HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A) First Reading of Ordinance No. 97-05, revising the Employee Rules and Regulations regarding Disciplinary Action/ Termination and Grievance Procedure AGI.NDA 1-7-97 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI A Ocoee di T COMMISSIONERS N. RUSTY JOHNSON 11 ill a CITY OF OCOEE SCOTTANDERSON p SCOTT A.GLASS 150 N.LA FLORIDAE DRIVE Pf `. V OCOEE, ORIDA34761-2258 JIM GLEASON yr :: J (407)656-2322 FR \\ CITY P OF G000 ELLIS SHAPIRO TO: THE HONORABLE, S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FR: PEGGY PSALEDARIS, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR DA: JANUARY 2, 1997 SU: REVISIONS TO PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS We request the Mayor and Members of the Commission adopt Ordinance Number 97-05 of the City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and Regulations concerning the above subject matter. Please be advised the Personnel Committee and Employees have reviewed the requested changes and both unions have been notified of the changes . Neither of the unions responded to our letter of information. Our Labor Attorney, Reynolds Allen has reviewed the changes and our Personnel Board has reviewed the changes . As you can see, some of the changes are housekeeping in nature and a Grievance Hearing Committee has been added as requested by the Personnel Committee. Respectfully Submitted, oi Pers Director 0Y v . ORDINANCE NO. 97-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 93-18 BY AMENDING SECTION 15 OF EXHIBIT "A" THERETO RELATING TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION/TERMINATION AND AMENDING SECTION 16 OF EXHIBIT "A" THERETO RELATING TO GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida desires to amend those sections of the City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and Regulations relating to Disciplinary Action/Termination and the Grievance Procedure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Amendment to Disciplinary Action/Termination and Grievance Procedure. Ordinance No. 93-18, adopted October 5, 1993 is hereby amended as follows: Section 15 and Section 16 of the City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and Regulations, attached as Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 93-18, are hereby amended as set forth in Schedule 1 attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1997. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) Advertised , 1997 Read First Time , 1997 Read Second Time and Adopted , 1997 Under Agenda Item No. fOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of . 1997 FOLEY & LARDNER by: City Attorney Section 1 to ORDINANCE NO. 97-05 SECTION 15 DISCIPLINARY ACTION/TERMINATION and SECTION 16 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE SECTION 15 DISCIPLINARY ACTION/TERMINATION 15 . 01 Intent A. It is the intent of the City that effective supervision and employee relations will avoid most matters which necessitate disciplinary action or termination for violation of rules and other conduct which is unacceptable . B. The City recognizes the fact that each situation differs in many respects from somewhat similar ones . Thus, the City retains the right to treat each incident on an individual basis without creating a precedent for other cases which may arise in the future and to determine the appropriate discipline or termination on a case-by-case basis . The City recognizes the following types of disciplinary action: (1) Verbal warning (2) Documented verbal warning (3) Written warning (4) Suspension without pay (5) Demotion (6) Combination of the above (7) Termination C. Unlike demotion and termination of permanent employees which may only be for just cause as provided in paragraph D below, employees may be disciplined by rcprimard, verbal warning, documented verbal warning, written warning, suspension without pay, or combinations thereof for violation of offenses listed in Section 15 . 