HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (G) Discussion/ Action re: Recommendation to Award Phase 1 Capital Improvement Program Group 2 Horizontal Construction Projects Agenda 11-18-97 Ocoee Item VII G o. . ° , ° Cs 0 - 'F 1Y °� coo JAMES W.SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE.OCOEE,FLORIDA 34701 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXI, 142•FAX(407)656-7W 5 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 13, 1997 '1'O: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Phase I Capital Improvement Program Group 2 Projects On Tuesday,November 11, 1997 bids were received for CIP No. 23 Sullivan Ditch on Silver Star Road. Work at this area includes the installation of four drainage structures, a concrete headwall and 217' LF of 30" perforated, corrugated aluminum pipe. Included in the bid were two small drainage improvement projects, Bay Street Cross Culvert Replacement and Little Spring Hill Drive. The Bay Street work involves removal and replacement of a deteriorated 12" CMP culvert. Included is the installation of a concrete cap on the pipe and concrete collars on both ends of the pipe, and associated pavement repair. A section of roadway in the vicinity of Little Spring Hill Drive and Springfoot Street has subsided due to infiltration into the storm sewer pipeline that generally lays northeast to southwest. The repair includes pavement removal, excavating around the existing pipe, realigning the joints, wrapping of the joints with filter fabric, backfilling and pavement replacement. The location maps are attached for your reference. These problem areas have been well documented by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC). Attached is a letter from PEC which includes bid tabulations for the three projects. I concur with PEC's recommendation to award CIP No. 23 to Prime Construction Group, Inc. for the sum of$69,347.50. Further that Prime Construction Group, Inc. be awarded additional city project on Bay Street for the sum of$3,605.00 and additional city project on Little Spring Hill and Springfoot Street for the sum of$14,570.00, each as individual projects. The total bid price for the three individual projects is $87,522.50. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Prime Construction Group, Inc. in the amount of$87,522.50 for CIP Project No. 23 in accordance with their bid. Ott- THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE 1.5. � / r� 7 / K Th :T2 torce 14I a - - �_ — i �W'sr. - rrt rxi� �21 H - I- 6 0 II �- DHAITE rODE O pogo 1 �. - PEC _.__�._ L_ � _- i LEGEND- /7 ❑ EX/ T✓GINLET ILCPAD EX SPNC — IX/STING 5 ORMSEW&t PIPE wv C A 1 E. r PROPOSED YARD DRAIN grc�sgaq I DI TEN I I M'�� A PR CPO D kJERED END • PROPOSED J✓PE d BOX PROPOSED 36—INCH R P x //kR SLtq PD _ -- v) FLORAL --- LEGEND 1 PAVEMENT EDGE i - -R-0-W PROPERTY LINE Pq 1 1 i ; I ; OHIO ST I l ULVERT TO BE! REPLACED i 1 • WORK AREA i 1 1 10'WIDE -5'O.C. OF CULVERT I I 1 CITY OF ❑COEE BAY STREET IMPROVEMENTS • UTILITY DEPT. PLAN VIEW FIG, 1 15 z d wa LITTLE IRIS '- --1 F- J •1 cy A \• 3 SPRINGF❑❑T 43I B C 3C'% •// rI.. 30' WORK AREA 30' WIDE D • 5 15'0,C. OF PIPING INTERSECTI❑N SANITARY STORM 1 N 6.75 A S 4.8 2 E 6.7 B N 4.8 3 S 6.7 S 6.0 4 N 6.0 E 5.5 S 6.1 C N 5.6 S 5.6 CITY OF ❑C❑EE LITTLE SPRING HILL DR. FIG. 2 UTILITY DEPT. PLAN VIEW pEc PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. November 13, 1997 OE-262 1-1.0 Messrs. Jim Shira, P.E. and David Wheeler, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director Assistant City Engineer City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2322 RE: Phase I Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Phase 1, Group 2, Project No. 23(Sullivan Ditch) Dear Jim and David: As you are aware, bid packages for the above mentioned project were received and publicly opened at approximately 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 11, 1997. Bid