HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A6b) attachments) for A 1-6 Agenda 10-7-97
Item VII A 1-6
Ordinance No. 97-21
Ordinance No. 97-22
Ordinance No. 97-23
Ordinance No. 97-24
Ordinance No. 97-25
Ordinance No. 97-26
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development rights, and would require a Comprehensive
into the City of Ocoee.
- - commercial services and have convenient access to thoroughfares and collector
streets. This district Is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use
Map as.'Medium Density Residential'or'High Density Residential'.
(8) RT-1 Mobile Home Subdivision District. This district is composed of certain
lands where it is desirable to attain a low to medium-density residential area
consisting of mobile homes on single lots under individual ownership. This district
is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as'Low Density
Residential' or°Medium Density Residential':
(9) P-S Professional Offices and Services District. The provisions of this district are
intended to apply to an area adjacent to major streets and convenient and
complementary to major commercial uses. The types of uses permitted and other
restrictions are intended to provide an amenable environment for the development
of professional office and business services. This district is primarily intended for
areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "High Density Residential" or
"Professional Service'.
(10) C-1 Neighborhood Shopping District. This commercial district is for the conduct
of retail trade and personal service enterprises to meet the regular needs and for
the convenience of the people of adjacent residential areas. Because these shops
and stores may be an integral part of the neighborhood, closely associated with --
residential, religious, recreational and educational• uses, more restrictive
.requirements for light, air, and open space are made than are provided in other
commercial districts. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the
Future Land Use Map as "Commercial".
(11) C-2 Community Commercial District. This commercial district is intended for the
conduct of personal and business services and the general retail business of the
community. Persons living in the community and in the surrounding trade territory
require direct and frequent access. Traffic generated by the uses will be primarily
passenger vehicles and only those trucks and commercial vehicles required for
stocking and delivery of retail goods. This district is primarily intended for areas
shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Commercial°.
(12) C-3 General Commercial District. This district is composed of certain land and
structures used to provide for the retailing of commodities and the furnishing of
several major services. selected trade shops and automotive repairs.
Characteristically, this type of district occupies an area larger than that of other
commercial districts, is intended to serve a considerably greater population and
offers a wider range of services. This district is primarily intended for areas shown
on the Future Land Use Map as 'Commercial".
(13) I-1 Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing District. This district is intended
primarily for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing that are
conducted so the noise, odor, dust and glare of each operation is completely
confined within an enclosed building. These industries may require direct access
to rail, air or street transportation facilities; however, the size and volume of the raw
materials and finished products involved should not produce the volume of freight
generated by the uses of the general industrial districts. Buildings in this district
should be architecturally attractive and surrounded by landscaped yards. This
district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Light
(14) 1-2 General industrial District. This district is primarily intended for wholesale.
storage. warehousing, manufacturing, assembling and fabrication. These uses do
Adopted July 21, 1992 18103
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Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1)
Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other •
"S" -- Special Exception in that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements.
This(1st)Is not permitted In this Zoning District
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• • .:.:i:!..,::•:.i,,..::; ,..•• ;:::.,..ift...-i:,,,,..:;•.: •:• • -:-...'..::::•.:.,.:......
Adult Congregate living Facility P P P P.''.'i. p P : P :i::-;::',.-:.F.::,':••••• P :;'•'.:.'p•:::::,.::: - . •- .
: - -::.-,•••: :::. - '::•:•..: ;.' -
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,.. ..!.:.(1\01-,F)..::' : • .• . • . .. ..::;. .:-:.i . •
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:..' • .
..:=:':::..*'•.,.•.'.'''."..:••...:.. • - ••'' • :*--...- .. ..
• ....,.. .:... •
Community Residential Home ' P p P P •••• P P. P • -:.'.:- 0:.::;-• P :-Ti,.'...• - :•-- - - -.. ., - ..:- ..;'..:.:N - • i1
. . .
:.•:::i;Major ::-:: • ; .- •.•': . •- ..-:: ..,....: • • :.-:,••:•:::•::•:-.:. ..
. :',.:,••..•:•••::.
. .• • .••;•..-:•i.•i,.;•::::•;,.. .. ....... . . .. .,,.......:.. .. •,------7.7.,',.,,:.:;.,..: . .,
•: -• -
'••:•••••:Community RasidenIlal Home.:•:•:•.:- P P P P :... : P P P .:.AC.i P•:-::: P .::•••P,':;•,-- - ' . :
. ..: . -... - :::::•,::-?.,::: -
Minor -: • ' •• • : - -, , •,•, ,•:,•'•: ;:•• i:.:.; :.:;.•..
:•.:•.!....,•:::.i,:i!...:.:. ., • . -....:::::•.:_T
..• -.••••••• •• • -
• .. .. ________,,,
.. •: ... .. •-,••.• .-• • -:•••:••••••••: --- --
T.i:.,....Pi..N.0111rig, ingle. Farnily:':7.:•.:..::: :.....::::.. P P P P .:... P . P .• P .,:!::::'::'p.:.i.• • P :....•.p..:-'• - - . S •- -_ _ ,-.'.._:•-::•:•-• _
. . .. .. . .
••. . -...-.• --.,-;,.-.i;i:.:',.;.;•.•:',;.• .;;:ii •-••::-:::•:. •
Dwelling _Two Family •..::•••,-:::-'::,-,::::. P , r _...i - '7* •i:.i,:•:::•: .:,..•:.•,. P :..,:o•-,....:: _ ;• ...• .• - :....... .,.,. - •;::".:- .,.i.,;..i _
..:-;.::::::•:.::-:,..•••:-.:-::•,..•-?::-::.•:::i••••',-..:.,;:•-.. . ...; ....... .....,:::.:.::.;......,.....
. .
