HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (D) Discussion/ Action re: Change Order No. 1 for Fossit Groundwork, Inc. for Continuing Horizontal Construction Serv. Capital Improvement Project No. 8 Agenda 5-20-97 • • Item VI D 0 . or e•eo � JAMES W. SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR ISO N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(407)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E.O«lin,.e Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvements Projects No. 8 Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. I on the Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvements Projects No. 8 with Fossitt Groundwork, Inc. This change order request was initiated by City staff to pick up areas which were not initially included because construction was not planned for these lots at the time and to provide a better looking finished product to the residents in the area. Item I-A - Additional Underdrains at 1976 Key Lime Street While installing the side yard underdrains at 1976 Key Lime Street it was determined that additional underdrains were required along the rear property line. Upon further investigation by City staff, the contractor was directed to install 40 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain across the rear property line to collect runoff from the up gradient property. There was evidence of groundwater seepage and surface runoff from the adjacent and higher elevated lot. The cost of this additional underdrain is $ 1000.00, under the contract unit prices, with a time extension of two weeks. Item I-B - Additional Underdrains on Key Lime Street(Lots 31 through 34 and lot 126) These areas of Key Lime Street were undeveloped during the planning and design of the original underdrain improvements in the Amber Ridge Subdivision. These areas had been identified as problem areas with regards to surface drainage but were not included in the original project because there were no houses planned for construction at the time the original design was /as/ 6,41/ qc^ rAr/97 THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE contingency. This change order amounts to approximately 27.86 percent of the original bid price of$44,835.75. Although this total amount is somewhat out of line with acceptable procedures, items 1-B and D are additional work which would have to be performed in the near future and City staff determined it would be better to do the work now as opposed to later this year under another project. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Fossitt Groundwork, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by$ 12,490.00, with an extension in contract time of forty-two days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Also, attached for the Mayor and Commissions review is an update of the status of the Phase 1 Group 1 projects. All of the Phase 1 Group I projects have been completed, with the exception of punch list work on project no. 8 (Amber Ridge). The following table provides the financial analysis of the cost comparisons between conceptual engineering estimates from the CIP Report versus final design cost estimates versus actual construction costs. CIP REPORT FINAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION CHANGE FINAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION BID AMOUNT ORDERS CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ESTIMATE AMOUNT I &6 $274,989.00 $ 169,731.50 $ 149,735.30 $30,527 70 $ 180,263.00 19&31 218,200.00 80,961.70 52,510.53 0.00 52,510.53 8 44,465.00 36,386.00 44,835.75 12,490.00 57,325.75 TOTAL $ 537,654.00 $287,079.20 $247,081.58 $43,017.70 $290,099.28 The final construction costs are fairly close to the engineers construction cost estimate based on the final design. Two of the items in the change orders were over and above the original designs, but should have been included in the original design. However,the City is significantly under the preliminary construction cost estimates established in the Capital Improvement Project Report(Stormwater Drainage Area Problems Report dated March 1996), which was used to secure the loan for the Phase I stormwater improvements