HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (D) Discussion/ Action re: Change Order No. 2 with Southland Construction Company for Kissimmee Avenue/Story Road and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersection Improvement Project Ccoe� Item 9 4-1-97 '# Item VI D , oK.,,........Qe 0000 JAMES W. SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)M6-2322 EXT.142•FAX(407)656-7S35 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 28, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.Evc99?-,r Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms Road/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project Change Order Request No.2 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 2 on the Story Road/Kissimmee Avenue and Marshall Farms Road/Maguire Road Intersection Improvements Project with Southland Construction, Inc. '[his change order request was initiated by City staff to enhance the project, provide better water service, and provide for additional safety to the public during construction. The items included in this change order are: No. 2-A - Replace the blow-off air release valves with fire hydrants The original project included two air release valves to he used as blow-off assemblies when the water main was initially placed in service and/or when maintenance repairs may be required in the future. After more consideration with regards to the lack of fire hydrants in this arca and the potential for development in the future, it was decided to change these"air release"assemblies into fire hydrants. The fire hydrant can be used as an "air release" device for initial flushing and potential repairs. The City furnished the fire hydrants and gate valves. 'the cost to switch from the air release blow-offs valves to fire hydrants cost$221.66 with no increase in contract time No. 2-B - Install a water main along Geneva Street from the intersection to the Stuchi Ditch When the original project was designed, provisions for a water main extension east along Geneva Street were included. This design only included a tee and gate valve for a future extension of an 8 inch diameter pipe. It was decided, during design,that including this additional water main in the original project could be cost prohibitive to the awarding of the project. This water main extension is consistent with the City's Water Master Plan a' THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE Due to the excellent bid price for the 12 inch diameter pipe along Maguire Road, it was decided to go ahead with the extension and to make it 12 inch in diameter. The unit price that Southland provided in the bid documents was $12 per linear foot. In addition to this extension along Geneva Street, we included a crossing of Geneva at the City right-of-way for a fire hydrant and connection to the existing 2 inch main that serves the customers at this time to improve pressure and flow and to delete the steel casing pipe for the crossing of Geneva Street at the intersection because this water main was to be installed by open cut instead of bore and jack. The cost for this water main extension is $17,462.27 with an increase of seven days in contract time. No. 2-C- Addition of temporary curbing along Kissimmee Avenue Due to the steep side slope on the temporary paving to be installed on the east side of Kissimmee Avenue to shift traffic for the road construction and to protect Florida Power Corporation's poles in that area, it was decided to install temporary curbing along the eastern edge of the temporary paving from the intersection north for approximately 471 linear feet. The cost for this temporary curbing is $8.93 per linear foot for a total of$4,206.97 with no increase in contract time. No. 2-D -Addition of two 45 degree bends on the water main on Maguire Road During the installation of the new 12 inch water main along Maguire Road at the south end of the project, it was discovered that the existing water main was located closer to the road than in the other areas of the project. The existing main is the asbestos cement water main which is to be removed as a part of this project after the new main has been placed into service and the service connections switched