HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (B)Discussion/ Action re: Most Valuable Partnership (MVP) Awards - Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Agenda 11-18-97 Item VII B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" S. SCOTT VANDERGKII i Oar.coee Q\ �i . COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL ��.41 f�'� O. SCOTT ANDERSON V - 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS p OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY I. PARKER ,ty!*Vi��o (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER � Op Goes ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT Date: October 28, 1997 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Janet G. Resnik, AICP, Director of Community Relations/Projects-' Through: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Subject: Ocoee's Most Valuable Partnership (MVP) Awards The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program Issue Should the Mayor and City Commission approve the proposed neighborhood matching grants program and accompanying application? Background The proposed Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Program is based largely on the City of Orlando Mayor's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program. Mayor Glenda Hood established their program in 1994 in an effort to improve the c;;.rslity of life in Orlando's neighborhoods by providing the incentive of a matching grants fund. Since 1994, the City of Orlando has awarded more than $388,000, with neighborhoods and business partners providing a more than two-to-one match of$838,000. Ocoee has long known the importance of strong neighborhoods. Since 1990, formal homeowners' associations have been mandatory for all new subdivisions built in Ocoee. This was done to provide a means of organizing to address issues of importance to individual neighborhoods, including ownership and maintenance responsibilities for common areas within neighborhoods. The City has also been highly supportive of neighborhoods who have organized themselves without benefit of a legal homeowners' association. Ocoee's Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program Ocoee's Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program Table of Contents Introduction 3 Eligible Neighborhoods 4 Eligible Projects 5 Grant Application Workshops 7 1997/98 Grant Application Guidelines 8 Schedule for 1997/98 MVP Awards Program 14 2 Introduction The Year 1998 may very well turn out to be the "Year of the Neighborhood" for Ocoee. The Mayor and City Commissioners have included $15,000 in the 1997/1998 Annual Budget for a Neighborhood Matching Grants Program. Ocoee's Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Program is based largely on the City of Orlando Mayor's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program. That program has enjoyed tremendous success since its inception in 1994. Mayor Glenda Hood established the program in an effort to improve the quality of life in Orlando's neighborhoods by providing the incentive of a matching grants fund. Since 1994, the City of Orlando has awarded more than $388,000, with neighborhoods and business partners providing a more than two-to-one match of$838,000. Ocoee has long known the importance of strong neighborhoods. Since 1990, formal homeowners' associations were mandated for all new subdivisions built in Ocoee. This was done to provide a means of organizing to address issues of importance to individual neighborhoods including ownership and maintenance responsibilities for common areas within neighborhoods. The City is also highly supportive of neighborhoods who have organized themselves without benefit of a legal homeowners' association. The City Commission is hopeful that this MVP Awards Program will empower neighborhood groups to take advantage and take responsibility for planning and implementing projects that address their specific needs. Neighborhood groups are encouraged to partner with local businesses, churches, and other community agencies and civic organizations on these projects. It is hoped that these partnerships will strengthen the sense of community in Ocoee. The basic premise of the MVP Awards is to assist Ocoee residents in making improvements to their neighborhoods. To qualify for an MVP Award, projects should be submitted which either beautify the neighborhood, address public safety concerns, or foster cultural, recreational, or educational wants and needs of the neighborhood. Applications will be judged on how well they meet the criteria, the amount of involvement from the neighborhood, whether the neighborhood has a partner or partners to contribute to the project, and the feasibility of the project. Neighborhoods must match the City's contribution with a combination of cash, in-kind donations of goods and services, and volunteer time. The value of the neighborhood's contribution must be equal to or greater than the City's grant. Grants of up to $2,500 will be presented to MVP Award winners in May 1998. Grant allocations may increase if the program is continued next year but for the initial year, the City Commission wants to maximize the number of grants. The grants must be funded on a yearly basis; however, a neighborhood may phase a project so that it applies in subsequent years for additional funding. MVP Award winners must complete the current-year funded projects by September 30, 1998. For additional information on the MVP Awards Program,please call: Janet G. Resnik, AICP Director of Community Relations/Projects City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FI. 34761 (407)656-2322 3 Eligible Neighborhoods Homeowners' associations or neighborhood groups whose primary purpose is to deal with neighborhood-related issues may apply for MVP Awards. 