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VI (B) Discussion/ Action re: Award Contract to Priority One for Fire Stations 3 & 4
Agenda 5-20-97 Item VI B OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT 125 N BLUFORD AVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2216 Ron Strosnider Business-656-7796 Fire Chief Emergency-911 MEMORANDUM TO: THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Ron Strosnider, Fire Chief?/ DATE: May 14, 1997 RE: AWARDING OF CONTRACT TO PRIORITY ONE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATIONS THREE AND FOUR FOR THE SUM OF ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY- NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS. At the Ocoee City Commission Meeting of, November 5, 1996, the Commission approved work order number two with Gee & Jenson for a Professional Design Services Agreement to produce Fire Station 3 (Maguire Rd. Site ) & Fire Station 4 ( Clark Rd. Site ). The work order included Civil,Traffic Engineering, Landscape, Irrigation, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, and Fire Protection. On, March 4, 1997, a complete set of drawings was submitted to the Building Department and myself for review and comments. All comments and corrections having been addressed the plans and specifications were advertised for bid on March 9, 1997. A total of seventeen proposals were received, ranging from the high bid of$2,410,000 to the low bid of$1,459,000. Priority One Construction Inc. was the low bidder, Gee & Jenson and City Staff completed a check of their work record and found it to be more then satisfactory. Staff respectfully recommends the approval of the contract with Priority One Construction Ink., for the sum of$1,459,000 to construct Fire Stations 3 &4. R S/tb.stafrep station contra ct ATTACHMENTS ACr' rl t f7f 7 T H E AMERICAN INSTITUTE O F ARCHITECTS 0 ALA Document A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The 1987 Milton of NA Document A201. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. is adopted in Ibis document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless thtr document it modified. This document ha been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. AGREEMENT made as of the day of in the year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven BETWEEN the Owner: city of Ocoee (vame and eiddren) ISO N . Lakeshore Drive Ocoee , FL 34761 -2258 and the Contractor: Priority I Construction of 0revard , Inc . Drams andaddrnn) 1707 S . Washington Avenue Titusville , FL 32780 The Project is: City or Ocoee (Name and location) Fire Station No . 3A Fire Station No . 4 The Architect Is: Mee h Jenson (Nome andaddren) 2701 Maitland Center Parkway Suite I 5 0 Maitland , FL 32751 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. Copt right 1915. 1918. 1925. 1957, 1951. 1958. 1961. 1965. 1967. 1971. 19 man t 1987 by The Amet Institute of Archi- tects. 1 55 New York Avenue.a.5v..mmhington.O.C.�0006. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of l0 provisions without written permission of the MA violates the copyright lens of the United Suites and will be sublect to legal prmeentlon. MA OOcUM!M AIel • OWNFA COMPACTOR AO*EL, LqT • TI<MLrlll !NOON • ALA. • Pt9ef Olt AMIRIC.5NMTITVKOf A11CIIITECT1.l-51 NtW YORR AVr.:'6t Yen_TA5111NOTON.o C.79006 A101-1987 1 ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract IGenenl,Supplementary and other Conditioml. ' Drawings. Specification, Addenda blued prior to execution of this Agreement. other document, listed In This Agreement and Modifications Issued after execution of this Agreement:these form the Contract,and area fully a pan of the Contract Is If attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and Integrated agreement between the yanks hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements,either written or oral..An enumeration of the Contract Document,. other than Modifications,appears In .Uticle 9. ARTICLE 2 • THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire work described In the Contact Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated In the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or IS follows; N/A ARTICLE 7 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND 9U99TANTIAL COMPLETION S 1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 Is measured.and shall be the dare of this Agreement.as first written above,unless a different date b toted below or provision is made for the date to be fired In a notice to proceed Issued by the Owner. - Chart tot den M rnm.orra,car. if o dry/m Tram Tar dare M nes Aa•.n.m or. If applicable.met.aloe IW time arts br find In a noire.to proceed) Notice to proceed shall be dated permit issuance date Unless the date of commencement Is esnblbhed by a notice ro proceed Issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner In writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely fling pt mortgages,meChanIC's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contactor shah achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than (aura tar narnderdarea.nembn ofcnrnder den yl.r rIa der.i�r�on . . lO ne per o l,utnt r .tmnnynr tarns m Subtanar Compnrlon rfm. ern portions rayon won if net nand rltl*Aerx In tat Contract OrcommM ,..car ) 161 days from the Notice to Proceed , suhlect to adiaatmens of this Contract Time as provided In the Contract Documents. n,n.n Pr".rrronr, gen..Tor np,metre demean mtnmng m/m.m so co••pleu on um..l See Addendum III "Liquidated Damacics" MA AOCOMt T A111 • OWN!ACONTRACToa AOt!!M!NT • Tmatrtll POITION • Au• • t1937 IIIIAMCIIICANNffITUTI OI ARCHITECTS.I'atNlm YOnx MINCE.vs,mAa111NO TON.0 C.20006 A101.1987 2 ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contactor In current funds for the Contractors performance of the Contra the Contact Sum of One Million Four Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Dollars (s I , 459 , 000 . 00 ). subject to additions and deductions a provided In the Con. tract Documents. 4.2 The Contact Sum Is based upon the following alternates. If any, which re described hi the Context Doamrenis and ire hereby accepted by the Owner men IM ninotherp.or Giber Ider•lyhnlna Isrrrpls elornnp. /f JnnlON on caber ntlrrnnlrr err to be made 1/•'lb (Jrmr IUMqurnl to Itr Garwmn.y IMa.rgnwnen,tllab a nbNNI t+r ma nerr Nnrneln,bawds Um emotion for each one the thus unit!Ytlft that amount It rend) • 4.3 Unit prka. 0 any,are a, follows: Site - Alternate unit prices as per Bid Documents • AlA oocuMtttt Alit • OWNER CONTRACTOR AGRILMENT • TORt1M EDITION • AIM • t 1917 TIItAMEgCANINRDD;ttor ARCHITECTS.It 3NEW VORK AVENCL vm.wb111NGTOM.o r.!tarS A101.1991 3 ARTICLES PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon.application,for Pevment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment bsued br the Architect. the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below:and elsewhere In the Contract Document,. 5.2 The period covered by each,Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month,or as follows: Calendar month shall end on the 25th of each month 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment Is received by the Architect riot later than the 2 5 t h day of a month,the Owner shaft make payment to the Contractor not later than the I 0 t h day of the fal lows ngmonth, If an Application for Payment Is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than 15 days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon(he Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and be prepared in such fonts and supported by such data to substantiate Its accuracy as the Architect may require. Thts Schedule. unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shad indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by me Application for Payment. 5.5 SuhNeet to the provisions of the Contract Documents, rite amount of each empress payment shot'be computed as follows: 5.5.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percenmge completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the tool Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, lent retalnage of t en ( I 0 ) percent ( I 0 %I. Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of change in the Work,amounts not In dispute mar be included as provided in Subparagraph T3.7 of the General Condition,even though the Contract Sum has not vet been adjusted by Change Order: 5,5.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent Incorpontlon In the completed construction(or.If approved in advance by the Owner.suitably stored off die site it a location agreed upon In writing).less reolnage of percent I %1: 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payment, made by the Owner: and 5.5,4 .Subtract amounts. If any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided hi Pan. graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The r p egtrn payment amount determined in accoldvtce with Paragraph 5.6 shall be Portlier modified under the following cira)mstanm: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to Increase the total payments to percent( Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for Incomplete Work and unsettled claims: and %)ofthe Contract 5.7.2 Add, If Mal completion of the Work Is thereafter materially deleted through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable In accordance with Subparagraph 9.103 of the General Conditions. 5.$ Reduction or limitation of retainage, If any, shall be as follows: ' at is b Inrrn*d,prat•re IN/nrnorml Co.•phr:on of the more Wo.$ to*whose or bmn she•.rmmogl.rtomTg/,n she q` Inserted n•J p' b s.a.s and 1..6!abort and shot II wo•..ptnn.d.rr.nhnv m ter arnrnnr m.animm. ,car. h...p on.fr. n tals.crmn or mnua,�. At 50% completion the retainage shall be reduced to 5% . MA OONMlfT Mel • G4'NtACONTnACTOt AGREEMENT • TWGt1IT14 tOTTION • AIAt • t19s7 ill!,UIEM[As IN31'111at OP Atr11111CTg,I MINE?iegll A i!Nt[V4.41aMTNGTON e r Y..q A101-1957 4 ARTICLE 9 kINAL PAYMENT final payment.constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contntt Sum,shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when)t l the Contract t for the Work as provided Ias n Subparagraph 1+n (Idly per the Contractor formed the Gr eral Conditions and to satbhtoff otheresponsibility requirements,If any.wht chneces v Ig survive final payment:and(2)a Mal Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect;such Mal payment shall be made by the(Amer not more than SI)tbvg Ntt the Stance of die Architect', final Certificate for Pa menu or as follows: ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where reference Is made In this Agreement to provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document,the ref- erence refers to that provident as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments doe and unpaid under the Contract shall hear Interest from the dare payment b due at the rate stared below.or In the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project Is looted. (Insert rani el/worm erne/upon, if en*.r (burr laws anerequirements under me remrw rmtbi tending Ar.nmilarnateand Ideal consumer credit lane and weer regulations al Owns s and Can,racer s p nt'psp o..eNuttiest s est'the I attars 9r tee FrTeet and Mayen-nil may Wry;be,alidrn ni this pmetnws.Legal writ OM.uld be obtained o ee mr r ns andalso regarding r.9m mu Inch as Wien d0dotnr ae wait mJ 7.2 Other provisions, ARTICLE A TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION I.1 the Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided In Article 14 of the General Conditions. 0.2 the Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided In Article I4 of the General Conditions. AlA OOC11MlfT A101 •OWNER CO M MCTO. AGOM!MENT• Twelf ill ADD 10N• MA• • C 1907 111E ANEOiGNImriTCTE Or ARCHITECTS.r7JlHEV SOAKAVpq,Nw_WASHINGTON.OC.!mA A101-19117 S ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OP CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Mod;tatloa&sued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated III follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard torn of itteement Betteen Olvnlr Ltd Cannata.AL\Document A101. 199- !dlrlon. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Condltiord of the Contract for Construction.MA Document AI01. 19S%Edltfon. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained In the Project Manual dated . and are as follows: Doctnnent Tide Pages Ocoee Fire Stations 3A A 4 Specifications by Gee & Jenson March 4 , 1997 ( Project 1196043 . 02 ) Ocoee Fire Stations 3A 0 4 Plans by Gee a Jenson 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained In the Prefect Manual dated as In 5ubpangnph 9.1.1 and at D fo0o.a: rene..met Ibe tpryteercem ben or rq r to es teethe seerh,e to tee Aamnter f Seceloo Tide Pages SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" AlA acumen*101 •OFNCC CONTRACTOR.1GCCOIFNT • rearm COITION• AIA• • t ITI: THC AHCAICAN MTITCn OF ARCHITECTS.1739 HEW 1001t Aveyt a g W.to/IIING TON.DC.201706 A191-1997 6 9.1.9 The Drawings are 21 follows, and are dared /FNbn lOr IM Ore LFre nr rif re an nb/bll oneard 1 o ISO A unless]different date 11 shown below: awr..r"r./ Tld! Date SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "D" • 9.1.9 The Addenda,If any,are If follows: Nnmber Df4 1 Pages 3-3 1 -9 7 E 2 A- 10-97 2J Portions or Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated hi thls Ankle 9. AlA OOIWM!MT A101 • OtNFa{ONT(ACTON AGR!EAtNT • TmltfTll Winos• .VA• • 0190) T11F.AMla1CAN1?!TITLTI Or Aff11TlCTa.1751 Ntw Vo*r AV!NUt N w_WAsmno TON,0 C.20004 A101-1991 7 • 9.1.7 Other dorntnente. If any. fonnInA pat of the Contract Document*Ire 1f follower r(m ernany adOtiorwit dxtantn .bleb nn nenteatro/wm eer..mrnrnr o.en,r.nnn ro Met Inntanen to Stettin.mrplj pine Contact n«uractor ro.C.,+.ul conorrw Ctnrye Needingsnw,w, more In Mfrs.te.rwmnt. l y.*Todd In DOS bon only r/tnrraird to and On f'nnr.zro.rre an rorpm,yrMC,nmr:rtkrr,rr.nntake roomettemm Oen q the te.rrmn lbcnmmt. • This Agreement h entered Into as of the day and year lint written above and b executed In at least three original caplet of which one is to be delivered to the Contactor,one to the Architect for me N the adminlarntion of the Contract.and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER CITY OF OCOEE C RACTOR PR TORITY I CONSTRUCTION OF /ISSN^/l,I 9 VhRO INC(AA r r., tNr l��7 ISre.ren� rt.n) See attached signature sheet • GARY C. NETU • VICE-PRESIDENT IMnr<e rem.and MOO Info fed name and nn<l GOCUTrniN THE ASI MISTIMEOf AICNITtGTS.ISS NEW YGl6 AtIM;L�N¢_WASIGIINGTON Pr,Inn$ A101-1997 I City of Ocoee Signature Page APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S . Scott Vaudergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY HY APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMISSION AT A MEETING APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY HELD ON , 1997 Lhis day of - , 1997 . UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney 11 fl\AI I. DATA\WUROILPIPXI\VCSGrG.upIgmhnv EXIIIBIT "A" 1 • INDEX TO PROJECT MANUAL �t kiti61 tik kkH i6 htouiAEH#1 M MM M p��rril 6pNEf�gf'f MANUAL Witli'fNt k Noel EELfiwPc7Yt @6BL N@Sffil I ill E§Art€MttSINd oil ILLEGIBLE'I # ,, T is TNEia Rt9PoNSI ILIty Ttd,REt91l 11 H1a1e'EMENt9 UttdM tit .r i it: AMIlittbih r 4 t tate4,j r lW lht 1.01 ri1,'1i l4i i. �,� Pfl H ;filjn,4It pi a ! " i , b,rt;x+ 4lartoi. p.ra i 7,i»:,r y 44 hnit$ «u<uw�w .,, ti DIVISION 0 BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS COV Cover IND Index to Project Manual ADV Advertisement for Bids INB Instructions to Bidders BIG Bidder's information -Geotechnical A310 Bid Bond PEC Public Entity Crime Information Statement TSA Certificate of Compliance with Florida Trench Safety Act SUB List of Subcontractors nFL Bid Form ' A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor A311 Performance Bond I A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond A201 General Conditions SGC Supplementary Conditions DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01015 General Requirements 01027 Applications for Payment 01045 - Cutting end Patching 01090 Reference Standards 0 t200 Project Meetings 01300 Submittals c 01400 Quality Control 01500 Construction Facililles 6 Temporary Controls 01000 Material and Equipment Sir Substitution Req. Form 01701 Project Closeout 01730 Operation R Maintenance Data 01740 Warranties and Bonds 90-043.02 INDEX-1 EXIIIBIT "A" cont . DIVISION 2 SITEWORK 02110-1 thru 3 Slle Clearing 02200-1 Ihru 6 Earthwork 02282-1 thru 2 Termite Control 02510-1 thru 4 Asphallic Concrete Paving 02520-1 thm 8 Portland Cement Concrete Paving 02688-111rm 4 Domestic Water Systems 02868-1 that 7 Fire Water Systems 02720-1 Ihm 4 Storm Sewerage Systems 02730-1 thru 4 Sanitary Sewerage System 02810-1 thru 18 Irrigation Systems(Maguire Road Site) 02815-1 Ihm 2 Underground Irrigation Sleeves(Maguire Road Site) 02845-1 thru 13 Optically Activated Traffic Signal Control System 02900-11hm 14 Landscaping(Maguire Road Site) 02900-1 thru 14 Landscaping(Clarke Road Site) DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 03100-1 thm 5 Concrete Formwork 03200-1 thru 4 Concrete Reinforcement 03300-1 Ihm 16 Cast-in-Place Concrete DIVISION 4 MASONRY 04100-1 thru 4 Mortar 04150-1 thm 2 Masonry Accessories 04220-1 thru 7 Concrete Unit Masonry 04230-1 thru 3 Reinforced Unit Masonry 04270-1 thru 5 Glass Unit MASonry DIVISION 5 METALS 05500-1 thru 4 Metal Fabrications 05720-1 that 6 Aluminum Gals DIVISION 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS 08100-1 Ihm 8 Rough Carpentry 08192-1 Ihm 4 prefabricated Wood Trusses 06200-1 thru 3 Exterior Finish Carpentry 06400-1 thru 8 Architectural Woodwork DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07210-1 Ihm 3 Insulation 07320-1 thm 5 Roofing Tiles 07460-11hm 2 Vinyl Soffits 07530-1 thm 3 Rubberized Asphatl Sheet Membrane 07620-1 Ihm 4 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07700-1 thm 3 Roof Specialties 8 Accessories 96-043.02 INDEX-2 EXHIBIT "A" cont . 