HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Lake Bennet Center - Lots 8 & 9, ReplatAgenda 9-2-97 Item III B JAMES W. SHIRR, P.E. CITY ENGINEER / UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE • OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 PHONE (407) 656-2322 EXT. 142 • FAX (407) 656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 27, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ernie Kovacs, Engineering AideC. q� SUBJECT: Lake Bennet Centre Lots 8 & 9 Replat Issue Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the replat as submitted. Background Lake Bennet Centre Subdivision was approved by the City Commission on November 21, 1995. City Commission approval on this replat pertains only to a parcel line shift between lots 8 and 9. Recommendation Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the replat as submitted. EK/jbw CALL _DATA/WORD/ek\cc_Ikbennet_replat. m THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE <7X 6-`� 'i too ?plat I 13'reing a Relmlat ofLoBennetCentre, r e p tia thereof as recorded, Plat Book 3 esLyingin South, I the City o► LEGALD Prior to the approval of Final Site Plans for the project, or any portion LOTS -8 AND 9, LAKE BENNET CENTRE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES 126 THRU 127 OF THE thereof, the applicant/owner will need to apply for and obtain a Final Certificate of PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGES COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Concurrency pursuant to Article IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code. Neither the review of the application/project by the City nor the granting of any approvals in COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN connection with such review shall be construed to grant the applicant/owner any SOUTH 8932'31" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 586.68 FEET, TO THE POINT entitlement to obtain a Final Certificate of Concurrency with respect to all or any OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF KELTON AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF LAKE BENNET CENTRE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT portion of the project or to create any exemption from the provisions of Article IX THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES 126 THRU 127 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE, LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE, RUN ALONG THE SAID CENTERLINE OF KELTON AVENUE THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: NORTH the Ocoee Land Development Code, 00'21'33" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 185.18 FEET, TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THRU A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45'16'48" FOR A ARC DISTANCE 2. The Cit is subject to the terms, ter 163 OF 118.54 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; ,THENCE NORTH 45-38'21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 117.19 FEET, TO THE POINT OF .CURVATURE concerning moratoriums of the issuance ssuance off rovisions bu building permits under apcertain OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 9 P THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44'40'46" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 116.97 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH circumstances. The City has no lawful authority to exempt any private entity, or 00'57'35" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET, TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS itself, from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein shall be OF 54.00 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'04'51" FOR AN ARC construed as such an exemption. DISTANCE OF 84.90 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE, LEAVING SAID CURVE ALSO BEING THE AFORESAID CENTERLINE, RUN NORTH 01'02'26" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF LOT 9 OF SAID LAKE BENNET CENTRE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, ALONG THE BOUNDARIES OF LOTS 8 AND 9, OF SAID LAKE ',BENNET CENTRE THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES: RUN NORTH 88'42'34" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.02 FEET, TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 102'30'50" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44.73 FEET, TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'10'34" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 96.09 FEET, TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 640.