• - •-;•:,..,:•,.:,,7,.:.::.r,• . ::•:-,i,-,- :•,...,• : .:',.;:t.:14:;
*1110g, Multi-family : •••. .,•;•.:!::'''•;';'::-. .. _ 7 _ _ :•• _
7 .
.. • .1
' ...,.
::. -.- • . •-:'i'
..'.:',Dwelling, Mobile Home . ••'•.H.• P - - - - _ _ - • - - • • ..
r - 1
. • . . — ..- .
.:.• --... ' .. .
,.... Mi>Cq(tkOse Development(Mi. 90.. - - - •:. - r , -
... v::.. - . ,.. - S • S :••S S •:s:!i; - 1
use development oil be allowed
• ,..,::•:.:.:•-•.• , - •••••..:.•• :. ..:-:• •••:•••••,..i'.:
..,..ii••,::::••1 ;
• by PPD and special use districts ••.•;:::•••••••.• .. . •
. •
• .
adhering to the requirements.:.',?,':::: .•....... . - :. . •.•
. .
• .. .... - •
....• ...-q
'. specified --in Article IV) • .'. -:::' •••:. • .
.. : •
• • -..;•. . i
. .
. . .
. .
;pril 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 1 Exhibit"J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:',CAPDFILENLNDDEVCD119971_DCIRVTE31_5-1.WPD
Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1)
"P" = Permitted Use In that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other
"S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements.
= This Use is not permitted In this Zoning District
i_A 1 A-2 _ RCE-1 RCE-2 I R-1A R-1 R-1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 ' 1-2
Mobile .-lame Development: • •
Nursing t-lome - S S - - - -•
r. r r.. .....J r r
... r. .. .................. ...: ::......n..r.../..... .......r... ..� .rr..:..... ;.1.r. �/1/-r ! /..r / /i
.. , , ...,.. ....:„ . . .... ....„ _,... .....„, .4. , . ,,
. .J..... .......... .. ..../l 1. .:....•n F.:n..,.:. ,..:::.r.:/ J '% '!/% '! J�:.
air .mrtat. ,a. ::.:::::::.::..r/:,•r.::•,:..:;:.; ....,:iar. •/ /./:Fl�.. rl,.. •. .,.n
Adult Entertainment > - - - _
,:Establishments .. — .... _:„..„.. ••,..
Appliance Store r - - P P P : -
Automotive Body Repair • • - - - _ - - - - - - - P
•Automobile Parking t_ot - - _ -•
Automobile•Repair - - - _ -•
, — _
$ P
Automobile Sales (New and - - . • • - - - - - - S P P
Used) . -
Automobile Service Station: - - - _ - P S. (? !
Automotive Wrecking or - - 7
Salvage Yards — - - - - - - - P
Dar(in association with a - - - - - _ _ _
restaurant with seats for 15 - p P . p
eo le
Boat Sales and Service - - - - - - - - • - P P :. - I
Sus Terminal - - _ _
Car Wash
,pril 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 2 . Exhibit"J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:\CAPDFILE\LNDDEVCD11997LDCIRVTBL5-1.WPD
`Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1) I
"P" = Permitted Use In that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other I
"S" = Special Exception In that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. j
- This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District
'< Use::. • A-1 A-2 - RCE-1 RCE-2 I R-1A I R-1 _R-1AAA R-1AA R-21E111 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3III 1-2 1
Clinic, Dental or Medical • • - P P —
• P P P
Commercial, Convenience - �" � - , . - -
Comm rcial Convenience will) - - - - - - - S P P
Gas Sales • I.
. . ... • • • P P P ? s
.Commercial, Retail • • - - - - - - - - -
(jepartment Store • - - - - - - - - - P. P P. - I
•Drive In Restaurant(Borrndarles• - - - - - - — - ; .R . P :P,- -
of tract of land are no less than
200 feet from any residence) ..
" - - -qulprerjtSales - - - - :. - - - S P,: P P P
t 1
Funeral Parlor - - - - - - - - P P -
: Furnitu.re Repair and Upholstery.; - - - - -
- P" - - - - P -
.:Furniture Store - -• - - - - - P P P -
Galleryl Museum - - - - - 7 - P P P - i
: ••.Gas Station - - - - - - - - - :S P P'=> - :
: Grocery.Store/ Supermarket - - - - . - - - -• - - - . P'.: ' P .:P:-.°: -
Heating and Air Conditioning - - - - - - - - - - - - P .P`'
<Sales and Service with outside ..
`storage - - .
Heating, Ventilating, Plumbing - - - • - - - - P . P P -
'SupOfies, Sales, &Service _ •
aril 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 3 . Exhibit"J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:\CAPDFILE\LNDDEVCD11997LDC1RVTBL5-1.WPD
, .
. .
Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1)
- .•
= Permitted Use In that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other
. Special Exception In that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements.
1.28 ... This Use Is not permitted in this Zoning District
. . .... „ ,
..,"' Liao-:••: ''.... . - ::. -:'.,. I A-1 i A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A I R-1 R-1AAA ......,...... , - . . . . -
.: R-IAA R-2 :: R-3..' RT-1 PS C-1 .. C-2 C-3 .1-1 .. 1-2
— . -- ... - •.-....
. .. . . .
110§001..' . . . • .. - .. .: -': - S S - i:. - • -. .. .........-.-
:.f.''...::::....,. :i. . - 7 - ' - l:?: :. P : P 4: -
..,.i..i.::,:i:::::-..:-.:::•::-.i,:.,::":'" •• . ... " ..:::: •-:::::::::: : • • ..V,:i..-:.:...: :.:..... .
::',V....,...Ht9I•oi-Motel •••-.. ..: :: .......,.:•;:::c.::. _ , - •.!:.• .•; _
. - ,:..,....;i7.:;: •• - i:•.•7•!;••::..::.: - ••- . - .:••S 'i P -
. ...