07900-1 thru 12 Joint Seaters DIVISION 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS 081 I2-1 thru 5 Standard Steel Doors and Frames 08114-1 thru 11 Custom Ilollow Metal Work 08211-11hm 5 Flush Wood Doors 08305-1 thru 2 Access Doors 08360-1 thru 5 Sectional Overhead Doors 08410-1 thru 7 Aluminum Entrances& Storefronts 08520-1 thru 6 Aluminum Windows 08710-1 Ihru 19 Finish Hardware 08800-1 thm 8 Glass and Glazing DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09200-1 thru 6 Lath and Piaster 09260-1 thru 8 Gypsum Board Systems 09300-1 Ihruf Tile 09510-1 thru 4 Acoustical Ceiling* 09850-1 thru 5 Resilient flooring 09680-1 thru 5 Carpeting 09725-1 thru 3 Floor Coating at Apparatus Bays 09900-1 thru 11 Painting DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES 10200-1 thru 4 Louvers &Vents 10350-1 thru 3 Flagpoles 10440-1 thru 4 Specialty Signs 10500-1 thru 5 Metal Lockers 10522-1 thru 3 Fire Extinguishers& Cabinets 10700-1 *nu 2 Ilurricane Panel System 10720-1 thru 5 Patio Enclosure 10800-1 thru 3 Toilet and Bath Accessories 10990-1 thru 2 Pull-Down Attic Stair DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT 11452-1 thru 2 Residential Appliances DIVISION 12 FURNISIIINGS 12500-1 thru 6 Window Treatment DIVISION 13 NOT USED NOT APPLICABLE DIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT APPLICABLE 98-043.02 INDEX-3 • EXIIIBIT "A" cont . DIVISION 16 MECHANICAL 15010-1 thru14 Basio Mechanical And Electrical Requirements "r 15100-1 thru 5 Valves 15120-1 thru 5 Piping Specialties 15140-1 lint 5 Supports and Anchors 15241-1 thru 4 Vibration Control 15250-1 Ihru 5 Mechanical Insulation 15300-1 Ihm 9 Fire Protection 15411-1 Ihm 8 Water Distribution Piping 15420-1 thru 8 Drainage and Vent Systems 15440-1 thru 8 Plumbing Fixtures 15458-1 thru 4 Water Healers 15481-1 thru 2 Compressed Air Systems 15483-1 thru 3 Fuel Systems 15530-1 thru 6 Refrigerant Piping 15870-t thru 5 Condensing Units 15834-1 Ihru 5 Electric Duct Healers 15855-1 thm 7 Air Handling Units 15880-1 thru 9 Centrifugal Fans 15870-1 Ihru 10 Power Ventilators 15885-I flirt'4 Air Cleaning 15891-1 thru 7 Metal Ductwork 15910-1 thru 7 Ductwork Accessories 15932-11hm 8 Air Outlets end Inlets 15971-1 Him 9 Electric Control Systems 15990-1 thru 8 Testing,Adjusting. and Balancing DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL 16010-1 Him 12 Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements 16100-1 thru 10 Raceways, Boxes and Cabinets 16120-1 Ihru 5 Wires and Cables 18140-1 Ihru 5 Wiring Devices 18142-1 thru 7 Electrical Connections for Equipment 16190-1 (Mu 7 Supporting Devices 18195-1 Ibm 8 Electrical identification 18452-1 thru 9 Grounding 18470-1 thru 9 Panelboards 16475-1 thru 3 Fuses 18476-1 Ihru 5 Disconnects end Circuit Breakers 18515-1 thru 9 Interior lighting 18525-1 thru 7 Exterior Lighting 16535-1 thru 4 Emergency lighting 16821-1 Ihru 8 Diesel Generator Sets 16862-1 Ihru 4 Surge Suppression 16721-1 Ihru 13 Fire Alarm System 16723-1 thru 8 Keypad Access System 18740-1 thru 10 Telephone Systems END OF INDEX 96-043.02 INDEX-4 EXHIBIT "B" IINflT NO, • UElCOIPtION TI . 1111E STREET T2 CODE SEARCII, SYMUOLS. ABUREV1AII0NS CIVIL h LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS- MAGUIRE RD. SIIL SI-3 BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPIIIC SURVEY- MAGUIRE RD. SITE CI--3 PARIIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, .'c. 111ILITY PLAN C2-3 PARIIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE., & 11111)TY PLAN C3-3 DRAINAGE MAP C4-3 GEOMETRY PLAN C5-3 CIVIL. DETAILS - MAGUIRE RD. k CLARKE RD. SI1LLS C6-3 CIVIL DETAILS -- MAGUIRE RD. & CLARKE RD. STIES 11-3 PARIIAL 111ALFIC SIGNAL PI AN 12--3 PARIIAL imArnIC SIGNAL PLAN 1..1--3 LANDSCAPE PI AN 1.2-3 LANDSCAPE DEIAIES ,& N01ES IRI—S IIIRIGAIION PI AN • IR2--3 IRRIGATION No IFS AND DETAILS CIVIL__hLANUSc_APE DRAWINGS— CLARKE RD._$IIE. 51 -4 ITOUNDARY dr. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - CLARKE RD. SIIL 52-4 TOPOGRAPHIC SI1tiVEY- CLARKE RD. SI1E C1-4 PAR IIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, °+. UTILITY PLAN C2-4 PAR IIAL GRADING, UTAIMGE, & UTILITY PLAN C3-4 DRAINAGE MAP C4-4 GEOMETRY PLAN C5-4 CIVI1. DETAILS LI-4 VEGETATION PRESERVATION PLAN L2-4 LANDSCAPE PLAN L3-4 LANDSCAPE PLANT LIST & DETAILS ARC lltc]URA_L Al FLOOR PLAN A2 ENLARGED FLOOR PLANS, INIERIOR ELEVATIONS A,} REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, BUILDING SECTIONS A5 ROOF PLAN, DETAILS A6 WALL SECTIONS Al WALL SECTIONS Al.I WALL SECTIONS A8 ROOM FINISII SCIILD111F, DETAILS 'A9 DOOR SCIIEDULE, DETAILS A9.I DOOR DETAILS Al DETAILS EXHIBIT "n" cont . • ANPPT P.O. t*ICNIPTION S IRK I l!$AL SI GENERAL StRIICIUPAL NOTES 52 rOUNDA11UN AND GItOUNU MOOR FRAMING PUN S.S RUNE FRAMING PLAN S4 StCIIONS AND DETAILS S5 SECTIONS AND DI.IAILS Sri SFGIIUNS CI UMUING/MMA$ANIGAL Mr IIVAC/I'I_IIMDING GINLRAI. NOTES, SYMUULS AND ADUREVIA II(IN I__LUMUING I'? PLUMUING PLAN • 11.5 IDLE TANK PLAN F RE PRO[ECIION FPI I IRE 1'RUIECIION IIDoti PLAN FT/2 AIIIC - IIRF I'ROII_C11(IN PLAN MECLIANICAL M2 DM FLOOR !'LAN M,S SPIII 5Y51EM Alit IIANUI_ING ANTI DETAILS AND SCI IIDI II ES M4 tIVAC DUCTWORK Dr Inns AND SCNEOl1LES M5 EAN DEIAIt_S AND SCIIEVIJIES M6 AIR UISIRIDl1NUN DEVICE UEIAILS AND SCNEDt1LES LLLG IRIcAL El LEGEND AND AIJNREVIAIIONS F2 ELECTRICAL SIZE 1'1_41 F,S EI_F:CIRICAI_ SIZE PLAN F4 UGIILING PI AN ItS RDWER PLAN F.fi CUMMUNICAIIUNS 1'I AN EI RISER DIAGRAMS AND OE MILS ER UEIAILS E9 ONE LINE AND SCHEDULES EXIIIRIT "C" 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE Add the following after Subparagraph 9.9.1: The Contractor hereby agrees that the Owner may place and install equipment prior to the completion of the various parts of the Work, prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work. Such placement and installation of equipment shall not in any way evidence the Substantial Completion of the entire Work, or signify the Owner's acceptance of the entire Work. 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT Delete Subparagraph 9.10.1 and replace with the following: 9.10.1 After the Work and the requirements of the Contract Documents are fully and finally completed, the Architect shall prepare the Certificate of Final Inspection on forms provided by the Owner and return to the Owner for approval. After final approval other final payment qualifications are met, the Owner shall make final payment to the Contractor. Add the following after Paragraph 9.10: 9.11 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9.11.1 Contractor acknowledges that the Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially completed within the Contract Time set forth in Article 3 of the Agreement. The nature and amount of such damages is difficult to assess. The Contractor and the Contractors' surety if any, shall be liable for and shall pay the Owner the sum of Five Hundred and No/100 ($500.00) as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each calendar day of delay until tha Work is substantially completed. If after substantial completion the Project Is not fully and finally completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner as liquidated damages, and not as penalty, for such the sum of$250.00 per day until the project reaches Final Completion. These liquidated damages shall be payable in addition to any additional expenses, costs, or damages` payable by the Contractor to the Owner under the provisions of the Contract Documents and shall not exclude the recovery of damages by the Owner under the Contract Documents for damages sustained by the Owner, other than for delay. ARTICLE 10 - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS In the last sentence of Subparagraph 10.1.2, delete the end portion of the sentence, beginning with "... or in accordance with ...". Add the following after Article 10.3: 10.4 FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT 10.4.1 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration excavation safety 96043.02 SGC-6 ADDENDUM I BID #B97-06 CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) ONE-STORY FIRE STATIONS TO ALL BIDDERS: THIS ADDENDUM IS ISSUED TO MODIFY, CLARIFY, OR CORRECT THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT AND IS HEREBY MADE PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. PLEASE ATTACH THIS ADDENDUM TO THE DOCUMENTS IN YOUR POSSESSION. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM IN THE SPACE PROVIDED ON THE BID FORM. REVIEW CHANGES CAREFULLY. ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM 1 IS ISSUED TO NOTIFY THE BIDDERS OF THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: CHANGES TO THE PROJECT MANUAL 1. At "Index to Project Manual", Sections 08114-1 Custom Hollow Metal Work and 16740 Telephone Systems: Note that these sections are not used; they are not part of this Contract. 2. At "Instructions to Bidders", INB-1, 1.04, A.: Change 20 days to 10 days. 3. Delete "Bid Form - Lump Sum" in its entirety and replace with "Bid Form - Lump Sum - Revised 3-31-97"; see attached. 4. At "Supplementary Conditions": Delete page SGC-6 in its entirety and replace with page SGC-6 revised 3-31-97. (Dollar amounts for liquidated damages have been reduced.) 5. At Section 02510, Asphalt Concrete Paving: Delete page 02510-4 in its entirety and replace with page 02510-4 revised 3-31-97. (Testing requirements have been clarified.) 6. At Section 02666, Domestic Water Systems: Delete page 02666-4 in its entirety and replace with 02666-4 and 02666-5 revised 3-31-97. (Testing requirements have been clarified.) 7. At Section 03300, Cast-In-Place Concrete, Page 15, 3.07 Field Quality Control, A.: Delete the following paragraph: Page 1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 "The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports, except as designated otherwise. The testing laboratory and its employees shall be qualified in accordance with ASTM E329, and the inspection and testing activities shall be in accordance with ASTM E329." And replace with: "The Contractor will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports, except as designated otherwise. The testing laboratory and its employees shall be qualified in accordance with ASTM E329, and the inspection and testing activities shall be in accordance with ASTM E329." 8. At Section 04100, Mortar, Page 2, 3.02 Field Quality Control, A.: Delete the following: "Owner will employ separate testing laboratory to perform field quality control testing." And replace with: "Contractor will employ separate testing laboratory to perform field quality control testing." 9. At Section 06100, Rough Carpentry, 3.02 Wood Grounds, Nailers, Blocking, Furring and Sleepers: Add the following paragraphs: E. Provide minimum of 'A" thick solid wood backing in walls at locations including, but not limited to the following: 1. All toilet accessories including grab bar, paper towel dispensers, mirrors, towel bars, shower seats, soap dishes, toilet tissue dispensers, steel shelf in Janitor's Closet, and similar items. Note: Paper towel dispenser in Kitchen requires backing also. 2. Shelf standards and supports. 3. Cabinets - coordinate with casework subcontractor as required. 4. Vertical blind mounting bracket locations. F. Provide sufficient amount of wood backing to allow for a degree of flexibility in locating wall mounted items. G. Coordinate and verify with the Architect regarding locations of required backing prior to covering framing with finish materials. Page 2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 10. Delete Section 06400, Architectural Woodwork in its entirety, and replace with Section 06400 revised 3-31-97 (laminate colors indicated, quantity of locks reduced). 11. Delete Section 07320, Roofing Tiles in its entirety, and replace with Section 07320 revised 3-31-97 (colors have been selected). 12. At Section 07620, Flashing and Sheet Metal, Page 1, 1.03 Submittals, C.: Delete the following: "Samples: Submit 4 in. square samples of specified sheet materials to be exposed as finished surfaces." And replace with: "Samples: Samples will not be required." 13. Delete Section 07700, Roof Specialties in its entirety and replace with Section 07700 revised 3-31-97 (off-ridge vents have been replaced with an "O'Hagin Ventilation System"). 14. At Section 08211, Flush Wood Doors, 1.03, D.: Delete the following paragraph: "D. Samples: 1. Submit two, 12" square samples of each type of door specified. 2. Submit two, 12" x 12" corner sections of each opening frame required. And replace with the following: "D. Samples: Samples will not be required if specified colors are provided, except as indicated at paragraph 2.04 Factory Finishing. Delete paragraph 2.04, Factory Finishing, A.: "A. Transparent Finish: Comply with requirements indicated for grade, finish system, staining effect and sheen. 1. AWI Grade: Premium. 2. Finish: AWI System No. 3 alkyd-urea conversion varnish. 3. Staining: Light. 4. Effect: Open grain finish. 5. Sheen: Satin-medium rubbed effect. And replace with the following: Page 3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 "A. Transparent Finish: Comply with requirements indicated for grade, finish system, staining effect and sheen. 1. AWI Grade: Premium. 2. Finish: AWI System No. 3 alkyd-urea conversion varnish 3. Staining: Light. 4. Effect Open grain finish. 5. Sheen: Satin-medium rubbed effect. 6. Provide one of the following manufacturer's standard stain colors as follows: a. Graham's #200 Spiced Walnut. b. Egger's Light Oak 03. c. Weyerhauser: Submit color samples for selection by Architect. 15. At Section 09260, Gypsum Board Systems, 1.03 Quality Assurance, C. Design Criteria, 1.: Add the following: "At walls with ceramic tile finish, provide back-to-back metal studs, or provide 20 gage studs in lieu of 25 gage studs indicated on Drawings." 16. Delete Section 09300, Tile in its entirety and replace with Section 09300 revised 3-31-97 (colors have been selected; wall tile installation clarified). 17. Delete Section 09650, Resilient Flooring in its entirety and replace with Section 09650 revised 3-31-97 (colors have been selected). 18. Delete Section 09690, Carpeting in its entirety and replace with Section 09680 revised 3-31-97 (color has been selected; carpet specification modified). 19. At Section 10350, Flagpoles, 2.01 Manufacturers, A.: Add the following source manufacturer: "7. Pole-Tech Co., Inc. (1-800-633-6733)." 