HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (A) Celebration Baptisit Church - Special Exception Case 1-6SE-96 AGENDA 3-1S-97 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item V A Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRI T COMMISSIONERS sir?, CITY OF OCOEE ;°HESONRO v SCOTT A.GLASS 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE. rf �V OCOEE,FLORIDA 33261-2258 GLEASON Cis ``,` (4�21656-�22 CRY MANAGER Of G000 STAFF REPORT EI.I.IS SI IAPIRO DATE: March 13, 1997 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning o/ SUBJ. Celebration Baptist Church Special Exception Application Case No. 1-6SE-96: CBC ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commission approve a Special Exception for the Celebration Baptist Church? BACKGROUND: Celebration Baptist Church has requested permission to conduct church services for a congregation of 40-50 persons at the former Nautilus Center in the Orange Tree Plaza until a permanent location is found. The Ocoee Land Development Code(LDC) permits churches within the C-2 zoning district upon approval of a Special Exception. Proposed uses of the facility would include church services Wednesday evenings • and Sunday mornings and weekday pastoral office facilities. Based upon such a limited use during off- peak hours, existing parking facilities at the Plaza should be adequate to accommodate the proposed use. DISCUSSION: The requested use substantially meets the criteria set forth in Section 4-8, Ocoee Land Development Code (LDC) pertaining to Special Exceptions. However, Section 38-5, Ocoee Code of Ordinances, pertaining to locational requirements for establishments serving alcoholic beverages (attached) needs to be considered when reviewing this Special Exception since approximately five establishments serving alcoholic beverages are already operating within 1,000 feet of the subject property. The City Attorney has determined that the proposed use will not affect these establishments. Conversely, the proposed use could be considered an "established church" and provide a basis for denying any future alcoholic beverage permits for nearby properties. Section 4-8 states in part that : "Approval of a special exception application shall be granted by the City Commission only upon finding that: (2)The proposed uses and structures would be compatible with the uses,structures and activities on adjacent and nearby lands;and(3)The proposed uses and structures would not violate the health, safety, welfare, and/or convenience of those residing, working or owning land in the vicinity of the proposed use or structure,specifically with respect to:(e)The use or structure would not prevent an adjoining landowner from the legal use of his property pursuant to this Code" Although the proposed Special Exception could prevent a nearby property owner from opening a new establishment serving alcoholic beverages, staff believes that a temporary Special Exception granted for the proposed use would mitigate this concern. en The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners March 12, 1997 Page 2 Staff has proposed the following Conditions of Approval to ensure that the proposed facility is temporary in nature and mitigates impacts to surrounding properties: 1) This Special Exception is for the benefit of the Celebration Baptist Church and the rights granted hereunder do not run with the land. In the event the Celebration Baptist Church ceases to use the subject property, then this Special Exception shall automatically terminate. 2) The Special Exception is temporary and shall expire twelve months from the date of approval by the City Commission. Upon issuance of the building permit, the owner or its agent shall diligently proceed in good faith to complete construction in accordance with the terms thereof. Failure of the owner or its agent to proceed as aforesaid shall provide a basis for revocation of the Special Exception by the City Commission. 3) Approval of this Special Exception does not authorize commencement of development. Prior to issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to obtain site plan approval pursuant to the provisions of Article IV of the Ocoee Land Development Code. Further, compliance with all other applicable provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code shall be required. 4) Should the uses permitted by this Special Exception be terminated or substantially modified or expanded in a manner inconsistent with the Conditions of Approval for the Special Exception, then said Special Exception may be revoked by the City Commission at its sole discretion. 