. , . .
,:q.::i:,.....,:::::::::,-,,i::,:,,,,,::::,:::,....,..::.:"• : .:. ": ••••.i.:.:: : --:..'':;:.:::::•::-.....-- .
:::.:.:•:•:.Interior Decorating Store • :::: .;::.-,::•••• - - - . , - •.•::: :•-•,-;•.:.:..:•,: :,:::::•••:.:,-: - p 1. P --;.:•P:•-,: - 1
• • :-. • • - .....- .:•••::::;-••••:•
iLiVe•Bntertainment - ':'•::'•".::'.••:' , - - -
- - - - ;* : S ,,,..:
'"•'.•••::" -
Establishment :'•••:: . , :.•''...:.:.:'• • .
• .:,.,".,::,•-ii
' •
• • .;:::
LiquorLiquor Store, No on-promise - _
- 7 - - - •••••••'•77 :
. : - '-:•.;'7•:•:,:: - .- - : P:: P P..' -
• •;09n§uruption .:: ;;:: . ,.:•-•::::
• •
. _
..,... , .
'•i:::....Miniotur.0 Golf 00111-so/Driving ; - - • - . - • - •:•.:::. 7 ' -
_ - • p.. p : p:. -
!:00dei. '. ' - . :.!' ;.. '..;'. :' ;1. . .
.. . ;:?•::::,;.::: • •
• • .,. ... ,
:•: ::Mobile tionle and Travel Traller.:- - - - s.. - - _ -•.•
•: ..- . - - .. P ..P..i:.• -
.,.''....:.:PPIP '...-.1;:,.. : - : . ;• , :•••....,....;.,;,:•,.:,.;.:•••;:.:',..; .• • • . .
•• :.: .,..;..-.-::::
:.:1::i:,:i',:..*:•ii.:::..i.i.:•,,.;'.••::•: .•::• • , . '•::.- ,:,•' .,:,•::.,,..:: :;:::,: ...,.-. ...
Monument Sales • • ------:::-:•',•'•• r - • - •
-.• : • - - :•••.:--; : • - -:::7' - •:_ - l'..i .:,...'
:. R.....*:, - 1, ....,.... .. .. •::.
. ....:.... . .
r.::,.::,.-:::-... ... •. . .,
MQ\:f1.4 Theater ..i , .,..-•::.: : :.:. ::-.i:: - _ _ .. ....
.7 :f - - _ - :.:: IT'..;.. P :'1? •''':2 -
...• .......... . . ...
.. • I •, •• I ..•• - ..:.::7•,,::.:....,
• . • ..• ••
;;, ..01§ip, Radio, IV Shop •: :• ::•:-:>•i•: - - - _ • • - . - --•, •-
7 ' - : -
1 .-. .
: . ..
• • ..... . ... .
. ..... : .. . . .:
Nursery/Garden Supply Store:'•••• - - - .. - - - P . P P
, 7
, . , -
• •:.,.. ..
P.*rj.ShOp - - .: - .
• ••.
•,•::7 ' - . - 1
- . ,
.•... . - ... ....:..•.
:...:,...::.::.::..: .
Pro-Fabricated House SaleS•:•••::- - - -
• 0 - ••••••• •
•i::,.:••••• ., - :•- .-' -:, P :P ••::
• • . :.•••-•••••••••••::-.:7 . ..:•:.::.Printing, Bool. Binding, • :: :•••:::. - - - - - _
• _ •:. •
..: , - -."7! ' - - - ''' . P . -
. .Lithograph, and Pubiishing. ::.; :::•:.• .
. .. ....i
. . . .
',.... Plants•:.• • .. . • . ft...::.:..i.
-',...:: •:•-•-. . . . ......... •• ....• ,
•.':•:.Professional Offices .:-::'::•:;;!:.- •• ':::,'.••: - - - - - .
• - _ p .- p• P :P-•.: P I
April 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 4 Exhibit "J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:ICAPDFILE\LNDDEVCD\1997LDC\RVTBL5-1.WPD
- , •
Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1)
- ••
Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other
"5" .-. Special Exception in that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements.
al la = This Use Is not permitted in this Zoning District
..:..."... .. • - . . I - • - " --i ... • :
Usu.:... . ':.:H ..I A-1 A-2 I RCE-1 LRCE-2 I R-1A I R-..1 I R-1AAA R-1AA : R-2 .R-3 ' RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 •1-1 1-2
..:'..s.::::::;: :::',;":'"•'.:1.•.,:."' ' : .'..."'"'-: -.. - , --",'-':,.::-'1'.::'. -...":M.:,1:::::::.:-....:" 4:;.:::;:.'- i'..!...::,:::..'.. :. . ...,..... .•• ............,...-..,...: ,
."::::?•:1530iP SIopcicasting and T.V.:. :, ..:,.. - - . - • 7 - •
- _ ...,.......•... :.:'.-:'•'.:•:.:%
::"....?. '"....-. . :;.•,::':'•::.••: •:..: •:•.•
..':.!.....'•::::::..0tPlicriP; Stud iq.i Qfficq ',: .i,'-',.... • ,,,.....-.•::,;:•:..li:.:...:......:.„.-.-..... ...:,: ,..'....i...,,,i-., ..•••;;•.;'-;•:,•,...-::-.:;•-• 1,
. . .......... ..... . ... . ...
•••••?..,..,,,,,..•:::-,.,...i.:••••,„...,..........::•••••„••••••-•.:--.''-....--"''.•'.' -•.:......'',••••••,....s.i...,...:,,.,.•:.:.s.. . . .,... '••••,ii,:.-i.;,.i.:,..i.:,.:i.-.... --.. :-,;;•.;;•.::::-:-.... ••..: • - •...". :.
