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II(A) Dr. Dennis Smith, Superintendent, Orange County Schools
Age nc a It -1.8-97 Item III .-� -NILNU-TES OF THE CITY OF OCO EE TOWN y[EETLNG HELD OCTOBER 30, 190; DRAFT CUL TO ORD ER ylayor Vande:-;rift tailed the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Lester D�in the Commission Chambers. Dabbs. Jr., led in the oraver and Frances Watts led in the oied_e. or wile=lance. The roil was tailed and. a quorum declared present. P=�SEVT: Mavor Vanderzit Commission= Anderson. Glass, howeiI and Partner. Also present were City Manager Shapira, P!an1in2 Director Wagner, Director or' Community ReiarionsiProiec s Resnik, Finance Direc;ar Moron, City Clem Grafton and Deputy City Cleric Gosnell, - :�IBSENNT: Vane. hNTRODUCTION OF GUESTS/VIPS Nfayor Vandet;rrift introduced the Ocoee City Commissi Counon and Stan. LIr. Hill Spoone, Orange ty School Board y(ember was intro on and in turn introduced Sc;Iool Board Member Kattie Adams and Dr. NGchael Mekdeci, Associate Superintendent in«oduced were ozncpaisSieGove;rImentai Re.,ations..iIa Johnson, Sorins Lake Elementary, Nora Giedic" Ocoee Eie:ne^t::I-✓ Kate C;ark, Occee _ Uddie Sc:tooi. Debts L _. Giedic:.. r .:cos. Lake 4iinirev L:ernenrarv, Dr. vic',c i e� Dir.. ,or, tether COmrrllSsioner5 Jim Gleason and Vzrn Combs. and cr-l:er navorccMmissioner Lester Dabbs. Jr. Senator Ostaikiewicz arrived !ate in the Meeting. DISCIiSSION: BL�ILDIYGS�T'�CII,TIgS ' and DISCUSSIOI : ti OLUNTEERSANVOLtiF_tiIENT Dr. Nlekdeci spoke :o the ;ssue of a zlture S. Or eIQT .....e..t�.rr ;cncci :o ce ;ecated On ticcc- ��rn reland Road :std Siiver Star Road, and 3.^AnCC'.^.c--4uial du ring tiLe ;Poririhs Of Move:r- mid Dece:rlber, ic9- _`Iev will �e ilOSLL'IQ C-ml;Iurdry TeednQs to disc'.1ss -.his issue. _Nfs_ Candy Ever iv spoke :o the issue or h-ercnir,� Of a o Sarin- Lake Elementary School dis�:ict, a.*:d :f it was -ezened _ppro mareiv t :o =rem .Ars ago. Dr. ylekdeci responded -.har anv rezoninss Wouid :;e :ccked ar oerTveen F ebruar✓ ;md y(arC;i :or :mpierne"Iradon or :he ae.;t sc:.00i vert. Mayor Vande_rznft desc:;oed he mat? on the wail dispiavina the schools located within the corporate lisirs of :he City of Ocoee and schccis :hat -ave peen built outside he City, and L , er k_:escribad :He .;7�zhberhoed concept or cc , � » r i-nit;r concept of havinz he cUdren in our ccrr>rnurar?r go to sccols m our Community as opposed to 20, outside the C:N. Dr. Mekdeci -espon ded that tifr. Joiul ti Iam�a Had mer withC t<r Stat: ,o look at u`us issue and Share inicr-ladcn -Z an efort :o 'Ncrk veer C:ose;v, with the C:t<r or Ocoee. Ocoee Town Meering October 30. 199, URAFT N[r. Bryce Holmes asked Dr. Mekdeci what statistics were being used to base decisions. Dr. lfekdeci res ended rat :.ensus tiara is riot used. bur rather a numb - the or;� dies are used inc:udinrr the GiS ;vste.^1 :vh:c:I r.-mac:is �ubdiv'sIons. _ Commissioner Anderson ,Doke to the issue or the proposed eiemenrary scaoci's ability to re:ieve S Orin: Liffe aver cr oivding. Dr. ;Vtekdecj responded chat the • was nor intended to relieve Spring proposed eiementary schooi L.iice Ele:nenrarv. Former Commissioner Jim Gleason spoke cc the issue or the mission state:ne.^.t -what we can do today u a community in partnership with Ocoee schoois, and spoke in favor or the one cent sales tax rererendum and issues that Ocoee citizens have to face whether the referendum passes or tails, yfr. GIeason recamme.Zded that the Soup discuss what can be done as c,,razens and as a community in bartne=slop with those schools there today to improve the quality and the He or the chiidre.Z. y[avor ti ander--nft read a Phone call-in from Linda Campbell, who said she was concerned about the portables and the Governor's comments an the portables during his recent visit to town. Her c•'�D 3tte.'Ias sc:f00I 3I SDrIn, Lake Elementary and she had to leave her portable c!assroe in the middle ora rain storm recently due to a tornado watch. her �uQ� m and others could work- with their sc:.00ls on a "habitat for humanity'' id estion was chat parents n and :vat's on the sc aois. dei who. e everyone pircHes Principal kare Clark- Ocoee Eddle Sc:.00i encouraaed parents co bartic Dare in canners in education and ,eouesred voiuntee;s in the scaoois. yls. Clark also mentioned c.`:at Nove:nber 19, car ail cine scr.00is. Former yiavor,,Cornmissioner Lester Dabbs. Jr. spoke or the apportunii v to ";bink outside the bps' :o ma:' :he oppornniry ava: abie For parents to tee! welcome and sussested a meta scnoo( adviscr� :orrl--tstiee - '`L;cw Can I Be or Se:-��ic- to t:,e Ciiidren*? lair. Dabbs —;pressed his conc-'rM :with -e?ard to the '.acof comaunicaIIQR Q betweenn _ave.::re^tai enriges. caries. scnooi cards. c0unr es. and :eater :.:anaze.:.ort Tse: cis and rcicateb u.at rile ooccn'L:,I_,✓ is :,ere flow .o plow ,.e :v `pond to Zet ::7e people who ileo v n this area .o nrerac: wirh beopie '.'ho don't five .rl this area but have purse strings - :vhether it be the sc ool 'board or county commission, etc. Mr. Dabbs suggested meetings be heid once a :.:crrh on she --cai C-over•rments. where �� :he beanie '`tee:*; a i sane .,,ncepr as the Council or -.n_ into toe Ta.�aver:s oec!<e:" :lief inrornally to see :vhar .`:e �rcb(ems :ver e in vcve.: , ent. Commissioner Glass discussed ais oaracpation on the Public School Consuucon Sdv Commission, :viiic;l is dea g :vit:'I issues or school sites, Planning and concur.eucv. �s Dart or :nat SZ:dy Cor.:.-l:ssien, Commissioner Glass and other ire-mbers or the Study Comnussion have peen lave(ing around the stare roux- scaoois and hear -:n2 :es"t:menv and deten' * ed that the two largest .rcbie^Is :vete money and he iac.k or coonerar:en and coordination between the sc::oo( beards and ;ec i Bove.::;u. Commissioner Glass outline:, -and srared .is ;uDDOr or -ecor:.,.e:.dadens e:.rd nor.: around olei si...te: (') ;nandatcry joint nleenrgs oervee^ sc:.00( deWds and _ocai _cve.:.rilenrs;scZoci boards and (ecai ?ovemments _c use same Ocoee Town Meeting October 30, I99; de^:earat:rlics :rid proiec:ions; (3) rnandatory .0 very plans For scool boards; (4) require local .,ovemIme.,ts be More specific and proactive in :de^tinc:ltion or sc:taol sires; (�) require ail .oczi �7ove.^.are^ts adopt ;he ?ubiic school :acuities eiement; (o) requiring that DCA provide CL'pI1C sc::ooi-ac:liry elements and interiocai agieernents, and ; merge - °' mode' " () merge .he De„art;zle,t of taucation into the Decartment or Community Adiiirs. The Study Commission will not recommend ;hat schoois become a required concurrencyeie.ment. Wr. Tum Powell, C*,, -aim, an or the West Orange YlLh Sc.�Ool School I ctvisory Counc.: i urged parents and business !enders to became involved in the SAC and invited Zttendance at the SAC meedn2s he'd in the Nledia Center at WOHS. lair. Powell annour:ced rhe (w'vw.ocos.kl_.A.us) Car the Orange County Sci� ool System. wen pale Break 8:07 p.m. Reconvened 8: 17 p.m. Commissioner Howell snake to the issue of the money for schools from the one cent saies tax, it the referendum passes, and asked who determines wRe.Z and where Char money is needed. Scfrooi Board ytember Spoone stated that there is a prepared fist mdesiQnatin? rrer?d and when he recuireenrs are fulfilled, the monev is a -rant ' School Board Nember Spoone spoke :o the issue regarding Ocoeo„ tifiddie Sc ;poi and stated le :vouid Ice to see ONES r e-buiir by buiidin2 a new taci'ty on he t other oars of -b ;c. o� _ ootbaiI ie:d and re^ovat' the . e .00' .. he ne.v =—Ilry %vas bu'ir. He also stated that the :first re"er nigh school .z�iiI be ouiir be^veen West Orange �'U ' poi and Dr. ��h S�c.i P'uiI'ps 41Szh School. Tile ne :t "'2 sc:.00i a_re:v'il be ouiit near Lniverslry High Sc:,poi ares Commissioner Howell Questioned when a the money comes d7om to pay the teac:`ler 3I:d en:DlOvee salaries. School Board ' tember Spoone responded that monies are budQered 'or saiaries out of Operations. Commissioner HowelI grated :hat until :,e:v sc:,00is are ouiir to re'ie��e the ,ve.,,.owdin_, something :.ee^rs to oe done as tar as „`ol-rm ishtening proadns, sale^�, anc:;oru-1Q air condirienins and Qenersi disrepair or por�abie ouudin_s School Board Member Spoone responded that _5"o of he c:.iidrer: ao to school in :ernporary buiidin zs and that he would c ec:c into the safety of the parables .:.enrioned. Commissioner Anderson asked it porabies :were ?ping to be purchased using �'ie reve^ues from ale one cent ;ales tax. Schooi Board Member Spoone responded that rnoneP, is in the budget for ` : am - Mr. l�Iil:e ylcEvers ;poke to the issue or the need or ,� ore cooperation nom t�`le community and he Schoo' 3oari a.*ld mentioned uhat !a -L year on rj` e Ocoee Charter Review Commission's ,ew.:he issue of scaooi conc-,a-encr w as ,:assin_. 3 Ocoee Town greeting October 30, 199; ''fro- Beth tiandergnft sugaesred chat, at ;his point in the me -ring, there . w some !rind of resciution or closure as :o where we are now as a he`d to have and proposquare.-iv mee:in,s. -favor Vandergnft discussed the piece or property commoniv !clown as the C °rape•" which includes approximareiv _00 ac: es bordering on Lake .apapka The owners ca Coia chis oropery lave discussed annexing into the C:ry on occasion and -Mayer Vanderaritr wo or !'ice to see a re%onai park with the Wesr Orange Trail g would go' throunh the prone.-tv I�riLh an Z,YIt :;om the Western Beirwav at :hat inter se 4on. Ylnvor Vznd Inc.uding an eie.^te:.rary school, piddle sc hoai and iut7 er;nft proposed a learning center _iI sc..00l to be hurt an rhe proper- with the possio"'ty or an adjunct junior college and the Righ sc. clean un Lake Apopka. �tifavor Vande.►•�rift suggWool being a �.nvironmentai magnet to help buildings and reaching c, � eared that the schools be responsible Par g 'Iiiare.