HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatus Of Drainage Utility Projects CITY OF OCOEE . STORMWATER UTILITY FUND OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS OPERATING & EXCESS FISCAL MAINTENANCE DEBT TOTAL REVENUE OVER YEAR REVENUE EXPENDITURES SERVICE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 95/96 602,125 632,969 0 632,969 (30,844) 96/97 814,396 808,621 202,440 1,011,061 (196,665) 97/98 875,546 636,440 204,785 841,225 34,321 98/99 1,005,962 750,238 207,920 958,158 47,804 PEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. April 20, 2000 0E-180 1-1.0 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2322 RE: City of Ocoee Phase 1 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Groups 1, 2, 3 & 4 Status Report Dear Jim: Pursuant to the City's direction,we have updated the following summary tables which provide a compilation of the City's CIP relative to: O General Location(And Description) of Phase I Projects, as well as the Current Status (Table#1); © Summary of Phase I CIP Cost Data(Table#2); ©Recommended Phase II CIP(future) Projects (Table#3); and O Breakdown of Phase I CIP Loan Data. Since the last update, and as shown on the following Table#1, construction of Group 2- Project Nos. 3a, 3b, 17 and 29 as well as Group 3-Project Nos.4,20,21,26 and 27 have been completed. As shown below, an overage has occurred whereupon actual construction costs exceed the budgeted costs estimated within PEC's Engineering Report dated March 1996. Description Budgeted Cost (1) Actual Expenditures Difference Constructed Projects $820,406 $1,427,072 -$606,666 Projects on Hold $935,573 $935,573 (2) Engineering Fees $263,395 $323,896 -$60,501 TOTALS $2,019,374 $2,686,541 -$667,167 (1) Refer to PEC's Engineering Report(dated March 1996). (2) Assumes that costs for projects not yet constructed will equal the conceptual planning cost. The apparent overage in actual expenditures tabulated above is primarily due to additional construction(not budgeted)resulting from changes to the scope of work and/or expansion of project construction limits. The locations where additional construction occurred are indicated by red text within the following Table#2, and are briefly explained as follows: engineers "Engineering Our Community' planners surveyors 200 East Robinson Street • Suite 1560 • Orlando, Florida 32801 • 407/422-8062 • FAX 407/849-9401 Letter To Mr. Jim Shira April 20, 2000 Page 2 Group I 1. Additional construction for Project No. 1 (i.e., rear yard underdrains for Mr. Fergus). 2. Installation of underdrains within Amber Ridge Subdivision(not budgeted). 3. Inclusion of two (2) additional City projects, namely: Shari Lynn Terrace; and Abbey Ridge. Group II 1. Inclusion of two(2) additional City projects, namely: Bay Street; and Little Spring Hill. 2. Construction of a Stormceptor sediment removal structure(not budgeted). Group III 1. Additional construction for Project No. 4(i.e., extension of project limits on Kimball Drive). 2. Inclusion of six(6) additional City projects, namely: Community Center; Vignetti Center; Silver Glen Subdivision; Wesmere Subdivision (Sanitary); Wesmere Subdivision (Pavement); Amber Ridge Subdivision. 3. Construction of yard drains and storm pipes on the Reese Property(not budgeted). Based upon the Phase I CIP projects not constructed to date(approximately$940,000),and the recommended future projects associated with the Phase II CIP(approximately$1,920,000 as shown in Table#3), the total cost to complete the CIP program is approximately$2,860,000. Pursuant to PEC's conversations with the City of Ocoee Finance Department, approximately $530,000 in funds remain for completion of the CIP program(refer to Table#4). Therefore, the current deficit is approximately S2,300,000. I trust that this letter, and the attached summary tables,provides you with the information you require. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 422- 8062, Extension 194 or Greg Teague at Extension 193. Respectfully, PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CON ANTS, INC. David W. tra, P.E. Stormwater Department Manager/ Principal cc: Ellis Shapiro, City of Ocoee (w/enclosure) Jean Grafton, City of Ocoee ** 15 copies ** Wanda Horton, City of Ocoee(w/enclosure) Ken Hooper, PEC (w/enclosure) David Wheeler, City of Ocoee (w/enclosure) Greg Teague, PEC (w/enclosure) Donald Carter, City of Ocoee(w/enclosure) PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS cip status(04-20-00).wpd - • • • -I- 1....