03 or for any action or failure to act which in the opinion of the City Manager or his/her designee adversely affects the ability of the employee and/or fellow employees to efficiently perform their job responsibilities and/or adversely affects the efficient operation of the City government or any department, division, or area of the City. D. Permanent employees may be demoted or terminated for any reason set forth in Section 15 . 03 as a Group I or Group II offense, or for any other just cause. Section 15 . 03 , Group I Offenses, provides recommended but not mandatory penalties to apply to specific offenses ; however, the penalty utilized shall be cnscretionary with management and nothing herein shall require that a particular form of discipline be utilized in any case prior to the utilization of another form of discipline . Adopted 10-5-93 1 Revised determining the diocip_inc to be utilized in a particular case, management shall consider the severity of tho offense, the coot involved, the time interval between violations of similar or oth..r rules of conduct, tho employee' s work record, the employee' s length of service with the City, the employee' s overall value to the City, the ability of the n..plcyc:: et,ee.=_r.0—nd other factor., as may b ar on the efficient and harmonious opc_atiuno of t b.. g.,a ernment . While a ..n,1 a-vcre g—aeer .o., suggested in Gectien 15 . 03 may be utilized, tho managerial employee who does not utilize the recommended reason for ouch action. E . In addition to the offenses listed in Section 15 . 03 below, infraction of departmental rules and regulations may subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 15 . 02 Notice of Disciplinary Action A. Employees who are disciplined by verbal warning will have the reasons for said warning explained by their supervisor. 3 . In all cases of verbal warning with documentation, written warning, suspension without pay, demotion, or any combination of same, the employee shall be notified in writing of the action taken and a copy of such notice shall be retained by the Personnel Office for placement in the employee' s personnel file . C. The Department Director and/or designee shall coordinate all disciplinary actions, including non-documented verbal warnings , with the Personnel Office, and shall notify the Personnel Office of any verbal warnings given. 15 . 03 Types of Offenses The two (2) groups of offenses and the guide for recommended penalties are set forth below; however, the principles concerning application as sec forth in Section 15 . 01 shall apply: GROUP : OFFENSES First Offense - Documented verbal warning Second Offense - Written warning Third Offense - Up to ten (10) working days suspension without nay Fourth Offense - Termination (1) Operating, using, or possessing tools, equipment or machines to which the employee has not been assigned. Adopted 10-5-93 'L Revised (2) Performing other than assigned work. (3) Quitting work, wasting time, loitering, or leaving assigned work area during working hours without permission. (4) Taking more than specified time for meals or rest periods . (5) crepe productivity or competency 13 1 coo than 6perat6ar3tandard. (6) Sleeping on the job unless authorized. (7) Reporting to work or working while unfit for duty, either medically, mentally, or h sicall iii!ft`oa>Y g ri ..............................:..:.................................:::.:.:.....:.:.... ...................................................................................... ....................................................................................... (8) Posting or removal of any material on bulletin boards or City property relating to Section 4 . 05 (D) unless authorized by the City Manager. (9) Violation of Sections 4 . 