�I, and that the community and the neighbors put in the en- xacarrlcsiar parks, ball neids, etc. having it built through volunteers, taking into consideration it could be a tem year pian. Principal SheiiIa Johnson, Spring Lake c'e:nentary, spoke to the issue of what the City can do Par the schools: (I) sick child care ^ - - (_) ail school tutoring; (3) access to a -, year old Pre -K prom -am; (4) use of the Recreation Department bus to Qo on Held trips to rtmPolice:Fre�libraly; and (S) use of the Recreation Department bus to shuttle school va'unteers round trip. lair. Bruce HOimes reamrnled :vhar tiles. Vander -o, -in sugE,eszed. that meetings or :his nature be Reid an a gl:ar eriv baSIs: and recommended chat (I) the School Board 'nave pialvcontirlQenc-r oi.111 or bad wearher days =) comm an zme, gencv un'cation problems needed to be looked :t be^ween local aur:•Iort'es and sc:.00ls (�) dare^ts should be allowed co Have the option to keen their cni'dre : at home during bad weathe_7 ;-) VetCr � � . marls Fav should be a sc.100i noiidav; (5) ie school year cafe^:dor ;1louid be made more universal for all sc hoois; and that (o) porabie classrooms should be safe and ser,Ire and he conarrred with Comm'ss'oner Fiowe'I that h v shouid be looked at and tied down. Mr. Hoimes inquired as to how many PTA repre were present and concurred with -Mayor Varderg=. i with regard sentatives :o a !earning ce^ter and save . vo e.Yarnpies - Sefrdncle Counlv's Lake ?rrlder . •area and tiVinte.: ?rk's sc..oei is::ct. lair. Holmes suaQested -"hat P- rc:aai Sheiila 1eizason have someone- eentrai to look into the .em er. sc• :eel airh C sick c:.iid care. Principal Ksre C?ark, Ocoee -fiddle Sc:,00i. disc ss a v C:.iidren �u ouQh .`:e ;V, Fant to he Citizers CJr.Imission or ..sr Orange Consort'u.:I :vhic; was urlded at Si.3 :r'1'iI'on :or Ivo years, With :his being :::e second year or that Grunt. The Grant has tlnded soca' worzrs, parent :verks:-Ioas, to Tame a --W, and gated :hat Jne 1:irIQ , the C,.nsortium Has done :his year was to aeve'op a positive alternative to school suspension. Principal Clark stated that hese was.a need ;art �aTISr)ortatIOn t0 Ce:ILerS ear suspended �aidenIs and announced her teiepnone number at sc :epi or tIose :v'shing to volunteer at Ocoee �,,fiddle Schon'. Commissioner Howell announced haI he r� :c probie:;Is at Spr*:n_ , :he :Text ,tv Q L�'{e= Ocoee Town Nfeeting October 30. 199 llr. 1[ici:ev Soencer, Sprn!z Luce E:ene^tory PTA 0 i7fc..., snake to the issue of, the Proposed eier.:eatary sc-act site and if he land had been purchased sireadv, and wnen t built. Dr. he last SC -001 was l�fe?:deci esponded that the !and had been purchased and that :he last sc::oai w around 10 to IS vel ago. as bunt 31Is_ ;tifar;arira Russeil Wcr{enzie stated that she was a parent of six oHiidren and ;poke to die fafla�ving Issues: (i) . wanted to know if the one coat sales tax was to be used to Porrabies - Mayor Vsndergrift responded no Purchase ares For Pre -i{ children; and (-) re=marked that there ;s Clothing avaiiable in the (�) t,`rat the.,, ;s aorhing avaiiabte far the oide� c:�riidre:� as far as planned entertainment in the Cirv. School Board Member Kartie Adams thanked the Commission for allowing her to attend the meetingng. and Gstez to the issues: School Board -MeMber Adams responded to the issues conce""ng the ove.-�•owdiniz and safety of the c. lanninQ `uidren in the schools, the sctzedulin; and P of sc:Zoo! holidays and bad weather issues; agreed with and comrne;;ded Glass with respect to his work an the PCommissioner ublic School Consauction Studv Commission. Havor Vandergrift read a phone call-in from Lv s. Vicki L�vis or Ccoss Creek Subdivision, who wanted to !Mow what the Sc ,,00i Board p oiic. is For portabies during tarradoes. School Board Member. Spoone reposed u ar the ooiic•, :s :o move cftiidren Into per=manent bund' and reoored hat u:e Sc:,00i Board meets - e;v_ second and :ouch Tuesdav of everr month citizens are invited to arse^d any mee:=. and aiI Sensror OSralklewicz spoke azainsr the uocaminP one cent spies tax sere:endum. Commissioner Glass reburied. 1�Ir. Chris VanderBer;, a resident frorn fie ��amnzocks. spoke to he i r z: disrecair of thee is Ocoee. issue of he mate or ,�L.DJOL-R_ '.1VIE iT Mayor Vande.,grift declared meeting ad?paned at 9:-'S ATTEST: Fran Gosnell. Deputy Ciiv C:eric -UPROVED: Ciro of Ocoee S. Scorr V mder-gnft- Mayor Ocoee C+ � a OF G0aa `\ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: C�VrcR OF GOOD L.1'l,VG , '.2DE OF WEE op_4,vGE CITY OF O-COEE 150 N. LAKZSHORE DRIVE OCOEE. FLORIDA 54761-77 3 (407) 656-23 l'iEliORAiNDU-1'vi City of Apopka, Ocoee &, Winter Garden EIlis Shapiro, City Manager November 5, 1997 MAYOR ' CONIMMIONER S. SCOTT vANDE,RGRIF 1 COOPERATIVE PLANNI NG -CITY, COUNTY & SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL SLOT" ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS NANCY J. ,;VRKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO As we now know, the (1) one cent Sales Tax has Failed in Orange County. By November I0, 1997, eve should know what. it any, State support the School Systems can expect to overcome [he statewide problem ofour over crowded Schools. It is apparent that Intergovernmental Communication between loculi Governments and the i Sc ,001 Board must become a very high priority it lona term planning Cor school sites is Join; to happen. CurrentIv, Ocoee Citv Commissioner Scott Glass, serves on the Florida Public Schon( Construction Study Commission and has traveled the State with this board taking testimony and visiting school sites in Florida. l�Ir. Class would liketo spend a few minutes to discuss what his board has "bund and what measures ;nay be suggested to improve this problem when they report to the State Legislature later :his ve ar. Respectively Submitted. ES3 w:sm: 7 0 • TO: Ellis Shapiro, Ocoee City :tifsaagsr FROM: Scott ;4-. GLvs, Assimut City Attorney DATE: November 10, 1997 RE. Public SCIZv013 Constracrioa StudyCo minissioa Thank you for affording me the opportunity to address the Ci of Oco of Wm� Garin, Joint commission mg. ry City of to ilijApopka. City qty, I may not be able to attend. As you requested, tlus I a de cd, due to iIlriess iti rhe Y i am faxing you this update on the Commission and its work. I hopc that I am able to attend this evening. In the event that ! mot; however, I would aoM.=ate it if yvu would distribute this to the rmpecdve board Mcmb rs and anyone else who is interested. The 1997 Legislature adopted HB 2121 which. among other thin Cocoa Study Commission_ :s I have stated before, I do rotor bei�ed h naPruabe IStchhools Commission acc-u=ery rellecs its mission. Toe Couuuission is and=e�mmendinn marred with studying in detail „ by January �, 1498. aprnootiate reforms to the planning and siting ot'public s=cchc- and refnnas related to sc:rook cone• , ` �! throughout the State of Florida. Criven the tenor and content or our rnertis to daze, tc Commission would be more anpropriateiv ttamed the School Planning and Concur ency Study Commission_ In any e'er. the Governor at; 7 members of the Commission, the pointed S mcnbe-s, and the Speaker of the House President of the Senate Stxalcc Webster. We have held public m appointed S member. I was aapointed by Wings is Tallahassee, West Prim Bea. � ksonville, artd Orfando. These meetings have idea h- Tames suc=sful Provision of a the two biggest impciimcnts to the adequate public sc :vols in our state. Toe first is a general lack of C -%o r inawd planning bera+e= school boards and Iocsl Conflictprese:tred by the Florida C gov=.mme�s. The second is the lobe- witiloastitutioa which establishes school districts and des them a ut i zm �• of Public have Plazi P aiz rs. As a result. Iocal gave trncats. which rung authority to their di,;ce power, .armor utilize their poli.:. powers to imgteW�t �n�-,�;y with resgrat :o public sc:.00ls because is pL3cod in a separate and ccrosiittruonal control of scZOoLs equal CSivISIOn Of govemmenL Our naxr scheduled IIc-.memin Tailahasseee on Novcmbe< 2 A ' dra+tirt and v mCndatlons at that meeting. ( and ? I We hope to begin Some on the table with � , to oI�ng and siting are ss- follows: or''.he ?rotxosals y 1 • 'mead 35.1 5, F S., to tt-auizt sc.�oo! boards to do not only z S survey but also to encourage or ttq� school boards to ;� educational Flans Wan. Prepare a ..0 year educational plant 3• mad �pters I63 and 235 to same source for Population requirerequirethat school boards and local ;ovemm=ts �� the pztmjerions and other demo=phic material. mead § 163.3191, F.S., to strop gly boards who annuallycanduc. a joint mecda �o coo reward i� "ov � d �'nments and school managem=r plans. g rdinxe school plans with local growzh 4' mccat"'s and penalties for localo tuuctt of § I63.3 I g "'�n�tr that do or do not comply with the categar;a is which public schools are an allowable (not ensive plan idearefi" conditional) use' I=d u, 5. G.-t'ate incentives had penalties for school boards that do or do not comply with 1' •S•• wh. ich wires school 35.194, av to submit general educational facilities repoutz to Iocal g �euits within theiritlesdiction annually. 6. Amend Ci 163, F.S., and Chanter 9J-5, F A.C., to rc�uire z public schools facilities i �� all ao°pled romeheasive plans. Include a provision for the develoument ofa me mit public scaevis Facility element by the ui Education. Providermtcat of Community Affairs and the De„ funding for training by DCA and DOE for local ov ^scut school 'boards on the development of such an element. g ernments and WiL`t respect to school conc'J=mcy should it be prQ $ fit consensus tS that it should not be mandated nor ted. It should remain au option at the local level_ It apaears that the Commissioil will r=mmen , however, that the State particuiady atm the outcome or the 13roprovide some more de�1e guidance, Pronely ward County awe, as to 'what must be done :n ordc to .mpieme=school concurreacv. To this ead, the following proposals•are on the bit I- Ere -..d the ,;.ttreat moratorium on school coacurenc- Co""==cy is =ac -,Cd by the Legislature f anal a Complete state policy nig school attd itnplenzeated by rules adopted by the Det of Community tLffrsirs, Z. mead Ca. 163, F.S. to thorn ., direct the DCA to commence and comale,e in a time. ugh :We making proczss in nude; to promtu ate r , manner a cone'srtac-; to =pieni t g minimum c;itena for school workshops Md 1 e h m�prior to as_ It is andeipaLed that eve public hearings would be held prior to fiasf promulgation of rules. . 3. 