HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (B 1 & 2) Discussion/ Action re: Multi-Purpose Recreation Center Located on A.D Mims Road Site: Schematic Design, Location of Park Facilitiess MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Board of city commissioners FROM: Jim Beech, Director of Recreation `1P DATE: March 14, 1997 RE: Multi -Purpose Recreation Center (heated on AD Mims Road site): (1) Schematic Design for Recreation Ruilding (2) Location of Park Facilities on site This report is respectfully requesting your favorable directions to proceed with Gee & Jenson in the development of the Schematir Site Master Plan - Scheme #2a for the Ocoee Recreation Master Park Plan at. the Wastewater Treatment site on AD Mims Road. it is recommended that the construction of the project be in phased improvements beginning with Phase #l: Recreation Center Bui]ding, Entrance Drive and Parking Lot. Phase #la: Multi -sport field, to be delineated as a Bid Alternate. Preliminary estimates indicate a budget of $1.5 million to complete Phase #1 and la. Mrs. Laura Nemethy, R.A-, Project Manager/Senior Associate for Gee & Jenson is here to give you an overview and answer questions yon may have. I respectfully request your approval to have the Mayor and City clerk sign the proposed work orders giving Fee & Jenson directions to move forward with Phase #1 and Phase #]a so that the project can he drawn up and released for Bidding to Design/Bnildi.ng Firms. attachment "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING" AGEWA 3-18-97 I Lem VT IS 1 5 2 CITY OF OCOEE 1511 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656 3103 RECMAT1nN DIRECTOR FAX (407) 656-8504 11M BEECH MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Board of city commissioners FROM: Jim Beech, Director of Recreation `1P DATE: March 14, 1997 RE: Multi -Purpose Recreation Center (heated on AD Mims Road site): (1) Schematic Design for Recreation Ruilding (2) Location of Park Facilities on site This report is respectfully requesting your favorable directions to proceed with Gee & Jenson in the development of the Schematir Site Master Plan - Scheme #2a for the Ocoee Recreation Master Park Plan at. the Wastewater Treatment site on AD Mims Road. it is recommended that the construction of the project be in phased improvements beginning with Phase #l: Recreation Center Bui]ding, Entrance Drive and Parking Lot. Phase #la: Multi -sport field, to be delineated as a Bid Alternate. Preliminary estimates indicate a budget of $1.5 million to complete Phase #1 and la. Mrs. Laura Nemethy, R.A-, Project Manager/Senior Associate for Gee & Jenson is here to give you an overview and answer questions yon may have. I respectfully request your approval to have the Mayor and City clerk sign the proposed work orders giving Fee & Jenson directions to move forward with Phase #1 and Phase #]a so that the project can he drawn up and released for Bidding to Design/Bnildi.ng Firms. attachment "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING" GEE 8r JENSON Fnyinmis • nrmneas • vlennols, me_ swsF ias 2701 11 J Center Parkw,. Snite 150 Mai l¢nd. FL 32751 Telgpbone 14071880-1660 Fax (4 07) 660 28 3 2 OCOEE RECREATION CENTER WORK ORDERS #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design for the CITY OF OCOEE February 24, 1997 (revised 3/10/97) Design Criteria Documents Gee & Jenson Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. GEE & JENSON Engineers • ArGntecls • Planners, Inc. sial- 15, 2701 Maitland Center Parkway. Sure 150 Maitland, Fi 32751 -eieorone (,tWt 660. 660 Fax (407) 660-2852 TABLE OF CONTENTS • Letter of Transmittal Project Schedule Section One: Schematic Design/Site Evaluation Recreation Advisory Bd. Minutes Recreation Advisory Ed. Comments Recreation Dept. Staffs Plan Sketch Building Program Site Development Restrictions Plan Contour Map Sketch (existing) Section Two: Schematic Design Drawings Floor Plan' Exterior Elevation & Building Section' Site Master Plan - Schemes #t, 2 & 2a' Site Survey' Section Three: Wetland Jurisdiction Assessment Application/Correspondence Section Four: Statement of Probable Cost Phased Development Costs Phasing Plan 24x36 Blueprints attached. OCOEE RECREATION CENTER PROJECT SCHEDULE rev. 2/24/97 PROFESSIONAL WEEKS ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SERVICE SCHEDULED HOURS MEETINGS ` Work Order #1 - Programming/Site Delivered 5,21/96 Selection 3 120 Architect/Owner Meetings: 2 • Develop Building Program (actual 133 hrs.) (actual6 mtgs.) Develop Conceptual Floor Plan w/ Future Expansion Project Schedule & Construction budget Preliminary Building/Site Code Review Preliminary Site Evaluation of Two Sites Work Orders #2a, #2b & #2c 6 Work Order #2a - Prelim. Soils Explorations ON HOLD PENDING (2 weeks) SITE PLAN APPROVAL Work Order #2b - Wetland Delineation DELINEATION COMPLETED 2/21/97 (Agency reviewlapproval in progress, allow an additional 100 days.) Work Order #2c- Boundaryfropographl SURVEY COMPLETED 2121197 Tree/Utility Survey (45 days) Work Order #2 - Schematic Design 6 200 Architect/Owner Workshops: 3 City Commission Presentation 1 Schematic Site Plan DOCUMENTS COMPLETED 2121197 Schematic Floor Plan/Elevations/Building Section Work Order #3 - Design Criteria Package 6 240 Architect/Owner Meetings: 1 City Commission Presentations: 1 Performance-Onented Architectural Drawings: Site Plan, Floor Plan, Roof Plan, Ceiling Plan, Finish & Door Schedules, Building Elevations & Building Section Architectural/Engineering Performance Technical Specification Work Order #4 - Bidding/Contract Negot. 6 60 Bid & Prebid Meetings: 2 Prepare Addenda Attend Pre-bid Meeting Attend Bid Opening Evaluation of bids submitted by the design -build firms Work Order #5 - Construction 32 60 Meetings: 1 Peer review of signed/sealed Construction Documents prepared by desiqn-build firm 61 weeks Items by Owner Div. 0 & Div. 1 Front-end specification. Instructions to Bidders, etc. Construction Administration: Pre -construction Meeting, Construction Meetings, Process Pay Requests, Process Change Orders, Review Shop Drawings, Construction Observation, As -Built Drawings, Certifications & Final Close-out. Items by Others (Design -Build Firm) • Construction Documents (signed & sealed) • Engineering Calculations (signed & sealed) including but not limited to Energy Calculations, _ Structural Calculations, Drainage Calculations • Permit Applications: Building Permits, SJRWMD, FDEP, and all site related Permit Applications 2701 M,11hund Oenter Park4e,y inc160•Mankind FL 32751•Teleptor,e(407(66016hO• Fix 407) 66C 1099 GEE JENSON Erymeen • mr&rt-ec�s • °tanners. Inc WCf ye; 270T Ma;aand Oenter Parkway. Swle'50 March 10, 1997 Mamani -L �275i Telepnono(407) 660-'660 Fax 140])660-2&52 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 Attn: Mr. Jim Beech Re: Ocoee Park & Recreation Center Dear Mr. Beech: We are pleased to submit Work Orders #2 2b & 2c' Schematic Design in connection with the Ocoee Park & Recreation Center for the City of Ocoee for your review. We have carefully prepared and evaluated the W.O. #2c - Boundary Survey, the W.O. #2b - Wetland D-i'neation findings. We have incorporated the comments/recommendations of the Recreation Advisory Board, your staff, the City Engineer and the City Manager regarding the development of the Ocoee Park & Recreation Center at the A.D. Mims Rd./Wastewater Site into the Schematic Design Documents. We have modified the floor plan, elevations and building section to incorporate these comments. We developed Site Master Plan Schemes #1, 2 and 2a which present alternatives layouts of the facilities. Schemes #1 & 2 involve costly Wetland Mitigation, regrading and retaining wall. We recommend Scheme #2a which involves average grading, no retaining walls and does not require Wetland Mitigation. Work Order #2a - Geotechnical Testing is on hold pending the City's approval of the recommended Site Master Plan Scheme #2a. As stated before, we need to have the location/arrangement of the planned facilities & parking Owner approved prior to ordering the Geotechnical Testing. We look forward to your final comments. Very Stuly yours, 1 Labra E. Nemethy, R. oject Manager/ Senior Associate w.... ­n e mom OCOEE RECREATION CENTER Schematic Design/Site Evaluation Work Orders #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design Rev. 3/10/97 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/ HISTORY The Project consists of a one story pre-engineered metal/masonry/slab on grade/15,554 g.s.f. Recreation Center (w/ future expansion of 3,420 g.s.f.) and related site improvements. A site masterplan, preliminary site evaluation of two sites, conceptual floor plan, building program and cost estimate were developed during Work Order #1. Two sites were evaluated for the proposed improvements: Central Park Site on Flewelling Ave., Ocoee, Florida and Wastewater Treatment Plant Site at A.D. Mims Road. Ocoee, Florida. The purpose of Work Order #1 was to determine the buildable area and best use of each site as related to the Recreation Center. On Friday, August 23 1996 the Ocoee City Commission approved Gee & Jenson's recommendation nr deve nT—ninn rhe nrnierr at rev.) The Conceptual Site Master Plan (5/30/96) sites the Recreation Center building toward the east of the site overlooking an Olympic size pool and wooded, wetland area beyond. The site improvements are zoned by function to buffer the Park from both the neighborhood and the Wastewater Plant: • Recreation Areas are zoned to the east of the site - near the wooded areas, away from the neighborhood. • Parking and park boulevard are zoned to the west of the site as a buffer separating the recreation areas from the residential neighborhood and wastewater plant. The approx. 