5) The approval is subject to issuance of a Final Certificate of Concurrency prior to the issuance of a building permit or an occupational license for the proposed use. 6) The number of patrons to be permitted within the Celebration Baptist Church shall be limited to that permitted by the Ocoee Building and Fire Safety Codes. 7) The Celebration Baptist Church shall be limited to operating between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., seven days a week. 8) The applicant shall make a good faith effort to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed use within six months of issuance of the building permit. 9) All buildings shall conform to Florida Uniform Fire Safely Codes and Standards and the Standard Building Code, and the main building shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler system if required by the Ocoee Fire Department. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING: On January 24, 1997, the Development Review Committee discussed the Celebration Church Special Exception and recommended approval per staffs recommendation with the additional condition that the notice of public hearing be mailed to property owners within a 1,000 foot radius rather than 300 feet as required by the Land Development Code. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners March 12, 1997 Page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING: On March 11, 1997, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Special Exception Application in detail and asked numerous questions regarding the proposed use of the facility. Based upon this review,the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the project in accordance with the Staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the actions of the Development Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Special Exception Application of the Celebration Baptist Church to operate a church at the Nautilus Center within the Orange Tree Plaza in accordance with the forgoing Conditions of Approval. Attachments: Section 38-5 Ocoee Code of Ordinances Application Advertisement RBW/emk D\CAPOFI LE\STAFFR-1\CCSR-1\SRPW 014.WPD City of Ocoee Planning Department Celebration Baptist Church Special Exception for 1575 Maguire Road, Suite A ' priniIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiglinnm, ,,,{IIL.u.I R 3 F ff G S r C T \\�' C Sv 74,/ G S WI� I, { o-°'aal� �( AI���(y `II�II'h ` �I f Fx�P9 "AI I li `Ihnilllllll� wuc i �q fa { era 'y>.: y I C, -( ( - I ��C-2 • -- : Walmart Center \ _ _� ' -_C: a C: 'i C—. I f Ix.VPS L Inn I' sR sa .:� .� State Road 50 - �� I ( ,.F -. 1 , 'RVPS _ Plaia I t s�/ ,c . property I a G I—'u \ � ��y{3 rLORICA ?URNP'K_ r th FCC cs =k 2 Legend: Case Number: 1-6SE-96 lir SUBJECT OCOEE ORANGE PROPERTY CITY COUNTY North LIMITS C.'AHPCFILF'LCCATMAP'CLEBRCH.W PG § 38-5 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES § 38-6 § 38-5. Locational requirements. Any place of business in which alcoholic beverages or intoxicating beverages are sold or furnished at retail to the public by the glass or drink within the city shall open directly and immediately upon the street, and no such place of business shall be less than one thousand (1.000) feet from an established church or school. which distance shall be measured by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel along the public thoroughfare from the main entrance of said place of business to the main entrance of the church and. in the case of a school, to the nearest point of the school grounds In use as part of the school facilities? § 38-6. Hours. [Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord No. 88-69; 7-5-1989 by Ord. No. 89-153] A Hours of sale and consumption on premises. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold. consumed or served or permitted to be served or consumed in any place holding a license from the Ronda Department of Business Regulation. which license permits the consumption of aicohoiic beverages on the premises. between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. each and every day of the week. B. Hours of sale and consumption off premises. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, in any place holding a license from the Florida Department of Business Regulation, which license permits the package sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises. between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. C. Adcitional requirements. (1) Within the meaning of this section, a sale shall be regarded as being made if the alcoholic beverage is delivered to any person during prohibited 'hours regardless cf whether payment therefor Es made at some time. If any such licensed vendor is a corporation. Z Editor's Nags Original Sec.3-3.Sale.ao-to mires what icemat aaNfollowed this section,was deleted at titre of atlRmi at Ca see at 1, Goal Provisions M. l 3 Editor's dims Tbs ordinance also provided as follows This =Inns stag be deemed w be atmNaoe and in atlieon to any other ara.law or ordnance regulating hags at sale at alcoholic Peccaries This ordinance srma:Ees and repeals any misting hours of sale at almld'c he'.erages ordnance.This ordnance shell be literally mrsmted in order to effectively cony out the purposes of this ordnance in protecting the mares of the health. safety and velfae d the amens of the dry d Omen Ronda" 3803 ADAMS ►1 ,5?RigatN HILL • G BRUADAMSG.EGGCE HILL LEIS '� MAR 0 3 1997 GREGOG. YR REIS JANET ."� JANET W ADAMS MLAS HALL r�DA IS CITY OF OCOEE THOMAS E.L$C ScH HIEFFE LLY MATTHEW P.RARTOLOMEI HALL CHRISTOPHER E.BUTLER DAvID 0 DOYLE,M WILLIAM w.LARGE IA c(� T TAT T Sq� M'ILLIAM N.OLYEY Sy HIEl'1 EL T-Y I47 EAST CONCORD STREET 1 ORLANDO,FLORIDA 37R0a54S6 JEANIE S.BYBEE.CLA PAMELA a COHN,R.N. ATTORNEYS ATL.AW TELEPHONE tmn e96425 DAWN GOLDENBERG.R N. FAX (,W)B96923M1 February 26, 1997 •. Mr. Russ Wagner, Director City of Ocoee Planning Dept. 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Corporate Merger of Celebration Baptist Church of Ocoee. Inc. Dear Mr. Wagner: By way of introduction, I represent Celebration Baptist Church of Ocoee, Inc. , which has a special exception application pending before your department. In that light, I have been asked by my client to write you in an effort to explain its recent corporate merger with Lakeville Road Baptist Church, Inc. of Orlando, Florida. Celebration Baptist Church of Ocoee, Inc. (hereinafter "Celebration" ) was formed on October 4, 1996 with the intent of beginning a Baptist church ministry in the Ocoee, Florida area. Subsequent to its corporate formation, the directors of Celebration began to consider a merger with the existing ministry of Lakeville Road Baptist Church, Inc. of Orlando, Florida (hereinafter "Lakeville") . On December 22, 1996 , the directors and members of both Celebration and Lakeville approved the merger by way of official votes by each corporation. Following the merger vote, the appropriate corporate merger documents were filed with the Department of State, Division of Corporations. These documents are currently pending with the Department of State, and notification of the official filing by the Department is anticipated in the next few weeks. Pursuant to the Articles of Merger filed with the Department of State, once official filing is accomplished the corporate entity of Celebration will cease to exist. Instead, Celebration will be merged into Lakeville, the surviving corporation of the merger. As a result of this merger, Lakeville acquires all existing rights and Mr. Russ Wagner, Director City of Ocoee Planning Dept. Page 2 obligations of Celebration, including the application pending before your department. Accordingly, all matters pending before your department in the name of Celebration, just as with all of Celebration's other existing rights, privileges, assets, etc, are automatically vested in Lakeville without further action. The legal basis for the vesting of Celebration's rights and privileges in Lakeville as outlined above, is contained at Chapter 617, Florida Statutes (1995) . I would be happy to provide you with copies of the relevant statutory provisions should you believe that it would be helpful . I trust that the foregoing adequately explains the background and legal significance of the corporate merger between Celebration and Lakeville. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments regarding this matter. Sincerely, Dsv1d O.. Dole�'D � Jr. , Esq. /DOD/lks iMn I~ k. " kr{ ; i ewe �t iitE{``ago' 1 R ,t t d a�3 in It 5Fl Jo ca GI '. 1g D1.I1�ki NI 57 if 1.111 11ip el2E a11e ��Wail 4 M `� 5555bWi$iiiP� Ae � 2j€ tlE i1I!1I1iJIJ1t 1.1 ilikiPigitliiiemiltirASAII:kiiiiiiiiiith lot OibY 869 EEi�FF A n4tt itSlS7. E4f[IDR�k��e eL� b: c THIS SPACE POS {;�f_. '� PROJECT NO. I -67SE-91p: eaie(>ti. CI Y USE ONLY FEE kaiU)atQ en{51 -1- iNov a 1199E DEPOSIT AMOUNT La2n�I;, rQ IC'.4Sgt.,-, DATE PAID — CITY V{7 CCUEE RECEIPT NO. — Cz.l r �,, Ova.- 1 Y� CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION) SPECIAL EXCEPTION S 750.00 (This application is only for those spacial exceptions which are consistent with the City of Cccee's Comprehensive Plan. All others must submit Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications.) 