HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (B) Proposed Closing of a Portion of Plam Drive in Conjuction with Construction of the Western Beltway AGENDA 4-I-B7
I rcm V B
��fT � (409)656-2322 CITY M ANAGER
DATE: MARCH 25, 1997
Should the Mayor and City Commission direct staff to prepare the necessary documents for the
vacation of that portion of Palm Drive where the Western Beltway will cross; and related to that,
direct staff to work with the Expressway Authority to draft a reimbursement agreement for the
property generally known as Pine Street?
Two current City Commissioners were not on the Commission at the time this issue was originally
voted upon. To put the proposed closing of a portion of Palm Drive in context with the larger issue
of the City's overall transportation network, a summary of what has occurred to date is provided
as follows:
On February 20, 1996, the City Commission voted 5-0 to support staffs recommendation on
several issues regarding the Western Beltway and its impact on the future local transportation
network. At that meeting, several items were discussed, and staff was directed to meet with the
Expressway Authority to relay the City's position. Those items included:
1. The City's desire for an underpass on Roberson Road, west of Windermere Road
2. The City's desire for an additional underpass on Marshall Farms/Tomyn Road
3. The City's desire that a signalized intersection at S.R. 50 for the proposed frontage road
running north from S.R. 50 to Silver Star Road be incorporated in the Beltway plans
4. The City's desire to adjust a retention pond to accommodate that same frontage road
5. The City's desire to incorporate the intersection of the frontage road at Silver Star Road
6. The City's desire that the underpass at Palm Drive be deleted
7. The City's desire that an underpass be added north of Palm Drive
The staff report and minutes from that City Commission meeting are attached for your review.
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Page 2
Palm Drive Staff Report
March 25, 1997
On March 14, 1996, City staff met with the Expressway Authority (the "Authority") to discuss these
issues. The Authority was receptive to all of the items. Because several design changes would
result from incorporating these items, the Authority requested that the Ocoee City Commission
formally endorse these changes as part of the Final Plans for the Western Beltway.
On April 2, 1996 staff again presented a detailed list of proposed design changes for the City
Commission to review. (See attached staff report dated March 28, 1996.) The City Commission
voted 4-0 to formally endorse all items as presented. (See attached minutes.) After this meeting,
Russ Wagner, Director of Planning, appeared at the Authority's public hearing on Part A of the
Western Beltway and presented the proposed design changes on behalf of the City Commission.
The Authority has agreed to incorporate all of the proposed design changes proposed by the City;
however, because the issue of Palm Drive entails the actual closing of a portion of a City road, a
formal roadway vacation is required since the Authority will only fund one bridge in this vicinity.
The bridge over "Pine Street" was initially proposed by the City to coincide with the road plans
outlined both in the City's Comprehensive Plan and on the City's Future Transportation Projects
Map. The future roadway network in this area is proposed to include the extension of Wurst Road
west from Lakewood Avenue to Ocoee-Apopka Road and then from Lakewood Avenue to East
Crown Point Road. This roadway is planned as a collector facility which will carry a significant
amount of the traffic created by the eventual growth in this area. As such, it is anticipated that
significant portions of this road would be developer funded. The Pine Street bridge is a critical part
of this road network, ensuring that local east/west traffic movement is guaranteed in the future and
not blocked with a two mile detour. Staff and the City's consultants believe this is the best
alternative to ensure that future transportation needs are met.
In order to ensure the least amount of inconvenience to the people living and working in this area,
it would be desireable to make "Pine Street" a public access. Although the road appears to be
widely used and a portion of it has been maintained by Orange County for many years, some of
it is privately owned. The purchase of public right-of-way would guarantee access rights to all
people who want to use the road. Although "Pine Street" would not be paved immediately, it could
be placed on a maintenance schedule until that time. The purchase of this property is an important
part of the issue of Palm Drive and the future transportation network because it addresses the
immediate concerns of alternative access provisions as well as the long range concerns that the
property will be available for future road improvements as the area develops.