163.3180 (b), :.S., provides ;hat if a local ov �uuencnt to public schools it must ' g e ameat eters .o extend the concun=cy wouid be me; hest conduct a sanely to derma now the :eauirement atn shared by all affected parties. :'nis see ion should be amended to sneciiy �' must be ccatained in the study and who crust participate. It should also be determined _ whether the study shall be binding on the local govC.mment if it should elec: to r' \; adopting school conc,=..;ry. proceed with 4. Amend clan re4uirCd is ane which rne= the rY tia3ncia!!y feasible capital faciliti= plan as and apter 9J 5, FAC. rcquirtments for dcancial ,easibility set out iu Cham 163 S. :mend § 163.31 go � . (b), F.S.. to tzgttite that school coac",rrrency be adopted. if at all, on a countywide basis m ail schools are subjcct'o the same Ieve! of service staatdards. 6. :Amend § I63.3180 (b), F.S., to require a coca concurrency is adopt tYwidc Ievel of service std if school I y- 163.,:1 SO (b), F.S., to require a co determination for a tn?tywtde service district so that a conctuiescy specific development will be based upon the availability of school caaacity coimtYwide, not just in the curtest attendance zone for that devrlotMt_Mt. 8. Amend § 163.3I 80 (b), F.S_, to eliminate the este: imp as interlocal s requ=mt:nt that all municipalitYes is a cotmty 'N iTh a rep geement adopting school canctBreucy. Reaiace this requirement uirerncat that samething Less thea all of the interfacmunicipalities eater into such an et areemcst 9. .Amend § 163.3I 80 b �. i (), to exempt charter counties from the regi ir=cnt that all muaicipatities sign the irate local which �s:est if county voters authorizea cla3rte: amendment requires cauntywide sc ool coacU==y under state guidelines. 10. Create a statutory de finirion of "availability" f':li"es mtut be available fpr public schools so that it is clear when school suable to support the impact. ofpe�ned develo=cam basLight of the e it takes to acQuim a site, design, and build a wool, available and the level the school should be detean me d opmear cant== if the school will actually be ones within am= to five years of issuzacr of s cartineate OI'0=JPaccf :or the dcvc?opm, , Please note that these arc Comm; Pro_oosal, on the table. They have Bot been voted on by the full .�ioa and T do not agree with alI of these IIrogosals. yioreove additional be gproposals may iac on the able at our amt meeting. a K w i igtoz C -A.0. RKk Dilor OFPt."Mi=& & T e;opm= JzM Boetsh_C3Ur t Grief sat Cry Arose, SATURDAY, November Cash -ready for s c h 0 OA00", I S fly Ill r.fzf acl t�rlfllll �( j'� Q f see rnr r ene� r a runrnu ruJer ------ ---- /\ rJ 1. O V l 1 011,111111- .�..�.. TA1,LAIIASSI?Is, -.-• Lawcualcecs leaned a nasly polilival battle into what rncrld hen c•nu: the larg;rst public works project in Florida history when lhry volvd I.1 irlay Io spend as rmcch as $2.7 hillinn rnr nc:cv school c:onslruc- lion. Tile funding, bill will send nrorrey flowing to local districts, which will build hundreds cif Ihousands of class- rooms. repair leu, of. thousands of school roofs and create an crnlold number of construction jobs. "fly Fbbruary and March you're go - building -boom in 1998 ing to hear a lot of Iranunrrs and see a lot of (]list (lying;," Gov. l.awln,► (:hilts said after the Lettish. adjournc:cl. For Cenlral Florida, Ihose sil;hts and sounds will he more dour %vel - come. llrevard county stands to g;aiu an extra $411.7 million; Lake, $34.0 mil- lion; Orange, $185.3 million; Osceola, $43 million; Seminole., $10.9 million; and Volusla, $02.8 mtlllon. The extra money will not solve all of F for idn's srhocrl crowding woes, bill it will provide a lot of relief. Wayne Illarrlcin, rxtculivo dirtc-loi• of the )Florida School hoards Assnrl- ation, said the $2.7 hillinn package is hcyor,d what he had hoped for at tile. shu l of this week's session. "We wo(rid've been happy with $2 billion," Blanton said. "We got $2.7 Ili] - lion. I'm just going to gel out of here While I can." Chiles called Ilio Ilclucblivan•ron- Irolled Legislalure ba(:lc it) Tallahassee afler lacc•ru: kers refused to raise uuar- ey In cast: (•hal lit said wars I Inrida's $3.3 hillinn c:lassrounr c:rocc•ding; prnh- Ic:nr. lie c:arrrpaigrre(, slalewicle In thaw altenliorr Io crowded schools, includ- ing; one in 11011sc Sgrcalc(!r I);rrriel Weh- sler's district. Last week he ordered a porlable set up in front of lilt Capilol Io remind lawmakers of lilt. prohlrnr. Republican leaders — worst nolahly WL'I)Sler of Orlando — argued Thal the school crowding; problem was being exaggerated by 1)enrnc.rals such as Chiles who wauled In, sclzc upon a Please see SCI IOOI_S, n-17 ,1' 4 ycoeU Mud J Lflwnuikers say the School is ti front-runner to be the lest lite for llle slate'9 new mil9tructloll 61lidel I Ile9. ly John Kennedy I�11—AlJ AIIASSFF. -- (:1r1...Whig ()ru,;,r ddle School, dnhbc,l a "dlsaslcr" fti• Me could co J d,1y by Gov. I.awlon C1111e3. $0011 could be liansforrned Into a mudel for how Flur. to v idn's nese classroulns are built. coo Hut the cnnlrovelslal effoll also sloe prrnnpted one Son Ili Floldn Democrat to acrusn (louse Speaker Danial W631er. fi• lc:dl Orlando. of tucking a "turkey„ for 1113 on 11n11te disllicl Into the Leglslalwe's $2.7 old billion schools package. to b "Il: gels Ihr• hnkey, the kids in lily 1 disll(cl gel Ibe shJlln4. and we're glving the Ilia people of rlurlda Ilia bild." said [tell. line John Cusgiove. D-Allanrl. by from `-disaster' Cuagrove was the Only 111111 ,.0 uu•u1her OIL -191111131 the schools bill. saying he Irbil supped tlse $146 mdliun provi. for a deuronslr,111ru1 Middle school. Allhnugh Ilia legislallon duesri I %pecif• y earmnik Ocnre. hlid,llr., lawnsnkers boll, sides acknowledge Ihr. Go year. School Is undmhl;Ipoly a Gaul nnurer ecome the ntn,lcl srhnul. Le school %Vnllld b0 built ncc•nnll11(: 10 "Soundly nsnde" and "null,)'" guldc. 3 for new srhuol conslruc•IIoll nrrlllned lawmakers. 'I ho F.durnlion Deparl- Ilia Orlando Sonlinel. Salurdar, Ilo,ambor B, 15 1 ] '. to model school nuvd wIII SC INA the drrnanslrolinl) school. probably wlbin a couple of ntnnlh3. offici,1l3 said. Webster denled "."Ing Ills Inlhlenre to ri-sud Ills district but said Ocueu Mhldle would be on appiupilnlr. slue. "I cellabdy have nn Inlcn:sl In It bills• rhcning." said WOIrSIer. " Ilul everybody 13 had an Interest III what happens in ntnney gning Io their bene counly." Ocoee huddle ince In pu0nllir fills suuutser as a balllrground In the war of wards between Iluuse Ilepubllco is and JI.ennings: �ducalion is not artisan issue iCHUULb (10111 A-1 IMP -11911 Issue. But Fllday Ought a scene Ihnl spemell ,1t•Intpasslhle Just a tow flays 'filer: Webster. Chiles and Ile• Ibllcan Senate I'rrsl,lrnl liul 001111.1 slnnlling side by -11110 In ot11 I a chalkboard. ;%V011ster applauded Ih0 pian at requires the stale to hollow I way out of the pfnbtent. "We cattle up bele With a Jnb to . will we came Iipte with core Inclplp3," Websler said "We Irk to those principles. and .vol Is"ll S2.1 11111101, without raising Kea. It 13 an awesnnie day." The accornplishruenl comes Il, risks, though. life- key pall If pian 110 build new schools is enter Into a 30 -year bond Issue be repaid will, SIail rniilinn ,1 at Int lollery revenues. Several lawmakers argue•I n ep downturn In Florida's trot. iy could fofce lawnsak0r3 In cul ter pcograrn3 110 keep the bunds nal. But even Websler, who six nnhs• ago doubled there was a uxd crowding prnbler'n. sold lure, 1,d Issue had In 40 done. "We've gal In hasp. the uumry H" Webster sald. ";'1011 Just �pp falling further and further Iliul." Ileo. John (:nsgrnvr., D-illinud, IClzed the bill far b^ing overly wpllcaled — i t-1king schnnl till. 13 meal a range of funding and nlnicllon re,plhernenls in q0l '.c dollars. 'This has nutr0 fell lap0 than 3 baVR ScOlch lope In their 131001113," Cosgfnve said. -03Rrave was the only Irglsla• '110 vole agalnsl the hill h0- �e�lsc•�nid, Il ronlallwd n 114.11 ASSOOAIEa PRESS Cellabrndlliy. Gov. Chiles biles Into apple Friday Irl Tallallasseo villh Orlando Flepubllcans fuel Jennings and Daniel Webster. nrilllnn phovislun Ilial could 110 used In build a new middle school In 1Vebsler's Orlando area dlstrlet. blany shared Cosgrove'3 con. cents :viten the Session began hlanrhy. Bill DCIIIaCra13 and Ile. publl,:au3 In the Sennlr. unlled behind ,1 plan pushed by Jcfl• flings. "Educallnnt Is not a partisan IS. Sire." Jennings said. Our chll• lien are not [tepubllcans or Dear orrals." 'lire plan, which passed 31.0 In Ih0 SOnale and 114.1 111 the Ilnusr., has the pnlelithl In raise S2.7 billing) If every county were to lake par! In a bond Issue. Iles"s here Ihr•• mnney entries from: M Unfitting lottery proceeds. The 30•yrar band Issup• :vould "Ise a3 luucll -1s S2A hlllinn Thr antounl depends on how moil• counties participate. The bonds will he repald Willi 1180 million cullected (r)m life sale of lottery tickets earl, year. The lollery money currenlly Is b01n/ used to bells pay fur the day-to-day opaallons of schools. When that money 13 used to repay the bonds, lhOugh. It will be re- placed by $100' million from the Male's genpral revenue budget. No new taxes are needed be. cause Flotilla's economy 13 boo11r Ing, and Sales lax collecllnns are Ell en all•Ilme high. M One-lbnr- cash. The Slate will put In an additional $201 ndl- "an tbal IS available this year be. cause the strong ecnnnnly gener. Bled more lax revenue than anigi- Willy Estimated. M Local Mail. Fact, school dislrirl gels a share of fees col• lecled by Ibe sale of aulo nobile II - cense Ings. Dislrlc•ls wishing to participate hl the slnle bund Issue world have. In agree to hand these lag Ie:•erlues as w,11 'flurl would Mill anulher ;719 nrilllnn in tine Intal. Il,ne is :vhl'lr. till: henry would go: M Classrounls first (as nrucls as $2 billion) School 111311X1,. can choose In Eike nae iuutp 311111 111101)111 till' Inllery hand pro. Brain. or Ih,:y can lake a much emallcr n uwnl cash pnyrnenl for 30 years. Crowded srhrrnl dlslllcls — parlicrdarly large., ulhan counties such as Orolige. Dade and life. wart —likely will enter Ilia bond pingiain. Doing so will allow Ihen, to collect hundreds of 11111110/13 of dollars up howl. School d(Slrlet3 Ilial ora ant crowded could rhouse In lake Ilio annual cash payments. which can be used fur nlnwsl any educallon• regaled purpose. M Ilia elfolt index ($loo ndl- 1101n. jOlool dtslrirl3 Ileal salsa a h-1lfcenl s;d,es lax through voter n:fetcndnlrl will qunllfy for addl. lio al IrnmOy Iluo,Igh fills pro- gram. Dislli,as Ilial cannul raise n half refit for any ,ensue still cnuhl qualify. Hill (hese. dlslrlcls will have to raise Ibe equivalent anuhunl lhrnu4h prnpeily taxes. Impart fre,3 1,r by culling coils. M f ,"VII schools (1200 nIll• 1(-311). This enrnurages dislrlrls In bullil cheaper scbnols. if a disulcl bullds a schnnl fur less than Ilia average Statewide rust, it will qualify for a Onle grunt. For every $2 the disllicl swvr•s, lilt slate. will pay it $I. Chiles over the need for mare school ron- slrucliun money. In an allenipl to gel Webster's attention, Ch les Inured the school, and. after viewing Ib musty [Willa bles and leaky roof, said, -If 1 were a par. end here, 1'd be inad as hell." Although he shrugged off Chlles' earn er cilliclsrn. Webster vlsiled ()cope Muddle far the lltsl lime last week wad a, knowl edged file schoul was In very bad ahnpe. On Fllday, Chiles Sald he call sup pail lran3forruluq Ocoee Middle Into Ilu demonsliallon school. .I .._ : 1 .. .