Recreational Vehicle epr.tc ......-.):1:ii:...... - _ - ...r .. - .•-•' - .."::::•.1'•!...'is ...i...... .: - . 7:-.;:::. - . - :'•.71...:.S: S .....ii:.0.::::...::: S 1..
. . .
:.:•,ii:......:..,,...'it...,ii,.?;,:i......;i.1..,..',f....'''.',';'''...-'1.'''.....:i;''''". • ..:''''::i'.,....:..'i;'.... !...,i'.:'..... ...;.. M..... ::::::' :f:.:M,;.,:';:-.'',... .-:: : ,...•..... ...-.
....::::.':',:.i R e t 6 Ora 6 t::::...., .; .. •' .' ••• ••••••,"..:•.•:•......,--.: .• - - - - ":";:', : :•:: ..- - :,..':..E•f......:•. - '.•.- .. P •••:.p ,..: P :•;:.:P....;:;-.; P !.
..-:;••••:::"••.:•:.:?•,•- •:•,••••:::,• .•::•:••••:r•-•',....,•••••••••••'.••••,...-:::•:••::.:••:':r••:.•••••••••:.•:.:V..f. " • •
- ......::::%:.:;11*ir,:. • :•-•,:.:.:::%,::: ......, .
•••.:•...':.••••:•1: ,
.•:',.i,•],i0'Pldlis Painting Shop -:: .. ,'.:-'...:,:':::':::. - 7 - 7 ' ..;': :"...:'::•.'......7 ...i.?:' 7 ....::' .!.' - ,.. 7'. %.,.. r ,;:::0;]..E'..* -
•. . .
- ... . .".".:..".",
•••.•:::•:•:-•s.:.,.•:OtOaue Warehouse "..-.... - - - - - - - _ - ,-..-.-••• P ••••P'.... -
.•:::.. Votetiniy Hospitals and • .....•;:::•:.::. - 7 - - - ...,•.g.0.,* . . -.; - ::],.*:•j;•-; •.• - - i - .'...i'-; . 1 P -.. P :. -
k0600§whencOPfil.) d within:•-:,;•••:',.• . ..
.... ..:..... i,........:,i.•.... 2,:....:•..:::::::::•;,....... ..,.,,.. . ..........
,.,--::;::::-.....;;:,...: •
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MilhailatilUtggg:ginai ::::::i:.:ilg.i ...:;.•g•i.N.w.i.i,......iii.....:.:...:::;:::2..!.::::::::.i:.:a.i.:.E.::.i,:..ii,:;.::....5..,:- - ,:..:,,, :g„...:-.,:m.., ,m?0...,-.„.,,n :::,,i..:-...,:•„0::::.;:.:-..,•:..... :•:....:•.:g,..,...,:„..,,,,,,,,,....„
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... .... -
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• •••••••, .. . ,.:
• .,... .....:..... -T...., ,
.....,.., .
. . .....:.-:;:,?.1,..::: ,.
Truck Stop . . • ::',: ,.-'::'::::•:.i::::::. - . - - ... - , - ..:.7: .. P 4
-:::::::•.:::.:::•,:i,....-2,.,.:::•:,...:y:::.:::•::•::-•••••,..-•.:. '..:,•••,••:•:. •:,,,..:..:•.,.*•:::.:::::;?.,.0,x,m, • • : ......• ••:::::::::.;'::::::;•::::::::',•••;,::•••-. -..,..,:-::::i.::.i.:•.-..?:.]:....i.:..... ... ..
•F•qi:•.Warehbtising/Diti-ibution•,......mii.::: ::„.i::: - ..:',..,• - ,. • .......:::::::(.:,...i:::-.• i - ,...,.„:,...T - ,--; - - .. .,- .: - ::....: i.---
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';'•i'ji''.:..'.;...'..:!::';;•"-' : ' ' .;:i';.,':'.:';?.........;'.....".:.!';g1.:.;.':!.!...'. . .'.
Child Oar@ FacilitiQp:•::.:,::,..*,.::,::::u.•:::a.m::::i.fii•:::. - , • _ • -,.. — ....:.,...::::-.i. s '.'.-::::S.'.:::•:::.'i - •-•::', ... S -;•:?,S .-i•.: S ::!1,-S:ixi.•..: - 1
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.!'.../.'. .i;'..i!.....: :.'......::.Mill.
'..**'•;:'Club or Community t) 0'.:,.:.:.i0::.:::.0::•••.:ii:ii.,...::.:. - :.- . - .. - 7::. - ::$i.. - S S ;s s • ,••::::, - i
:•-:.2,-••:: 'i•'''.':"-'• "•.•',.. .,',•i•.,,...'..•,,:,•,:'•.:':•,:,::::',.....,,,...y.r:.• ,____,_._.. •. . , - - . 1
••• Conservation Use,,,.•-•::]:..,.. ..0,..:.,'.i:,....;:;•.::-.;.,..,;,...;:::..;i:.: P P - P P P P P —P I.- . P .....1?-'::- P - P ', P --i,P '. P .--P'.:;:. P 1
pril 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 5 Exhibit"J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:\CAPDFILE‘LNDDEVCD11997LDC1RVTBL5-1.WPD
Table of Permitted Uses (Table 5-1)
"P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District ' Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other
"S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District(requires advertised public hearings) development requirements.