40 acres of proposed improvements to the Project Site were noted on the Conceptual Site Plan and included a Recreation Center, 400 m. Olympic size pool, a pool bath house (restrooms/showers/equipment), volleyball courts, tennis courts, racquetball courts, multisport track/field, four ballfelds, playground/tot lot, nature trail and picnic area. The improvements could be executed in phases beginning with the Recreation Center Building, park boulevard and north parking lot. The site was noted to be of sufficient size to accommodate the required parking. The required parking per the Land Development Code for the New Recreation Building was noted as 1 space/100 g.s.f. = 147 spaces. Work Order #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design Site Evaluation February 24, 1997 - Page 2 Bev. 3/10/97 SUMMARY OF WORK ORDERS #2, 2a, 2b & 2c On 11/13/96, Gee & Jenson received authorization to proceed with Schematic Desi n for the Ocoee Park & Recreation Center at the Wastewater Treatment ant Ite at Mims Road. Ocoee, Flonda (Work Orders #2, 2a, 2b & 2c). Per the schedule the work was conducted in two consecutive parts beginning with the Site Survey (W.O. #2c) & Wetland Delineation (W.O. #2b). • The Site Survey (W.O. #2c) was complete on 2/12/97. (see attached Southeastern Survey dated 2/12/97). • The Wetland Delineation (W.O. #21b) was completed on 2/21/97 with the exception of a field visit by the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers representative still pending. (see attached Ecotech Consultants Letter & Report dated 2/21/97.) • Schematic Design (W.O. #2) documents were completed on 2/24/97 and are submitted 'herein. Schematic documents were developed based upon: 1. On-site field observations. ,. 2. Review of Existing Data: Owner Provided Boundary Survey, Owner provided Aerial Photo with sketched contours (no date), Owner Provided As -Built Construction Documents of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, U.S.G.S. Quad Maps, F.E.M.A. Flood Maps and U.S. D.A. Soil Survey of Orange County, FL. 3. Review of City of Ocoee Land Development Code, F.D.O.T., S.J.R.W.M.D. & F.D.E.P. Standards. 4. Meetings with/ Comments by the Owner's City of Ocoee Representatives - Director of Recreation, Assistant Director of Recreation, City Engineer, Director of Public Works and the City Manager. 5. Meeting with/ Comments by the City of Ocoee Recreation Advisory Board. 6. Review of Boundary Survey & Wetland Jurisdiction Determination • The Geotechnical Testing/ Report (W.O. #2a) is on hold pending final Owner's representative approval of Site Master Plan Scheme 2a. Selection/approval would indicate final approved location of the Recreation Center, Ball fields, parking lots and y related improvements. Preliminary Auger and SPT Borings to determine the near surface soil types and groundwater conditions are scheduled to be conducted at the - areas planned for development. SITE EVALUATION r 27C1 Maitland Center Parkway. Suite 150 • Maitland, FL 32751 • T ld,hone (403) 5661660 • Fax (407) 660 2852 -el-r ly, rs mozmI. 1,rn w.,,,,u 10 08 -.,a—.,c..o-r.,as„, a ul_.o Work Order #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design Site Evaluation February 24, 1997 - Page 3 Rev. 3/10/97 The existing 147 acre Wastewater Treatment Plant Site is bounded on the north & east sides by unplatted, heavily wooded transitional wetland area (Lake Meadow & Lake Sidney), on the west side by residential neighborhoods and on the south by A.D. Mims Rd. (collector road) Across A.D. Mims Road is the heavily wooded, unplatted Spring Lake area. The A.C.L. Railway Line borders the south side of the site along A.D. Mims Road. Water, sewer and power utilities have already been brought onto the site for the existing improvement - The Wastewater Plant. The Wastewater Plant includes wastewater treatment facilities and pond structures in 40 acres of fenced compound on the north and west sides of the site. This existing facility provides a buffer between the Proposed Park Improvements and the existing residential neighborhood on the west side of the site. We have delineated a 50 ft. wide landscape buffer of trees & shrubs be added in front of/along the barbed wire fenced perimeter of the Wastewater Treatment Plant compound. The use of the existing entrance drive/access road from A.D. Mims Rd. for access to the Park/Recreation Center is also proposed. A deceleration lane on the North side of A.D. Mims Rd. at the entrance drive east approach is recommended. Per Ecotech Consultant's recommendation, we have notated the existing W.W.T.P. and fenced wet pond at the north of the site on the Boundary Survey as Outparcels. Therefore the utilities and drainage for these areas shall be independent from the Park Development. Pervious down hill grass areas are delineated on the plans which are suitable for on site storage retention ponds. Pond volumes would be calculated based upon geotechnical testing of the soil. The Recreation Center, Little League Fields and Multisport Field are shown on the south end of the site near A.D. Mims Rd. where the site is relatively flat (1.5 % to 5% slope) and well drained. These facilities could be installed with only minor regrading to achieve the building pad at Elev.100 and the recommended 2-3% cross slope for the Little League and Multi -sport Field. Per U.S.D.A. Soils Survey Data, historically, the areas of the site planned for improvements consist of St.Lucie Fine Sand. This type of soil is suitable for the proposed construction. (Current data per Work Order #2a - Geotechnical Testing pending.) The northeastern portion of the site which was historically indicated to have basinger/depressional and Sanibel muck is in fact a Wetland Area as we suspected. This portion of the site is unsuitable for construction and is planned to be left natural. We have delineated a 50 ft. setback from the Wetland Jurisdiction Line. (See the attached Ecotech Letter/Report 2/21/97). In addition, certain swales/ditches which appear to be manmade extending southward from the Main Wetland Area which have also been determined by the St. John River Water Management District Representative. These swales/ditches literally divide the proposed Schematic Site Masterplans in half. In addition to significant regradinglfill & retaining wall required to accomplish either Site Masterplan Schemes 1 or 2, Wetland Mitigation is required to develop these areas. (Existing slope is 6-10%) 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 1 Maitland FT. 32751 • Telephone /402J 660,1660 • =aax t407i 660 2052 Work Order #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design Site Evaluation February 24, 1997 - Page 4 Rev. 3/10/97 The existing site appears to have no real Stormwater management plan at this time. Stormwater management facilities will be required to insure proper drainage and to achieve City of Ocoee and SJRWMD permit requirements. The Wetland Delineation y performed by Gee & Jenson's Environmentalist - Ecotech Consultants establishing the Jurisdiction Line is a valuable primary step toward the future Stormwater Permitting Application by the Design/Building Firm. Retention pond locations are delineated on the Schematic Site Plan. Pond volumes would be calculated by the Design/Build contractor per the geotechnical report supplied in the Design Criteria Bid Package. Significant regrading will be required to construct Schemes 1 or 2. The existing % slopes are delineated on the Contour Map Overlay. Regrading these areas to meet acceptable new slopes would require filling these areas and the installation of retaining walls to contain the fill on the North & Northwestern Edges. The edge of the retaining wall need to be maintained 25 ft. away from the 100 year Flood Line. Additionally, development of the Baseball Fields at the north end of the site on Schemes 1 or 2 will require Costly Wetland Mitigation. The Southeastern Survey (2/12/97) delineates the limits of the wetland as flagged by Gee & Jenson's Environmental Consultant - Ecotech Consultants Inc. The Ecotech Letter/Report (2/21/97) gives a detailed Wetland Jurisdiction Assessment and outlines methods/casts associated with the Wetland Mitigation. A graphic diagram of the Wetland Areas as well as the 100 yr. flood line, required setbacks and existing development is delineated on the Site Development Restrictions Plan. OWNER/ USER GROUP WORKSHOPS The Recreation Advisory Board comments are indicated in the Meeting Minutes (1/20/97) and Comments (2/12/97) attached. The comments included a List of Priorities for Development Phasing. A summary of the top three priorities ranking is as follows: • Recreation Center unanimously ranked #1 priority. • Pool/ Bath House & Ballfields tied (2,2, 1) for #2 priority. • Multisport Field w/ Track was majority (4-1) ranked #3 priority. Advisory Board Comments which may warrant further discussion by the Recreation Department include some additional development ideas which may be incorporated at the A.D. Mims Site or future park developments are as follows: 1.) Connect the Park with the West Orange Bicycle Trail . A.D. Mims Road is a busy high speed connector road with no pedestrian walks or bicycle paths at this time. A bike path would need to be added to the North side of A.D. Mims Road, 2.) Outdoor Basketball Courts, 27C1 Maui Cerner Parkway. Suite 150 • Me, and. FL 32751 • Telephone (407) 660.1660 • Fax (4071660-21352 e...„ I",.ae.>nv= +ci,K­eo. ouse.­­Ir!en­ 1,c cmmo�•nhu 1. x, 4. LLe oxat< Work Order #2, 2a, 2b & 2c Schematic Design Site Evaluation February 24, 1997 - Page 5 Rev. 3/10/97 3.) BMX Bike Course. 