- ..*-.- - ...--... ._..,. '.. "''''''' :-.-.: '''''' '''''' r......„„ a _ _ . = „:„. c___,_ __. _ . , _____ _ _ ._ . _.,. _ = = =...,.__ I .. ______ ._v_ g = _.,___ __= _ __ ..... _ ___. . _ . _ _______ • • • .. ,.. --1: t . 1 • . • 1. ,, ' ti , ".rIC. d ,--` 2 \° g c79 Fiji) C 7/ 177:=3, aPria ta-i-WelER • December 1995 : Workshop # 1 Presentation/discussion of known problem areas (28 total) and the associated costs • February 1996 : Workshop #2 Presentation/discussion of known problem areas (31- total) and the revised costs PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 2 • T ltal= nip�roerneP��r�gram ( T - — -�- T • • April 1996 : Stormwater utili t rate increased from- $3 .00 y to $4.50 er ERU er month p p • Summer 1996 : Secured $2.2 million line of credit and began preparing Phase I contract • document• PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc: Page 3 -- ---_^- 4 _ t al Ins rvemenPro rim (CYO?) _ - • Winter 1996 : Began construction of the Phase I - Group 1 projects • August 1997 : - Workshop #3 Update of the Phase I CIP • PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc: Page 4 Capital Ir prz�v _ ___ • Winter 1997 : Began construction of the Phase I - Group 2 and other City projects • October 1998 : Stormwater utility rate increas ed 'from $4. 50 to $5 .00 per ERU per month PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 5 " 7, ---` _�' • • • ;;;=-7::--- --.. 1:11::::::::: _-_.-_---. , -� �..�.1, �_ ::-i-tg--f•Te: -I.Z:-tt-'4=--.:=7-.__-E-7•S:=- -Z- c.7---T-±:=t'-lt-- Z.==- --r- ------1,--,-_-,.0]1 7,,=.7.-11 IF-a E . ital rovem rit. Pao =yam - .. ..-_-_-g.2-_-•_ -:..-,...at - . 7 . • g Sp rin 1999 : Began construction of the Phase I - Group 3 and other City projects • April 2000: Workshop • Update of the CIP ...... • • . . . . . • PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc: . Page 6 Li L—� t J- -�l C,__.__J' 1 0111t, I _ i' C._ C �� �i C�� � ) 1-7 _ ___�_. -�-.ter- -- -.._� _ _C -ital Ire .ra-e mint fro rar4 -_IP • Group 1 - Five (5). Projects ► Groundwater seepage (Underdrain Related Improvements) • Group 2 - Seven (7) Projects ► Localized Flooding (Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements • Group 3 - Six (6) Projects ► Localized Flooding (Minor Drainage Improvements) • Group 4 - Three (3:) Projects ► Flood Protection (Major Flood Control Projects) PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 7 _Ir.� gram� �IP�- GROUP 1 CIP Project General Location Project No. (and Description) Status 1 Dovetail Court (Coventry Subdivision) Construction Completed by (install underdrains) Georgetown Enterprises 6 Coventry Subdivision Construction Completed by (install roadway underdrains) Georgetown Enterprises 8 Amber Ridge Subdivision Construction Completed by (install underdrain systems) Fossitt Groundwork 19 Sawmill Subdivision Construction Completed by (install roadway underdrains) Sunshine Building & Development 31 Prairie Lakes Boulevard (Forest Oaks Subdivision) Construction Completed by (install roadway underdrains) Sunshine Building & Development LEGEND: Project Construction Completed Projee Constar c ion r Q ecrmpleted PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 8 >.■■r. 1 1_ 1 _J �� �__� � � C_ 1 C �_� � � 7 i iiI L . C-3 Capp_ Impr6 e: „ „=„ ra „„„S =kt-E GROUP 1 Construction Costs CIP Project No. General Location. Actual Cost CIP Budgeted 1 & 6 Dovetail Court(Coventry Sub.) & Sawmill Subdivision $180,263 $312,488 8a Amber Ridge Subdivision $60,021 N/A 19 & 31 Sawmill Sub. & Prairie Lakes Boulevard (Forest Oaks Subdivision) $52,511 $240,438 N/A Shari Lynn Terrace & Abbey Ridge $29,480 N/A Sub-Totals $322,275 $552,926 LEGEND: Red text indicates a location where a scope of work and/or expansion of construction limits occurred. 1. Additional construction for Project No. 1 (i.e., rear yard underdrains for Mr. Fergus). 2. Installation of underdrains within Amber Ridge Subdivision (not budgeted). 3. Inclusion of two (2) additional City projects, namely: Shari Lynn Terrace; and Abbey Ridge. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 9 . -. .t_-_�_ .r.:u_r •tom._.. ....- .. _�-t- �l ______ al--Im ro���n���.��ro� Y GROUP 2 CIP Project General Location Project No. (and Description) Status. 3 Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive Intersection (install inlets and exfiltration system) 17 Ocoee Hills Road/Pinewood Lane Intersection Construction Completed by (replace exfiltration system) Prime Construction Group, Inc. 29 Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue Intersection (construct roadside swales) Pi©neer lll Mobile Home PifieS P °jest CH HOLD (A Ming Ease ent pgrade autfall pipes Acqui iti©nD 23 Sullivan/Silver Star Ditch Construction Completed by, (install inlets and pipes) Prime Construction Group,:Inca 90 Blufard Avenue§Orlando Avenue int-rsect'an Project@ HOLD Qlssues Associated onstall inlets exfiltration i -,m ) Zfigii IND Station) Fran I'n =treet Area Prole.t col)HOLD QAwaiting o t-of-way ltiOZgr al o ipesD Fete i ation) LEGEND: Project Construction Completed p oje.t Constructionplei-d PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants,'Inc: Page.10 IL: �.-. ":=� .- .�.. :- _ �. . .� .-=- .�.-_-:-'� _�:==_�.. _ GROUP 2 Construction Costs CIP Project No. 4 General Location Actual Cost CIP Budgeted. 3a, 3b, 17& 29 Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive,,Flewelling Drive Culdesac, Ocoee $458,631 $93,947 Hills Road d/Pinewood Lane, Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue ills Pioneer Egy D Mobile Home Ikte Constructed 1C3 I3luford Avenue/©rlando Avenue ' 0 9 '. 9AlEi 23' Sullivan/Silver Star Ditch $86,323 $27,373 Franklin Street ARD2, Not Construc7ted Malt 0 Sub-Totals $549;564 $270,625 LEGEND: Red text indicates a location where a scope of work and/or expansion of.construction limits occurred.. 1. Inclusion of two (2) additional projects, namely: Bay Street; and Little Spring Hill. 2. Construction of a Stormceptor sediment removal.structure (not budgeted). PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc.. Page 1-I lilt al" soli dill _-_--  _- - - = __= _ or,==..--_ =- =te =_ _ --- - _ - __ �,_ .`1-._ram-..'r--.� petal p.rov e ? -off --=--_-------_ ' : __ —.- T- _:---_�--_-- --- t - GROUP 3 CIP Project General Location Project No. (and Description) Status. 4 Kimball Drive (install ribbon curb) 20 Little Spring Hill/Northern Durango Intersection (replace damaged storm sewer pipes) 21 Windswept Court (Highlands of Ocoee) Construction Completed by (install interceptor inlet and pipe) Daniels Contracting (Subs to 26 Lakeview Village Subdivision 'Wharton Smith) (replace inlet and,pipes) 27 Nancy Ann Terrace ' (replace damaged storm sewer pipes) 23 Miscellaneous Drainage •mini Raaoway IMpr@verruga§ Project OW GOLD(Construe,ian KW(�o- (includes !o°)individual io rajectsa Cal pleted CV any nMCI&0I1 '1r4 LEGEND: Project Construction Completed Preje•t ®,-ch struction 1 Camplet,d PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc: . Page 12 -_1ta1�T m�n� r an Ef P r GROUP 3 I Construction Costs CIP Project No. General Location Actual Cost CIP Budgeted 4, 20, 21, 26 & 27 Kimball Drive, Little Spring Hill/.Northern:Durango,_Windswept $471,466 $146,160 Court Lakeview Village Subdivision, Nancy Mn Terrace City 1, 2, 3 Community Center, Vignetti Center,Silver Glen Sub.,Wesmere $83,767 N/A 4A, 4B & 5 Sub. (Sanitary), Wesmere Sub. (Pavement),Amber Ridge Sub. Miscellaneous Drainage ICI Roadway hprovem@ Roil*Instructed 05,316 Sub-Totals $555,233 $251,475 LEGEND: Red text indicates a location where a scope of work and/or expansion of construction limits occurred. 1 1. Additional construction for Project No. 4 (i.e., extension of project limits on Kimball Drive). 2. Inclusion of six (6) additional City projects, namely: Community Center; Vignetti Center; Silver Glen Subdivision; Wesmere Subdivision (Sanitary); Wesmere Subdivision (Pavement); Amber Ridge Subdivision. 3. Construction of yard drains and storm pipes on the Reese property (not budgeted): PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 13 T _,==_L,,,,:.__ _=_,_:_.„7...„=„7„.._.,„_______„ :„.„ 4.---i�-tfa Yn. _=-_,_-___,_=____________,________ :-.:7____=:.,_„__ _ -_„_l_f____ __==•=1_,.. .__...,_„__________ __„, _�r�v�rnvn P t�:ram T - --____7__E____--:-:77__a---0--,:„----_,T1_:_7.