'fo qualify, eligible associations must: Be located in the City of Ocoee - Have a majority of the association's members living in the neighborhood - Actively seek membership from neighborhood residents - Represent its neighborhood, preferably with democratically elected officers Have a minimum of seven residents participate in the MVP Awards project who will meet regularly for project implementation Entities not eligible are individuals, businesses, city-wide associations, social service agencies, fraternal or religious groups, or political groups; however, eligible neighborhood associations are strongly encouraged to form partnerships with these other groups to plan and implement projects. The neighborhood group must be the applicant and have the primary role in the partnership. 4 Eligible Projects In order to be eligible, proposed neighborhood projects must: - Take place within the boundaries of the neighborhood (except when donated space is located outside the neighborhood due to lack of space within) - Provide a public benefit to the neighborhood - Involve neighborhood residents directly in all phases - Have goals which can be accomplished in four (4) months(for this initial year) Not use grant funds to supplement the association's regular operating budget The three project categories, with examples of possible projects, arc: Educational, Cultural, and Recreational Projects Literacy programs; computer labs; family learning centers; after school enrichment programs; youth athletic leagues; dance, music, art, or theater training programs. • • ten/40,( . . OA DL-, _JI Physical Improvement Projects Playground equipment, benches, and other park improvements; neighborhood beautification; neighborhood identification; improved lighting. A All physical improvement projects must meet all ' • A City Codes and are subject to City review and • Ai i permitting procedures. Exact site location with the size and measurements of the proposed . improvement must be submitted in detail with the application.Ash CIIMIMEMEMILJP 5 Public Safety-Related Projects Family safety training, senior citizen home safety programs, neighborhood watch programs, and drug and fire prevention programs. MVP Award projects will be conducted in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Neighborhoods having projects involving public property must receive written permission of the appropriate governmental agency. Those projects involving private property must have the written permission of the property owners involved. It is the responsibility of the grant recipient to obtain any permits normally required. 6 Grant Application Workshops Neighborhood groups applying for a grant must attend an MVP Awards Pre-Application Workshop. The workshop provides neighborhoods with answers to their questions before they complete an application. Workshops will cover what types of projects are eligible, how to create a budget and suggestions on securing the resources needed to meet the matching funds requirement, how to recruit partners, and planning a project. After the workshop, City staff may also be contacted for assistance on filling out the application. Workshops will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall on December 8, 11, and 15, 1997 at 7 p.m. Please call Janet Resnik, Director of Community Relations, at 656-2322 at least one week before the workshop to register. 7 1997/98 Grant Application Guidelines Applications will be evaluated on the following: - The quality and scope of the proposed project - The level of neighborhood participation in the project The need for the project - The neighborhood's and partner's matching contribution - Whether or not a partnership(s)was entered into to contribute to the project - The consideration given to ensuring continuation of the project beyond this year Requirements To participate in the MVP Awards Program, neighborhood groups must: Meet all requirements under eligible neighborhoods - Meet all requirements under eligible projects I lave its general membership vote and approve the grant application before submitting it. (Minutes reflecting the vote must accompany the application. A petition is required with two-thirds of the homeowners signing in approval of the project if there is no formal neighborhood association.) - Submit the proposed Project Budget, Project Plan/Timeline, Volunteer Hour Pledge Sheets, signed Letters of Intent from partners documenting the required match, and a copy of the association incorporation papers and minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the grant (or the petition if there is no formal association). Submit the completed MVP Awards Program application by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998, to Janet G. Resnik, AICP, Director of Community Relations, City of Ocoee, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761. 8 Project Team Responsibilities The neighborhood association must create a Project Team consisting of at least seven (7) members. The purpose of this team is to plan, manage, and ensure the project's completion. The team must have a Project Leader and should have an Historian, a Report Coordinator, and a Partner/Volunteer Coordinator. The Project Leader serves as the chairman of the team. The Historian is responsible for ensuring that photographs and/or video footage is taken to describe the project from beginning to end. The Report Coordinator completes monthly and final reports under the direction and assistance of the Project Team. The Partner/Volunteer Coordinator makes sure that the partners are invited to project activities and kept informed of progress, and keeps track of partner in-kind services and project volunteer hours. The Project Leader, Historian, Report Coordinator, and Partner/Volunteer Coordinator are required to attend one of the MVP Awards Pre-Application Workshops to be held in December. The whole project team is welcome. If the neighborhood is chosen as an MVP Awards recipient, the