HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (G) Discussion/ Action re: Addendum No. 3 to L. J. Nordars's Contract for Professional Geotechnical Engineering and Testing Services for Story Rd./Kissimmee Ave./Marshall Farms Rd./Maguiere Rd. Intersection Improvement Project AH. v 2-()4-97 Ocoee on VT G 0 0 tiE a o) eaoo Ce JAMES W. SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(4(17)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 30, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, RE.-.d'din/ Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement for Geotechnical Testing Services for the Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project Attached for your review is Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement for Professional Geotechnical Engineering and Testing Services, L. J. Nodarse & Associates, Inc. continuing contract. This addendum would authorize L.J. Nodarse to provide geotechnical and construction materials testing services for the Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project. In accordance with the construction specification documents, City standards and standard industry practices, certain geotechnical and construction materials testing is required to insure that the materials supplied meet the specifications and that the project is constructed in accordance with the plans prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants. Inc. The attached Geotechnical Testing Schedule was prepared by PEC to itemize the various tests required and establish frequencies and estimated numbers for each of the tests. The attached letter from L.J. Nodarse lists the services to be provided and establishes set costs for each of the tests in estimating their proposed fee. Based upon PEC's Geotechnical Testing Schedule, L.J. Nodarse's fee is estimated at $17,700.00. These fees are representative of the geotechnical industry and arc comparable to similar services from the other Geotechnical Engineering and Testing firms under contract with the City. Although the Geotechnical Testing Schedule is based upon City and FDOT standards for types of tests and their frequency which were used in the preparation of contract specification, unknown field conditions may require more tests to he performed. Any additional tests would only he performed at the direction of City staff, with possible advisement from PEC. Any and all tests THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE _ 7 which have to be repeated because of failure of the tested material to meet specifications shall be paid for by the contractor. Staff also requests that the Commission allow the establishment of a contingency fund in the amount of$2,300.00, to cover any additional testing which may be required that would result in exceeding the established contract amount. At this time, staff does not foresee any problems, but historical experience has proven that geotechnical and materials testing is estimated on established minimums and those minimums arc exceeded sometimes based upon the requirements of actual construction activity. Should construction activity require that the initial contract amount be exceeded, Staff will inform the Commission of this fact. Should construction activity require that the budget amount of the initial contract amount plus contingency be exceeded, Staff will prepare an additional amendment for review and approval by the Commission. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 3 to the Agreement for Professional Geotechnical Engineering and Testing Services with L. J. Nodarse & Associates, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of$17,700.00 to provide gcotechnical and construction materials testing services for the Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project. In addition Staff requests that the City Commission and the Mayor authorize the Engineering Staff to be able to exceed this initial set amount in the event that construction activity requires, only up to $2,300, for a total not to exceed amount of$20,000.00. Attachments PECYPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Project: Story Road Intersection Project Subject: Geotechnical Testing Schedule Item No. Description Estimated Number of Testa and Unit I. Proctor Tests: One test per each soil type encountered. 10 ea. 2. Embankment Density Tests:One test per each 12" layer of material 50 ea. placed. Tested every 500 SY of surface area. 3. Drainage Pipe Density Tests: One test at pipe spring line,At least one 80 ea. test for each 12'layer of backfill within the pipe bedding zone for all pipes 24"and larger,One test at an elevation of one foot above ate top of pipe,One test for each two feet of backfill placed from one fool above the top of pipe to finished grade elevation, and Tests performed every 300 LF for pipe installed. 4. Drainage Structure Density Tests:One test per every 100 SF of 90 ea. backfill around structures. Backfill to be placed and compacted in I2' layers. 5 Waterline Backfill Density Tests. One test at pipe spring line,At least 25 ea. one test for each 12"layer of backfill within the pipe bedding zone for all pipes 24" and larger,One test at an elevation of one foot above the top of pipe,One test for each two feet of backfill placed from one foot above the top of pipe to finished grade elevation,and Tests performed every 300 LP for pipe installed. C Removed Waterline Backfill Density Tests. One test per each 12' layer 20 ea. of material placed,and tests performed every 300 LF for waterline removed. 