HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (B) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 97-10, amending Land Development Code related to PUD's, Special Overlay Areas & Table 5-2 Agenda 5-6-97 'CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item V B 16-coee o. aLUI1 VANUEN.L,:ar r O 5\ Cc.m+asu'.nex> IrNa CITY OF OCOEE SC T ND 2 oN ('yam 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTG A.CLASS nF1/411\ f;. l�,ZV OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-22& )IM GLF.ASON �1�,� V� i� (a0])65&3:2 cmMANAcLK �F 0000 ELLIS SHAI'IRO STAFF REPORT DATE: April 8, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russell B. Wagner, Director of Planning () SUBJECT: Proposed Amendments to the Land Development Code ISSUE: Should the City Commission approve Ordinance#97-10 to enact amendments to the Land Development Code pertaining to Planned Unit Developments, Special Overlay Areas. and Table 5-2? BACKGROUND: In an effort to ensure the consistency of the Comprehensive Plan with the Land Development Code. Staff periodically recommends amendments which clarify the intents of these various regulations. Recently, the City transmitted an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to clarify issues pertaining to Special Overlay Areas. As a result modifications to the Land Development Code are being simultaneously promulgated to enact regulations consistent with these changes. Additionally. changes to regulations pertaining to Planned Unit Developments are also being proposed to clarify the relationship of that zoning category with Special Overlay Areas: and some further changes to Table 5-2 are needed to bring the Code into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. DISCUSSION: The primary changes being proposed to the Land Development Code provide for: 1) better definition of Special Overlay Areas, 2) identification of the types of provisions to be considered within special development plans. 3) establishment of specific procedures to create Special Overlay Areas, 4) identification of administrative procedures affecting Special Overlay Areas, and 5) creation of more specific development review procedures for projects contained within Special Overlay Areas. 7 Page Two The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners April 8, 1997 It should be noted that these proposed changes do not create any Special Overlay Areas at this time. Each of the Areas (the Downtown Redevelopment Area, Interchange Impact Areas, and Activity Centers) must be established individually by ordinance after significant public input. The Land Development Code changes being proposed at this time simply clarify and establish regulations pertaining to the creation and administration of Special Overlay Areas. To the greatest degree possible, the new regulations will protect the underlying rights of land owners having property situated within the boundaries of these areas, since no rezoning or land use changes are required to implement these provisions. Also, the development review procedures have been crafted to follow existing review procedures to the greatest extent possible to minimize any additional administrative burden ort developments contained within each Special Overlay Area. With regard to proposed changes to PUD provisions in the Code, mixed-and multi-use developments have been added to clarify that PUD's may be utilized within Special Overlay Areas as an underlying zoning category, if the developer so chooses. The'Traditional Neighborhood District'was deleted from the Code since this category was never established as an individual zoning district and is already permitted under the PUD District regulations. Coincidentally, a new Section 5-3.1 is proposed to be created to better amplify on Special Overlay Areas(which hereto in were called Special Overlay"Districts") and remove this from the section of the Code which establishes and defines individual zoning districts, since these areas are not zoning categories per se but rather umbrella districts. In addition to proposed changes to Table 5-2 necessitated by modifications to Special Overlay Area provisions, changes to various maximum building coverage and maximum impervious area percentages are also being proposed to make these amounts consistent with the maximum Floor Area Ratios (FAR) identified within the Comprehensive Plan. These percentages are more realistic than those areas currently cited and better reflect the policies historically utilized by the City when reviewing development plans. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING: On March 11, 1997, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments in detail and asked numerous questions regarding the proposed amendments. Based upon this review, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code in accordance with the Staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commisioners approve Ordinance #97-10 enacting the attached amendments to Section 4-5, 4-6, Table 5-2, and Section 5-3 of the Land Development Code. RBW/AEH/csa Attachments'. Ordinance 97-10 LOC Amendments F.CAPDF ILE\STAFFR-1\CCSR-1\SRP97015 WPO ORDINANCE NO. 97- 10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO SPECIAL OVERLAY AREAS, INTERCHANGE I.MPACT AREAS, THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AREA, ACTIVITY CENTERS, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS, AND MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS AND BUILDING SITE COVERAGE; AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 180 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE AS SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION 4-5 A. "PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT" OF ARTICLE IV CHAPTER 180; PROVIDING FOR REVISIONS TO THE USES PERMITTED WITHIN PODS; AMENDING SECTION 4-6 "SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICTS" OP ARTICLE IV CHAPTER 180; REVISING THE PROCEDURES FOR SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICTS, INCLUDING INTERr'RANGE IMPACT AREAS, THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AREA, AND ACTIVITY CENTERS; AMENDING SECTION 5-3 "ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS" OF ARTICLE V CHAPTER 180; PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT DESCRIPTIONS; ADDING SECTION 5-3.1 "SPECIAL OVERLAY AREAS" TO ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 180; AMENDING TABLE 5-2 "MINIMUM ZONING DESCRIPTIONS ON PERMITTED USES" OF ARTICLE V CHAPTER 180 WITH RESPECT TO MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS AND BUILDING SITE COVERAGE WITHIN VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT DESCRIPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to clarify regulations concerning Special overlay Areas, Interchange Impact Areas, the Downtown Redevelopment Area, Activity Centers, Planned Unit Developments, and maximum impervious surface areas and building site coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Section 4-5A. of Article IV of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida is hereby amended to read as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (with additions shaded and deletions stricken) . SECTION 3. Section 4-6 of Article IV of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida is hereby amended to read as set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (with additions shaded and deletions stricken) . SECTION 4. Section 5-3 of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida is hereby amended to read as set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (with additions shaded and deletions stricken) . SECTION 5. By renumbering and amending Sections 5- 3B. (16) and 5-38. (18) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, Section 5-3 .1 of said Article V is hereby created to read as set forth on Exhibit "D" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (with additions shaded and deletions stricken to show changes to existing text) . SECTION 6. Table 5-2 of Article V of chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida is hereby amended 2 to read as set forth on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (with additions shaded and deletions stricken) . SECTION 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 8. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter" , "section", "article" , or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or reccdified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1997 . APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY ADVERTISED FIRST TIME , 1997 THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA READ FIRST TIME , 1997 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ADVERTISED SECOND TIME , 1997 this _ day of , 1997 RFAO SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 1997 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney CAMPIfmosc mvxm:1.OY0;fl7;olemm b 4 F7 �TT 'A" ARTICLE IV 9. Tax escrow receipt(prepaid taxes for current year). (This is also obtained from the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office.) 10. Public site(recreation)dedication. (This is only applicable for those subdivisions with Developers Agreements predating the June 20, 1989 adoption of the Recreational Impact Fee Ordinance that opt to donate land rather than pay the impact fee.) 11. Letter from Orange County 911 Fire and Rescue Division approving street names (Developer must send a copy of proposed plat to Orange County 911 and that office in turn sends a letter to the City indicating approval of street names). - Following satisfactory review of the Plat and approval by the City Commission, City staff will process the Final Plat and record it with Orange County. (6) Certificate of Completion Upon completion of the site improvements, an inspector shall be scheduled by the Planning Department. The developer must also submit the following documents: (a) Engineers certification letter(signed and sealed by a professional engineer) (h) Surveyors certification letter (signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor) (c) Two sets of as-built drawings (signed and sealed) (d) A 2-year maintenance guarantee covering all site improvements (e) Certified utility cost(signed and sealed by a professional engineer) (0 "Bill of Sale"-water system (g) "Sill of Sale" -wastewater system (h) Copy of signed contract for site work (i) Letter from DER indicating acceptance of permitted work Q) Letter from SJRWMD indicating acceptance of permitted work (k) Certification for back flow preventer § 4-5 PUD -PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT The intent and purpose is as follows: To provide for planned residential communities containing a variety of residential structures and diversity of building arrangements,with complementary and compatible commercial or industrial uses or both; planned commercial centers with complementary and compatible residential or industrial uses or both; planned industrial parks with complementary and compatible residential or commercial uses or both; development of areas contained within a Special Overlay oishietAreas(seeSection 46)t J ter.....,J...,:g,,..L,.pareasdesigned Adopted July 21, 1992 18068 ARTICLE IV It traditional neighborhood't,r"aetl:it) canter development(Da. Cz,,ti.,n t E+j and public and quasi-public facilities, developed in accordance with an approved Development Plan. To allow diversification of uses, structures, and open spaces in a manner compatible with existing and permitted land uses on abutting properties. To reduce improvement and energy costs through a more efficient use of land design and smaller network of utilities and streets than is possible through application of other zoning regulations and subdivision requirements. - - To ensure that development will occur according to limitations of use, design, density, coverage, and phasing stipulated in an approved Development Plan. To preserve the natural amenities and environmental assets of the land by encouraging the preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open areas. The natural topography, sails, and vegetation should be preserved and utilized, where passible, through the careful location and design of circulation ways, buildings and structures, parking areas, recreation areas,open space, and drainage facilities. Designation of conservation areas must be consistent with adopted ordinances regulating such natural areas. The proposed location and arrangement of structures should not be detrimental to existing or committed adjacent land uses. To encourage an increase in the amount of use of open space areas by permitting a more economical and concentrated use of building areas than would be passible through conventional zoning districts. To provide maximum opportunity for application of innovative concepts of site planning in the creation of aesthetically pleasing living, shopping, and working environments on properties of adequate size, shape and ;ovation. To provide a flexible zoning dismct which is intended to encourage an appropriate balance between the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate capacity of support services and facilities. Site development standards are established for Planned Unit Developments to ensure adequate levels of light, air, and density; to maintain and promote functional compatibility of uses; to prcmote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic; to provide for orderly phasing of development and otherwise protect the public health, safety, and general welfare. A. Uses Permitted The following types of uses _.hail _._.... _ are:suitablelwittlig Planned Unit Developments if cLuigneted ;,. an app.e.etl (1) Planned residential communities: complementary and compatible commercial and industrial uses may be included if they are harmoniously designed into the total residential community within a Planned Unit Development District (2) Planned commercial centers: complementary and compatible residential and industrial uses may be included if they are properly designed into the total commercial center within a Planned Unit Development District elneWdes-Activity Guenter Ce.J„eme„t.) (3) Planned industrial parks: complementary and compatible residential and commercial uses may be included if properly related to the total industrial park within a Planned Unit Development district Adopted July 21, 1992 18069 ARTICLE IV f4liired3 and Ntiltr-UsegD"e-Velopmenfs:3pfojectIrtbiltainin alWarietArotnTtLs1 coinbinedwithiri a singfe-or_multi tractp_rojecrareaInctudingburnotlimited:tolthos1 ituated:Vtitithin:Inteccliange-jmpac greas t11 0Ow0town:liecraVerd1pmen re-Xdt AtiivitCeiitersj (-4-Kg Public or quasi-public facilities: uses complementary and compatible with planned residential, commercial, or industrial