HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII(C) Approval And Authorization For Alternative Impact Fee Calculation For Burger King At Good Homes PlazaDATE: TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: ISSUE: "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656-2322 STAFF REPORT October 29, 1997 The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Robert Lewis, Senior Planner 0/ Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning Approval of Alternative Impact Fee for Burger King at Good Homes Plaza AGENDA 11-04-97 jItem III C S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT" - COMMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS NANCY J. PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Should the Mayor and City Commission approve an alternative impact fee for a proposed new Burger King at Good Homes Plaza? BACKGROUND: If an applicant believes the impact of his new building will be less than that established by Section 87-14 in Article I (Road Impact Fees) of the Ocoee Code of Ordinances, then Section 87-5 of that same Article allows the applicant to submit an alternative impact fee calculation. The Code states that the Development Review Committee (DRC) will review the data, information, and assumptions used by the applicant to determine whether the requirements of Section 87-5 have been satisfied. If the DRC finds that the requirements have been satisfied, it shall recommend an alternative road impact fee for the applicant to the City Commission. The decision of the City Commission as to the acceptability of an alternative road impact fee shall be final and binding on the applicant. DISCUSSION: A small scale site plan for a new Burger administratively by Staff in August of this year. are relatively high due to the high volume King at Good Homes Plaza was approved The road impact fees for a fast food restaurant of traffic generated by this use. However, Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners October 29, 1997 the applicant believes that the impact of the new Burger King will not be as high as that anticipated by the impact fee ordinance and has chosen to propose an alternative impact fee calculation. If it is approved, the alternative impact fee calculation will allow the applicant to pay a lower road impact fee than that shown in the ordinance, based on the results of the alternative fee calculation. The applicant provided the City's transportation planning consultant, TransCore, with traffic count data for three other Burger King restaurants located near the proposed site. Using those counts, TransCore estimated that the proposed Burger King will likely generate 1,255 trips per day. Using that figure and other factors from the impact fee ordinance, TransCore estimated that an appropriate impact fee for the proposed Burger King will be $53,158.19. This is $34,753.31 less than the fee outlined in the road impact fee schedule. This alternative impact fee calculation for the new Burger King was reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on October 29, 1997. The Committee reviewed the data provided by the applicant and the report from TransCore and found that the requirements of Section 87-5 have been satisfied. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the alternative impact fee calculation for the new Burger King at Good Homes Plaza. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve an alternative impact fee of $53,158.19 for the proposed new Burger King at Good Homes Plaza, based on the alternative fee calculation in the attached letter from TransCore. Attachments: Copy of the letter fromTransCore with the trip generation analysis and impact fee estimate for the new Burger King Copy of the Road Impact Fee Schedule CAALL_DATA\rlpdfile\StaffReports\CC BurgerKing AltImpFee@ 11Adoe -• --• ••, �•�. ate=..