1. APPUCANTS NAME: `(rn o:—p-✓ E. ( c. re+r- Pat reek e nod 5av%7T7 tAryuRGA APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: /5-75 /{'I *6id/2E /20 S44/7"& De E P-L 7 6 / TELEPHONE NUMBER: Va 7 Z 9 — 6 '7 G. OWNER CF RECORD: ) `i k L-Kr? 4 r OWNERS ADDRESS: 2 3 0 7 S HE4. .V K. //R rr,/ ,207 C7/4 ,cam .9 3 7=3'0f (If more than one owner, please anac:: additional sheets) NOTE: A separate application fee is collected for each action sought and for non-contiguous parcels cr for parcels held under separate ownership. Upon request, payment of the above fee entitles the acpiicant to a copy cf the City of Cccee's Land Deveicpment Regulations. 3. PROPERTY LOCATION: A. DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY:: 'f00 / CovTfd aF h"'y 50 nn/ AtfC ' , e 1td ()Cc' err F“4 /C, a/ k-,l r N 7 4; r 4/e E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL APPLICATIONS MUST PROVIDE THREE (3) EXECUTED, CERTIFIED AND SEALED BOUNDARY SURVEYS FOR THE SUBJECT PARCEL WHICH SHALL INCLUDE A METES-AND-BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ATTACH SURVEY WITH FORM-19 1 Application for Special Exception FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS EXHIBIT. SPECIFY BELOW: SEECTION-TOWNSHIP- RANGESUEDIVISION-LOT-AND-BLOCK, AS APPLICABLE 3C - .2- 1 - Z9 - 1-2_43 -nao/o Pr✓(- t REc' P'- 9z4 Pt-9i d e.E /,Q Pe9-011/9" C. PROPERTY TAX ID. NO(S): 4. BRIEFLY SPECIFY THE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL(S) SINCE JANUARY 1, 1985, INCLUDING YEAR LOT WAS CREATED, PRESENT ZONING, YEAR ANNEXED, AND PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS, ETC.: 7 Y ' Fr'9/� p ,rro✓ /9,Y' cup idea/ A=rea9, To 3 Lc,i G - 1 �An-Fxeo iaef 5. PROPOSED USE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL IF THE PRESENT APPUCATICN(S) IS/ARE GRANTED? R� a 4a _ -z � � e �ti--ate � ti� �s• 975 /b Gu , Rc .2.! riN, r „ 2,. ocore. Fc ;5' 96I 6. SPECIFY ZONING OR PARCELS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT 70 THE SUBJECT PARCEL A. NCRT-1: G B. SC UT;H: P S C. EAST: C- 'y ❑. WEST: c- Z. 7. NUMBER CF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND EXISTING LAND USE CF THE SUBJECT PARCEL / Lo ;,. ..i P2 C, a ,Q EA r &' 8. SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPUCATIONS ARE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR A PUBUC HEARING, STUDY, AND RECOMMENDATION, AND ARE THEN FORWARDED TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL ACTION. 9. BRIEFLY ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING: A. THE NEED AND JUS T IFICATICN FOR THE .REQUESTED ACTION: , o flcsn c du.< c L' SE Rv CFS FORM-19 2 Applicatlan for Special Exception 10. HOW WILL THE FOLLOWING ESSENTIAL SERVICES BE PROVIDED? A. POTABLE WATER: G i y "- Oc c•6 t • B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT: C ' ' y c' O c o Er C. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: c- n T R N F n -AA, /',i°t -Y D. RECREATION: /1.7 E SCHOOLS AND PROJECTED NUMBER CF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN' /VI) F. MAIN HIGHWAY ACCESS (A traffic study may be required): G. FIRE PROTECTION (NOTE: Fire now data will be required before final plattinc): ` y O C C- I 1. SUBMIT A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ILLUSTRATING THE FOLLOWING: A. PROJECT NAME. B. NAME,ADDRESS,AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE APPLICANT,OWNER, ENGINEER, AND SURVEYOR. C. SUBMITTAL AND REVISION DATES. D. PROMINENT NORTH ARROW. E. SCALE AT NOT LESS THAN 1' = 100• F. A'SEALED-BOUNDARY SURVEY,INCLUDING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION,TOTALACREAGE, AND SHOWING UNEAR DIMENSIONS AND SURVEY HEADINGS. G. EXISTING AND PROPOSED ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ADJOINING PARCELS. H. LOCATION MAP WHICH CLEARLY SHOWS THE SUBJECT PARCEL WITH RESPECT TO ECSTING ROADS AND LANDMARKS. I. LOCATION, NAME, RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTHS, AND PAVEMENT WIDTH OF EXISTING STREETS AND PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS POINTS. FORM-19 3 Aopiic:ticr for Special Exception J. E(ISTING TOPOGRAPHY AT ONE (1) FOOT CONTOUR INTERVALS BASED ON THE ORANGE COUNTY DATUM, IDENTIFY AT LEAST TWO (2) BENCH MARKS. K. VEGETATION TYPES, WOODED AREAS, AND LIKELY CONSERVATION ZONES. L LIMITS OF 100-YEAR FEDERAL FLOOD PLAIN AND NORMAL HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS CF ALL LAKES AND WETLANDS. M. IDENTIFY SOIL TYPES USING THE