over. To allow for crossing under the existing water main without damaging the AC pipe and keep it service, two additional 45 degree bends were required. The cost for the additional bends is $759.32 with no increase in contract time. l'he total cost for this change order is $22,650.22 with a time extension of seven days on the contract time. The dollars for this change order will come from the project's construction contingency. This change order amounts to approximately 1.95 percent of the original bid price of$1,163,718.10. The total cost for all change orders, to date, will transfer$31,446.62 from the construction contingency to Southland's contract. The $35,000 difference between the actual amount and the City's share is a reimbursement from Sprint Telephone Company. To date approximately 2.70 percent of the construction contingency has been committed to the project. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 2 with Southland Construction, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $22,650.22, with an extension in contract time of seven days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 2. Attachment CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CITY OF OCOEE STORY ROAD/ICISSIMMEE AVENUE AND MAGUIRE ROAD/MARSHALL FARMS ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PROJECT NO.B-97-02 DATE: March 14, 1997 CONTRACTOR: SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION,INC. AGREEMENT DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1996 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $1,163,718.10 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $1,203 A 14.50 Net Increase(Decrease)Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $22,650.22 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $1,225,664.72 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 180 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: July 25, 1997 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: August 8, 1997 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 7 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: August I5, 1997 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS,SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article I, Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Extension of Contract Time. By this change order Section 00500,Agreement Article 3 Contract Time shall be modified as follows: 3.1 will be amended to read within 201 consecutive calendar days of the effective date of the Notice to Proceed. III. JUSTIFICATION Item 2-A. The hydrants can serve as a blow-off point in lieu of the air release valves. Item 2-B. The 30"steel casing was not needed. The additional 12"waterline will improve water service by providing connection between mains on Bluford and Maguire Item 2-C. The edge of the pavement for the temporary lane on Kissimmee is very close to the power poles. The addition of temporary curb makes it safer for the public. Item 2-D. Adding two 45°bends to the new 12"water line allows the new line to be installed quicker and easier at the point where the new line must cross under the old line. Note: The majority of the additional 7 days of time allowed in Change Order No. 2 is necessary to complete the installation and testing of the additional water main. W. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item 2-A. The city supplied two hydrants and valves and the contractor gave the city credit for the two air release valve assemblies. Net cost to the city is S221.66. Item 2-B. Contractor's original pricing included 200 LF DIP that was later priced as PVC bringing the final negotiated cost down to$17,462.27. Item 2-C. Final negotiated unit price is S8.93 LF. Item 2-D. Established contract unit price was used for this work. V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Inemase Unit Item No. Unit Prize Net aInaease (Decrease)Quantiry (Decrease)Price 2A Swap two air telease assemblies for hydrant LS 5221.62 5221.66 2B Delcle 30"steel casing,add l 2"and 8"water LS 5f/g62.2] l S V,462.2]int 2C Install temporary curb on Kissimmee 471 LF LF SS 93 E4,206.97 20 Install 2-12"45°bend in water lint 2 LS S75932 E]59.32 Total Net Increase(Decrease)Change Order Na. 2 S22.650.22 1 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges, by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order, that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. Change Order Request by: C IYr or °CO PiG Change(s)Ordered by: City of Ocoee RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. By: -�' l✓ i��/L�- Bv: A / Signature Signatureu Date: vile-r o „ rf /SG 7 Date: 3/7 (c / Title: c C, c ,• ..p et Title: (""r" "" ee-J % n p, 7 APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE. FLORIDA Owner By: S. Soon Vanderh,Mayor Date Change Order No. Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF I99_UNDER , 199_ AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY& LARDNER Bv: City Attorney CoT a p Owes �o `o CITY OF OCOEE r:' REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engir Lakeshore FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive ```pp'",`•° Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-2731 efaxxt. 142 NO. (RpP) PROJECT DATA: NAME: Story Rd/Kissimmee Ave&Marshall Farris Rd/Maquire Rd Intersection Improvements PROJECT NO: 097-02 LOCATION:_ Ocoee Florida DATE: March in,1997 OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Southland Construction Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must dearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work Delete two air release valve assemblies on 12'waterline. Install city provided fire hydrants and valves. City will deliver materials to iob site. City to locate hydrant locations. Change Order Type: O Deletion ❑ Addition ❑ Revision U Other:( Constraints of Change: Use contract unit prices d applicable. Initiated by: 3 Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others: ( ) Proposal must be received by: 2/26/97 ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. fi. c OWNER: James W.Shiro P.E. City of Ocoee ❑ CONTRACTOR SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. ❑ ENGINEER Steve Kreidt,PEC 0 FIELD: J SUBCONSULTANT: 0 OTHER: Date Received From Contractor 221197 Date Returned to Contractor With Comments:/ 3/11/97 for signature Date Returned to City: 3/q/ rf D u._DATMWORDCormum ry Cacsx u Paw 1 mne» PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. 'u Established Contract Unit Price(s) 8. 0 Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. • Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) 0. C Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. 0 A combination of A.B.C,0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor Y,44;i:kaienici. A:..��„b.'. _; i �ZK'f+, ;k `J,Y'f ,- . t { I a . ;F,`:v Attach additional pages if necessary. 1...1.1 NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSA ;2/,(e1> see attached EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME' As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of -0- additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY Imo: L° bn6T kCYI iN • Comments: Signature ofs^g^^w ( e . ?tLCt44 U._ Date: .'1 f/7/97 ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER:/ Comments: r/o,>AG✓C/ft yin Ce,Jc Ct Ghgnf P. O'OT/!/` Z$2, Signature: „(Qi--r// Q. /l.-, y� /_ y / Date:/a75ro% /7 /9 f7 I, `�""", 4.+- of f.D,TNevry..O Coe'i?tvtf, , zWG. agree to the costs and terms of RFP 7 this /2 (Num) tc.mpanvl dayof MA{/ccA/ 199 7 (NwA (Mr (month) owl DILL DATAWFORDCoNIAACmOCYRFp past 203II0NI f, r;:i;i ION : S wo. I40785643,a P, 03 SauNland Cans[melion, Ina City o(Ocoaa!nt0necgon Improvements 2/27f97 RFPN3 MatartaI3 Lahot Suecontra0i F,gnloment Total Change Un Descriotion Quantgy SLVB Total Una Total Sint Total Slag Islet Unit ThSal Contact Unit Prices: II 7'Cde Vales 2 Ea 13 PS Rata Valve sins sse .2 Ea S'M.w 1,w3w n ns 24 Fire Hydrants 2 Ea 1500.00 (9.0.b.w) 1800.03 ]]0380 0.00 0.00 ow 0.00 Tom Unit Ono Changes 1200.00 Change Order Request Items: I uma nyaranM 0m o00 0.00 Ea 72547 .1<w91 0.00 0000.00 ems (1551 2 Claa verses - Ea 205.85 .6)1.10 0) O.00 O00 O00 (9 7 2 0) 34 m 66eelgae ea 35.7$ 6S49O $r.w 1 .00 0.00 o00 ]dEm 5 r ou00a Ea x.50 11121 0.00 0.00 5 6'enuw 6up419 Ea %6n 11121 0.00 18J.06 0.00 0.00 113.21 fi COIP _LF 0.00 5203 Bw 72.00 000 Ow 13481 �_. . 