HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (B) Approval and and Authorization of PEC to Begin Design and Permitting of the Interconnecting Force Main and Alum Feed System at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Agenda 2-02-99 Item III B -CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF W N/ ORANGE MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOTI VANDERGRIFT Ocoee COMMISSIONERS o .. o CITY OF OCOEE DANNY nowra,1, �� ( - ISO N.Ln1:I_v loan.DRIVE SCO'rT nNDERSON VV 2 SCOFF A.GLASS k„......_. pOCONN, FLARES RE DR2258NANCY J. PARKER �r� (407)656-2322i�fq08 GOP�` ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: January 25, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E.,City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Alum Feed System at Wastewater Treatment Plant The attached proposal from PEC is for the design of two components of the Ocoee/Winter Garden effluent interconnect project. The first component is the interconnecting force main. This will allow effluent from Winter Garden's plant to be sent to the golf course, and during wet weather periods, the same pipe will carry Ocoee's effluent to the Winter Garden effluent disposal site. The second component is an alum feed system at the wastewater treatment plant. This system will allow us to inject alum into our effluent stream, thereby reducing the phosphorous concentration, during those periods when we are sending effluent to the Winter Garden effluent disposal site. Phosphorous is a fertilizer which accelerates algae growth. Our standard wastewater treatment does not include a phosphorous reduction process since we do not discharge directly to a receiving water body. When we send effluent to the Winter Garden site during wet weather however, Florida Department of Environmental Protection considers us to be discharging to Lake Apopka, and requires that the phosphorous concentration of our effluent be reduced. As noted in PEC's cover letter, Winter Garden and Ocoee will split the cost of the force main, and Ocoee will pay the entire cost of the alum feed system. Of the total fee of$57,570.00, Ocoee's share is $33,137.50, and Winter Garden will pay $24.432.50. Authorization is requested for PEC to proceed with this work, but we will withhold notice to proceed until the Winter Garden city commission has provided similar authorization. I recommend the City Commission authorize PEC to begin design and permitting of the interconnecting force main and alum feed system, contingent on Winter Garden providing similar authorization for their share of the work. PE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. November 5, 1998 MK-04 1-1.0 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Engineering Design and Permitting Services for Revisions to the Reuse Operating Protocol, Design of an Alum Feed System and Design of the Ocoee-winter Garden Interconnecting Force Main Dear Jim: Enclosed is a proposal for completing the design of the Regional Reclaimed Water System as defined in the existing Interlocal Agreement between the City of Winter Garden and the City of Ocoee. The two (2) facilities that must be completed are (1) the interconnecting force main from the Winter Garden Facility to the Forest Lakes Golf Course Irrigation System, and; (2) the alum addition system located at the Ocoee Treatment Facility. The interconnecting force main is approximately 6,000 feet long and is planned as a 16- inch diameter pipe. The force main transmits reclaimed water from the Winter Garden Facility to the Forest Lakes Golf Course. The reclaimed water from the Winter Garden Facility will irrigate the golf course and the adjacent cemetery. During wet-weather conditions, flow can be reversed in the interconnecting force main and highly treated effluent from the Ocoee Treatment Facility can be sent to the Winter Garden RIB System. This regional system will enable Winter Garden to provide reclaimed water to the golf course and Ocoee to provide reclaimed water to residential customers within the City's reuse service area. The alum feed system is required to lower the phosphorus (phosphate) concentration in the effluent from the Ocoee Treatment Facility. With enhanced phosphate reduction, effluent from Ocoee can be sent to the Winter Garden RIB system during wet-weather conditions. NOV 6 Mr. James W. Shin, P.E. November 