05 (B) , (C) or (E) relating to solicitation and distribution. (10) Excessive tardiness . (11) Excessive absenteeism, regardless of the reason. (12) Violating a safety rule or safety practice. (13) Failure to report an accident or personal injury in which the employee was involved while on the job or in a City vehicle . (14) Engaging in horseplay, scuffling, wrestling, throwing things, malicious mischief, distracting the attention of others, catcalls, demonstrations on the job, or disorderly conduct . (15) Creating or contributing to unsafe and unsanitary conditions or poor housekeeping. (16) Failure to report the loss of a City identification card to the Department Director. (17) Failure to keep the department and Personnel Office notified of proper address and telephone number. (18) Failure to work overtime, special hours or special shifts after being scheduled according to overtime and standby duty policies without a legitimate reason. (19) Leaving work at the end of the scheduled shift without Adopted 10-5-93 Revised being relieved by the supervisor or the relieving employee on the incoming shift, for those units operating on a 24-hour basis . (20) Gambling, lottery, or engaging in any other game of chance at City work stations at any time . (21) Failure to report a request for information or receipt of a subpoena from a law firm or an attorney for a matter relating to City business . (22) Knowingly harboring a serious communicable disease which may endanger other employees without advising the City. (23) Violation of Rulc3 & Rcgulation3 or Departmental C .O. P. ' a for ..hick di3cipiinary action t_may be the penalty •p b yshe ty or epai tme t l p• is es, ru es `static rr operati gg procedures or regulations. 2 :I13.10 AO : :t . Od roducts w .l.e :c .....dut .....o ...o >;0 ?::. .. :C .. :. {vw::n,v.�n,.:.v.:;:........t.4•.,,+tit:,it•..; ...... k,�k..:•t:;•;+•,+:•ty.•.,;,•::::::::,.......... ...................t: ...t:t....... ..ti... ..k. t:: ...:...: ... �„ ti,,.:.: ;>:.}1::;:• '::t.... M1,:;:.;::.: ..vea:acaxoabobv:t:::;:2::,,, • ,,..,,,.:...:t:;..tk..::t {dint• :..v t+>�. \� � y .wk`�.::::':." .\ ,$.•+ .•::k•.:,. .,..........• ..a\ +wi::pi'•T. f•:�ti�o ..::i4;x4%:i i in o:.4 3=a+:,i'. % :•:i<ti:+v.+l• GROUP II OFFENSES ............... .. First Offense - E.p'> to Termination ............... ................... (1) Failure to meet prescribed standards of work. (2) Violation of Florida Statute prohibiting public employees from participating in a strike against a public employer. (3) Incompetency, inefficiency, or negligence in the performance of duty. (4) Conviction of a non-felony criminal offense or any felony. (5) Being under the influence of intoxi ating liquor, drug3, . or barbituratc3 ;not prc3cribcd by a doctor) while on duty or while on or in City property. } (G) Unauthorized absences or abuse of leave privileges . it (7) Use of official position for personal advantage Commission of any offense described in these rules and regulations or departmental rules and regulations relating to disciplinary measures for which termination is the penalty. (9) Deliberately or negligently misusing, destroying, or damaging any City property or property of an employee. ARF(10) Falsification of personnel or City record, including employment applications, accident records, work records, Adopted 10-5-93 Revised purchase orders, time sheets, or any other report, record, or document . (< # > >(11) Making false claims or misrepresentation in an attempt to obtain sickness or accident benefits, or workers' compensation. ( (12) Insubordination or the refusal to perform work assigned, or to comply with written or verbal instructions of a supervisor. 1$2 (13) Unauthorized use or possession and display of fire arms, explosives, or weapons on or in City property a well:.. a <:<:> : t i < 2 e w t • ( 1 (14) Removal of City property or any employee' s property from City locations without proper authorization; theft of City property or any employee' s property. '(?1 < (15) Failure to return from an authorized leave of absence . ............... (155)' (1G) Concerted curtailment, restriction of production or interference with work in or about the City' s work stations including, but not limited to, instigating, leading, or participating in any walkout, strike, sit- down, stand-in, slowdown, or refusal to return to work at the scheduled time for the scheduled shift . (1v (17) Absent without permission or leave (A.W.O.L. ) . (1 `) (18) Acceptance of a gift, service, or anything of value in the performance of duty or under circumstances where the employee knew or should have known it was given with an expectancy of obtaining a service or favored treatment by a City employee, department, or agency. (1 14:9-)- Possession, use, sale, attempt to sell, or procure .....:,:.:....: illegal controlled substances at<' ta-me w h v gig .:w:r;:::;::•r;. ... ..,. ;:.