developments, including sewer and - - water utility plants may be included within a Planned Unit Development district. ( 6) raditional Neighborhood Development): Development of living environments which_iitilizeneo?traditionaLrdesign'grrittciprel an"d'ard not possible with the strict application of minimum requirements of the City's other zoning regulations. (6.) ] Activities resulting in high noise levels, lighting, or access points which adversely affect abutting property shall be prohibited. B. Approval Procedures for the PUD Land Use Plan The procedure for obtaining approval of a Planned Unit Development District shall be as follows: (1) Pre-application Conference: The applicant shall schedule a pre-application conference with the Director of Planning prior to submission of the Land Use Plan. The purpose of this meeting will be to acquaint the staff with the proposed project and to provide the prospective applicant with preliminary review comments to identify major concerns or the need for additional support data. (2) Planning Department: The applicant shall submit to the Planning Department, after payment of application fees and review deposit, twelve (12) copies of the Land Use Plan, as described in Section 4-5(C), and support data. The Planning Department shall distribute the plan for review by the Development Review Committee (DRC) upon receipt of all required information. (3) Development Review Committee: The DRC shall individually review the proposed Land Use Plan and submit comments to the Planning Department. The Planning Department then issues all comments in a report to the developer. The applicant snail be responsible for making timely revisions to the proposed Land Use Plan until the DRC determines that the applicant's plan has been brought into substantial conformity with the minimum requirements of the City. After such determination has been made the applicant shall submit fourteen (14)copies of the Land Use Plan and the Director of Planning will submit the plan along with a wntten report to the Planning and Zoning Commission. (4) Planning and Zoning Commission: Upon receipt of the plans and staff recommendation, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the plan, hold an advertised Public Hearing and submit its recommendation (which may include Conditions of Approval) to the City Commission for its official action. Both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission public hearings must be advertised in a newspaper at least seven (7) days before each hearing. All property owners within 300 feet of the subject property must also be notified by mail at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing date. This notice may include information on both Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission hearings if the item goes before both Commissions. If the hearing information for the City Commission meeting is not available at the time the notices must be sent for the Adopted July 21, 1992 18070 Der iRrr '3 ARTICLE iV (h) All utility services including sewer, water, electrical (except transmission lines), telephone and cable television shall be located underground. Any equipment which cannot be located underground must be adequately screened from view from any street or abutting property. (8) Site development standards for projects containing public, quasi-public, and other similar uses shall be reviewed in accordance with the requirements specified for Commercial/Industrial projects, except where unique circumstances. dictate modifications to the standards to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of surrounding residents. § 4-6 SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT&ARE q Special Overlay Ciotrict3 arc 6r4dtiCL1:31§1114/created by the City cf Ocoee to facilitate unique development activities, ouch 03, but not Iimited•Ee: 'die c eveiepment of"fiel eeig4berhood" Fnixcd U3C prejeetst-develepmente,f-oetvity centero end interchange arce3 where there is need for coordination between different land owners in the development of high density, mixed t mpig use projects; and development of orc03 involving W____tteggIggit=gspecial issues of infrastructure, environmental protection, employment activities, protection of historic resources, or other public issues deemed by the City Commission to be appropriate for special treatment. ThetCrare�tt re filpesIbtSbecraliQtr€ Pie d eritrallirecFiange trillattiMie8s17.ThecriVntoWntliedeVieloprtienty an etfibel �d�ffrf il�St�ctiori_ 1� It is the intent of the City that the designation of a Special Overlay Ciat et R"regshall put landowners, developers, and the general public on notice that special opportunities exist for the development of the area and, concurrently, that special provisions or limitations may be placed on projects within the area; identify specific standards to be followed in the development of the area, which standards &hail may4-supersede conflicting general standards of this Code, biutwhictfshalrnof be inconsistentwith<tfl Comprehensive Phan; and encourage, but not require, the use of the PUD district and the designation of areawide DRI's, where appropriate, to facilitate the achievement of specific development objectives of the City. A. Establishment Procedures The City Commission may, from time to time prsiLriliriatite, create, dissolve, and/or modify Special Overlay Diatric'.3 Areas. The procedure for establishment dissolutiorior:modification of a Special Overlay Diatfief A reatshall be the 30mc 03 for the amendment of the Officie4 Zoning Mop ;Eco ,lrticic 'r, with the Blowing exceptien3: as;providee irr Sectiori 16o.Q4T(3)(c);_Fiorida Statutes:'Additionally;_thefoilowing procedures shale beapplicablep the adoption of any.such,ordinance: (1) The proposal to create or modify a Special Overlay Diatrict PCreaishall include a statement of the intent of the diotnc'~spe_cific boundaries-'and'"a speciardevelopment plan identifying.eF the proposed special regulations to be applicable therein. &den -a m n FRMaps and diagrams, in addition to text, to explain the general intent and the specific regulations being adopted:shalratsa?:6eiriciGdeTWith;eaehle.lal delintktlie ddhTepfual s�atiaCand'aestheti - Speciar Wefopme-tirplan fdrmuCateCfoc alEarecial<Ccrelfa as &Bait"raga minimomTidentif} specifidstandatdsr_gemainicicgttg.TpotantiaCU"s"e5Ror.ttie propertjg setbacks-: size/ha_ight/bult buldingst provis SfoairixedaancfV_ilti sd development incufdirigf.fiousingaaToptions infastrucfift equinemefifs; st gnWatedmanageine -yetiicfi(a acres prrnnsioatitit udmg�ctos"succss; sfia�e�'a`ciaess�,limr�ed�'ar�G�and4�arir in�,fu�fiifrT�r`oa_vd�v_a�pr6ii€me_n�4.'r architectriral"compatibUithhistoncpreservatidn sigiadeulandscapingKpedestrian access;Pa-ddtiq _li anga and;ttiefprotectior ottfaffira iearce.irictdditi es� Adopted July 21, 1992 18085 ARTICLE IV Ms ta etf Zi'a T[1'b itrPtir Mti elibiiiityrtiMiesigfarfnovatioaa eactj sgetraEtWeitiptierCpfarettfalffdeMit ate—=' rtie the;strictIptillcatiOrt'bfttandard fat ctraVertiDlariregtatrali4-tea iaatrcti tatr IcittIter atiKieVefoTament v )tfdn Gtii rif=10 ififeriMOVatttSW"+l0E_Cr elia ea C e tf fbr fetaiftrtf fat etteday` Dootttfaries aridptar ire arattbrt • (2) All notices regarding public hearings to consider the creation or modification of the district SpZstialtecre?fajr� afshall include reference to the statement pfaniand to the location where it can be reviewed. All notices shall also explain that the statement p1an'.can be modified at the time of adoption of the ordinance. Both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission public heanngs must be advertised in a newspaper at least seven (7) days before each hearing. Alf7owrter tfOi ig grop`ertfeeC ittfatei-+tiiittli ttie iirtiggt<tibrancfa—OWOfaea-d SgetfarOgetia9f lea _ StT2.I atife-CSAMOiP a.