0.w ow ow 0.00 0.00 Ow Om 000 0..00 0.00 0.110 0.w ow 0.50 000 COO 0.00 000 0.80 0,00 04(0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 COO 0.m OWo.m 0.00 0.w om Ow 0.00 0 c0 0.00 003 0.02 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0W 0.00 0.00 0.w ow 0.03 0.00 060 000 0.00 0.00 om a00 0m 0.00 ow 0.m00 OW 6u0touia 0m 0.000 Ow .Iw9.0a 100.00 .w 0.00 0.00 A2 80464 0 Saint Tax 6taea16urEan 6W76 L1.1.2 a6.w% 92.90 pa0 rota!Direct Costa -I100.26 202.80 000 o.ao 238.16 Contractors markup 15.00% -16514 1563x 3942 10.006 0.00 150014. 0w -12572 Subtotals man Man up Enna (863.141 T.50% (y.40) TOUT change cave Rpual Items (9T9.3q I Total for all Changes - ... 221.86 Piga I «peB 4-, 6 CITY OF OCOEE Engineering/Utilities REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL \\' �J j 150 North Lakeshore Drive FOR PROPOSED CHANGE a r°o/ Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-273 142 (RFP) (407) 656-2731 --fax NO. 4 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Story Rd/Kissimmee Ave 8 Marshall Farms Rd/Maguire Rd Intersection Improvements PROJECT NO: B97-02 LOCATION: Ocoee Florida DATE: March 10 1997 OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Southland Construction,Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade).subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work Delete 30'steel casing In the Geneva Street 12'waterline crossing. Install 12'and 8'water on Geneva. All work as called for by Plan Sheets 31 and 35 or 45 as revised by Revisions 1 and 2 dated 2/6/97 for Sheet 31 and Revision#2 for Sheet No.35 dated 2/6/97. Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision 0 Other Constraints of Change: Use contract unit prices. Initiated by: • Changes in Owner Requirements 0 Unforeseen Conditions 0 Others:( ) Proposal must be received by 2/26/97 ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): I. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions Issued 2/12/97 at iob meeting 5 3. 6. I OWNER: James W.Shim P.E. City of Ocoee ❑ CONTRACTOR SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. ❑ ENGINEER: Steve Kreidt PEC D FIELD: U SUBCONSULTANT: ❑ OTHER: Date Received From Contractor. 220/97'227/97' 3/4/97 Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: • Date Returned to City: 3/7/97 DULL DAIWNVORR[ONIAACI SRrp AR W/1097 PRICING INFORMATION' Method of Pricing A. C Established Contract Unit Pdca(s) B. O Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. • A combination of A,B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: O By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor c vtt r r" 71. 1 }") r 72:1 w+ % rr.Ca"F.LnT i= . •.3` r`""'1.s ,C.:' f.} S Attach additional pages If necessary. In NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL y 7/4.2(27see attached EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: 1 As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 7 additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record d drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BYE gr B. . _'+-•';1.2 Comments' W,� ' Signature ofSgor:2r. ` A .f Date: a_n //97 ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER' f Comments: 22rz/6v/,41' or, Se f p CS GJ44n). /, O/dr/ pA /v/p>L 6 t e.✓ n q/ar Ccn fide..-7- 7nc. L../-/kn F/,-ei Signature. ../o-Pu—/(/ cj, f,✓ Co"-. A / A Date: /hc/G 7 sr, cn.ml agree to the costs and terms of ltFP °I this /� r^ day of MA/t,cy Igq -/ I`"'9""I wol «•n t o p twl D W1._DATMWOMCONTRACIDOCSAFP Pye1 03n097 ;m.7.7u1-11 I r ill I !O.nU • auU:'ALANG . TRiJOT[ON :,IN NO. 140788c4348 ?, 02 Southland Construction, Inc. .-. - - REP//4 -Revised City or Ocoea Int•rs<cgon improvements • 3O197 limn 275a et 9Yd n&IRs; labor Contract Unit Prices: �H1 BLit Total � 1 T7ota��n,age t I28olp6tJ 0Utlit Lp 2 Ir PVC 440 IF S 27 PVC wpa alml -a V w.w I tr Gate Va6a66ox 2 1200 O.w EA 9 88Gate Vans NE Box5,28000 2 EA 2w (MOO) 11 C Gate Bohm bfm I EA 1200.00 ;Wa00 12 rcele Vas VheeM B6' _1 a e'ew 1.