Package 2-23 represents the installation of an underground pipe and rock exfiltration system to enclose what has commonly been referred to as the "Sullivan Ditch". Bids were submitted for Bid Package 2-23 by two (2) of the six(6) contractors currently pre- qualified in the City of Ocoee Phase I Capital Improvement Program Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Contract, summarized as follows (listed in no particular order): Contractor • Bid Submitted(1) 1. Sunshine Building and Development Corporation No III 2. Georgetown Enterprises, Inc Yes Fossitt Groundwork, Inc. No 4. JCB Construction, Inc. No 5. A.A.A. Bobcat No i_. 6. Pdme Construction Group, Inc. Yes (1) It should be noted that PEC has retained a copy of the submitted bids, and returned the original bid submittals back to the City of Ocoee for their files. 1.1 Summary of Total Base Bids Attachment "A"of this letter contains summary tables of the contractor's submitted bids for the above mentioned project, identified as Bid Package 2-23. Based upon the information I Letter To Messrs. Shiro and Wheeler November 13, 1997 0E-262.G22 Page 2 summarized within these tables, the following ranking has been established and arranged in the order of low to high bidder. 1. Prime Construction Group, Inc. $87,522.50 1 i 2. Georgetown Enterprises, Inc. $88,409.50 ! 2 1.2 Apparent Low Bidder Based upon the information contained within Attachment "A"of this letter and tabulated within the previous section, it appears that Prime Construction Group, Inc. is the low bidder for Bid Package 2-23. 1.3 Review of Bid Packages Based upon a review of the bid forms submitted from all of the participating contractors, the following discussion is provided regarding the final bid totals. However, none of this errors and/or omissions have any bearing on the final ranking of the apparent low bidder. P. Prime Construction Group bid $100.00 for indemnification, whereas, the minimum amount specified on the bid form is$500.00. • Georgetown Enterprises sub-total bid for the City Additional Project on Little Spring Hill and Springfoot Street was incorrect, and should have been $16,810 instead of$16,235. This error was also reflected in the total bid which should have been $88,409.50 instead of$87,834.50. Based upon a review of the submitted bid package from the apparent low bidder, all the information appears to have been submitted and completed correctly, including the provision fora bid bond in the amount of five percent(5%)of the total bid. It should be noted that none of the other submitted bid packages were reviewed to determine their completeness should the bid not be awarded to the apparent low bidder. 1.4 Current Relationship of Low Bidder with the City Due to the fact that Prime Construction Group, Inc. has not been previously awarded a bid as part of the City of Ocoee's Phase 1 Capital Improvement Program Continuing Horizontal PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Letter To Messrs. Shira and Wheeler November 13, 1997 OE-262.G22 Page 3 Construction Services Contract, PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants has no knowledge of outstanding issues which would prevent the City from awarding the Bid to them. 1.5 Recommendations It is hereby recommended that Bid Package 2-23 be awarded to the low bidder, Prime Construction Group, Inc., for the amount of $ 87,522.50. Awarding the contract in this manner will also allow the City a chance to evaluate the quality of work provided by the fourth of the six (6) contractors currently pre-qualified in the City of Ocoee Phase I Capital Improvement Program Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Contract. 