$g(IOr , io t eac 'Uit5 earja. . fh dl3 itTMcfgrO i be:ga atid,Froyrioticatlo:s o2-tid►ric to rt2 ttlt<thgtfol; .ttTfat7diniatid Lonidg ,Catittultr randit4ee e-digtt9issrotb (3) The boundaries of the eachilSpecial Overlay Dist et Area shall be shown cn the Official Zoning Map along with a reference to the existence of special development standards and the location where this Section thelspeciatgdeveropirierit piart containing such adopted special standards can be reviewed. Where the establishment of a Special Overlay District 'Area, or the subsequent approval of a development within such district Area is inconsistent with the provisions of the adopted Comprehensive Plan, the City shall consider the amendment of the Plan and may review and approve the proposed Special Overlay D+stnet Area;and/or individual developments therein in concert with the approval of any necessary Plan amendments. B. Administration of a Special Overlay CistrctArea The designation of a Special Overlay District Areazshall net establish any special requirements for development review procedures or for dcvcicpment except as may be contained within thisi Section, .3. 1E) 33 described in .!rticic V. Before any change of zcning, subdivision approval, or site plan approval is granted within a Special Overlay Ciotrict Area, the approving authenty shall review this Section and snail find that the approval is consistent with this Section, as well as with ail other applicable requirements of this Code. No approval shall be granted which would violate the provisions of this Section- and the speaa&iiegTiratlo4s'cantaiaed�vithinirndividuarspeciaLVev`efopment irans7 It is the intent of this Section that, : c ci , c f and, there be substantial coordination between the City and the different land owners within the Special Overfay.Area_during and`after estabiishmept ofeach Special OveriaWAreaL To accomplish this, the Director of Planning shall have gifmar oversight respontibilawforeactrareaTandl from time to time, convene meetings between the various land owners withint(.the?SpLecial Overla}-Area and interested governmental agencies-Rd impfeal tWp_roVi-s ons;ofthi sectiong Whon o Speclol Overlay District is proposed, eny ,tyddrillioaaily "tts iaif tie ttierpnrnaryresfionsibilitT;oftr fanning gepa nenttte ecoitimend tat iKCitZ irirtiistfaCttfe'estabffsfi"ment o raMvie reattrSpecday'ECre gtidttb;foiii trace f r consideratiorrby the"rtytebmmissidnireactispecial*devefbprrientpfaaile'colsuitatio witti ai2dFandowners If dtife tit expedcfgttielfnrmtilatibir?ofeattfspecrardevefopriesitTrabWi Adopted July 21, 1992 18086 -- ARTICLE IV oilfferardWfiel=ttirtire-atftSWWWerfcliNaWMZE5511triblitkfatIttataMerinKtrneltil to-tetairtrdalnitalltWrItNiltastiteStetirWerMIZMMaeadtIZZIWalta011 eCg715-art-CattIVaitniMratrardEeradt-SaTitILOMMUMVillag pro-Vid Settfe .47-6 Yee • s reTalGatitmtigatittlyCedfOraf•'. :1"-rd irt• D ra-ife0 MP UMW-4=W a fLrcUtittrffif fabilftlitrazia4 DiratatztlelattlarrthalatitigprtellanntratrITEIVIIMISAMCCIUMNI - soetiardeValUp-m-e-titrprallaf6tiet talralrg_cifectsTO itipdatt01605511 /7ZSD-eTal OVerlalrAltarsif.ttf8rdireralEdeVercit5iTient`Wittlirregctrait:aigtddratfOtWildraftitiraglitS0 InTi5rdeTifetrttittraliteraVtdbflictsTarin-gittienVegfaarteletleNtact=g7J1rdgliCats1 interidifiMMIllnirsttenfataltitiarisibrapferiCMCICEIblicarsellttrafetreMtreaKean _415151TadfaitUoliffrefCWWitIStti4DittrcrdE.-0Q_F2FMTricirdriadtffettEirESfaftiMzd-6-6/yrai- • . . 40515a4t(tcrdi==ttfea:MgML±M___etitlXg• (xi-emaace-at!-4:TLIlii g ' DeVeraftlialgeNik94F-rratrefEntl gg-ViskiprtTeIitRaeglitrgardiThelfollcsibl101130116MitTMTNAMMIR/ligragfferMril sitUaterdMittlfftWidfarcli7elfarAre-e-Irthelttieth=tifeatffirttgiMat&CtlibMte=ttide thesisfAre-aalwittighafolroWinifeXteptict4 E.YKSVIVadtWi.e.01-brcrg9rdwgggigtiliglitAtild..17aP015.0geligictizzitgailqg toitafttrrngtoltheirsta-n-derdstestablithedSfolteaCtVprtirietit!SretiakeVerfa arierAtithirtipire7ridiWANersrftdrif#2e:aluipeierdpiteiitgekligft41Breigtiirnd reVievifcit-41prtbEltieCittACOrnr.pi-gsf01411:.tripr..pocroifirstrativegp-rtivecp./ the DRCShiaIaresepigOwhic.Igtfan-otttritftycitStifoitittepg-rtirielZio-ezeil aCi5r_eaeratigrigprikhiclgpqpirett4Wrg:frphEttaratiMETeTzeliipliient CCdskaltWe-ctigdpledAte...Nbird:Mee:rfrAlf0fdr*ttg,cifttgpintiiis-sitirifevii and;considerationlOOpplovaL tie:same:mannens;a larcie.TsdareTsite pl4n (21 AlrfartfeTleaWeitOleWsilbitii-VitioiafangrandarKkiatidiffterrifelWrecnWettErntg • pEZCA- EithraWdeettiecdtedinfdtmittgtilittfearattebffskeitiftiqe'adritilgral _ 4tetkitgittkiffAtecithaltie;tiliedigedfdrtetIblid Nifref - th-ggp_tmitictand• - Zonfimiledrrirnistfoa-ancRatr5Cdriimistidn5inFithe.F.UsUaRrnatidertf:tioVielierj kotirrietitatidrridentiyntgloropOtici-WafVerstfroirrttietaild'ETe-Verdp-mentiCcid4 shalraftq.kproyfded-Wnenapplicapfe] 01 i!i.tnst7titerratstiltdiVitiort plartfor..P.UDVar4:111e7.-plartWrifctranternage".t'arate Which;IC fhtdrisisteigArittith-g.t.inderkn'gWrairdittnedakicifilt PSibliCFrea-ii4betp-teltip'Pferitiffig:ancf 4drilW,Corrl-rhittforfan:cfcittLqp-tnittlWod for review.and consideration for a pprovaronly after the OfiCand!CitirAttorneynave determined thatsuch use is compatibleWittiturroUridinZdeVelOpmentendithpoieeS nairrwectAonaCityinkas_tnicture,greater.tpan..thelgenerated,byrottietitegnOrrnalili permitted'in the uncierlyiel.zonfriggs.tri G 6tftekerece-fefettitiene4-NeighteFlieeef32 'Traditional Ncghborhood"i3 a tc:Tri tned-to-dC3CFitte mixed 1.13C developments dc3igncd to roemble and offer the benefita of ievclopment from on earlier time. Typically, 3uch aeveepaient-eeniteel-ef-e-gfiel-stFeet--p. ettem7saielleF-resideatial-lets-ana-liiglier-Fesidentiet dcnsitica, -:XTIMCrCiel and 3crvicc ..13C13 Wit194,1 dO3C proximity to fC31CfC fiCC3, ample pedeothan circulation and a prccce: for pedeetrian, rather than vehicular mobility. Wl.ier-e-t.4e-Gity—Gert,Faraetert- s, tealis4es-a- eetel-Gver-ery 'ist:Fiet-te-feelitate develeieffieftt-ef-a-tr-editiefiel-aeitti.reeilsteee7it-alieR-inelttele-speeicie-atantleFee-appliesele-te Adopted July 21, 1992 1 8087 ARTICLE IV (-1-) Th„a..et eens;,t of a"grtd-,r;t..,.rl n.n. the,e a. , cpporR.n�t<o to 6'uvePitt-, c..e pcflic ef-the dc.dopnR�t-Io ar,,,Wc,. Goo-drae and dead end..treLts,h..il b._ !L,.,;t..d te!Ks, ,;la,Ae,e .,her.. „e..e.