U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYSTEM. N. ANY OTHER INFORMATION DEEMED NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE BY APPLICANT TO HELP DETERMINE COMPUANCE WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE'S DEVELOPMENT CODES. LIST AND ILLUSTRATE ITEMS SO IDENTIFIED: Oita MEETING 'rime mtr_ ?,E Sunl.w /0-Do A.M . ,) HCR Buz,NFSSFS IN THE pLALA ACRE CLOSED /iT T4r 77 ME' LEAVING AMPLE PA&KIN6 (35 SPACES AT TlF REOI1l12C-D I SPACE PER '4 PEOPLE . we MA r4AVE SMMt_ M€ETIA16S C IK- IS PECPL= r_fl WED 7P.m._Sur1/4i7P.M TfIERE is STUI.L hn'Pt.F P.A2KI N6 datio/Vc. 5 NA2tP Y;t/LKiNS W/ Iscrprcen Cn2DF6R(y. 12. APFUCANT SHALL SUBMIT A LIST OF THE OWNERS' NAMES AND MAILING ADDRESSES FOP ALL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THREE HUNDRED (3001 FEET CF THE PERIMETER CF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, PER THE LATEST ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS AD VALOREM TAX ROLL FAILURE TO IDENTIFY ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MAY CAUSE THE SUBMITTED APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. See 4 T*crtC : . FORM-19 4 Application for Special Exception CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT • STATE OF t c it , n,A COUNTY OF = 02 S, GC- n,arrr .q .�. ,D71<e,71c r Before me, the undersigned personally appeared /7/k Cr?799E /ld& who being first duly sworn on oath, depose(s) and say(s): 1. That they/she/he are/is the fee-simple owner(s) of the property legally described in this application and that the attached ownership list is made a part of the affidavit and contains the legal description(s) for the real property, and the names and mailing addresses of all owners having an interest in said land. 2. That they/she/he desire(s) �� S C/ 9< e/ S i c—nc < 13T7 u,v C NcrrtcH 't r/NGS Yn 31- HY , ) /CV 4/ C/ 0•2 (specify action sought) for said property. 3. That they/she/he/ have/has appointed 77'u 1 o i ri ` C V a t 7 E,. (specify himself or agent) to act as agent in their/her/his behalf to accomplish the above. 4. That they/sna/he a`firrc(&, cer if(y)(ies) and will comply with all ordinances, regulations and provisions of the City Coda of the City of Ocoee, and that all statements and diagrams submitted herewith are true and accurate to Ma best of their/his/her knowledge and belief and further, that this application and attachments shall become part of the official records of the City of Ocoee, and are not retumacie. 5. That the accompanying adjacent crapeny owners list ls, to the best of their/her/his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of the owners names and mailing addresses for all property lying within three hundred (800) feet at the perimeter or the subiec7 parcel, as renamed on the latest official Orange County Tax Rolls. 6. That prior to the public hearing, if applicable, signs will be prominently posted on the subject parcel not less than twelve (12) days before the application will be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board or the Board of Adjustment, and will remain posted until final determination, after which time the notices are to be removed and destroyed. Owners Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this�„L day of ,moo...- he 1 , 19 `i c, , by L.a.nn+ 'n\t , who is personally know to me or who produced v i 'Oa„r-c. :Ll- 36 -Lit$s eentlfication, and who tack an oath. I IV J (40U Notary Public My commission expires: .°`r•• ,'Y v naww # N_1 * rw.Commission 080s°xs R y.,. EYesaq.m.2000 FORM-19 5 - Application for Special Exception Owner�ar e Sworn to and subscribed before me thisatrday of kgroom jug , 19 4L by i I q- �- is personally know to me or who produced .3-62 n2 I k14.64.11btas identifi Lion, and o to k an oath. t.�� 1 . tMy�°r4, W MARN a GREEN Alf L My Commission CC4 f]ut Notary Public r� * It .1 * E,p4es Nov.04.1998 MA&tAN 8 • VAEEN Bonded by Ne My commission expires: 11-r>(-qg �32°°n°"' e°°ass-se'e Owners Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 b is personally know to me or who produced y , n oath. as identification, and who tookk an Notary Public My commission expires: FORM-19 E Application for Special Exception OWNERSHIP LIST OWNER'S NAME: DY < C R P BP , A/ C OWNERSHIP INTEREST: OP A ' r r ,yc c p < a z- 14 /na% MAILJNG ADDRESS: I Y C m a �=) „e ' C oc`_, -L rd 5 ,t.7,6./ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: — 00. c= f0 Pear 8oe, /rr p.2 -- ivy OWNER'S NAME: OWNERSHIP INTEREST MAILING ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FORM-19 7 • ,.a. .a W.� .1...,. 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