Page 3
Palm Drive Staff Report
March 25, 1997
A formal agreement is needed between the City of Ocoee and the Authority to deal with the
purchase of this property. The Authority has agreed to purchase the remaining land to make this
dirt road public, with the City to reimburse a portion of the costs at some time in the future. The
reimbursement period for these agreements is usually five to seven years from the original
acquisition, and the Authority will not ask for reimbursement for that portion that it has already
acquired. Although this is not currently an impact fee road, it is anticipated that by the time the
reimbursement is due, this street and the roadway extension to Ocoee-Apopka Road and
Lakewood Avenue will probably be included as an impact fee project to provide funds for this
In order to provide an opportunity to hear all sides of the issue before a final decision is made, all
residents and landowners within 300 feet of Palm Drive and Pine Street were notified of this
hearing by letter and a notice of the public hearing was printed in the West Orange Times.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission direct staff to: (1) initiate the
vacation process for that portion of Palm Drive where the Western Beltway will cross, (2) notify the
Expressway Authority of this action and draft a proposed agreement with the Expressway Authority
for the future reimbursement for right-of-way acquisition costs for the existing "Pine Street", and
(3) place the vacation resolution on a subsequent City Commission agenda together with the
proposed reimbursement agreement.
cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
Jim Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director
Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney
Joe Berenis, P.E., Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority
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y � 13"22jlhl CLE.1cON
DATE February 15, 1996
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning
SUBJ: Future Transportation Projects
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners authorize City Staff to coordinate with other govemmenra
agencies and private developers to plan for Future Transportation Projects which may impact the City of
Cue to the rapid rate of growth within the West Orange County area, numerous transportation improvements
are being considered by the Onando-Orange County Expressway Authority, the Florida Turnpike Authority.
the Florida Department of Transportation, Orange County, the City of Winter Garden, and the City of Occee.
In recognition of the planning efforts currently being undertaken by these governmental entities as well as_
private developers. City Staff met on several occasions to discuss the relationship of these projects to other
transportation projects planned by the City. Additionally, a number of 'brainstorming' sessions were held
to identify an entire range of roadway and intersection improvements which may be necessary in the future
to accommodate the transportation needs of the City of Ocoee.
The attached list of Future Transportation Projects identifies those improvements which presently are
contained within the work programs of the various governmental entities as well as numerous additional
projects which Staff believes will be necessary over the build-out period of the City. This list is non-
prioritized. and there has been no effort to estimate costs or assign funding responsibilities other than to
identify by category the lead agency for the various projects.
The major goal of this exercise is to stimulate discussion, recognition, and further analysis of the broad
range of transportation needs that the City will be facing over the next several years. By beginning such
deliberations now, it is hoped that the City can initiate further dialog with the other governmental entities to
improve awareness of area-wide transportation needs and encourage more cooperative funding for those
Page 2
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
February 15, 1996
facilities that are regional in nature. At the same time City Commission review of these projects will help
identify transportation improvements that may need to be considered for inclusion in the City's Capital
Improvements Program and Road Impact Fee Program.
As a first priority, Staff is seeking direction from the City Commission with regard to the projects identified
for the Expressway Authority and FDOT. As the Commission is well aware, the Western Beltway is actively
under final design, and Staff believes that it is crucial to meet with the Expressway Authority now to ensure
that consideration is given in the design to existing and future local transportation network requirements.
Additionally, FDOT is actively underway with design on S.R. 438 (Silver Star Road) from Clarke Road to
Hiawassee Road and has begun a PO & E study for the portion of this roadway leading west to Winter
Garden. Consequently, it is important that the City provide input into the design of these projects in a timely
manner to ensure maximum benefit to the City.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners authorize City Staff and
its consultants to undertake the following tasks:
1. Meet with representatives of the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority to discuss
the items identified on the attached Future Transportation Projects list pertaining to the
Western Beltway, as endorsed by the City Commission. and seek inclusion of those items
within the final design of that roadway.
2. Meet with representatives of the Florida Department of Transportation to discuss the items
identified on the attached Future Transportation Projects list pertaining to S.R. 438 (Silver
Star Road) and S.R. 50 (Colonial Drive), as endorsed by the City Commission, and seek
inclusion of those items within the work program of FDOT.
3. Meet with representatives of Orange County and other local governments as necessary to
encourage cooperation and explore various funding options for area-wide transportation
improvement projects.
4. Meet with local developers as necessary to encourage cooperation and explore various
funding options for local and/or area-wide transportation improvement projects.