1.6 Closing Statements In terms of the apparent cost savings to the City relative to the use of pre-qualified contractors, Attachment "B"of this letter contains summary tables of the bids which have been received to date for all of the projects within Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Phase I Capital Improvement Program. These tables will be revised as each project is bid, and will therefore keep and current and up to date tally of how the Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Contract is proceeding relative to the estimates which were made during the bonding process. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 422-8062. Respectfully, PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. A �e Greg A. Teague, P.E. Senior Project Engineer/Associate Attachments: "A"and "B" cc: Mark Brace, City of Ocoee (w/attachments) Ken Hooper, PEC (w/o attachments) David Hamstra, PEC(w/attachments) Project Files 0E-262 (1-1.0 and 1-3.0) PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT "A" 1.31357 Cm OF OCOEE CONTRACTOR'S UNIT COSTS AND TOTAL BID COMPARISON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP) PHASE 1,GROUP 2 PROJECT NO.P(Sullivan Ditch) BIPJ4UMBER 2-23 0.33313333 ,„., - T n.m o...^n 11 Sni nrPrice I U331 xo o vmv a I [in„urribrr31 oeme.m 53l.I .me. n..mbnr ...e..: mne Sullivan Oi1cM1 I w si a,in syrean si try, si trocel :;m+rc wi rvnvnme r.: on _ e anm o zT ri ILLm3 1- 1 3 ;. Y r 5 5 sway sag m m ass0 r' u:m a _m 'el1 5 s now s'im XI mox xm vs on ua.u15 S me a sz s.. Lyrs a 63,1t. u 5 -m 5 w n srm a mwj, n n s.on360 sire z,r n alz.l.r 1 _ x 4,5333 O s e o s-,z.crr 5233m1 53 rrico 13303m 1 . :er-� 'oln am 1 a 51333.33 31300:3 '011951 o non alwm. nmm ac> e 5<5.a mme emm� n 5a. L vran: y_rl-1 m > n r o > cv to r w f n n x m n o 0 n xn �m x c. Om u6m1 5 >x5 m _-- 1 —�1 u n.. a sr sml 1. a s wm mw ma..ovroot v. uom n .n 0 s.r:e� sa u s.nq w sv j m'a: SLIM it r( selu meu S. 1q1313 Sub-Totals =_» $64,521.00 i $69,041.50 City Additional Project on Bay Street le ma vnr.nnnemw. 5 x u: zs m r x n r:.x: =w'.z on na ' 5r =om vr< 5e¢ 1 naanan .. { a w s>.. ell u c m 3.31.0 5339 CI zr>la .wn35 .3 _ 1: a � ne e lh.Alser 3,33Tding 5330 SAr s.VS 1. e ub-Toot =» I S7,0„501 556n5.en I City Additional Project on Little Spring Hill and Spring/ant Street 5 ,l S,� 33 a 5, b Tern F- - - _ ---- -- - nun Totals —» S410.,400.65 561,522.50 CITY OF OCOEE CONTRACTOR'S UNIT COSTS AND TOTAL BID COMPARISON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP) PHASE 1,GROUP 2 PROJECT NO.23(Sullivan Ditch) BID NUMBER 2 2D e..eu o...nno,� MAI ,aNA. I ., r nun,_, me. I .me. m 2 percent) Ill e.l Sullivan Ditch Cffiantity ew„ ,r.., H oe°, „ 1 — ��__ una oo. ,a l „I 311 ,,...,�...., l i" I Ls iCkw VI SSOCC. ..,,. r, roiW, w.,n II III s3 21)UU fi '112/1 Cs - Hl c.r.�. S 0. 13 IA S3301 MI CIO , .. r n r , . 0.1 T Tc$3 1 Uer S. �,� .. t n ,, $$ o, nr— „mrt Sub Totals -.,, $10807.76 S69,347.50 -- - City Additional ional Project on Bay Street - — v rc� mn , .w1 i —1, . -- 32 nl ,.. Sub otn, 17u 25 _ — - —. _ -- Additional Project Little Spring Hilland SPi gent Street -- •a 5S227101 SI IT —5111s il 27,old • "m _ - sv,nr In I nx ..w nrcou eiose I - v n 00, u m — I lL m ` I Total. = » segsw.el — az,uzss v ATTACHMENT "B" CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OPLGQIND.*WAM6RYOFFA911AILCOSTS PHASE t CAPITAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM•GROUP I STATUS REPORT In N. Cons .a• ma n v1 nwsa e n, i..ne z. zs 521 ,u w1 n ,CrrIrrInn InrInIn. is I III ���. ,., . ., w c , n.N, a mf , ; .� n_ �. NOTES 1 I 5oVI1555(vontstnognis ens en isJsel nIlis?EC Engineering tiesniSniss Insan ina rage I thins Mins(thlo'd ma ch Ihch 1 PRASE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN I mmomnau.GROUP 2 STAINS REPORT � �: ... o� -.,� . I �.,4,242 f �.�N::'LI55 To , N ,, i I 95 CON - 7 sispinse WO,non nsien) .a,9 �� ��. 4 -' ...�.,,.Nv on.. 9N n 2ingul[IL 2 ale piper "'III rICIrr.IrrlSri ar„ : CAPITAL 4222 NO I. .. "- h mri I.-era...my Irro,shon 0::�..m .: 'm I� , . 2 � " PHASE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROW TUS RETORT 7 - Urns�,. .,. onus.isms S.isnn4 Sin 44 MS,.17l m n. ,m.P: 52