-.c r7ryrii4R,ttrirsw Qualified . •. ,'�:•f CounlY_ for • lolol naad �. Brevard $46.7 19% rJ million leek° 534.6 million Oronge I $185.3 million Osceola $43 million Sern(nola ll•Ib.9 million Volusio S62.8 million Sn,,,u: St"a"d,nu,ah 4636 5 ole ■ (lural relief itio million). Small cmrntles b1 which there 13 nul Illuch pupulallol gmwlll will gel Money In repair nit] srhuuls. M Teacher rellc( (371.5 11111 - Ill)") Every Flnrlda leacher will grit $251) each year for supplies. M Speclnl projects ($104 full. 110111. f iujrcls In D:trle• Pnhn Brach and Bay cuunllcs will gel $3 milllols. A project In build an experhneufal ndddle. sc•11uol — fulr, Ilial 111111111 wind till In house Spralrr:r Wrbsler's bnfue distrlet — will gel $10 8 million. Schnal Officials In Ceulral Flm Ida said II was still loo enrly to Si Specific priorities. First, they wi neer) In learn as rnirch as poasihl about [lie new odes 111,11 con with Ile extra money. Then the will nerd to rr,eel In the cnrnin weeks to set specific primilies. John Kennedy, [.ori Ifellil and Catherine Illlsmn11. of it, Sentinel staff connibuled to thi . report. 1 7 �Ik �n='• .. .. .. .. �.e_=.Ke'r :,r :i:e -cuse 'an Wets;er ; Cnt) Ours 'Cccee %Addle SC.1001 and listens ;0 the concems.or ` ica =^nC: ;a. _; eivn C -FMcler and care s. Snaron Hoffman, ! 3ura ircwell anG+ Jim Gleason. Speaiceln Webster 11jisits Ocoee Middle School Spicer webs of suing along :he vW+ cways ;:c...,,,.: cuse Sccak.: ;—"I Nebster •w�:en he Zurc d Cc= Middle Sc cci !ast =;day. C by Sc:e"C2 -!ass students.:hc webs were :",OL Jniv 1corcortaLC Xeen dec-r. 'Jut :hey aisc ;v,:,- beii:.e to ;ene:mi condition cf :hc oid sc oci buiid!nss. 'Se visit- made at he ur24ne of Sc co! -=rts. was one of many ===,o;; SIC= •.vhiC SUcrkcr %vCcster :c-ok :n advance of :his 'weer`S Sccc:ai .egisiative session on sC -coi LL'nding. Accompanicd by lbaut . =-Lc:s. pnoto;mphc:s and :n[ereSt:^. parents. me ;*Cur Spc^ as :acur :nspec.in; ::^.c _,trot., :ac:iitics ana .:isC�ss:nL • Lum, emus colcros wilic . U!e sc .cot t-Czs. `i ice "Inc:pai I%, c!yn randier ...cu: .ecus. Han-Scnfran�tionai •manrc:. She 3- 0olcc candidly of :caky ,;,cis. macequate and inconvenient :CSL mems, ;noidv buiiciings. ;:cwdcd -!:ssmoms and .:::tete..... dile piaincl thaL ',he Sc ocl ;aCZS :LS .HOSE SC::OUS UU11CLILY m minv :vcathc: vhcn Some !_lci;;Lics IUSt ze •: ac a"ad and :hc , wL _;','.ms arc .I-cuoi::l tic :n otter Jiaccs. "NO have a •.vendcrfui CUCUity ••vi[h -_osiuvc UULude," she saki. len t'.crow ow :ons_ •.ve C= asp Lncm .n zontinue tcacaine under mdidons." Webster askcd whcthcr a !one- mngc :i:ln for :he SC:,Cci :had bec rc arc.. Aoparcndv, numerous -essibiiitics arc bcin; We,znc•_. ?!ahs :or cmnic:c :c tbiiitrLion Of :r�C :Ul[Qin«S :iL yC ::Ortel`. JCC.. tStIInztL":i :o .SL :bouL S ; f Miiii0n.:L nav '-,0 .itOrC �r�C:lCal build :: ��c•.v SC^oci. SCC zc: `.Vcbstcr -_-xoiz;inc;i thaL :t :gas ,,UL :hc • ;isiaturc'S :Laic Lc ..il Crlrtgc CCunty now :o;:,Urt .;Ls tu- turc sc oaf ::Qnsuruc:icn. __c added. however. :.hat he wcuid make a per- sonai �ffc,c, :o bring attention Lo Lhe' Cccc a ytiddic Sc::ccl nerdL& ric c_xpressed confidence that the ic;isiauim will provide substand:l support ;or new :!assrooms date '.vide. "We :rust be :air in he ailed- tion of funds, and: well aile. incez- Lives to the counties wjcit ;et the most `bang for he buc4he.said. ;Vebster advocates functional,."no mils" Conm-uctien so Lhar ail the . needs can ,e me r e praised Dr. Dennis Smith. Orange County's' :12- schooi mperinm-idenr; for Lhe SLcos he has aireadv taken Lo ensure - Carcfui managemem of school con- sm.coon funds. .L Was evIciam to eve: jcne on Lhe tour that Cccee Middle Sc:.oei is an Outstanding tducationai center :vhUC a pleat deai of leaning rakes. dace — under difficult circlm- s=C:S. The Orlando Se=inei SUNCAY, NCVE`JEER 23, 1997 3 CCCE= 7AL'•(S 7 LRKEY O C O C:: NL�YO R Scott Vander.;;. :•itt likes a joke as muC11 as -me. buL hu doesn't war:c Florida 3ep:i. !nary 3rcnnan. 0-2lneilas Park, to get.;, 'A a laugh at his :oar's e=e_^se. 3ariicr '-his ;north. 3rerzan took a;:. shoL at Florida mouse Speaker Dan `.Vehster, R -Orlando, during the special.`; legislative session an education.. i .;�;A; �eniacmts blasted Webster for a; *;:i S iG.G :niilion 'seg:sladve acne.^=' eni ta.:,' '.!IQ uverail sc.:coi funding bill which,' -=I= ,May Provide rebuilding money car di= •;v& lamdaMd Occee Middle Sc mai..;,' 3lanuln^.; .:e arre.^.C":ie.:C 11e;'Sld :c •':ur{cv-' — TaEarassee-speak'°' a :fume-div-nc: pciit:cai savor — 3re '. .:an added, 'Ocoee even sounds Like. a 7. 1as a ccu, ^ �� Je�t.ILL 1�.•:niL ..:j :t '•V 1 r"7:: L a / :Umur m ?rcnr:ar.*s cor. me^c and L WrOLC :i camp..,, :c :ecter. was. my opinion. _:-SUR .^.g our :ire c:ti��as .::.� irapproor.'ate �` -m a scat, :^^-esem=zzve.!' :e '.vrcte.•-.`i =rct e_ a =out 3re_n = he- L:atiai^g :he ,1-st :;.:.{�'f a roSionci to :.:e =11 was dMC^ed :a' be -polite. Vd :-,�..- �Lv'eTiCt'r ;1�, i qG- ne ir=oncruote tiM ry 5reanaa c'•OR�- .ouse or R--resentaIIves L lle canitoi - Room 1=6, HOB TaiIanassee F-1 32-190---j-,00 Derr Recrese^tative 3rennan: QJ C ss loon ` � C A !Aavcr. . sC N. r.;Kc�i=CFc "FIVE ,;x vii -1) Aks a !ir'eiong Lesidenr or Ocoeeand n my of-Ec"'. ,moi cauuc:rr ^� \I[-,� ter, [ • Val�'r � �aC cl.' � ir.. ,Y (_/ CmnTjt ^rrCsponceiCe =o :0u i1 �'e !10De r ; i �:la, L : 'Ill =::rc e vc.ur cave J vu tl11111:11I1 �``- 11'}}1 aa.• -�•. .. +:....��--,, - • l a••+7 �J l l , •• a :l ul l • ,, ur I.li �� I 1 •' I 1 1: uc all c ce- ; s ; C� - .Or_...L in is ?c;:,iinte_ ,-^ I - .�_drL 'wilt_ 0 •%�/�l fir_ :l �. `%0117 %7 n—n111e::L as aimed ? i - - 3L C.;IittTiLIIIL�i :vltl`I 70oulacon c over C•r cre ''i Dur •s 1 V %�)-%um ! le�Ce: s to ie`slarur. _r :v^c ;-cmior iils'tllt'uly o Gur :u -1e CMmns and a'CprOp;;aIe uuiil tuLe :�a.r�s�:.taLi've. W i I ir• z L0 ':OIICeCe - I iL Cr G V i� � CaL'l uas�. d oII '%CurT?011 . li;t•' •J1 ile �l^.:Ca:Cil �s _Skit .�.C.,CCIs �� ._esl.�r�tn'. ^•�� �" 1UL :J 11 u11I:117-Utlg%itaur the Star of -`-a./ 'ZC,CGL_ a7Z CCT^MLM?7, :s a1WQ'Iw "'��^� J , a. _ c. r�t,, -.viiC �Gtes "U�nSI ..:�iiC=C^. •Z^� :?ie - y CCIICLC:T/e VGLCs ^tr^.i 1c� 'JuT' siule - r� 711- 1") - :u_ i'?.. .:r' °:;ceee -:.ties Prue r1 _ �c- tri_o -�`Iinti oursice t,r ne ,cx a -Id ar yrWr ,` Cvva Lee�, !_z *, 1 •le. _ODIC 0I l21scUSS-.0I1 was Teal L'`s :IIe tusl uiie 0u nel -viL iOuT' C^I" ,77 SC-aCCL .i 2r� rT, Gy LuiL 0 ..= .:C.. C:'_T.'iC1r:a �-t.0 CareuL t0 Q:SC'.Iss :ie�r TieC'- v was =C:�C L - .it_ -v asp _l7 ��e ..�tTilTiL:I1L�i I've. :'1ea2se _... c, rC,.TiL aC� ::Z GCC OC .,4. 7. c nrily.unow rare Ibour one or ile «test 'n'o",vi_n_cr � o , in Ce^r.-ri � ar,Qa — Lcoee' �;c�ee ,r rr ul.I�.es :s _.o«•l.nCr a[ [he 00 e�.v ;IC;rues r _ jute or ac timate:"; e..,,nd ue. le..r. �v Lie or Utie c-aruri Ir is �snec�ed [o be [!Ie a r �r"St C,.CV : n L r1i1.?P L J UII C?i -- szcond oniv [o OHando. %Ie gopuiar:on s exnc•,:ted ro double byte ie.,[- `0=;_ . Cc -e:! abs«, -e :r In our .abiiity .o c�r2 avid take ��.� ar our community. 1 orae Our Occet community incudes one or the newest arra most advanced medical _�c: iiIles m Orm!ze Couary — I rect Ce att-si. The Ceanal FFanda euro .a.ucaon. w�iic," serves wnoiesaie auto U:ealers tiom around [he snare and saute easrzm carr or [he counrry is a.iso art Ocoee resiaear. ., o - -aa. fast bur aor !east. Gc„et is tiome [o rhe West Oaks !L[ai7. with f . I mii]i r a I on square Lee- .and sc:ee.� movie '� eare., wh cs eoeued m ! 006. �:ouia �oe ;- � , Une Jt r:Iese :ac::IlreS IIDt;Ci �e._ .tiitl7Cur IIe :T]CC; CSL ana ii1U L, i or ",117-:^S :n IP.Q 'IrCtln�' 1 cr\ II1IL�' Mt L' ��`^•t." ^.IrLi �.. llh�CL C v 1�C -., ., � rL a :ceea ;Ier` :s rcrzz _C,Ck .l:t'.'va:� _l7 �e^r.TttT Tom VCu. �.. �.+Tl tl atlCJlVne�• �l:�Cr' .".i1C�.�J�n v vr...+.tCJ1cr-e �:C,Cr` A. �.ICSJ :Ti11iiISJiCne. �aiiC t-�:�I•�C;- . gal!growth �tllllf l;rlt r ! Illllr'll c I• «"1111. Ole, of OCnr,'. — (online' aclion by I n M ilrllv('I lel (11(11 111111(Illlf! Ir) (,f1.9 Omilly 01ITiolisriort Ill.-)( 11/rdlvtr^In!;I'.r' UIflnlirla's $(tnrrr, ►,1.1 In 111"11+h i!Ina•Ib tvrlh ('non,lisinnr)r IC:nrtn fllnrrn. :I mrmhrl stir. r t it r.^., :, halanr r n ; nllr•n l il,l,r•rl I,} I,r)li r,►' :I In::k ('neer III,I h,� I (' :1F�Innlll r'I�MV(Iillfr. 11111 like -1 Ir,k (• lies :,s it i.r, alfrrlyd I, iI1 ,Irllni KrinivI11 ntlrl (•Irl l' i,:)tlr'aclr) r,r Inc �rrm,rrr .;r•.ri -.