5. Begin refining the Future Transportation Projects list to determine estimated costs, relative
priorities, and potential funding mechanisms based upon continuing City Commission
direction. •
C'pdfiles‘SR1S R96005.pd
E-1 Western Beltway Roberson Road - Addition of underpass
West of Windermere
E-2 Western Beltway Marshall Addition of underpass
Farms/Tomyn Road
E-3 Western Beltway State Road 50 Signalized intersection
Frontage Road
E-4 Western Beltway North of Enterprise Adjustment to retention pond
E-5 Western Beltway State Road 438 Intersection with new frontage
E-6 Western Beltway Palm Drive Deletion of underpass
E-7 Western Beltway 'Y2 mile North of Palm Addition of underpass
E-8 Western Beltway West Road Addition of underpass
E-9 East-West Good Homes Road Addition of half-diamond
Expressway interchange
June, 1996
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 20, 1996
When the subject of kiosks was brought up City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that kiosks do
not have the same statutory exemption from the competitive process as the previous subject and
he recommended following the standard procedure for giving notice that the City may be looking
for expressions of interest. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record. "That was the person
advertising telling us about it, not us asking for it, because we do have to go out to competitive
bid on it." Mr. Shapiro said that, given direction, staff would begin working on it. Mayor
Vandergrift talked about design and that when the developers/builders eventually leave, other
advertising would be necessary. Building Official Flippen said that if the intent was to have
any type of business advertise other than builders, developers and real estate the ordinance would
have to be revised. Commissioner Glass said he would not want commercial advertising other
than that already approved and he would be more interested in tapping into the creative juices
of the commercial market for design rather than giving design criteria. There was discussion
about a sign in front of City Hall Complex on Bluford and Mr. Shapiro said that it just had not
been designed and funded, that it should be a part of the budget review.
Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report regarding the transportation projects for the
next 10 - 15 years which the City will need to undertake. He asked for the following action by
Commission: (1) direction regarding the projects identified for the Expressway Authority and
FDOT with regard to the Western Beltway and endorsement for Staff to discuss concerns for
future local transportation network requirements to them, and (2) endorsement for Staff to give
input regarding items related to Silver Star Road, i.e., the portion from Clarke Road to
Hiawassee Road, and west of Clarke Road. which is the subject of a PD & E study for the
portion of Silver Star leading west to Winter Garden. (3) authorize Staff and consultants to
continue working with the County and developers on the comprehensive listing prepared of the
range of needs for the future, including intersection improvements, small extensions of streets,
improvements to existing roads.
Mr. Wagner then displayed a map on the overhead pointing out the Expressway Authority items
to be considered, i.e.,
Western Beltway- (E-1 on the map)Roberson Road-West of Windermere Road:
addition of underpass, (E-2)Marshall Farms/Tomyn Road: addition of underpass,
(E-3)State Road 50 Frontage Road: signalized intersection, (E-4)North of
Enterprise Street: adjustment to retention pond, (E-5) State Road 438: intersection
with new frontage road. (E-6) Palm Drive: deletion of underpass, (E-7) 1/2 mile
north of Palm Drive: addition of underpass,
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 20, 1996
East-West Expressway-(E-8)Good Homes Road: half-diamond interchange, (E-9)
State Road 50 off-ramp: west-bound fly-over ramp. (E-10) Florida Turnpike
Terminus: connection to Moore Road,
State Road 438 -(S-1)West of Ocoee-Apopka Road: 4-lane realignment, and (S-2)
Clarke Road to Ocoee-Apopka Road:4-lane realignment.
After a brief discussion during which it was agreed that an overall review of the transportation
plan for the whole city by Commission in a work session would be in order, Mayor
Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to adopt as recommended above
by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Betty Hager, and John Resnik terms expire March 1996. (Commissioner Johnson has
already been reappointed.)
Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to reappoint Debbie Bertling:.
Jean Grafton. Betty Hager. and John Resnik to serve another 3 year term on the Personnel
Board. said terms to expire March 1996. Motion carried 5-0-
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Advised that he had received a phone call asking if the City could make available some
of the land at the wastewater treatment plant for the schools to use for recreation. Mr.
Shapiro said he would call the principal at Spring Lake School to let them know it was
all right. He said that Ocoee Elementary and Middle Schools are already aware and
using the area.
2) Announced City Clerk Grafton's birthday this week. Mayor Vandergrift said there were
others that would be recognized as well at the end of the meeting.
3) Said he hoped Commissioner Glass would have an announcement to make soon that there
was a new baby at his house, as the stress of waiting for the call was becoming heavy.