>::;:::a:<.>:•: �.:1.2{.?:.;• • .;�:}>.:aaC•fwir. :•::•i a wee use sale or at.tem t P¢ '€:self.• or gtVg140 al'cohol' c"beverages while .on••duty;. on City property; or while operating or riding in or on City equipment . ( ' `;(20) Refusal to fully and truthfully cooperate in an investigation conducted by or at the direction of the City. .............. ( 0')'(21) On or off the job conduct which adversely affects the ability of the employee to perform his/her duties and/or adversely affects the efficient operation of the City government or any department, division, or area of City government . ............... !(2 ) (22) Discourteous, insulting, abusive, or inflammatory language or conduct toward the public or co-workers . Adopted 10-5-93 Revised 40 (23) Improper racial or sexual comments, harassment or acts directed to any City employee or the general public . 23r(24) Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with fellow employees or supervision at any time, including abusive language. li.24Y(25) Provoking or instigating a fight or fighting while on duty. : •5;) • Persoriatr. -T4,....."."4Vi: 4„.ktit*. 36,ElklaX,40. #fly reaso#?. • tat4utfiiiii4ITchgiT&. (8iigi54ff6laqp A. An employOk charged (11..:,,, ,.04y felony or (2) a misdeMeancitWhich .the City Manager :eels may impacti :the efficient operation of the City may be f:luspended without pay pending action by the City Manager . AtOhis/her'Option, tbe..City Manager may wait until the final...resolution cf thiW0iijminaj_ charces to decide what :. disciplinary action, zip to take, or the City Manager may decide not to wait but take 'whatever disclplinar action he/shedeems' appopriate, if any, based or hii1710# own:. liiveatigatiog& C. The results 'a limiteeCto a..41iStitta...„ a plead bargainaak: •• contendere, r a c-u tal, shali ot:::•n3:;•var: •„ • •„Am binding on the City or the City Manager - 0 whether. dlsciplinay action or the fo- • - • action selected Is apnropriate .:. D . ItiMiTTPases, the City M ± gèr will detexmine reinstatement_and/orAtdk_pay are approprlate_ Adopted 10-5-93 La Revised • SECTION 16 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 16 . 01 Purpose The grievance procedure is established to provide full opportunity to employees to bring to the attention of management, situations that directly affect the employee' s pay, benefits, or working conditions . It is the intent and desire of the City to adjust complaints or grievances informally, and both supervisors and employees are expected to make reasonable efforts to resolve problems as they arise. However, it is recognized that there will be grievances which will be resolved only after an appeal and review. The submission of a grievance by an employee shall in no way adversely affect the employee or his/her employment with the City. A. An employee may file a grievance over the interpretation, application, or violation of City Personnel Rules and Regulations or any Departmental Rules or Regulations applicable to him/her, to resolve a problem concerning his/her employment, or to question and seek to overturn any disciplinary measures taken against him/her tithe Grievance Procedure zn Secti.on 16. 02, except that. gt evancet over to .nab.ior . ot_ de of .con o permanent is:i:::::K �:::.r.,:.. `..t.i .:::: i::::::?i1 .::': is i....�'.4:�..���''•�'`�':iiiji:::.�.....'..'.'{n :i:, '�.' .:ji..::�:::':{:i::i: 'r::4i,::�.�:::''..�•::'� '�v}iy:�::.:. .. 00yog iiiA40 ........ Dub?e� >:<:; c ; r:�r .e .... ..... W*00d an B. Only permanent employees are eligible to file appeals or grievances under this procedure. Probationary employees are not considered permanent employees until suu completion of the probation period. Department Directors ...................................................................... and higher levels of management v M pt� e re shall not have the right `to`-'tile""grievances Under this section but shall in case of demotion and termination be entitled to pre andnig post action hearings under Section 16 . 04 . 16 . 