4.) Indoor Racquetball CONCLUSION Gee & Jenson recommends development of Schematic Site Masterplan - Scheme #2a for the Ocoee Recreation Center & Park at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Site at A.D. Mims Road, Ocoee, Florida. We also recommend construction of the project in phased improvements beginning with Phase I: Recreation Center Building, Entrance Drive & Parking Lot. We recommend that Phase la: Multisport Field be delineated as a Bid Alternate. To achieve Scheme #2a, alterations to the Wastewater Treatment Plan will be required. These alterations include reshape/reduce existing south pond and relocate fencing & entrance. These modifications are not planned to be included in the Bid Documents. Our preliminary estimates indicate a budget of $1.5 million dollars to complete Phase I & la. It is our understanding that these phases would address in part the Recreation Department's most immediate need. Schematic Site Masterplan -Scheme #2a strikes a compromise for the majority concerned because it can accommodate Football, Soccer and Little League. Our preliminary estimates indicate an overall budget for Scheme #2a including all phases 1, 1a, 2 and 3 of $6.02 million. (See the attached Phasing Plan and Phased Development Costs 3/10/97) Gee & Jenson is available to begin Work Order #3 - Design Criteria Documents immediately. r 2701 Ma.iland Cents, Parkwey, Suite 150 • Mmlen4 FL32751 • Telephone (407) 660-1666 • Fax (407) 660.2852 r 1 dei' me v ` ecf n 9 e2— _ .D.Mim"ie—' Contou r a. 22 cr ' y \ " V`o ov Si D k GENSOFF NCME es a nnecrs-ou ens � � ` - '•"—� - —� r�j� %—L {_p � L. iC DE N. JiR SDICPWeL N \ \ � ♦x N A,. _ .. �. _ uA.- WIFE A V 14 G_ C'6Ec BV C- h JENB6. A E+oN`- zMa..HNmiS---.nNPEesAk •r'. s� 5(. IEss , e. NN 1'4 5ea. 8-24\28 oL�ti. 61_ i _. �� _ '" -lb A.D. Mims Rd. Site Development Restrictions f- or NbsMy L -yam s4c: 5.�y,y� a�A /�wN1,"ry��• //_ ,' /opt Eris�ir�; _ weNa,►+� yc _ /1 � / 1 b ', 56TOA[K t 4 GEE 8 JENSON , nears • Areniiecis •Planners Ina ON INCE 1959 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 Maitland, FL 3951 OCOEE RECREATION CENTER Tale,,.,e Fav tam1860-290 BUILDING PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAMMED SPACES Lobby 1,200 n.s.f. Activities: Prefunction/Reception for Events in Gymnasium & Sign-up for Recreation Programs Reception Area. Reception Desk. The glass storefront entrance allow the receptionist and assistant director to survey the Portico & visitor's pick- up/drop-off area. Two portable tables with chairs, Lobby & Reception Desk Seating, Computer at reception desk & Sign-up tables, Vending Machines. Work Order #2 Schematic Design Building Program Rev. 2/24/97 Special Features: Equipment/Fumiture: Programmed Number of Occupants: Gymnasium Activities: Special Features: Equipment/Furniture: Programmed Number of Occupants: Special Issues: Director's Office Special Issues: 50 people/Sign-up for Recreation Programs at one time. l 6-8 dept.staff/interns/volunteers 8,840 n.s.f. Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Children's Programs, Community Meetings and Dances. Curtain dividing partitions along rigid frame @ column lines to subdivide the gymnasium into eight 20 ft x 40 It classrooms. Computers, Telephone, Portable Stage, Portable telescoping bleachers, Digital Scoreboard, Regulation High School Basketball Court w/ four practice courts. 150-200 people/Sporting Event, 500 people/Dance w/ 20-30 dept. staff/interns/volunteers/parents/coaches/teachers/usher s/concessionaires. Typically people will form two long lines through Lobby into Gymnasium while waiting to get into a Dance or Concert Program. Air Condition the Gymnasium. 221 n.s.f. The Director needs to be able to view the Gymnasium & the _ Work Order #2 Schematic Design Building Program _ Rev. 2/24/97 - Page 2 Park from his office at all times. Equipment/Furniture: Computer, Telephone, Desk w/ Chair, Credenza, Two Guest Chairs, Bookcase, File Cabinet, Dry Erase/Tackboard Assistant Director's Office 144 n.s.f. Special Issues: The Assistant Director needs to be able to view the Gymnasium & the Lobby from his office at all times. Equipment/Furniture: Computer, Telephone, Desk w/ Chair, Credenza, Two Guest Chairs, Bookcase, File Cabinet, Dry Erase/Tackboard Conference Room 240 n.s.f. Activities: Children's Programs, Small Group Meetings, Classes. " Equipment/Furniture: Multimedia Capabilities: Wall MIA. Television/Computer, Telephone, Conference Table w/ Eight Chairs, Credenza, Projection Screen and Dry Erase/Tackboard Number of Occupants: 8-16 People. Conference/Activity Rooms A & B 1,152 n.s.f. Activities: Children's Programs, Large Group Meetings, Classes. Equipment/Furniture: Multimedia Capabilities: Wall Mtd. Television/Computer, Telephone, Conference Table w/ Eight Chairs, Credenza, Projection Screen and Dry Erase/Tackboard Number of Occupants: 20-35 People. Kitchen 288 n.s.f. Equipment/Furniture: Telephone, Freezer, Refrigerator, Icemaker, Double Basin Sink w/ Disposal, Dishwasher, Two Microwave Ovens, Oven/Range with Ducted Exhaust Hood w/ Remote Fire Suppression. Special Issues: Commercial Grade Kitchen, needs access to both Gymnasium and Conference/ Activity Rm. Storage 768 n.s.f. Equipment/Furniture: Items to be stored are portable stage components, athletic equipment, folding chairs. Work Order #2 Schematic Design Building Program ., Rev. 2/24/97 - Page 3 SUBTOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACES 12,037 n.s.f. ANCILLARY SQUARE FOOTAGE Portico (Covered Entrance) 720 n.s.f. Special Features: Center pair of doors is main entry, side pairs of doors are held -open and opened only for Concerts & Sporting Events only. Equipment/Furniture: Two bench seats, two public telephones. Mechanical Mezzanine 252 n.s.f. r Electrical Room 120 n.s.f. Restrooms Women 272 n.s.f. Men 234 n.s.f. Janitor Closet 53 n.s.f. Vestibule 350 n.s.f. Corridor 65 n.s.f. r Walls & Structure 584 n.s.f. SUBTOTAL ANCILLARY 2,650 n.s.f. TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 15,542 G.S.F. _ (FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION) (+3,420 G.S.F.) Weight Room 480 n.s.f Aembics/DanceStudio 768 n.s.f ,. Locker/ShowerRms. 880 n.s.f. Storage 392 n.s.f Vestibule/Comdor 700 n.s.f WaIWStructure 200 n. s. f. r GRAND TOTAL FUTURE EXPANDED BUILDING 18,962 G.S.F. t1d9prW 044 So' sroRnc KlTrt" CON F./ I An, i ViTy m� - nnnno nano SAIA IO'� 1O jp' R� GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. 2701 Ma4land Center Parkway. Suite 150 Maitland. FL 3275 Telephone (407) 660-1660 Fax (407) 660-2552 MEETING MINUTES RE: The Ocoee Recreation Center MEETING DATE: January 20, 1997, 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Ocoee City Hall PURPOSE: Review Schematic Design with Recreation Advisory Board A. ATTENDEES: See attached sign-in sheet. B. OVERVIEW OF SCHEDULE: • Work Orders #2 - Schematic Design, #2a - Soils Exploration, #2b - Wetland & #2c - Survey - Gee & Jenson received authorization on November 13, 1996. • A Status Report with Preliminary Drawings was given regarding progress on Work Orders #2, 2a, 2b & 2c. Regarding Wetlands, the Environmentalist has submitted application to St. Johns. She has flagged the site and will walk the site on January 28, 1997 with the St. John's Official to obtain approval of her flagged wetland line. Surveyor on site January 29, 1997 to survey flags. Boundary Survey complete. Soils Exploration is on hold pending approval of site plan and building location by the Owner (City of Ocoee). Gee & Jenson will await directive from Jim Beech. • Per the established schedule, Beneficial Occupancy could be reached in 52 weeks (±). • We are currently in week nine of the twelve weeks scheduled for Work Order #2, 2a, 2b, and 2c. C. OCOEE RECREATION UPCOMING EVENTS: • March 9 - Golf Tournament (at Green Valley Country Club, Clairmont), July 4 - Boat Races (Florida Outboard Motors Assoc.) at Starke Lake. • Toddler Lunch/Brunch - Twice Per Week (Ages 3-5) at Recreation Center. • Golf Program/Clinic- Starting with Pro at Forest Lake Golf Club. ... • February 22 - Catch/Release Bass Tournament (Fund Raiser for Big Orange Games) at Starke Lake. • May 2 & 3 - Big Orange Games - Swimming at Pine Hills Boys Club, Friday, May 2 - Track Events on Saturday, May 3 • Day Camp - Over 5 years old. "Many of these events are advertised in the West Orange Times. D. REVIEW OF CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN: SCHEMES 1 & 2, RECREATION CENTER CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN, AND SCHEMATIC EXTERIOR ELEVATION (Advisory Board Member Comments): • Advisory Board does not want this to be a baseball complex as depicted in Scheme 2, prefer a multi-sport complex, depicted in Scheme 1. They would prefer more soccer fields. Currently there are three existing Little League Fields. There also is a nonfunctional soccer field at Tiger Minor Park. Nancy Reilly would like to see the City prepare a comprehensive review of all City Parks - repairs and facilities needed. • They want to make sure lots of restrooms serving the playing fields. • Pool is a plus. • Concern with number of restrooms at gymnasium. Prefer to have more for less long lines/waiting during events. Meeting Minutes Ocoee Recreation Center January 20, 1997 - Page 2 • Concern with plans for A.O. Mills Road (Is this going to be widened to meet capacity of visitors?), in Kitchen location looks inappropriate. Shouldn't this be located off of the main lobby? Like a concession stand? Food and drink in gymnasium is of concem...flooring maintenance. The Conceptual Floor Plan was developed based upon sketcheslinterviews with the Recreation Department Staff. The kitchen is located to serve the Conference Room and the Gymnasium. Jim Beech indicated that having the kitchen off of the Gymnasium would make it easier to serve hot meals to large groups of people as may be required for Meals -on -Wheels, Red Cross, etc. • Provide Overhead Coiling to Storage Room in lieu of Swing Doors for better access. • What would the building be used for? Will we rent it out? ($9.001hour current rental cost for meeting room rental at Conference Room.) Bruce does not recommend because it keeps the children from doing their sporWacbvities. IN Telescoping Roll -Away Bleachers shown are a plus. May consider the type that attaches to the wall then telescopes or perhaps storage underneath fixed bleachers. • Location of Recreation Center Building - Perhaps locate it closer to A.D. Mims Road for Police Surveillance and Appearance. • Commissioner Anderson suggested maintaining the Scheme 1 Site Plan, but move two of the ballfields northwest as shown in Scheme 2. E. NEXT MEETING: • Meeting next Monday (January 27, 1997, 7:30 p.m.) Advisory Board to hold Workshop. Board to develop a list of priority/needs regarding Building and Site Program Elements. This concludes the meeting minutes as interpreted. If there are corrections to these minutes, they should be directed to this office as soon as possible. NNN Resp II submided by: L u E. Nemeth R.A. eit"r Associat ,Pro Manager attachments: Sign -In Sheet cc: Attendees 012097.min 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 • Maitland FL 32751 • Telephone (407) 660.1660 • Fax (407) 660 2852 SUBJECT. �� vim_ l.