Project Leader and team members are also expected to attend the City Commission meeting in May to receive the grant award from the Mayor and City Commissioners. There will also be a Completion Party sometime in October to showcase the projects. Grant Amount and Neighborhood Match The City of Ocoee will award matching grants up to $2,500 to qualified neighborhood groups. Neighborhoods must match dollar for dollar the MVP Award funds requested from the City. The neighborhood match is generated by one or more of the following three sources and verification of the match must be submitted with the application. Volunteer hours from the neighborhood (mandatory). To ensure neighborhood involvement in the MVP Awards, at least 25 percent but not more than 50 percent, of the matching amount must be volunteer hours from neighbors who reside in the defined neighborhood. Volunteer labor will be valued at$10 per hour for the purpose of calculating the match. Only volunteer hours accrued after the grant is awarded can be used as part of the match. Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets arc required for itemizing volunteers' time commitments. Letters of Intent for In-Kind Donations. These donations include supplies, equipment, space, or professional services. The letters should describe each donation and provide the market value. The value of professional services counted toward the match shall be based upon the reasonable and customary value of the services rendered. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. 'i he Letter of Intent Form is attached. 9 Letters of Intent for Cash Donations. These may be from the applicant (neighborhood association) or contributors. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. The Letter of Intent Form is attached. All resources being considered as a match must be documented by Letters of Intent and/or Volunteer Pledge Sheets. Community Partners Neighborhood associations are responsible for recruiting partners to meet their match for MVP Award funds. Partners are an important component of the MVP Awards Program. They provide cash, in-kind services, supplies, and/or space to support a successful project. They may also benefit directly or indirectly from the project. A Letter of Intent must be completed for every partner recruited and attached to the MVP Awards application to verify the neighborhood match. 1997/98 MVP Awards Application Deadline All applications must be received by the City of Ocoee by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998. To be considered for funding, the applications must be complete when submitted. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be returned to the association. Associations are encouraged to meet with the Director of Community Relations if they have questions or need help completing their application. Initial Planning Meeting All MVP Awards recipients are required to have a planning meeting with the Director of Community Relations within 30 days of receipt of the MVP Award funds. The purpose of this meeting is to review, and amend as needed, the project budget, project plan and timeline, and to plan for the project's groundbreaking. Project Documentation In order to document each phase of project development, grant recipients are encouraged to provide color photos, video tapes, and newspaper clippings to showcase project planning, development, and implementation. The photos, video tapes, and newspaper clippings will be used to highlight the projects at the Completion Party and may be used in other City publications. Community partners should be part of this documentation. to Financial Requirements After receipt of a grant, the neighborhood association must open a two-signature bank checking account, under the name of the neighborhood association, including the MVP Awards Program in the account name. If the neighborhood group is not incorporated, the group may use the City's Tax Identification Number to open the checking account. All MVP Awards funds. including partner funds, must be deposited into this account. The MVP Awards checking account signature card from the bank must have four signatures, two signatures from the neighborhood association -- specifically the neighborhood Project Leader and the association President or Treasurer—and two signatures from the City of Ocoee, the City Manager and the Director of Finance. In order to open the checking account, the association will have to submit meeting minutes reflecting the names and titles of the two association representatives approved to sign on the MVP Awards checking account. If no formal association exists, a petition must be signed by two-thirds of the homeowners in the neighborhood designating two neighborhood representatives for this purpose. All checks are required to have two signatures. One signature must be a representative of the neighborhood association and the other signature must be a City representative. A Check Request Form must be completed by the association prior to submitting the check to the City for a signature. Check Request Forms, receipts, invoices, and other supporting documents for the check must be attached to the Monthly Report. All donation checks must be payable to the City of Ocoee. The City will deposit the money into a revenue account and issue a check to the association for deposit into the association's MVP Awards account. The association is expected to meet its project goals and expend its funds by September 30, 1998. The City has the right to reappropriate any equipment purchased with MVP Awards funds that is not used in accordance with the grant agreement. If an MVP Award agreement is terminated, all equipment purchased with grant funds becomes the sole property of the City of Ocoee. Upon completion of the project or the end of the grant year, all remaining City grant funds not expended on the project must be returned