program. Attachment accomplished. These lots either have had houses built or are in the process of having houses constructed on them and the City has required the contractor(s)to install side and rear yard underdrains for each lot. The house contractor is installing the side and rear lot underdrains at no cost to the City. The work required, for lots 31 through 34, under this contract will include the installation of 100 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain with wye stubouts and plugs, one 6 inch cleanout at the high end of the underdrain, connection to an existing underdrain, and one connection of an existing house side yard underdrain which had already been installed. The work required for lot 126 will include the installation of 20 linear feet of 4 inch underdrain and the connection to the existing system. The cost of these additional underdrains is $ 3,160.00, under the contract unit prices, with a time extension of two weeks. Item I-C - Additional Driveway Replacement The original design only addressed concrete driveway replacement for the excavated trench. To provide a more aesthetically acceptable finished product it was decided to replace the entire driveway approach and portions of the driveway that were affected by the construction. The additional concrete work required for the driveways and approaches totaled 45 square yards of concrete work. Additionally, in areas where the contractor broke the driveway above the sidewalk, the driveway was cut and replaced in a uniform horizontal configuration in most instances. City staff negotiated with the contractor to determine which portions would be the responsibility of the contractor to replace at no cost to the city and those areas where staff directed the contractor to perform driveway replacement to be reimbursed by the City. There were also other areas along the sidewalks that were replaced by the contractor, due to construction activity, at no cost to the City. The cost of this additional driveway replacement is $ 2,250.00, under the contract unit prices, with a time extension of one week. Item I-D - Additional Sod Replacement The original design only included replacing sod above the underdrain installed in the backyards between Licaria Drive and Satin Leaf Circle. The City decided to include the affected lots on Key Lime Street for sod replacement. The affected lots on Key Lime Street were not originally to have sod replaced as part of this project, but were to be included in a overall landscaping replacement project to be performed after this project was completed. Staff decided to include the sod replacement under this contract because of timing and warranty issues. Staff did not feel it was in the City's best interests to leave these lots uncompleted for any length of time and the City can realize a one year warranty on the sod as a portion of this contract. The additional sod for the lots on Key Lime Street totaled 1,800 square yards of sod. The cost of this additional sod replacement is $ 6,080.00, under the contract unit prices, with a time extension of one week. The total cost for this change order is $ 12,490.00 with a time extension of forty-two days on the contract time. The dollars for this change order will come from the project's construction CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CITY OF OCOEE CONTINUING HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO.8 PROJECT NO. CIP NO. I -8 DATE: May 12, 1997 CONTRACTOR: FOSSITT GROUNDWORK, INC. AGREEMENT DATE: June 27, 1997 AMENDMENT DATE: October 24, 1997 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $44,835.75 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER 44,835.75 Net Increase(B^crr^^^4 Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER 12,490.00 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $57,325.75 ORIGINAI,CONTRACT TIME: 60 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: January 20, 1997 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: January 20, 1997 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 42 Days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: March 3, 1997 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the