This Use Is not permitted In this Zoning District
Us A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 I R-1A R-1 I R-1AAA . R-1AA I R-2 I o R-3 i RT-1 I PS ` C-1 I C-2 I C-3 I I-1 - ( I-2-
Golf Cotarse/Country Club P P . P P P P P P P > P - - - —• P. P P P
Public Service or Utility S S S S S S S S S ''S •. S S S S S S , S
Public Service, Essential P P • P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Recreattorti Facility, Commercial - - - - .:. - - - - P P P
Recreation Facility, . • P P P P. S , S S S . S S. : S S S S S .S S
School p P P P S S S S S S S S S $ S - -
Ie(ecorpmLinications Service.Pacilities Wefer to Article_V,_,Section 5:19 and Map 5-19)
April 22, 1997 8:16 a.m. Page 6 Exhibit"J" to Ordinance 97-12 E:\CAPDFILE\LNDDEVCD11997LDC\RVTBL5-1.WPD
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- Goals, Objectives; and. Policies are critical-to-the implementation: of
the Comprehensive Plan and each-Element.-- They are important policy
statements that have been.-carefully considered by the Local Planning
_ - Agency and the- City Commission: They represent an- Official statement
of public policy that will be used to manage the future development
of the City.
A goal is a statement of purpose intended to define an ultimate end
or condition. It reflects a direction of action, and is a subjective
value statement. .. -
An objective is a specific, measurable action that can be taken toward
achieving the goal_ Goals may include more that one objective.. - That
is, there may be more than one milestone necessary to achieve a goal.
A policy is a specific activity or program that is conducted to
achieve a goal. Policies include statements of priority for action
and/or mandates for actions that will be taken to achieve the goal or
objective.. -
Ob-i ective 1
3v 1992, the development of land shall be regulated to ensure that
newly developed property and redeveloped property is compatible
meaning, not in direct conflict with uses with regards to specific
=inc. categories, density and intensity) with adjacent uses and
natural features and resources including tcoograohy, vegetation, and
soil conditions .
?olicv _7 . 1
The City shall review, through the development review process, all
clans for development and redevelopment to ensure their compatibility
with adjacent uses.
cli_'J I . '
The City shall regulate land development, through the adctcicn of the
land development regulations, to reduce, eliminate and/or prevent
necacive impacts related to noise, traffic, light, drain age, water
rua__-v toxic and hazardous matter' .i s _-arr dust, visibility, and
other factors . This shall be accomplished_shed by establishing and
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= . - CPA 97--1-2 •
enforcing specific environmental performance standards, consistent with. state
and/or federal standards and with the City's technical enforcement capabilities.
Standards shall be based an the measurement of the undesirable-characteristics.: "
at the property line of the land an which the generating use or activity is located and
• shall be based on performance levels deemed to prevent nuisance:to surrounding
properties-• -
Policy 1.3
• The City shall mitigate impacts by using regulations related to landscaping,
•• setbacks, walUfences, on-site parking, an-site traffic flow, lighting,,signs, pedestrian
•• access, vehicular access and other factors which will mitigate of site impacts and
enhance the health, safety, welfare and appearance of the built environment while
providing an effective buffer between uses. Development regulations will be
updated by 1992.
Policy 1.4
The City shall allow mixed uses in the Special Overlay Areas which inciude the
Interchange Impact Areas, the Downtown Redevelopment Area, and Activity
Centers, and shall use strict design criteria to provide an attractive appearance-8nd
to offset negative impacts, sprawling development patterns, and the proliferation
of strip commercial development.
Policy 1
The City shall require that industrial parks develop with internal traffic circulation and
buffering from adjacent roads and properties.
Policy 1.6
The City shall control strip commercial development throuch access limitations by
restricting commercial land uses to the intersections of arterial and non-residential
:oiler cr macs, along designated arterial and collector roans and within Planr d
Unit Developments. This shall be accomplished through the land development
Policy 1.7
The !and development regulations shall promote innovative development in those
cases where a public benefit can be realized and impacts can be offset by the
development, as follows:
Utilize Planned Unit Development Zoning to allow for mixed uses and
unconventional development designs in those cases where the developer
can demonstrate improved living, environments, protection of natural
resources or increased effectiveness of service delivery.
.: . : CPA-95-1--1•
o Provide development standards that create useable - open
spaces in new developments. •
Policy- la •
• The City shall review and . update the City's. Land Development -
Regulations by 1992_ These regulations shall reflect ' the 'goals,
objectives, and policies contained in this Comprehensive Plan and.
shall be consistent with the Future Land Use Map_
Policy 1.9
The City shall not establish new industrial development strip zoning
along major corridors and shall review existing zoning along major
corridors- in order to reduce the intensity of the industrial zoning.
Heavy industrial uses which are generally not aesthetically desirable
shall be strongly discouraged along arterial and collector streets or
shall be required to provide berms and/or opaque screening or fencing
so as to eliminate visibility of building or outside storage area from
the street. Access to industrial areas shall be attractively
landscaped and signed. Buffers shall be used as set forth in the City
of Ocoee arbor and landscape ordinance, Ordinance No. 90-14 .
Policy 1.10
The City shall continue to coordinate with Orange County on all
annexation, rezoning, deannexation, developments of regional impact,
and comprehensive clan text and map and land use amendments as agreed
upon in Section 13 of the Joint Planning Area (JPA) Agreement (see
Appendix B) .Although the "Cooperative Agency of Municipal Planning"
(CAMP) Agreement was not executed, due to a lack of consensus, the
City shall continue to review of plans with the adjacent local
governments of Apopka, Winter Garden, Windermere, and Orlando:
Policy _. __
:he =allowing density and intensity restrictions shall apply within
the land use categories established on the Future Land Use Man.
