HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A4) Ordinance No. 97-24, Rezoning - Case No. R-97-03-03 Agenda 10-7-97 ' "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item MAYOR• S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O� OCOee ' COMMISSIONERS �, � CITY OF OCOEE DANNYHOWELL ` t• 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON o OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 ANCSCOTY J.A GLASS � NANCYJ.PARKER .4t (407)656-2322 4, •' A CITY MANAGER Op Goa'N> ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: September 30, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners THROUGH: Russell B. Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning / FROM: Abra E. Home, AICP, Senior.Planner � 04l�" SUBJECT: Prairie Lake Joint Venture Partnership Rezoning (Case#R-97-03-03) ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the above application to rezone a ±5.15 acre parcel from C-1, Neighborhood Shopping District to R-IA, Single Family Dwelling District? BACKGROUND: The subject property is a vacant parcel located on Hackney-Prairie Road approximately 200 feet east of Clarke Road, south of Prairie Lakes Subdivision. Surrounding properties to the north and east are zoned R-IA, Single Family Dwelling District, and parcels to the west and south are predominantly scheduled for low density residential uses. Although the current Future Land Use designation of the subject property is Commercial, Prairie Lake Joint Venture Partnership is simultaneously requesting a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use designation to Low Density Residential. These two applications, if approved, would allow Prairie Lake Joint Venture Partnership to expand Prairie Lakes Subdivision southward. DISCUSSION: The rezoning application would be consistent with the Ocoee Future Land Use Map, if amended as requested by Prairie Lake Joint Venture Partnership. The proposed rezoning would also be consistent with the City's overall goal of establishing an appropriate pattern of land uses. Specifically,the rezoning would be compatible with the surrounding pattern of low density residential land uses and zoning districts. Further, since Hackney Prairie Road will only be paved within the City limits (between Clarke Road and the eastern boundary of Remington Oaks Subdivision), the existing amount of C-1 zoning will not be needed to support a more limited market area in this vicinity. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners September 30, 1997 Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On September 24, 1997,the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed rezoning and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning as recommended by Staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners APPROVE Ordinance No. 97-24 providing for a rezoning from C-1 Neighborhood Commercial to R-1A, Single Family Dwelling District for the Prairie Lake Joint Venture Property (Case # R-97-03-03) upon finding the application to be consistent with the City of Ocoee's: (1) Comprehensive Plan, (2) Future Land Use Map (as amended), and (3) Land Development Code. Attachments: Location Map Rezoning Ordinance C:\ALL DATA\CAPDFILE\STAFFR-1\CCSR-1\SRP97039.WPD . City of Ocoee Proposed Rezoning R-97=0.3-03. Zoning Map Revision Location: . ••- ap • proximately 200 feet.east of.Clarke Road on.Hackney•Prairie_Road. • Size:.' •• approximately 5:15'acres. . .• _. Proposed Change: . From: C-1, Neighborhood Shopping,District. . . TTo: R-1A, Single Family Dwelling,District ' � 9�v -- :1.♦'(:':nt F.'vi:;-;-7_p1.?,•: "S?i:ilCij!'''-_— P p. ::�•-__,>rntL-Md�t�';!ao � - -GiF'"�I�(I, .::y.:.;:i o ;aW7;Ir4H:�I ,,:__1 I IPA3, r�tt! ri i,I ! (I I vr'• ki t F ar -_.•.,� 'I.I I.,lu,i. I i!i!•Ij'ItI!! I ___t; r. 1:: -,�, 'r:F.a_ — I Ii i!• is - r;l •t�Ill:::•-I:II�,., _ ::!— _ iV'I _o ,1:1^(`'i:`-- e'�(._I!:ru.,... .i, la; II .cam:1.� : -:a-,-:::G. -iidi,: �i�.n :,fir :ih�' ;.!_.__..�,,ii;�;�..•I m r '! I lv? ,1 I �� :y;( r,[I i l.. .:,!(Ilul {• hSt?=! iI I .I! �a..J„_ I�1 i h.l! . _ II! LEI",�,•� .r, `s�.'i$' !.I,I`'i:.p�,:,::..�i'ii Ic��.f,� '.. ';,J, •lo, t;1r:1':I I�.�;t(= • r (i� 'E F. _N.�.hlirli yl,.,;;;t h'.;:�li N! 'i it R. R ! 'M .;i!,W__J94! 1411ll!! j1jil1 ii:-. 1 1 r'is 14i,i,�'F>i!I b�. �: ,. ..,,If:h:; i..: p., _ __ _ ;-h'I ;," - ; �!''�I� I II('i..:.., l'`Ili. ,l .I.il ., �!'"' 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Ill 'G. i!.�!�_r.Fl`l�rfell;1..„I�,�;W:,::•,!I�h;H��!,!I!1., .. lei. n I i! 1 :• E .ed,- ••�r.ig.tta1:aiki� 4l IIY ,L },,III.!:.. • I�� R - - - HA�ICN[Y YRAlRI �� ' • AIR) '''�� L 1 f $ �P•cl. a I.. I..... ` y' L'..• ,:i 1It. I 1 _ , i rjl " . • Lp t a till (Lp t },!�. I J_. , ! t - (II - _i. {j,}� ,i ` ;fir i' -1 Mr C P i , F� ,,,,l -RUDE f 4 1H } i 3 'I PUD • • ;, '4 I I i' Fa i y , t,_ i I ,, (LD) N , ,` , ,: (LD) �,, - ` PUD, f .'