HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(B) Discussion/ Action Re: Resolution No. 97-16, Relating To Public Participation Procedures For Evaluation Appraisal Report"CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" DATE: December 11, 1997 CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656-2322 Facsimile (407) 656-8504 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Abra E. Horne, AICP, Senior Planner jfip THROUGH: Russell B. Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning SUBJECT: Revised Public Participation Procedures ISSUE: Agenda 12-16-97 Item VII B -MAYOR • COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS NANCY J. PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Should the Mayor and City Commission approve Resolution 97-16, the revised Public Participation Procedures (attached) for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report? BACKGROUND: Per Chapter 163.3191, F.S., each city and county in Florida is required to provide opportunities for public participation during the preparation of its Evaluation and Appraisal Report. The main purpose of the public participation procedures is to outline how citizens and business owners will be involved in the evaluation of the current Comprehensive Plan. Since their input will serve as a basis for updating and improving the comprehensive plan, the public participation procedures emphasize individual review and comment on planning deficiencies which should be corrected to improve the overall development process in Ocoee. In August, staff transmitted a draft copy of the attached public participation procedures to the Department of Community Affairs along with the preliminary draft of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. DISCUSSION: As indicated in Resolution 97-16, the City Commission is responsible for choosing a group of citizens and business owners to represent the community. At the January 6, 1997 meeting, staff will request confirmation of the nominees for the "representative advisory group". While the City Commission is responsible for making the final decision about the members of this group, nominations have been furnished by the Local Planning Agency and may be sought from the Chamber of Commerce and local homeowner's associations. The "representative advisory group" should include a limited number of Ocoee citizens and business owners who are considered to be representative of the community at -large. Members will be given copies of draft reports for review and will participate in all workshops and public hearings regarding the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. 6K 5�-- City Commission Staff Report December 11, 1997, Page 2 As indicated in the attached public participation procedures, the next step is to contact the Chamber of Commerce and local homeowner's associations to solicit additional nominations, unless the City Commission would prefer to suggest specific representatives from those organizations. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On December 9, 1997, the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, reviewed the proposed public participation procedures and voted unanimously to recommend approval of them as recommended by Staff. The Planning and Zoning Commission also suggested the following list of people to serve on the representative advisory group. At the direction of the City Commission, staff will contact these people to verify their interest in serving on the representative advisory group: 1. Bruce Beatty 2. Mickey Shriver 3. Ann Whittle 4. Kathie Starn 5. David Edwards 6. John Linebarrier We have presented these nominees for preliminary consideration only at this time since the above nominations will be discussed at the next City Commission meeting along with the nominations from the Chamber of Commerce and local homeowner's association discussed earlier. On January 6, 1997, the Mayor and City Commissioners should also be prepared to appoint the members of the representative advisory group. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests that the City Commission APPROVE Resolution 97-16 adopting revised public participation procedures for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report process. Attachment: Resolution 97-16 Exhibit A to Resolution 97-16 File: F:WII_data\Capdfile\Staff Repo rts\CCSR\SRP97043.doc RESOLUTION NO. 97-16: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROCESS; AMENDING RESOLUTION 89-02 TO SPECIFY SUCH PROCEDURES IN CONNECTION WITH PREPARATION OF AN EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on April 18, 1989, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "City Commission") adopted Resolution 89-02 providing for public participation procedures in connection with the comprehensive planning process pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee is drafting an Evaluation and Appraisal Report (the "EAR") pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to specify public participation procedures in connection with the preparation of the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. Authority. The City Commission has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION TWO. EAR Public Participation Procedures. The City Commission hereby amends Resolution 89-02 by specifying the EUU2Pw:JHW I }]SIO NOI.L(1'I0S92I 290001L6/ZI/ZI I'dV9'.LdVdgnd\:V AauaOggV AgTO HaNauvq :9 Lagoa L66Z go Arp sTLiq Axirivoa i arra Nuoa os sir a2[aouddV `daIuO'I3 ' aa000 go ALIO SH -L AS A'INO SONVI'ISu a v SSn HOg 'ON WHII VaNHOV HE= 'L66T ' aS.Ldoav am awil ILSHIa avax a0iiPW 'gJTabaapuPn ggoaS •S AgTO 'uogJpaD uPar vaIwaa ' SSOOO 30 xim : ssassv oaHAOuddV L66Z go App sTLiq aasdoav aria aassvd uoTgdopp pup 95psspd uodn ATagpTpawwT aATgoaJJa awooaq TTPuS uoTgnTosag STLis •aqva 9nTgoaj3S •Hnoa NOISOSS ogaaaLi uoTgaod buTuTpwaa aLiq 90 �gTPTTPA aLiq goaJJP qou TTPLis buTpToLi Lions PUP uoTSTAoad quapuadapuT PUP gDUTqSTp 'agaaPdas P pawaap aq TTPLis uoTgaod Lions 'uoTgoTpsTanC quagadwoo go ganoo Aup Aq TauoTgngTqsuooun ao PTTPnuT PTaLi uospaa Aup aog sT uoTgnTosa-d sTLiq go uoTgaod ao 'aspaLid 'asnplo 'aouaquas 'uoTgoasgns 'uoTgoas Aup jI gTTTgpa9A9S 'SSUHI NOISOSS •goajja pup aoaog TTnJ LIT uTPwaa TTPLis ZO-68 uoTgnTosa?3 'AgaaGq papuawP ATT-eoTjToads sr gda)=E •joaaaLi qa-ed -e appw aouaaa_;aa sTLiq Aq pup o-4aaaLi pauoPgq'e V gTgTLixH uo Liga0J qas