�y_G %l-�/1 c(Ph'1 �Q� SHEET NO"_ _ _ _ _ GEE &JENSON ''� l�,.� •c� _.NGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. - -Czefe�,�t. "`^�l 7 �d= _ toe ND//. ��� ��6 D�-¢_ o� C BVly� -_DATE Na�+ie B -ice �E2D� E//iSaH Sco�/�,ude2So.v LiNdA ,�,Vde-Rsati 6S6- 3v �3 �7? X577 033 4eS6-316 3 �s 6--7y0i — ?77- 9Y� �s�asa9�ol+.ac. `L•�.Z,77�r "�il3s�'"�ct :��- � �" r �' ,f-...,'�ou��, � . � ;y.��r '3�#3a�..{c^r�r c. I S�ii-6E Z — �4AD �o � �.se�iol/ 1�trd Evo 4'ba(1 I II i Y ■ :3_;. NEF �/ Nancy +fie, l �y Javn . a7, qq 7 _ gi,the 4c Pv Zn e 9f ir' r Yll ------------ t J ,✓a 1p- O L=EO/' O// ,- -.. iJn� AvA n CBJ✓'is S' I: �I v �vv,- L4, -_ � i (°Pol�etl ,,4 V✓l ,rs) � I MISS =._`� - -�. ae - FV r ` 4x i y� .rx .� Ne LL 2k gvt� J hY ZL +?. Tn q'Ts d � •-. h [+_ate- �".K �'4: a'iY tY:±1-i •. w� XlV�Y4S: +'i-�- 9Y� 1.IZT, 3t •�Yi4 >,8 4.�xy_��y-�'� - •L _: .'.. .`)-•�` :-�- Ocoee Recreation Cent ok- 1. Convert 22x24 Storage room to conference r,)-Y� IF 2. Add Storage room 34x24 next to conference room YU 3. Kitchen needs to have exits to both rooms or have serving windows. PHASE I Recreation Center PHASE II Soccer Field PHASE III Racquet Ball Tennis & Volleyball Courts PHASE IV + Swimming Pool Play Ground PHASE V Baseball Fields PHASE VI Picnic Area & Nature Trail 1 1 1 . 1 1 . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Front Elevation X---------- v______________Y_____________ YY II I !I -------- _---------------- e ma OCOEE RECREATION CENTER_ - _"' GEE & JENSON SCHE TIC FLOOR PUN 14,687 O.S.F. OCOEE RECREATION CENTER GEE & JENSON Lc WWI 1.�, OCOEE PARK & RECREATION CENTER GEE & JENSON SCHEMATIC DESIGN - MASTERPLAN SCHEME 2e (Selected) iNUMEMEMP"r // UN NMI IUQid.Wdmnmm k s 10 Ocoee Park & Recreation Center Masterplan Scheme 1 ` '/ 6 MIV I,-91� I�Phase''Ili/ h. `� Park �- ) r Phase _ \ , Ecatech Consultants, Inc. MIRONMENrAI. SCIENCES February 21, 1997 Ms. Latus Nernedry Gee & Jenson, l.s-ArcltiteetrPlaottvs 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 Maitland, FL 32751 RE: Results of the W ett"d Jurisdictional Anseaneot City of Ocoee Recreatioml Ceuta Section 9, Towoship 225, Range 28E Orange County, pintids 13ear Ms. Nemethy: Attached are our remits of the wetland jurisdictional review we conducted on the above referenced site. The binding jurisdictional review was completed by Mr. Laace Hatt of the SL John's River Water It3aoagemertt District (WAID) oo Fdmtary 13, 1997. A representative from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) has coeuuitted to reviewing the District's fine at their cariicst scheduling availability (it was indicated that this would occur in the nowt 2-3 weeks). JF there are any questions regarding the mformatwo we have provided, please do not hesitate to comact our office, at 359-9344. We appreciate the opportunity to a SiU you with this project Sirtcerdy, ECOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Wendy M. sw;r,deu President 754-8 Plaza Drive • Oviedo. FhDr)A? 32765 • (407) 359-8344 • (407) 359-8676 Fax 0 - Wetland Jurisdiction! Assessment City or ocote Recreation Center Site Section 9, Township 225, Range 23E Orange County, Florida 1.0 introduction The t 147 acre site is located in Section 9, Township 22S, Range 29E, bounded to the south by A.D. Mims Road, in Orange County. The site may be generally described as having a large freshwater marsh/lake system in the northeast half of the site (which extends off site ), cid field previously used for citrus cultivation in the central and eastern portion of the site, and the wastewater treatment facility (WW P) comprising the southwestern corner of the site. The lakes on the site are identified on the U.S.G.S topographic quadrangle as Lake Meadow and Lake Sidney. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the landward limit ofjurisi ictional wetland communities on the site, to flag this limit and survey the wetland lines for permitting purposes. A binding jurisdictional was obtained from the State to eliminate the possibility of changes to the wetland limits (due to changes in the rules, regulatory personnel, etc.) which may occur during the planning process. 2.0 Vegetative Cover The majority of the site consists of open field previously utilized for citrus production- In the northeast portion of the site are Lakes Sidney and Meadow, and their associated marshes (referenced as wetland "A") This wetland system was flagged by wnaeamvdy numbered flags Al -A99. In the central portion of the site is a series of ditchetdswales which interconnect and ultimately drain into wetland A. These areas were flagged as Fl -F47 and Cl -C30 (to be referenced in this narrative as wetland -FIC-)- Just to the south of one of the W WTP ponds, a ponded am dominated by primrose willow (Za0wngia perrvrana), Carolina willow (Sa/rr emvhmuno), and elderberry (Smnbucus cartadexsis) forms the origimahm of a flow way which also drums into weds d A to the north and east This systema flagged as wetland HI -H46 and Gl-G50 (to be referenced in this narrative as wetland "H/G"). Weiland F/C is a Swale which calicoes mnoff from the field to the west, and from the trail which forms its eastern boundary. Portions of this swale may bave been excavated to provide fill material for the trait This wetland connects to wetland A by a culvert at its southern terminus, and by overland flow across the trail at approximately the midpoint of the swale. Both connections are sbown on the survey which is brag provided to the City by others. Wetland H/G consists of a ponded area to the south and west, which eventually becomes a channel ultimately connecting to wetland A through the previously mentioned culvert. The western portion of this system does not show up on the U. S.G. S map, or the SCS soil survey as wetland. It is not clear at this point whether the construction of the adjacent W WTP pond has influenced the hydrology in this area. and what this area consisted of prior to the construction of the W WTP. Wetland A consists of the named takes and the associated marsh system. The eastern boundary of the site (where the wetland gagging was initiated) is a highly disturbed area with a large ditch and berm system, apparently used in the past for target practice. The western boundary of this system is also dinurbed by dumping growth of exotic and nuisance native species, and by random excavation/fi0ing along the margin of the wedand. In addition, it appears that the western portion of Lake Sidney may be subjected to an altered hydroperiod (perhaps by the ditch system described above) as evidenced by the number of dead/dymg treee with® the interior of the Jake. The entire Lake Sidney margin is vegetated by scone and/or nuisance native species. The northeast portion of this system appears to be the most uodisturbed/akered part of this wetland. Table h summarizes the dominant plant species within the wetlands identified on the site. 3.0 Serb The site is found on Sheet 19 of the Orange County Soil Conservation Service (SCS) nap. The soil types are suirmun and as follows: Symbol Name, Hydric Sod• (3) Basinger fins sand Y (4) Candler fine sand N (20) limocilcelee fire sand N (28) Florshome fine sand N (38) St. Lucie fine sand N " (42) Sanibel muck Y (43) Sefher fine sand N • used as an indicator in the delineation of wetlands The Basinger fine sand and Sanibel [muck classifications correspond to the lakes and their associated marshes, and one small deptestianal area which is to the south of wetland A within the MG system. The remaining wetlands on the site do not appear to correspond with any of the hydric soils listed shove. This may provide support for the theory that some of these wetlands are the result of man-made disturbances, and are net natural systems. This issue will become important should the City elect to remove some or all of thea wetland areas, as the mitigation ratios for natural systems are much higher than those for man-made areas. d.0 IteZ�letery Issuers 4.1 Wetlands Agencies which regulate wedsnd communities in this tegion of Florida im iude the Florida Dcparoncnt of Fovininnei al Protection (PREF). the St. John's River Water Management District (WMD), the V.S. .