02 Grievance Procedure In order to assure every employee a method ?, which the employee can get a particular grievance considered rapidly, fairly, and without reprisal, the following steps are provided: ............................................. STEP 1 >« pery The aggrieved employee shall, within three (3) working days of the incident, explain and discuss the complaint or grievance orally with the supervisor involved. Higher level supervision may be called into the discussion in an Adopted 10-5-93 Revised effort to achieve a prompt satisfactory adjustment . The Supervisor will make a decision and notify the employee in writing within three (3) working days after the discussion with the employee . To assure appropriate application of City policy, the Supervisor should coordinate with the Personnel Office before reaching a decision on a grievance. STEP 2 SPOtikigiEiiiiiietifig6E6i If the aggrieved employee feels that the matter has not been settled or adjusted to his/her satisfaction by the Supervisor, he/she may submit the matter in writing to the Department Director within three (3) working days from receipt of the answer in Step 1 . The Department Director ` li4940; shall meet with the employee within .three i it3.)i' working days after ............... ...:::::::::.:::: receipt o the grievance. The Department Director uq �c �-:: r�ti des "�'�'€ shall give a written answer to the employee.... within three (3) working days after the scheduled meeting. . . ....... ... ... STEP 2 - .Hearlilq %alMmlitte0, A. Right tb Appeal If the matter x" 'k, "' sO' v ed t .e. employee' s satisfactionp � by tftYe� e g on., di e, �epar i L. D�irec .o •,�:: 4. the employee. may •aolteal.. within L ree (.^. ) Yorkin✓ nays to writing to the Director of Personnel & Employee Relations requesting a review of the grievance by the Hearing Committee_ ,Aph appear Shal.,;:;44e accompanied by all facts, inf army ion and other iii44§0ments relating, to.. the complaint and the written answ r given to ,he Sirector of Personnel & Employee Relations,: who will provide the information packet to all me ej of the arm. Committee prior to the hearing ; 14 .Right >.ta Bypasq ............................................ - .......................... '.h`.a.2Kft..i...... 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Members andrin6iiiiEEFFiftiartrWeirtgE4;:,' (1)•:.::; year ..._.........:., -,:::::::::::: , . ,n4...kk::*,!:Kti,,....::::...:v,::::•:. terms: but there :shal0:ibe,M.M:lintztrorr.•.t.he number ot . , ....„. ,..„,.,A0,, • .„, terms: they serve . Empoyees mar'.„.:: serve on othe.r: CommitteesAittaservi - on the I-Tear-Ina Cam i ti t:e t•?:•:']ii • - -•:,:fti::;k::;:::::;:::::::•;s:41,.-;:::$%,•--- ' teni: rrlii ::.e.1-.e cf.ei.iNaliaritie:..46.1;4144 :::.: he first two '(ni misire04.‘ii:.tme .,et, by .iid tATafeiii-i: '•. '44'.he':• :'•"'Itrdtg.4. ii:f,tigreatediiii516iSif'64 ,1ifFehe.:;:::. i:i'di . ..::_.- :.&::::*i*,: Police:': Depart meat. .Ii-,,Otttit:1- process a grievanc.0 :::-,..:::::i,::::: . . . ..:::. qadmt: this Secticartheeloted Hearing Committee lirait'± 0-..: ci..1t,,rriare from Area 2 will be. :replaced: 5 .r ::::ir:W,_•".,:•:::**i::::,,,:.,...,..:..,.,. :' axiMaarSalna:r Q. unit employee selected. by the dfreT:'bargaining agent from the department in -. the arievant worts unless the certified .barcT,71ining agent fails to notify the Director of Personnel Sc. Employee Relations in writing within three (3) days after the re:_-,ponse . of the e,,oartment. Director in Stem 2 of tbAlame of the i-_-,arg.A4p4,49 cc 'cc...- unit.........member..;.....selectedv,.to $ftlIft : 2::- 'Procedure A. A ::...iwg..77. 1. taigimoRmacworeigi.:**4:40ft cholosegwiTr .W-6 mtor f rônie 1 & Eiti,13T4* Relations. within :three (3) days of the receipt: c.1. e the written appeal to Stel.D..3 - ..,:i a... • The ii -ar. ...ag. com00..t.tPi::]:X0.,*: .0. itade_Hiitag.,,, Iiii-le a)iiiii$iiixeei4A.Wftxatre.. t the .f aukif:45: a a,--(i,_as. iti4rAire.ria .in.iiiiiiii• aph c clattgoi above, except when a. Da:rgaiamg -.1.anit' employe0MX$ 044g#AX4nti .P4F45XR4gliOlkgPhall ar),-21Y- ---— .,..„.,:, ..'