•_.. A rl, t r•Inl.,.l f rrr•llllt' 1'.':1 N_IPC11 ell^ !'o nl,f Irl 1,1 I•nil 11211 Ilett br+lltr•s jna( cnttllt C, I I�Z; opor "Oh7ES front 13-1 ::Moeller it 1,, nxfnllr]nrl :111^aril• Inr1111illp ;I,; I l„ , s �i,ritt • i•n 1 isstlr+ of rlr±tt "'I her^ is a In( of l,lrscn,n from Ill" hemp-b,lfrdillP htrl,lslty to rnlllirlllr lr) f1(•t•nlrlll• v:ll^Illet It's ill Ihr I+rcl htlrrnsl n( Ihf± contntll- Irily allyl n,tr rrlirutl sal11 'IhrCSI lambs, prr±•aflellf"I¢cl of lite Or_ m)p^ ('nllnly lifrtn^on'nr'IS Aseocl- alinn. all Innlnrlla Prn11p rnl,rr,_ Fr I11111J! 1:1 r Iltlntnfli'llnt PtnitpC arnl flflf) rnsillnnl.3. II1f+ 1^.rrtrlall,,Il 11'1c rallprl fr,r IM^ I+all In b^ lillrrl. On Flirla}•, elle Flnrirla A^aflrialifnt of (:'milli^.s II - so a1,111rivnrl I rr±,:.11nlif)rl callilll! wbillln �.I.,Ilihilinn In h^ dtophnr]r , I InR Thal Iaan,Ihr•rs craft 111^acllr rC In irrl,lirn Ilial Sr IIIrlI r'al'.r-Iltn b� rv111Cir1^toll ttllnrt idnimbir for perm -III. •f tin Ir n,^nth^r I'nhli� Srbo•Ilr r'nitclllfrllnll r111r1t' ('r1t111T11;Sir,l1, „ f tt fir 1, Alarms is a t11,rnM^r Ilan IS cal/nr•Inff lel 11111•^II fnrnlllnl„II. lalinn^, n^r.l ut•ntlh roll^.ill^rn,l )ivnlal fel 1eMal laumak^r^ mipltl In n'ilb 111^ halt. F%Ir II,^ir pall, flf v^Ir,pnrS gay Mr t• Mr, 111".11 t' latl!nlnrl I r111- Ilarl^^. Irl-:01fir)i rr)n,:1fIIf:M11r1. III n punish the private sec- tor for the public sec- tor's failure to build schools," lie said. 13tlilders say legisla- tors listen fo thern out of concern ab•)ut what a construction shutdown would do to Florida's ^conorny — not out of any politicll payback. benne o11r drip al a li11.1f fil'bal Ilnt„Is ;, will crane Bt] rxtrn ^•, IIn111•apr± r:bilrhrnil)nln 1,111)Iir sr•hpnls alrrad} mrtrtntt,lr•rl by ;r.; Innen as 73 i errvItl. 'fie ngty WintlCrn)rre (,It:1se sIlI,,I - sinn is envisioned as a Ica ft: tlprr;tl, c 11nt- nnnlrl}: 11u1 it Is also one noon ilashfd+i,ll in Say I)ev�lnpr±rs rind builders crnt- lrihnlrr)” close to X500,0110 to Flor- idn .Ingislnth•n candldales, ncllrnt cnrnmillr±es noel sln(rtvidr cnn(II- dalns rlulhlf; tltr± pest three years, d le recuills shoo: Tile nteasute Imposing file bill Ions sllnnsored by Sell. '(bin i,ee, dt-Hr-rued J 1, who serves as vice ilresitimit of finale., for Snbal llnrlles of Florida, n lnaor devel- otlmrnt filen. •.. ;, �. . "I lltink i'rn prelly bllnnced oft thea Blll)jeC(, '. it blamin In Orange County, Win- dermere Chase would riot have been np- ptoved If commission- ers had con- clurjed It put loo much demand on the county's water or server Se-rvireS. But there are no such snfegtlards to protect schnnis frorn being, pushed beyond their limit, "The constillients are blaining us ror overcrowded schools," said Ornnge County Commissioner Clarerlce Iloenstine. "But our hands are lie(i locnlly." At lite- welter of the storm Is "concrlrrRtley," a planning concept aimed at assuring tint growth and servires run hand -in hand. "It's kind of interesting, the kind of schjzophrenia that the Legislature has with respect to concutrenCy," said Orange County Attorney 'Ibm Willces. "They man- date (dint all rollilties ... have mo- ratoria if you don't have enough road or srtvr±r or water or drainage capacity. i311t with school concur- rency, they P•ivr- yflrl a hlu)dred - Ilnops In jlnnp lhrot)rlh•" I31.1t Oranpe County oflicills concede That restricting rievelop- nlent relay be lhr±ir last r•esrlrt, with go percent of schools crolvd ed and the srhool district severely short of looney to add more schools. "School concurrency Is a ffirent," cnncerleri ilich 1rd Gentry, eXerlltiVn rijrnrl,,r of the Flo riria lionle Ruild Issoriatiorl. "Ibit s:llfi. } 111f,frtf•sr•. 1'l 11lr,: I rnsl,alntl by r-11111.11,11 srlrn„Ls, r1 pu,tV. inf! 1111vidif,•r fir Flntirl:l 1111ir•hlls Ill,!ret±- Inan,linp al.11lnnilV Finn' Iltn I4.111Slalrllr, In hall Ilnnv b111ldlnf!. Ii tvvrs.^•:Icy, In allow srb11nl rnnsl.tnrlitnl Irl rale li np. „I'r r'l,lr say it's irnp11sslltlf± Ir) solve• Ihr sr Innhlcros of plolvlll, Incl it's rinablr just diffictlll," said 1'"11111 IIr:IrIl ('niully , V.-Milmmig sr•Ilnnl f•nnshliclinn sillt'11 f•:Itl Lase 11011111(- 11,101:I:lHoll slltll,f'fll,htr elite I1ifill 1111 I.r,'irla Ilr,n,r• i'11ildrns Assnci- nlir,ll anIl.:,lrl)liwed i1y ::half• I:nvltt:,krts f1fInslI slnillpll ! l,t111011 n, Ir,r:11 f!nerinnrl•Itls Ilrlltl ing.'11irRt PInm111 hvc:Insv of rf•Ilnnl Cl 1111.11 l nt!. Th" 11:111 i:: in I,locl, nrllil .1111y, :Incl them is unfair.' 1'I0:l5n cr(± I10MES, r3-!3 I think everyone knows it's lint a pernlnnerlt fix to the problem. Concurrency Is not Poing to bulltl new scllools; it's just going to hurt everyorle.r' indeed, the development in- rlustry has been an ardent sup- porter of sr.vernl men -sures ahnecl at ralsinfd money for new schools. in Central Florida, borne builders endorsed the failed 1 -cent sales tax increase for scllools, roads Incl parks. Carnpa it reports show devel- opers and their consulL<'ults pro- video more tilatl .$135,000 of the 2500,000 raisr-d by the pro tax !'roup Corrinlon Cents. Although OrnnPe County vnt. r'ts rlefealed lit, sales I. :Ix illl:leas, Ibis rllnnlli, Ihr l.rr!islnlmr ren}s lr,lrr npplo,: fl .1 nPf' par:kli!r. Ilrtl conhl sprvltl as mur'h ar R2.7 billion ore srl,o111 f lHinr•firm Illil tr fnlhl.rhi11t( rinlint! IMr• 11r±x 1. live± (hanllr (;onnly schnnl. rnttlrl rl,ralily htr ,.1-nilllinn of Ihn sII(,, nirl, hilt even Ih:ll Irinrsrtlls onlp al)orrl 3'1 pmr•rul of Ihr loon• IY••"• nnllr.Ipalrrl nr,rl. ]here is a lot of pressul-e fl-olll tele 110111 e - building illdustly to colltillue to develop, Whether it's ill t/le best llliel•est of Ute Colllliltlllity "lid out - Schools. lerosn Jacobs, Orange County i lo►neowners /lssocintlon eA*NI11e MMMMMMVNM Vie ®1•lcliiclU �••...,.N, SUNDAY, NovEMS Se11[;�flflQ� Efi 23, 1997 Slalewide, lite five-year• bnilrl- irtP ►trujeclirnt fog' schonl$ billiotr -- leading llre hi3 911- is Is X7. $3. counties It) I,rrsh hard for school concur t ency. 131-mwa1d Cotntly already a(_ lentp(ed Ioinclude school concur- rency in its g►owth plaits. ilul llte effort was rejected lasl month b an ac)ntinislralive law judge cairn tides where r,cw scbouls arc. finntrl it failed In corn tl ed, based un a tan , , stale law. 1 3 with gra011(!, racial and ac -'l! o�i f 1volo. A lin;tl Inling is Itkcl dards' made by (;nv. Lawlort Cit lesra l Even if Ihr! ban on s If' Cabinet. Palm lleach Count cnrrertcy were liflyd. Ibe onrll %r'r'n- also was r.iose to enacltn Y such effrn is wnulrlis if�ln cnnrrrrrencY, onl ( (, school cal governnr(mis clrn, roll slallid h, Y o have (h(! er- rivalries amt wnric (mvoirrlrlirnral Inm'c(I last slninge fell 11011 alt- Mort goals in grnwllr and acadent• Cnrn• The Florida ics, officials said. Connrrurlil • I)el'ar (m mt of "It's /lffairs, wlrirlt aver- simplistic 1„ w . that sees slat(' Irl%nut(n; scbooi concurrency I,asn'I wo(Iced Ce(Ir!s schu'll rrmc(n reucr,r ls, con- Dec arise develr, ,r!rs crtft (o cralL } ►s rliffl- hats In file dctbalc, `rr`! Ilrr. IIa(Ic While crIonf Secretarysaid Asskl;... } ronn►,iss►urts anti I,ar lrttenl (I* Co- nm rot, or Me I)e. nnntic il,alilics 1 1 (Icvelult- ,It's trtertl, a dilfcrenl�brf7re-lt of }/111crirs, g n lo( of rrntsl(lur1rn�icsrM.'Iflwarilrin c•rnuu'nl —• sc:11 bonds -- ov- hnve Iheh• S.13, 1. Ire aided. .W���ti�Q���l.� v j1 'i A �yC r f�/���y.�7w�, : � �` • � "leeting Nov,'25 to'discbst, pians for high school and middle school at 4 Corners`- - CCPS is considerincy nvo school sites just east of the intersection of Conroy - Windermere and Apopka -Vineland roads - By Kathy ,her Orange County. Public Schools and the Orange County Planning Department will hold a joint informational meeting Tuesday, Nov. 25, to discuss two new school sites at the :aur Camcrs (located at the Conroy- Winde-mcro and Apopka -Vineland roads in- te-section). The meeting will t :ice place :a Windy Ridge s-emcac try Scneol beginning 0 p.m. Crange County School Board ap- proved the acpuisidon, of a 24 -acre school site :or a middle school on the soutn side at Conrov- Windcrmere Road lust :^sit of T he .New Life Warship Center at its meeting Nov. 11. The proposed site consists of 9.7 ac: --s known as the Gaillmorn prcoc:ty, a a� tract and two 125 -teat stains of !and. or driveways. chat sen-1mre he two ^rr, --;s. :ahn'Yf='n. senior ;ianncr Lcr =1 estate for CG'S, told i ne "hest Gran-- i Imes Monday that OC_'S has a contract to pur- chase the Gailimore prune-ty. in addition, he said the owne-s of the 1]._ - ace x--c-.have indicated heir wiilinaness to sell. CC'S oians to continue :e_ociaticns A acquire the entire site either by -purchase or condemnadon and to reroute the rvc driveways. Martin said no further school t?t.== :C:icn is nc-=sary to acquit.: the site. The projected budget for the ;itc for rite ,,c -;v ;piddle scheoi is 32.=69,11-, and the :stimamd ptu•c.rase pr -ca- for the Gailimare trzc::s 397•-'-,000. his proposed :riddle sc::oci would pro- vi,";lief for Gotha and Souhwcst middle sic' s with a sc eduied opening in august I99-�. Gotha Addle currently rias an enrail- ment of 11.338 students with a capacity of 1--'275. Southwest Cuddle entails 1,5115 stu- Martin said OCP'S is also considering -v site on the northeastcame.' of the -Fa ur Cog- ne-s intcrsec:icn for a new high school. Thq cariiest oassible date for its opening would; bc August'21)04. according to ,Martin. Thi: has been no sclool board action on this site-. Martin said the proposed* high "school siti wraps around the planned development ,oi2. the northeast corner known as The Shopper. of Winde-mc= It would have frontage a5 - both Conroy -Windermere and Apopka,_: Vineland roads. This land parr—cl is entre qy-- planned for residential, development OC?S's plans for the schools .comoiv- with cyery singie part of Orange County;s: schaal-site ordinance and the school design: :s consistent with the Community Village: Conccot ;ovemang development at the inter - scc:icn, according to Martin. OCPS selccs school sites hat, ars an,, twin ancriai roads, near students and that. :moat: neigrDOr'ng homes the least, Martin: said. These two sites were also =ornmended; by OC°S .s=Tand county planners. * • :: Kendag Keith of the Orange County Plan;, ping Dcaartment said the Orange Cauntg' L'cal Planning Agency and the Board�ofc County .Commissioners will be consideang• ::n :mcndmeat :o the c aunty Comprehensive: ?!art in order to permit sc:.00i and educa. donai uses within the :bur Carnes aero. he told i ice tures that, in his judgmen building two nev schcois near he inters=: tion may e-cced he limit tar institutionai: uses sct or :he 1 --bur Comers Community_; . Village C_ -Iter (CVC). Institutional uses u• the : cur Catrc:s arc limited M 30 pe-c-mt of the area.. according to the CVC. Keith said this could resui.