HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(B) Discussion/ Action Re: Grant Application For Emergency Management Agenda 10-7-97
Item VII B
Ron Strosnider Business 656-7796
Fire Chief EMERGENCY 911
To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From: Richard Firstner, Assistant Fire Chief IS
Date: September 19, 1997
The Ocoee Fire Department is preparing a grant application package to submit to
the State of Florida, Division of Community Affairs, Emergency Management
Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund. We will request funding for a Self-
Sufficient Mutual Aid Emergency Response Unit, that will increase the Fire
Department's capability to respond to disasters that affect the City of Ocoee, and if
necessary, other affected cities, counties or the State requesting assistance.
The project will consist of a tow/transportation vehicle and the equipment necessary
to provide a self-sustaining capability for a five [5] man response team from the
City of Ocoee, and twenty-five additional emergency responders from other mutual
aid agencies. Self-sufficiency has been designated as a priority category for
consideration by the State during this award period.
The total cost of the proposed project is $59,083.45. We are proposing an in-kind
match of Fire Department labor and the cost of the disaster trailer totaling
$12,520.00 [21% of the grant]. The grant award would be for $46,563.45.
We have attached a copy of the Executive Summary of the proposal for your
review, along with the Title Page. A complete copy of the proposal will be available
at Fire Station One, and provided to you upon request.
We request the City Commissions approval of the proposal and direction to proceed
in applying for the grant. The grant is due to the State by October 14, 1997.
V la
October 7, 1997
Mark P. Crittenden
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Emergency Management
Bureau of Compliance Planning &.Support
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Dear Mr. Crittenden:
This Letter of Transmittal is written to express the City of Ocoee's interest in
improving our disaster preparedness. In October 1994, the City of Ocoee adopted
Resolution 94-28 approving the participation of the City in the Statewide Mutual Aid
Agreement. In February 1996, the City of Ocoee adopted Resolution 96-04
incorporating the City Disaster Preparedness Plan into the City Code.
The City of Ocoee has recognized its role and responsibilities in emergency
management, both on a local level as well as in cooperation with the State of Florida.
Over the past years of preparing for major emergencies such as hurricanes, the City
has identified areas that require improvement. One area that was identified was the
City's ability to provide a self-sufficient mutual aid response team. The City
recognized the importance of such a resource, both for the benefit of the City and all
other requesting agencies needing assistance.
In 1996 the City of Ocoee Fire Department received City Commission approval for a
capital improvement request for a disaster trailer. A 24-foot trailer was purchased
and placed into service by the Fire Department. In 1997 a budget request to provide
supplies and equipment for the trailer was approved, showing a commitment by the
City to support this resource.
The project proposed by the City of Ocoee is to provide a tow/transportation vehicle
and the necessary tools, equipment, and supplies required to achieve a self-
sustaining capability for five Ocoee Fire Department emergency responders and an
additional'.25 responders from other emergency response agencies. This self-
sufficiency will be for the first 72 hours of deployment, and with replenishment of
consumable supplies, up to seven to ten, days of duration.
The total cost of the project is $59.083.45. The City of Ocoee will provide an in-kind
match of operating capital equipment, labor, and administrative costs totaling
$12,520.00. This grant proposal requests $46,563.45 to complete the project.
The three individuals authorized to make decisions on behalf of the City of Ocoee
Ellis Shapiro, City Manager (407) 656-2322 ext. 121
Ron Strosnider, Fire Chief (407) 656-7796
Richard Firstner, Assistant Chief (407) 656-7796
The attached application is submitted with this declaration: The sole responsible
entity is the City of Ocoee. The application is offered for review and is made without
collusion with any other entity submitting an application. The application is, in all
respects, fair and in good faith, without fraud or collusion. The signer of the
application has full authority to bind the applicant and all other involved parties.
Thank you for your consideration of this application and the cooperative intent
toward improved emergency preparedness.
S. Scott Vandergrift
City of Ocoee
TITLE OF PROJECT: Fully Self-Sustained Mutual Aid Emergency Response Unit
AMOUNT REQUESTED $46.563.45.00
This is an application for a competitive grant under:
Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program
X Municipal Competitive Grant Program
The application is submitted for consideration in the following category:
1) A project that will promote public education on disaster
preparedness and recovery issues.