....:... Tileelected alternate Loran Area shaJ....._ serve on 4 ..,:::::::i:.::::::::::,.. : :. •- -- . - , - ..::: 17iTearing Committee only' if the elected mernbe-2-: :or :. ::....... that.:Area is. unavailable. The 7i-rector of Personnel. & :.::Emoloyee Relation4 shall,. assist..tne.. aggrieved ervIoye.00titipreioarat ion Adopted 10-5-93 Revised vxw\�3:}� „'� \,� �� v:.ar}�a:,•t....:,:•. s • a ;.. `\'tip' .: '::^::w': : : •.;;.•:}},\• +\'@•,}:y;ScS ^} gy.\7.aA'cac Ain+rooav��Leaati:t:•:AS:omA :+�,roa::s'oh' \\v:,� JSa}�h`Shiv�iO:t};LA;:i;;;;;3::.::i:3:xii6h trW ....•v+}:Sr5:.}SX, {;ryr:6}:v•v•.n%%#.%\SM.v:3}\:'}�Q' ..,.:..:. ...:':::..\,... ,.\\\+:\\\\.v,{:yr:A\:,:-�S:-:S:i.v}r;{S:A,:"*.*Y ,t•M.C.:3}:**C.}h+:3}r} . 3:?•:`::.Srk}, ,L.::.>} • .f , h•.:.: :'.ti{.rx•}.};:r.A\w?}?ag,.i::i}::,�+ .' �: .:;xr.. © air F e 'members}wha. , kb�xes a :; M��,y + +2� 4 +:?t•";�+eih4..,}: EE r.. }.\ \4 . 3xt\C?3:}a?3::: :;1\\\VA444\\\\?��:,\+3\v?,\\4\�:... \•,\A:hL.;::;::.`,.:::}v}i:i�x}",•".avx\\\t?ati • ti.�•}J,\+c:^i�Siu:L;•..•:::\.. • •\�2}'+A r}\;}:}+\ ,}n,, ...{,;r,},,..,. ,M:3}r}}}}},},};.,>;.;.. r;{;. ,cm .,h�}y};.};.}r,,:3c•,}},..::.};.>}..v:•r.;.,;:•r'}}}:-}:}:•}}:•: .?;aa\ \,\'•}• }• `'\��M��.'',��'. 4:.;•h�i; t�A..� S,�.t:.:a.: ::.\\4i•.:,. �x,,,'A :<\•:...uu;::J'',,:#k{;7::t'j�}i:}}•.:r:L3S}}:o::}:•:3:`ti .:ti•.,;:{;:;�\?'.rx\. • { 1►h.II��11YY • yy� ':S:'111:4�: lRM„♦Zi„. {•• 04 aota?alaln;<;;:<?;;+ {'rv, •4\\': ;h�k�:tii^C:Cv{it]}a}}h4 r'vb ?„` ':}.\::•:}:i witnesses sha; have the o• mr a t t ee tor: the ,,ill p 2},, +Zw�.''.•.e..{uts.'•},'k.�o ''?''re.5:,�'�,}' ; e ... �::::��+�ky�\:j{3..:,v ::;i::.v v:::•:::.i}:iL13!,,i{dt:}C4 �q h{Sr}vv$•:\'f.3'v,�t;..4r.,;Y};,..�.•...\\iY..};tN.3:v{••Q�x'•{.}vn}}}�.}};n:3nr}}}}:v:n..M.4}.r,......;:.,.};n.. , hearing �a repres`ent >< nt `or tie Depart ,t H madw sKtoi u taw. GMa: agex tvnet ma be as Maa g + earfh C0.1104 oevitut k t t P, "AW Ott: t;F Manager ! . re3,*Aak c., • be e u r Wit z \ 4 ite ) working 44,SHI612401fithe close og the he g the Hear in4rCornrTXi } al <: 1 .e a wr `e'en Report Y :•. the: Ci,.y M wLt p e4 t46 { : .2e Dir ector. r_o+ �ersonel . �`}np , yee• E •ai; ? t. V :p•arttne•nt Di e o:r and the agg ,e ea erne?oye4; The HH' .ng; Co .ttee ReC)or igeMmay 4.4o114 recommended : finding's and co.n lu ©us t±e 15 Cat.: una .{t?E3f s,• ar��, C amtt t t`e Member v�C TT1s s mar write a sppa.,-ate ARepo�'t' as`ahed to the Hearingtcommlttee Report . STEP 44 OIManaget v}�,3. .,•..... .}; :...Sr;}:L;}} ...%.:••:X-}}}}};v;:.,L... , % :C.}}.:C}:3 ;}„ , , K r ': p' w2 � � th elvy. Manage If the grievance is not resolved by the decision of the Department Director, the employee may file a written appeal _ 4ad.::::�:,:.:'::::r:.:: �. �.�:4 �'d� SCp� g t��; directly to the City .?1ahager -w thih three •C3) working days after receipt of the written decision of the Department Director. Within three (3) working days the City Mana a ".. .:.L ti4,;:<L<>°°>::>nee4 shall have a hearing•` fror "• ie""employee}3'aric'shall render a...:deciion within three (3) working days thereafter. The decision of the City Manager 3ha11 be final, and the employee 3ha11 have no further right of administrative appeal . ......................SS".4'-:Sri}:.}::••!A ` :> '+:'.: 57 ": 7,r°' ,:• :. "' eat 5 <to he .3'r bm1T tEtiE' .: ...............................�•>:-:;•:3:.x.;iir:{y::r,v::.,r:::::r:.::ri{.»r:.;{..:•:...}:i•}:•::..}r..{..;at3:3:•rrr•....}x;.}:.krr:3v.:::.}:•rr:•rr..:{;::.}r:•rr:•:�••.:•:;;-r}:;:-rrr}•::}:-:L-rr:-}r r::r. .•y��•y a�rrt� �+ •�1 :: :': �1liiiin i }�f: aF_.ih''{iC r •rM• ,�}w,.yt�:, •:.:vv};.v: .�lfi'�.r•''�lF'.... .' :•Si� ^.T.{•+.!•.. .....�i.. n.:::ir::;r;^}?.n.. ...........:. :::::....:.:... .•{3....... {..r....vr.:::7,w,v}ry4.{,V,.::•:::r. '}}Ei; :}:�:}}ii:{.H... :3'ff.:ir..:{i•::'?Ur r:•:{igv::,3 }n.vM'C•..�.� ""R,Y}..'.:•.+�:`tiiC�'`$:;'...\+W.S�+LS";i:�:?:t{:,viiii:.... :'K};;i:;.v,�%....:n'n,'j,i r r.'..�..►.v;r ..w::?t}Lti4.iF:}X:i\,,.:.v.:`vi%}?}$>'.::�ii.:7.aliv'r .•S:Cww+i.'}040�SwU3�:v: ,�i�4;Gv::S:::yy� J•.•.V3�-v.{-0OS�.Jw-• •••:ti3n:}wriviwnrT:vvii.:v'.Si—:.:SS::}ii::ri??:}tiT:}:ice.}i: Adopted 10-5-93 f 6 Revised •• .••••••••••••.;:;:p.w::::;:;:::::::;x::: :•*::•'*•:,.................. '' '''''''t:'-H''•:•::::''''"'tlii'''Nlfftiinit•ta:nage.r.::iaviort4go •:,•-•-x-‘:,•,.'"':-V::"''''''''''''''''''':"a41.i,,...,..,.,ViL.ON:•'.:......M,:;::.....:::......:.:::,....,....,.,::::..:,;:,:„:„.