O Low Densizv Residential (Lass than 4 dwelling units per acre)
O Medium Density Residential (4 to 3 dwelling units per acre)
O H4gh Density Residential (3 to 16 dwelling units per acre)
• P1a*'ed Unit Developments - The overall net density of these
developments shall be 3 dwelling units per acre or less.
o Comme- - FAR 0.3
Commercial/Prefessional Office - FAR 0.5
.d;:strial/Light - FAR 0.3
O :=dustrial/Heavy - FAR 0.5
o : st_uticnal - FAR 0.3
Conservation - FAR 0.1
c Park and Recreation_ - FAR 0 .1
' -
- CPA=95-1-1
Policy 1.12. � - �~'
To adequately respond to the issue of non-conforming uses, the City
will develop non-conforming- use regulations, in the revised land.
developmentregulations.. These regulations will stipulates that any
non-conforming activity must be phased out by.2001, by prohibiting the
expansion of physical facilities or their replacement, provided that
facilities may be repaired if damage results in a reduction in value
of less than fifty (50) percent of the value prior to the damage.
Policy 1..13
To facilitate increased intergovernmental coordination, the evaluation
of development ' impacts, the mitigation of extra. jurisdictional
impacts, and the resolution of inter-jurisdictional disputes, the City
will continue to pursue interlocal agreements with. Apopka, Winter
Garden, and Windermere covering: proposed territorial boundaries, land
• use, transportation, and other areas of common concern. Additionally,
the City of Ocoee has implemented the. Joint Planning Area (JPA)
Agreement with Orange County as of February 11, • 1994_
Policy. 1. 14
For so long as the JPA Agreement remains in effect, the City of Ocoee
will not annex properties located within the Gotha and Clarcona Rural
Settlements in accordance with the terms of Section 5 of the JPA
Agreement (see Appendix E) .
Policy 1 . 1-4
Pursuant to Section 8 of the JPA Agreement, the Ocoee Future Land Use
designations shown an the Revtsed Future Land Use Map (Figure 2) will
not become effective until such time as Pnnexation occurs . Upon
annexation, no Future Land Use Mao Amendment will be reeuired since
the Proposed uses of land are consistent with those shown on the JPA
Land Use Mar (see Exhibit 3 of cme_n_dix E) . However, Ocoee will
__-t-,rte a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to annexation at
e next c TCle.
Policy 1.15 •
"he City may assign an initial zoning, after annexation, which is •
consistent with both the Future Land Use Map and :.he JPA Agreement and
exercise Planning authority pursuant thereto.
Policy 1 . 17
utur e cwt h and development patterns in the City and, upon
.T�-nexat=„__ �rerecf the J1DA -arcs will ;e guided by the JPA Agreement
?^_G JPA Land Use Mem. =r^Der ies located -ie of the JPA
outsi�.. boundary
=e shown on t e Ci-y' s 7LU Mao for informational and contextual
ourocses only.
CPA- S-i-I
Objective.2 : . .:
To -provide adequate services and facilities. to newly developed or
redeveloped property and to protect the ability of those-.services and
facilities to function properly. These services and facilities shall.
' be provided in an economically feasible manner,- as outlined. in. the
Infrastructure Element Subelements, and. shall be provided in, a manner
to discourage urban sprawl. -
Policy 2.1
The City shall adopt level of service standards in the respective
elements of this Plan that define adequate public services and.
facilities (for levels of service standards,' please see Policy 1.1 in
the Capital Improvements Element of this- Comprehensive Plan) .
Policy 2.2
The City shall adopt and annually revise a Capital Improvements
Program (CIP) to schedule the provision of future public services and
facilities, including the acquisition of land that will be provided
by the City. The Concurrency Management System shall be utilized to
indicate possible infrastructure deficiencies and identify target
areas for improvements .
Policy 2 .3
The City shall require development to have adequate services and
faci74 es available prior to or concurrent with the impacts of the
development, consistent with adopted standards. Services and
facilities include: potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid
waste, roads, and parks. This policy shall be implemented through the
Concurrency Management System as defined in the Capital Improvements
Element. .
?ciic'l 2 . 1
By 1992, the City shall allow only land use patterns and development
t nap can be eL_=co_^_tiv provided with necessary Public services. This
shall be regulated through the Concurrency Management System as
described _n the Capital Improvements Element of this Comprehensive ,
l an.
Policy 2 . _
City shall consider =' 'asps for voluntary annexation into the
City '.JP_eT those lands are l ocical extensions of the existing City
- gilts, w en services can be procerly _ovided, and when prctosed uses
v=_-- _:e City' s Comprehensive Plan and the SPA
creemenc. For _-e pu'moose of this Policy, an annexation shall be
- .. fir.. ..:,• ,
_ - CPA-95-i-1,
considered as a logical extension if it is within the limits- of:the.
JPA and meets the technical criteria of Chapter 171, Florida Statutes.
The boundaries of the •JPA are illustrated on.the Future Land Use Map
and areas outside of the JPA are depicted-for informational purposes
only. Services will be considered as being.properly provided, if the
existing or planned public facilities can support the land- uses and
densities proposed in the area to be annexed consistent with the. level
of service standards set forth in this plan.
Policy 2.6
In order to utilize existing facilities efficiently, the City- shall
encourage. infill within developed. areas. Promoting development can
be accomplished through the provision of economic and regulatory
incentives. Such incentives may include floor area ratio credits,
streamlining the permitting process for development proposals within
these areas, zoning variances on building setbacks, side yard and
parking requirements and allowing sufficiently higher densities to
make investment profitable and affordable housing possible.
Policy 2 . 7
The City shall promote infill development through the provision of
economic and regulatory incentives, including, but not limited to the
following: floor area . ratio credits, streamlined permitting
processes, and higher densities within infill designated areas . 3y
1992, the City shall make available technical assistance, through the
provision of field and data surveys to determine what land is
available for infill and what the development problems are. The
resulting catalog of sites would permit local officials to determine
what alternative development implications would mean to the public and
deter line ,� ocedures or which of the aforementioned incentives should
be t -=d to encourage the maximum private development.
Policy 2 . 3
shall require new developments to provide necessary services
and =c4 " " =s or to may a fair share of the cost of those services
and =acilities . These services and facilities shall conform to the
adoDt=d level of service standards.