20. Delete Section 10800, Toilet and Bath Accessories in its entirety, and replace with Section 10800 revised 3-31-97 (model number revised; some items deleted). Mark W. Brace, CPPB Buyer, City of Ocoee Date: 3-31-97 "'END OF ADDENDUM 1' Page 4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 BID FORM - LUMP SUM (Revised 3-31-97) Bid of (Name) (Address) to furnish all materials, equipment and labor and to perform all work in accordance with the Contract Documents for construction of two single-story, 3 bay fire stations identified as City of Ocoee Fire Station No. 3A,(Maguire Road site) and Fire Station No. 4 (Clarke Road site) located in Ocoee, Florida. To: Mark W. Brace, CPPB City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 The undersigned Bidder has carefully examined the Bidding Documents and the sites of the proposed Work and is familiar with the nature and extent of the work and any local conditions that may in any manner affect the work to be done. The undersigned Bidder agrees to do all the work and furnish all materials called for by the Bidding Documents, in the manner prescribed therein and to the standards of quality and performance established by the Architect/Engineer for the lump sum price stated in the spaces herein provided, for each of the items or combination of items stipulated. Lump sum price shall include implementation of all applicable safety requirements. BASE BID INCLUDING PERMIT FEES AND INDEPENDENT TESTING /100 Dollars ($ ). SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES Permit Fees for Fire Station 3A - To be Paid by General Contractor: Building Permit $ 804.94 Plan Review 1,107.05 Radon Gas 31.63 Water Deposit (Potable) - 520.00 9604302 BFL-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 Florida Recovery 31.63 Registration (Insurance) 5.00 Notice of Commencement 5.00 Interim Service Fee (Allowance) 150.00 Electrical Permit (Allowance) 165.00 Mechanical Permit (Allowance) 500.00 Plumbing Permit (Allowance) 175.00 Irrigation Permit (Allowance) 50.00 Roofing Permit 30.00 Total to be paid by General Contractor and included in the Lump Sum Bid $ 3,575.25 The Contractor will NOT be required to pay the following impact fees for Fire Station 3A: Water Meter Connection $ 900.00 Water Capital 2,444 37 Sewer Capital 7,249.60 Sewer Deposit 520.00 Water Meter Connection (Irrigation) 300.00 Water Deposit (Irrigation) 450.00 Water Capital (Irrigation) 4,830.00 Total to be paid by the City of Ocoee $ 16,693.97 Permit Fees for Fire Station 4-To be Paid by General Contractor: Building Permit $ 804.94 Plan Review 1,107.05 Radon Gas 31.63 Water Deposit (Potable) 520.00 Florida Recovery 31.63 Registration (Insurance) 5.00 Notice of Commencement 5.00 Interim Service Fee (Allowance) 150.00 Electrical Permit (Allowance) 165.00 Mechanical Permit (Allowance) 500.00 Plumbing Permit (Allowance) 175.00 Roofing Permit 30.00 (No irrigation) 0.00 Total to be paid by General Contractor and included in the Lump Sum Bid $ 3,525.25 The Contractor will NOT be required to pay the following impact fees for Fire Station 4: 9604302 BFL-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 Water Meter Connection $ 900.00 Water Capital 2,444.37 Sewer Capital 7,249.60 Sewer Deposit 520.00 Water Deposit 520.00 Total to be paid by the City of Ocoee $ 11,633.97 Note: The following permits have already been obtained and paid for by the City of Ocoee: Fire Station No. 3A DEP Water Permit DEP Sewer Permit SJRWMD - No stormwater permit required (covered under existing permit). Fire Station No. 4 DEP Water Permit DEP Sewer Permit SJRWMD Stormwater Permit Permit Fees for Construction Trailers to be paid by General Contractor. Maguire Road Site (Allowance) $ 250.00 Clarke Road Site (Allowance) 250.00 Total to be paid by General Contractor and included in the Lump Sum Bid $ 500.00 Schedule of Required Testing by Independent Agencies: Dollar Amount Included in Contractor's Lump Sum Bid - Including Specification Section Testing for Both Fire Stations 02200 - Earthwork $ 02510 - Asphalt Concrete Paving $ 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving $ 02666 - Domestic Water Systems $ 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete $ 04100 - Mortar $ 15990 -Testing, Adjusting and Balancing $ Total to be paid by General Contractor and included in the Lump Sum Bid $ UNIT PRICES The undersigned agrees, in case of additions to or deductions from the Work, the 9604302 BFL-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 following unit prices will be used in adjusting the Contract Sum as described in Section 01015: A. Medium Asphaltic Concrete Paving: ADD/DEDUCT per sq. yd. $ B. Heavy Asphaltic Concrete Paving: ADD/DEDUCT per sq. yd. $ C. 24" Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Less than 10 feet deep (Installed): ADD/DEDUCT per linear foot $ D. 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Less than 10 feet deep (Installed): ADD/DEDUCT per linear foot $ E. Manhole - Less than 10 feet deep (Installed)(Refer to Drawings for type): ADD/DEDUCT per manhole $ F. Type F Inlet - Less than 10 feet deep (Installed): ADD/DEDUCT per inlet $ BID SECURITY Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of $ made payable to the Owner which may be forfeited as liquidated damages if, in the event this proposal is accepted, the undersigned fails to execute the Agreement and furnish and pay for the required performance and payment bonds for the Owner within 10 days after acceptance of the Bid; otherwise said certified or cashier's check or bid bond will be returned to the undersigned. TIME The undersigned Bidder agrees to commence work within 7 days after the date of written Notice to Proceed, to substantially complete Fire Station No.3A within 161 consecutive calendar days after the date of written Notice to Proceed, and to substantially complete Fire Station No.4 within 161 consecutive calendar days after the date of written Notice to Proceed, subject to such extensions of time allowed by the Conditions of the Contract, and to achieve Final Completion of Fire Station No. 3 no later than 21 days after the actual date of substantial completion, and to achieve Final Completion of Fire Station No. 4 by no later than 21 days after the actual date of substantial completion. The undersigned Bidder agrees that this Bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 45 days after the scheduled opening time for receiving bids. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9604302 BFL-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 The undersigned agrees to forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing between the date established as the date of substantial completion and the actual date of such substantial completion of the contract work, the amount of$200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 3A and $200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 4. The undersigned further agrees to forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing between the date established as the date of final completion and the actual date of final completion of the contract work, the amount of$200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 3 and $200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 4. ADDENDA Bidder acknowledges the receipt of Addendum No.'s 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. . Dated this day of (month) (year) Contractor: Address: SEAL Signature & Title Date Printed Name & Title Attachments: Qualification Statement Bid Security 9604302 BFL-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE Add the following after Subparagraph 9.9.1: The Contractor hereby agrees that the Owner may place and install equipment prior to the completion of the various parts of the Work, prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work. Such placement and installation of equipment shall not in any way evidence the Substantial Completion of the entire Work, or signify the Owner's acceptance of the entire Work. 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT Delete Subparagraph 9.10.1 and replace with the following: 9.10.1 After the Work and the requirements of the Contract Documents are fully and finally completed, the Architect shall prepare the Certificate of Final Inspection on forms provided by the Owner and return to the Owner for approval. After final approval other final payment qualifications are met, the Owner shall make final payment to the Contractor. Add the following after Paragraph 9.10: 9.11 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9.11.1 Contractor acknowledges that the Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially completed within the Contract Time set forth in Article 3 of the Agreement. The nature and amount of such damages is difficult to assess. The Contractor and the Contractors' surety, if any, shall be liable for and shall pay the Owner the sum of Two Hundred and No/100 ($200.00) as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each calendar day of delay until the Work is substantially completed. If after substantial completion the Project is not fully and finally completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner as liquidated damages, and not as penalty, for such the sum of$200.00 per day until the project reaches Final Completion. These liquidated damages shall be payable in addition to any additional expenses, costs, or damages payable by the Contractor to the Owner under the provisions of the Contract Documents and shall not exclude the recovery of damages by the Owner under the Contract Documents for damages sustained by the Owner, other than for delay. ARTICLE 10 - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS In the last sentence of Subparagraph 10.1.2, delete the end portion of the sentence, beginning with "... or in accordance with ...". Add the following after Article 10.3: 10.4 FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT 10.4.1 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration excavation safety 96043.02 SGC-6 Addendum 1 3-31-97 D. Apply paint with mechanical equipment to produce uniform straight edges. Apply in 2 coats at manufacturer's recommended rates. 3.05 WHEEL STOPS A. Secure wheel stops to asphalt concrete surface with 2, 3/4 in. diameter galvanized steel dowels. B. Size length of dowel to penetrate at least 6 in. into asphalt concrete. Drill placement holes oversize and embed dowels in hot bituminous grout material. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test completed asphalt concrete courses for compliance with requirements for thickness and surface smoothness. Repair or remove and replace unacceptable paving as directed by Architect/Engineer. B. Completed compacted thickness tolerances: 1. Base Course: 1/2 in., plus or minus. 2. Surface Course: 1/4 in., plus or minus. C. Surface Smoothness Tolerances: Check finished surface of each asphalt concrete course for smoothness, using 10 ft. straightedge applied parallel with, and at right angles to centerline of paved area. 1. Base Course Surface: 1/4 in. 2. Wearing Course Surface: 3/16 in. 3. Crowned Surfaces: Test with crowned template centered and at right angle to crown. Maximum allowable variance from template, 1/4 in. D. Perform field density tests for the asphalt and base in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications. 1. Base: Perform field density tests in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications Section 270-5. Five density tests shall be made at random locations for every 2500 square yards of base. 2. Asphalt: Perform field density tests in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications Section 330-10. Five density determinations shall be made at random locations for every 5,000 lineal feet of asphalt. END OF SECTION 9604302 02510-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 indicated, in accordance with requirements of water Purveyor. Provide curb valve and curb box as indicated. G. Water Service Termination: Terminate domestic water piping 5'-0"from building foundation in location and invert as indicated. Provide temporary pipe plug for piping extension into building. H. Install valves as indicated with stems pointing up. Provide valve box over underground valves. Anchorages: Provide anchorages for tees, wyes, crosses, plugs, caps, bends, valves, and hydrants. After installation, apply full coat of asphalt or other acceptable corrosion retarding material to surfaces of ferrous anchorages. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Piping Tests: Conduct piping tests before joints are covered, and after thrust blocks have sufficiently hardened. Fill pipeline 24 hrs prior to testing, and apply test pressure to stabilize system. Use only potable water. B. Hydrostatic Tests: Test at not less than 1-1/2 times working pressure for 2 hrs. 1. Test fails if leakage exceeds 2 qts per hour per 100 gaskets or joints, irrespective of pipe diameter. 2. Increase pressure in 50 psi increments and inspect each joint between increments. Hold at test pressure for one hour, decrease to 0 psi. Slowly increase again to test pressure and hold for one more hour. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. The Contractor will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports, except as designated otherwise. The testing laboratory and its employees shall be familiar with all applicable requirements of any State, County or Local agency having jurisdiction over this process. B. Disinfection of Potable Water System: 1. Flush pipe system with clean potable water until no dirty water appears at point of outlet. 2. Fill system with water-chlorine solution containing at least 50 ppm of chlorine. 3. Valve off system and let stand for 24 hrs minimum. 4. After 24 hours, a residual of 25 ppm must be present in line tested. 5. Flush with clean potable water until no chlorine remains in water coming from system. 6. Repeat procedure if contamination is present in bacteriological examination. C. Disinfection of Water Mains: Flush and disinfect in accordance with 9604302 02666-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 AWWA C651-86 "Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains"and shall meet all the requirements of any State, County or local agency that may have jurisdiction over this process. END OF SECTION 9604302 02666-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 06400 -ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Interior trim, including but not limited to: 1. Wood window sill assemblies. 2. Wood caps on low walls in dormitory. B. Architectural cabinets including wood cabinets, plastic laminate clad cabinets, and countertops. C. Closet and utility shelving. D. Wood benches in locker room and shower areas. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. AWI Quality Standard: Comply with applicable requirements of Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI), except as otherwise indicated. B. Installer Qualifications: Arrange for installation of architectural woodwork by a firm which can demonstrate successful experience in installing architectural woodwork items similar in type and quality to those required for this project. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data for each product and process specified and incorporated into items of architectural woodwork during fabrication, finishing, and installation. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large scale details, attachment devices and other components. Indicate exact dimensions of range, range hood, and dishwasher and their incorporation into the cabinet work. C. Color samples are not required if the specified colors are provided. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect woodwork during transit, delivery, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. B. Do not deliver woodwork, until painting, wet work, grinding and similar operations which could damage, soil or deteriorate woodwork have been completed in installation areas. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS 9604302 06400-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 A. Do not install woodwork until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas. B. Maintain temperature and humidity in installation area as required to maintain moisture content of installed woodwork within a one percent tolerance of optimum moisture content, from date of installation through remainder of construction period. Require Woodwork Manufacturer to establish optimum moisture content and required temperature and humidity conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Wood Moisture Content: Comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for moisture content of lumber at time of fabrication and for relative humidity conditions in the installation areas. B. Fabricate woodwork to dimensions, profiles, and details indicated with openings and mortises precut, where possible, to receive hardware and other items and work. 1. Ease edges to a 1/16 in. radius, for corners of cabinets and edges of solid wood (lumber) members less than one inch in nominal thickness. 2. Ease edges to a 1/8 in. radius for edges of rails and similar members over one inch in nominal thickness. C. Complete fabrication, assembly, finishing, hardware application, and other work before shipment to project site to maximum extent possible. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide ample allowance for scribing, trimming, and fitting. 1. Fabricate architectural woodwork with pre-cut openings, where possible, to receive hardware, appliances, plumbing fixtures, electrical work and similar items. 2. Locate openings accurately and use templates or roughing-in diagrams for proper size and shape. 3. Smooth edges of cutoffs and, where located in countertops and similar exposures seal edges of cutouts with a water-resistant coating. D. Before proceeding with fabrication of woodwork required to be fitted to other construction, obtain field measurements and verify dimensions and shop drawing details as required for accurate fit. 2.02 INTERIOR TRIM A. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 300. B. Rout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide flat 9604302 06400-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. C. Interior Trim for Clear/Stain Finish: 1. Grade: Custom. 2. Lumber Species: Douglas Fir. 3. Finish: Clear stain to match color of wood veneer doors. 2.03 ARCHITECTURAL CABINETS, LAMINATE CLAD A. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400B. B. Laminate Clad Cabinets: 1. Grade: Premium. 2. Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush overlay. 3. Laminate Cladding: High pressure decorative laminate complying with NEMA LD 3. a. Colors, patterns and finishes as indicated below: 1. Wilsonart No. D446-60 Mocha Java or g-z-sort 2. Nevamar No. S-2-88T Driftwood Textured b. Horizontal Surfaces Other Than Tops: GP-50 (0.050 in. nominal thickness). c. Postformed Surfaces: PF-42 (0.042 in. nominal thickness). d. Vertical Surfaces: GP-28 (0.028 in. nominal thickness). e. Edges: GP-50 (0.050 in. nominal thickness). f. Semi-Exposed Surfaces: GP-28 (0.028 in. nominal thickness). 4. Doors less than 36 in. high: Construct V. inch thick. 5. Doors greater than 36 in. high: Construct 1 1/8 inches thick. 4. Provide dust panels of 1/4 in. plywood or tempered hardboard S2S above compartments and drawers except where located directly under tops. 2.06 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Finish Hardware Items: Provide following items of finish hardware with millwork: 1. Drawer Glides: No. 1300 Extension Slides by Knape &Vogt Mfg. Co. 2. Shelf Standards and Supports (installed in cabinets): No. 255 Std. and No. 256 Supports by Knape & Vogt Mfg. Co., in "Natural" Aluminum Finish. 3. Shelf Standards and Supports (Standard Duty): No. SOEB Standard and No. 180EB Brackets by Knape &Vogt Mfg. Co. Bracket sized to shelf depth, in "Natural" Aluminum Finish. 4. Doors (up to 36 in. high): 1 pair hinges, "Blum Modul 125" concealed hinges. 2 Silencers 1 pull, Stanley wire pull 4484, Satin Aluminum. 5. Doors (over 36 in high): 1-1/2 in. pair hinges, "Blum Modul 125" concealed hinges. 2 Silencers. 9604302 06400-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 1 pull, Stanley wire pull 4484, Satin Aluminum. 6. Drawer Pulls: Stanley wire pull 4484, Satin Aluminum. 7. Drawer Locks: CCL Security Products No. 02066 cabinet lock, US26D, complete with strike plate. Masterkey. Provide at all drawers in First Aid Room 106 and Police Office 121 only. 8. Door Locks: CCL Security Products No. 02067 cabinet lock, US26D, complete with strike plate. Masterkey. Provide one elbow catch per pair doors. Provide at all doors in First Aid Room 106 and Police Office 121 only. 9. Note: All drawer and door locks are to be keyed alike. 10. Clothes Rod: Knape & Vogt Mtg. Co. #660. B. Colors and finishes not otherwise indicated will be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. 2.07 COUNTERTOPS A. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400C. B. Type of Top: High Pressure Decorative Laminate, Premium Grade. C. Laminate Cladding for Horizontal Surface: High pressure decorative laminate complying with NEMA LD 3. 1. Colors, patterns, and finishes as indicated below: a. Wilsonart No. 4624-60 Beige Nebula or b. Nevamar No. ES-6-3T Smoke Essence Textured 2. Grade: GP-50 (0.050 in. nominal thickness). 3. Grain Direction: Parallel to longest dimension. 4. Edge Treatment: Same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces. Seamless plastic laminate application for splash and top intersection and edge drip, as indicated. D. Countertop Support: At open counters, provide triangular-shaped intermediate counter supports at 4'-0" p.c. max. made from '/." plywood with plastic laminate on all visible surfaces. Color to match countertop. Triangular shape to be 15" long at horizontal supporting edge and 24" long at vertical back edge at wall. 2.08 CLOSET AND UTILITY SHELVING A. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 600. B. Shelving for Unfinished and Opaque Finish: 1. Shelving Material: Birch faced veneer core plywood with solid 1" x 2" wood edge banding. 2. Location: Storage Rooms or Closets, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide painted wood support framing. Where shelves span more than 36" provide triangular-shaped painted wood supports at mid- spans. C. Shelving for Plastic Laminate Finish: 1. High pressure laminate sides and edges per AWI. 9604302 06400-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 2. '/4" thick cabinet grade plywood. 3. Grade: Premium. 4. Location: All locations except as otherwise indicated. Note: The pantry closets and broom closet in the kitchen are to have adjustable plastic laminate shelves with standards and supports as specified under cabinet hardware. Provide solid blocking in walls as required for shelf standards. 2.09 WOOD BENCHES A. Wood Bench: Hardwood with clear lacquer finish. Size to be approximately 9 %:" wide and 1 '/4" thick. Lengths to be as follows: 1. Shower Areas: 3'-0" long (Quantity = 2) 2. Locker Room: 5'-0" long (Quantity = 1) B. Pedestal: Manufacturer's standard tubular steel pedestal in manufacturer's standard factory-painted gray color. Secure to floor with concrete anchors per manufacturer's recommendations. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Acceptable Manufacturers include, but are not limited to the following: 1. "All American Lockers" by DeBourgh Manufacturing Co. 2. Interior Medart 3. Lyon Metal Products, Inc. 4. Penco 5. Republic 2.10 FASTENERS AND ANCHORS A. Screws: Select material, type, size and finish required for each use. Comply with FS FF-S-111 for applicable requirements. B. Nails: Select material, type, size and finish required for each use. Comply with FS FF-N-105 for applicable requirements. C. Anchors: Select material, type, size and finish required by each substrate for secure anchorage. 1. Provide hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts as required for corrosion-resistance. 2. Provide toothed steel or lead expansion bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. 3. Furnish inserts and anchors, as required, to be set into concrete or masonry work for subsequent woodwork anchorage. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior to installing. 9604302 06400-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 B. Deliver concrete inserts and similar anchoring devices to be built into substrates, well in advance of time substrates are to be built. C. Prior to installation of architectural woodwork, examine shop fabricated work for completion, and complete work as required, including back priming and removal of packing. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install woodwork plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of 1/8 in. in 8 ft. for plumb and level (including tops); and with no variations in flushness of adjoining surfaces. B. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at cuts. C. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built-in or directly attached to substrates. 1. Secure to grounds, stripping and blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for a complete installation. 2. Except where prefinished matching fasteners heads are required, use fine finishing nails for exposed nailing, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork, and matching final finish where transparent finish is indicated. D. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints possible, using full-length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to the greatest extent possible. 1. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members. 2. Cope at returns, miter at corners and comply with referenced Quality Standards for joinery. E. Cabinets: Install without distortion so that doors and drawers fit openings properly and are accurately aligned. 1. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and to provide unencumbered operation. 2. Complete the installation of hardware and accessory items as indicated. 3. Maintain veneer sequence matching (if any) of cabinets with transparent finish. F. Tops: Anchor securely to base units and other support systems as indicated. G. Storage Shelving: Complete the assembly of units and install in the areas indicated, including hardware and accessories as indicated. Paint all wood shelving. Refer to Section 09900 for paint system. 3.03 ADJUSTING, CLEANING, AND PROTECTION 9604302 06400-6 Addendum 1 3-31-97 A. Repair damaged and defective woodwork where possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually; where not possible to repair replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. B. Clean, lubricate and adjust hardware. C. Clean woodwork on exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Touch-up shop-applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. D. Complete the finishing work to whatever extent not completed at shop or prior to installation of woodwork. E. Provide protection and maintain conditions, in a manner which ensures architectural woodwork being without damage or deterioration at time of substantial completion. END OF SECTION 9604302 06400-7 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 07320 - ROOFING TILES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 07530 - Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Membrane. B. Section 07620 - Flashing and Sheet Metal. C. Section 07700 - Roof Specialties and Accessories. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Extent of tile roofing is indicated on drawings. Contractor to supply special shapes, flashing and accessory items required to complete the work. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's detailed technical product data, installation instructions and recommendations, including necessary data to document that materials comply with requirements. . B. Samples: No samples are required if specified colors are used. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer: A firm with not less than 3 years successful experience in installation of roofing systems similar to those required for this project, and which is acceptable to the manufacturer of the concrete roof tiles and accessories. B. Pre-Installation Meeting: 1. Prior to installation of roofing system, meet at project site with installer and roof tile manufacturer's representative. 2. Obtain specific instructions from the manufacturers representative, prior to beginning work. Have the representative observe the beginning of the installation and offer technical advice to be sure that the installers will install the system per the manufacturer's recommendations. 9604302 07320-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 C. Begin the tile work at the northeast corner of the apparatus bays. Notify the Architect/Engineer in advance of when approximately 100 sq. ft. of installation will be completed. The Architect/Engineer will visit the site at that time to verify the aesthetic appearance of the installation, including the mixing of tiles of varying shades of color. Mix the various shades as evenly as possible to avoid "patches" of particular colors. The Contractor shall make adjustment in subsequent work to achieve the desired visual effect, as directed by the Architect/Engineer. D. Provide on-site inspections by roof tile manufacturer's representative during and after installation of roofing system. E. Installer's Warranty: Provide written warranty signed by the roofing installer and the Contractor agreeing to replace or repair defective components and workmanship of the roof tile system at no expense to the Owner, for a period of 2 years after the date of substantial completion of the Project. This includes roof flashing. F. Manufacturers Warranty: Provide written warranty signed by the Manufacturer of the roof tiles and flashing materials agreeing to replace or repair defective roof components as required to maintain the roofing system in a watertight condition, at no expense to the Owner, for a period of 10 years after date of substantial completion of the Project. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver tile to job site location as near as possible to point of installation. B. Store tile units on end, resting on 2x planking, stacked maximum of 3 courses high, with wood slats or planks between each course. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Substrate: Proceed with roofing tile installation only after substrate construction, vent stacks and other penetrating work have been completed and when substrate materials are dry. 1.07 MAINTENANCE STOCK A. Provide 5 percent of overall quantity of each type and color of roofing tiles used in the work. Provide in strong, secure, and clearly labeled con- tainers. Turn over to Owner's representative at the job site and obtain receipt. In the extra stock provided, include hip, ridge, and special shape 9604302 07320-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 tile in the same proportion as actually used on the project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Monier: "Mission S" tile. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Concrete Tile: Molded concrete roofing tile units of shape/configuration indicated, (Mission S) free from surface imperfections. Include color-matched accessory units. Provide with fastening holes pre-punched at factory before firing. B. Colors: 1. At Fire Station No. 3A (Maguire Road Site) the color is to be "Desert Sunset" Color-Thru Tile with Sealer. 2. At Fire Station No. 4 (Clarke Road Site) the color is to be "Laurel Green" Slurry-Coated Tile with Sealer . C. Accessory Tiles: Provide barrel tiles at ridges, hips and rakes., Provide "mansard starter" as starter tiles for hips at eaves and at start of ridges, including at gable ends. D. Fasteners: Use stainless steel screws of type, size and length as recommended by the roof tile manufacturer, except use nails as recommended by manufacturer at rake locations, and any other locations where fasteners are left exposed. E. Flashing, Sheet Metal and Miscellaneous Accessories: 1. Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Membrane/Flashing: Refer to specifications section 07530. 2. Copper Flashing: ASTM B 370, cold-rolled copper, except where soft temper is required for forming; 16 oz. (0.0216" thick), unless otherwise indicated. 3. "Birdstop" Eave Closure: 26 gauge factory-painted aluminum with weepholes, designed by roof tile manufacturer to fit selected tile. Color to be selected by Architect. 4. Sheet Metal Flashing: Refer to Section 07620 for sheet metal flashing materials. 5. Lead Flashing: Type as recommended by manufacturer. 9604302 07320-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 6. Battens: Do not use battens. 7. "O-Hagin Ventilation System": Refer to Section 07700; coordinate with roof tile installation as required. F. Mortar: Mortar mix composed of 94 lb. bag of portland cement, two-70 lb. bags of mortar mix, and approximately 450 lbs. of mason's sand. Provide integral mortar coloring to match color of tile selected. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrate and conditions under which roofing tile work is to be performed; notify Contractor in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with roofing tile work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Cover or otherwise plug drains to prevent entrance of tile trimmings and debris. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Begin work in the area indicated in the "Quality Assurance" section of this specification. B. Flashing Installation: Install sheet metal flashing, vent and vent pipe flashing, and edge protection as indicated and in compliance with details and recommendations as recommended by the roof tile manufacturer and with SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. Provide additional layers of rubberized asphalt sheet membrane as flashing where appropriate, and where indicated for preventing water from migrating under metal flashings. C. Fabricate metal flashings at open valleys with a minimum 1" high standing rib at center of valley. D. Roofing Tile Installation: Beginning at eaves, install roofing tile in accordance with recommendations of manufacturer and with details and recommendations of NRCA Steep Roofing Manual. Unless otherwise indicated, provide minimum 3" lap between succeeding courses of tile. 9604302 07320-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 E. Install matching, specially shaped units at rakes, ridges and hips. F. Set ridge and hip tile in a full bed of mortar and strike mortar flush with face of hip or ridge cover tile. Provide weep holes in mortar as recommended by manufacturer. Notify Architect/Engineer in advance of when mortar set tile installation will begin, for field verification of color matching. Begin mortar setting in the northeast corner of the apparatus bays (least conspicuous location). Make adjustments in mortar color matching in subsequent work if directed by the Architect/Engineer. G. Cut tile at valleys to form a straight border. Taper valleys from a 2" exposure on each side of valley at top and increasing exposure by 1" (each side) per 8' of valley length. H. Cut and fit tile at roof vents and other roof penetrations. After tile are laid, fill any voids with mortar. Installation of Accessory Items: Install eave closures and other accessory items in coordination with roofing tile installation and in strict accordance with installation instructions and recommendations of manufacturer and of the NRCA Steep Roofing Manual. J. Where lead flashing is used, field paint to match roof tile color. Refer to Section 09900 for paint system. 3.03 ADJUST AND CLEAN A. Remove and replace any damaged or broken tile. B. Remove excess tile and debris from site. END OF SECTION 9604302 07320-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 • SECTION 07700 - ROOF SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED SECTIONS A. Wood curbs, nailers, and blocking - Section 06100. B. Built-up roofing - Section 07510. C. Elastomeric sheet roofing - Section 07530. D. Sealants - Section 07900. E. Field painting - Section 09900. 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Prefabricated roof caps and dryer vent cap as indicated on the Mechanical Drawings and "O'Hagin Ventilation System". 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish specified submittals in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, rough-in diagrams, details, installation instructions and general product recommendations. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards: 1. SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual details for fabrication of units, including flanges and cap-flashing to coordinate with type of roofing indicated. 2. NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual details for installation of units. PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Zinc-Coated Steel: Commercial quality with 0.20 percent copper, ASTM A 525, G90 hot-dip galvanized, mill phosphatized. B. Finish: Field paint to match adjacent roof tile/construction. Refer to Section 09900 for paint system. C. Provide insect screens when this option is available from the manufacturer. 9604302 07700-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 D. Fasteners: Nonmagnetic stainless steel. E. Gaskets: Tubular or fingered design of neoprene or polyvinyl chloride or block design of sponge neoprene. F. Bituminous Coating: FS TT-C-494A or SSPC-Paint 12, solvent type bituminous mastic, nominally free of sulfur, compounded for 15-mil dry film thickness per coating. G. Mastic Sealant: Polyisobutylene; nonhardening, nonskinning, nondrying, nonmigrating sealant. H. Elastomeric Sealant: Generic type recommended by unit manufacturer, which is compatible with joint surfaces; comply with FS TT-S-00227E, TT-S-00230C, or TT-S-001543A. Roofing Cement: ASTM D 2822, asphaltic. J. Mill Finish Aluminum: .032 inch thick aluminum for"O'Hagin Ventilation System" only. 2.02 PRODUCTS A. Roof caps and dryer vent cap as indicated on Mechanical drawings. B. "O'Hagin Ventilation System" Model S 50046 corrugated aluminum vents to match profile of concrete "Mission S" roof tile. Provide "Primary Vent- Subflashing"with minimum '/: inch high flanges and insect screens. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Coordinate with installation of roof deck and other substrates to receive accessory units, and vapor barriers, roof insulation, roofing and flashing, as required to ensure that each element of the work performs properly, and that combined elements are waterproof and weathertight. B. Anchor units securely to supporting structural substrates, adequate to withstand lateral and thermal stresses as well as inward and outward loading pressures. C. Except as otherwise indicated install roof accessory items in accordance with construction details of NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual and roof tile manufacturer's recommendations. D. Where metal surfaces of units are to be installed in contact with noncompatible metal or corrosive substrates, including wood, apply bituminous coating on concealed metal surfaces, or provide other 9604302 07700-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 permanent separation. E. Except as otherwise indicated, set flanges of accessory units in a thick bed of roofing cement, to form a seal. F. Where cap flashing is required as component of accessory, install to provide adequate waterproof overlap with roofing or roof flashing (as counter-flashing). Seal with thick bead of mastic sealant, except where overlap is indicated to be left open for ventilation. G. Field paint units to match color of adjacent roof tile (adjacent wall at dryer cap). Refer to Section 09900 for paint system. 3.02 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed metal and plastic surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Touch up damaged metal coatings. END OF SECTION 9604302 07700-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 09300 - TILE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Ceramic tile work. B. Marble thresholds. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source of Materials: Provide materials obtained from one source for each type and color of tile, grout, and setting materials. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's technical information and installation instructions for materials required. Include sample copy of maintenance and cleaning instructions to be used during construction and to be furnished to Owner. B. Samples: Samples are not required if specified colors are provided. C. Certificates: Furnish Master Grade Certificates for each shipment and type of tile, signed by Manufacturer and Installer. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Prevent damage or contamination to materials by water, freezing, foreign matter or other causes. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation to comply with referenced standards and manufacturer's printed recommendations. B. Vent temporary heaters to exterior to prevent damage to tile work from carbon dioxide buildup. C. Maintain temperatures at not less than 50 deg. F (10 deg. C) in tiled areas 9604302 09300-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 during installation and for 7 days after completion, unless higher temperatures are required by referenced installation standard or manu- facturer's instructions. 1.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. At completion of work, deliver the following extra materials to the Owner. 1. One carton of each color and type of floor tile. 2. One carton of each color and type of wall tile. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. ANSI Standard for Ceramic Tile: Comply with ANSI A137.1 American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile for types and grades of tile indicated. B. ANSI Standard for Tile Installation Materials: Comply with ANSI standard referenced with products and materials indicated for setting and grouting. C. CTI Standard for Glazed and Unglazed Special Purpose and Faience Tile: Comply with CTI Test Procedure CTI-69-5 for glazed and unglazed special purpose and faience tile indicated. D. Colors, Textures and Patterns: For products requiring selection of colors, surface textures or other appearance characteristics, provide products to match characteristics as selected by Architect/ Engineer from manufacturer's standards. E. Mounting: Where factory mounted tile is required provide back or edge mounted tile assemblies as standard with manufacturer unless another mounting method is indicated. 2.02 TILE MATERIALS A. Unglazed Ceramic Mosaic Floor Tile: Factory-mounted. 1. Type: Porcelain. 2. Wearing Surface: Slip resistant tile with natural finish. 3. Nominal Facial Dimensions: 2 in. x 2 in. 4. Nominal Thickness: 1/4 in. 5. Face: Plain with cushion edges. 6. Manufacturer: Keystone by Dal-Tile. 7. Color: "Mottled Sandalwood" DK-104. Note: This is the only color 9604302 09300-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 that will be used; there will be no accent colors. 8. In shower stalls only, color to be "Mottled Sandalwood" DK-104, but with manufacturer's abrasive surface added. B. Glazed Wall Tile (WT-1): 1. Nominal Facial Dimensions: 2 in. x 2 in. 2. Nominal Thickness: 5.16 in. 3. Face: Plain with cushion edge. 4. Manufacturer: Dal-Tile. 5. Color: "Toast" 6517. Note: This is the only color that will be used; there will be no accent colors. C. Trim Units: Match size and characteristics of adjoining wall tile. 1. Base: Coved. 2. Wainscot Cap: Bullnose cap. 3. External Corners: Bullnose shape with a radius of not less than 3/4 in. unless otherwise indicated. 4. Internal Corners: Field-butted square corners, except use coved base and cap angle pieces designed to member with stretcher shapes. D. Soap Dishes: Note: Soap dishes are part of toilet accessories work, not tile work. E. Grout color for floors: "Parchment" #61 as manufactured by Laticrete. F. Grout color for walls: "Antique White" #23 as manufactured by Laticrete. 2.03 MARBLE THRESHOLDS A. Marble Thresholds: ASTM C 503 requirements for exterior use and abrasion resistance for uses subject to heavy foot traffic. Provide white, honed marble complying with MIA Group A requirements for soundness. B. Marble Sills: Hard, sound, domestic marble, approximately 'A inch thick and 2" wide with polished finish on exposed top and edge, white color. 2.04 RELATED MATERIALS A. Setting Materials: 1. Portland Cement Mortar. ANSI A108.1 2. Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A118.1. 3. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A118.4. 9604302 09300-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 B. Grout Materials: 1. Commercial Portland Cement Grout: ANSI A118.6 color to be selected by Architect. 2. Dry Set Grout: ANSI A118.6 color to be selected by Architect. C. Tile Cleaner: Product specifically acceptable to manufacturer of tile and grout manufacturer for application indicated and as recommended by National Tile Promotion Federation or Ceramic Tile Institute. 2.05 MIXES A. Mix mortars and grouts to comply with requirements of referenced standards and manufacturers for accurately proportioning of materials, water or additive content, mixing equipment and mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other procedures needed to produce mortars and grouts of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for application indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces to receive tile work and conditions under which tile will be installed. B. Do not proceed with tile work until surfaces and conditions are acceptable. 3.02 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with applicable parts of ANSI 108 series of tile installation standards included under American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile. B. TCA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation; comply with TCA installation methods indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, as applicable to installation conditions shown. C. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures, to form a complete covering without interruptions, except as otherwise shown. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges and cor- ners without disrupting pattern or joint alignments. D. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile 9604302 09300-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 abutting trim, finish or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures and other penetrations so that plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. E. Jointing Pattern: 1. Lay tile in grid pattern. 2. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls and trim are same size. 3. Layout tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. 4. Provide uniform joint widths. For tile mounted in sheets make joints between tile sheets same width as joints within tile sheets so that extent of each sheet is not apparent in finished work. F. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. G. Grout tile to comply with the requirements of the following installation standards: 1. Ceramic tile grouts (sand portland cement, dry set, commercial portland cement, and latex portland cement grouts): ANSI A108.10. 3.03 FLOOR INSTALLATION METHODS A. Ceramic Mosaic Tile: Install tile to comply with requirements indicated below for setting bed methods, TCA installation methods related to types of subfloor construction, and grout types: 1. Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A108.1 in showers. a. Bond Coat: Dry set or latex portland cement mortar on cured bed, ANSI A108.5. 2. Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A108.5, except showers. a. Concrete Subfloors, Interior: TCA F113. c. Grout: Sand portland or latex portland cement. B. Marble Thresholds: Install marble thresholds at locations indicated; set in same type of setting bed as abutting field tile unless otherwise indicated. 3.04 WALL TILE INSTALLATION METHODS A. Install types of tile designated for wall application to comply with requirements indicated below for setting bed methods, TCA installation methods related to subsurface wall conditions, and grout types: 1. Dry Set Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A108.5. a. Masonry, Interior: TCA W202. b. Water-resistant Gypsum Board, Interior. TCA W243. 9604302 09300-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 c. Shower Receptors, Cementitious Backer Units: TCA B415. d. Grout: Sand portland, commercial portland, or latex portland cement. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Upon completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. B. Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. C. When recommended by the manufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with kraft paper or other heavy covering during con- struction period to prevent staining, damage and wear. D. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from using tiled floors for at least 7 days after grouting is completed. E. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. END OF SECTION 9604302 09300-6 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 09650 - RESILIENT FLOORING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED SECTIONS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Preparation of concrete subfloors - Section 03300. C. Carpeting - Section 09680. 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Resilient tile flooring. B. Resilient wall base. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Provide each type of resilient flooring and accessories as produced by a single manufacturer, including recommended primers, adhesives, sealants, and leveling compounds. B. Fire Test Performance: Provide resilient flooring which complies with the following fire test performance criteria as determined by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Critical Radiant Flux (CRF): Not less than 0.45 watts per sq. cm. per ASTM E 648. 2. Flame Spread: Maximum 75 per ASTM E 84. 3. Smoke Developed: Maximum 450 per ASTM E 84. 4. Smoke Density: Maximum 450 per ASTM E 662. C. Installer's Qualifications: Certified in writing by resilient flooring manufacturer as qualified for installation products selected. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical data for each type of resilient flooring and accessory. Include copy of maintenance and cleaning instructions to be used during construction and to be fumished to Owner. 