-c a change to the Comore- hcnsive Plan. 3ruca _MCCtendon, direc:ar of :.he county's• ?!anning and Development Division. told The i Imes Tues,:ay morning that the county was ;Ging ahead '.vitlI the Comprehensive. ?!an change because the plan is unclear in. . this situation. :his would not only maks. sure the public schools wear allowed but - would make requests tar future church and Four carneps fugher-{earning fac:iidi:s (such as ttr private colleges or community alleges) possible. ' Hie cautioned that changing the Corny Plan does not automatically allow such faciIitics. It only means than in the future a church or school h�s' the opportttnity to request ap. proval far a proposed facility and this facility would have -to be ao- Proved by he county officiais at public mcctings. =or more information on the Nov, Z5 Meeting, call Orange County Planning at 336-5600. State's schools are X2.7 billion richer Gov. Lativton Chiles signed a bill at 3oone High in Orlando that wiII ipump state money into new i schools and repairs. •r 4i di! By Mike Berry CP *Ne sr iMEL 4MVP Last month Gov. Lawton Coles toured Or- !ando's 3oone Mgh Schooi to gather amrnuni- tion for the debate over school crowding. On Monday he returned to the campus to celebrate the results of that debate signing a a o1 ba :.hat will pump up to =7 billion in state money into new scnocis and repairs. The ac cony behind them, sues and !eg- islacive leaders were all similes and accolades on 3oone's wind -whipped athletic dei d. '"Nhile we Haven't solved all our problems. we. think :he state is moving a: long way to do its part" Giles said. "T- hone, in a .`ew short months. xe'U see new eiernentary schoals be- ing built in our state and old portables being hauled away." The L,e;lslature passed the Sir -an Schools :1c: during a spedal session an education ear- lier this month. Lawmakers will borrow most of the i27 ha - lion and pay it back with $180 minion in lot- tery money :or 30 years. '"he !artery dollars wtll be epiar_d Anth :Honey Mrn the state's general revenue fund. Dursng :he bill-itgrung ceremony, C:files praised House Speaker Daniel Webster and Senate ?resident :'oru JenrLngs, both Orlando 3epubiic ns. ;or their efforts in getting the !aw passed. "Ye ail !earned more about the proble= and we lot information we can all rely on." the governor said. "Suddenly it ail became dealer; and the dearer it became. the more we could work together." Webster. who presented Chiles with a ?kE_�N At. 3ENtuC rME CAUNaa SeMNt; Mighty pen. Sc: naei at:minzs =s and see !awrrzlcefs sMtnd near Gov. Cdies, whe signed the Smarr S=ceis Ac: i m law at Scone Higm Signing ceremony takes place near aging school portables SCHOOLS Tcm 0-1 ce-rafnic anioie, said the bill will aring accauntabll.it7 to scZooi cons" sc-on. .t �^.:ils for a state -card to de- reiop standards for building e* : =enc -r. f 7"- e ce_Temony-x-as attandeA by 3CiLIc3COR Commissioner =rangy 3rogan. other legisiators and Or- ange Count,T sc :poi leaders. U were surrounded by aging por-abies that symbolLzed the =wdin g issue. "_f we can get rd or some or :hese porabies. Mr. ?^.n cipai. I know ?ou:'1 be aanpv about it." CHiles said :a 3oone ?-incipai Dan 3uc:,=ar.. ae morev couid be avaiiabie :a counties ..r . =e corning =on=s. C:.ytes said :he crowding issue en ed :.tie public like zone he has ever seen. e said :hat bodes well for other improvements in FIorda's. educaricnai. system. Please see SCHCCLS, 0-t COUNTYWATCH PROPOSAL User -Friendly Government Pur) c commentary at 901009 board Meetings and work sessions. Citizens will only feel ownership of the public school when ciilzen Input is accepted as equal to that of staff. If many citizens wish to speak, public hearings on file Issues should be scheduled will' voles occurring at file public hearing. Public comment should be allowed at every ti'eeting prior to any vote. grief comment Should also be welcomed to encourage public particlpalion at work sessions. Citizens should be allowed to speak as items are discussed will'out registering in advance. 2.2 Vldeo IT' 0115 rs showing docume' nts and agenda. Use the prOlec(ion equipment at school board meetings so [.flat the citizens can see the lex[ being discussed. The school board has extensive video equipment, but [Ills equipment is used to project the speakers rather Char' the text. As long as the technology is available, citizens in the audience should be stile to see what the school board Is discussing. 2. 5lgr'age to welcor"e and provide (nforn'atlon to citizens. Install specific, attractive welcoming signage and Information at the entrance to file meeting roorn. Citizens need to be encouraged and welcomed when 11'ey come to participate. Signage may be portable. Such signage might delract from the dCcor of the building, but the user-friendliness of (lie slrnospl'ere should lake precedence over aesthetics. 2.A InfMina flall resource person at reception desk. At each school board rneeling a staff member should be assigned to gree! ctltznns and to assist in providing inforrnalion and available documents to participants. 7lie board often thinks of itself as I open and welcoming, but with no available COUNTYWATC11 PROPOSAL User -Friendly Government RENT i5fjACTIC Citizens may sign 6P—to speak whenever there are items On the agenda. Citizens may address the board if they request to at least 11 days prior io the rneeling. Allhough presentations are linilled to five (5) rninules, the board chair has granted additional 11111p.Public meetings have been scheduled to discuss specific issues. [lie public Is encouraged to attend. In addition to images of speakers, staff also will project maps, summaries and other illuslrallons when there are sensillve Issues 10 be discussed. Signs are posted at the garage erilrance and the lobby entrance from the parking garage. The,laller gives direction (o (lie meeting room. The Only personnel at or near [lie reception area are (fie security guards. During meetings concerning controversial topics, additional staff Is assigned al (he board room entrance. ____ RECOMh��NNA�ppNS A_ND_�gC_7&®iVS • COv'linue currev'Q praciice as it relat rneeiings. es to regular board • /Mow (triie at the end of work sessions for prtblic cornvnent. Place a rninirnurn of Qw0 copies of school board meeting packets in the lobby so that citizens will have ample Opportunity to become familiar with agenda Items. • Currently, the board room is not deslyned�for viewing as described in 2.7_ • 1 he current technology needs updating. • The anticipated cost Increases from equipment upgrades technical consultants, and starring needs have budge( Implications. The benefit of providing better information lc the public jusllfies the Invesln'ent lila( niay have to be committed In phases. • New signs will be p ace[ dace[ d Iii the parking garage entrance, front enlrance to the ELC, and the patio door near (he 0 - TEC parking lot. Television monitors will be placed In file lobby so the public may preview district current events, directory inforrnalion; and ti'e actual board rneeling. • Assign a resource person at a fable near the board room entrance lo: greet visitors, pass out agendas, and serve as the slgn-In monitor for (hose on the recognition list, for those on the special order list, and for those wishing to speak to an agenda item. Tile resource person will also bE available to answer questions. The resource person Should besonieone 011ier (Ilan the security officer, COUNTYWATCH PROPOSAL User -Friendly Government 15511E CUPPENT PRACifVCE ---- concerns of the public. Under no — circumstances should any item be considered as an `emergency" simply because of mis- scheduling. Loose designation of "emergency" Items can quickly destroy public confidence. 2.8 Vol© Of' conlrovers lal ileseparate itis atter public Input. The school board should _ The public Is irwiled to speak Io any Vernon vole separately on any item that might be [lie agenda at every board meeting. Every effort has been made to list controversial controversial. Any issue, which requires a vote, should recelve separate consideration if items as non -consent aril they are addressed there Is any citizen -Inspired comment. If the and voted upon as separate items, board members also have the right to move Items board allows controversial Iterns to be merged into all -Inclusive procedural motions, nobody from consent to non -consent or pull for discussion. can be sure of the position of individual board rnernbers. Public confidence in school board decisions cannot Increase when members engage in such procedures. 3.1 Televise school board meethigs. "f'Plevise school board meetings for simultaneous or delayed broadcast on Orange 1V, Public Access TV, or Channel 24. Cilizens could thus see Ilse school board work without leaving their liornes. We believe that televising school board meetings would generate additional interest in school governance. 3.2 Computer access to scf�ool boar agenda, minutes and support materials. Provide agenda, minutes and support materials for school board rneelings through computer bulletin boards. It should be possible to dial an information bank, access Information regarding a board meeting, review the inforrnation on screen, and download or print whatever Is needed. In this way .communicalion replaces transportation". Irrslead of driving to the school board offices, a citizen call stay at home and get the same ELECTRONIC_ DEMOCRACY OCPS tapes school board meetings for archival purposes. Scnool board agendas and minutes are currently available on file Internet. ___ iZECOMIVtE�I®�iTB®NS ANU AC$B®BSS • Continue [lie current system. A survey will be conducted to delerndne public Interest -11 —1 school board rneelings. • Adding sripporl materials would require a realignment of staff, and an Increase of storage capacity. Relevant support materials may be posted on file web site along with additional Information describing the structure of the I chool board and staff. User-F=rik'rr PROPOSAL endf ISSUE y Gvvernrrlen, years. It shor►►�► r.,,,�..