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Policy 2.9 = -
The City shall encourage development when and where-appropriate facilities and;
services:to.support it are available (based on the-levels of services standards-_.- •
adopted concurrent with:this Comprehensive Plan),..thereby discouraging urban -:._
sprawl and ensuring that concurrency is met_" The following policy statements.'
demonstrate how compliance shall be implemented.
Developments orders shall not be approved if mandated services- are.. .
degraded below accepted LOS standards..
• The following public facilities and services. shall be available for new
development in all urban areas: schools; roadways;solid waste collection;
sotrmwater management:fire and police protection; potable water; sanitary
sewer or septic tanks if the soils are acceptable_
Through appropriate land development regulations and provision of effective
urban services,the City shall promote infili development within the municipal
• The City shall assure that adequate facilities and services are available to
support the new development as specified in the Concurrency Managrncnct
The land development regulations shall be modified within one year to
reflect the policy of controlling urban sprawl.
Policy 2.10 .
By 1995, the City shall complete a study of ail areas where blighted conditions
(inducing drainage and infrastructure inadequacies) may occur. The results of this
study will become support material for any Community Redevelopment grants the
City may submit.
Objective 3
The City shall adapt and implement plans and programs for the Special Overlay
Areas as determined by the City Commission.
Policy 3.1
The City shall require special development plans for Interchange Impact Areas, •
the Downtown Redevelopment Area and Activity Centers.
Policy 3._
Th e City shall implement the land development regulations that put in place the
mechanism that will allow for mixed and multi land uses in the Special Overlay
Area development plans.
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- • CPA-97-1-Z
Policy 3:3 .-
The City shall support redevelopment of the downtown area by providing preferential .
incentives; conducting special studies;. and encouraging the centralization or commercial; "
governmental, retail, residential and cultural activities.
Policy 3.4 - -
The City shall provide public services and facilities to all neighborhoods in an effective
manner.. ..
Objective 4
By 1992, the City shall develop land development regulations to protect and properly utilize
natural resources in accordance with the Conservation Element, the State and Regional
Policy Plan, and the following policies:
Policy 4.1
The City shall protect areas of environmental concern and areas of scenic value, as
identified in the Conservation Element, through development regulations and public
programs, including, but not limited to environmental awareness programs at recreational
facilities and in schools.
Policy 4.2
• The City shall use development regulations to protect air and water quality, flood-prone
areas. natural wetland• natural habitats, and the Floridan and suricial aquifers. This shall
be accomplished by such regulations as are described in Policy 4.3. In addition, the City
shall cooperate with federal. state and regional environmental management agencies to
identify and monitor unusual activities associated with non-residential uses and to refer
• observed violations to the appropriate enforcement authorities.
Policy 4.3
1Nthin one year of the effective date of this Comprehensive Plan, the City shall implement
land development regulations to protect surface water quality Including, but not limited to:
restrctions in building setbacks, land use restrictions to ensure compatibility, development
limitations in ficcdpiains, and upland and wetland protection. Land development regulations
shall include restrictions on development within the 100-year flood elevation. Flood
elevations shall not be
adversely impacted and the water quality of the water body shall not
. r -^ be degraded_ Land development regulations shall provide adequate
protection:for wetland areas-_and require central sewer for development
within and adjacent to wetlands or 100-year- flood elevations.
Policy 4.4
The City shall promote the use of upland and wetland corridors and
• buffer zones (greenbelts) . Studies shall be conducted to incorporate
standards for zones and their locations for inclusion in the Land
Development Regulations.. •
Policy 4.5
The City shall, in coordination with developers, evaluate soil
potential on a site by site basis through on-site examination and
testing. Specific characteristics and criteria under examination
shall be identified in the Land Development Regulations.
Policy 4. 6
By 1992, the City shall require developers to delineate conservation
land on a site by site basis as their development proposals are
submitted. The criteria used for the delineation shall be addressed
in the Land Development Regulations.
Policy 1 . 7
By 1992, the City shall implement Land Development Regulations that
require development proposals include the identification of and
management plans for rare, endangered, and threatened flora and fauna
species consistent with the c__ter .a .outl_ned in the Land Development
Regulations and the Conservation Element of this Comprehensive Plan.
Policy _ . 3
3v 1992, cronosed activities which would destroy or degrade the
functions of wetland or habitats shall not be oermi cte d. -_ there. _s'
no practical alterative mitigation measures shall be undertaken on
a three for one basis, consistent with the Land eve l opment-
Reculac_cn_s .
Pcl_cy 4 . 9
The City shall continuously plan for and only approve development
natter s that are consistent with natural drainage and water storage
o l ans . a Storawater UtilitY shall he completed by October 1991 to
further _r.o_emert this Do__ .T.
The City shall amend the.;_existing: and future land use maps upon
completion of the City's Well Head Protection Program, which shall be
adopted by December 1992.- An interim protection zone of 200 feet is
depicted_- .
Objective 5
By 1992, the City shall inventory local historic sites and update the
Land Development Regulations to protect historic resources..
Policy 5 .1
By 1992, the City shall preserve historic resources and promote
quality architecture compatible with those historic resources when.
Qb-iective 6
By 1992, the City shall update the Land Development Regulations to
preserve existing and future neighborhoods, as follows:
Policy 6 . 1
The City shall develop standards in the Land Development Regulations
that require buffer zones to protect new and established residential
areas adjacent to new and established non-residential, uses. Buffer
zones shall be defined within the Land Development Regulations, based
on the following guidelines: •
1 . "low" buffers between low-rise (two stories or less) office or
multi-family uses and single family areas, consisting of a
minimum of twelve (12) feet of buffer area supplemented by
berms, walls, and/or fences, and landscaping;
2 . "medium'.' buffers between retail commercial or high-rise (over
two stories) office and any residential use, consisting of a
• minimum of twenty-five (25) feet of buffer area supplemented by
berms, walls, and/or fences, and landscaping;
3 . "'rich" buffers between any industrial use and any residential
use, consisting of a minimum of fifty (50) feet of buffer area
supplemented by berms, walls, and/or fences, and landscaping.
