HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (D) Worsham Application - Request to Vacate Unnamed 30' roadway Agenda 10-21-97 Item VI D "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee � � COMMISSIONERS 0 CITY OF OCOEE Do HOWE L may. "� • 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE p OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PSCOTT A. GARKER �� (407)656-2322 'j'), !/ �� CITY MANAGER `1) Op Gov�� ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: October 15, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis, Senior Planner THROUGH: Russ Wagner, MCP, Director of Planning PI SUBJECT: Worsham Application - Request To Vacate Unnamed 30' Roadway Resolution 97-06 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commission approve Resolution 97-06, vacating an unnamed 30' roadway platted as part of the Orlando Groves Association, Lake Lotta Groves? BACKGROUND: The attached map shows the location of the unnamed 30' road right-of-way, which lies on the east side of Clarke Road and situated between the Worsham property (Lot 10, currently being replatted as the Worsham Subdivision) to the north and the Ozanian property(Lot 8)to the south. Notices of the application were mailed to all utility providers and there were no objections to the proposed vacation. The property owners within 300 feet of the road right-of-way were also notified of this public hearing and an advertisement appeared in the October 9, 1997 Orlando Sentinel(see attached). DISCUSSION: It has been the policy of the City to review vacations of road right-of-ways (and easements) which adjoin vacant property at the time of development of that property. In this way, the City knows whether there is any need for the property to remain public. Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners October 15, 1997 This application was brought before the City Commission this past June, but at that time a site plan or subdivision application had not yet been submitted for this property. Therefore, the City Commission continued the agenda item until such time as the vacation request could be considered simultaneously with a Final Subdivision Plan for the Worsham property. The Commission continued this request subject to the applicant paying for the cost to re-advertise the public hearing in The Orlando Sentinel, since the hearing could not be continued to a date certain. Since June, a Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan for the Worsham Subdivision has been processed and was considered by the City Commission earlier on tonight's agenda. Staff recommended approval of the Subdivision Plan, subject to City Commission approval of this request to vacate the unnamed 30' road right-of-way along the southern boundary of the property. This request to vacate the unnamed 30' road right-of-way, as described in the attached legal description, includes all of the right-of-way along the southern boundary of the Worsham property except the twelve (12) feet immediately adjacent to the east side of Clarke Road. That portion is being retained for the possible future six-laning of Clarke Road. Access to the Worsham property and to the adjacent property to the south(Ozanian property) is provided by two existing driveway cuts onto Clarke Road and cross access easements provided on the Worsham Subdivision plan. Therefore, the unnamed 30' road right-of-way is not needed to provide access to the Worsham Subdivision or the adjacent Ozanian property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve Resolution 97-06, vacating an unnamed 30' road right-of-way platted as part of the Orlando Groves Association, Lake Lotta Groves, which lies on the east side of Clarke Road and situated between the Worsham property (Lot 10, currently being replatted as the Worsham Subdivision) to the north and the Ozanian property(Lot 8) to the south. cc: John and Mary Worsham Attachments: Resolution#97-06 Site Location Map Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement RWL C:\ALL_DATA\rlpdfile\StaffReports\CC WorshamROW.doc SITE LOCATION MAP ...... • ( 9.) . \...- .. :......:...i.,,::J ,4:-..-.,-...;....,...,.,..- :,-......,.„.. .. ! i! .'.1. N: ' '. ' ;•\.\\....- . ..... ., . • ine - .u.1/4-7:.,..:,:::::::..::-::... 4.-.7:.,..:.. -:....,. , .. . ..--, R-1-1 11:.1.'" • :" Vb. 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Wm., , ,..c....;:s.„7„.:4;:ilialw...._._._....