�s..ry to N,e„t ,e.A..IIy x,r.,,t/e area,e, ...4.,aled by 8n.an,.nyt.,,,C,t of..Jj,,: ,.,^J 'fat Lat..izsshall b, feeeeed end net re..:denBel d..,s,t ee ..h„II Le:�e�....,,.J v ism m.,9IG f-n:W:,, th,. d,./elopment ( 111 ,trcc -er.S elude sid......lk..ea b.,th .,;d..,. ,'\dditi„nel pede,tnan ways .,hall ,.,,L,.H-L,, br.,k..,, districted..e..e te prevent U... and I„aJ6,y to f5t Giffieut earn.,,..,e;el e.e83 end eth,., ,e..:..e-a„d .,n,pktr,,,,.,t f CL.nderde fur A..6.;tr C.,,,t.,,., fur„L,t..,L..l 1,..,1„r„„nt of F,iyh.k.,,,;ty �..,iJ....t.,F,.,,,.,, as well na :end into, :,eluding rcaidcnfiol ucee; ae..eae`rum off of..r..aa te :,,,p,e.e :h..ev..rstl __.ner„r-a.... .,,,r.,R„nai,... e.tl9, th.. City. When. A, City Cpe,.;al we.S.f-B;.,B n,: L faditat. U.,. atnndarda .....E.. . „t wit],,,r dam. J;,t;.,t. 8,.i, ,t.a J,.r d.,�,�er 11 L�,. but fetfewiterft fH ng e -- e en &epme - e - arfanyel„e.,t ef daea .;thin-H+e aCUtiity ee„t.,r. itch a.r,.ng..,,,e„t,....r f,„.»t Uh.. ..f-st, ecati_r w:U,;„ ..p;rn ,pe,.fie u3..a (aueh-e, reL.il eem„,ere;el) n,..r Le p,.m „ed, a..J ,ta,.,h.rJ, t.. .. ,,.y„ ,,,iced us.. U...r,c rcgeia.te far,,..,,, Seel. ieti..na e . th.. .e..ati.,n ef ru-s t., parcels ..:U,L, th.. ,...t...y J nr,t. erplL.edl., ith6, the _enter. Euen--Ih„itat.ms„sy-prehib.t �......n fr.,rn...cL n..l ,tr..eL v.hcr,. ad,.p,.at, internal ae..ess a provided. Adopted July 21, 1992 18088 ARTICLE IV W Requirements 5ut:,d,.,nel evcu!ntL,,,L.. ,,,.,.;,1,.J .,tl,.., the area. f+Y management syoterna, transit facilities, etc., be provided. (a') § 4-7 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Transfer of development right is intended as one method of implementing the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan by permitting the transfer of development rights from one location to another where the associated development can be mare appropriately accommodated. The transfening, or sending, location — is designated as RSL(Residential Sending Land). The receiving location is designated as RRL(Residential Receiving Land). At the same time that the development rights are transferred from property, a development - limitation is placed on the receiving property to control the nature and extend of its subsequent use and development, and the sending property will normally be rezoned to reflect the absence of the rights transferred. A. Residential Sending Land The RSL is land from which development rights may be transferred as provided herein. However, the transfer shall not be granted unless such is consistent with and serves to implement the Comprehensive Plan and the land involved constitutes: (1) A platted subdivision which due to the size of the lots, the lack of paved streets or drainage, or other deficiencies fails substantially to conform to the requirements of the Land Development Regulations in fcrce at this time; (2) An environmentally sensitive area: (3) An area which should be retained in agncultural, open space, or other conservation uses; (4) A parcel which contains historical or archaeological significance, or, (5) A parcel which is necessary for governmental purposes. B. Establishment of Receiving Land The RRL is a receiving land for the transfer of development rights. RRL land may be used as permitted by the underlying zoning at a density which combines that permitted by the under-tying zoning and that allowed by any development dgnts transferred to the land. The transfer shall not be approved where such would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Further, it is not intended that by designating land as RRL that rezoning to higher density is appropriate for the land generally or its immediate environs. C. Circumstances Under Which Transfer of Development Rights May Be Allowed (1) In reviewing any request for transfer of development rights, the City Commission shall take into account the following: (a) The unique limitations and conditions characterizing and affecting the property from which and to which the development rights are proposed to be transferred. Such unique limitations and conditions may include, but are not limited to, characteristics of the property such as lot size, location, Adopted July 21, 1992 18089 EXrfaLT 'C" Re sed AOn1 4, 1997(1O:44aml per RBWat ARTICLE V § 5-2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES Upon submittal of any Annexation. Zoning/Rezoning, or Comprehensive Plan Amendment petition, or any other plan related application, the Planning Department shall ensure that the required flat fee is paid in full in accordance with the rates established by the City Commission of Ocoee. § 53 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS A. Zoning Districts For the purposes of this Article, the following zoning distracts are hereby established for use within the City of Ocoee: Agricultural Districts: A-1 General Agriculture A-2 Suburban Residential Districts: RCE-1 Rural Country Estates RCE-2 Rural Country Estates R-1 - Single Family Dwelling R-1A Single Family Dwelling R-1AA Single Family Dwelling R-IAAA Single Family Dwelling R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling R-3 Multi Family Dwelling RT-1 Mobile Home Subdivision Commercial Districts: PS Professional Offices and Services C-1 Neighborhood Shopping C-2 Community Commercil C-3 General Commercial Industrial Districts: I-1 Light Manufacturing and Warehousing I-2 Heavy Industrial • Planned Unit Development(PUD) District Cp�_:al CvCday D;.A,;ot ))).Lmty B. District Descriptions Following is a description of each district (1) A-1 General Agricultural District This district is intended to provide areas primarily for agrcultural uses. It is the purpose of this district to protect such uses from unplanned urbanization so long as the land therein is devoted primarily to agricultural uses. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential". As the most restrictive district in the City, this district is also appropriate for areas designated on the Future Land Use Map as 'Water', "Conservation", and "Recreation". Where appropriate to the situation, this district may also be appropriate for Adopted July 21, 1992 18101 c.cwontELNOOEvc0119971.0cu14r5sou.wpo Revised Apes. 1997(104 an)per ROW n ARTICLE V areas designated as"Institutional/Government'. Where the Official Zoning Map is unclear as to the zoning district applicable to a parcel of land, or where land is newly annexed, the provisions of this distnct shall govern pending the determination of an appropriate district through the rezoning procedure. (2) A-2 Suburban District This district is intended to provide a location for the land situated on the fringe of the urban area that is used for agricultural purposes, but will be undergoing urbanization in the near future. Many tracts in this district will be in close proximity to residential and commercial uses. Therefore, the agricultural activities conducted in this district should not be detrimental to urban land uses. It is not intended that this district provide a location for a lower standard of residential, commercial or industrial development than is authorized in other districts. The types of uses, required area and intensity of use of land which is permitted in this district is designed to encourage and protect agricultural uses so long as the land therein is devoted primarily to agriculture. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Low Density Residential". • (3) RCE-1 and RCE-2 Rural Country Estates Districts. These districts are intended to provide a location for the land situated on the fringe of the urban area that is used primanly for residential purposes, but will allow secondary agricultural uses. Many tracts in these districts will be in close proximity to higher density residential and commercial uses. Therefore,the agricultural activities conducted in these districts should not be detrimental to urban land uses. It is intended that these distracts provide a location for a lower density of residential development than is authorized - in other districts. The types of uses, required area and intensity of use of land which are permitted in these districts are designed to allow agricultural uses so long as the land therein is devoted primarily to single family residences. These districts are primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential". (4) R-1-A and R-1 Single-Family Dwelling Districts. The areas included in R-1-A and R-1 Single-family Dwelling Districts are of the same general character as R-1-AAA and R-1-AA, but with smaller minimum lots and yards, and a corresponding increase in population density. This distnct is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Low Density Residential". (5) R-1-AA and R-1-AAA Single Family Dwelling Districts. The areas included within R-1-AA and R-1-AAA, Single-family Dwelling Distncts are intended to be single- family residential areas with larger lots and lower population densities. Certain structures and uses required to serve educational, religious, utilities and noncommercial recreational needs of such areas are permitted. This distnct is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential". (6) R-2 One-Family and Two-Family Dwelling District. This district is composed of certain limited areas where it is desirable, because of an established trend, to recognize a more intensive form of residential use than in the single-family districts. Provision is made for the erection of duplex dwelling structures. This district is primarily intended for areas snown an the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential" or"Medium Density Residential". (7) R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling District The area included in the R-3, Multiple- family Dwelling Distnct is residential in character with residential uses at higher population densities. Due to higher than average concentrations of persons and vehicles, these districts are situated where they are well serviced by public and commercial services and have convenient access to thoroughfares and collector streets. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Medium Density Residential"or"High Density Residential". (8) RT-1 Mobile Home Subdivision District This district is composed of certain lands where it is desirable to attain a low to medium density residential area consisting of mobile homes on single lots under individual ownership. This district is primarily intended for areas shown an the Future Land Use Map as"Low Density Residential" or"Medium Density Residential". Adopted July 21, 1992 18102 c'waned+oaevcotrwrtocAxrasoAM.wpo Revues TMM 4.1997 i10.44eep per RBW n ARTICLE V (9) PS Professional Offices and Services District The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area adjacent to major streets and convenient and complementary to major commercial uses. The types of uses permitted and other restrictions are intended to provide an amenable environment for the development of professional office and business services. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "High Density Residential" or "Professional Service". (10) C-I Neighborhood Shopping District This commercial district is for the conduct of retail trade and personal service enterprises to meet the regular needs and for the convenience of the people of adjacent residential areas. Because these shops and stores may be an integral part of the neighborhood, closely associated with residential, religious, recreational and educational uses, more restrictive requirements for light, air, and open space are made than are provided in other commercial districts. This district is primanly intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Commercial". (11) C-2 Community Commercial District This commercial district is intended for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail business of the community. Persons living in the community and in the surrounding trade territory require direct and frequent access. Traffic generated by the uses will be primarily passenger vehicles and only those trucks and commercial vehicles required for stocking and delivery of retail goods. This district is primanly intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Commercial". (12) C3 General Commercial District This district is composed of certain land and structures used to provide for the retailing of commodities and the furnishing of several major services, selected trade shops and automotive repairs. Charactenstically, this type of district occupies an area larger than that of other commercial districts, is intended to serve a considerably greater population and offers a wider range of services. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Commercial". (13) I-1 Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing District This district is intended primanly for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing that are conducted so the noise, odor, dust and glare of each operation is completely confined within an enclosed building. These industries may require direct access to rail, air or street transportation facilities; however, the size and volume of the raw materials and finished products involved should not prcauce the volume of freight generated by the uses of the general industrial districts. Buildings in this district should be architecturally attractive and surrounded by landscaped yards. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Light Industrial". (14) 1-2 General Industrial District This district is primanly intended for wholesale, storage,warehousing, manufacturing, assembling and faorication. These uses do not depend primarily on frequent personal visits of customers or clients, but usually require good accessibility to major rail, air or street transportation facilities. This district is unmanly intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Heavy Industrial". (15) PUD Planned Unit Development District. The following typesafuses shall tL.. arsultablkyaktrpIRRanned Unit Development District if designated in an approved Development Plan: (a) Planned residential communities: complementary and compatible commercial and industrial uses may be included if they are harmoniously designed into the total residential community within a Planned Unit Development District (b) Planned commercial centers: complementary and compatible residential and industrial uses may be included if they are property designed into the total commercial center within a Planned Unit Development District. (h,cl„d s Activity Dail., D,.',ei.,pme,rt) Adopted July 21, 1992 18103 c.cnaoFtlEINCCEVConssnoCsRrzsOM.wvo Revised,.pnl4.1957(10:44am)per RBW x1 ARTICLE V (c) Planned industrial parks: complementary and compatible residential and commercial uses may be included if properly related to the total industrial park within a Planned Unit Development District. Mix •f-4iji3' li; _D.zlie •• 912 ' Ca ' mil•,c;• n. . o .use- Co `•t -• � .� • t • � -. • �� �•tt rw{���r�� 1• ••T it �,• r�. t•• • - s i• . r •.