� � nisbrical ex ""'e ar least Three years'--- perfence for eacl, bud RENT /'RACi-IC showing boll, se gel area --_._— and o parale and combined capital peralion Items and an Eaclt Ilse )fern should be fully reserve funds. easy_ to understand (erns• Y described In ''z MOre t►se of cltl r acjvisory co►nrnl(tees' Make more use of cillzert advlso►y committees. �Cr'S benefits frorn two (—'- Opportunit This is a wonderful advisors; Ypes of ci(lzer► --._ ' fn our y f ° r„ake use Of life �. standing con,, Expert advice Is t expertise g cornnrillees r r"any areas where lila school board hasable In °versight or advice in Providing confirnrous experiencingbeen administration. specific areas of school contntillee radre blerns' q citizen advisory 2. Ad hoc committees cortt►nunfl , p or rnert,bers of file specific task over set itl place to business y including ►epresentaliveS a set Period of (Imerforrr, a would be a great het of There area plethora of la consl►uclion and maintenance p in file school ihrougl'out life s Y advisory groups area. least Yslern. Each school itas at vee and file ad technical centers Develop citizen advisor Involve man regular) Y corn►nfffees to are not Y businesspeople, some whlch y Interface will, scl,ovl s parents, as program advisors. functional divisions Yslern be made u 11'ese members should UP or qualified ►nembers of the cornrnunfty who represent our county: p esent different areas of Y I.e. each board will be made up of members wl,o are appointed b hoard mer„ber. Eacl, specific y eacl, scftool would Interface will, relate co oversee d school divisions (o recommendations and give `I.3 LIrttlt uee of cur ei ulta'r,(8• consultants to short -(ern, expertLi►'ni( use of expertise ir, an area (flat cannot achieved advi by stce or aff. 1-ew (asks come aloe leag Illat n in nature for which It Is not in therbeSlort- inleres( of It,e district to hire permanent staff. b or assign rather flan itirirt y developing present staff school beard Would g outside consultants, file presence in the con,rnuri fain a consistent --- y. At y cons ulfanls f. 2. 3. r ne ►na Y ori) -------__ rt -t 1 consultant's conhac(s will, OCr'S Is shoerm and ---~- Consulting contracts Provide specific. advantages to Ill e s several Savings from consul sent, and the taxpayer: cost of staff lime, g tees are less Ilan ((1e. f aster delivery of service. I►nrnediate expertise situation. is brot►glrl to file Nf7q�-(`pNS ANU �1CTIOhya co►nmtin►rie fifty efings-------_ -_ • Standir�--� �---__— __ g co►n►nillees should bP appolnled ti superintendent and school beard to Y the areas of greatest meed. r provide assist( Cortlrtliffee has P °r example the CUVE beef) established b deal will, cons) an area of ongoing leaderg concern. Likewise, local busine" superintendent ort a con (b,nignc°mnu►nity Infor►natior Ad l,oc com►nitlees wilt continue to belused fo la com►nunify resources fn matters (hat have hI blas but thrilled life.prior p corert,l((pr, In fact, most district divisions use ad I s from little to Hrne as Issues lila superinlendenl will es(ablish a business roue warrant. composed of local business leaders, in order to recei, Input on key dtal %\ large y Issues. 9 (110 r„ernbers of wl,lch Iwo thirds are busirtes people) and diverse to help Depul p group of cl(izens has been assem Y SUpe f3obert klern lila sl►afegic plan that will yulde (he future direction district. pen develc oft • I ollow file YWafch recornmendafion Iha( it use — definitive inslrucflohs When hi►(n Eslabl(sh clear conf►ach►al g consullanls. business practices. guidelines based ti EITIPIOy consulfanls based t► pon sound regardless of the len upon o►ganizallonal need, Staff should not a(trogth or the nature of the need. Progress and productivity its reI ponsibllify fo Monitor file ISSUE they sign a contract of "partnering" together W101 the other contractors on the project. This Fqrinering contract will define how all disputes between contractors will be worked out Ihr®ugh medialion. Partnering has been found to decrease lawsuits and other delays Il,at can be so costly In [lie construction field. 4.5 f fO-111ai9 ir,iergvven,meoiai cooperation. Ilie school board Is encouraged Io support the goals and objectives of the Public Schools f=acilities Element of he Comprehensive Policy Plan of Orange County and those of local municipal school element plans in order to promote Inlergovernrnenlal cooperation for effective operalton of file school system in a mullt- jurisdiclional environmenl. 1 his would foster a partnership wilh county and local governments. Open lines of corr,rnunicalton among governmental bodies will increase awareness of grown, problems new construction needs, and changes in student population. The school board, governments anti developers must work collectively to provide new facilities enabling them to deal with growth before it happens rather than after the fact. A.8 Reglsiraiion oP Iobbylsts. Require lobbyists to register with [fie school board and provide a yearly record of Il,eir expenses. A lobbyist Is anyone who Is hired to represent olhers in an attempt to influence programs, policies and procedures their client's behalf. Many governmental bodies require lobbyist registration. It should be made simple. Board members, the superintendent and staff should be expected to (a) ask individuals whether Ihey are registered lobbyists, (b) advise them to register as needed, and (c) record in a log, which would be available for public COUNTYWATCH PROPOSAL User -Friendly Government CURRENT PRACTICE - The school board, in official session on September 9, 1997, supported transmittal of the school facilities element to the extent that It did riot limit the school boards authority as required by law. Additionally, there Is active dialogue between-Ille OCPS staff and [lie Orange County staff involving technology, real property, lransporlalion, and educational programs. Joint use projects have been Initiated with the City of Orlando and similar discussions will, file City of Apopka have also been Initiated. • OCPS d in place. not have a registration procedure REGOMA�EN®ATOONS AND /1CTIONS Continue and expand upon existing efforts. • OCf'S staff will explore Ilse feasibility of establishing a procedure for registering lobbyists. AL %AL1a 11 Lflelong reslderll Ve►icinia Canriad ;Ri she's slayfng pul, page K9. Y says` fa Houses and I side -_ bushlesses ,lend side arid struggle to co-exfsl, page Ka. i 0t r I.IN a' Wlnler Qnrdon on, Ealonvillo, rine little ® Crime has bs decreased in the parramore area, ut II'still bad, page IGB. N A Ila liorlal trend shows blacks rnoving back to fnner cities, pAge K 9. 1 f . . f 1 r• MM, Fe' I Parra More'rr �— and it ,s �ov�is hp Shcrll til. rhrens � �' �" A, ••t ,� ... .. . IlomInrycra Annrnt the 11,13' old bmlgaImonrrl lnu'A In drnvrr- ('run Ortnndn. alley T"-"lhmlannda of dailnra ntnrq for hnndrerla nr Agnnre recl Ica., Ihart ahn( Ihcy III'! arllruthernuRd In , 11111 hrin -1 r ping Ind cI Icrllnlnmcnl mnk enl atrrth the cxlrn hnCkA, buycrA aay, the hnrdwrn„I OrKna,co alurdp n- hucllnn and malum. 40 men ' �Iq drnu: loo. 7hcrr I. o ndhcr nrr.A .loaf na nll Ih thnenl" to cxchc. �cnl nn (•nlicnc J•n,rt, C'•rbminl. n'n and 1,4e. F.�h Ilrlr hla. Iln( .mrn herr d.,.: r ..n ..,..• �,r- Olt they Do. 'Carver Court kMs,'4P „ t ,.•: ��� housing complex. bomd a Lee dren who IWahtd In trio bus nl Lee Avenue artd Mitchel f -fit do' 'A'S"t- hi Integration scalterl kids to other areas nrandfr.' 1lolntrs, b, a� nes In the Grver Court feel with eMnit 30 bf hr tho blit yrltnw rtchobl Ins ley ElentrnLary Sehrtol At Th. lhlyd Rradtr enld IHR the b,to - In fact, It's the Ilene. nut bVInR 11 1, ppin !hen All the thr, achrni to play Izrsketbell i Al"I nr tie don't play rnfrh Ih•, bus;' Oeendre crntld,^ . . De"Iire It one bt the more children 1m me oulskitu 1 - 13 )us .jt( 1 And .boi,i'DO chlldird walk 1►om Iirrnmdrt to attend classes there. . •4 : Roldrn >aerhmisty, which used to serve' T1leyWeren't ` the ern, Is hens a Ipnx bus Ietrninel. Whet IVIn 9 g black r k,re Gtlahan Eledtentati nowt IN pedp/e What U1ey t ly tenter. The ech,foll LbM tit• ' Were giving' the Carl da ° ehUl down durin� ;the Wh/1e3, Wltat 111ey should , ,, l yt of Inlegrenon when the bloc s el a write! ra}= : Atudenls In l t Amore mere when Into white • ;hive donl3 Is !Vb j// I/fe Ile housingIchoolt becrlust of ■ . r g Prot. ' evellne niggherri, peat oMeh ' �cllbols tris same, r�ljn r Ads, wall)nlf rot , ac only wire faced r remembrll wlietf' g, erld !� Oke him to Ke• roue to bnlan !° Ihltgtote. she Anys eG .W,O016 f Ndvd bd6d Sd bid; J nue miles sourr. Ce the echoole locally hurt tbry : • . ran't inlnd tld. remnrc, end 'she add many nlhers the .? 'Z'f 1=-6vi�IHrb�fjgltrim, (ebldanl are a And elementary school! n L ! of fun most n1 mrramme agsM. t Icer be'" s - '•Instead or frying to inN all he Achoole r v +.. y tan slay ants senesse the ' Krallr+h tn�iiol Na�E been all I! wnf crocked fno16a11. y should here made.therd All the tame; p !o be m hot q arpainlisl or a sorter kc gold fliggltam 11'h h 1 sae �- •'_ Inside ElRlre Loh s"'t'fs _ K e Itd,Ac"—,epo,d k y KI Sporb kt2 ��"� KIO WeddrtOt ke Keeplrtg posted Ik+d out Mol s ha Afee Mill Coo 1`100 lf, The lax ane MO keep Y ormed on uf,. ows, 9 r�enh aftd neighborhood Harp, fcal•prendclrt)drc &1 25 grandchildren And Initgr „�_ ey, Elements school,tramy of .whmn attend' I ' ITJr rail°F�i:�h±YAfM l kMnpf 6iiCW ie r tp�a f'll wrere RISin the hlte4 �, lvhal' "Thal they ghoul + " 4 e NOR,• bld fl echonls the herr° done L glue all the'' nerved been go badasmeelhing, end It Mcruldn'l _h.a.ve ' ' eonverCi dlstrltc7 lCeerdceU rriemlbi �it-hose: An"."" ,;.. ,. .` �, u'•'' .,• •; •, art ;�r: . Senfo' :•. r ung 11 Sarni lU 1. 600 ece4 lljol !lie Luke O TIM 10VIr-flan npartmeni s+t prib is V.9. bepnrlmrnl cam lex will atlas IlomeA for G� low- nCOme gelllar ramllielf �' but mariy ' of )loualn(t nor) �)rbt bevelopment In Orlando, is one or 111 11ret;low-rine^ hoculd uNing prefects In rnnl fU l4cnlorsfn sitars arc needed. BY di R IarRcntral hill) oloppr fundln h ggf Anes this year. The Inst eentnr lIOry hl��h•rlae 1 to hr. Sanded 6lelheri Arirff. InyyE1nrlrle Is the Otlnn,ln Salva• Z; ;7,- r (Ion :/ If 12whi12b•Unll re 'come"' and frying to hrealh0 he fire Inln pro))eel, uled to rnel te.4 m11110rf 1l'e ached - °11en In dfruvtltoun A h- kind tot harslnjt rot (ba•Incbrtie BeniTilt ange Count tbut it' b On lite way !7 Orange Gt'1nly, but ICs already fell. Orl.a ) next le pmjeci a'lll pro• vld 6b one ten Inle, a case of Irw 711e 11.1 mlltl,n pr Jrcl, nrndr b y life -bedroom epartmrnN rot se- n1nn, and It wnn'l npin unlll the s'tmmrr of 1899. IUII under- Flooding that it Is ole In dultorF end I R g in hJsl us ' I-' Tb be built And mnnnged by U� Ila - '1 he I'nRn111Urn atCA Is IM IV+'',1 by Slate Hood b0, Inlrrelntc Ire Care Slrcel, and OrhnR.. it lol of lhh+gCs nerd h' cbnnxc In lbrrnnlnre before She would ,e In 11 Sarni lU 1. 