Commissioner Glass: Announced the surplus auction at the Public Works facility on February
24. 1996 at 10:00 a.m.
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.1. N.>a N07)656-M2
DATE: March 28, 199E
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning 7�'
SUB.!: Western Beltway Design Changes
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners formally enecrse design changes to the Western
9eitway wnicn positively Impact !coal transportation network needs?
Recently Staff presented a real;to the Coy Commission outlining vaccus future :ransocraticn imorovements
wnicn may need to ce undertaken in the Cccee area to ensure that a viacle roadway network is maintained.
At tat meeting. we specifically asked the City Commission to encorse Items directly related to the Western
Beitway that affect the local transportation network.
Staff has since met with staff and consultants of the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authenty to review
these needs as wed as a numoer of other potential projects related to Imoreving access to the 'Nest Oaks
Mail from the East-West Expressway, This meenne was very productive, and the Expressway Authority staff
was very receptive to rt:ally all of our needs. In order to incorporate any onanges to Final plans necessitated
by our suggested projects. they requested that tie City Commission formally endorse these design changes
and take actor: to incorporate ail acorepriate local roadway segments into the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
The fcilcwing Items as delineated on the attached map were those discussed with the Expressway Authority
staff for Inclusion within the final design of the Western Beltway:
E i R-ovice for a bridged underpass at :he extension of Roberson Rcad in Winter Garden to
ensure future continuation of this east/west collector roadway leading from Ocoee.
E-2 Rrovice for the continuation cf Tomyn Road, an important local collector road. to ensure
acecuate caeacity for future residential and commercial uses planned within this area of the
community. Expressway Authority staff intends to modify the westerly alignment of this
'cadw.vav :o tie Into 'Namur ,Road. This rcacway is a direct link to the West Orange Ninth
Grace Center and future Orange County parks pianncdd for this area. This alignment also
minimizes the length of the bridged uncerpass that would be required to make this
Page 2
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
March 28, 1996
E-3 Provide for an intersection at S.R. 50 with a future kcal north/south collector roadway
paralleling the Western Beltway. Once the Beltway is constructed, it is anticipated that the
value of properties adjoining the roadway will be enhanced, dictating the need for
development and redevelopment of lands into higher intensity commercial, business and
industrial uses. A new collector roadway needs to be incorporated into the City's
Comprehensive Plan to provide for the added traffic resulting from this growth.
E-4 Provide for a change to a proposed retention pond situated north of the intersection of
Enterprise Street and Roper Parkway to accommodate the extension of the proposed
north/south collector street paralleling the Western Beltway. A corner of a retention pond
would need to be reconfigured to provide room for the extension of the collector road. The
City will also need to ensure that right-of-way is secured for the northerly extension of the
existing Roper Parkway to implement this collector route and incorporate it into the
Comprehensive Plan.
E-5 Provice for an intersection at the on-ramp of the S.R. 438 Interchange with the northiscuth
collector rcacway daralleiing the Western Beltway. This ntersecion will need to be provided
north of the existing Franklin Street since FOOT has Indicated that it will work with the
Excressway .Authority to realign S.R. 438 so that it extends directly from the intersection at
Occee-Apopka Road to tie back to Franklin Street just east of Crown Point Road. Existing
Franklin Street would either be terminated or re-routed east of the interchange. and other
roadways in this area would be adjusted as required to maximize traffic operations. These
changes will need to be incorporated into the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
E-6 Provide for the deletion of a 'bridged underpass at Palm Drive in favor of a new underpass to
:he north. This underpass is not needed to accommodate local traffic. Its deletion would
permit the nterchange at Franklin Street (S.R. s38) to be lowered and reconfigured to
accommodate the new extension of Silver Star Road from the Ocoee-Apopka Road
intersection. Palm Crive west of the Beltway would be terminated and Pine Street east of the
Beltway would be upgraded north of Palm Drive to tie into a new eas•Jwest collector road.
E-7 Provide for a bridged underpass at Pine Street, approximately 1/2 mile north of Paim Drive.
This is presently a private, unimproved road which provides access to a number of small
parcels. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan currently projects the extension of Wurst Road
westward to tie into Ocoee-Apopka Road in the vicinity of this roadway. In order to provide
for a collector roadway pattern which maintains a maximum one-mile spacing, the
continuation of the Wurst Road extension to Pine Street over to East Crown Point Road would
be beneficial to ensure efficient local access. These extensions would be primarily developer
funded as adjoining development occurs. although the City will need to incorporate this route
into the Comprehensive Plan to formalize the need for this bridge.