„ .i,:,?:i*:,:,....:•,:,,,,,:•:::•, , iiii*Nel,,, ,lig:****ik,tRO,:,.:-.g..,;..0.:•:,,,,:::•...:::0.1.,,,,,9‘iitlieve014.Ati411:1.04the thee--::*1:Ste:WitirtEttg.mtiA4wW4gPitsain:r::! ::„•,..:::„.....:•,.......:•,,,,,.....:•:•:•:•:•:-...• • • •... 1..- .. . ., .r ::11,..,.,.i_m••.....:= .z...:•:Z.„ .;;;•v,:o.11.•-•:-...za•::•,'::A.Ir,Inel:."'ar Committee.. .A•., .. .4:: """7 #f.P.:,..41°44.....JPM::,:.:ki.:4.....;.;"...i7.:7'......77:77v.......,W...a :::: ::::::::::::::::: ::*::::::::::::::::::$ -••••.*:::•..:,:,,,vi.:;;g .:.:.5::::::::.••••x.:.:.:.y.7.:.:.::,:";:tut.,:.:• eR. m dRigittlitheMC427Meva);...:.:..............................................................................................w..................... V• #rlgfI..oglm..••o."' Rx. 45-,..xim:•i-:•:••p•••::•::p•::i•:i-•.l••'....taWti _FCA.:•0i..c::-!3.4...:..:.1.•g.6.....i.:6....y...r.ef..:,.,....f..t.,-,g1i,,t::,:.::::.:::..:.:b:::.:.:.:,::..?:„::*:,:K;.u,?..1•7,::t.::':::::1t 6E6:.:.*.....::,A.:ImtW#il. 4 0iV,4U4l49PW * g,7i6tivHkapioioop „.ft,t0, pn .4ggwidex01a4boVeftm# 0YgXtMfAi *awo,fI.., '•.::.:: :::gpAA;:.44:*., dOtaig,iiihdfiiren•:. , -.:...it iiiiititte and i:409:FA . mammiio,,,,L:::m,....::iii,„.::•,::lei:ii:i!i:%.:., ,..::::::,:*:••:.:*::::::::::::::::::m*::::::::,::::::,i*:::::*:::::.,p !;,,, ,, . ., .. ..g...e zwRiitiigmMik..:;,:::::gr%:::::ixi,,,ma, 'iiiifaVizh.,:414P1;P11:4I5p7.4,,, ,,,A----:-,:valigisfikEt490010ggat • iiusadt*O44tmArii:9dENR ... :,:::::•::::::::.:::::::::*,:::::::::::::,:::,.....: ...„....::::,....„,.., .iigititaiit. iiti4* ttgagEPOPM*q : .: P... • ,..,,,,,..m .....„:, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,:.,1\:;::,,,,..:2,.....4-,.,...\.......1..,Iii...1,.. .... \.11:•„;;;,.'4,kAac..i.N„,1A.,:,:, „........ s ,r. • • % i...i,:, , ;..:s....:-•,„..., :>•---,...,.,,-.. - , • qiimi..s........=m....t..a:::• .::::::..:::*-:, ••••:. -•0.0.44 .,, .......:::::.,:.::::.....kim., ..:„...w.w.:::::.sr:: :.1::*----. ...0.,$..v-*20,. .:,..:.wk,-,,. ...',...: : ....ti :,:i::::..R.,:"...,•ms.*::,::.%:::::e..:.-....:.iewith. .,....,..odesnti.:*0.. ..c..,i......,_ ...... :.....,,,...;,.., ...........,... ........,....... 16 . 03 General Provisions A. The time limits of this grievance procedure may be extended up to five (5) additional ..working 43.. days by due t 0 ii0141**OettMO: ..49.:,EgO.:t managcmcnt or #4e employee or by illness, emergency,!.. ... ,.,,. . .,.:„„..,...7.„.:these. 2asiiii mgia4:6iiiiiio:to.t.4:,#4ogioti] . *]?..iti,:::::,i:,:,,.*0!,::"):::.#4riraLRtj:104:. til::° etllrnr:e_lt5lobsyu' ...'....'"''''.".... T----- 1 s require , ..„,_ .1.....,...................................... -:::...: eseine((or reasons . I an extension , . .,... .,attxtrdiottpdot4gravohl:a management) ..sha)....27.::::.:.??:.:.:.:. .av4..gt:w.mrtic?-441:14toratavg#Iiprig4 lidlowiair:ftwiiiigtxR.LMfflIgi.,rriiAtizki,!4.41 B. : :....i....,........:.:.......:.:.,.,.,,...,::::::,...,;; ::::::::, . .,.,:::::,:above,...:.:„.::::subject. ,_. 1:.:.:..f......the response time limit..... falls. ..oh........a.n....„%ep.V.72„y:::.::.:.:.::.,:e; 1y, •• ----'• -:-...•-......... d:;::.::•as4sPlIqftN44 ,,ii,ii(Mu. 17 off, 0#i:ii4OXetg4PI..47:2Y .....:.:.:.:.:. .......,....=, shall e.. ,...;;,,...„.„,:,..,„::„...,,,.:::.:•::...-......„,,,......ti,,i,ogitiwkitorp the reply by management....,. v.aikiik '';'4MV.45given €7?'t.gir ::iiiik;Oireibn the oc hcdulcd workday first work . alAir v..••••k aaviiithomigmv4a#teifISFAM following...... . - ,,,...," 7*.':% •.9 gkts!wa..vtgtiwogtthwo..mwtt:;,:::„:%h..-oo:i,,, , ---H.. ..,,,,. tst34)N:t 44"-x•Try.t&fttitia.:,meRPS::: ,..,:•••.,:•:• %.44614, ,..!::igk,....... .:i.::.....w.,!.. •}MC** ^C{ ,:v...,...smx,xa•xx‘s.sma: ',cac WrOftitapt. ...........REW.Mr.:M C. Under this grievance procedure the employee and/or management have the opportunity to call witnesses at the ep 2 and Step 3 levels. D. Any grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of management' s response at the completion of any step, unless it is appealed within the time limits set forth. ......._.... ..::::: mtiglislm gricvancc filcd.....