7. Subgrade Density Tests:One test per 500 SY of surface area. 40 ea. 8. Subgrade LBR Tests:One test per 2500 SY of Surface Area. 10 ea. 9 Soil-Cement Base Density Tests: One test per 500 SY of surface area. 40 ea. 10. Soil-Cement Base Thickness Cores: One per 1000 SY of surface area. 20 ea_ 1 I Soil-Cement Compressive Strength Testing: One per 2500 SY of 10 sets surface area with minimum of one per day. 12. Concrete Curb,Concrete Curb and Gutter,and Concrete!leader 15 sets Compressive Strength Cylinders,includes slumps and temperature measurements: One set of cylinders for each 500 I.F of structure installed but not less than one set per day. I3. Concrete Sidewalk and Concrete Ditch Pavement Compressive 10 sets Strength Cylinders,includes slumps and temperature measurements: One set of cylinders for each 500 SY of structure installed but not less than one set per day. 14. Asphalt Concrete Density Control Ship(Nuclear Method):Two strips 3 strips base asphalt and one strip friction course. 15. Asphalt Concrete Density Tests(Nuclear Method): One test per 1000' 20 ca. lane feet of roadway installed per layer. 16. Asphalt Concrete Marshall Properties Tests:Three tests for base 5 sets asphalt and two tests for friction course. cc Steve Kreidt,P.F. PEC Rob Rudd,PFIC File.OG254-3 0/3-I 0 2 6 • C/Nodarse & Associates. Inc. • • January 30, 1997 . • Project No. W97-C-018 TO: CITY OF OCOEE 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 • Attn: Mr. David Wheeler, P.P. RE: Proposal to Provide Construction Materials Testing Services Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project • • Ocoee, Florida Dear Mr. Wheeler: L.I. Nod Ise, & Associates, Inc. (LJN) is pleased to submit our proposal for providing testing services at the above referenced project. This proposal includes iu-place density tests on embankment, pipe backfill soils, drainage structures, roadway subgrade. soil cement base, asphalt and concrete testing for compressive strength. The estimated number of tests and hours included in this proposal were prepared by P.C.C. and provided to UN by the City of Ocoee. .However, the estimated number of tests may be different from the actual number required in the field. Any testing included in this proposal that is not performed will be credited to the estimated total, and any additional testing that may be required will ''cc billed with your prior authorization at Me proposed unit races. Please note that the unit rates quoted in this proposal are for "on call" services only. That is, UN will respond to you or your designated representatives call for a particular service when and if you schedule such work. UN has not included any project management time nor will we perform or assume responsibility for any such management services pertaining to checking, scheduling or assuring that all tests required by the city or any other authority have been obtained. If these services are desired, UN will be happy to perform them for an appropriate fee. Geotechnical, Environmental, & Materials Engineers 807 South Orlando Avenue•Suite A•Winter Park,Honda 02789•tobphone 407140.6110♦ Facsimile 407.740 6112 • • City of Ocoee n�/�]] P""daf;Pex,M. Project No. W97-C-018 110, Page 2 UN appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to working with you on this project. if you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please feel free to call us at your convenience. • Sincerely, • L.J. NODARSE & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • cra✓ Scat Scl r ger' Daniel 7. Dunham, P.B. Project anger Principal Engineer • Construction Services SS:a 97-01tl.l'V .Ulachmcnls L/Nodarse & Associates, Inc. • SCOPE (7E SERVICES CITY OF OCOEE STORY ROAD/KISSIMMEE AVENUE AND MARSHALL F RMS/MA.GWtE ROAD INTERSECTION LMrROYEMENTS PROJECT OCOEE, FLORIDA LIN PROJECT No, W97-C-018 I. HELD & LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES A. Proctor Tests Est. 10 Tests @ $75.00 ea- $ 750.00 B. Embankment, [u-Place Density'hest Est. 50 Sets @ $20.00 ea. 1,000.00 C. Drainage Pipe Backfill Soil, In-Place Density Test Est. 80 Tests @ $20.00 ea. 1,600.00 D. Backfill Around Drainage Structure, In-Place Density Test Est. 90 Tests Q $20.00 ea. 1,800.00 E. Waterline Pipe Backfill, In-Place Density Test Est. 25 Sample @ $20.00 ea. 500.00 F. Removed Waterline Trench Backfill, In-Place Density Test Est. 20 Tests @ $20.00 ea. 400.00. G. Subgrade, In-Place Density Test Est. 40 Tests @ $20.00 ea. 800.00 H. Limerock Scaring Ratio (LBR) Est. 10 Tests @ $250.00 ea. 2,500.00 I. Soil-Cement Base, Iu-Place Density Test Est. 40 Tests @ $20.00 ea. 800.00 J. Soil-Cement Base Thickness Cores Est. 20 Cores @ $30.00 ea. 600.00 Geotechnical, Environmental, & Materials Engineers SOY South Orlando Avenue•Suite A♦Winter Park,Florida 327$9♦Telephone 407.7a0.6110•FLcslmlla 407 740.6112 • City of Ocoee yxe�.r, Project No. W97-C-018 fig 4r�,.io„� Page 2 K. Soil-Cement Compressive Strength Tests (3 pills per set) Est. 10 Sets it/ $30.00 ea. $ 300.00 L. Concrete Cylinders (Compressive Strength Tests) (4 per set) Est. 25 Sets @ $65.00 ea. 1,625.00 M. Asphalt Concrete Density Control Strip (Includes In-Place Density Tests & Coring) Est. 3 Strips @ $300.00 ea. 900.00 N. Asphalt Concrete, In-Place. Density Test Est. 20 Tests @ $20.00 ea. 400.00. 0. Asphalt Concrete Marshall Properties Tests (Includes Density, Flow & Stability) Est. 5 Samples @ $100.00 ea. _ 500.00 Section I. Subtotal $ 14,475.00 II. PROFESSIONAL&TECHNICAL SERVICES A. Principal Engineer Est. 10.0 Hours @ $100,00/hr. $ 1,000.00 B. Senior Project Manager Est. 25.0 Hours @ $65.00/hr. 1,625.00 C. Word Processing Est. 20.0 Hours @ $30.00/1t.. . 600.00 Section II. Subtotal $ 3,225.00 'ESTIMATED TOTAL $. 17,700.00 Note: Minimum $50.00/Trip Charge 97-ale sco