♦0000 14 rGaka 2a Fri RWN4 iio pw N a0 IF 240.00 sw.w 29 Pfl I � ry0.00) Remove/Dawn ss LP (eeaw) Taut Unit Aria OA.ng. 18oe00 1.epe.w 3.00 108.00 Change Order Request rams: 10,10e00 1 4.OIP/nJ 0•00 0.03 521E 1452 Ia381 m1 4 128 0'00 4w OM 00 0.00 0.00 A23 345 0... _ 2 rBIox aWIr Cale Vans 2 E9 20100 400.w 1bd0 260,w 0.00 0.0036 1.952.42 0 General Cenbparu O00 O00 0.w Ila,w 339.00 0,w Now 6uP.1MYaI 0'm 0.00 p.00 0.0o 0.00 TrakiLaa I Wkk 1w.w o.w GCOW eal.ap 0.00 4w O.N t0o.w ow 250.w upw 100.00 t00.w t.mo.w ♦ 9e0 blr¢I+atOaNhln PVC 9 Ea 102w 0.W 0.00 aN aw ss .00 a1e.w m.w 180.00 0'w 0.00 0.03 00 0•w 0.00 1.000..00 eN pp2 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 00.00 O W 0,w Ow O.w aw 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.w 000 0.00 ow 0.00 0.00a.00 0.00 OW 00 000 000 OW 0.00 Ow 0. 0.00 pm 0.00 0,000O 000 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 9uebuls 0.000.00 Oa p.w 0.00 27az24 1E07.32 2 0,W 3,42 Sal.Tax 6 Labor Auto Bw% 935.86 540542 1[S} 4600% npa] Total OO.az Cats ]92I.9] 2344,ey ea.CO Cmmetors au M0'w 755.30 1000% 429.20 150% 152.00 10.00% 53f052 Suebun Wle Markup 25.00 15,0%{ 11T% 934.06 and 1,244,80 Tool OtMg.men Ryuat llama t•50% 10867 7,353.17 Total for all Changes P.O., 17.462.27 • O it Mn. - — Ocoee .`,,_�a CITY OF OCOEE � Engineering/Utilities REQUEST CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSED CHANGE ` ° Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-2731 -fax NO. (RFp) PROJECT DATA: —— NAME Story Rd/Kissimmee Ave 8 Marshall Farms Rd/Maauire Rd Intersection Improvements PROJECT NO: B97-02 LOCATION: Ocoee Florida DATE March101997 OTHER: REFERENCE RFI#1 TO(CONTRACTOR): Southland Construction,Inc. P!ease provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Protection of existing utility poles-Sta. 31 +50 to Sta.37+00 right. Install 471'temporary curb and vertical panels. See PEC response to Southland RFI No. 1. Change Order Type: C Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision J Other( Constraints of Change: Initiated by: ❑ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions Others:( RFI No. 1 ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support desception): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. D OWNER: James W.Shiro,P.E. City of Ocoee ❑ CONTRACTOR:SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. ❑ ENGINEER Steve Kreidt PEC 0 FIELD' ❑ SUBCONSULTANT' 0 OTHER: Date Received From Contractor. Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 3//07 O ALL DATA WORMCONITACIDOCTRFP mnhN __ — PRICING INFORMATION: --- — —�� Method of Pacing: A- ❑ Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. • Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) 0 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A, B, C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor t . i r- i ..1 "i '/`kr sY.F. y V✓ • npRtc s DJ "1 e i 70 y�.,- 'ch"A > :SL42rW Fur ,. .A ^1^'^.` a_,y? s. ',kw:"Yr,) r .+w�r, F< f Mi Attach additional pages if necessary. See Attached NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $4,206.97 EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME. As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of -0- additional days. Provide thorough documentation rn support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDAT N BY ie: . ./ L � n Comments �/ Q.(./.97l A.ri 0 M. A . g4 . t rf t 7,1 I ay , _ Signature atEngmefh ��y_ )' C_ lL44.12-4- , Date: ,3—/7-97 ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER Comments: .04�/,2✓e/O' — o/a Gi,s S Gs GASnfrc 0//nil/' 9 -A Signature:: Vert/(`L.. ✓,7/ _2,_, Date. Mq,a/r '? /f57 I Caur .,-1- / . .. of S0 i 4 p ' f 2v c/ia.� ...c agree to the costs and terms of RIP -5- Nis /.3 fh n sine r ^°w°r1 dayof M/1/col 199 7 ¢ n"' (day) Imauh) lW/1 D Wl.DATA\WOROLOMRACIp:cSA}p Page a)/119] Southland Construction, Inc. City of Ocoee Intersection Improvements REP # 5 -Revised 3/4/97 Material, Labor Subcontract Eauloment IstaLuang& Item Deecrlation Quantity I Ind total Unit Total UnIt Total ll➢It Total Unit Contract Unit Prices: 79ta1 a oo 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 Total Untt Prlc.Changes 0.00 Change Order Request Items: 1 Temporary curb 47/ LF 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3768.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,768 00 °00 00 0.00 0.00 . 