Work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITIONS,SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS,SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article I, Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this Change Order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Item 1-A-RFP#1 Additional Underdrains at 1976 Key Lime Street The work requires the installation of 40 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain across the rear property line and the relocation of the upper portion of the underdrain along the northern property line away from some landscaping at the owners request. Item I-B-RFP#2 Additional Underdrains on Key Lime Street(Lots 31 through 34 and lot 126) The work requires the installation of 100 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain with wye stubouts and plugs,one 6 inch cleanout, connection to an existing underdrain and one connection of an existing house side yard underdrain which had already been installed. In addition,a side and rear yard underdrain for a house constructed at the intersection of Key Lime and Licaria Streets(lot 126)was connected to an existing City underdrain system on Licaria Street. This work included the installation of20 linear feet of4 inch underdrain and the connection to an existing underdrain system. Item I-C-RFP#3 Additional Driveway Replacement The original design only addressed concrete driveway replacement for the excavated trench. The additional concrete work required for the driveways and approaches totaled 45 square yards of concrete work. Item I-D-RFP#4 Additional Sod Replacement The original design only included replacing sod above the underdrain installed in the backyards between Licaria Drive and Satin Leaf Circle. The City decided to include the affect lots on Key Lime Street for sod replacement. The additional sod for the lots on Key Lime Street totaled 1,800 square yards of sod. III. JUSTIFICATION Item I-A While installing the side yard underdrains at 1976 Key Lime Street it was determined that additional underdrains were required along the rear property line. Upon further investigation by City staff the contractor was directed to install 40 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain across the rear property line to collect runoff from the up gradient property. There was evidence of groundwater seepage and surface runoff from the adjacent and higher elevated lot. Item I-B These areas of Key Lime Street were undeveloped during the planning and design of the original underdrain improvements in the Amber Ridge Subdivision. These areas had been identified as a problem area but was not included in the original project because there were no houses planned for construction at the time design was accomplished. These lots are in the process of having houses constructed on them and the City is requiring the contractor to install side and rear yard underdrains for each lot. The house contractor is installing the side and rear lot underdrains and connecting to the City's underdrain system as part of the house construction at no cost to the City. Item 1-C In the areas where the pipe trench crossed a driveway the City staff decided to replace the entire driveway approach as opposed to only the area of the trench width. To provide a more aesthetically acceptable finished product it was decided to replace the entire driveway approach and portions of the driveway that were affected by the construction. Additionally,in areas where the contractor broke the driveway above the sidewalk,the driveway was cut and replaced in a uniform horizontal configuration in most instances. City staff negotiated with the contractor to detennine which portions would be the responsibility of the contractor to replace at no cost to the city and those areas where staff directed the contractor to perform driveway replacement to be reimbursed by the City. Item I-D The affected lots on Key Lime Street were not originally to have sod replaced as part of this project,but were to be included in a overall landscaping replacement project to be performed after this project was completed. Staff decided to include the sod replacement under this contract because of timing and warranty issues. Staff did not feel it was in the City's best interests to leave these lots uncompleted for any length of time and the City can realize a one year warranty on the sod as a portion of this contract. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item 1-A Contract unit prices were used to calculate the cost of this additional work. The breakdown and total cost for this item are listed in the attached Request for Proposed Change# I. [tern I-B Contract unit prices were used to calculate the cost of this additional work with the exception of the 4 inch underdrain. The unit price for the 4 inch underdrain was established through negotiation with Fossitt Groundwork, Inc.and that price is in line with the prices for similar material of other diameters. The breakdown and total cost for this item are listed in the attached Request for Proposed Change#2. Item I-C Contract unit prices were used to calculate the cost of this additional work. The breakdown and total cost for this item are listed in the attached Request for Proposed Changer/3. Item 1-D Contract unit prices were used to calculate the cost of this additional work. The breakdown and total cost for this item are listed in the attached Request for Proposed Change#4. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)QuantitY (Decrease) Price I -A Additional Underdrain at 1976 Key Lime Street $1,000.00 I -B Additional Underdrains on Key Lime Street(tots 31 $3,160.00 through 34) I C Additional Driveway Replacement $2,250.00 I -D Additional Sod Replacement $6,080.00 $12,490.00 Total Net Increase(Decrease)Change Order No. VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order; and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA FOSSSI�ITT GROUNDWORK, INC. By: By: X Signature Signature Date: Date: / 7 l itle: Title: Cv'4\_i APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Owner By: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF , 199 UNDER , 199 AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY& LARDNER By City Attorney O<oee\ CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL �',,s�cacQ {e` Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE . )4 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) =r,o/ Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-2731 -fax NO. 1 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvement Project No. 1-8 PROJECT NO: CIP 1-6 LOCATION: Ocoee, Florida DATE: May 1,1997 OTHER: Amber Ridge REFERENCE' TO(CONTRACTOR) Fossitt Groundwork Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Installation of additional underdrain at 1976 Key Lime Street per the attached sketch. This work will include the installation of approximately 40 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain to be placed approximately 5 feet off of the rear property line. Additionally,the work will involve the shifting of the original underdrain along the northern lot line to the south approximately 3 feet to avoid some landscaping;this is at the property owners_ request. Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion ■Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other. l ) Constraints of Change. Initiated by. • Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others:( Proposal must be received by. ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4, 2. Plan Revisions: Partial plan from sheet no.3. 5. 3. 6. • OWNER: James W. Shira,P E.,City of Ocoee • CONTRACTOR:Fossitt Groundwork,Inc. _ ■ ENGINEER: David Hamstra,RE.,PEC ■ FIELD: Rod Winfrey,Streets 8 Drainage Inspector ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Fred Gardner ❑ OTHER: Ted Moore, Engineering/Utilities Inspector ❑ SUBCONSULTANT'. Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: _ Date Returned to City. U ULL DATAIWORDWONTRACIULSUFP Peac I 05/14N7 PRICING INFORMATION -Method of Pricing. A. • Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. ❑ Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. ❑ Negotiated Lump Sum(inducting Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A.B,C.