• •IUlf�.]t 1 a •-• 1 l 7•tal r, {c}(e] Public, or quasi-public facilities: uses complementary and compatible with planned residential, commercial, or industrial developments, including sewer and water utility plants may be included within a Planned Unit Development District. { t� {-Traditional Neighborhood Develo men. 9 development of living environments not possible with the strict application of minimum requirements of the City's other zoning regulations- w Ic t Ilz #zad o giBM ZZA (1G} (Moved to 5-3.1) {'.;} This .atrct is intcndc r alternative tt fc rr113, ti rb j which ofca3, r , . . complement of d 3CFIC rc3icent 8t :13C9; C`? (S} Allow a ""{iiage Center'' whrie:-r is sattcrre' aftcr the hurrah 3csic, tt} d which :3 3ccompf ahcS by a 3trc3;-NQtl and �:T8f9C :n ;and .l3C` (-?,9} (Moved to 5-3.1) C. Application of District Regulations (1) Application of Regulation to Uses of a more Restricted District Whenever the specific district regulations pertaining to one district permit the uses of a more restricted district, such uses shall be subject to the conditions set forth in the regulations of the more restricted district, unless otherwise specified. Adopted July 21, 1992 18104 C:',GPORLEu.NDDEVCD\1997LDCWRT5S0A4.WPD L.titi.Dsi wD Revised Apnl 4,1997(1 a44am)per Raw st ARTICLE V (2) Specific District Regulations. Within each district, regulations herein set forth shall be minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of building or land. (46 5-3.1 SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT AREA _ rea Special Overlay Districts A-rraj6d are created by the City of Ocoee to facilitate unique development activities • v+nfti rc ange;ItDpa_c as Strownt'o n eve opmeFArea anc A'Eftvt'�i;(,en{er� where there is need for coordination between different land owners in the development of high density, mixedil art M use projects; and development of areas involving.special issues of infrastructure, environmental protection, employment activities, protection of historic resources, or other public issues deemed by the City Commission to be appropriate for special treatment El gal It is the intent of the City that the designation of a Special Overlay BistrieeR shall put landowners, developers, and the general public on notice that special opportunities exist for the development of the area and, concurrently, that special provisions or limitations may be placed on projects within the area; identify specific standards to be followed in the development of the area which standards shall supersede conflicting general standards of this Code b` s tat :no n�"eonstsa""fent�witatfi preFt�n'sty erarl'; and encourage, but not require, the use of the PUD district and the designation of area wide DRI's, where appropriate, to facilitate the achievement of specific development objectives of the City. Procedures to establish these districts are found in Section 4-6 of Article IV of this Code. Cs T pes of S c arC ei�av-Areag C11 note ang fmpac Areas Infecc"hange tmpacteAreas include=those=secforsof thedit}Z.Wh—e--ttie Vllesterri Be ��'"'itte' l major�Citya dwa`�"n`a tkgtijle Cro ssRoad=S' Ort to Roa an' s1Fa ck5 Thes�are ma} ncipcl ,y ixhio Fetaiggene Collin alri fixIstna lia�the`iievel'ip uetptrattt ese�a2a n ttios glom ttia d" st is bl 'de kiopin€r1`ftil alWe b-P-06-1TM Tho EPr netttatpromotetfieMidi of iron a arte'rs;commercW`office arid'indflstiiaiYparks=shall tiecoiisidered.fii'stand'focemostrDevelopmeii hat will not bd'permitted.-ta•occur.im mass quantity include,:but.are not limited`tb;:strip co mnierciacenterand,high,traffic-generators i,e:*xconvenience-istores,:,gas stations,,andifastifoocrestaurant-,To1ensur efficierittraffi flo*.Puri:rails.shall 11-k r i a#lzeeratea Tfe specif"ioounda'iies ofeacti'fofe'rctia`rige fmpact;M'ea.v+nlE"be d'eferm neate time eacfroveiiay area is formally adopted by ordinance.and:shall'generallya include alt.landwithirra one-uartermile radius:of..the:interchange area'If anyport oitoota parcel lies wittiirr:theradrus=of the area tfie parcel majIbeiincacpocated wittii e Interchange:ElevelopmentElann Downown Redevelop Mentarea Th'e:cil 157ec veeiFa$f rl t7iwrr�owrv€R EpmentrAreapasrdelrii a piFiffia Cori tpiiehensn"c Efa fs:t�attrai reimiestmeiifrir fh iia ntowiilaiea°of a.. TWO-4W feaa6le Ian-Tdevelopment Ndatronsand'cod"estinnovat7ve esrgn rsuc. as or�stree Qariangti pedesfianrwaysl ands'maeci�'tisaeSceriarios.wrlEb&preomoted Deffiiitilf*alicastartionEcith4 incentives mays' offe eae'C eroper%l=r attfT pownfowr "evelo men flair tenet tlhe City-byinbTasin he tazbase� enegf.s" esrdentgiadude atzeasedtpropeitiialue tmunigue visuataiiiirbedestrfa� Adopted July 21, 1992 18105 C:1CAPDFlLELNDDEVCD\19971.13C\ARTSSOA4.wPo Revised Apnl 4, 1997(10:44am)per REM 31 - ARTICLE V experience oppertalies fo liv d.w MnI same common . . viabiligirci hose wfiiaown p ppecty.wlthrftthe_alga Vp_csed ie�ve7opgentsclnr�'e rsfi'o�if ritr•- ' uz_I •r->:i:._r: :�t:1r.... 754 gualitji 2edestnanareaslaiix J use inct n.'- ietai-_•aeit era „COMM' ;- s5 a a et, o" 1 e to se a..`pro,gs ono o' «--.�I;... - ;. itfiii th eve o rnen •edestri- • _tc_ • 6} `gt�f�dln tti an se ac �o'f b�i�'iI"dtn s an•• s '. •:i<�. , i'. ..t! Build igsis-op a.close�s Veit ee a di a} in •ei.re ra a -s , !'l se- or the.firsifI6or Sidewalks sloufc inckitt Penchi rtatijattdsca�pfl. . <<1 -- design+should•`prnvid a„ e1'pia a cto aia e<aesthe6caJlla egg -LIME 18 al Activity Centers Activity Centers are those areas -- o("�cafe t tFe"inter`s:41 ,o `ma giFa wa} . The Activity Centers identified by ` the City include the intersection) of Clark4 Road and Silver Star Road, and the intersection-of Clarke Road and SR 50 t e are-�#_ r„ - -- S� Th-O eccifir'"boundanetbteackAc ytt}GCenfegivil a rmm rttetea oveiiafins ado b cdraan_ borin a •#,. ' 'Comore- ia-diTe4o7e-Ired''.. 1 aco ua mif s th cur' -n nlets ecba o ar�""sfihd s� o - ar#o 1. Li' erislatr t s 'nitlthosel rid" are.=toibeidetermihect basedquporna logics iptferrsq€'developmen 5.ag2argo_d whictabl,iidUerate el-taimfproperttes�di witt�'eacffatrvf1 e iti' Activity Centers will be the major nodes of employment within the Cit r and will-_m y include residential and support commercial land uses. Mixed-atfi_d''muf_t land use and pedestrian as well as transit travel will be emphasized in the design of these Centers. Ccntcre. Flexible setback allowances and increased floor area ratios are two mechanisms that will be considered within the Activity Center Plansi ark-stied d Develeoments:.wil may.' ee processed as PUD'sj_Sltfioug �nd'mdiya �cle�efo merit piopos—thIgm ti iadereguests;fo waivers rf"orktifi-i an a iE7 _ggnet Cocigtegwrements"tfiat a}r•, g. a acoogh "kao yen} tonne- enhaucya.tti__ oa---- �'cJ lS�estabtishettfoi'eachectivriG�Ce`i>td _ - .. . Specifically, these Activity Centers shou1dencouragg residential areas that contain a mix of housing types and densities. Retail, service, and recreational facilities shall also ce integrated within these areas. Non-residential areas snail establish the hub and the focus of the area. Retail and service establishments, including day care centers, government buildings, and cultural centers are allowed within the Centers. Activity Centers should be within walking or bicycling distance to most residents. Sidewalks should be placed on both sides of the roadways and shall be connected to sidewalks within residential developments. All parking areas shall be heavily landscaped and setback allowances maybe given for any parking located behind buildings. D; RlariPieparatiori I'ndnn ua specsa_ eve'oemenfip a�ns�ame r nterc an sDevee o men e Dowritow"rtRedevelopment Pfaci+�an FAO1iit} eent Vansstialki* re_ tfie Citxaticooperatio70itti.fandowneEshaiiihip Petresrsrtuafe with* pedal Overia?Areas,to;ensure;th*. ostffeasible.,use_o. these [arias j era es Plansshall incorporate'design-sta"ndariiswhuciNiit guid'e'deveiopme twrtf act areaas weil•as.graphically.delineat6:th&conceptuaLspatrakandra 'e aaspects peifainmg;tcr:each,SpeciaPQveriay„Rrea 1 sucti'speciardevelbpmennp isst all be addpteiftb ordinancean 'the mist/lions of_th►s�Sectron;5 sfiallnoflaveni or contro dove)opmentiwcttunr<arSpeciaLOveriaysArea�untie ci fimgasa4,spec ial developmenfipla0is adoptect:for suchr Area Adopted July 21, 1992 1 81 06 c:CAPoFILE1NDDEVCo\19971DCARTSSoA4.wPo Revised April 4.1997`10:44am)per RBW s1 ARTICLE V El PlaittCoripojient l frzordi-.