� Amry Cops ofEngimeers (COE), and Orange County (County). If there are wedaml arras on the sirs which arc proposed to be dredged or filled, a permit is required from the WMA, COE and Orange County. FDEP has delegated their permidmg authority for these types of projects to the WMD, Table 1. Dominant Vegetation COMMON NAME SCIENTWIC NAME STATQ59 — CanoDY Red maple Acer mhmin Facultative Wet Sweet bay Magnolia wrgirriaaa Obligate Sweet gum L+quidambar sl —fli a Facultative Wet Sub-canopy Carolina willow Salm carohniana Obligate — Elderberry sambucsis canakwis Facultative Red bay PerseapalasMs Obligate Salt bush Bacchmis halmeifolia Facultative — Water oak Quercus nigra Facultative Wet Wax myrtle Myrica cenfera Facultative ,o Ground cover Alligator weed Alternnnthem phihseroides Obligate Blackberry Rubus sp. Facultative Blue maidenaue Amphicmpuar mddenbergrammi Facultative Wet — Broom sedges Andropogon wigrnicus Facultative Ardropogonglomemrus Facultative Wet Dog fennel Ei pawriaza captlhfolhsu Facultative — Elephant's ear Colocana awakrna Obligate Oaliberry flexglabra Upland Lizard's tail Smrrsi u cerate Obligate — Maidencam Pmxcrm. hemiaoown Obligate Netted chain fern Woodwarda awcohrm Obligate Pennywort Hydrocotyk rm wwvhxdes Obligate — Primrose willow Ludwigiaparuvrarra Obligate Royal fern Osmmda mgnlis Facultative Wet Rushes Juncus spp. Obligue Sedges Cyperus spp. Obligate Torpedo grass Pamcum repens Facultative Wet V'ugima chain fern Woadwan*a Wrgmica Facultative Wet Water hyssop Boropa spp. Obligate — Wild grape Vias mmvomano Upland Yellow-eyed grasses Xyns spp. Obligate — ® = Status of plant species based on State regulations Upland - does not under normal ciroamstances occur in wetlands Facultative - may own ut both uplands or wetlands, however, these species are net used as an — indicator of wetlands or uplands Facultative Wet - more likely to own in wetlands Obligate - under normal circumatancea, always ocau in wetlands Mmgation for wetland impacts is required to off set adverse impacts to systems which are deemed to have habitat value or other maintain other wetland functions. Mitigation ratios diiscuused below are based on the agencies guiddines only, and would be established for this project based on site conditions. In some cases, where the wetland functions are no longer present in an area, mitigation may not be required at all. It would be anticipated that mitigation for filling or dredging the late system or their associated mars] ea would range anywhere from 4:1 (acres of created or enhanced wadand/aeres of filled or dredged wetland) for highly disturbed areas, to 20:1 for the intact (undisturbed) areas. The swales, ditches, and - ponded areas (the C/F and FVG systems) are likely to require lower mitigation ratios due to the degree of disturbance and apparent minimal habitat value present. As stated above, if it can be established (through the use of historic acrid photographs or other documentation) that these areas are man -nude, this may significantly reduce any mitigation required for their removal or alteration As they currently stand, these areas are likely to require a mitigation ratio of between I:1 to 4:1. 4.2 Miitiaation Alternatives There are four alternatives for wetland mitigation which appear to be suitable for this project. As stated above, the tmtigation ratios provided me based on published guidelines, and would be established specifically for this site based on the functional value of the wetlands cm the site. Each alternative is briefly summarized below. (1) Wetland preservation: This alternative would include preservation of on-site and/or off-site wethmd areas through establishment of a permanent conservation easetttatt deeded to the State. The ratios for wetland preservation are the highest out of all of the options, and can go up to 60 acres of preserved arm for every 1 acre of wetland impact. This option may not be suitable for this site, as it is likely that off site areas would have to be purchased, which may not be cost effadve. (2) Wetland Creation: This ahemative would include locating upland areas either on or offsite, and gradhtg and planting these areas to create wetlands. This atternstive may receive agency credit in the range of 1.5 acres of created wetland for every I acre of wetland impact, to up to 5 aaes of created wetland for every sere of impact, depending on the quality of the wetland area proposed for filling/dredging. This may also require off site purchase in order to obtain the necessary acreage, which could significantly add to the cost of the project. In addition, the agencies would require, at a minimum, a three year monitoring and maintenance period to demonstrate that the area has established as a wedand. Based on our experience, the costs for this option can range than $4,500 - 515,000/acre ofaated wetland. This cost docs not include the amount for any off-site land purchase, and does not include the costs of modifying the plan should the created wetlands not meet the success criteria in the time specified (3) Mitigation Banking This alternative would include location of a permitted mitigation bank in the area, and purchase of "credits" from the bank to off -set impacts on the site. There is on monitoring or maintenance fee associated with this option. The amount of credits required is based on the quality of the wetland impacts, The credits in the bank usually range from S30,000 to Sao 000 per credit for the banks which are known to be permitted to date. (4) Wetland Enhaocanent: This option would include locating disturbed wetlands on the site; includins areas vegetated by nuisance/exotic species, areas which have been drminedl6lled, or otherwise ahead wetlands, and a these areae to ma urnize their habitat value. This may — include exotics removal, removal of debris. limited grading and planting, and monitoring and maiatmaoce of the site for at least a three Year period. The guidelima indicate that ratios for wetland enhancement range ficin 4.! to 2o:1. depending on the quality of wetland area affected - This option may also include eredh for restoration and eahatcemcm of adjaccrt upland areas, at a ratio of 3.1 to 20:1. Based on our experience, this option will range in cost from $500 to This way be the most coS15,000 for every acre of enhanced dthem ww .wsndd wwfficlent area ocomplete this woeffeCtive Optionfrom on the City's perspective w it appears sit. Tye most &..We plan fin• the City may involve combining several of time optioos to achieve the most cost effective s,hItLon_ As stated previously, the mitigation ratios identified ate guidelines only, and would be established for this project based on edsting site oudidous. it is antidpated that the permittvg and consulting Cee for these options could range from 54,500 to up to 525,000, dapendi tBupon the convk d y of the option selected. This would include application fees, design of site layout and improvements, construction plans and specification, and all permitting ceordioaion for the environmental componad of the permitting proems (it is anticipated that there would he at least two permits which would nand to be obtained). This would not include any additional she survey which nay be required on or off-site Cif construction or presavatm�n o� re Purmcdl costs for purchase of off she areas, or other aspects permdtm6 en planning and design. GEE &l no er Engines-Architec5-Planners, . 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Surte i50 Manana. FL 32151 Telephone (4W 60 1880.18 January 13, 1997 Fax t4mt 66o-2852 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 _ Attn: Ms. Jean Grafton City Clerk Re: Ocoee Recreation Center - Wastewater Treatment Plant Site/A.D. Mims Rd. City of Ocoee/Gee & Jenson Agreement (12/5/95), Work Order #2a (11/5/96) - SJRWMD Application for Wetland Subject: Official signatures needed on atfached Application Form Dear Ms. Grafton: In responding to item #2 of the attached SJRWMD Letter (dated 1/3/97), please complete page two of the Application Form where titled as follows: AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE IF THE PETITIONER (City of Ocoee) COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING.... PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING.... Please submit the completed application form directly to SJRWMD with the attached transmittal. This is needed in addition to the previously requested City Attorney's Letter for Proof of Ownership. Thank you for your kind assistance. V truly yours, 6 Laura E. Nemethy, R.A. Senior Associate/ Project Manager attachment noted cc: Wendy Swindell/ Ecotech 980<4.021011397& + GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Lance D. Hart/Supervising Environmental Specialist FROM: Laura E. Nemethy, R.A., Senior Associate Department of Resource Management Project Manager St. John's River Water Management District JOB NO. 96044.02/999/d 618 E. South Street Orlando, Florida 32802 tel. #407/897-4300 ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER DATE: January 13, 1997 RE: Petition for Formal Wetland Determination, Petition No. 16-095-0015A, Ocoee Park and Recreation Center COPIES DATE/NO. DESCRIPTION 1 7113 /97 Revised Application Form indicating City of Ocoee as Petitioner w/ City of Ocoee authorizing Access to the Property ❑ APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS IS ❑ SUBMIT _ COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ YOUR INFORMATION ❑ APPROVED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED ❑YOUR FILES X ❑ RETURNED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN OF LOAN ❑ REVIEW/COMMENTS ❑ RESUBMIT_ COPIES FOR APPROVAL REMARKS: Thank you. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY THE UNDERSIG E A 407/660-1660. Signed: 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, FL 32751 14071660-1660 Fax (407)660-2852 WE ARE SENDING YOU X❑ HEREWITH ❑ HAND DELIVERED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA ❑ U.S. Mail THE FOLLOWING ITEMISI: ❑ PLANS PgINTS ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ SAMPLE ❑ COPY OF LETTER ❑ SPECIRCA70NS ❑ ESTIMATES X❑ OTHER COPIES DATE/NO. DESCRIPTION 1 7113 /97 Revised Application Form indicating City of Ocoee as Petitioner w/ City of Ocoee authorizing Access to the Property ❑ APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS IS ❑ SUBMIT _ COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ YOUR INFORMATION ❑ APPROVED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED ❑YOUR FILES X ❑ RETURNED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN OF LOAN ❑ REVIEW/COMMENTS ❑ RESUBMIT_ COPIES FOR APPROVAL REMARKS: Thank you. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY THE UNDERSIG E A 407/660-1660. Signed: 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, FL 32751 14071660-1660 Fax (407)660-2852 PETITION FOR A FORMAL WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER DETERMINATION SECTION 772.021(2), F.S. LT. MIN RIVER WATER MANADEMENT DIr1RiCr NUMBER t.0. BOX 1029 DATE RECEIVED PALATXA FLORIDA 320741429 FEE RECEIVED .^es•^E Please type or print. Psad W inmructroas6 mbmk four copal of WE form and (mr oople9 of atter mD00R10R In(Ormadm. NN® d0wpts; City Of Ocoee Addrem; 150 lortt takeshore Drive City; Ocoee Stam; e'10rida 7ipC,,dp;3 761 TekphoRo No; 407 5 6-2322 Roo( of Owumshm. A0ENT Noe OfFifm; Cir. naiciana Som: Floricla ZApCodL32751 Tdephom No: 660-1660 Name of Firm Addmu: 2 City: 017lMt staia z 1=l If PeW= bou Wades iaoht my nam fm which Dim of or DEP permis, appucadM dxJammmy smtemems or Camm Ordms have hem mmivA Ust Dame. IDs Dumber, Type of activity DDd provide a copy N/A INMWpausmt doeummtc DEP COE N/A An onprat USGS Topp Quad with the pmpoM houndarim depkud mut be atmehed. U.S.G.S.Topo QuadMap Name: Winter Garden SCS Sail Survey shoes wah the Pm)em boumWu shown Doom: W mah Pap Numbe(s)ofUSDA/SCS Soil Survey: Orange County, Page 16 Xmapy USDAISCSralsOimustpennnoeipmviou*%mldDmeis7 Ym not known Name DaWs): For What Purpose? Fan 1va 90".900(2) Typed/ Paver NW APemmaaNAam ilpebre AFeMev (Cmpewe TWO K.p#U dr) Ria PERSON AOTROROPMACCEWTOTU FROMTYMWCOIOLRCTUFOLLOWR10 1eYWw W enleq dnrard b aY ptltlaa• I rw batwarp r.Ambena a de F Wmnb[I bubo rM e•W W art eadeaAe►r. Y� dalbnYrla Yobs �a a W FrePp a dpplYa Inrelle daGARai 7At_ t a �WYa� Ww�Wei_dAu�Y.lir✓<�arrrMldnll�rmNWaaeWpanaYtl� W dWaladi lrm Wear WlaaWdaerbeYa dabAeaea Wllebdrtlwrer papeparlrrlaau ba n W rt7 r asw aur Y,r FwpnF TFprrhabd Nr Gaenw CarpeW THU YyeasW) oar Hale you had a preapplisaunft asmfaemm with Diana Sa81 Ya With Whom? Dne(s): For What Purpose? Have any Diann Staff previously visited the ute7 Ya n n r known Nsmc Dennis): For What Purpom7 Briefly describe pan and present )and use activities within tha boumdsnn of the property for which this dctetmiRsmmis sw�M: deviopment of a park/recreation center Gelb A W aY prey r M n" x aper pub a� aobl arrsaab A.Isb A I b. r Ls 6 a bre debbd Le(7 wmAllM meallrbaY�rlAan e•aalK �pdelbAte�WaMnaa pe r imps- r rarr.eu..)ernrerd...a Ynebto Tv dr.w..r Aur WaArrrA r, _� r. — — Februa mei en � 1�swAinne •m ' S°s.aa.�°'rrr'r"u.a: lsbsraabvly4seader naYwlIndedrdpwr Wea Ineaeelar iadlsu Sar WYa�aapacm N mll: idncn WaYA rrnart,ye7y numbered flans Aar M7�r prlll� r r Ia�A eenFleY W be bet t•aree art A W •arMd aM Y r h bed A pemsed ab•ep. 41rda ebrded eAW 1Y•tefeaaYe. Ia.+Anaad aey., er CFt daprba m eelY ul man n dubs arrepaW Atbrrwpl daInalra �alasw�Y^baesa�bNe•eaAlaar laY� Y du ppeaf.•r Y Mndarr ar 9a pW AWa� a Petr. by-im- dare p ndaar W tl Fear. Arad a WN din."W Ade P -PM br m&ab 4np�6SMK PEIIfi M'S SWMiURE IrrediYwr aeWa rp WnWlrberAW4rdAegran�yneapr ar pdda to bewrW mIned Inds pWlA rInch YetAgra- YeA tlInMaetl�b ane. 'M*ft r rsaW 1 asap ar 1 P�� tae .edarsy r M •Iridal redrr 0 mite fti debWbebaardaav Inch artls lAA4 M. a Indeed Apr drTeetrwA eaar A Ret Ad tl AIL 1"4, W►Ary. 1 eadprad WIr baarlb olaat 441r ralawAlw apaAYY� r db reeila�� arrearL.00.Fa Laura E. Nemethy, ./Gee S Jenson, E -A -P, c. TYPb Nabs AF' Anal 3w n w rIn 7,&V e' Architect/Associate Cffp .Thr VyPaaW) OW AN AOENT MAY SM ADM W TU PCTTTION=COhMMU TU FOLWWM 1 hmYy dnlyaels r wawa W opW Rter ern tar man MWlm or apo Inde peaces AOIn Pulln bra hsaY wO1W drbaeal�radabY A�11Mr1rbr..dr In..Fare Ada Fedgm. lm Obfa•M de idaemtlaenbYA bar PON" =duos Ynl Atq laleaa/p r 6" tl In(albrdin b tea, eeb m"r ema,iw 1 awn pulpae I Pam W eadMlpa Possem bra bsel Wrlr daaeneemeer emedmar &Srdm Tryd711.11 Ie1nrol Wt Wtrgp�lbs rp brrealYapasaabaInar drdlabe•WYr Adrlla Typed/ Paver NW APemmaaNAam ilpebre AFeMev (Cmpewe TWO K.p#U dr) Ria PERSON AOTROROPMACCEWTOTU FROMTYMWCOIOLRCTUFOLLOWR10 1eYWw W enleq dnrard b aY ptltlaa• I rw batwarp r.Ambena a de F Wmnb[I bubo rM e•W W art eadeaAe►r. Y� dalbnYrla Yobs �a a W FrePp a dpplYa Inrelle daGARai 7At_ t a �WYa� Ww�Wei_dAu�Y.lir✓<�arrrMldnll�rmNWaaeWpanaYtl� W dWaladi lrm Wear WlaaWdaerbeYa dabAeaea Wllebdrtlwrer papeparlrrlaau ba n W rt7 r asw aur Y,r FwpnF TFprrhabd Nr Gaenw CarpeW THU YyeasW) oar ON January 7, 1997 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 Attn: Ms. Jean Grafton City Clerk GEE & JENSON _1gireers-Archue¢s-P1anners. Inc. 2101 mvil ,d Canter ParFway. Stare 150 Maitland. FL 32751 Telephone+4071660.1660 Fax (407)660-2852 Post -It ' brand lax transmittal memo 7671 1 d'..ea r ra Pro t./n OeOL PlronaX O'/ o Faaa - S 2 FaaX Re: Ocoee Recreation Center - Wastewater Treatment Plant Site/A.D. Mims Rd. Subject: Petitioner's Legal or Equitable Interest.... 'Proof of Ownership' Dear Ms. Grafton: As part of the City of Ocoee/Gee & Jenson Agreement (dated 12/5/95) w/ Work Order #2a (dated 11/5/96), Gee & Jenson with Ecotech Consultants has submitted an Application for Binding Wetland Determination to the St. Johns River Water _ Management District. At this time, we would like your assistance as City Clerk in responding to item #2 of the attached SJRWMD Letter (dated 1/3/97). Please submit the following directly to SJRWMD with the attached transmittal: Official Letter prepared by the City Attorney (or other person which has the authority of the City) Documenting the City of Ocoee's ( PETITIONER) Legal or Equitable Interest in the 147.28 Acre City Owned Wastewater Treatment Plant Property at A.D. Mims Road (Section 9, Township 22 South, Range 28 East.). Give me a call if you have questions Jean. Thank you in advance! Very tr yours, La�Ira Nemethy, R.A. Sejhlior Associate/ Project Manager /attachment noted cc: Wendy Swindell/ Ecotech 96040.021010797& GEE & JENSON Engineers -Architects -Planners, Inc. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: lance D. Hart/Supervising Environmental Specialist FROM: Laura E. Nemethy, R.A. t of Resource Management Senior Associate/ Project Manager River Water Management District JOB NO. 96044.02/999/d uth Street !S! L 32801 4300 DATE: January 7, 1997 RE: Petition for Formal Wetland Determination, Petition No. 16-095-0015A, Ocoee Park and Recreation Center WE ARE SENDING YOU X❑ HEREWITH ❑ HAND DELIVERED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA U.S. Mail THE FOLLOWING ITEMni): ❑ PLANS ❑ PRINTS ❑ SHOP pRAWINGS ❑ SAMPLE ❑ COPYOF LETTER ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ ESTIMATES X❑ OTHER ❑ APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS IS ❑ SUBMIT_ COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION '� ❑ YOUR INFORMATION ❑ APPROVED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED X❑YOUR FILES ❑ RETURNED W/CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN OF LOAN ❑ REVIEW/COMMENTS ❑ RESUBMIT_ COPIES FOR APPROVAL _ REMARKS: *IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY/ T I-O'Iu-DERSIGNED AT 407/660-1660. Signed: A, / 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150, Maitland, FL 32751 (407)660-1660 Fax (407)660-2852 P 3; Uk"MANAGEMENT DISTRICT January 3, 1997 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 454 569 792 Nenry CFa n. Ea eOre 'oPN Ass P,E.ec ve Ore CnR�e. SMMA v....o�e wn:: „an, ErelN,.e S-1.1 POST OFFICE BOX 1429 PALATKA, FLORIDA 32178-1429 TELEPHOPJEEPA 329.1 q SUNcoM 9G aG,4AD0 .]090 9. as0 TOO sunccM OO4450 FAX (EECU-VEL-GP.IJ29.a 5 IFIIINPTINOI]244],5 POMN STRPTOWFNPM1Cd 129.4501 Ex OECEMEPO IBFI—IR— '7)SPA—Pimrs wA, PERMITTING OPERATIONS O�aiko HmJP 12111 .11—E we pJ N W -9LpW 1-1. 12.1 M Yl2.0 epee 1-d. l29lSBt09 TGO4pLgW-5960 Oa �xiD�° roo Jo. 1DRE04191D ap)35a i)11 ven)E. IN PI,712vse Too 407-2v 1203 Laura E. Nemethy Gee and Jenson, Engineers -Architects-Planners, Inc. 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 Maitland, FL. 32751 Re: Petition for Formal Wetland Determination No. 16-095-0015A, project to be known as Ocoee Park and Recreation Center, Gee and Jenson, Inc., petitioner. Dear Ms. Nemethy: The St. Johns River Water Management District received your petition for a formal wetland determination on December 6, 1996. Please note that the following additional information will be necessary to complete your petition pursuant to Chapters 4OC-4.042 and 40C-1.181(12), F.A.C.: I ) Four certified copies of the survey of the site verified wetland boundary line. The survey must include a legal description of and acreage contained within the boundaries of the property for which this determination is sought. The wetland boundaries must be witnessed to the property boundaries and must be capable of being mathematically reproduced from the submitted survey. Please submit the survey following the site review by District staff. A site visit with Ms. Wendy Swindell of Ecotech, Inc. has been scheduled for January 28, 1997 to review the flagged boundaries. 