HomeMy WebLinkAboutF. Enclave Legislation (Ocoee)"CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR • COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 SCOTT A. GLASS (407) 656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM ELLIS SHAPIRO TO: City of Apopka, Ocoee & Winter Garden FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: November 5, 1997 RE: ATTACHED ENCLAVE BILL For several years, Mayor Vandergrift has proposed Legislation that might assist Cities throughout the State deal with the enclave issue. Attached is a House bill that will be offered in the next Legistative Session. Mayor Vandergrift will discuss this proposal at your joint meeting of November 10, 1997. Respectively Su itted, ES3w:sm:19 Attachment FL LF. •.iE OF --17(E=- ar�'�' X7:3 ::�u.36 x+0.860 a002/M3 M2591 Titls; MNEXATION 0I. IiNCLAVES .on: Ad Introduced 2 Pages -fhe-Thretghj <Underiine> Sponsor: Randy Ball ----------- 1 1A bill .to he entitled An act relating to municipal annexation; amending overnin s. 171.046, F,S,-; revising px'ovisions governing the annexation of enclaves to 6 that volurtta provide 5 ry annexation of individual Marcel, 7 of land within an.anclave not contiguous to a e municipality may occur at varying stage, of 9 timet Providing an effective data. 1D Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the state of Florida; i1 12 section 1. 1 section 13 amended to read: i 7i,o�t6, F1-crida Statutes, is 15 14 171.046 Annexation of enclaves. -- 16 �w) :he Lagiclatura recognizes that conclaves can 16 create aigni::,cant problems in Planning, �� and service delivery, and therefore declare,wthamanagement, :e policy or the state to eliminate enclaves. 19 (2) +n order to expedite the annexation of anciaves of 20 10 aa:on or lee® into the most appropriate incorporated 21 �uriadiation, based upon existing or proposed service 22 provision arrangements, 23 a municipality may: (a) Annex an enclave by interlocal agreamant •with the 24 county having jurisdiction of the e enclave; or 2S (bAnnex an enclave T +• « han 25 25 votars by municipal ordinange�whenrtheranrexationag98aarad 27 in a rafarsndum by at least 60 percent of the ragieter�aroved 29 voters who reside 2n the enclave. 29 3) Vcluntar annexation of individual 3 0 ' and within an enclave not cont: ous to a ;gun cina$lt o;nfl 31 occur Y 32 as,� upon petition of property owner. -1- 5; ±n i -H=.•1 1 4 T �-jcirrTkmu _ 36 17:00 FL LENUE OF CITIES 4 407 579 70_6 1-Liifa� This eeation does not apply to 2 undeveloped or unimprov6d real property. 3 Section 2. This act aha].1 4 18w. taks effect upon becoming a 5 6 7 8 9 1® 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 21 - 2 - NO.:=b0 P003i00r