Page 3
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
March 28, 1996
E-8 Provide for a bridged underpass at West Road. This is presently an unimproved roadway
which serves a significant number of smaller parcels extending from Clarcona-Ocoee Road
to Ocoee-Apopka Road. Considering the proximity of the proposed Beltway interchange with
the Fullers Cross Road /Ocoee-Apopka Road intersection. as well as the distance between
this intersection and McCormick Road (2 miles), it is desirable to maintain an intermediate
local roadway connector to provide aitemate routes within the area. A realignment of West
Road with Ocoee-Apopka Road is possible to increase the distance between the Beltway
interchange and what is anticipated to become an east'west collector route that will tie all the
development west of Ccoee-Apopka Rcad into a network directly accessing ClarconaOcoee
In addition to the items pertaining to the Western Beltway, City Staff also discussed possible improvements
affecting the East-West Expressway. The idea of providing a direct connection to the off-ramp at S.R. SC
from the west was considered improbable and extremely expensive. Similarly, an extension of the East-West
Expressway to Moore Road was also considered to be highly unlikely and very costly. In bath cases there
would be overlapping jurisdictional authority to undertake such projects, and the current design never
contemplated such connectors. making retrofitting very difficult. Expressway Authority staff indicated that
these two projects would require feaeral and/or state funding to ever have a chance of being undertaken.
Additionally, there are no clans to utilize Roberson Road as a future extension of the East-West Expressway
since it would simply parallel the existing Fonda Turnpike. Expressway.Authority staff did, however. believe
that the uceracing or the existing Good Homes Road interchange into a full diamond woula be beneficial aria
crevice improved access from the west to S.R. 50 and the 'Nest Caks Mail. (See E-3) They indicated that
they would 'begin investigating this improvement immediately before any further development occurs within
the vicinity of this interchance.
Based uccn the items presented for discussion with the Crlandc-Crange County Expressway Authority, Staff
resoectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners move to formally endorse
recommenced changes E-1 through E-8 for incorporation into the final design of the Western 8eitway to
accommodate !coal transportation network needs of the City of Ocoee: and further, that City staff is herecy
cirected to incorporate in the next amendment cycle any changes within the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan
needed to effectuate those improvements required in support of the Western Beltway project.
:.'m;cccfile sr?ECCB
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 2, 1996
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Mayor pro tern Johnson moved to adopt Resolution No.
96-06 supporting immediate le islative action on the Friends of Lake Apopka restoration
program for Lake Apopka and that a copy of this Resolution be sent directly to each member
of the Orange County delegation. Motion carried 4-0.
Planning Director Wagner presented the report on the design changes to the Western Beltway
that impact local transportation network needs, advising Commission that the recent meeting with
the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority to review those needs was very productive.
The Expressway Authority had requested that Commission formally endorse those design
changes and take action to incorporate all appropriate local roadway segments into the Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Wagner reviewed the changes listed below, pointing out the
locations of the changes on the map projected on the overhead. The items were identified on
the map (see attached) as items E-1 through E-8 as follows:
E-1 Provide for a bridged underpass at the extension of Roberson Road in Winter
Garden to ensure future continuation of this easUwest collector roadway leading
from Ocoee.
E-2 Provide for the continuation of Tomyn Road, an important local collector road,
to ensure adequate capacity for future residential and commercial uses planned
within this area of the community. Expressway Authority staff intends to modify
the westerly alignment of this roadway to tie into Warrior Road. This roadway
is a direct link to the West Orange Ninth Grade Center and future Orange County
parks planned for this area. This alignment also minimizes the length of the
bridged underpass that would be required to make this connection.
E-3 Provide for an intersection at S.R. 50 with a future local north/south collector
roadway paralleling the Western Beltway. Once the Beltway is constructed, it is
anticipated that the value of properties adjoining the roadway will be enhanced,
dictating the need for development and redevelopment of lands into higher
intensity commercial, business and industrial uses. A new collector roadway
needs to be incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan to provide for the
added traffic resulting from this growth.