2. We are not sure who this formal wetland determination will be issued to. Your firm (Gee and Jenson, Inc.) is listed as the petitioner on the submitted application. We will require documentation showing Gee and Jenson, Ine.'s legal or equitable interest in the property in order for us to issue this formal determination to your firm. It appears that the City of Ocoee, as owners of the property, would be the logical entity to receive this petition, as it is their intent to develop the site. If this is the case, then the application should be revised indicating that the City is the petitioner, that Gee and Jenson, htc. is the agent of record, and that the appropriate entity with the authority to sign as a representative of the City of Ocoee sign the application in the two areas indicated. Regardless of whomever the petitioner is, this documentation of legal and equitable interest is required. Please submit documentation of the petitioner's legal or equitable interest in the property for which William sei cxueMAA Dan PORI NCE CPAR.A4 James? Swann, TREA:VMEM U's Mason. secMETAMv Kathy ehinoy Griffin A Greene James H. Williams o«SA Patricia T. Harden S 4°'srws Reid Hughes uCR50xntLE VEPO BEACx OCPU s+xi000 o>vTOup OFwCx Ms. Laura E. Nemethy January 3, 1997 Page 2 the petition is sought. Or, if the petitioner has the power of eminent domain, please indicate, on an attached paper, by what authority the petitioner has such power with the appropriate City of Ocoee representatives signing this declaration. Please reference the District file number noted above on all future correspondence for this petition. You may contact us at either 904/448-7934 or 407/897-4331 if we can he of assistance. Sincerely, 'Ice D. Hart, Supervising Environmental Specialist (Department of Resource Management Hat -Gu ChenScientist Department of Resource Management LDH/DGC:sa cc: Glenn Lowe, Eliz^b t omas, Dave Dewey, Lori Dowdy, PDS -RAIL, Orlando permit files City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Wendy M. Swindell Ecotech consultants, Inc. 254-B Plaza Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 Ecotech Consultants, Inc. r \ ENVIRCNMENIAL SCIENCES December 5, 1996 y Mr. Lance Hart St. John's River Water Management District 618 E. South Street Orlando, FL 32801 RE: City of Ocoee Recreation Center Wetland Jurisdictional Assessment Dear Mr. Hart: This letter is a follow up to our conversation concerning the above referenced project located in Section 9, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, in the City of Ocoee, Orange County. The proposed project will consist of recreational center (ballfields, gymnasium, tennis courts, etc.) to be located adjacent to the City's wastewater treatment facilities. The entire site is approximately 147.28 acres in size, and is outlined on the attached maps for your reference. Attached is our Application for a Petition for a Formal Wetland and Surface Water Determination for this project. Please find enclosed with the application the following: • the application fee of $1,700.00 • (4) copies of the Orange County V— 300' blueline aerial photograph of the site with property boundaries delineated • (4) copies of a certified boundary survey with accompanying legal description • (4) copies of the Winter Garden U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle with the property boundaries delineated •� (4) copies of the TiSDA Soil Conservation Service Map for the site, with the nrnnerty boundaries delineated Please consider this letter as a request to schedule the earliest possible date for the District to review the wetland jurisdictional boundaries. Ecotech Consultants, Inc. has been contracted as a subconsultant to Gee & Jenson, Inc. to perform this work for the City- The City of Ocoee owns the land which is within the project boundaries, and has provided Gee & Jenson with authorization to conduct all necessary site reviews to implement the permitting for the project. If needed, we will provide your office with a letter from the City confirming this information. 254 B Plaza Drive.Oviedo, Florida 32765• (407) 359-8344. (4071359-8626 Faz p. I. Mr. Lance Hart December 5, 1996 Page Two As we discussed, I will be forwarding copies of any additional information required to complete this application prior to the field inspection. As mentioned above, we would like to schedule for the field review at your earliest convenience. Please contact our office at (407) 359-8344 if there are questions concerning this request. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. ECOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Wendy M. Swindell President cc: Ms. Laura Nemethy; Gee & Jenson PETITION FOR A FORMA -L WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER DETERMIINATION SECTION 373.321(2), F.S. ST JOHSN Ll< R WA -R MANAGEAfEIN7 D[S�ICT NLTiBER P.O. WX i429 OATc RECEI4T_O PA1.1"fY,l FIDRpA 3:078.14.29 FEE RECEnT, ACREAGE Ph=e type or print Read all instructions, submit four copies of this form and four copies of other supporting information. 4y_R Name of Ouver: City of Ocoee Address: 150 Vorth Lakeshore Drive City:e Stam: Florida Zip Code 34761 Telephone No: E5 5 6 - Proof of Ownenlup: P-rM1ONER/NlkT TO RFeeiVE FO AW A T WM la' ATt0 Name ofPeuuoner: Gee S Jenson, En ineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. Address: 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, u3. e City: Maitiand State: 1 or 1 a Zip Code: Telephone No: I- AGENT NameofFirm: Gee S Jenson, Engineers -Architects Planners Inc. Name of Firm Contact Person. Laura E. Uemet by Address: same as above City: State: TP Cade: Telephone No: N" OF n.'DIVMj I ar umne 9 n 7n Name ofFutn: Ecot ech Consultants, Inc. NameofFirm Contac,Person:_ Wendy M. Swindell Address: 154 A. Plaza Drive GIN: fly' eAn Stam: FL Zip Code.3276� Tdephone No: 1407) 359-8344 PRO CT t, O0.MAT10N Naneof Project: Ocoee Park 6 Recreation Center County: Orange Project Acreage:147. 29smpunt of Fee Submitted: 71, 700770— Section 00. 0Section 9, mownshio 22 South Ranoe 26 East If Petition boundaries include my arms for which Distrix or DEP pereim, appiimtions, dcnhuamny statements or Consent Orders have been received, fist name, file numbers, type of activity and provide a copy of all pertinent docurnents: WMD N/A DEP V/A COE N/A An original USGS Topo Quad with the property boundaries depicted must be attached U.S. G.S. Topo Quad Map Name: Winter Garden SCS Soil Survey sheets with the pmj= boundaries shos must be artaebed Page Numbers) of USDA/SCS Soil Survey: Orange County, Page 18 Have any USDA/SCS soil scientist personnel previously visited the site? Yes no t known Name Date(s): For What Purpose? F. Numbs 4004.900(3) AN ACENT MAY SIGN APOVE IF THP PETITIONER COAO'LPI'Ps TAE M,LOWTNO I beteby d W[eux e" .,nh. t e theem, 11fed ebe.e b em m N behedf. Y Yy,ees b We P�[ of W peddm far e 'w (eem.i wetland d.e nxd.n e.d a fet.bh m ".Y. euppl , bef.rueetlm be eupeon of We petld06 I .m Wmdbr wbb We bJomutlm m.Ybd b th6 pee"'. eed Y We ben .f N Imeeld[e e.d bede4 dos b aur, mm Ime W .eearex. 1 f.Mer ¢rdfy We[ I p do a llrf W peed].. for a faemel welded d emWed.. W e[mNenee MW ee¢lo. )7x.1211, FS ImdenWd Wu lmawm[fy meu.[my xbegm®m[arn rt.mxdo. pedd. _ 372.430. FS P •Na.Rdq afsmd.. Laura E. Nelrethy, R.A./ Gee &Jenson EAP nc - Typed/Ptsso,z of Petltl...rlA[mt SILna..e efPe eY �� + Architect/Associate of Firm G (Corponx TWe Vappd¢bk) 0.W PERSON AMORMNC ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MIST M&,pLFTE THP FOLIO WINC I rdhee.m [de PnPeM d—hbed W thb pedtlon or I bee. k[J mhorn, b.R.w. b We M. d I _.4 enee n¢hm[ pef.r wtldYtloq b. fae dexrmWetl.e M^e We m We preperly Y d.e be eeeLm dOC�Od; PAC I mW.rfte eel—xdea .r Pee.m.el bum ebe Idmx4 oder eeWH.[ mbr w.,, b mxr We p,,M Y Yen, be Y Y my be eYaeery b male W. wed..d dexemin.d— W I will protide. WY ,[ We Peoprry mtde,,e. W gd.a W dexemW.tlb �I - b� pedtlm dacmeeW dwmm..m[ .¢ W ewwr o(UY pnprey ar tpe[ I beee kN emba puller.. TypUPMW h'.Y. y[„Yrt C.ey.rtx TNie V appd¢biej O.ee Have you had a pre-application contc[ena With DittriR Sta87 Yes No With Whom? _ Datc(s): For What Purpose? Have any Disuia Staff prciiotuly visited the site? Yes t known -UQ `lame Date(s)I FOf Whdl Purpose? BncEy it LTbc past a.ad pr-.sent land ll5e dNvIUGS Rlthin the bp1111da11C5 Oi [IIC property %I Which this detercaaaaROn is wught: d eVI ODtrlen t of a Dark/recreation center m GPIs of b . be , bW& W whlx .r mbr pn.x of nem[ ee W pbateLnpW u . eye of I b. b 2w R .e te.ee deYpN eemniefy rtGee, Ne evrtnt emdlnam n as tl[e,.nyy,ed, aeer y deLn¢b m We ph.. We pp peep be®d b e`� Peeled. W m.J., rode and We.onh bmrW[. Tye due and u . of dee --bed phot¢ The Wend pho�. S+indel1 n14F�ln 359m7 44 `r daem[ibe a[e wp¢um; Pn m bomde[dm man be aMy d[[N arm.rd.d b We debt pdar b We tlx Wp¢dau tndiehew 1. hWe bomdul¢.0 b.Wmtldd: rnndccrn}_y_piv nt h ed at D L oNer far your petltlm [. k de®N complex the Ulnen mem nyre due mpl¢ of the reNded Ie11.YedY abler bt W< term .f ¢rtldN .w.ey; depletlo... rtetldd Yexl ph.brreph4 Leo-Ne. lemaL4 .e CPS deplmi.. m eetlet phua[¢py.f WemneyN dedn¢dm Attach dost®mxtlon ehaNn[ pmtlo.ee'epWx641.xeeet 1. the dptppenp, ar V petltla.ef bee We pn.er alml.mt a.eaW pkue WdlY4 m m.vacpd paper. b1 wh.l eufb.Nty pmlmer h.e Yeh power. e+e Atx�.leteJ 4¢ ptlm of thepn"M farwhkb ihie dexrmb.tlm bYv[ht I mdenW.d I bw.b b PETITION'ER'S SIGNATURE pYNde ev1 "WdE mf.meatl..l Wm m¢a b el be e.es7 b Yplete peat I w emedm eee. y 4mYlewtth the bfabe We pedal and b Ube beY Of my b..wld[. W 4 mbels ewh l.f.e tree. mpkx W ..eee i balder eertuy Wet I p W evLLaedy b petltlo. far . formJ wetla.d deee u oon m eeeeNmae w ,b Sa 3'Ia.d21, FS .r r etlfm[ Y We dvq evtbortred .Lmt of prem erlth d evWorlty.lmdenee.d tbub moY.[f1 m'b^L M(eiY mtmml.rrtpemmudmmWb xeN f Laura E. Vetrd=thy, R.A./ Gee & Jenson, E-A-P, AN ACENT MAY SIGN APOVE IF THP PETITIONER COAO'LPI'Ps TAE M,LOWTNO I beteby d W[eux e" .,nh. t e theem, 11fed ebe.e b em m N behedf. Y Yy,ees b We P�[ of W peddm far e 'w (eem.i wetland d.e nxd.n e.d a fet.bh m ".Y. euppl , bef.rueetlm be eupeon of We petld06 I .m Wmdbr wbb We bJomutlm m.Ybd b th6 pee"'. eed Y We ben .f N Imeeld[e e.d bede4 dos b aur, mm Ime W .eearex. 