to the City within thirty (30) days. If for any reason the project can not be completed, all remaining City grant funds must be returned to the City within 30 days of the recipient's written notification of withdrawal from the MVP Awards Program. If partner funds arc left on September 30, 1998, the association must include in its final report a timeline stating when and how these funds will he spent. All monies solicited to support the MVP Awards Project must be spent on the MVP Awards Project. In-kind donations are based on market value and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. Those making charitable donations of $250.00 or more (cash, property, or services) will receive a charitable donation form from the City of Ocoee. Monthly Project Report This report should detail the neighborhood's monthly activities and budget information related to the project. The Monthly Project Report must be completed and submitted on or before the 15"' day of the following month. There will be a report required for the months of June, July, August, and September. These reports will be due beginning July 15, 1998 (for the month of June). Original copies of all receipts, invoices, check request forms, volunteer hours sheets, partners' in- kind and cash contribution sheets must be attached to the Monthly Project Report. The Project Team's Report Coordinator is responsible for filing these reports. The Director of Community Relations has forms to help complete the monthly reports. Final Report The MVP Awards Final Report summarizes the accomplishments of the neighborhood project by documenting how the neighborhood was enhanced. The Final Report should be completed by the Project Leader and team and sent to the City within 30 days of project completion. All Final Reports must be completed and received by the Director of Community Relations no later than October 30, 1998. The Director of Community Relations has forms to help in putting together the Final Report. Subsequent Grants The MVP Awards program is designed to provide a one-time grant for projects that can be completed within the grant period. Any MVP Awards projects designed to be ongoing need to identify other funding sources to finance the MVP Award project after the first year. The MVP Awards program should not be looked at as an ongoing funding mechanism for projects. Applications may be submitted for phased projects; however, each phase must be such that it can stand on its own since funds can not be guaranteed for subsequent years. Neighborhoods receiving 1997/98 MVP Award grants may not be awarded a second grant until the 1997/98 project has been successfully completed and a satisfactory Final Report is received by the Director of Community Relations. Project Completion All projects are to be completed and funds spent by September 30, 1998. Procedures for handling any funds remaining after September 30, 1998 are described in the "Financial Requirements" section on Page 11 of this document. 12 MVP Awards Agreement Upon receiving an MVP Award, the Project Leader must sign a written agreement with the City of Ocoee and have it notarized. The agreement form is available at City Hall. After MVP Award agreements are approved by the City Commission,the grants will be officially awarded. Kick-Off Event Each MVP Award recipient is encouraged to have a kick-off event as part of its first project workday. The purpose of this event is to publicize the association's project and to recruit additional neighborhood involvement. The grant recipient is encouraged to invite neighborhood residents, community partners, the Mayor and City Commissioners, and appropriate City staff to the kick-off event. i3 Schedule for 1997/98 MVP Awards Program Official City Commission Approval for MVP Awards Program The proposed MVP Awards Program will be discussed at the November 4, 1997 City Commission meeting. The City Commission will either vote on the proposed program at that meeting, or if program amendments necessitate an additional meeting for approval, the City Commission will vote on the program at the November 18, 1997 City Commission meeting. Announcement of MVP Awards Program and Notice of Pre-Application Workshops Once the City Commission approves the program, City staff will announce the program by providing Public Service Announcements to the West Orange Times and the Orlando Sentinel and also mail the notices to homeowners' associations that the City is aware of The announcement will also be placed on the City's web page and on the December and January utility bills. Grant Application Workshops The pre-application workshops are tentatively scheduled for December 8, 11, and 15. They will be held in the City Commission chambers at 7 p.m. Attendance at one of these workshops is mandatory for neighborhoods who want to apply for a grant. City Commission Officially Appoints Selection Committee Members At the second City Commission meeting in February, the City Commission will appoint a Selection Committee to review applications and make recommendations to the City Commission. It is suggested that the Selection Committee be comprised of four staff members and one member of the City Commission. Application Deadline for 1997/98 MVP Awards Program All applications must be received at City Hall by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998. Sufficiency Determinations for Applications Received All applications will be reviewed to determine whether the neighborhood is eligible, whether the project is eligible, and whether the application meets the requirements as outlined in the MVP Awards Program. This review will be completed by Tuesday, March 31, 1998. 