*NR9R*m .:.,::i! „.:.?:.::: E. All information. :.: ....7. ......9. :f ?..:.:1 „:, ::::1iii !,;:ltisgg....,,, .,.,,,, 7.i.„...,,&..-„,,,........._ l'iriiiii4iiiHieal*„„i4„„AL"0!"11... '11t1111•1*16,..:__..".7::.:.!O7pfed ... .:.: e:.:TilLtc5f:47)1.7Fc7 Rth:1: Am. .. '4i'i':Ra'atitc.ti0. on the day of titie.....1. Imafitil.g.ili.P0g0P44. i:Agi*16. :1;li. appeals--san 44,:i:i: i: ir.„,„,,:•::i,...,..,...:-..:.,::..-::.:.•.,:e.:;.; kgtdatato ,...............„.----7.—•:::::.••• rcccip in al tcp Adopted 10-5-93 it Revised next st , pr�vi ep dea a document noed troy supplied ix f ,o •: . : t l been\ \ a t r s: a r alie .. . • • F. All grievances at their conclusion shall be forwarded to the Personnel Office for coordination, analysis, and filing. Management shall st,pli' `thgeb4eigaiii0a with PY .. '�'��C7�I-`E?1 � cz C,•op �i +��'�w�':� in Steps 2 and [, as vvelT� as ` r ori�`�.T7.a40 :...ti4<..: } 00 fsnS p L T' .. � 'g • or Tle�y,{�a`,�k� zK r��.ea zn, arde r ,ta insurA its g�eserva�: .......,,. =•: apes o?> :flee a r g Coms . { s e : .:.• .`bar eat Pe7te : & Wrtipl,ore . ep•or• as Wel 3s. the o- . .�w ` ciW ,` i'w� •: .. �``,`''yii.RiF'`4.gc : pan cr pt. cr_s resented .. " t ..',: .::.:::.::::............ .......... G . In some cases, steps in the grievance procedure may be waived at the discretion of the Department Director or City Manager to allow more severe matters to progress more rapidly. ......................,y}}]Oi,+......,,,UAr,n:�i>.::,.i}a:->•+.v,:-},:,.}vr:,:' nv?}}:•.}{i%•.}•:Y nr3M%•:{{.fi{\t::{.}:•}•�yj,1�C�K\'v}hHD}i 6%{•:S4}n}y:':L:;;:+?::?}}}?:?i.::.::v:Ll. t.L.�.::�•ti}:;;b•.;}<}?;:.C:";x,}.i.:L:Rh.::.••.}::.t".%{ K..�{},\}Kx4 u.rf•:�C•rP: ••{}:an+•{•vx�r il4F?}{Mp`4+c:n•Sw V } • '\ ac% dr .. eh have £� � TI:° ": sKe $$140ta tamOtt CEA for * a \upon f it in a :r z e vane undo p pr'E3ux the emloyee. mad* 4qt. e. .e under : `. The Director of Personnel & Employee Relations will be available at any step in the procedure to assist in any way in resolving the grievance. 16 . 04 Ddffiti # > ar`':. Termination afiRt4iiii4figheatffigiiii.4gii Permanent cmploycc3 3_hall be afforded procedural duc process Q3 required by law. AUMAgfilefaliiiiati ... ... ,:.;..:.:{.}::..;.};:}:::i::itj::i::i;.}jam•}....:-:m.:.H{{5:::: A .:permanent mpl oyee whom managemen ><p n i8ei g demoting orma� ha ent t ; . •_, � • .... .. ................................................................ ........................ a Permb.hntHEMp442Nee6 The ._ Manager 1 � eat td cfer> e tz3 °. .: .� due process Aeari tq before <i -; such dzseiitfl .nar ?ate 43% is taken If the City Manage,_ sc. l elects, the pe t'': #£ employee ill be notified i ng, and >:{,;,..... ...r2...•, Manager , car r, r rse- des .cl ie�„/Y {LF# `l• rake t_ .�^`;, •• . dec o after the s e �racess ' zeh the {v}} ha.4.�€ :e al a-�c tl e pe anen x `:' sa4. ^� :.::.•'' •sv�::• }r �.� ed t,� `f.�€.le cY pro�esa a gr��•�z Adopted 10-5-93 ( 2, Revised .r.,' .:.:.. ��`�`�� ��u4. A` � '41.`.h`.•. A.•. `S, K?:::t'Y `CR`?}ti;'Y,'FCA\'CCn"�. �::.. 'tt•:y: A;> • pext�ax� nt«; \etp pe w \ tom: not v cue <` ". Evi de: . ''. \,,auk:' roc s$ hey • t • er ax a x dph B i�emotio 7 -t 11 in '• 4Q .7�.iUAA�:,4a hear ({ .aZ g144 d .cr to rat ion a 4}}\ }taw* 1' =fie anent_ G' g� ee, sh&l• y��J A eal he t 0#rtr� ioilmar \tl • tgigokociucto ah���Iearirg• GQmmz..ree or .rec.t.�Ata ti `: `. ' �'' .L�' t h' ten `1 O} ,wo,:eltinsiklays o rlii1.• ..404.�;ne 4.ti ll e o , Pj}.,M.� . \ !MK\,,i••1, a�©�..1. , tSoa4�t:,;oS'aa�,R.\l'4\�4 .,,,.,..5.,......5,U�Ava:J..a•,4\w4\1WJo-}:;;:`.ott, anent employee ppea .s>>: e ffik 'JT ..• ' :0 '- 404: e 41ti.7 r 4} e.. W � t:} �ti4 Yk ���\4C} k Y4 4 • 4<Rw}}:xt� ,..,.}:» 4�`?�.CRL024R�440t`K. }• rt,, •�:l v� .yy, .'\"5:`%�:'i'\:>r.^-.:i't:..,.� 4hw\w'• t y :•ih\h,)hOn,•hJ}}Y3C]pJ i : .,. ... 4 �,. .t• \`:4\. }i�:: ct due prose 4 t withlri gd aY �xe e1��E3 « � ga• : o the `C�eitiC2 �.4 Y l tern u ea ,7.oI: • dire t1 ` \ . ;the C t Manager or. within ten ( , 0) wort , ra da s. of receipt of • the: i-iear=g COmm.: tte_' Report whicheve ... • appliesand make the final don. Nc,\The permanent employee shallit r 1�1 to6 ftrthe s }\ a admistrative review unc \ 3 . 02 , or otnerwise Adopted 10-5-93 13 Revised