1 f.Mer ¢rdfy We[ I p do a llrf W peed].. for a faemel welded d emWed.. W e[mNenee MW ee¢lo. )7x.1211, FS ImdenWd Wu lmawm[fy meu.[my xbegm®m[arn rt.mxdo. pedd. _ 372.430. FS P •Na.Rdq afsmd.. Laura E. Nelrethy, R.A./ Gee &Jenson EAP nc - Typed/Ptsso,z of Petltl...rlA[mt SILna..e efPe eY �� + Architect/Associate of Firm G (Corponx TWe Vappd¢bk) 0.W PERSON AMORMNC ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MIST M&,pLFTE THP FOLIO WINC I rdhee.m [de PnPeM d—hbed W thb pedtlon or I bee. k[J mhorn, b.R.w. b We M. d I _.4 enee n¢hm[ pef.r wtldYtloq b. fae dexrmWetl.e M^e We m We preperly Y d.e be eeeLm dOC�Od; PAC I mW.rfte eel—xdea .r Pee.m.el bum ebe Idmx4 oder eeWH.[ mbr w.,, b mxr We p,,M Y Yen, be Y Y my be eYaeery b male W. wed..d dexemin.d— W I will protide. WY ,[ We Peoprry mtde,,e. W gd.a W dexemW.tlb �I - b� pedtlm dacmeeW dwmm..m[ .¢ W ewwr o(UY pnprey ar tpe[ I beee kN emba puller.. TypUPMW h'.Y. y[„Yrt C.ey.rtx TNie V appd¢biej O.ee Ecotech Y Consultants, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES December 5, 1996 Mr. Thaddieus L. Hart U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 602 N. Palm Avenue Palatka, FL 32177-2504 RE: City of Ocoee Recreation Center Wetland Jurisdictional Assessment Dear Mr. Hart: This letter is a follow up to our conversation today concerning the above referenced project located in Section 9, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, in the City of Ocoee, Orange County. The proposed project will consist of recreational center (ballfields, gymnasium, tennis courts, etc.) to be located adjacent to the City's wastewater treatment facilities. The entire site is approximately 147.28 acres in size, and is outlined on the attached maps for your reference. Please consider this letter as a request to schedule the earliest possible date for the Corps of Engineers to review the wetland jurisdictional boundaries. Ecotech Consultants, Inc. has been contracted as a subconsultant to Gee & Jenson, Inc. to perform this work for the City. The City of .. Ocoee owns the land which is within the project boundaries, and has provided Gee & Jenson with authorization to conduct all necessary site reviews to implement the permitting for the project. If needed, we will provide your office with a letter from the City confirming this information. ' The attached information includes the following: • a 1 "=300' blueline aerial photograph with rhe property ka,, dories depicted; • a copy of the Winter Garden U.S.G. S. topographic quadrangle with the property boundaries delineated; • a copy of the SCS soil survey map with the site boundaries and appropriate legend; and • a copy of the boundary survey for the site. These maps show all of the adjacent water bodies, as well as major roadways adjacent to the site. The wetlands on the site are shown on the quadrangle as Lake Sidney, and they connect off-site to the north. We estimate that it will require 3-4 hours to review all of the flagged points in the field. 254 B Plaza Drive -Oviedo, Florida 32765. (407) 3598344. (407) 359-8626 Fax 0 Mr. Thaddieus L. Hart December 5, 1996 Page Two As we discussed, I will be forwarding copies of the field data sheets for your review prior to the field inspection. As mentioned above, we would like to schedule for the field review at your earliest convenience. Please contact our office at (407) 359-8344 if there are questions concerning this request. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. ECOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Wendy M. Swindell President cc: Ms. Laura Nemethy; Gee & Jenson M1 Y J i 40 I' N aMl � •/.Ja 155 $53 _ FEE u_ • ... I\ : " i6J •. - _. - xL - - o� 13163 . I(((. . Pr use Lake --------- _ OAS 'I. . 62 Peach Lake • 35' pring (Lake t PO .. Park • � hm� ••3 -_ _ _ O 4 z pI 15° I I T lanalne rem 17 15 Stark a Lake eIX.:3acal q 6 ry 31W — _ M. -it ga a • w Jtld cunni O 9. ' 21 ..:�. a� e8, a rrAb � •• • bc6te rm „„ � + � Lak S / o "a Bennet „•Znke Ecolech Consultants, Inc, CITY OF OCOEE RECREATION CENTER WINTER GARDEN U.S.G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE FIGURE �a��oxu[enn sace¢s L.A I OIy Pio Ecolech Consultants, Inc. s..,aonn,.z sacvrzs ll � 1 ° ware � '6° yy .� e ��• 3 NUMERICAL F SYMBOL NAME fi 0.1eA Pili 11- eo cn.,el.,.0a ..e1. ox we°pi.o II fe: t�an _. Eo,. nao. d.: P, m•.��r poem �`PjFE 'ooemY I, ..aa nev ro�M Fl— dip oam,. , 1 il,e ,a. c.o,.,.w- :.-}.A Gn �q7. i�ng�#� zoid Adl, Jrtld 11 Ild .e <amn.,.o losoe.ce,tnao.. Gr.] yIj ] i- N� EB F U <C EOSce garul E u 39 F mm0e,.0 o5rcremi nonel ttt w MA J h mvne re u<n v wee0 11 P.Is 3e P. 1. L nvant 11— 6 fi Pill— s Z 3e 5 0 ours F 39 0 i t 06 Jnr ,y s F, 5 o<.m:oo., R . -Id. e �e=, mxa a..em.n�oo,l ;3 s , fi li ZfE,4 fil'.I f'20� F <9 T C_U Oco oee,.015 n.ee.n roves 55 tc oUrO CITY OF OCOEE RECREATION CENTER FIGURE ORANGE COUNTY SCS SOH, SURVEY MAP - SHEET NUMBER 1S OCOEE RECREATION CENTER _ LIST OF PHASED DEVELOPMENT COSTS: A.D. MIMS RD. / WASTEWATER SITE Scheme 2a (Selected) ' Work Order #2 Schematic Design March 10, 1997 PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS: Recreation Center w/ Required Parking SITE COSTS Entrance Boulevard, Parking (179 spaces) w/ Drop -Off Lane in front of building, — Fountain, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for the Phase I Improvements could be set at ' $50,000.00/acre x 4.5 acres of improvements = $225,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $33,750.00 $258,750.00 BUILDING COSTS Recreation Center _ 13,715 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x $65.00/s.f. _ $891,475.00 + 720 n.s.f. Exterior Covered x $30.00/s.f. = $21,600.00 + 252 n.s.f. Mechanical Mezzanine x $30.00/s.f. _ $7,560.00 — $920,635.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $138,095.00 $1,058,730.00 _ Telescopic Bleachers (535,000.00/480 seats) $35.000.00 Scoreboard $11,000.00 _ Goals (6 -@$4,000.00/ea.) $24,000.00 Entrance Sign $4,500.00 ... Flag Pole $2,800.00 Trash Enclosure w/ Gate 100 g.s.f. x 35.00/s.f. _ $3,500.00 ' $80,800.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $12,120.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $1,410,400.00 PHASE IA IMPROVEMENTS: Multi -Sport Field -'Grading, Drainage & Landscaping only (no track, lights, seating). 1.9 acres x $30,000.00/acre $57,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $8,550.00 $65,550.00 _ 'Reshape of W. W.T. P. Pond and Relocation of Fencing by others. PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS: Ballfields w/ Required Parking SITE COSTS Parking (49 spaces), Little League Ballfields, Track, Extended Field, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for Phase II Improvements could be set at $50,000.00/acre x 15.4 acres of improvements = $770,000.00 + Sports Field Lighting - allow $280,000.00 14 poles x $20,000.00 ea. (+ 15% Design Contingency) $157,500.00 $1,207,500.00 BUILDING COSTS Two Restroom/Concession Bldqs. 576 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x 75.00/s.f. _ $43,200.00 x 2 = $86,400.00 Four Picnic Pavilions 100 s.f. x $35.00/sf = $14,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $15,060.00 $115,460.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $1,322,960.00 PHASE III IMPROVEMENTS: Swimming Pool, Recreation Center Future Expansion, Bath House, Playground, Tot -Lot, Tennis Courts, Sand Volleyball Courts & Required Parking SITE COSTS Parking (85 spaces), Playground, Nature Trail, Tot Lot, Lighted Tennis Courts, Sand Volleyball Courts, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Utilities and Landscaping A site improvements allowance for Phase III Improvements could be set at 350,000.00/acre x 9 acres of improvements = $450,000.00 + Sports Field Lighting (Two Poles x $20,000.00/ea.) $40,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $73,500.00 $563,500.00 BUILDING COSTS 50 Meter Olympic Size Pool 20,000 g.s.f. x 90.00/s.f. _ $1,800,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $270,000.00 $2,070,000.00 Pool Bath House 3,500 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x 75.00/s.f. _ $262,500.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $39,375.00 $301,875.00 Racquetball Courts (exterior) 1,600 g.s.f. x $30.00/1 _ $48,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $7,200.00 $55,200.00 2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 150 • Mainland FL32751 • Telephone (407) 660-1660 • For (407) 660-2852 Six Picnic Pavilions 100 s.f./ea. X $35.00/s.f. 521,000.00 (+ 15% Design Contingency) $3,150.00 _ Recreation Center Future Expansion $24,150.00 2,496 g.s.f. Conditioned Space x $70.00/s.f. _ $174,720.00 (+15% Design Contingency) $26,208.00 $200,928.00 SUBTOTAL PHASE III IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWANCE $3,215,653.00 GRAND TOTAL (PHASE I, la, II, III) _ $6,014,563.00 NOTE: ITEMS INCIDENTAL To BUT NOT INCLUDED IN, THE STATEMENT OF PROBABLE COST ARE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FEE$ FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT, BULGING OPERATING COSTS IMPACTAND PERMIT FEES ANO UNFORESEEN SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A Design Contingency of 15% is recommended for estimates of Conceptual/Schematic Design Phase as per "rs means building conslruction cost data". \phased.cst �2701 Maitland Center Parkway, Swte 150 • Maitland FL 32751 • Telepnone (407) 660-I660 1 Fax (407) 660-2852 2701 MaillanfPf!APfIM554WSiiSiKMRR'�°(OfifrTYr.fi11;R@^MPP9P+�'RiMjRdGfo7�4n1)�iIf1EV9�b•W(YY(AIA) 6662852 Ogg K opn1�: � �� J` l `� Tj Ap ` 1 T1 h '[AiiLdL d� �a a i Orr u s �a a i z SIGiV -UP F 6 Q r f PICN1 t # 19 A COURTS ...EEYBAL '. EA [l" EA P1 r NTEF _ w 4M t t t Vi t AS 01 -R0 'EA OM nNA!gLN_. 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