14 Ranking of Projects by MVP Awards Selection Committee All applications which have been determined to meet all the criteria will be forwarded to individuals on the MVP Awards Selection Committee. The Committee members will have two weeks to individually read the applications and rank them. The Committee will meet the week of April 20-24 to discuss the applications and make a recommendation that will be forwarded to the City Commission. This recommendation must be presented to the City Commission at its May 5, 1998 meeting. Vote by the City Commission on Award Recipients The City Commission will select MVP Awards recipients at its May 5, 1998 meeting. MVP Awards Presentations The MVP Awards presentations will be made at the May 19, 1998 City Commission meeting. Project Implementation The MVP Award recipients will have until Wednesday, September 30, 1998 to complete their projects. Completion Party There will be a "Completion Party" celebration in October to showcase the neighborhood improvements. Neighborhoods, Partners, and other participants will be invited to share their accomplishments and be formally recognized by the Ocoee City Commission. 15 Page 2 Staff Report - Neighborhood Matching Grants October 28, 1997 Discussion This program was developed as a means to carry out the City Commission's desire to empower neighborhood groups to take advantage and take responsibility for planning and implementing projects that address their specific needs. The MVP Awards Program encourages people to get to know their neighbors, to form neighborhood groups, and to partner with local businesses, churches, and other community agencies and civic organizations on these projects. The goal of the program is to strengthen the sense of community in Ocoee. The basic premise of the MVP Awards is to assist Ocoee residents in making improvements to their neighborhoods or to their quality of life. Projects may address public safety concerns, beautify the neighborhood, or foster cultural, educational, or recreational wants and needs of the neighborhood. The applications will be judged on how well they meet the criteria outlined in the program, including the amount of involvement from the neighborhood, whether the neighborhood has a partner or partners to contribute to the project, and the feasibility of the project. Neighborhoods must match the City's contribution with a combination of cash, in-kind donations of goods and services, and volunteer time. Because this is the program's first year and it will be May before the grants are awarded, staff proposes limiting each grant to $2,500 in an attempt to reach more neighborhoods and to best ensure success of the program by taking on more attainable projects. If the City continues the program next year, the application window could start in October. In that case, awards could be made in January, providing an additional four months to actually work on the projects. With the first year under our belt, the City Commission could then consider increasing the individual grant award amounts to provide an opportunity for some neighborhoods to tackle larger projects. Recommendation Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the program as outlined, along with the accompanying application and schedule. MVP AWARDS 1997/98 SCHEDULE Task Name I November I December January February March Apr'! May June July August September October November City Commission Approval of MVP Awards Program • „ly Alternate City Commission Approval Date • ma Announce Program and Workshop Dates 1st Grant Pre-Application Workshop • 19e 2nd Grant Pre-Application Workshop . ,]n, 3rd Grant Pre-Application Workshop • ,zns Application Window Application Deadline Joao Sufficiency Review of Applications Selection Committee Evaluates Applications Meeting of Selection Committee to Rank Projects • aria Commission Meeting Agenda Deadline • 4/29 City Commission Meeting to Vote on Awards • 515 Presentation of Awards to Recipients • sn Project Implementation Window - - Project Completion Deadline Completion Party !! l • ,ala • Paget I City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 1997/98 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet Resnik,AICP, Director of Community Relations/Projects, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, Florida 34761 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood: Project Leader: Address for Project Leader: Phone Nos. for Project Leader(Day) (Evening) Describe the neighborhood boundaries using streets & landmarks.(Must be within the City of Ocoee): Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? Ilow many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? I low many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? How many members are homeowners in the neighborhood? Renters? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the last two years. 3 Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? What is the name of the proposed project? What is the dollar amount being requested?(Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood and any neighborhood partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) Briefly describe the proposed project: Please list the most important needs,issues, or concerns in the neighborhood and how the project will address these needs, issues, or concerns. Please be specific. 4 List the project goals: 3. List a minimum of seven homeowners' association/neighborhood group members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE Project Leader Historian Reports Coordinator Partner/Volunteer Coordinator I low will the neighborhood residents be involved with the project? Please be specific. 5 What is the location of the proposed project? If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s),the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. 