9604302 09650-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 B. Samples: Samples are not required if specified colors are provided. C. Certificates: Submit certification from an independent testing laboratory acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that resilient flooring and adhesive complies with fire test performance requirements. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS • A. Maintain minimum temperature of 65 deg. F (18 deg. C) in spaces to receive resilient flooring for at least 48 hours prior to installation, during installation, and for not less than 48 hours after installation. Subse- quently, maintain minimum temperature of 55 deg. F (13 deg. C) in areas where work is completed. 1.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Deliver stock of maintenance materials to Owner. Furnished from same manufactured lot as materials installed and enclosed in protective packaging with appropriate identifying labels. 1. Tile Flooring: One box for each 50 boxes or fraction thereof, for each type, color, pattern and size installed. 2. Wall Base: 20 lineal feet for each style, color, and size. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 RESILIENT TILE FLOORING A. Vinyl Composition Tile: 1. Characteristics: FS SS-T-312, Type IV, composition 1, 12 in. x 12 in. x 1/8 in. 2. Color: Provide one of the following: a. "Pebble Tan" 51928 as manufactured by Armstrong. b. "Stone Pink" FO-1159 as manufactured by AB Colors Plus. Note: There will be only one color used; there will be no accent colors. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Resilient Wall Base: Vinyl base, FS SS-W-40, Type II, with matching end stops and preformed or molded corner units. Provide in continuous length roll. 1. Height: 4 in. 2. Thickness: 3/32 in. gage. 3. Style: Standard top-set cove. 9604302 09650-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 4. Finish: Matte. 5. Color "Sable" DC 42 as manufactured by Johnsonite B. Resilient Edge Strips: 1/8 in. thick, homogeneous vinyl composition, tapered edge, color to match flooring, or as selected by Architect/ Engineer from standard colors available; one inch wide. C. Adhesives (Cements): Waterproof, stabilized very low VOC or waterbase type as recommended by flooring manufacturer to suit material and substrate conditions. D. Concrete Slab Primer: Non-staining waterbase type as recommended by flooring manufacturer. E. Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex types as recommended by flooring manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine new and existing subfloor surfaces to determine that they are smooth and free from cracks, holes, ridges, coatings preventing adhesive bond, and other defects impairing performance or appearance. B. Perform bond and moisture tests on concrete subfloors to determine if surfaces are sufficiently cured and dry as well as to ascertain presence of curing compounds. C. Do proceed with resilient flooring work until subfloor surfaces are satisfactory. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Use leveling and patching compounds as recommended by resilient flooring manufacturer for filling small cracks, holes and depressions in subfloors. B. Remove coatings from subfloor surfaces that would prevent adhesive bond, including curing compounds incompatible with resilient flooring adhesives, paint, oils, waxes and sealers. C. Broom clean or vacuum surfaces to be covered. D. Apply concrete slab primer as recommended by flooring manufacturer, 9604302 09650-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 prior to application of adhesive. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install resilient flooring using method indicated in strict compliance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Extend resilient flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and into closets and similar areas. B. Scribe, cut, and fit resilient flooring to permanent fixtures, built-in furniture and cabinets, pipes, outlets and permanent columns, walls and partitions. C. Maintain reference markers, holes, or openings that are in place or plainly marked for future cutting by repeating on finish flooring as marked on subfloor. Use chalk or other non-permanent marking device. D. Tightly cement resilient flooring to subbase without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, or other surface imperfections. Hand roll resilient flooring at perimeter of each covered area to assure adhesion. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF TILE FLOORS A. Lay tile from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so that tile at opposite edges of room area of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid use of cut widths less than 1/2 tile at room perimeters. B. Lay tile square to room axis, unless otherwise shown. C. Match tiles for color and pattern by using tile from cartons in same sequence as manufactured and packaged if so numbered. D. Cut tile neatly around all fixtures. Broken, cracked, chipped, or deformed tiles are not acceptable. E. Lay tile with grain running in one direction. F. Adhere tile flooring to substrates using full spread of adhesive applied in compliance with flooring manufacturer's directions. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES A. Apply wall base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and other permanent fixtures in rooms or areas where base is scheduled. 9604302 09650-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 B. Install base in lengths as long as practicable, with preformed corner units. C. Tightly bond base to substrate throughout length of each piece, with continuous contact at horizontal and vertical surfaces. D. On masonry surfaces, or other similar irregular substrates, fill voids along top edge of resilient wall base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler material. E. Place resilient edge strips tightly butted to flooring and secure with adhesive. Install edging strips at edges of flooring which would otherwise be exposed. F. Apply metal edge strips where shown with countersunk stainless steel anchors. G. Apply resilient accessories to stairs as indicated and in strict accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 3.06 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Immediately upon completion of resilient flooring, sweep or vacuum floor thoroughly. B. Do not wash floor until time period recommended by resilient flooring manufacturer has elapsed to allow resilient flooring to become well-sealed in adhesive. C. Damp-mop floor being careful to remove black marks and excessive soil. D. Remove any excess adhesive or other surface blemishes, using appropriate cleaner recommended by resilient flooring manufacturers. E. Protect flooring against damage during construction period to comply with resilient flooring manufacturer's directions. F. Apply protective floor polish to resilient flooring surfaces free from soil, excess adhesive or surface blemishes. Use commercially available metal cross-linked acrylic product acceptable to resilient flooring manufacturer. END OF SECTION 9604302 09650-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 09680 - CARPETING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Floor carpet. B. Carpet installation materials. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's product literature and installation instructions for each type of carpeting material and installation accessory required. 1. Include methods of installation for each type of substrate. 2. Submit written data on physical characteristics, durability, resistance to fading and flame resistance characteristics. 3. Include copies of maintenance and cleaning instructions to be used during construction and to be furnished to Owner. 4. Submit sample copies of warranties specified. B. Samples: Samples not required if specified color is provided. C. Certificates: Manufacturer's certification stating that materials furnished comply with specified requirements. Include supporting certified laboratory testing data indicating that material meets specified test requirements. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Firm specializing in carpet installation with not less than 2 years of experience in installation of carpeting similar to that required for this project. B. Single Source Responsibility: Provide material produced by a single manufacturer for each carpet type. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A Deliver materials to project site in original factory wrappings and containers, clearly labeled with identification of manufacturer, brand name, quality or grade, fire hazard classification, and lot number. B. Store materials in original undamaged packages and containers, inside 9604302 09680-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 well ventilated area protected from weather, moisture, soiling, extreme temperatures, humidity; laid flat, blocked off ground to prevent sagging and warping. Maintain temperature in storage area above 40 deg. F. C. Comply with instructions and recommendations of manufacturer for special delivery, storage, and handling requirements. 1.05 SPECIAL WARRANTY A. Defects Warranty: Provide a written warranty, executed by the Contractor, Installer, and the Manufacturer, agreeing to repair or replace carpeting which fails in materials or workmanship within 2 years after the date of substantial completion. This warranty shall be in addition to and not a limitation of other rights the Owner may have against the Contractor under the Contract Documents. B. Wear Warranty: Provide a written warranty from the manufacturer, agreeing to replace carpet which suffers more than a 10 percent reduction in weight due to abrasive wear within 10 years after the date of substantial completion. This warranty shall provide for replacement of worn areas with same type of carpet, including installation, at no cost to Owner. C. Static Warranty: Provide a written warranty from the manufacturer, agreeing to replace carpet that does not maintain static generation of less than 3.5 KV at 20 percent R.H./70 deg. F. throughout life of the carpet. This warranty shall provide for replacement of carpet not meeting this performance, including installation, at no cost to Owner. 1.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. After completion of work, deliver minimum of 2 percent of each type, color, and pattern of specified carpeting. 1. Furnish accessory components as required. Furnish replacement materials from same production run as materials installed. 2. Package replacement materials with protective covering, identified with appropriate labels. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Carpet (CPT1): 1. Construction: Textured Loop Pile. 2. Yam: 100% DuPont Solution Dyed BCF Nylon Type 6.6 with Antimicrobial and Fluorocarbon Treatment. 9604302 09680-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 3. Gauge: 1/10. 4. Pile Height: .187 inch. 5. Pile Thickness: .128 inch. 6. Stitches/6 in. (15.24 cm): 36. 7. Yarn Weight: 28 oz. per sq. yd. 8. Dye Method: Solution Dyed . 9. Primary Backing: Polypropylene. 10. Secondary Backing: Unitary. 11. Total Weight: 62 oz. 12. Width: 12 feet. 13. Density: 6750 oz./cubic yard . 14. Weight Density: 162,000. 15. Electrostatic Propensity: Less than 3.5 kV. 16. Flammability: a. ASTM E 648 (Flooring Radiant Panel): Meets National Bureau of Standards recommended limits for commercial (Class II) and/or institutional (Class I) occupancies (critical radiant flux of 0.45 watts/cm2 or greater). b. ASTM E 662 (NBS Smoke Chamber Test): Less than 450. 17. Wear Warranty: Ten year commercial. 18. Manufacturer: Stratton. 19. Style: Synergy II. 20. Special Treatments: Scotchgard. 21. Color: Sapphire 88935 as manufactured by Shaw Stratton. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Carpet Edge Guard, Non-metallic: Extruded or molded heavy duty vinyl carpet edge guard of size and profile indicated; minimum 2 in. wide anchorage flange; colors selected by Architect/Engineer from standard colors. B. Installation Adhesive: Water-resistant, non-staining as recommended by carpet manufacturer, which complies with flammability requirements for installed carpet. C. Seaming Cement: Hot melt seaming adhesive or similar product recommended by carpet manufacturer, for taping seams and butting cut edges at backing to form secure seams and preventing pile loss at seams. D. Miscellaneous Materials: Incidental materials as recommended by manufacturers of carpet, cushions, and other carpeting products to meet project circumstances and requirements. 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 9604302 09680-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 A. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports evidencing compliance with requirements for fire performance characteristics and physical properties indicated. B. Fire Performance Characteristics: 1. Flammability: Rating: Passing Methenamine Pill Test, ASTM D 2859. 2. Surface Burning Characteristics: a. Flame Spread: Not more than 25. b. Smoke Developed: Not more than 50. c. Test Method: ASTM E 84. 3. Critical Radiant Flux Rating: Not less than 0.45 watts per sq. centimeter, ASTM E 648. 4. Smoke Density Rating: With flame, 15.4 minimum value, without flame, 9.1 minimum value, ASTM E 662. C. Physical Properties: 1. Sound Absorption Characteristics Rating: Passing sound absorption coefficient level, ASTM C 423. 2. Fade Resistance Rating: Maximum grey scale factor of 40 hours, AATCC 16E. 3. Static Resistance Rating: 3.5 kV when tested at 20 percent R.H./70 deg F., AATCC 134. 4. Microbial Resistance Rating: a. Minimum 90 percent bacterial reduction, AATCC 100. b. Maximum 20 percent fungal growth, AATCC 30. c. Exhibits no zone of inhibition, AATCC 90. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates for moisture content and other conditions under which carpeting is to be installed. B. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Repair minor holes, cracks, depressions, and rough areas using material recommended by carpet or adhesive manufacturer. B. Clear away debris and scrape up cementitious deposits from surfaces to receive carpeting; vacuum clean immediately before installation. 9604302 09680-4 Addendum 1 3-31-97 C. Check concrete surfaces to ensure no dusting through installed carpet. Apply sealer where required to prevent dusting. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for seam locations and direction of carpet; maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. Follow seaming diagram as submitted and approved. At doors, center seams under doors; do not place seams in traffic direction at doorway. B. Extend carpet under open-bottomed obstructions and under removable flanges and furnishings, and into alcoves and closets of each space. C. Provide cut outs where required, and bind cut edges properly where not concealed by protective edge guards or overlapping flanges. D. Install carpet edge guard where edge of carpet is exposed; anchor guards to substrate. E. Glue Down Installation: 1. Fit sections of carpet into each space prior to application of adhesive. Trim edges and butt cuts with seaming cement. 2. Apply adhesive uniformly to substrate in accordance with manufac- turer's instructions. Butt carpet edges tightly together to form seams without gaps. 3. Roll entire carpet area lightly to eliminate air pockets and ensure uniform bond. 4. Remove any adhesive promptly from face of carpet by method which will not damage carpet face. 3.04 CLEANING A. Remove and dispose of debris and unusable scraps. Vacuum carpet using commercial machine with face-beater element. B. Remove spots and replace carpet where spots cannot be removed. Remove any protruding face yam. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Provide protective methods and materials needed to ensure that carpeting will be without deterioration or damage. B. Provide protective plywood runways over completed carpet for wheeled traffic loads. END OF SECTION 9604302 09680-5 Addendum 1 3-31-97 SECTION 10800 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Toilet accessories, including mounting devices. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Accessory Locations: Coordinate accessory locations with other work to avoid interference and to assure proper operation and servicing of accessory units. B. Products: Provide products of same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed in same areas. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for each toilet accessory. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SOURCE MANUFACTURERS A. Model numbers listed for toilet accessories are products manufactured by Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., and are listed as a standard of quality. B. Equivalent products of the following manufacturers are acceptable: 1. Bradley Corporation. 2. Watrous, Inc. 3. McKinney 2.02 MATERIALS A. Stainless Steel: AISI Type 302/304, with polished No. 4 finish, 22 gage. B. Brass: Leaded and unleaded, flat products, FS QQ-B-613; Rods, shapes, forgings, and flat products with finished edges, FS QQ-B-626. C. Sheet Steel: Cold-rolled, commercial quality ASTM A 366, 20 gage. 9604302 10800-1 Addendum 1 3-31-97 Surface preparation and metal pretreatment as required for applied finish. D. Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 527, G60. E. Chromium Plating: Nickel and chromium electro-deposited on base metal, ASTM B 456, Type SC 2. F. Mirror Glass: FS DD-G-451, Type I, Class 1, Quality q2, 1/4 in. thick, with silver coating, copper protective coating, and non-metallic paint coating complying with FS DD-M-411. G. Galvanized Steel Mounting Devices: ASTM A 153, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. H. Fasteners: Screws, bolts, and other devices of same material as accessory unit or of galvanized steel where concealed. 2.03 TOILET ACCESSORIES A. Not used. B. Not used. C. Not used. D. Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser. N.I.C. (By Owner). E. Grab Bar Model 8-6106 x 42. F. Grab Bar: Model 8-6106 x 36. G. Paper Towel Dispenser/Waste Receptacle: N.I.C. (By Owner). H. Shower Rod: Model B-6107. J. Mirror Mounted Soap Dispenser. N.I.C. (By Owner). K. Mirror: Model B-290 18"wide x 36"tall. L. Towel Bar: Model B-809 x 18 M. Grab Bar in Shower. Model B-6161. N. H.C. Bench Seat: Model B-5171 (right hand), and B-5181 (left hand). 9604302 10800-2 Addendum 1 3-31-97 O. Shower Controls: Refer to Plumbing Specifications. P. Wood Bench: Refer to Section 06400. Q. Not used. R. Wall-Mounted Soap Dish: B-7680. S. Mop and Broom Holder: Model B-224 x 48. 2.04 FABRICATION A. No names or labels are permitted on exposed faces of toilet and bath accessory units. B. Fabricate units with tight seams and joints, all welded construction, exposed edges rolled. Hang doors or access panels with continuous stainless steel piano hinge. Provide concealed anchorage wherever possible. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine rough openings and adjacent construction for defects that would prevent proper installation of accessory items. B. Do not proceed until defects are corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install toilet accessory units in accordance with manufacturers' instructions, using fasteners which are appropriate to substrate. B. Install units plumb and level, firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. 3.02 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust toilet accessories for proper operation and verify that mechanisms function smoothly. Replace damaged or defective items. B. Clean and polish all exposed surfaces after removing temporary labels and protective coatings. END OF SECTION 9604302 10800-3 Addendum 1 3-31-97 ADDENDUM 2 BID #B97-06 CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) ONE-STORY FIRE STATIONS TO ALL BIDDERS: THIS ADDENDUM IS ISSUED TO MODIFY, CLARIFY, OR CORRECT THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT AND IS HEREBY MADE PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. PLEASE ATTACH THIS ADDENDUM TO THE DOCUMENTS IN YOUR POSSESSION. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM IN THE SPACE PROVIDED ON THE BID FORM. REVIEW CHANGES CAREFULLY. ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM 1 IS ISSUED TO NOTIFY THE BIDDERS OF THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: CHANGES TO THE PROJECT MANUAL 1. At "Bid Form", delete BFL-5 in its entirely, and replace with BFL-5 revised 4-10-97; see attached. 2. At Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor, Article 7, 7.3, other Provisions, add the following paragraphs: DISPUTE RESOLUTION As a condition precedent to the filing of any suit or other legal proceeding, the parties shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes or other matters in question by mediation. Mediation shall be initiated by any party by serving a written request for same on the other party. The parties shall, by mutual agreement, select a mediator within fifteen (15) days of the date of the request for mediation. If the parties cannot agree on the selection of a mediator, then the City shall select the mediator who, if selected solely by the City, shall be a mediator certified by the Supreme Court of Florida. No suit or other legal proceeding shall be filed until the mediator declares an impasse, which declaration in any event, shall be issued by the mediator not later than sixty (60) days after the initial mediation conference. ATTORNEYS' FEES In the event that either party seeks to enforce this contract by way of legal action, and the matter is placed in the hand of an attorney, then the prevailing party shall recover its attorneys' fees and the court shall determine the amount of such fees and allow recovery to said prevailing party in entering a judgment. The Page 1 Addendum 2 4-10-97 parties agree that entitlement to attorneys' fees under this Agreement shall be deemed to include all appellate attorney's fees. VENUE SELECTION The parties agree that this Agreement was entered into in Orange County, Florida and that the parties engage in substantial business activity in Orange County, Florida, and that the performance of the parties under this Agreement is to be accomplished in Orange County, Florida, and that payment is due in Orange County, Florida, and that the venue for any collection or enforcement action under this Agreement shall be brought in Orange County, Florida. 3. At Performance Bond, AIA Document A311, page 2, add the following paragraph: This performance bond shall be deemed to include all damages incurred by the Owner by reason of Contractor's failure to perform. 4. At Labor & Material Payment Bond, AIA Document A311, page 4, add the following paragraph: This bond shall be deemed to be issued pursuant to the provisions of section 255.05, Florida Statute (1996) and the requirements of same shall be deemed to be incorporated herein by reference. 5. At the Supplementary Conditions, page SGC-2, replace paragraphs & with the following: The Contractor shall review, verify, and concur with any specified construction or installation procedure and instruction prior to performing the Work, including manufacturers recommendations and referenced standards, and shall report to the Architect at once if the specified procedure and instruction (1) does not appear to comport with reasonable construction practice; (2) invalidates any specific warranty or the general Contractor's warranty; or (3) is objectionable to the Contractor for some reason. In conjunction with reporting an objection, the Contractor shall propose alternative procedures to which the Contractor would agree and warrant. 6. At the Supplementary Conditions, page SGC-3, delete paragraph 3.7.1 in its entirety. Paragraph 3.7.1 in the General Conditions is not amended by the Supplementary Conditions. 7. At the Supplementary Conditions, page SGC-3, replace paragraph 3.18.4 with the following: Page 2 Addendum 2 4-10-97 3.18.4 The Contractor's Liability Policy shall provide a "Hold Harmless" rider to cover the provision of paragraph 3.18 and this shall be so noted on the Contractor's Certificate of Insurance. The Contractor hereby acknowledges receipt of ten dollars and other good and valuable considerations from the Owner which contractor has allocated within the Contract Sum in exchange for giving the Owner and the Architect, respectively, the indemnification provided above in accord with Article 3.18 of the General Conditions which form a part of the Contract Documents, and any and all other indemnification's given by the Contractor under the Contract Documents. 8. At Section 06400, Architectural Woodwork, 2.09, wood benches, A, note that quantities indicated are doubled because of the fact that two fire stations are being built. 9. At Section 07530, Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Membrane, 2.01, C, add the following to the list of Source Products/Manufacturers: 4. Moisture Guard by Tanko 5. Black Diamond Base Sheet by GS 10.At Section 09680, Carpeting, 2.01, change color to "Jarosite #88425" 11.At Section 10350, Flagpoles, 2.01, add the following source manufacturer: Eder Flag Pole Co. (407)859-4041 12.At Section 10500-2, Metal Lockers, 2,01, add the following source manufacturer: Lyon Metal Products, Inc. (800)545-5752 ext. 616 13.At Section 10522, Fire Extinguisher, Cabinets, and Accessories, 2.01, C, change the fire extinguisher type to: 1. Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical type: UL-rated 4A 80 BC (101b) for Class A, B & C fires. 14.At Section 10522, Fire Extinguisher, Cabinets, and Accessories, 2.04, D, change the backbend depth to 21/2". And at E, Change the door style to full double-strength glass with inside latch and lock. And at B, Page 3 Addendum 2 4-10-97 Change cabinet construction to be painted steel cabinet with baked-on enamel finish. A standard of quality is Model 1017F10 by J.L. Industries (407)859-4041. 15.At Section 154831, Fuel Systems, 2.04, note that, subject to specification requirements, fuel dispensers by "Gasboy" would also be acceptable. 16.At Electrical Sections 16100, 16120, 16140, 16452, 16475, 16476, 16525, 16662, 16721, 16723, & 16740, refer to attached sheets dated 4-10-97 for changes. Note that Section 16662 has been replaced in its entirety (see attached). CHANGES TO THE DRAWINGS 1. At sheet C1-3, General Note 1, add the following sentence: Installation of hay bales shall comply with FDOT Index 102. 2. At sheet C6-3, Thrust Block Details, note that as an alternate to thrust blocks, the following system can be used: Mechanical Joint Retainer Glands as manufactured by EBAA Iron Sales Inc., or approved equal. 3. At sheet L1-4, refer to attached photocopy dated 4-10-97 showing revision at south side of Street "A". (Orange mesh fence was moved and two additional trees are indicated to be removed). 4. At sheet L2-4, refer to attached photocopy dated 4-10-97 for revision at south side of Street "A". (Bahia sod was added). 5. At sheet A2, Key Notes for Enlarged Floor Plans, key note 8, revise to be the same as key note 7 — (5) full depth plastic laminated adjustable shelves. 6. At sheet A3, Ceiling Detail, note that gypsum board is 5/8" type "x"; and add R19 batt insulation above rigid insulation. 7. At sheet A4, revise off-ridge vents to "O'Hagin" vents, to be spaced equally below ridge lines. Quantity to be 20 vents for each fire station. Verify exact location of vents with Architect. 8. At sheet A9, Door Schedule, change doors 1208, 120C, 120D, 120E, & 120F from hollow metal to solid core wood construction; and change door type for door 123H from DF to DH. 9. At sheet A9, change door type designation for louvered door from DF to DH. Page 4 Addendum 2 4-10-97 10.At sheet Al, Floor Plan, provide fire extinguisher with cabinet in Day Room 105; and provide fire extinguishers with wall brackets in the following rooms: Electrical Room 114, Comm. Room 115, Apparatus Bay 123, and Mechanical Mezzanine above corridor 112. Verify exact locations with Architect. 11.At sheet S2, revise patio and patio enclosure slab to be two separate pours with footing TE-3 at north edge of slab at patio enclosure. Patio enclosure slab to be poured flat (no slope). Patio slab to be warped and sloped to drain away from building and patio enclosure. 12.At sheets M-2, M-3, and M-5, refer to attached sheets dated 4-10-97 (including MSK-1, MSK-2, and MSK-3) for revisions. 13.At sheets E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, & E9, refer to attached sheets dated 4-10-97 for revisions. Mark W. Brace, CPPB Buyer, City of Ocoee Date: 4-10-97 "' END OF ADDENDUM 2 "' Page 5 Addendum 2 4-10-97 The undersigned agrees to forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing between the date established as the date of substantial completion and the actual date of such substantial completion of the contract work, the amount of$200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 3A and $200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 4. The undersigned further agrees to forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing between the date established as the date of final completion and the actual date of final completion of the contract work, the amount of$200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 3 and $200.00 per calendar day for Fire Station No. 4. all as provided in paragraph 9.11 of the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract Documents. ADDENDA Bidder acknowledges the receipt of Addendum No.'s 1. , 2. 3. 4. , 5. Dated this day of (month) (year) Contractor: Address: SEAL Signature &Title Date Printed Name &Title Attachments: Qualification Statement Bid Security 9604302 BFL-5 Addendum 2 4-10-97 SECTION 02845 - OPTICALLY ACTIVATED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2. II. MATCHED SYSTEM COMPONENTS 2. A. Data-Encoded Emitter 2. B. Optical Detector 3. C. Optical Detector Cable 3. D. Data-Encoded Phase Selector 3. III. SYSTEM COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS 3. A. Data-Encoded Optical Emitter (Existing) 3. B. Optical Detector 4. C. Optical Detector Cable 5. D. Data-Encoded Phase Selector 6. E. System Chassis 9. F. Interface Card 9. 1. For NEMA Controllers 9. G. Confirmation Light Card 10. H. Interface Software 10. IV. RELIABILITY 11. V. QUALIFICATIONS 11. VI. RESPONSIBILITIES 12. VII. GUARANTEED WARRANTY 12. VIII. CERITIFICATE OF INSURANCE 13. IX. CERTIFICATION 13. 9604302 02845-1 Addendum 2 410-97 PLACE BARRICADE AROUND TREE & CONTRACTOR TO ENO OF NEW PAVEMENT TRY . rowel'ih :. /� 1 it • NBTRI x9I0A CCUb. - �`';; Ire 0 y , X apt,. ... STAKE : ir 127,5 up ek 44!T • . ® e bTs r � �� t� I;�,Hpi s X. PRESERVE jxi F AREA STAKE l titres +f€I ' 2 AGPO E �L Me MEN SIt�irI!" -eik? ��� �� SAN m: ORANGE MESH BARRICADE. M, LiJ 1 LIMITS OF C. CONDUIT FOR ' . I URE TR FIC GNAL E co AA: �`e, !! . o • )RANGE MESH —'`, 5TA1(t IARRICAOE, I . 1,, �1 cri v // , o 'o/so: I y� l0 _ �� . ro/ea ` l fY.Ewr �� // S � `'Of''. } ,ram-- Ag,x 2 T I � tI 1 IS°-:1 ./ \ / E \ 1 I I aMOTOR ASTOR, ( o Va i IPI /I I° I55 - • I / ' V tW)0 / ` I `. �I�e/�yE 1 / / 0 A / � \ _ : teh5 1 /a 9. Z., I. ./ \ate / n sego (DapY ti/60 d 1 0/5° 1 /i \ \-�i SHRUB P CEMENT \ \ TO BE G•ORDNATED A E-�- � W/ GR• -CrLIGHTS; MAINTAIN - 7-Th / CLEARAN6 E TO LIGHT 5 8 in e,..( • MONUMENT SI en Y + RAGPO a z •. t 6" SAN m o_ • I ,` c5)eo cs m —: t VI ONOUIT FOR m Ct TRAFFIC SIGNAL i I o • Ico co6/6i 1 I/// ` y —� `�& /gyp\ .—/t\\ E 4 t \\` / -----.., I 1 •••‘. \ �M1 / :--/ \ 7 el TMN : \, :AI/65 , I I / 6 'RCP,/ 1\ 29/JO / 1 5 . t`I I up° i 1 p \'� i �e7� i' `t-10-99 OCOEE FIRE STATION 96043.02 ADDENDUM NO. 2 A. HVAC 1. Drawing Sheet M-2 a) Route refrigerant piping as shown on attached sketches MSK-1, 2, and 3. All piping shall be concealed in finished spaces. b) Revise size of EF-4 duct from 26 x 20 to 20 x 26. c) Relocate EF-4 duct work and related exhaust grilles to new location. 2. Drawing Sheet M-3 a) Refer to "Refrigerant Piping Notes:" Revise note one to read- "Refrigerant piping shall be type "ACR"copper tubing with wrought copper solder-type fittings." b) In the Split System Equipment Schedule, the condensing unit suction and liquid line sizes shown are unit connection sizes. The lines shall be sized according to the manufacturer's recommendation. 3. Drawing Sheet M-5 Refer to the Inline Cabinet Exhaust Fan detail: Note that the discharge of fans EF-1 and EF-2 shall be on top of the cabinet at 90 degrees to the intake. H\9604302.doc AAltv1d 2 - 10-91 ' .- . D.. •, 17 .- r : d , � i j 12x8 I' . C �'Z :x8'-t:6 TZXb -2Mn ,. 215 M ' . 6 Dt -_3.._._.-I 8x4 l _, • 12x libi` 10Xl 10x. n 1px6 Ia 10x8 8X4 DP 314x10 ill -•• .'' or '3 x�:• RG0 1 -iTi 02602 ��: V -I _ 8 a 1250 1 1 24x8 E E -- ---- EG-9ea FEF24x20 M2 M• 2026 0x26 \A: 4'-0•DIA. 21x20 S I LOUVER "' ° SEE ARCH. •N--- —• EG-9 I-------e i DRAWING 1250 E 24x8 1 1 EG-9 E 1250 ,.1 x 4 1 „y.-- -- ,2g8 , 18x6 P 9 j ' _ E a: Q#4: 0*4 SR`• O 125x:CF. i 2 CFM S ---------- ' Hr . l'"m"..7.-r, �,�•y•��� .- ( f�.'• Nil 1) —12x8 \ CD-3 8x6 field 'ISTALL n © © 4. ,o _,,, FOR M2 M3 M2 M3 M2 M3 T OTSIDE AIM INTAKE � ,_— �- —_,). 2500 CFW i �[+'�+ _ FOR LOCH BON AND 1 i ".ry I 0Y ''� DETAIL OF LOUVER 14x13 a 12F8 8%6 I SEE ARCMITECIDRAL `y = i.