- :acin- : l 1�•ua ''•�s icNafs4p • ,• �. m vatIv=7aesig c`oace•A•.. ..4 4•i ... .�� 1., ..��.,•1.a.L.S.li^ �.y.•�n•-si' - . •:::*. I ..Ci -1 1h •IiwEL'.1ri`�xr1.Z:l�i -p• i•=!C.ti•C •04- M� I�%�e16 l!-I APT: Thea�c ajgement,ptrses arlcfist�tictpreq esign acencaurag coxp_a mixed-and"mul*ps development Within rza_steapla ind g� tom IlIl1e tg. The provision: of ra ua ns o s sere • eve o en. iricI di stiffcaen tgh `o wa s "tre soon s a es crop a IntemaCcarcula�on ca Imprcivem r� i oil' e tra L'1e aLLL s 4g a ignal 'o 3j Tlie:p nvts�ar o-s_aLg:_ttsr',M1 �: ::p- ' ng;`sani.. ,s s1 e• e •to .aucsta.1 ��. �_f•4ii�.f=•�•.1�d!1,'1 -n•tl _yti -i'!fJl.[•-l+.t! t! P.V4PAv1sio o p gra a scapiq 'pa n a> t ilitte ;e esfiajr er1'tie arL_ sgg g 1; a a .std.-• % g amen 51 Th rleserva�orro na ra amp .6.tsrte•nctuain•_tree 'ovate •..fie wetra>~t idl a i -.•.c space § 5-4 OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF ZONING DISTRICTS The following requirements are intended to provide exceptions to or to qualify and supplement, as the case may be, the specific distract regulations set forth in Article V: A. An open space or lot area required for an existing building or structure shall not be counted as open space fcr any other building or structure. B. Open eaves, cornices, window sills and belt courses may project into any required yard a distance not to exceed two (2) feet Open porches or open fire escapes may project into a front or rear yard a distance not to exceed five (5) feet Fences, walls and hedges in residential districts may be erected in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard. provided that street corner visibility requirements of this Code shall be met, and provided further that no fence, wail or hedge located in front of the front building line shall exceed four (4) feet in height, and no other wail or fence shall exceed six (6) feet in height C. Where the dedicated street right-of-way s ,ess than fifty(50) feet the depth of the front yard shall be measured starting at a point twenty-five (25) feet from the edge of right-of-way. D. No dwelling shall be erected on a lot which does not abut at least one street, which is at least forty (40) feet in width, fcr at 'east twenty (20) feet. The street shall form the direct and primary means of ngress and egress for all dwelling units. Alleys, where they exist, shall form cniy a secondary means of ingress and egress. E. The owner of any lot of record existing at the time of the adoption of this Code that does not meet the above criteria may apply to the Board of Adjustment for a variance for the construction of a single-family home. The Board of Adjustment shall make a recommendation and the City Commission shall determine that there is reasonable access to the property, and that this action will create no adverse impact on adjacent properties, before a variance is granted. F. Accessory buildings which are not a part of the main building may be built in the rear yard, but shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the rear yard. G. On any corner lot, the applicable front yard setback shail apply to both street frontages. H. Cn any corner lot on which a front and side yard is required, no wail, fence, sign, structure • or any plant growth which obstructs sight lines at elevations between two (2) feet, six (6) Adopted July 21, 1992 18107 c: APoF1L&NDDEVco\19971DcART5soaa.wPo EMI I BIT "E" TABLE 5-2 • MINIMUM ZONING DESCRIPTIONS ON PERMITTED USES MINIMUM ZONING DESCRIPTIONS MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM FRONT SIDE REAR BUILDING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM LOT SIZE BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING MINIMUM 6ITE IMPERVIOUS BUILDING LIVING USEI ACTIVITY SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK LOT WIDTH COVERAGE SURFACE HEIGHT AREA AGRICULTURAL USES A-1,Agricultural 1 ACRE 35 FT 15 FT 50 FT 150 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1.000 SF A-2,Suburban %ACRE 35 FT 15 FT 40 FT 125 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1 000 SF RESIDENTIAL USES RCE-1 %ACRE 35 FT 15 FT 40 FT 150 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1,800 SF RCE-2 1 ACRE 35 FT 15 FT 40 FT 125 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 2,000 SF fl-1,Single Fanuly 7,000 SF 25 FT 7.5 FT 25 FT 70 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1,000 SF R-1A,Single Family 8,000 SF 25 F I 7.5 FT 25 FT 70 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1,200 SF R-1AA,Single Family 9000 SF 25F F 7.5 FT 30 FT 75 FT 35% 50% 35 FT 1,400 SF R-1AAA,Single Family 10,000 SF 30 FT 7.5 FT 35 FT 85 FT 35% 50% 35 FT 1.600 SF R-2,Single Faintly 7,000 SF 25 F F 6 FT 25 FT 70 FT 40% 50% 35 FT 1,000 SF R-2,Two Family Dwelling 7,500 SF 25 F F 6 FT 25 FT 75 FT 55% 70% 35 FT 650 SF R-3,Single Family 7,000 SF 25 FT 7.5 FT 25 FT 70 FT 35% 70% 35 FT 1,000 SF 650 SF PER R-3,Duplexes 7,500 SF 25 FT 7.5 FT 25 FT 75 FT 40% 86%7Q% 35 FT UNIT 650 SF PER UNIT+200 SF EACH BEDROOM R-3,Three/Four Family 10,000 SF 25 FT 10 FT 30 F I 85 FT 40% ee%ZQ°/4 35 FT OVER TWO 10,000 SF +4 000 SF 650 SF PER PER/DU IN UNIT+200 SF EACH EXCESS OF BEDROOM R-3,5 or More Family 4/2 25 FT 10 FT 30 FT 85 FT 40% &46 (1-2 Stories} ZQ°b 35 FT OVER TWO 10,000 SF 650 SF PER +2.500 SF PER/DU IN UIJIT+200 SF EACH R-3,5 or More Family Dwelling EXCESS OF - BEDROOM (3 or more stories) 4/3 35 FT 10 FT 40 FT 85 FT 30% 8O%ZQ 35 FT(2) OVER TWO TABLE 5-2 MINIMUM ZONING DESCRIPTIONS ON PERMITTED USES MINIMUM ZONING DESCRIPTIONS MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM FRONT SIDE REAR BUILDING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM LOT SIZE BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING MINIMUM SFTE IMPERVIOUS BUILDING LIVING USE/ACTIVITY SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK _LOT WIDTH 4 COVERAGE SURFACES HEIGHT _ AREA RT-1,Mobile Home Subdivision District (Min. 10 Ac) 7000 SF 20 FT 7.5 FT 20 FT - 40% 50% 35 FT COMMERCIAL USES PS,Professional Offices 10,000 SF 25 FT 10 FT 25 FT 100 FT 66%g:{ 66%7Q4 35 FT &Services DisIrlct C-1 -14 000 SF 25 FT 25 FT when 30 FT - SO%3O% 60%70% 35 FT required C-1,Single Family - 25 FT 6 FT 25 FT - 605C912$ 6O%$g% 45 FT C-2 - 25 F r 10 FT 20 F I' - 66963N 60%2S% 45 FT C-3 - 25 FT 10 FT 20 FT - 6e%30% e6%70% 45 FT INDUSTRIAL USES I-I - 35 F F '610/20 10 FT - 34% ee%74% 45 FT 1-2 - 35 FT "10/20 10 F r - 60% 86%70% 45 FT fiPE61Ah-APPLISATION BIBTRIGT6 POD,PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (See Article IV) •Retell shores end shops and personal service establishments which do not exceed fourteen thousand(14,000)square feel of gross floor area end which supply the regular and customary needs of the residents of the neighborhood and which are primarily for their wnveoience. • "Side yards. No building or open storage shall be located closer than len(10)feet to one site lot lino and twenty(20)feet to the other side lot line unless a special exception Is granted by the City Commission. C:CAPDFILE\LNDDEVC1 1997LDQ2RVTBI.5-W PD