Policy 6.2
The City shall permit only low- intensity office and low, intensity
commercial development adjacent to residential areas except. where well.
buffered (through the provision: of floor area ratio criteria Zset. forth
in the Land. Development Regulations). .. . .. - -
• Policy 6.3
The City shall permit non-residential uses in a residential
neighborhood after analysis of the proposed use has indicated that
. such use will not adversely affect the neighborhood, will be
compatible with the neighborhood, and will not be otherwise
inconsistent with. this Comprehensive Plan.. Such uses may be
implemented through the zoning code. by a conditional use. permit or
zoning change. Non-residential uses may be permitted• and shall
include, but not be limited to, home occupations, child care centers,
churches, schools, libraries, parks and recreational facilities,
marinas, boat houses, boat docks, stables, agricultural accessory,
guest cottages, and similar uses. Such uses shall be restricted to
bulk regulations applicable to the land. use category, and to a floor-
area ratio (FAR) of 0 .15 .
POI1CV 6 . 4
The City shall permit transitional zoning use in residential land use
cateccry areas . Transitional uses allowed by this policy shall be
limited to professional office uses. The intensity of use shall be
limited to a floor-area ratio (FAR) of 0 .15, and such uses shall be
restricted to use of existing residential structures, or to new
structures closely resembling residential structures. Regulations
shall ensure that parki.c, outside service and loading areas, and
outside mechanical equipment is regulated to protect adjoininc
areas . Transitional mooning areas shall be restricted to
those portions of a residential area abutting a major street or a non-
residential area where maintenance of a traditional residential land
use is d' , ^' r'u' '^er.ause of the undesirable location. This policy
shall_ be implemented by zoning regulations in the land development
Policy 6.5 !».. .
To allow for greater open: spaces,- density maybe computed in a defined
development project by allowing clustering in. certain areas.. These.
clusters may be of greater density than allowable within the land. use
designations as long as the total project does not exceed maximum
density as designated on the Future Land Use Map.. Clustering,
pursuant to the foregoing concept, may be controlled by density caps,
conditional zoning or a restrictive covenant running with the land
• with power of enforcement in. favor of the City.
Policy 6.6
Land designated for industrial use should be adjacent to railways
and/or major highways. Adequate buffering should be provided from
adjacent land uses, and transitional uses such as office or commercial
uses should be provided between industrial and residential areas.
Policy 6.7
The Land Development Regulations shall provide for adequate open space
within new developments and redevelopment projects. The minimum
recuired open space within any project shall be five (5) percent of
the total site.
Policy 6 ..8
Where commercial development is allowed at the intersection of major
roads, no more than two (2) cuadrants will be approved for gas
stations or auto-related activities.
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aq C; axsa TTTN: t: TD au: t:oTUM SUOTCOs au: s='uasazdaa CuamaTS- STi ,,
-IreTd TsuoTbaa zo a:Eos au: so saToTTod pus 'saAt:oac.go 'sTsob
buTZTTsaz 2O UOt:Da-'Tp al;l UT UOTzos SUPern „SiaitOz".._i, luaa:
auz •usTd AOTTOd TauOTbaa a:sTzdCzads .I. ,-W::.S .au0
uC,TN: ZOTTSUCO UT COU ST usTe au: nsua SUEaui „I;TN, aTQTaadmoD 'N'tiC.
3AISN3H3dY1CJ anus au; pus ueid noTToQ TsuoTbaz a:sTzdozdds sa-auzan_
pup u:TM aTgT:sdmoo sT U Td au: :sir:: usaui C, AouaCSTSUOO sal:Taap (poi)
LL1E- E9T ' L8GT ATnn UT TTouncO buTuueTd T.PuoT.E ; rP7z0T:
TsazuaJ asps au: 1Lq pamdops Sp NE'Tc JOIIOa It-'NOI`J323 3AISN3H3' dNOJ au: unTM
oua:sTsuoo aq usTa aAzsuatiazdmo0 au: oeq: sazTnbaz 'JFi3 `5-116 a.a:det,-O
• (a'JS) N Td 3AISN3H321aWOJ
artLIS au; go SeToTTod pue sTsob au: .agpzn; pus u:TM aTgtosdmoo
eq axs TIPS au: uotuM suoT:os au: s:uasazdas auamaTE sTuy
osTgeoTTdds axe saToTTod
pus STeob uotuM asoouo Zem aaoop go AZTD agd, -treTd TsuoTbaz zo
a:s:s au: go saToTTod zo sTsob butzTTeaz go uoT:oaaTp au: ut uoToos
aTe o: sueam „ssauozng„ mza: au.L -usTd AoTTod Tsuotbaz a:sTzdozdds
zo 3AISN2H321d400 2.1031S eqq T. IM oTT;UOD UT Zou sT II Td TeoOT
au; stri=_aui „tpTM eTgT2sd111QJ„ 3AISN3H3haWOJ MIMS aup sue upTd
iTTod Teuotbaz -apetzdozdds .au: ssagpzn3 pus wisp aTgT:sdmoo sT ueTa
auk trsam o: Aua:stsuoo satyr;ap (POT) LLtE' E9T za:dsuJ -S86T UT
azn:eTstbau ePTzoTa au: Act pa:dops ss ts'Id 3AISN3H3xdWOO 3:was au: u:TM
uua2sTsuoo eq ueTa aATsuarrazdiuoD au; :su: saztnbaz 'Du is-I'6 as:dsuJ
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