• =-- ---- uauu na.avvanana _.WJUU1 October -21, 1997 PosWr Fox Note 7671 [P110- W h' Al2. KQ$J' WAC064";;;Cif* aF= C40&1� �O ocn�Phareb', b Russ Wagner, AICP` : ::: -_.G4tourl2-31r13 Jr.1 if. Director of Planning Fax #. C49-7) t s;- t.s0T Faxb City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 RE: _ ,,Trip Generation Analysis. and Impact Fee Estimate - BurgerKin in Ocoee TransCore Project No. 80027-A-04 Dear Ab,Wi�. _ During a meeting with the applicant, we, discussed the possibility of reviewing the trip generation estimates for a Burger King that is .proposed on a site in Ocoee. Since then, the applicant provided us with traffic count data for three other Burger King restaurants located near the proposed site. Using these counts, we estimated the trip generation for the proposed Burger King as follows:_ Step 1 We noticed that only those vehicles that entered the Burger King sites were counted Because ITE's Trip Generation, 5th Edition, and Ocoee's impact fee ordinance include all of the trips entering and all of the trips exiting a site to estimate the trip generation, S _ we doubled the number of. trips counted to estimate the: number of trip eneiated.:. . ends . _ Step 2 For each of the Burger King sites, we divided the number of trips generated by the area of the Burger King to estimate the number of trips per 1,000 square feet. Step 3 For the three Burger King sites that were surveyed, we determined the average trip generation rate of 430.47 trips per day per -1,000 sq, ft. This is substantially lower than the 710.68 trips per day per 1,000 sq. & found in Ocoee's impact fee ordinance. Step 4 For the proposed Burger King Iocation, we estimated the trip generation by multiplying its area by the average trip generation per 1,000 square feet; the proposed Burger King will probably generate 1,255 trips per day. All of the above information is summarized in the attached Table. Based on the data collected at reasonably comparable sites, it is our opinion that the proposed Burger King will likely generate 1,255 trips per day. Using the city's assumptions for percent primary trips (29 percent) and cost/trip ($146.08/trip), the appropriate impact fee for the proposed Burger King will be $53,158.19. Mr. Russ Wagner, AICP Page 2 Please call me (extension 311) or Sudarshana Bhat (extension 316) if you have any questions or comments regarding this impact fee estimate. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the City of Ocoee. Sincerely, TransCore xo4' Whit Blanton, AICP Principal Transportation Planner F -'%MO aSIACIIVEIOMEE%W-TRMA01 HRGRMGR_REV.WM -- - -. _ _•• .r. •.� �..r v.'r,� oun w aJJVV1:11 L'J LCL UUJ t w Table 1 TRIP GENERATION .ANALYSIS FOR BURGER KING IN OCOEE TrawC=E:NPR=CfSACf MOMEEXA00 PR]SA04 BR.Cilt1TR6'_GEN.WHI 1021/97 Vehicles Area Trip Generation Estimate Average Location Counted (in Sq. Ft.) Total Per 1,000 Sq. Ft. Per 1,000 Sq. Ft. Colonial Drive (#2917) 1,119 4,132 2,238 541.63 Dardanelle Drive (#6354) 751 4,023 1,502 373.35 430.47 Colonial Drive (#4960) 955 5,074 1,910 376.43 TrawC=E:NPR=CfSACf MOMEEXA00 PR]SA04 BR.Cilt1TR6'_GEN.WHI 1021/97 § 87-14 IMPACT FEES § 87-15 Land Use Type ITE Rates % Primary Trips-' Cost Net Impact per Trip Fee' Warehousing 4.88 100 5146.08 S 712,87 Mini -warehouse 2.61 100 146.08 381.27 Hotel/motel (per room) 9.45 100 146.08 1,380.46 Walk-in bank'- .140.60 30 146.08 6,161.65 Drive-in bank° 265.21 30 146.08 11,622.56 Restaurant, qualityc 95.99 52 146.08 7,291.55 Restaurant, high turnover 177.87 28 146,08 7,275.3.1 sit-down Restaurant, last -foody 710.68 29 146.08 30.106.68 Convenience store with 542.60 16 146.08 12,682.08 gasoline pumps F Gasoline/service stations 174.71 13 ia6.08 3,317.81 Dav-care center' 79.26 49 146.08 5,673.37 Nursing home, per bedr- 2.60 100 146.08 379,81 NOTES: a Percent new trios derived from Orange County orrice or CaDital Facilities Plannin ITE data. g, 1983 'and 'Trip figures reflect land use within study area with two hundred Torry -four housand two hundred fcry-six (244,246) trio ends. Cost oer ane thousand (1,099) square feet or gross leasable area Cost oer vehicle fueiing position. ARTICLE II Recreational Parks Impact Fees [Adopted 6-20-1989 as Ord. No. 89-14J § 87-15. Title; authority. A. This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Recreaiionai Park Impact Fee Ordinance." 3. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adoot :his Ar icie pursuant to Article Vill of the Constitution of the State of icrida and Chapters 163 and 166 of thelorida Statutes. 8713 s-,-96