„...30:: , , :-•; :- ::•:lttliii ---=------':7:::::7---=-7-:::::-;•;:fti7;1;...;:•:••:,• :.#:-:-..F:::,.-z•ag=-,...,-..._...::::::. ...... i ;!! ....: :" --- . _____ .. , .. . '. • •i•I•1.. ....-,.F.,F7F..7--i...T.NLB/4:1;:4.4.1-.;..7.:1-..;.-. : ...,::...:.,. ,...... \ F •1 --I .Y111:1!1. i•;.V.1:0...• ...., 7 . The Orlando Seribnel,•Thursday,pctober 9,1997` • •CITY OFOCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • _"- TO CONSIDER AN " • APPUCATTON FOR ABANDONMENT- ' AND VACATION OF A .:: PORTION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 153.13(D)of Article II of the- Code of the City of Ocoee that on Oa'. tober 21.1997 at 7:15 p.m.,or as soon.. thereafter as practical,the OCOEE CITY': COMMISSION will, hold.a PUBLIC HEARING ate regular session at the.. Commission Chambers. Ocoee City,- Hall;:150•North.-Lakeshore Drive.* Ocoee,Florida.to consider the spplc,. Lion filed by John H.Worsham,Jr.and Merry G.Worsham for the abandonment- and vacation of a certain right-of-way locatedr�hIt the City of Ocoee. • - - donroposed to be aban- onedand vacway ated Is that east 282 feet of the 294 foot long,30 foot wide mini- proved public right of way,lying directly • .north d Lot 8.and south of Loot 10,.Or-: Lando Groves Associationn,Lake Latta. Groves, ereof recorded InPlat Boog to k E.Page 52.of the public records of Orange County, Florida, In Section 21 Township 72 South Range 28 East...- The complete case file,Including a le- gal desarptton of the right-of-way to be.- abandoned and vacated:may be in- spec ed at the Ocoee Planni Depart, mant,150 North.Lakeshore..arive.be-. tweed the hors of 8:00 am:and 5:00' Monday through Friday,except _The Oty Commission may=thi a the: public hearing �and times paces shall be advisedthat Interested dates, time,arid places of any continuation of this or continued public hearings shall be announced.during the hearing and that no further notiEes regarding these matters will be maished. Interested parties may aepppear att the meeting and be heard with to. the application:Any person who.de- skes to appeal any decision made dur • - ing the public h�dr�may need to en-- sure that a verbatim record of the. is made which includes the and evidence upon which the appeal is based.Persons with disabili- needing assistance to participate in •any of the proceedings should contact. the City Cleric's Office 48 hours in ad- vance of the meeting a(40 CRY cur OF OCOEE October 9,1997 OLS1783228 Oct 9,1997'- • THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Paul E.Rosenthal, Esq. FOLEY&LARDNER 111 North Orange Avenue Suite 1800 Orlando, Florida 32801 AFTER RECORDING RETURN.TO Jean Grafton, City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RESOLUTION NO. 97-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ABANDONING AND VACATING THE EAST 282 FEET OF THE 294 FOOT LONG, 30 FOOT WIDE UNNAMED ROADWAY LYING IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, EAST OF CLARKE ROAD, DIRECTLY NORTH OF LOT 8 AND SOUTH OF LOT 10, ORLANDO GROVES ASSOCIATION, LAKE LOTTA GROVES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK E, PAGE 52, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to abandon and vacate the east 282 feet of the 294 foot long, 30 foot wide unnamed roadway lying directly north of Lot 8 and south of Lot 10, Orlando Groves Association, Lake Lotta Groves, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book E, Page 52, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, lying east of Clarke Road in Section 21, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, a legal description of such right-of-way to be abandoned and vacated is attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and by this reference made a part hereof(the'Roadway'); and, 1 WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee has complied with the provisions of Section 153-10 of the Code of the City of Ocoee regarding the provision of certain information in connection with the application; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 153-13 (D) (1) of the Code of the City of Ocoee, a Notice of Public Hearing before the City Commission was provided by regular mail to owners of real property abutting the roadway and all owners of the property within three hundred (300) feet in all directions of the Roadway; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 153-13 (D) (2) of the Code of the City of Ocoee, a Notice of Public Hearing was published