2) A project that will enhance coordination of relief efforts of
statewide private sector organizations, including public-private
business partnerships.
3) A project that will improve the training and operations capability
of agencies assigned lead or support responsibilities in the State
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
X 4) A project that will otherwise further state and local emergency
management priorities identified in the Notice of Fund Availability.
Name of Organization: City of Ocoee
Address of Organization: 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Name of Chief Elected Official: S. Scott Vandercirift. Mayor
Name of Chief Administrative Officer: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
Name of Applicant Contact: Richard Firstner
Title of Applicant Contact: Assistant Fire Chief
Telephone Number of Applicant Contact: 407-656-7796
Federal Employee Identification (FEID) Number: 58-11-094593-54C
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE [Reference 9G-19.008(7),F.A.C.]:
City of Ocoee Project Proposal Executive Summary
Title of Project: Fully Self-Sustained Mutual Aid Emergency Response Unit
Statement of Problem and Identification of Emergency Management Need:
After the impact of a major disaster, such as a hurricane, local resources can be
expected to be overwhelmed in a short period of time. Mutual aid assistance will be
requested to assist the affected areas. The cost of this mutual aid will come from
the operational budgets of the requesting and assisting agencies, and subsequent
reimbursement from the Federal government will be applied for.
State and local emergency management Planners have expressed the need to
provide self-sufficient mutual aid response resources to reduce and/or eliminate
many of these operational costs. Although it is recommended in the Statewide
Mutual Aid Agreement that mutual aid responders should be self-sufficient, most
agencies do not provide this capability. They usually depend on the requesting
government and their local resources to provide food, lodging, and other needs to
facilitate their response.
This dependency on local resources by mutual aid responders is counterproductive
to the effectiveness of the relief effort being provided. The logistics of sheltering,
feeding, and directing emergency responders become part of the problem for the
local government, rather than part of the solution.
Goals and Objectives:
This project by the City of Ocoee will increase the resources of the Fire Department,
allowing additional service delivery, and the delay or possible elimination of the
need to request mutual aid. If the resources of the City of Ocoee are exhausted,
this project will allow the sheltering and feeding of 30 emergency responders
without expenditures from the Fire Department's operating budget, or expenditures
by the assisting agencies.
When called upon to render aid either locally to another municipality or county, or
on a statewide basis, this project will allow 5 emergency responders from the City
of Ocoee Fire Department to be deployed and maintain self-sufficiency for the first
72 hours after activation, and accommodate up to 25 additional emergency
responders from other agencies. With replenishment of consumable supplies, this
capability can be maintained for up to 7 to 10 days.
This project is short term in nature, with an estimated completion date 6 months
following the award. The long-term benefits that have been identified include;
• Increased capability to shelter and feed assisting emergency
responders without additional costs
• Increased capability to respond to mutual aid requests in a more
timely manner
City of Ocoee Project Proposal Executive Summary
• Reduced costs of mutual aid response by Ocoee Fire Department
• Augment the resources of Emergency Support Function (ESF) 1
[Transportation], 6 [Mass Care] and 11 [Food and Water]
• Low maintenance, upkeep and replacement costs
Proiect Description:
The project consists of purchasing the necessary tools, equipment, supplies and
vehicle to provide an emergency response unit capable of being self-sufficient for
the first 72 hours of deployment. The emergency response unit will be capable of
sheltering and feeding 5 emergency responders from the City of Ocoee Fire
Department and additional 25 responders from other agencies in need of these
The City of Ocoee has purchased a 24-foot trailer for disaster response, which will
be used as an in-kind match to this project.
Search and rescue tools and equipment, such as air bag systems, hydraulic jacks,
hand tools, and assorted supplies will be purchased to support the ESF 9 functions
of the response team.
Other supplies and equipment, such as tents, cots, sleeping bags, cooking
equipment, food, chemical toilets, and showers will be purchased to support self-
sufficiency. Storage racks, bins and shelving will be purchased and installed by
Ocoee Fire Department personnel to accommodate the required supplies and
A vehicle, capable of transporting 5 responders and towing the loaded trailer will be
purchased. After deploying the response trailer to the designated location, the
vehicle will be used to transport emergency workers, evacuate residents, and
support other ESF logistical transportation missions.