� E. DRAWING - ~ OYY6�IYIYYYo>«\Fluffs '`'i I I u s 1 1 200 FF I I :25IC F D 1 TIL M d,i 1 _ I -' ' �' 2OQ 100t AUX DRAIN PAN PIPE TO OUTSIDE L T' - -- - T� asa. - ink' rent ■ CU-3 8F6 AMU-3 IAA 12x8 (SUSPENDED) PROVIDE AND INSTALL BOTTOM OF UNIT 1 VENT CAP ANO \ TO BE 4'-0" j FLEXIBLE DUCT FOR M2 M3 112 M3 M2 M3 ABOVE FLOOR DRYER EXHAUST \ FOR CONT. SEE 2 COND. REFRIGERANT PIPING CIVIL SITE PLAN BELOW GRADE SIZES AS RECOMENDED BY UNIT MANUFACTURER _CAli HVAC PLAN SCALE: 1/8' - I'-0' p CLA 1 VMT 2 it---) o- a1 REF. DRAWING: M2 OCOEE FIRE STATION 3A and 4 �"° ""m • On OF OCOEE I GO RE in"m ccca FLORIDAGEE & „ , MSK-1 JENSON FNAC PARE RAN-IXY3 -- Sr 4 . 2Ila IN M2 M3 M2 M3 M2 M3 :EL ' CU-1 CU-2 REFRIGERANT PIPING MANGYi SIZES AS RECOMENDED BY /`I UNIT MANUFACTURER / i ii --- — ---1 RUN IN ATTIC TO AMU-1 AND AHU-2 06 COP-1 i 1 Nrir 30.A *1Ill P°°2 10 1. • Ca HVAC PLAN \- SCALE. I/8" I'-0' Af-- 10- v REF. DRAWING: M2 OCOEE FIRE STATION 3A and 4 ^ daNs Mc= CRY OF ocoff p OCOEE, FtCROA GEE & MSK-2 JENSON HVAC PART PLAN-CU-I AND CU-2 . ... *GET a 2210 a Al6v16 RET11URN AR MOB RETURN AIR OUTSIDE 12x12 SLEEVE AND SEAL AIR PENETRA➢ONS AUXILIARY 10x10 DRAIN PAN Ft/ FD FD REFRIGERANT PIPING MI ., NY . III 4 TO CU-1 AND CU-2 SUPPLY AIR 'Melilla ��!' e 24rt2 FD 1•� ••. 2 '- 0• 30.12 i PS II;CINI i i ;AC SUPPLY AIR 1 I I/P COND. GRAIN co. AHU-1 11111MAHA-2 TYPICAL FOR I MI .O. DRAIN PAN DROP llairri AU%IUARY M2 MA 6 FD'6 a � s N M2 M] I6x16 M2 M2 I I/C AUX. COND DRAIN I I/4 SIUDOR RETURN AIR DROP TO OVER MOP BASIN AIR ADMITANCE VALVE n MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ROOM M2 M2 SCALE:1/4 I -0* AQ211014}„ 2 4. i0 - 41 REF. DRAWING: M2 OCOEE FIRE STATION 3A and 4 ^ °'"' "°"° �� MlYM Cm OR OCOEE man mcomum oo� FLORIDA GEE & ®MSK-3 JENSON MEOWti C ECUF% rr Roots-anri MO aiu z SW CP OCOEE FIRE STATION Electrical Addendum items Drawings Drawing E2 Add following sentence to keynote 4: "Do not use 90 degree bends in conduit for cable TV." Revise the following sentence in keynote 8 to read as follows: "Stub, cap and-mark 1' from generator screen wall." Drawing E3 Add following sentence to keynote 4: "Do not use 90 degree bends in conduit for cable TV." Revise the following senetence in Keynote 2 to read as follows: "Provide 1 - 1 1/2" conduit from property line to communications room for telephone service." Drawing E4 Add the following sentence to keynote 4: "Extend circuits and conduit from relay to lights." Revise keynote 7 to read as follows: "Exhaust fan is interlocked to light switch." Revise reference bubble 4/E4/E8 to read 3/E4/E8. Revise reference bubble 3/E4/E8 to read 2/E4/E8. Drawing E5 Revise keynote 3 to read as follows: "(2) quad receptacles mounted on cable tray for communications equipment. Tray provided by owner. refer to 4/E6/E7." • Change symbol Qe used at entry toL l . Add motor symbol and conduit running from motor to disconnect at AHU-1,AHU-2, CU-1, CU-2, CU-3. Add conduit from motor symbol to disconnect at AHU-3. Revise wire and conduit size at AHU-2 to read as follows: "3 #3, #8G, 1"C" Add a receptacle on the North side of the East wall of the Communications Rm . Add home run to receptacle with ground, neutral and line. Label circuit with note that reads as follows: AddeyiJvv., z `f - 10 -12 "LA-28" Drawing E6 Add the following sentence to keynote 3: "Provide conduit. Refer to 4/E6/E7." Add the following sentence to keynote 7: "Refer to 6/E6/E7." Add a panel (approx. 12"W x 3"D)on the North side of the East wall of the Communications Rm, detail 1/E5,E6/E7. Label panel with note that reads as follows: "Irrigation Control Panel" Drawing E7 Delete the 4'x4'x3/4" plywood backboard from detail 4/E6/E7 "COMMUNICATIONS RISER DIAGRAM." Add (4) Pull stations to detail 5/E6/E7 "FIRE ALARM RISER DIAGRAM." Label Pull stations as follows: Pull station 1 "RM 101", Pull station 2 "RM 112",Pull station 3 &4 "RM 123." Add(2) Horn/Strobes to detail 5/E6/E7 "FIRE ALARM RISER DIAGRAM." Label Horn/Strobes as follows: Horn/Strobe I & 2 "RM 123." Revise title of detail 6/E6/E7 to read as follows: "ACCESS CONTROL RISER DIAGRAM." Revise note on detail 6/E6/E7 "ACCESS RISER DIAGRAM" to read as follows: "Individual pushbutton on both sides of wall to be used for all door lock and unlock control signal. Pushbuttons located in Apparatus Bay and Day Rm only." Drawing E8 Add note 2 to read as follows: "2. Fuel system equipment shall be provided under Division 15. Refer to Mechanical drawings for fuel island details. Coordinate and field verify electrical requirements and installation with Fuel system equipment supplier. Adjust conduit sizes and locations and wire sizes accordingly." Add the following note to all conduit running from the Fuel site controller in detail 4/E2,E3,E6/E8: "3/4"C (typ)." Drawing E9 Add the following to Panel LA, Circuit 28: KVA "1.0", Load served "Irrigation Panel",Trip "20", Pole "1". Revise bubble for"ONE LINE DIAGRAM" to read I/E5/E9. t� 1I 2 --- to-q7 Specifications Specification section 16100 Delete 1.2,b.,11. & c.,2. Delete 2.1,A., 5.& 6., Delete 2.5 & 2.7, Delete 3.3, AA., BB. Specification section 16120 Delete 1.4, A. & C., 2 Specification section 16140 Delete 1.4, B., 2. Delete 2.1, A., 2. &4. Specification section16452 Delete 1.4, A., 1. & B. Delete 3.4 Revise 3.6, E. to read as follows: "Report: Prepare test reports of the ground resistance at each test location. Include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve test results." Delete 1.4, E. & F. Delete 1.5, A., 2. & B. Delete 2.4, C. & D. Delete 3.5, A., 3. & B., 3. Specification section 16475 Delete 1.3, B.,4. Delete 1.4, B., 2. Specification section 16476 Delete 1.4, A. & C.,2. Delete 2.1, A.,2., 4., 5.,6. Delete 3.2, A. & B. Revise 2.8, A.,4. to read as follows: "Lamps: Include as indicated" Delete 2.8, A., 5 and 6. Specification section 16525 Delete 1.2, B., 2. Deletel.5,B. Specification section 16662 2 Revise entire section to read as : See attached document. Specification section 16721 Add the following to 1.4, E., 3.: "h. Card access system door unlock." Revise 1.4, E.,7.,e. to read as follows: "e. Release all doors and unlock all doors via card access system." Specification section 16723 Revise 1.02, B. "Security system specified in this section includes, but is not limited to,the following:" Specification section 16740 Delete entire section. Adde-d,., 2 .4 - 1D-417 SECTION 16662 - SURGE SUPPRESSION PART 1 - GENERAL 1 .01 WORK INCLUDED A. The Work required under this Division shall include all materials, labor and auxiliaries required to furnish and install complete surge suppression for the protection of building electrical and electronics systems from the effects of line induced transient voltage surge and lightning discharge as indicated on Drawings or specified in this section. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 16010 - Electrical General Provisions. 2. Section 16452 - Grounding. 3. Section 16470 - Panelboards. 1 .02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All surge suppression devices shall be manufactured by a company engaged in the design, development, testing, and manufacture of such devices for electrical and electronics systems equipment for a period of 10 years or more and whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service. The said firm shall offer a 10 year warranty. B. The surge suppressor manufacturer shall offer technical assistance through support by a factory representative and local stocking distributor. C. Submittals: Surge suppression submittal shall include: 1. Schematic data on each suppressor type indicating component types. 2. Dimensioned drawing of each suppressor type. 3. Manufacturer's performance data on each suppressor type. 4. Copy of the ISO 9001:1994 Certificate of Registration will accompany the submittal. 5. Instructions for installation and connection shall be provided with the suppression unit(s). D. To establish the type and operating characteristics of the surge suppression devices, equipment manufactured by Innovative 9604302 16662-1 st- 10—9 7 Technology, Inc., The Protector Model, is used as a guide in determining the functions of the surge suppression system. Other equipment will be considered for approval provided it is equal to or better than the equipment specified as determined by the Engineer. E. Equipment Certification: Items shall be listed by 'Underwriters' Laboratories, shall bear the UL seal and be marked in accordance with referenced standard. F. Surge suppression devices shall be installed and located in accordance with requirements of all applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes. G. Units shall be UL 1449 listed and shall bear the suppressed voltage rating issued by UL for all protected modes. H. Each complete suppression unit shall be supplied by a manufacturer whose Quality System has been certified as compliant with ISO 9001 :1994. The Certification Body must be accredited by the NAACB (UK National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies). 1 .03 WARRANTY A. All surge suppression devices shall be warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use in accordance with the instructions provided for a period of 10 years. B Any suppressor which shows evidence of failure or incorrect operation during the warranty period shall be repaired or replaced by the manufacturer and installer. 1 .04 CODES AND STANDARDS: All TVSS devices will be designed, tested, manufactured, listed and installed in accordance with the applicable publications, resources and standards shown below: A. ANSI/IEEE C84.1-1989, American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment - Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz). B. ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991, Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. C. ANSI/IEEE C62.45-1992, IEEE Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. 9604302 16662-2 AddP. dv`.+ Z D. Underwriters Laboratories, UL 1449 Standard for Safety - Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, Revised edition July 2, 1987. E. Underwriters Laboratories, UL 1283, Standard for Safety - Electromagnetic Interference Filters, August 23, 1993. F. National Fire Protection Association, National Electrical Code 1993. G. IEEE Standard 142-1991, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Green Book). H. ANSI/IEEE Standard 141-1986, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (IEEE Red Book). I. IEEE Standard 1100-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment (IEEE Emerald Book). J. FIPS Pub 94, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication - Guideline on Electrical Power for ADP Installations. K. MIL Standard 220A Method of Insertion-loss Measurement. L. ISO 9001 :1994, Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing. M. UL 1363-1986 - Standard For Temporary Power Taps. N. ANSI/IEEE C62.33-1982 - Standard Test Specifications for Varistor Surge Protection Devices. 1 .05 REQUIRED SUPPRESSORS A. Description: The surge suppression system shall be designed to protect all AC electrical circuits and connected equipment from the destructive, damaging or disruptive effects of lightning induced transients, normal utility load switching activities and internally generated transients which are caused by the normal operation of connected equipment as well as capacitive and inductive load switching, which typically accounts for eighty percent of the transient activity at a given facility. B. Application: An appropriate TVSS device shall be provided for each building service entrance, distribution panel, sub-panel and individual equipment as designated in the project prints and/or schedule. The 9604302 16662-3 ,411&A1 2 �( - t0 - g7 • TVSS units shall be as specified and shall be installed in accordance with the TVSS manufacturer's requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUPPRESSORS A. Suppressors shall be designed for the specific type and voltage of electrical service and shall provide clamping action for line to neutral and line to ground, line to line and neutral to ground. 6. Suppressors shall be of a hybrid design. C. Suppressors shall be designed to withstand a maximum continuous operating voltage of not less than 115% of nominal RMS line voltage. D. Suppressors shall contain internal safety fusing which is designed to disconnect the suppressor from the electrical source if the suppressor fails. E. Suppressors shall be failsafe, shall have no holdover current, shall have repeated surge capability, shall be solid state, shall be self- restoring, and shall be fully automatic. F. Suppressors shall contain a visual indication at the suppressor to verify that either the suppressor has failed or that the suppressor is operational and functional. G. Suppressors shall be UL 1449 listed and shall be approved for the location in which they are installed. H. Suppressors shall have an operating temperature range of -40 degrees C to +85 degrees C. All Let-Through voltage data will be measured on an "As Installed" lead length basis, simulating actual installation. At the module or at the bus "Zero lead length" data is not acceptable. Testing will be conducted in accordance with UL-1449, ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 and ANSI/IEEE C62-45-1992 standards. No testing will be done with "outside of the suppressor" lead lengths less than that specified for the product(s). The lead length parameter must be specified on test documentation. 9604302 16662-4 /40140clu"' 2 k- 10 - 92 J. No suppression units shall be supplied which require scheduled preventive maintenance or replacement parts (lights, fuses and relays, where applicable, excluded). Units requiring functional testing, special test equipment or special training to monitor TVSS status are not acceptable. K. The suppression circuits shall be totally encapsulated by the suppressor manufacturer in a thermally conductive chemical compound to enhance transient energy dissipation, provide hermetic sealing, provide superior dielectric strength, superior protection against mechanical shock and vibration, protection against environmental factors including gases, industrial fumes, humidity, and enhanced thermal stability, reduction of hot spots, and protection against thermal shock. Suppressor manufacturer shall have ten years continuous experience encapsulating suppressors. 2.02 SUPPRESSOR CRITERIA: Suppressors shall meet or exceed the following criteria: A. Service Entrance (Switchgear and First Floor Main Emergency Panelboard): Innovative Technology, Inc., The Protector P-Plus Model or approved equal. B. Motor Control Center, Power Distribution Panelboards and Lighting and Appliance Panelboards: Innovative Technology, Inc., The Protector or approved equal. 1. 120/208 volt, 3 phase 4 wire, wye. a. Model HP-3Y 120/208. b. Surge capacity of 280,000 amps. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions under which surge suppressors are to be installed and notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. 9604302 16662-5 Adcendv,, 2 3.02 INSTALLATION OF SUPPRESSORS A. Surge suppressors shall be installed at the switchgear and first emergency panelboard, etc., the service encounters as it enters the building and motor control center and other panelboards as indicated. B. Suppressors shall be close nippled to the device being protected in a position which will minimize lead length between suppressor and the buses to which the suppressor connects. Suppressor leads shall not extend beyond the suppressor manufacturer's recommended maximum lead length without specific approval of the Engineer. C. Suppressors shall be installed as close as practical to the switchgear, motor control center or electric panel to be protected, consistent with available space. D. Suppressors shall be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner. Lead dress shall be as short and as straight as possible and be consistent with recommended industry practices for the system on which these devices are installed. E. Supplementary grounding and bonding connections required between the bonding bus or ground plane for each equipment cluster and other locations as indicated herein shall be accomplished using #6 AWG core copper conductor and approved connections unless otherwise noted. Referenced to a common earth ground. F. The Contractor shall examine the areas and conditions under which the transient voltage surge suppressors are to be installed and advise the General Contractor and supplier in writing of conditions detrimental to the completion of work. END OF SECTION 9604302 16662-6 ALL L., 2 4- - I. 0 -gl