one (1) time in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Ocoee; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 153-13 (D) (3) of the Code of the City of Ocoee, a sign setting forth notice of the public hearing before the City Commission was posted upon the Roadway; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds that said application and supporting documents are in accordance with the requirements of Article II of Chapter 153 of the Code of the City of Ocoee and that the requested action is consistent with the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and Article II of Chapter 153 of the Code of the City of Ocoee. SECTION TWO. Abandonment and Vacation of the Roadway. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, hereby abandons, vacates and renounces any rights in and to the east 282 feet of the 294 foot long, 30 foot wide unnamed roadway lying directly north of Lot 8 and south of Lot 10, Orlando Groves Association, Lake Lotta Groves, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book E, Page 52, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, lying east of Clarke Road in Section 21, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, a legal description of such right-of-way to be abandoned and vacated is attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and by this reference made a part hereof(thc'Roadway'); and, 2 SECTION THREE. Recordation. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the Orange County Comptroller and duly recorded among the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. SECTION FOUR. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION FIVE. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1997. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk. S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED , 1997 READ FIRST TIME AND ADOPTED , 1997, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1997. FOLEY & LARDNER By: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney 3 <:..ex.,,.:.,.k.:s• ..:A..•�: 5' 'TC� OFDESCRIPTION- EXHIBIT • .., • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • • AN UNNAMED ROAD. BEING A 30 FOOT UNIMPROVED PUBLIC RIGHT CF WAY. LYNG DIRECTLY NORTH OF LOT 8 AND SOUTH OF LOT 10. ORLANDO GROG ASSOCIATION. LAKE LOTTA GROVES. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT • THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK E. PAGE 52. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 8E1NG MORE PARTICULARLY . DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS • BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8: THENCE RUN S 89' • a.5'58- W. ALONG THE NORTH UNE THEREOF, 282.28 FEET TO A UNE • • 12 F= EAST OF AND PARAU.EL WITH THE EAST UNE OF CLARK ROAD: THENCE RUN N 0013'44' Yir. ALONG SAID UNE 30.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH UNE OF AFOREMENTIONED LOT 10: THENCE RUN N 89'45'58 c. ALONG SAID SOUTH UNE. 29233 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 10: THENCE RUN S 00'05'37EE. 30.00 FaT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. _ THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 0.194 ACRES MOREESS OR LESS ; SURVEYORS NOTES: LEGEND: - NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A L.B. LAND BUSINESS • FLORIDA UCENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. P.s•L. PRD'am:08AL 4JRbtYDR MAP - LANDS SHORN HERECN WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS OF WAY, AND PER EASEMENTS. OWWNRSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. BY (U) U AT THIS FIRM. 00 EavRE P.s. PUT SOCK - REVISIONS 00 NOT CONSTITUTE A RECTIFICATION OF TIHEaISTINC PG PACE CONDITIONS:OF THIS SURVEY UNLESS SO STATED. a DELTA - BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: THE SOUTH R RADIUS UNE OF LOT 10. AS BEING N89'45'53 5 (ASSUMED). - ARC LENGTH - THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. CH CHORD eISTA S CHORD BEARING r CENT6?LTIE /c., BAST'U.NE:JT 3-\ -.05T'.: _NE _ T'1 `� -,-Sri,-. i "Al LOT C \ii • LOT 10 .-,V LOT 11 Q ; • LE :WNEr7 CrLOT ID\ • CIS 'L:YE _oT .D i SOO�5'3i__ -' • UNNAMED ROADWAY rc J = ——— . \ 589'45.5'8-N 28226' ' r,� `�,vc0-3 ss'Wv ,, .vE OF_ors i oini ar Beginning 20.co' i NE Corner Lot 3 Iy EAST RlCNT OF'.vAY ENE OF C:.ARK ROAD 1 LOT 7 I N �L OT 8 � o Tic,. Cc4 iF!ED TO: ;TAN ?:4CP� s NC. -At:,l+x: TPTTCN ..03.Yo. .;oossme ,''RA MM 3Y �. 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