professional: 1. Prepare stormwater management permit conceptual grading/ drainage parking lot site plan. 2. Prepare stormwater management permit drainage calculations. 3. Prepare and submit SJRWMD stormwater permit application with drawing & calculations. 4. Respond to SJRWMD permit review comments. Submittals: Design Criteria Professional will submit St. Johns River Water Management Dl^tri^t Permit Application to Jurisdictional Agency. Meetings: On-site meetings with Jurisdictional Agency where required. Items to be provided by the City of Ocoee: 1. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf attend above stated meetings, issue directives with regard to the Work, authorize the Work, prepare review comments with regard to the Work and approve the Work. The City's representative shall be: Richard Corwin Department of Public Works Director Name Title 2. At the completion of the Work, the City's representative shall receive a copy of submittal and subsequent correspondence with Jurisdictional Agency. 3. A Boundary/Topographic/Utility Survey, Geotechnical Investigation documents are required by the Design Criteria Professional to complete Work Order #6c. These items may be provided by the Owner or by the Design Criteria Professional under a separate Work Order. 4. Permit application fees. Attachment "B" (rev,8/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#6c—Stormwater Permitting Fees Worksheet Compensation 1. Basic Engineering Services $ 7.800.00 2. Reprographics Reimbursables: reproducibles, blueprints, photocopies. $ 200.00 (These charges will be billed at cost as they arise. The r, • shown is the amount Not To Be Exceeded unless approved in writing by the City. The following rate schedule represents inhouse printing costs. Printing company rates may vary.) Photocopies: $0.15 per page (8 1/2 x 11-14) $0.20 per page (11x17) Reproducibles: $1.50 per S.F. Blueline Prints: $0.40 per S.F. Method of Payment The De sign Criteria Professional shall invoice amount due based on the percent the tote! work order services actually performed and completed. Invoices shall be submitted to the City once monthly. We understand that the City shall retain 10% of the total work order fee until one hundred percent (100%) of the work order services are actually performed and completed. WORK ORDER FOR DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO. 7 PROJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEMOLITION & NEW PARKING LOT CITY: OCOEE, FLORIDA DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL: GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS, INC. Execution of the Work Order by City shall serve as authorization of DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the documents • which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: (X) Bidding/Contract Negotiation DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments, exhibits and that certain Agreement dated December 5, 1995 between CITY and DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be completed within sixty (60) days from the date this Work Order is executed by the CITY. COMPENSATION: The CITY shall compensate DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL Three Thousand and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,250.00) plus One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for Reimbursable Expenses. DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL shall perform all work required by this Work Order; but, in no event, shall DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL be paid more than the fixed fee and reimbursables set. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this day of , 199 , for the purposes stated herein. GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC WITNESS: DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL (9% e-k- B / Dale A. Crosby, P.E., Vice President, Regional Mgr. Date: ATTEST: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE Approved by Ocoee City Commission CITY OF OCOEE. APPROVED AS TO FORM at a meeting held on 1997 AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF under Agenda Item No. , 199 . FOLEY & LARDNER By: CITY ATTORNEY Attachment "A" (8/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#7 — Bidding/Contract Negotiations Scope of Work Refer to Work Order #6/Design Criteria Package (8/01/97) which will be the subject of Bidding/Contract Negotiation Services. Professional Services to be provided by the Design Criteria Professional: 1. Prepare Addenda. 2. Evaluate Bids submitted by the Design/Build Firms. Submittals by the Desiqn Criteria Professional to the City: Provide one submittal of the following: • Bid Tabulation and Evaluation. Meetings: 1. Attend Pre-Bid Meeting. ( Architectural & Civil representatives present) 2. Attend Bid Opening. Items to be provided by the City of Ocoee: 1. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf attend above stated meetings, issue directives with regard to the Work, authorize the Work, prepare review comments with regard to the Work and approve the Work. The City's representative shall be: Richard Corwin Department of Public Works Director Name Title 2. The City shall appoint a representative who shall on the City's behalf, distribute Bid Packages, Publish and Prepare Bid Advertisements and serve as the clearinghouse for all Bidder Communications. The City shall submit to Gee & Jenson one set of consolidated, written Bidder questions no later than two weeks prior to the Bid Date for Addendum preparation by Gee & Jenson. Items by Others (Desiqn-Build Firm) • Construction Documents (signed and sealed). • Engineering Calculations (signed and sealed) including, but not limited to, Energy Calculations, Structural Calculations, Drainage Calculations. • Permit Applications: Building Permits, SJRWMD, FDEP and all site related Permit Applications. • Supplemental Geotechnical Investigations. Attachment "B" (8/01/97) Design Criteria Professional Services Ocoee Department of Public Works Demolition & New Parking Lot Work Order#7 — Bidding/Contract Negotiations Fees Worksheet Compensation 1. Bidding/Contract Negotiation: Basic Architectural/Engineering Services. $3,320.00 2. Reprographics Reimbursables: reproducibles, blueprints, photocopies. $1,500.00 (These charges will be billed at cost as they arise. The total amount shown is the amount Not To Be Exceeded unless approved in writing by the City. The following rate schedule represents in-house printing costs. Printing company rates may vary.) Photocopies: $0.15 per page (8 1/2 x 11-14) $0.20 per page (11x17) Reproducibles: $1.50 per S.F. Blueline Prints: $0.40 per S.F. Method of Payment The Design Criteria Professional shall invoice amount due based on the percent of the total work order services actually per-formed and completed. Invoices shall be submitted to the City once monthly. We understand that the City shall retain 10% of the total work order fee until one hundred percent (100%) of the work order services are actually performed and completed.