6 We certify that our membership voted and approved this 1997/98 MVP Awards application on (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Print name of person preparing application Print Name of Neighborhood President Signature of person preparing application Signature of Neighborhood President Date Date If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet Resnik, AICP, Director of Community Relations/Projects, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761. Please call Janet Resnik at(407) 656-2322 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO I las the applicant left any questions unanswered? I las the association listed the Project Team names.their full addresses and phone numbers?(7 minimum) _ Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? I lave all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer I lours Pledge Sheets Did the association attach the completed Budget? lithe project is a physical improvement.has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement,is the written permission from the property owner attached? las the application been approved by the members and arc minutes attached relleeting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? _ Reviewed by Date: 7 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 1997/1998 Project Plan and Timeline Project Name: Neighborhood: TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES NEEDED 8 Instructions for Completing Project Plan and Timeline The purpose of this form is to identify the tasks and resources necessary to successfully complete the MVP Awards project. Please list the primary tasks needed to implement and manage your project. When completed, the Project Plan and Timeline serves as a guide for your project and a tool for monitoring project progress. The project team will be able to use this Project Plan and Timeline to delegate tasks and to use its resources, while monitoring the progress DI'the project. The Task column refers to primary tasks which need to be completed. Some examples could include contacting a business who is providing in-kind services, or prepping a sign for painting, or scheduling a workday to install playground equipment. The Start Date column refers to the date when the task needs to begin in order to finish the project on time. The Completion Date column refers to the date the task is expected to be completed. The Person Responsible column refers to the person or group charged with carrying out a specific task or activity. The Resources column refers to the cash, type of in-kind services, and/or volunteers needed to accomplish the task. For example, the dollar amount, value of donated space, professional services, materials, plants, computer software, volunteer hours, etc. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 9 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 1997/1998 Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet Project Name: Neighborhood: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE HOURS PLEDGED TASK TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 10 Instructions for Completing Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet Please list the name, complete address, and telephone number of each volunteer, along with the number of hours pledged and the task the volunteer will perform. The hours should reflect all volunteer hours including planning stages and project implementation. Some projects such as neighborhood entrance beautification will require on-going maintenance. Please include these additional hours. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25 % of the total neighborhood match, but cannot exceed 50% of the total of the neighborhood match amount. The 25% minimum total of the volunteer hours must he from residents or homeowners of the neighborhood. Additional hours can be derived from other organizations or individuals that do not reside within the neighborhood. Volunteer labor does not include in-kind services or goods that businesses donate. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 1997/98 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood: Project Name: PROJECT REVENUES: CASH Total cash requested from the City of Ocoee (A) Cash from Partners(List of Partners and Cash Contributions): Total Cash from Partners: (I47 TOTAL CASH(A+B): (C) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS(List of In-Kind Partners and Cash Value of Contributions) TOTAL IN-KIND CASH VALUE FROM PARTNERS: (D) VOLUNTEER LABOR(Hours X$101 X — (1!) (Total Volunteer I lours) (SHUT lour) TOTAL CRANE MONEY REQUESTED FROM Ti IF CITY(A) (1'I TOTAL OF PROPOSED MA'I CI I(13 I WE)E) t(i) GRAND TOTAL OF PROJECT REVENUES:(F*G) (I I) PROJECT EXPENSES: CASH EXPENSES TOTAL CASH EXPENSES: (I) IN-KIND SERVICE EXPENSES: Volunteer Labor-From Line(E) TOTAI.IN-KIND SERVICE EXPENSES: (1) GRAND TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: (1+.1) (K) Pnject Overage or(Shortage) -- Total Revenues-Fotal Expenses(H-K) (I.)Total Neighborhood Match(B-D+E)or I.ine((;) (NI) Grant Money Requested(Line A) (N) Line M must be greater than or equal to Line N. 12 Instructions for Completing Project Budget Project Revenues- Cash from the City, cash from Partners, In-Kind cash value from Partners and Volunteer labor cash value. Line(A) is the amount you are requesting from the City. List the names and cash contributions from Partners in the lines provided on "cash from Partners". If you need additional space, continue the list on a separate sheet. Total all the cash from Partners and put the total on Line B. Add the amounts from Line A and Line B and put the total on Line C for Total Cash. List the names,contributions, and cash value of In-Kind from Partners in the spaces provided. Take the total number of Volunteer Labor hours(total from your Volunteer Hour Pledge Sheet)and multiply it by$10 per hour and put the total on Line E. Add the amounts of all the in-kind contributions and put the total on Line D. Add the amounts on Lines A, B, D, and E and put the total on Line H for Grand Total of Project Revenues. Project Expenses-All cash and in-kind service expenses. List the items and cash amounts