2 Delineators 20 F. 0.00 0,00 0 00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 000 0.00 o00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 a00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c.a0 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0'0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Ooa 0.00 Subtotals 0 0.00 3768.00 0.00 376800 Sales Tax&Labor Burden 8.00% 0.00 6800% 0.00 Total Direct Cosh aaa 0.00 0.00 3768.00 0.00 Contractor'sMarkupa.00 is 0a% Markup 15.00% ]375 80 0.00 10.00% ne.eo 15,00% 0.00 sumwla.mm markupns ao Bond llaa.na Total Change OrderR 1.50% 62.17 goes Sine 4,206_97 Total for all Changes 4,206.97 Page 1 • r r Ocoee / JJ�4� a CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-2731 -fax (RFP) NO. 6 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Story Rd/Kissimmee Ave 8 Marshall Farms Rd/Maguire Rd Intersection Improvements PROJECT NO: B97-02 LOCATION: Ocoee FlorWa DATE: March 10 1997 OTHER: REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Southland Construction Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Install 2-12'45 bends at Sta. 14+00 Rt.,on 1r waterline on Maguire. Purpose is t0 lessen length of the crossing under the existing 10'AC line. Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision 0 Other.( Constraints of Change: Contract unit prices to apply. Initiated by: 0 Changes in Owner Requirements • Unforeseen Conditions D Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. Verbal y 2. Plan Revisions: 5 3. 6. ❑ OWNER: James W.Shiro P.E. City of Ocoee ❑ CONTRACTOR SOUTHLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. D ENGINEER: Steve Kreidt,PEC O FIELD: ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: O OTHER: Date Received From Contractor 2/27/97 Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: 3/11/97 Date Returned to City 3/n/ 97 o Wl.-DATAMORZCDNnurIW6Wp Page I mnwsr PRICING INFORMATION: -_- Method of Pricing: A. 0 Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. D Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. • Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) O. C Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. 0 A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK' ❑ By General Contractor 0 By Subcontractor .dJY9 y:5Fk+� � s- '�r 'id` ..�,.x a �t e r ( G .l af. ,r.4 .` 44.g.v iatz.445 .y'=ip4;- . � t=4 iJI.L ztiy +1 Attach additional pages if necessary NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $759.32 EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As gad of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of -0- additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY,IgINEEWCC7IALL/1;42 Comments /] Signature of Ew9iwar: j( 2tztu.PA_ Date: ACCEPTANCE L ,SJ BY OWNER: Comments: A n(b✓ - O(p(p v1 CAA Ladd R-A Signature: �90/i-✓/ Date: Mpap 4 / 7 / f 7 of CO 44.1/2D 4+N51-4 v' ,o .ie‘aL agree to the costs and terms of KFP A� fN day of M.4a-'0,/ 199 7 tco�°,"yt Mel (dry) (month) (year) D DATA\WORn\coMT ACTDoCN.Jp .a=2 osnovr -Z.1 I Intl Ir • .d Uu'ihL AND CONSTRUCTJ.0N F:?k NC. 14073E84348 P. 08 • Southland Construction, Inc. City of Oc000 Unbars scnon Improvements 2122/97 RFP it Matanzas Logs Subcontract Fouiomenl Total acta IIBf Cescriotioa .OuUnilt Unit Iofal Unit Total Unit Inter unit Tow Unit TO{dI Contract Unit PnOB6: 000 • OW 0.00 / 0.00.7/ 0.m 0.aa o.G0 Trial Unit price Changes 0.00 Change Order Request Items: - - 0.00 0.00 ono 0.00 I 12'45'S '2 Ea 240.00 494.03 4200 84,00 0.03 OW 582.00 - 0m 0m 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0ao 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 003 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,a0 0.00 0.00 0ao 0o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0,ro 0.00 0.00m 0 0.aa 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 O.w 0.00 am 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 Oco 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 om Om ram 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 o00 0.00 o0 0.000a 0.00 0,00e0 0m 0.000 000 0.00 O.Co 0.00 000 0 m wolol.la 490.00 aa.00 0w Coo Matra lass Tax&Lacer Burden 6.00k H,8 a6 28.m_ 89.52 Total Direct Coate 52788 122.G4 00] 000 65052 Conlracws N.rtup 15.00% 7318 1100% _ 1840 10.0% 000 I5.0 % 0,00 gl� SuMnula wee Markup 748.10 BOM 150% IT22 Tall Change OrdRequestN m Order Request s l51.32 Total for all Changes 759.32 Page 1