HomeMy WebLinkAbout3(A) Six Cent Gas Tax - Jack H. Douglass, Jr TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table - OC/Cities Five Year Population Increase 1 Memo - Local Option Gas Tax 2 (from Carol Levin Reiss) Draft - 1997 Interlocal Agreement on Local 4 Fuel (Gas) Tax Distribution Exhibit A - To draft 1997 Interlocal Agreement 8 on Local Fuel (Gas) Tax Distribution Summary - Local Government Infrastructure Surtax 9 Sales Tax Distribution Formula (Tourist Scenario) 10 Legislative Agenda for Apopka, Ocoee & Winter Garden 12 Memo - Local Gas Tax Distribution Legislative Issues 15 (from Ellis Shapiro) . I Orange County and Cities 1 Five Year Population Increase as a Percentage 1990 1996 Percentage Population Population Differance of Increase Ocoee 12,778 19,261 6483 50.74% Apopka 13,611 19,255 5644 41.47% Edgewood 1 ,062 1,479 417 39.27% Windermere 1,371 1,776 405 29.54% Winter Garden 9,863 12,413 2550 25.85% Orange County 432,305 506,732 74427 17.22% Maitland 8,932 9,871 939 10.51% Winter Park 22,623 24,750 2127 9.40% Oakland 700 748 48 6.86% Belle Isle 5,272 5,596 324 6.15% Orlando 164,674 173,122 8448 5.13% Eatonville 2,505 2,506 1 0.04% Total 675,696 777,509 101813 15.07% DEB-21-1997 12:04 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.01 çange County • County Administrator's Office }• y., :Ol Evuth Roalind Avenue ' - - Rely To:Post Office Box 1393 � Orlando.Florida 37.0024393 - `.;7.` Telephone 147 836-7370 FAX(4071$36-7399 • DATE: a n7i'97 • FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION NOTICE THIS DOCIRMIT CONSISTS OF _7 PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE) TO: 1 clesiji(i7 on] pq141A7. (Name of pient) • FROM: ORANGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE . • NAME OF SENDER: 9e-r7FOR XOUR INFORMATION 1 AS REQUESTED • 1_1 FOR MODIFICATION AND REVIEW • 1 I AS-AN AUTHORIZED REQUEST • • • • • • • • j 6 ' SB-21-1997 12:04 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.02 4 *4 eSiv74., o IU TrY GOVERNMENT e L 0 K I A A MEMORANDUM TO: Jft`Bennett;..€unty Administrator Tom Wilkes,County Attorney Sharon Donoghue,Manager,Office of Management and Budget Randy Singh,Office of Management and Budget FROM: Carol Levin Reiss,Assistant County Attorney Qf/2, DATE: February 20, 1997 RE: Local Option Gas Tax Assistant City Attorney Jodi Litchford and I spoke with Rick McClure,an attorney with the Department of Revenue,this afternon regarding the proposed interlocal agreement for distribution of local option gas tax proceeds. Rick McClure indicated that if the Department of Revenue receives the revised interlocal agreement by June 1st,the new distribution will be effective as of July 1997. Rick McClure,however,noted that the County may not receive any revenue under the new distribution until three months later(September)but that the new distribution would be effective in July 1997. Accordingly,I have revised the attached interlocal agreement. Mr. McClure graciously offered to.have our draft interlocal agreement reviewed for comment by the Department of Revenue. Please let me know if you have any comments. RECG E D} CLR:sac FEB 2 1 199? Attachment ORANGE COUNTY cc:Rick McClure,Esq.,Department of Revenue(via fax ADMINISTRATOR Jodi Litchford,Assistant City Attorney,City of Orlando, Office of Legal Affairs (via fax#246-2854) sac:conesp:clrbeama COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE•THOMAS J. WILKES. COUNTY ATTORNEY 201 South Rosalind Avenue-5th Floor•Rcply'Ib:Post Oflke Box 1393.Orlando.Florida 32802.1393 Telephone(4U7)836.7 20•F X(407)886.588 FEB-21-1997 12:05 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.03 DRAFT 02/20/97 ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY 1997 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON , LOCAL FUEL (GAS)TAX DISTRIBUTION This 1997 Interlocal Agreement is entered into this day of , 1997,by Orange County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida(the"County"), and the City of Orlando, a Florida municipal corporation(the"City"). RECITALS 1. Orange County and the City of Orlando entered into an Interlocal Agreement dated July 21, 1983 pertaining to the distribution of the proceeds of the four cent local option gas tax among the County and the municipalities in Orange County. 2. An amendment to the 1983 Interlocal Agreement was signed on June 27, 1985. This amended agreement provided for the distribution of an additional two cents of local option gas tax in the same manner as stipulated in the 1983 Interlocal Agreement. 3. . On May 30, 1996,Senate Bill 330 became law as Chapter 96-323,Laws of Florida. This law amended Section 336.025,Florida Statutes,to require the utilization of annual population statistics for dividing local option fuel (gas)tax funds, collected pursuant to Section 336.025(1), Florida Statutes,and such law applies to Orange County. 