This project will support Ocoee Fire Department emergency responders providing
mutual aid to other governments, and other agencies providing mutual aid to the
City of Ocoee, and ESF 1, 6, and 11 with additional resources to augment their
respective logistical transportation missions.
The target organizations that will directly benefit from this project will be the City of
Ocoee and other local and state governments that would expend operational funds
supporting mutual aid, and the Federal Government reducing reimbursement costs.
City of Ocoee Project Proposal Executive Summary
Method and Approach:
Ocoee Fire Department personnel will fabricate all necessary shelving and storage
facilities for the existing trailer. Materials for this purpose will be purchased locally
and all work will be conducted on duty time. Any electrical work will be contracted
out to a licensed and bonded Electrician. The tools and equipment for search and
rescue work will be purchased to conform to current urban search and rescue
A tow vehicle is necessary to the project. An alternative to this approach would be
to take a firefighting vehicle out of service to dedicate to mutual aid. This method is
not recommended due to the fact that it would leave the City of Ocoee Fire
Department unable to provide an acceptable level of fire protection for the citizens
of Ocoee.
The following is a summary of the budget for the proposed project. For a more
detailed budget summary see Application Question C.4.
ATCHMIN;1221111COSTIIMMI 1111321111111111111111111111111222111211 COST
1. SALARY AND BENEFITS 4,264.00 4,264.00 4,264.00
A. Labor for trailer
outfitting and setup
A. Supplies/Equipment 20,563.45 20,563.45
B. Fabrication Costs 1,000.00 1,000.00
A. Disaster Trailer 8,256.00 8,256.00 8,256.00
B. Tow Vehicle 25,000.00 25,000.00
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,520.00 12,520.00 46,563.45 59,083.45
21% 21% 79% 100%
City of Ocoee Project Proposal Executive Summary
1. Salary and Benefits: Ocoee Fire Department staff to plan, purchase and
fabricate the necessary storage facility to house tools, supplies and equipment
in the disaster trailer. Salaries and benefits are based on the average salary of
the classifications of Firefighter (2), Engineer (1) and Lieutenant (1). It has
been estimated on 320 hours of work, which represents 10 - 8 hour shifts. The
burden rate for fringe benefits is 40.82%. [10 shifts X 8 hours X hourly rate of 4
person crew + benefits = $4,264.00]
2. Other Personal / Contractual Services: None
3. Administrative Expenses: None
4. Expenses: Items include durable mission support equipment to provide self-
sufficiency for 30 responders, and search and rescue tools and equipment to
perform the primary function of ESF 9 (Search and Rescue). *
5. Operating Capital Outlay:
A. One 24-foot disaster trailer provided by the City of Ocoee.
B. Transportation/tow vehicle provided by the EMPA grant.
6. Fixed Capital Outlay: None
*Note: See appendix for complete listing of tools, supplies and equipment proposed
for purchase that is briefly mentioned in item 4, Expenses.
Experience and Abilities:
The City of Ocoee Fire Department staff will be responsible for the completion of the
project. The Fire Department personnel assigned to the project have the necessary
skills and abilities to plan, procure and fabricate the storage facilities inside the
disaster trailer to accommodate the equipment purchased.
Fire Department personnel have significant experience producing specifications for
firefighting and support apparatus, as well as modifying and fabricating facilities for
both apparatus and fire stations.
Overall, the scope of the project is not technical or complex, and will be completed
within the resources of the City of Ocoee.
City of Ocoee Project Proposal Executive Summary
Project Benefits:
The project meets the needs of the state, identified as providing the ability for
mutual aid emergency responders to be self-sufficient. This project not only
addresses the self-sufficiency needs of the responders from the City of Ocoee, but
also the ability to maintain self-sufficiency for an additional 25 responders from
other agencies. The project will also directly benefit ESF 1, 6, and 11 if the need
This project will decrease the costs of mutual aid, both for the requesting party as
well as the assisting party. Overall, the reimbursement of mutual aid costs will be
reduced with the implementation of this project.