.;., _._:SPUD • Existing Pro• posed Justification: The subject property is undeveloped and_abuts a residential subdivision to the north. In 1988, the:City.of .Ocoee annexed this property and rezoned it C-1, Neighborhood Shopping District, to satisfy projected. • '. commercial land use demand. . Since 19.88, the market demand forcommercial property in this.quadrant has been focused on two nearby ,Clarke Road intersections.(SR 50.and.SR 438). There are 75 acres of undeveloped:commercial property at.those two intersections and an additional 21 acres within a '/z mile of the subject property: Based.upon: the availability of commercial land, the demand for commercial property at this location is expected to. decline. • The property owner has presented a conceptual plan to combine the subject property, as a future.•phase, ' • - .with the residential development to the north. Accordingly, it is recommended that-the subject property's -. zoning classification be changed from C-1 to R-1A, as requested by the property owner. . • I - • • • • • • Thel Orlando Sentinel,Thursday,October 2, 1997 1-1 S• - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING-* TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF PRO- POSED REZONING ORDINANCE NO. • 97-24 CASE NO.:R-97-03e03:JOINT: :VENTUREREZONING.. 5c,'L;'.;:._:.', NOTICE IS HEREBY,GIyENro Ureuant to-_Section':166.041.;,F.Ibrida Statutes;.. and Sections 1-10.and”,Qcoe9'Land Development Code;thQdtt'oti.;Tt(a8day,:; :Ootbberi21 ,1997•'at:7,1,>;p.m.,•9r as- ,'rsoon thereafter'-as?'p ractical,'-the' 000EE.Cirt,COMMISSlO0WM hold a PUBLIC HEARING ' sion'Charnbers;150iltottti,'Lekkeshore Drive;Occtee-;Florida;tQ;Consider on thesecond:of r_o! . readings..tt�eedopc,; •ton of the:lolkivtlrtrtpp ordpnance: .,,.lN'?i . '.ORDINANCENUMBER.97.24':: •''•CASE•'NO:rR47:03-03:.rJOfNTs VEN..URE REZONING':'';` • AN.:ORDINANCEaOFi_THE:CITYS:: OF OCOEE"FLORIDA.CHANG.';, • .'';ING THE ZONINQJ CLdSSIFICA.--. :.;TION:FROM C+2;:cCOMMUNlTY4.; ::'COMMERCIAL.pIStgICT TO'.R 1k;SINGLES FAMILY-'RESIDEN-;..}; --TIAL•DISTRICT,ON;CERTAIN RE: -AL'PROPERTY CONTAINING AP=.:•• PROXIMATELY',5.16 iACfiES'^. .',`LOCATED.ON'THE NORTHEAST.;,;. CORNER_:OF.:CLARKE'ROAD''; AND-HACKNEY-PRAIRIE:ROAD`a- P.URSUANTr:T.O•THEstAPPLICA •TION SUBMITTED BY TTNHEE-PROP-' • - ERTY OWNERS;'FIND►NG•SUCH ZONING,'-TO BE.CONSISTENT., WITH'THE.QCOEE`!COMPRE HENSIVE .PLAN;'SPROVIDING: .FOR AND"AUTHORIZING THE REVISION=OF9i THE.r OFFICIAL-2.- CITY ZONING MAP•REPEALING INCONSISTENT,,ORDINANCES:'• PROVIDING'FOR-SEVERABILITY- ' PROVIDING FOR'AN'EFFECTIVE t DATE, <;r•:,;;, , The City.Commissiori'niay_cotftinue the public hearing to other',dates end times as they deem necessary.Any Interested'• party:shall.be advised the,'dates ' times,and,places of-any cantinuatibn of this or.continued public hearings shall be announced.during the hearin 'and that no.further notices,regarding these -matters will be published i• .• :;' ) • Interested:parties•mayiep.;:,pear.,at the meeting and be heard:regarding the proposed Rezoning Ordinance:A copy of the-proposed'ordihance may be in- spected-at the.City Clerk's office,150: North-Lakeshore Drive;'+between the hours of;8:00 am:and 5:90 p.m Mon day through Friday,•except legal holi- ' days.'Any person.who desires.toap- peal,•any decision-made'during the- public hearing will need a record of the proceeding and for this:purpose may need to ensure that-a verbatim record of the proceedings is.niade:which in- cludes the testimony•and oyidence:•up- on which-the appear Is;lrased.;Persons with disabilities needing,assistance to participate,in'any of-theproceedings - should contact the in Meeting ( 7). 56-2322. JEAN'GRAFTON,•CITY CLERK, CITY i'OF OCOEE•• •_. r.: I•October 2,1997: ' . I.OLS1750707 OCT.2,'1997 ORDINANCE NO. 97-24 CASE NO. R-97-03-03: JOINT VENTURE REZONING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM C-2, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, TO R-1A, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 5.15 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CLARKE ROAD AND HACKNEY-PRAIRIE ROAD PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner or owners (the "Applicant") of certain real property located within the, corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, have submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to rezone said real property to R-1A, Single Family Residential District (the "Rezoning"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9 (B) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Code"), the Planning Director has reviewed said Rezoning application and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the 1991 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the "Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, said Rezoning application was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing and reviewed said Rezoning application for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and is in the best interest of the City and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the zoning classification of said real property be "R-1A, Single Family Residential District", as requested by the Applicant, and that the Ocoee City Commission find that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission held a de novo advertised public hearing with respect to the proposed Rezoning of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041 (3)(a), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. REZONING. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the following described parcel of land containing approximately 5.15 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from "C-2, Community Commercial District" to "R-1A, Single Family Residential District": SEE EXHIBIT "A" (METES AND BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION) ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the area of Rezoning is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY. The City Commission hereby finds the Rezoning of the lands described in this Ordinance to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 4. OFFICIAL ZONING MAP. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Rezoning enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1(G) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 5. INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,.1997. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED OCTOBER 2, 1997 READ FIRST TIME OCTOBER 7, 1997 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED Under Agenda Item No. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1997. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney • SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR SKETCH 'SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION" (cfrL (NOT A FIELD SURVEY) -..._ . Ct7P6SULTANTS CC4Q8ULTAINTS "LAND DESCRIPTION" SHEET j OF 1 A PORTION OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIOA: THENCE RUN SOUTH 8922'31" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4, A DISTANCE OF 1355.40 FEET. TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAIO SECTION 4; THENCE. LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE RUN SOUTH 00'52'07" WEST. ALONG THE EAST UNE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4, A DISTANCE OF 631.65 FEET, TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE. CONTINUING SOUTH 00'52'07" WEST, ALONG SAIO EAST UNE. A DISTANCE OF 667.57 FEET. TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF HACKNEY PRAIRIE ROAD; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89'52'08" WEST, ALONG THE SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 396.78 FEET, TO A POINT; THENCE. LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE. RUN NORTH 00'07'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 188.31 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 89'52'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 57.39 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 00'07'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 152.19 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 09'46'22" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 75.91 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 14'01'38" EAST. A DISTANCE.OF 77.49 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 18'05'33" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 70.67 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 06'01'06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.22 FEET: THENCE RUN NORTH 00'52'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 27.52 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89'07'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 00'52'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 32.58 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 89'07'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 120.00 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS LYING IN THE CITY OF OCOEE. GRANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAINING 5.15 ACRES,.MORE OR LESS. Exhibit A I O �� N. UNE OF NE. 1/4 OF SE. 1/4 o I rig' I OF SECTION 4-T22S-R28E o ix S 89'22'31" W 1355.40' 7. _ _ _ $11/NE CORNER OF P. O. C. SOU114ERLY BOUNDARY UNE OF in NW 1/4 OF OF I PRAIRIE LAKE VILLAGE. PHASE I t0 SE NE CORNER 1/4 OF NE, 1R P.S. 26. PGS. 69 & 70 SECTION 4-T22S-R28E SE. 1/4 OF cOF MD .. SECTION 4-T22S-R28E < I W tJ 1 Nap o I ,�N 6' I oI N U_ -N s O 3• 1 N 4 ` Q \i';' o o- O W" ,W In 'N I LL I WO . i\1 , v A , I I I S 89.07'53"I E N 89'07'53" W 120.00' V170.00' I J �, P. O.B. J P v 1 to J ca co . CONTAINING: 5.15 ACRES L I _I o V t i ? I � I I \ S 89'52'08" 'N \_.-. _ _ 396.78' NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF HACXNEY PRAIRIE ROAD C/L HACKNEY PRAIRIE ROAD Exhibit B