4. The City and the County desire to implement a new distribution formula for the local option fuel tax based upon a population formula that will be updated annually based upon data provided by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida to the Executive Office of the Governor. 5. In an effort to facilitate the parties' agreement to utilize a population formula for distribution of the local option 1 fuel tax,the City and County have agreed to phase the new population based formula over a four-year period in order to defray revenue losses which some municipalities will experience as a result of the formula. FEB-21-1997 12:05 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.04 6. The parties hereto desire to provide for the distribution of all local option fuel tax revenues collected under the authority of Section 336.025(1),Florida Statutes,by adopting the new population-based formula required therein. ACCORDINGLY,THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Beginning in State of Florida fiscal year 2001/2002,and in each fiscal year thereafter all proceeds of the local option fuel (gas)tax imposed under the provisions of Section 336.025(1), Florida Statutes (or any successor legislation), less any service charges and fees collected by the Florida Department of Revenue, or its successor agency,(the"net tax proceeds") shall be divided and distributed to Orange County'and the municipalities identified in Exhibit"A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, based on each listed governmental entity's percentage of Orange County's total estimated populations as of April 1 of She proceeding Statesf Florida fist eeeb year. For purposes of calculating the County's share of the net tax proceeds,the County's population shall be deemed to be those citizens residing outside the boundaries of any municipality plus those citizens residing within the boundaries of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista. The population percentages shall be updated annually using data provided by or at the request of the Executive Office of the Governor,pursuant to Section 186.901,Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time. Section 2. For the four transitional years, State of Florida fiscal years 1997/1998, 1998/1999, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001,the net tax proceeds of the local option fuel(gas)tax imposed under the provisions of Section 336.025(1), Florida Statutes, shall be divided and distributed to Orange County and the municipalities pursuant to the percentages set forth in Exhibit"A". Section 3. The City and the County hereby covenant to each other and to the municipalities listed in Exhibit"A"to take no action whatsoever in the future which would impair 2 FEB-21-1997 12:06 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.05 the rights of any party under contracts entered by the County, the City, or the municipalities identified in Exhibit "A" expressly in anticipation of the distribution and receipt of the net tax proceeds. Further,the City and County hereby covenant to each other to waive any claim that this 1997 Interlocal Agreement is invalid,unconstitutional,or unenforceable in any manner. Section 4. The City and the County agree to work together towards finding a long term solution for the funding of the. Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority ("Lynx"). Section_5. The City and County hereby repeal the previous Interlocal Agreements referenced in Recital Nos. 1 and 2 herein. ,section 6. This 1997 Interlocat Agreement shall become effective as of the date of execution by the City or the County.whichever is later.and shall terminate on December 31,2015, Notwithstanding the foregoing. should the Florida legislature amend Section 336.025, FJoridd Statutes. to provide for an alternate local option fuel (gas) tax distribution method. this 1997 jisterlocal Agreement shall terminate upok he effective date of any such xnendmens or uponLsuch otliguktutsinutally_agrteltabyikpartio. WHEREFORE,the parties hereto have executed this 1997 Interlocal Agreement as of the day and year.set forth above. ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA by: Board of County Commissioners BY: County Chairman DATE: ATTEST: Martha 0.Haynie, County Comptroller As Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners BY: Deputy Clerk 3 FEB-21-1997 12:06 FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.06 CITY OF ORLANDO BY: Glenda E. Hood,Mayor ATTEST: BY: Grace A. Chewning,City Clerk clr:agrcnt\gastax.wpd (02/20/97) 4 LUUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO 98891705 P.07 Orlando-Oran e Coun 1997 lnterlocal Agreement On Local Option Fuel Gas Tax Distribution Local Option Fuel (Gas) Tax Distribution Percentages Schedule For the State of Florida Fiscal Years 1997-2001 Exhibit "A" Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Percentages Percentages Percentages Percentages Uninc. Oran!e Coun 61.74% 62.96% 64.07% 64.66% Orlando 23.00%ME A•o•ka 2.49%MEM 2.56% 2.69% 0.71% 0.70% 0.69% 0.72% Eatot[2:95e1111111111111111110 0.36% 0.34% 0.32% • 0.30% Ed.ewood 0.17% 0.16% 0.16% 0.14% Maitland 11111111EMEMEZI 1.29% 1.16% Oakland 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% Ocoee 2.57% 2.63% 2.65% 2.81% Windermere 0.23% 0.23% 0.23% 0.24% Winter Garden 1.63%MI111111.101.4% 1.64% Winter Park 3.38% 3.26%minaza Oran e Coun Total' 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% • * Excludes Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista itRandy/WGIAGRE.110(4 TOTAL P.07 • . . . LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE SURTAX (A short summary) Enactment Requires: 1. Requires ordinance enacted by a majority of the members of the county governing authority and approval a majority of the electors of the county. 2. A statement which includes a brief general description of the projects to be funded by the surtax shall be placed upon the ballot. The following question shall be placed on the ballot: FOR the -cent sales tax AGAINST the -cent sales tax Distribution of Proceeds: 1. An interlocal agreement between the county governing authority and the governing bodies of the municipalities representing a majority of the county's municipal population, which agreement can include a school district with the consent of the county governing authority and the governing bodies of the municipalities representing a majority of the county's municipal population. 2. If there is no interlocal agreement distribution will be in accordance to F.S. s. 218.62 Distribution Factor= Municipal Population Total County Population+ (2/3 x Incorporated Population) Municipal=Distribution x Total Ordinary Distribution Amount Share Share for the County Unincorporated Distribution Factor= County Population + (2/3 x Incorporated Population) Total County Population+ (2/3 x Incorporated Population) County=Distribution x Total Ordinary Distribution Amount Share Share for the County Proceeds Can Be Used To: • Finance, plan, and construct infrastructure and to acquirer land for public recreation or conservation or protection of natural resources and to finance the closure of county -owned or municipally owned solid waste landfills that are Local Government Infrastructure Surtax Summary Page 2 already closed or are required to close by order of the Department of Environmental Protection. Infrastructure Means: 1. Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay associated with the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of public facilities which have a life expectancy of 5 or more years and any land acquisition, land improvement, design, and engineering costs related thereto. 2. A fire department vehicle, an emergency medical service vehicle, a sheriff's office vehicle, a police department vehicle, or any other vehicle, and such equipment necessary to outfit the vehicle for its official use or equipment that has a life expectancy of at least 5 years. Infrastructure Does Not Mean: • According to Attorney General Opinion 94-79 a county is not authorized to expend the proceeds of the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax for such things as fencing, swings, lumber, and lighting fixtures for use in county- owned recreational facilities because such items do not fall within the definition of a"fixed capital expenditure" or a"fixed capital outlay." Proceeds May Not Be Used For: • Counties and municipalities shall not use the proceeds to supplant or replace user fees or to reduce ad valorem taxes existing prior to the levy of the surtax. Issuance of Bonds: • School districts, counties, and municipalities may pledge proceeds for the purpose of servicing new bond indebtedness incurred pursuant to law. Local governments may use the services of the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration to issue bonds. In no case may a jurisdiction issue bonds more frequently than once a year. General Information: • Thirty counties have imposed the surtax as of June 1, 1996. • The tax is applied only on transactions of$5,000 or less. • The Department of Revenue is authorized to deduct 3% of the total revenue generated for administrative cost. However, the Department is currently not deducting any amount of revenue for administering these taxes. Prepared By: Orange