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ABy General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor r §. w,. _�.�_...... crom eft 1iiis �' niixfr.r_. itti . E rr-Lni. Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ i0BC " EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of P/ additional days. /� Provide thorough doogumentation in support of the request for additional time.— ot0f t 4n Gi Sec .i/b Pr ,6vin y O7 -M en(OM�/I �undLtara•A F /tt Fi4ri.. ri � 5rou4C� hoot//) Crof ,ns7a /7vA,. G n/l/Cr Jdr9i rt, d A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR Comments. Signature of Engineer/Constmction Administrator. Date'. ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER Comments: Signature: Date' I. of (nMe Comp P) agree to the costs and terms Of RFP_ this day of 199 (NnJ (thy) - (month) Ir.,/ DULL DATA‘WORDCOMRAU u.%3WP rage 2 05/141 / L. ' : ___— (Fd ..� � '' . � ilk . SI WAIK �laVM 5, czc� — DRIB ,., zk.®� m _ — ® 40 " INSTALL . '" , - lAl — VRIVevar ' 1 INSTAL VC ELL t. , ,- -` '. . r I INV. EL. 133,2 'Eli DRIyEVAr I INSTALL 73'-6" CPEP 01. I (1976) 1 I (CO. to ell) e8 I 1 LOT 24 '1 1 I r 'EP 0 1.94% I INSTALL \ 1 96`�) I C.O. W/ 45' WYE, ' I I 5'-6" PVC PIPE, I LOT 23 I AND 45' ELBOW ® 1 INSTALL INV. EL. 134.2 I )i C.O. W/ 45' WYE, 5'-6" PVC PIPE, t........" i 1 AND 45' ELBOW I INV EL. 137.0 `$ ' .� I 15' j1 15' .. / lI I INSTALL RISER No.6 I NSTALL 15 LF - 1 (SEE NOTE. 8) 6 CPEP-Ut 0 1•00% I ' INSTALL 26 LF - I _ _ 6" CPEP-UD 0 1.00% No.8- : I. .. } / �...�... 1 I I 1 INSTALL 37'-6" CPEP 0 6.00% I1 INSTALL.. +- ' (wye to C.O.) I RISER No.7 II INSTALL ' I (SEE NOTE 8) I (2) 45' WYES W/ -1. - INSTALL ' I 5',-6" PVC PIPE, I 50'-6" CPEP-LID INV. EL. 136.4 I I ((oluoc Ft, 6 U n AT 1.00 % q 1;� F I St" 0.,y }9g �k R�Iac../¢. r U wn-G'"f 10' ' '-UO 10' INSTALL I C.O. i 34 LF- 6" CPEP-UD 1 (C.O. ..to wye) ! AT 4.00% WITH/C.O. INV. EL 137.8(SEE NOTE NOTE 2) I Ocoee °° CITY OF OCOEE ao re REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE ;, a ,e 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) r oat" Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-2731 -fax NO. 2 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvement Project No. 1-8 PROJECT NO: CIP 1-8 LOCATION: Ocoee, Florida DATE May 1,1997 OTHER: Amber Ridge REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR). Fossitt Groundwork Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Installation of additional underdrains for lots 31 through 34 on Key Lime Street and the connection of a 4 inch underdrain for lot 126 to an existing underdrain system. Part 1 of this work will include the installation of approximately 100 linear feet of 6 inch underdrain with wye stub outs and plugs at each lot line, 6 inch clean out on the pper end and the ct' of an existin4 inch lot underdrain to the system. Part 2 of this work will include the installation of approximately 20 linear feet of 4 inch underdrain and connection to an existing underdrain system. Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change. Initiated by: ■ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others:( Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions: Partial plan from sheet no.3. 5_ 3 6. • OWNER. James W.Shire,P.E.,City of Ocoee ■ CONTRACTOR:Fossitt Groundwork,Inc. ■ ENGINEER: David Hamstra,P.E. ,PEC ■ FIELD: Rod Winfrey,Streets&Drainage Inspector ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Fred Gardner ❑ OTHER: Ted Moore,Engineering/Utilities Inspector ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: U ULL DATAIWORDCOMRAI rn gR V Page I 05II4V7 PRICING INFORMATION'Method of Pricing: A. • Established Contract Unit Prices) B. )(Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) (11 in c A u'c-/ef olr e.n on 1 y) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. 0 A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor flO rlf t/:1prvCf a AO Z. rifilfflan Attach additional pages if necessary. _-- NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 3 /60, '° EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amounto of /v additional dayyss. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: 7o Ord?, r,nc. Sc.r a/t ale z✓✓y OT ^nq{r^is / Lr._dcr 'lro,n hfier Fo brr! r,nv/ rradr f Gc0/rCr g C. /� cnaJ ,ns7<it/ rw. uni./rto/ra •a. A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator. Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature. Date: I' R+mn ,of agree to the costs and terms of RFP this day of , 199 this MnJ le.v) (month) &car) n DATAIWORD%ONTRA IuOCSNF'p emc 2 OVIr97 ."- OCOEE - CL ..4A'CONA iPOAO 'S. /3 OS. 6. . R/W pE0/CFT6'O sr 00' 74.00' 70.00' >0•141 .00' 7?.0.0 �' >O,OO' �6P'C'4'AT 0-00' !/MENT J WO;� ` >e.op• 70.ea' >O.mO' >p rp(p' >e.o/• I >m.mo'1�.a - � °,\L 0 ^ /"{EAJF ENT ` ' /3 ov 28 y 29 4 Al li yv30 ry 3/ w 32 y 33 34 w 35 ti 36� E•7 Ay 3'04! E- \ ? o,� k ..✓4 �00 LG iF 6�u.Q \ N. y 0 \ 1 e. pra'�./i e.t.a'. :° fh .f.OS 22 -10.. - >0.00' ,. •v100' p' '09.37e2 -20 iv. 4- tatg _h 01!l;n�^f2IS.59' aL4nn Li AugS _ry /m1.46' + q p 9 �Nc0.37' /'L.A'.2.s"'mi it r•,1 ZKEY LIME STREET ] CROOMIA;CO UR 4P 22.23' ° /S./p' •4, p_ O So.SD' Bm.pO'c 65.m0' A 0 P �I . ° O.pp• 'ti /41/4i 0 ° /i4.op /ia.c s e', ° • ., 2 /3/ '+ a /32 ° 4 /33 a ,^� n e $� �� ,o h 'bony a9'z2'zp \ A ° \ A 7JbAAnv.i�' 39 /5 •h N Z 7C %90.qo' em.mA/ EJF/T y . . ,`Ns .r 26 0 m A 0' 90.00' J' rt.. N.e9'22:20"W. h br. Z .0 b V C /3 O.00" R • •V /c s.00' .�Q /z 2.ae' Ve /z2.ae• e s 9`w /30 �o /34 ^; �q �<: /pp.. ° 2S z. 4R sn � .v li ^o � i •,pe /r2.sm• /21.3o ul W`o h� �� Rl /29 �Mr• •� 7 T yi /JS./6' _ /35 /7 � ' yM °. OL•6.13' a� U o 42 h 'h to 4; e e•oo•ss'/4 I cve.4r N `+ • a.1s.36. I.", Pf 5 •r/i> />' 2 /i>./,' - FEW o•mazoe•zr A q /s0. 00' O'03'3/.'>4' ' i51 ♦ , 4s n :^ /33. >9' h /B h• /s/, eo' -'•• /26• 'Jr a -o - ov, o y 23 vY eu 21K4• o h A A j //3.Pp. O a . 0 T.J h /62. 00' 0. N. eV 0;11tn � //9.2/' y 7 (J �V n V 'b.po :� N.a9• �t �ao•w a9.63. N... ^� 4a /27 011Z- /3T 1:1�o tn J $o /ia. ae' o ° ° $ ° • ° h� 2 /v.e9°z 'zo w v� ,k ar. � 44 h p /9 0 20 ° 2/ p 22 hh b Owq //,�. 29' •W . /os.oo• O. s o ;V..irs'zz zo'.v h °L av o '43 /26 ° /38 • 8 °\ • � Z :5.00' 72.mp• 72.00' 73.SO' O '• 1• ° p b ZOLF y :3� ° y •, 45 �° ° OO 0 Hof u.0G ° e. r \ es.co' .0m. Q r 'rJ ,�� n e32 SO' y /90.lSO' b G•3 oar car. C DRIVE ,o • : � '� yhy oe.•d.` y,�'- �'•3 -a'-o" \ >0.00' >0.00' 70.00" >p,pm. -e7.0S-44 W 90.oo .%✓ �� tr. s ° ° • b b o_ Z .. P� . \. �.M4B a 54 0 0 $ ° M 'St �y ,11 �. . 53 ° 52 0 5/ 0 50 •Wo 49 •ao 48 : a 47 u� ItiS6.31 if N es'r >o.00 7m.00 •,00v >o.mo• \70..mo'b \e/o0,$ � p � .- 5%y5 isr- ° 7o.po' ? ea.s9? /es...,• I rl9°539 ��'6P 4 63 0 64 \ 65 °� 66 h 67 0 68 h 69 y5"69 it -i o si,101 or \ \ $ o hl' 9• 70 I9 >o.mo• so :to' ° TRACT "A" CIRCLE r.` 3 r .- ��'i sd/ q(RETENT/ON AREA) :A -56 soft." 7.3.mm' 73 00 73.00' LSO" ~ - ' o° b b b • © " i' 7/ �4 . `❑ i5 ORA/NA6E B2 M 8 / 0 �, O ° ° ° m,�,C". \ EATBMFNT °I o 79 78 e 77 Izs' FS' -'t- PZI_f. , Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE A ao a e ► REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL�a Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE "j-i t . 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-2731 -fax NO. 3 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvement Project No. 1-8 PROJECT NO: CIP 1-8 LOCATION: Ocoee,Florida DATE: May 1, 1997 OTHER: Amber Ridge REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Fossitt Groundwork Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Installation of additional driveway replacement to provide a better looking finished product. See the attached sheets which delineate the driveway replacement based on the original project,additional at the direction of the city,and additional to be installed and paid for by the Contractor. Change Order Type. ❑ Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change. Initiated by: ■ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others:( Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions:_Partial plan from sheet no.3. 5. • OWNER: James W.Shiro,P.E.,City of Ocoee ■ CONTRACTOR:Fossitt Groundwork,Inc. • ENGINEER: David Hamstra, P.E. ,PEC ■ FIELD: Rod Winfrey,Streets 8 Drainage Inspector ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Fred Gardner ❑ OTHER. Ted Moore,Enqineering/Utilities Inspector ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor. _ Date Returned to Contractor With Comments. _ Date Returned to City. nALL_DAi A\WORDCONTRAU LUCSUFP Page I „nem --PRICING INFORMATION: - -- - Method of Pricing: A. ■ Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. ❑ Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. 