600 ece4 lljol !lie Luke her 11 -year-old daughter hrte. If jherA d was h Hclghbothoodrr schoo( nlhel Ma helghborh, #;, . ,crUhlrto- I Oexplte ibrromore'.4' 1110 In. Cation, rCW 1 profesalorfal Ilrople like myself (fere, clad If l that It was A @ere nelgllbotfiml,"Alfen ChooeC 6J IIVr here. l but now the Illy Ie taking it! Irak at Pawnor 'a sold. be llhos�lrliingsllnilI ld lb'nnmmc re 'come"' and frying to hrealh0 he fire Inln wllh .plot!, hs +rclal cc 1 Lti` tbnsldeling fhb the arca. "Wr. have Id idFEdflnll 'our-' pmxlndfY to drnvnlown.'• 1 _ I I JohnPari kelves faille N remoht neighbor-,' 11rxx1 And do It ailh the IIF t0lbb9Icthe pro. 1 Rrnm MahAger ngrileN. IUII under- Flooding that it Is ole In dultorF end I R g in hJsl us ' I-' + , If I have In gn to �he kroce NIOre or lire moll I rfrorh otlnndn an l want Ip Moyer Glrndn flood wolf. 11%1'Ave la go nrrnva talar; • he snld. + Rbrkln with Al builnl nprn marls endnrInctimdr��Iplrrn,Yot tell( I rnn'l Nes and Indlvldunl bultdcrs, the even gel plzte drllveted over city ling rrh 113111lnlcd ahlplarom• hhrc. .! fly 11o1rarA, bmrpht 1014 And provld• "We nectl J1tet the bAsle, MM- ed conlf-rellmt nubxldlca. r S1locks have" demollahrd,� mon amenlllcs'.,..+ I And rcpinerd by now fr EvcH lho folkk �4Ba o1, - - iemote arkhnwledgb ltt, problem! ? klhe potter ofnreii see f;klml- end the nerd rot Ivof k to he dente. lnjr the ertn. And there to &fit hJbulldlr+ An llut rot Ann ntb�I, hhryry Otangt Memenlnry acltnol that All lite 1 et. n • kunly !tchrxlle'Arlifiloycd, Nut. rnrnnrr kids could atl'cn1l ' nfrR! la the nnl)rchdMl+ •Abe' hnq ' Put In order rot the e8t 1e11i.A. known. �l �' `• "t. wok• bilint'},;; 'F1' 1 I t flan to nuceccrl, Hlj dfntleH soy Dvj -On;' eI enldPl,'M y lbrcon ore ryreds moth. nttddlr�.ln• ; owned It fdr Mnre Illnfi PO �• felly carne people to move 111 Iihd In. % d(m'l feel figs. I nerd Id lritve. The vest In lbs area. • � So for, Illere Ifh'vH'•' pedpld who Are dotnk,wratk heed tnkrrs. be �' 6; l to leave "' • t 1 r, In lta Allen, Orland 0'e �i0uan 1 IlrirA•rl hila olhe�lra;e �mnbled �' Md commnnlw dcvrin R ., by the crime Ihnl pinR,jrs: theft. prdtnt hu. HclghbOffinod. I ; wrnu chlcf, hon been dirtcUlld lite. 144f 1 Krroivn dn'g prdrllete hatq ritjh i !.r' f 1 ro eller! to e,jIn t Urh num• , In groups hear public tchithnneel: 1' I ire, of h !len d cel In 1`drrhlnine Wn"Ink 18 Neale !heft hex! Ao19: But Allen doesn't Ilvb In the Jlnkrmpt j rosllhllrk'• rilroll Ihk clghbnthood, f n J S , She, -like many nlhrte; soya A f non.; sbd AhEA; k -ti �u;`��•1� Ur0•rr•�Ii�C1�.i'r;:. ,:,1, :r.::L'•i_ p i�i'tNi e'IbUA�r1r n tlnnnl Dcnevolcnl A.nanclallmt In' I : '; 's c louse, f,t Il'a the srcafd Iay.a... Ilut) hyla yh which has oilrb 963 wned Ihl kir ,�dty br Cottle housing bt pf t in be epprnved In [hr., At. ' pp d to Annlhhf prnfrct le render clmsbuctlad hllout 12 years, Ilnrinllder nah1.• • '+ In Klcslmmer. Unca targeted ns the etic rnr !lie Frh• orf0r)nrtdo'n pmjrc!;Alll oil ad fill-6ctbel' Icr'e 'few AdminldrnUve Itttll,Iing, Ilte OId cheery III I,wny, b,•Iwrrrr 4, o, ; pn+prtly rl•nq put lop rnr, hole two ran' )Lnrlrenrrt Hent Colnnlnl brlve. m Ago. r yrard benevolent sesoclollobIll, �1e'I � Rc ilrrldrrl (! wasn't tri I��r b�1Jf IgA.. hlonch of UlC nallralal Clrrlellan thb itlt Ij +Iliit i,, rot .out hew building. (UIeNpIr.A of C'hrlstl - ,buying P f[aN6nrlrr I, the ricbd`e Acegqss to held fild 4 ": 1 arty for 1175,000 Rnnt the Eeumehlegl ('+ f11e trbl+e �y dtdn'l gill `bdd U•hon Ihr• 1 mode r Inc., crntrr prrsl,lcrll Roller floe•',' ansncinl oat been,, infer' ed Irl 011841,10 fonder sold. The renlai h n hrnhrrfahlp or it,. kin,, f for n new ;rotor hridnlnd prn)ect, It Ids Cnvnrll or Chmellrs. Ihr h rel r�krle•' ' ' rldAsa�nd IIOU91N0, KA` isel 'oe b3gwJAON'Ami ns - iau�ntag � i � 1.: 1. , I* Existing Elementary Schools N Existing Middle Schools * Existing High Schools Ocoee Population: Estimated Growth 1997 21,000 2000 26,000 2010 35,000 2025 50,000 0 Proposed Elementary Schools E Noposed Middle Schools * Proposed High Schools no -NOW -AWN -6 Western Beltway 1 inch = 6 miles (approx) to Rail .c=ccc range T 2.5 4. -:E. y emlini aw" Oca-tAtemerl , , , -4 11 e Rpress. Ridge Elementary' , Lake' (TTe MCTII cr Eleme IIICI�Ilc c, enta Lake.. Lu_ W, 88 73�f ;; e:z"c. to dcyls e Ic n' (Z ' . OT your.Lake- and. osc.cic. enifneicr .)icur C-rcrce,;.zemir7c L , I CnL4 VC ,L, 1- I Sic e. trearmv Zil=az. Z. 7� 374 -;=AV_= awneffmry 47 i7s tirarca = ICQ� Dear Far some dlne now I have be'n observjil2 dle pli-aht or our school system as a w and wirhin my community in particular. Problems include lace of 2111dS s11o1�arYe ofe teachers, discipline challenges, shorrage of suppiies, overcrowded c.'assrooms,� busing problems, pay challencles of teachers and others, and a public that is iTustr-ated rvitll increasing taxes. But ciazens are unsure as to the causes or the problems and their solutions. As a. city leader i am concerned with our youth_ their edllCaQ011, and Cllelr future Cirizenshin. And I am C0I1C2"ned about how to nest serve Clleni t0 lleita 71a.Ke our naaon, States, CC[inrieS. and Cities the best dlev Can be for ioeay's voudi and illelr urLre. o MIS e:ld i wouid like Co make mere :nIonnation avaiiable to our citizens oil flow debit Lnvolve^e:1t can e:iiiance our c.'iiidre:i'S d:iucarion, heir, .'<eep our ciry die 'fearer of Good Litizng," deed keep raXes under control in dee process. In die Hast sclioois have beea regionalized for economy and educational servjc_s. "Wore -eeently there has been renewed interest in moving back to ❑e:<rziborllood SC:lools, but the big consumeint has been money grid rile e leer it would leave on .—nak:ng diis cilange. -.lire seeris to be some dec.ea.�e in ;,[1uiIC COlindence and w"Iin«iess to be Mvoived wlrh a : emonal system so lame :hat die 'n 7/1 Sr[Ide:lt bets last in the process. r �ow do we overcomle these challen2'es of todav and diose that wjil faceus in rile -use? I am proposaig a puot project mvolv[nz local and Co[Irlty vovernrne:lrs and e county scaeoi board for the purpose or'c0inmz to!zedieT in the Dur;uit of the best edLcation =or our cllllaren. UsIn- our city as the catalyst Ior d11S C000_ eradve e fort, I would Iike to srlggest a town meearl� wIdl tele School board ;- and tlle.r nazi, our c;ry coznl-nission -sd Stir, counry and state =dais, and—riznrzs interested in a better c^.rt1_M, TlniLv and die best C ucaQQn -or our-childran. 1,,' toIAgl meerinu Would be e�C %'CCeC �rl merle aear _`iPII'e t0 :ISC 1SS the fallow. Charter Schcois NeiQ'lborilCCd sc/lools Cccpe prion amen2 vile ?ove.rnmentai bodies Spending and coilectian or'tax dollars Volunteer invoivement Zxpiosive z'owrll or elle schooi population in aur, area Mow our i7oveninents can cooperate to minimize [Ile costs anti maxllnize the (earning potential aisniprion and Other selected topics These cllaYIeam n� tonics may require more than one in =1129 to establish an ongoing unde:-sranaing and relationship and method of action to faciiirate cllarie but chiiarea are tap precious a commodity to not seek out the best way t v ' our toward beim- rood Ame"cans and good citizens of their cominun,.Ey o educate tlle:n The -.:pression, "It takes a whole village to raise one child," is as true today as when it was 1-Irst coined. we must be ever vi-iant or what �'eedetns we have tod andbe sure tfu-ougil education, our s«ongesr MCI, filar our c:�iidren car-.,/ ; ay -hose values :onv�:rd :llrouail our Qroviaiiiz a sure and secure ttinire for Them, rilrouail auailty education. i wiiI piedge mvseiz :o S,vork towura imtaie:ne.lrarien or rile h ' drat :nay come our or these discussions and ialo�z. goals S1 `v _ S. Scott ander :it Ocoet CCM, MISSiOn On SC,OOIS G°:11: To provide a lei:lc!e t1or community input into the direction Ocoee Sc;, oois :viii take in t ^,lrure. he, 1 Pur -pose: ; O r OmCte a CommuRI , SOInt in favor oI Occee Schoois. To call upon ail c:rizens or Ocoee— veuna and old. Co pool our tale:lts and resources Co ensure Char Cceee schools offer the very best in education ror our caifaren, our gradchiidren, and utureeneat= ions. Scone: To :vary ;:;osefy '.vith 'fie school beard Co ensure the community and neighborhood school concepts are Coiioived. To ensure that the community has adequate input into Che business or educating our children regarding costs, classrooms, extnc;�rr'c' far activities, and a!1 other asneets of education that bufid well-rounded citizens. Subjects: The t•ollowing is a fist or areas Char :viii be discussed, but are not limits Cor the commission. I. Facilities L eachltIg C:-,,nce^LS Over c. owdfn� =. Caren i;avoiv�r:Ient :rdS �. _�carior' or sc oois (hish ;c:,oal, joint czrrlouses) C,:ar:er sc.neols _ 3. Civ! school disu'Icz O. Wes Orange Sc:,ori distriC: 10. a rhietic aciiiries 11. West Orange communities, scc;eol T -v in, eevor1 Prot)osed makesp ji membershia: Twe--,r,r dve pe sons :,mcimurn, consistins or -:ve ;c :epi ��'c es --fir nc:pa sta.�. sc:,00i board me.. bees =.ve :enc:;ers -:ve parents or school -=.se children :ve &Ztizens with no school affiliarion -:ve 6USiness pecpie T,,vo .ne^:ners or each er-dIe crecedinQ groups cr ive pe -pie wiiI be TORI Occee, with ar Ieasr one gove:-n:nerr or=ciai benP liaison and p vorinz rrernoer or the -cup. ow IV 0, Ve f3F44wtt 114 0 mg i Ile k,::.�. f � fc' r.. Ill 1 •1 J Y�-f � t C /' .;• /'/��•/%�• ... �/ . . ///, /f'C.� S /7`'.:►Y ! '2 /t! 1. WEST FAMIL: /T r �L k � ..:; Vii.'•/. : : %�'.' .:�:, ' ./V f% )'ill• �. I �%�l Y� � �•,.� ' i ' �' %�•" I '!•' � •��'•�. �'.i CCCCA COLS a CA1to 11 our iW i . r3 Yid. ! "l I I � •• `�f -: 44 3//= ik=A4 �g II � II I I \ (•'���t\ I i I 1 r l t-�• I I �J 3//= ik=A4 �g