--,_-=_=--__77.„_=„___,-.7_,__F_,_,„. ---- ------ - GROUP 4 - - CIP Project General Location -Project No. (and Description) Status j Pioneer ngs9 m Mobile Home Pura Project au HOLD Othimolv Seeking (upgrade outfall pines) CDBG Funding) g Sawm®Subdivis@o�ii o Southwest Pond Project Ciii HOLD iprobl•m install at outfall - g appears ajgitaRD dissipated) VIA Forest Oaks Subdivision ProtgaciR HOLD (awaiti g (install Egi outfall systemD GgItgEgE.11aecluisitiori LEGEND: Project Construction Corn•leted Project Construction Rta Oomoleted PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants,Inc. Page 14 L _ L_ .L_r L_ L _ :; E ) (_- (_.� C I. L � C_�a L� �r r�-•%-r„-- ______ _ _ - -err__ __ -_ ___- _ _ _-- _ ___--__ 7:_._-== _ -_ — a lt-a1!!! me_t `ro -r�:mIP - = g = - - GROUP 4 Construction Costs CIP Project No: General Location Actual Cost CIP Budgeted lel Pioneer i 'ohile FOCIE91Raft Not C:ons�tru.c7te_d 285 828 g Sawm®Sutadivision o Southwest Pond Not C**.onstr�ucNted .691520,10 99 Forest Oaks bdivision NER Construe red ° °0 Sub-Totals $0 $680,953 LEGEND: Red text indicates a location where a scope of work and/or expansion.of construction limits occurred. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants; Inc. Page 15 iral------ -.T ------ - -venreffttPtiag-ram----( - - -------------- ----=--:, Description Budgeted Cost (1) Actual Expenditures Difference Constructed Projects $820,406 $1,427,072 ($606,666) Projects on Hold $935,573 $935,573 (2) Engineering Fees $263,395 $323,896 ($60,501) TOTALS $2,010N6 -2,686,50 ($6670f]6 (1) Refer to PEC's Engineering Report(dated March 1996). (2) Asumes that costs for projects not yet constructed will equal the conceptual planning cost. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 16 i = — ap�tlmpiorarn ( P � LOAN PROCEEDS Expense Credit Running Total Loan Proceeds $2,200,000 - Reserve Amount ($200,000) - Loan Cost ($19,265) - Interest Earnings $282,930 Sub-Totals ($219,265) $282,930 $2,263,664 OTHER FINANCING -- ---- - -- -------— - —--- --- --- - -- ----- Expense Credit Running Total St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Grant $8,222 Sprint Telephone $7,848 Sub-Totals $0, . $16,070 $2,279,734 EXPENDITURES -- ---- -- ---- ----- - - -- - ----- ----- -------------- - --- - --- Expense Credit Running Total Group 1 Construction.Projects ($367,784) Group 2 Construction Projects ($664,959) Group 3 Construction Projects ($506,215) Group 4 Construction Projects ($98,319) Other Projects ($113,693) Sub-Totals ($1,750,969) $0 $528,766 Retainage Not Paid ==> $4,908 CASH & CASH EQUIVALENT BALANCE PER G/L =_> $533,617r3 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 17 � a IP- p1mi c *Pta I o- ne rg a (_ _ p _ -- Recornm_endehas�_T_T�P_�o=�=�t�== �:-�._�,_._�----�.= Project General Location Anticipated -- --:No. ---- -_-- - .- _.-_ fans! Description)_ -- Project Cost 1 Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park $150,000 (acquire drainage easements and relocation costs) 2 Starke Lake $250,000 (construct two 12-inch diameter drainwell replacements) 3 Center Street Ditch (Starke Lake Drainage Basin) $400,000 (construction 100-year retention pond) 4 Reflections Subdivision (Spring Lake Drainage Basin) $70,000 (construction roadway and side-yard underdrains) 5 Miscellaneous Underdrain Projects $100,000 6 Bluford Avenue Near City Hall $150,000 (replace culvert crossing, re-construct approximately 200-feet of roadway, and install erosion control measures downstream) - 7 Lakeshore Drive Outfall Treatment Systems at Oakland Street, $200,000 McKey Street, Magnolia Street and Lafayette Street (Vortechnics, CDS, or Stormceptor Sediment Removal Systems) 8 Pinewood Lane/Oakwood Lane/Reba Avenue $50,000 (install inlets and pipes) , 9 City Hall Ditch (Between Bluford& Starke Lake) $550,000 (Alum Treatment System) TOTAL M920 000 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 18 ( L ' : t,,_ : - -7-77: ---- L- 7-• _ , = = = . _ e- , E _ I '4-4" =-7 -- r•=r- - - =I 094 090 0 4 Phase I CIP Projects. Not Constructed To Date 011.9g20,060 4 Future Phase II Projects 02,8609000) Cost To Complete CIP On)9000 4 Remaining Funds 02 009006 :4 Deficit PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc: Page 19