County,Fiscal&Human Resources Division; Division Office :------ " it i . II I i I I I I Sales Tax Distribution Formula (Tourist Scenario) I j I I I I Population I State Default Formula Population Formula Difference Apopka 18,449I $ 3,010,442 $ 3,690,648 $ 680,206 Belle Isle 5,591 I I 909,558 1,118,457 208,899 2,489 I 391,252 497,914 I 106,663 Edgewood ' Egewoole 1,137 184 970 227,452 I 42,482 I 9 Maitland9,525 I 1,549,552 1,905,438 I 355,886 151,035 I 28,209 Oakland 755 I 122,825 693,486 Ocoee 18,578 I 3,022,968 3,716,454 Orlando 170,307 I 27,776,103 34,069,228 6,293,125 1 692 I 279,977 338,478 58,501 Windermere 452,022 Winter Garden 12,098 I 1,968,134 2,420,156 924,037 Winter Park 24,570 I 3,991,092 4,915,129 I I •Unincorporated 493,771 i i 108,620,411 • 98,776,895 (9,843,516) Orange County ITOTAL I 758,962 i $ 151,827,284 ' I $ 151,827,284 ' Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista are included in unincorporated Orange County "Although the total revenue received from infrastructure sales tax is$167,827,284 Ithe above scenario subtracts the hotel contribution of$16m(5th cent tourist tax). • Legislative Agenda for Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden Item #1 Ocoee would like to share the cost of constructing a flyover at Maguire and Old Winter Garden Road in connection with the Beltway and possibly Florida Turnpike accessibility with the State funding the remaining portion of the next three sessions of the legislature. They expect the cost would be approximately eight to ten million dollars. Item#2 Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden support the Western Beltway with priorities given to Part A and the northern section of Part C as priority one. Priority two would be the remainder of Part C and priority three would be the Apopka Bypass which would be the missing link on the Western Beltway. Item#3 Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden support the compromised position of the Six Cent Gas Tax offer by the City of Orlando to Orange County. It is our position we should proceed with the correction to the state law to incorporate this proposed local agreement, if adopted before legislative session. If not adopted, we should proceed with correcting the state law and adjust with a future bill toward the end of the session. Item#4 Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden support the Economic Revitalization of the area as a result of the muck farm buyout program. We support any process that will provide additional jobs,by attracting additional and replacement of commerce to the Lake Apopka rim area from Winter Garden all the way around to the north of Lake Apopka to the northern Apopka area. This may include airparks, commercial parks, enterprise zone, educational retraining, infrastructure funding within this target area. Item#5 Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden support the final funding of the IFAS Consolidated Research Center located on the eastern edge of Lake Apopka. The State should make sure that the last part of the consolidation of the IFAS facility located between Apopka and Ocoee is complete. Last year, the legislature partly funded this construction. This year, legislature should complete the funding for construction and land purchase. Item#6 Annexations - State law requires an agency to describe a property by metes and bounds when a more acceptable manner for describing a property is based on sectional description as provided by the Property Appraiser's Office. This law should be changed to make both acceptable. Item#7 Fire Pension Plan (ISO) - If an agency provides a higher level of service, i.e. rating of two when the agency was previously a six, the premium distribution could be lower for the premium tax in connection with the funding of the Firefighter's Pension Plan. The reason for this is the premium tax is based on gross receipts. The insurance companies generally give a substantial discount depending on what ISO rating has been obtained. Therefore, the better the rating, the lower the insurance premiums. The laws should be changed so it would provide some incentive to improve level of service rather than the current disincentive. This is in reference to Florida Statute 185.08. Item#8 Mandated Impact on Trim Process -The Trim Process should not require an agency to show an increase property tax when the mandate is caused by transfer of cost from one agency to another, i.e. crossing guards transferred from Orange County to the cities. /mrs Iegag2 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST(azaE'. --, OR• COMMISSIONER e� Ocoee S.Sc TT VANDERGRIFT MAR 0 5 1997 COMMISSIONERS •� a CITY OF OCOEE BY: ),J SR STY TT ENR�SO v J�� �` 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE OTT A.GLASS ('� f: `�V OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON .� (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER Of 0000 ELLISSHAPIRO i.. a ' . . . , MEMORANDUM TO: John Land, Mayor of Apopka Jack Quesinberry, Mayor of Winter Garden FROM: Ellis Shapiro, Interim City Manager as Signed in Mr.. Shapiro's absence to avoid delay DATE: March 5, 1997 ' RE: LOCAL GAS TAX DISTRIBUTION LEGISLATIVE ISSUES At the City Commission meeting held on March 4, 1997, the Ocoee City Commission discussed the proposed legislative package that will be presented for discussion with all three cities at the meeting to be held on March 6, 1997, in Apopka. The City Commission approved Items #1-8 as written, with the exception of Item #3 and submits the following recommendations and two new items: Item#3 With respect to the proposed agreement between the City of Orlando and Orange County which would settle the local option gas tax dispute, the City of Ocoee cannot support the agreement unless the entire second sentence of Section 6 ("Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the Florida Legislature amend Section 336.025, Florida Statutes, to provide for an alternate local option fuel (gas) tax distribution method, this 1997 Interlocal Agreement shall terminate upon the effective date of any such amendment or upon such other date as mutually agreed to by the parties.") is removed. Item#9 The City of Ocoee supports legislation which would require the school board to do a better job in working with the cities and the county for comprehensive planning,to wit:. Sections 235.193 of,Florida Statutes states that it is the policy of the state "to require the coordination of planning between (school) boards and local governing bodies to ensure that plans for the construction and opening of public educational facilities are facilitated and coordinated in time and place with plans for residential development, concurrently with other necessary services." Section 235.194 of Florida Statutes states that it is the policy of the state to foster coordination between school boards and local general-purpose governments. This section also requires each school board to provide local general-purpose governments a copy of the school board's general educational. facilities report by the City of Ocoee, our local school board has been either Unable or unwilling to coordinate, cooperate, or participate in our planning process.. The City.of Ocoee believes that.such joint planning and cooperation'is critical to``ourefforts to'reduce the intolerable overcrowding currently experienced at many, if not most, schools in our. area. The lack of such coordination severely hampers the City's ability to engage.,in,,::,:' creative joint educational/recreational'use p oreover, hC salways in a better negotiating position with respect to development than the school board and;' with a higher level of cooperation from the school board; would be a better position work with the private sector to reduce"or preclude many problems the school board must later address after development has occurred. For these reasons, the City of Ocoee strongly supports the amendment of Sections 163.193 and 163.194 to include a mutual enforcement mechanism to allow either school boards or local general-purpose governments to bring recalcitrant parties into the joint planning process. Item#10 The City of Ocoee supports legislation relating to the annexation of enclaves, amending the procedure by which a municipality may expedite the annexation of enclaves and removing restrictions on the applicability of the procedures. In order to expedite the annexation of enclaves of 10 acres or less into the most appropriate incorporated jurisdiction, based upon existing or proposed service provision arrangements, a municipality may (a) annex an enclave by interlocal agreement with the county having jurisdiction of the enclave,; or (b) annex an enclave with fewer than 25 registered voters by municipal ordinance when the annexation is approved in a referendum by at least 60 percent of the registered voters who reside in the enclave. This does not apply to undeveloped or unimproved real property. Voluntary annexation of individual parcels of lands within an enclave not contiguous to a municipality may occur at varying stages of time. ES2w:fdg:112 cc: Jack H. Douglas, Apopka Assistant City Administrator Hollis Holden, Whiter Garden City Manager S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor of Ocoee Ocoee City Commission . Jim Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director Ron Strosnider,Fire Chief Russ Wagner, Planning Director Jean Grafton, City Clerk