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'46'26" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 53.32 FEET, TO A POINT; THENCE, LEAVING SAID CURVE, NORTH 88'51'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 394.47 FEET, TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 246.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 13'51'20" WEST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 91.53 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A O CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'26'38" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 92.07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 03'08'01" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 41.14 FEET, TO O THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'00'00" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.27 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; `I) THENCE SOUTH 86'51'59" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 93.09 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88'57'34" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 323.65 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS LYING IN THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CONTAINING 1.70 ACRES MORE OR LESS!! I OAKLAND / 0 0 435 a Z W Q J aca J G�P�aNP' C ARCONA �p o p rJ OCOEE Q = Loke Orlando W ? ROSEMONT 0' Surveyor's Notes; Agenda 9-2-97 Item III B PLA T PAUE BOOK 11tthr sennet (ffpnlrr 'vfs $ & # ;Rr lttf DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Limited Partnership named below being the owner in fee simple of the lands described in the foregoing caption to this plat hereby dedicates said lands and plat for the uses and purposes herein expressed and dedicates the City of Ocoee Water Line Easement shown hcrcon tothc city of OcoeP_ o.nd +4c_ uhirly Posr_men+s shown hu -«r) -hD4kC.PtrPrtvl use o -r 41,r_pibl1e_ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, it has caused these presents to be signed and attested to by the General Partner named below and the corporate seal affixed hereto on __ _{-_______, 199-1, ZOM LAKE BENNET LTD., a Florida limited partnershi p By: ZDM PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida Corporation, as General Partner, ;: tea.' • r r '• , CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY` (Corporate i CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR 2. )` s BY; ---�. - = ------------------------ ---- Samuu�l\C. Siepeis T7,President 3, Signed and seated in the presence of: �- - Pri nt name: $T � A e ( ; " Pr nt name -- ------ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The ForegqIng instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of __u 4 , 199-1 by Samuel C. Stephens III, President of ZOM PROPERTIES, INE., a Florida Corporation, as General Partner for ZOM LAKE BENNET, LTD., a Ftori da Limited Partnership, on behalf of said corporation and Limited parnershi p. He is personally known to me. l^ra p ------------------------�------ ecs11, (Si nature of Notar btic) (Printed name of Notary Pub(ic) Notary Public, State oFord Commi ssi on No. C- C •° "� -------------- My commission expires: q} 0 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, bei ng a Licensed anol registered . land surveyor, does hereby certify that on May 03, 1997, he completed the survey of the lands as shown in the forgoing plat .or plan; that said plat is a correct representation of the lands therein described and platted or subdivided; that permanent refer- ence monuments have been placed as shown,%'thereon. as°hequired by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes; and thot zard toed is located in The City of Ocoee, Fl ori da. Dated May 03,-1997 — -- �= • W C, ELLIaTT P,S.hl: 1, Bearings are based on the South line of the Southeast 114 of Section 20, Regi strati oh, Noy 559? Township 22 South, Range 28 East, in Drange County, Florida, being S 89°32'31" E, an assumed bearing, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY` CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR 2. There is a 10 foot Utility Easement along all interior right of way lines unless a wider easement is shown or otherwise noted, Exami ned and Approved; ----------------------------- 3, There is a 5,0 foot UtilityEasement along a! (side 10-1 lines vnkss o.widcr PLANNING DIRECTOR Date casemenf is shown or o%herviise natr-d. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY 4, Vehicular Access Rights forLot 9 to Blackwood Avenue except at the approved CITY ENGINEER locations are hereby dedicated to the City of Ocoee, Drange County, Florida, Exami ned 5, All Public and private Utility easements shown or stated hereon or attached and Approved: ___ ________ _ - ------------------------Date hereto shall also be easements for the construction, installation, CITY ENGINEER maintenance, and operation of cable television services, provided, however, no such construction, installation, rlai ntenance, and operation of cable CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY BOARD television services shall interfere with the facilities and services of an electric, OF CITY COMMISSIONERS telephone, gas, or other public utility. In the event a cable television company THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on __________________________ the ' damages the facilities of a public uti l i ty, i t shall be solely responsible for the damages, foregoing pt at was approved by the Board of City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida, 6, Tract C of Lake Bennett Centre according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 35, pages 186 & 127 is a retention area and shall be owned by the owner ----------------------------- City Attorney of Lot 8 and maiO intd by the owners of Lote arri Lof q pursuant to the Lake Bennet Centre Declaration of Easements and Restrictive Covenants recorded in 0•R Book 5009, Poge 4768, Publ,c Records of Orange County, Flor;jo,. Mayor of Ocoee ----------- Attest: 7 All easernenits shown hereon, other than +he City of Ocoee \",/a4r_r Line Ea.serner)i BY ----____—_—__— Ci ty Ct erk ------------- and +hcE3e.11 .Sou fh Telephone hasetnerst, arc_ Prrvaie eosemEnfs in 4voh of all lo+ owners 4cir .SUcCesSol"s, assigns, employees, invitees }tenants, and guests, and•sh0.11 be maLinfaine-d CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMPTROLLER a Aft Pur5uali to +Ir_ provisions of 46, Lo..kc. C3chnc,+ Ccs+rc Dc.cho_ration o -F Eosc.mcnis.and Covenant's record cd in 0.2 �^ 5009 Pa e y-768 Public RccorJs of O►'an e Corn'f Flo*-ithat it complies in form with alt requirements of Chapter 177, Fl ori dacJo�. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have examined the foregoing plat and find ING& 9 9 r • HOLL145 ENGINEERIN('03% Statutes, and was filed for record on at ------------ Fite No. ----------- Ci vil Engineering ------------- —-------------- --- 3 A County Comptroller in and for Orange County, Ftori da, Land Surveying , BY------------------------- D. C. ti rn 605 E. Robinson St, Suite 450 Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 422-1118 3 " SHEET 1 O 2 F PLAT PAGE BOOK North 1/4 Corner ------. to Sect! on 20-22-28 Found 6x6 Concrete Monument with Pipe in center 1,2' below current grade i ole �n Lr1- 0 o � �1 i thereof as recorded in Flat book Center of 35n&ages 726 72t Lying in Section Township South, Range 28 East, In / Section 20-22-280 _N 88°12'08' W , ! the U Ucoee, Orange Florida 2658, 04' I - - " " - ` - —�-- - - _ _ _ _ N 88°12'08' W East 1/4 Corner 1 _ West 114 Corner w 2664, 83' - - - - _ _ - Section 20-22-28Reba 1 Section 20-22-28 - - - - RCap LB #3019, vered Rebar ar and Recovered Nall and Disk oSl i er and 1 Associates Jones Wood And Gentry 1 town of Ocoee,Plat Book "A" pages 100 and 101 1 Legend and Abbreviations PCP, PLS #1819 C--) I C 'f"' Z JJ I = Found PCP (Permanent Control Point - Nall and Cap PLS 5036) I I AaJ I ® = Point of Curvature of Circular Curve 4A-( �. PT = Point of Tangency of Circular Curve This portion of The Main Streetftht-of-Way was vacated in POC = Point OnM Circular Curve N.Line of the SW 1 /4of the SE 1/4 of Section 20-22-28 Official Record Book 4926, Page 3959, Public Records of Orange County, furl t/) (City of Ocoee Resolution No. 95-09) CS PRE = Point of Reverse Curvature of Circular Curve I — — 7— ° � / I (City of Ocoee Resolution Na 95-09) � PCC =Point of Compound Curvature of Circular Curve — — — -- --S 00 41 05 W — — — — — — — _ _ P1 =Point of Intersection _ _ _ _ _Maine Street_ _ _ 30,00 _ N 89018'55' W 434,36 — I A = Delta or Centra( Angle of Circular Curve 208.39' (Dedicated By Plat of corn of Ocoee Plnt Book 'A' Pages 100-101) — —� This — — 1 R = Radius of Circular Curve 30 00' portion of Tract B was vacated !n Official Record --�--- L = Length of Arc of Circular Curve — — — — N 89°18'55" W 686.95 Book 4926, Page 3959, Public Records of Orange County, Florida 1 X30.00 T = Tangent length of Circular Curve <Ctty of Ocoee Resolution No, 95-09) g g 208.27' W — 434.53 — � C =Chord Length of Circular Curve 0 o Southerly Right -of -Way line — CB _ Chord Bearing of Circular Curve t Monument I i� c� \ E3 - Permanent Reference Monument (Set 4' x 4' Concrete Monume 1 (1 Not Platted a �lQ I with caps stameped 'PRM' PSM 5599) d 'n Tract � PSM =Professional Surveyor and Mapper O d �O \ I LB = Licensed Business CD O Retention/Detention Area 1 eh ( FDOT = Florida Department of Transportation (n A per Plat Book 35 page 126 and 127 S 67°50'07"E (� A �Q Aga •� 90.48' Found PRM Corner falls in S 86°09'29" I 1111 \Q9�fiPS \ I Concrete slab for I Dog. Pen, found Mail \_ �- 1 23.81 and PRM Disk as QrI Alternative Monument / \ PT \ Tract e Retention/Detention Area Tract A / per Plat Book 35 page 126 and 127\ \ Lift Station / SEE NOTE N0, 6 per Official Record Book 5009 Page 4754 o = 53'ST1 5" 20' City of Ocoee Water Line Easement / \ per Plot Book 35 page 126 and 127 R = 275.00 f,. 00 N 1 N N I O N c 0 U !n 0 W Q) 0 41 C J L = 258.96 6 I `®� POC S 88'51'17' E 394.47 PDC\ I 1 10' City of Ocoee Water Line Easement / 183.88 210,58 = 04'46'26' PRC L = 53.32 R = 21'26'38' R = 246. 00 C = 91.53 Lot Q o / 0 - 21'10'34' Lot 8 o �, ®{i A L = 42.07 R = 260.00 w CT = E 13'51'20' E / L = 96.09 Point - Po PC co 0 = 102'30'50' 0 I O - I n I UNE DIRECTION DISTANCE l l 1s' R = 25.00 Be innln PCC g 9 J I `3 (= 44.73 b I Goy' °' BELL souni 198.95 1 is' 30 x 60 0 = 90.00'00• - N Access R= 25.00 a o ! Easement L = 39.27 ^+ I per thi s plat PC m N i 116,69 S 86'51'59' W 1 L1 S 55'37'16" E 16.29 L2 N 20'47'58" W 25.00 L3 N 69'10'02" E 15.00 L4 _ S 20'47'58" E 27.16 �--i O.R. 5123, PC. 1266 23.02 N 88'ST34' W 323, 65 _ p1 93.09 °' m N 88'42'34' W _ _ S 86'5159 N N S 88'57'34' E '' P1 pl _ CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING DELTA PT N 01'02'26' E 324,56 '' —150.00 C1 89.00 15.17 7.60 15.15 S 77.21'39" W 09.46'02" / 2s.00 Seda(�a Street ( o � = 90'04`51' _— __ � �— �- —•-� U r ' R 54 00 Pc = 84.90 Public R/W varies c� 1 Per Plat Book 35 page 126 and 127 n 0 g W Cn Mr-' Not Platted o 1 C -u cs O I NS ; 0 z C' 01. `A✓. W Lot 5 s (n 1 Not Platted Q, low ( Lot 7 �� (3 Q) o o PT 0 O N ICU O 'n' = 44'40'46' I Z R = I50, 00 C 1 L = 716.97 / o,-. I I o' 1 /`ti9 PC� C. �1• min U� I 1 rr� 0 CILPT X- I Po► n t 0 f ( / 0 = 45'16'48' R = 150.00 / Beg! I jib y� n! I g t 4 L= 118.54 I Lot N 89°435 DO' W Lo PC Lot 3 ( Lot Z I I I N 00°16'09° E w 88,18' Southwest Corner rn _ _ _ l I-- — — I — — — —L — - i Section on -22-28 1 ° — — — — S 89°3T13' E — � — — — — — — S 00°21'4b' W Recovered Railroad Spike 1 Below Pavement o Z 0 Z S. LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 20-22-28 -_i S 89'32'31' E 586, 68' -- -- PI -- _-N89'32'31'W -- 716.40 -_ N 89° 21' 39' W 2661,19Center line of 150' Right of Way State Road 50 3 -- S 89° 3231' ° E — Pant of e 3, 91 Sate Road #50 South 1/4 Corner Section 20-22-28 4' x 4' Meta! Plate tinder Pavement Stamped FDDT SEC, 20 & 29 69, 94' 1 2655,14' Southeast Corner Sect! on 20-22-28 Recovered Nall and Disk in Pavement LB #68 8 This Plot Prepared By HDLLIS ENGINEERING, INC, 605 East Robinson Street, Suite 450 Dri anolo, Florida 38801-2037 ( 407) 422-1118