anticipated to be spent on the lines provided for cash expenses. Total all the cash expenses and put on Line I. Be sure to include Film and development, video tapes, printing needs, and any postage expenses. List the in-kind services and their cash value on the lines provided. Total all the in-kind cash value of services and put the total on Line J. This includes the volunteer labor expenses which go on the line provided. Add the amounts from Lines I and J and put the total on Line K for Grand Total of Project Expenses. Subtract the Grand Total of Project Expenses from the Grand Total of Project Revenues. Put the amount on Line L. Ideally this figure should be greater than or equal to zero. If Line L is less than zero, put the number in parentheses. This signifies that there is a shortage of funds. Line M is the neighborhood match which should be greater than or equal to Line N which is the dollar amount requested from the City. NOTE: It is important to complete the proposed budget as thoroughly as possible, thinking through every facet of the project's revenue and expenses. A special effort must he made to identify anticipated expenditures in the proposed budget. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 1997/98 Letter of Intent This letter is to confirm that my company/agency will (name of company) participate as a partner with the neighborhood association in the (name of neighborhood) implementation of its MVP Awards project. Our contribution will consist of: (Please check all that apply.) Cash amount of$ (Please make checks payable to the City of Ocoee.) In-Kind Services/Goods of: The market value of my company's in-kind contribution is $ The purpose of this contribution is to assist the neighborhood in the following way: We look forward to working with this neighborhood on this project and will participate in upcoming events for the MVP Awards Program. Signature and Title Date Please Print: Name/Title Company Address Telephone 14 Instructions for Completing Partner's Letter of Intent The Director of Community Relations will provide your association with as many copies of the Partner's better of Intent form that you need. The neighborhood should collect these letters and include them with the application. The Partners must complete the entire form. Please be specific on cash and in-kind service/goods donations. There should be a dollar amount listed for each in-kind service/goods. Please explain the purpose of the donation in the lines provided and how it will help to accomplish the goals of the project. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 15 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program Request for Partner Contribution Date Dear Our neighborhood association, , is applying for a MVP Award from the City of Ocoee. We will use the grant to address an important need in our neighborhood. The project is The goal of our project is to In order to receive the City's grant, we must match the $ City grant funds with volunteer time, in-kind services, and/or cash. Our neighborhood will contribute at least 25% of the match in volunteer time, which is valued at $ . Therefore, our total need to qualify for a grant is$ . Our matching portion must be documented when we submit our application. 'The application deadline is April 10, 1998. We would like your business/agency/organization to partner with us by giving a cash or in-kind contribution. Your in-kind or cash contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. Additionally, if we receive the grant, our partners will be officially recognized through the MVP Awards Program. Our association will invite all Partners to our project kick-off event for special recognition. The City will also invite all Partners to the official Awards ceremony. We would like the opportunity to discuss the merits of our neighborhood improvement project with you. If you need additional information, please call at (Name of Project'leant Leader or Other Neighborhood Representative) during regular business hours or in the evenings. (daytime phone number) (evening phone number) Thank you for any support you provide our neighborhood residents. Sincerely, Name and Title 16 Instructions for Completing Request for Partner's Contribution The Director of Community Relations will provide your association with as many copies of the Request for Partner's Contribution Letter as you need. The letter gives a brief overview of the matching needs of the MVP Awards grant and the deadline for the MVP Awards application. You should assign various members of your committee to select prospective Partners and then complete the form letters and mail them providing plenty of time for potential Partners to respond. The letters should specify the project name along with a brief description of the project. The letters should be signed by either the neighborhood association President or the Project Leader. Include the title of the person signing the letter and the phone numbers where he or she can be reached. You may wish to make a follow up phone call within a week of sending your letter to ensure you meet the application deadline. In-person contacts usually produce the best results. They give the association leader an opportunity to present an enthusiastic overview of the project with an explanation of why it will enhance the neighborhood. Keep a list of the potential partners who have been contacted and a status of each request. Coordinate all potential partner contacts to avoid multiple appeals to the same company. Also keep in mind to contact potential partners who may also gain from the partnership. Businesses, agencies, and organizations may want to use this project as something they have been involved with either to highlight a product or service they sell, or to demonstrate their participation in community pride. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 17