E-4 Provide for a change to a proposed retention pond situated north of the intersection
of Enterprise Street and Roper Parkway to accommodate the extension of the
proposed north/south collector street paralleling the Western Beltway. A corner
of a retention pond would need to be reconfigured to provide room for the
extension of the collector road. The City will also need to ensure that right-of-
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 2, 1996
way is secured for the northerly extension of the existing Roper Parkway to
implement this collector route and incorporate it into the Comprehensive Plan.
E-5 Provide for an intersection at the on-ramp of the S.R. 438 interchange with the
north/south collector roadway paralleling the Western Beltway. This intersection
will need to be provided north of the existing Franklin Street since FDOT has
indicated that it will work with the Expressway Authority to realign S.R. 438 so
that it extends directly from the intersection at Ocoee-Apopka Road to tie back to
Franklin Street just east of Crown Point Road. Existing Franklin Street would
either be terminated or re-routed east of the interchange, and other roadways in
this area would be adjusted as required to maximize traffic operations. These
changes will need to be incorporated into the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
E-6 Provide for the deletion of a bridged underpass at Palm Drive in favor of a new
underpass to the north. This underpass is not needed to accommodate local traffic.
Its deletion would permit the interchange at Franklin Street (S.R. 438) to be
lowered and reconfigured to accommodate the new extension of Silver Star Road
from the Ocoee-Apopka Road intersection. Palm Drive west of the Beltway
would be terminated and Pine Street east of the Beltway would be upgraded north
of Palm Drive to tie into a new east/west collector road.
E-7 Provide for a bridged underpass at Pine Street, approximately 'h mile north of
Palm Drive, This is presently a private, unimproved road which provides access
to a number of small parcels. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan currently projects
the extension of Wurst Road westward to tie into Ocoee-Apopka Road in the
vicinity of this roadway. In order to provide for a collector roadway pattern
which maintains a maximum one-mile spacing, the continuation of the Wurst goad
extension to Pine Street over to East Crown Point Road would be beneficial to
ensure efficient local access. These extensions would be primarily developer
funded as adjoining development occurs, although the City will need to incorporate
this route into the Comprehensive Plan to formalize the need for this bridge.
E-8 Provide for a bridged underpass at West Road. This is presently an unimproved
roadway which serves a significant number of smaller parcels extending from
Clarcona-Ocoee Road to Ocoee-Apopka Road. Considering the proximity of the
proposed Beltway interchange with the Fullers Cross Road/Ocoee-Apopka Road
intersection, as well as the distance between this intersection and McCormick Road
(2 miles), it is desirable to maintain an intermediate local roadway connection to
provide alternate routes within the area. A realignment of West Road with Ocoee-
Apopka Road is possible to increase the distance between the Beltway interchange
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 2, 1996
and what is anticipated to become an east/west collector route that will tie all the
development west of Ocoee-Apopka Road into a network directly accessing
Clarcona-Ocoee Road.
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to formally endorse the
recommended changes E-1 through E-8 as presented for incorporation into the final design of
the western Beltway to accommodate local transportation network needs of the City of Ocoee,
and to direct staff to incorporate into the next amendment cycle any changes within the Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan needed to effectuate those improvements required in support of the Western
Beltway project. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Vandergrift arrived during this presentation, but did not take the gavel.
Appointments to Board of Adjustment: Tanya Miller McAllister, John Resnik, Daniel
Birnstihl terms expire May 1996, 1 vacancy since 1995.
City Clerk Grafton advised Commission that Mrs. Miller-McAllister had asked that she not be
reappointed, but that Mr. Resnik and Mr. Birnstihl were both willing to serve another term.
Commissioner Gleason seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to reappoint Mr. Resnik for
another term. move Mr. Birnstihl from alternate member to active member and appoint Mr.
Robert Godek to serve as alternate. Motion carried 5-0.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Anderson: Announced the Friends of Lake Apopka meeting at Tanner
Auditorium on Wednesday night.
Commissioner Glass: Thanked the Sojourners for painting the building at the corner of Bluford
Avenue and McKey Street.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Expressed appreciation to Planning Director Wagner. Senior Planner Home. and City
Attorneys for their efforts on behalf of the City concerning the Shurguard special
exception with Orange County issue.
2) Asked for a resolution supporting State Representative Sindler in his effort to produce
legislation this year to allow for a formula change for the sharing of the local option gas
tax. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to adopt a
resolution encouraging Representative Sindler to introduce his bill allowin• a formula
change for the sharin' of the local option gas tax (a copy of which was attached to