saanpaooad uoTgpdTaTgapd oTTgnd -dVE rX IBTkT PAGE 1 OF 3 Evaluation and Appraisal Report PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Ocoee is entering the next phase of the continuing comprehensive planning process: evaluation of the pian. As specified in State Statute 163.3191, each City and County in Florida is required to prepare an Evaluation and Appraisal Report. The Report is an evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan. The main purpose of this Report is to assess the success and/or failure of the current Comprehensive Plan and to change the Plan accordingly. Since the Report will serve as a basis for updating and improving the Plan, the Report largely concentrates on planning deficiencies which should be corrected to improve the overall development processes in Ocoee. Participation from citizens and property owners is an essential component of this evaluation and appraisal. Ultimately, it is the citizens and property owners of Ocoee who will determine whether the plan has been a success, a failure, or both. The Florida -State Legislature has recognized the need for public participation in the comprehensive planning process in Chapter 163.3181, Florida Statutes. This Chapter requires that local governments encourage the public to participate to the fullest extent possible in the comprehensive planning process. -In particular. the Legislature has directed local planning agencies and municipalities to adopt procedures for notifying property owners of any official actions which will regulate the use of their property. The procedures identified in Chapter 163.3181 and in Rule 9J-5.004, Florida Administrative Code. are the minimum standards for public participation procedures to be adopted by local governments. II. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES The following procedures will encourage meaningful and effective public participation in the Ocoee Evaluation and Appraisal Report process and are consistent with Chapter 163.3181. F.S., and Rule 9J-5.004. F.A.C. A. Overview. The following procedures are designed to facilitate the public participation process in Ocoee: (1) A regular mailing list for interested persons; (2) A representative advisory group to evaluate draft reports; (3) A newsletter published at regular intervals; (4) News releases to the media; and (5) Local Planning Agency work sessions. -Page 1 - EXHIBIT A PAGE,- 2 of 3 Evaluation and Appraisal Report Public Participation Procedures December 3. 1997 Page 2 B. Participants. The City will conduct a participant search that: (1) : Invites all interested parties, residents. -and business owners to participate; (2) Involves citizens and community groups early and throughout the.process: (3) Encourages equal participation by homeowners and business leaders; As a result of the participant search, the City will create a mailing list and a representative advisory group. The mailing list will include anyone interested in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. The City Commission will select a group of citizens and business owners that are representative of the community at large. This group will be given copies of draft reports for review and will participate in all workshops and public hearings regarding the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. The City Commission will select a limited number of citizens and business owners to comprise the representative advisory group based upon suggested nominations. Suggested nominations will be provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission, 'the West. Orange Chamber of Commerce, and local homeowners' associations. C. Orientation. The City will prepare an orientation packet for the public containing: (1) A discussion of the purpose of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report; (2) - The Evaluation and Appraisal Report Public Participation Procedures; (3) Any available summaries and draft documents; (4) The purpose and format of workshops and public hearings; and (5) The various techniques for submitting comments , on proposals (written comments, discussions with staff, and oral presentations at meetings) and the effectiveness of various techniques. D. Participation. The City will create a participation process that is accessible. efficient. understandable, and financially feasible. (1) Interested residents and business owners may all participate by speaking at meetings, contacting staff, being on the mailing list, submitting written comments, or as appointees to the representative advisory group. (2) The City will present information in an easily understandable format. (3) The City will provide copies of requested information to the participants at a reasonable cost and time considering the nature of the request. E ICHIBIT A PAGE 3 of Evaluation and Appraisal Report Public Participation Procedures December 3, 1997 Page 3 E. Information. To ensure that the public is informed about the planning process, the City will distribute information and collect information about the Evaluation and Appraisal Report as outlined below. (1) Advertisements of public hearings will be placed in the Orlando .Sentinel and the West Orange Times. " (2) Workshop and public hearing notices will be posted at City Hall. (3) Draft copies -of the elements will. be distributed to the representative advisory group, the City Commission,' and the Local Planning Agency before Joint Workshops or Public Hearings. III. FORMAL HEARINGS After the final draft of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report is complete, the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission) will hold at least one additional public hearing on the overall Report. At that meeting, the Local Planning Agency will discuss whether the Evaluation and Appraisal Report is consistent with State requirements and local concerns. If a majority vote of -the Local Planning Agency members finds the Evaluation and Appraisal Report consistent. then . they will send the Report to the City . Commission with a recommendation to transmit the Report to the Department of Community Affairs. After the Local Planning Agency makes its recommendation to the City Commission, the City Commission will conduct.formal Public Hearings to complete the process, as required by Section 163.3184 (15), Florida Statutes. C:IALL OATAWHPOFiLE*-AMENOMNT,EARREPR'nEAR980d1198PBLPRT.FNL