0 A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: X By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor r I .r7)C�) c)a;a nl, adt rr rl rc k I pf,i Attach additional pages if necessary. _ . NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ dZ,A SO. pO EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 7 additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date' ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date' ,of _ agree to the costs and terms of RFP M•me w this day of) . lam (Cmnmr) - (rvn) (d(r) (month) Ow) 0 V-L DATArWORDCCOrrRAODOCNteY yer OV 1497 / 976 E LiM6 C LYar Zy c - • tyiStri(i 13. z> xrG• -- 9 23. 6 5.y - 2 = 1(. 8 r- (6" Z 3. (,, G. L. / L ^ F A - ( Us C- Z. 1 idr .1 S.Y. 41srt4` o z n, i6 j N Ei.J 60 Sy _ _- II . St c. c." = 11 e 2 = 8- C bw S , 8.i )c/6 7 `j = Is. / f `(. . 7 of- 74. St = 5 a f- 7. 4 = c rrY 2 1 I _ C • • a sA Ij ZOOLo KEY LLti.E Q 1 F6, \ DR•JE 9 +h : 15 - Z -- 1. � . S xila 79 = i3. 'S3 s.y. 'It dF 1-5 . s ) = L7 G,"1 sbviv, i‘ x1(, - 9 •_ ill I/2- of 3. G 3. (0 a >' x 8' 9 C4- �c off 14 4 $ . 2 2 SDw� (o -G 4 : 9 2 . 9 z � : cC� — v' \ l g.S 2/. 4-1 41 ! ��at 4 1, •(0 IL fib ' 4 .44,4 S r Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL • ec�a Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE eo / 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) few Ger, Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-2731 -fax No. 4 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Continuing Horizontal Construction Services Capital Improvement Project No. 1-8 PROJECT NO: CIP 1-8 LOCATION: Ocoee,Florida DATE: May 1, 1997 OTHER: Amber Ridge REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): Fossitt Groundwork Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Installation of additional sod to provide better looking finished product. Original project only provided limited sod replacement because of landscaping replacement program for Key Lime Street. This work will include the sodding of the trench width and work areas on Key Lime Street Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion •Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change: Initiated by: • Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others: ( Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4, 2. Plan Revisions: Partial plan from sheet no.3. 5. 3. 8 • OWNER: James W.Shira,P.E.,City of Ocoee ■ CONTRACTOR:Fossitt Groundwork,Inc. • ENGINEER. David Hamstra,P.E. ,PEG • FIELD: Rod Winfrey,Streets&Drainage Inspector ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Fred Gardner ❑ OTHER: Ted Moore,Engineering/Utilities Inspector ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: _ Dale Returned to City: D. LL DATAIWOKD\CANTRACrDOCSRFl pegs I O5fi4IV7 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. • Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. ❑ Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor • a."tg #+x vY . 'a `..! 'v«a n Y r.. "dX, Lit /el tttntA Sock%.,1 ,AVOSY et! 73 /sy ¢G Sen. •` Attach additional pages if necessary NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ h 096, °° EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 7 additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: I, •of agree to the costs and terms of RFP Mtcl (C pu.,r) (No.) this day of • 199 OW! - (month/ - - Iy.+O. DULL DATA\WOROICANTRACTDOCSWP page 2 O5/14/97 § v r , Ski'_ 6� 1�-� �� C t 7 d- 8 cc) L; e4 z1 x Izr zip25 7U io x 84 8620 (2. . 4 x 30 ) Za ZZ. &AtT /o x 80 Soo ototirk. 1 o x 8o 8 a o Barwd;i/ zt S tz L X 4o ZQ-O CDT z I to x 72_ 72o I- hen-Jct.-42oS21 S X 30 coI -0 1 Z O w &-1T /O x 40 +0 o _._ IL-ft & 1 o K 12- 7 Z 0 tor 2 3 ko,¢}e state to X a (o 1510 _---- Mn,/z-e) z31 2.4 14-2 Xt0 / 420 L0 i z 4 *tugs: situ& a X 73 584- A! 'F I,d eter[tst 6x GC 3 90 Loy 2, $ke.It, A 14 X 8o II ZO flt-oel It /6 K SS S$v tbatzit s1EaL S X to 90 II 7¢> S. F. 1 3o S 5..I ,