5, 1998 Page 2 The preliminary design, permitting and final design fee for the interconnecting force main and the alum feed system is: Interconnecting force main $48,865.00 Alum feed system 8.705.00 Total $57,570.00 Winter Garden and Ocoee have agreed to each pay 50% of the cost of design, permitting and construction of the interconnecting force main. Ocoee is solely responsible for the alum feed system since its installation only impacts the effluent from the Ocoee Treatment Facility. The fee for each entity is: Winter Garden $24,432.50 Ocoee 33.137.50 Total $57,570.00 This proposal is for permitting and design and does not include any authorization for construction phase services. Please review this proposal and contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. en eth R. Ho p r Principal KRII/bk.005p ADDENDUM NO. 98-4 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES INCLUDING ENGINEERING DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES FOR REVISIONS TO THE REUSE OPERATING PROTOCOL, DESIGN OF AN ALUM FEED SYSTEM AND DESIGN OF THE OCOEE-WINTER GARDEN INTERCONNECTING FORCE MAIN This Addendum No. 98-4 hereinafter called the Addendum, as of this ,1998, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre, Orlando, Florida (the CONSULTANT), dated the 21st day of August, 1984, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY as herein defined. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows: Section 1 - Services of the Consultant 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering services as outlined in the attached proposal revised as of November 5, 1998 relative to the provision of consulting engineering services to the CITY. 1.2 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering services as outlined in accordance with the Winter Garden/Ocoee Interlocal Agreement for a Regional Reclaimed/Effluent Disposal System. Section 2 - Compensation 2.1 Compensation by CITY for engineering services provided under this Addendum shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement, utilizing the Hourly, Not-To-Exceed Method of Compensation with the compensation for this authorization not-to-exceed $57,390.00, without further authorization from the CITY. 2.2 A portion of the compensation($24,432.50) for engineering services shall be paid by the City of Winter Garden. The CONSULTANT acknowledges that the City of Ocoee is not obligated to compensate CONSULTANT for Winter Garden's prorata share of the design and permitting fees. Section 3 - Time of Completion 3.1 The CONSULTANT shall provide the design and permitting related services within two (2) months from receipt of Notice-To-Proceed, bidding and construction period is currently anticipated to require eight (8) months. Gdticdcnv\ac\mutt\98-0ANG -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ATTEST: By: Kenneth R. Hooper, Principal Date: ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA lean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ON , 1998 LEGALITY THIS UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. DAY OF , 1998. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney G-AclerA env Aoc ocomV98A.AND n ATTACHMENT B COST ESTIMATE FOR CITY OF OCOEE OCOEE-WINTER GARDEN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECT FORCE MAIN P-8081 DIR. MULT. 2.92 RAW MULT. TASKI TASK II TASK III TASK IV TOTAL LABOR LABOR LABOR CLASS RATE PRELIM. DESIGN FINAL DESIGN BIDDING SVCS. CONST. PHASE HOURS COST COST Project Manager $33.50 14 8 4 0 26 $871 $2,543 Project Manager $33.50 14 8 4 0 26 $871 $2,543 Senior Engineer $24.00 48 72 29 56 205 $4,920 $14,366 Tech $16.25 11 68 14 8 101 $1,641 $4,792 CAM $21.40 0 0 0 88 88 $1,883 $5,499 RPR $16.25 0 0 0 242 242 $3,933 $11,483 Word Processor $12.00 8 45 24 66 143 $1,716 $5,011 SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS 81 193 71 460 805 SUBTOTAL RAW LABOR DOLLARS $1,896 $3,641 $1,346 $8,082 $14,964 SUBTOTAL TOTAL LABOR DOLLARS $5,536 $10,632 $3,929 $23,599 $43,696 OTHER DIRECT COST (ODC) DETAIL _ EXTERNAL ASSOCIATE` Geofechnical Engineering Services $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Surveying Services $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Aerial Services $o $0 $0 SUBTOTAL E.A. DOLLARS $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 OTHER'DIRECTTCOSTS" - - - Reproduction/Printing $50 $75 $50 $50 $225 $225 Computer Support/Plotting $50 $100 $0 $0 $150 Viso Telephone (Long Distance) $20 $20 $20 $20 $80 $80 Mileage $50 $50 $25 $200 $325 $325 Postage $30 $30 $30 $30 $120 $120 Fax $10 $20 $30 $30 $90 $90 SUBTOTAL ODC DOLLARS $210 $295 $155 $330 $990 $990 TOTAL LABOR COST, EXTERNAL ASSOCIATE, AND OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL COSTS r $6,106 f $3,936 $1,501 $8,412 r [ $19,954 $48,685 - G\..'PRO981P-8081.W132(04/20/90) ATTACHMENT A MANHOUR ESTIMATES FOR CITY OF OCOEE OCOEE-WINTER GARDEN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTING FORCE MAIN P-8081 Page 2 Task _, x .r*Labor Claaslficabon/Hours . No. Task Description/Scope of Services P.M. /Sr-E.x Tech.- CAM i RPR - WP Total Premise: This estimate is based on the approximately 6,000 feet segment of 12 or 16 inch reuse main being installed as shown on the attached figure. I. PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1. Collect and review City construction plans,"as-buir plans,and other pertinent information made available by other utilities. 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 2. 'Walk'the right-of-way route for the proposed main to examine field conditions and to verify the approximate locations of existing utilities. 0 4 4 0 0 0 8 3. Meet with City staff to discuss recommended alignment and to determine specific City requirements. Proceed with the following Work after Owner acceptance of alignment. 0 5 4 0 0 0 9 4. Develop preliminary baseline drawings for selected pipe alignment using available aerials or maps. 0 1 3 0 0 0 4 5. Coordinate surveying work to establish baseline and cross-sections. 4 8 0 0 0 2 14 6. Coordinate soils investigation along selected pipe route to address removal of unsuitable materials,dewatering,trench stability,pipe bedding,fill suitability of excavated soil/utility line installation thrust considerations and backfill and compaction requirements. Provide separate report addressing corrosivity of sails along selected alignment pursuant to DIPRA test procedures. Estimate daily discharge rates for temporary dewatering during construction(data required for SJRWMD permit application). (See also Attachment B-External Associates Costs.) 2 12 0 0 0 2 16 7. Field Engineennq(Surveying Services) a. Establish bench mark using Brevard County NGVD 88 datum. Set bench marks at 1,500 ft.intervals using railroad spike in a power pole or tree set on the opposite side of the road from the baseline. b. Tie vertical and horizontal control to State Coordinate System. <SEE ATTACHMENT B-EXT.ASSOCIATES COSTS> c. Provide cross-sections at 500 foot intervals beginning at the centerline of the pipe and extending 10-feet to each side. d. Make final adjustments in pipe alignments and locate valved stubs for future connections. 2 4 0 0 0 1 7 e. Revise preliminary planning cost estimate based on adjustments in length and alignment caused by unsuitable soils,conflicts,permitting requirements,etc. 1 4 0 0 0 1 6 f Meet with City staff to review preliminary engineering data and estimates before proceeding with the final design. 4 8 0 0 0 2 14 SUBTOTAL TASK I-PRELIMINARY DESIGN 14 43 11 " 0 0 8 81 II. FINAL DESIGN 1. Prepare Contract Drawings(24"x 36")(approximately 6,000 L.F.of pipe)as follows 1 Cover Sheet 1 Key Map and Sheet Index 1 Location Map and General Notes 1 Legend Sheet 3 Double Frame Aerial Plan and Profile at 1"=30'scale 2 Standard Detail Sheets 3 Highway Cross Section Sheets 12 - Sheets Total 6 32 60 0 _ 0 5 103 2. Prepare Contract Specifications with CSI format and City of Titusville Standard General Conditions. 0 24 0 0 0 32 56 3. Meet with City staff at 60%and 90%completion levels to review the status of the work. 0 8 0 0 0 4 12 4. Prepare final cost estimate prior to advertising the project. 1 8 8 0 0 2 19 5. Furnish three(3)copies of the completed contract documents to the City and review with City staff. 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 SUBTOTAL TASK II-FINAL DESIGN 8- 72 -68 . U I- 0 .' 45 193 I I 1I G.\.wROSeW-OBI W82(o4J2o9e) ATTACHMENT A MANHOUR ESTIMATES FOR CITY OF OCOEE OCOEE-WINTER GARDEN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTING FORCE MAIN P•8081 Page 2 Task - Labor ClassificaboNHours - No. Task DescripptioniScope of Services P.M. Sr.E. Tech. CAM RPR WP Total III. BIDDING SERV1CtS 1. Provide final sets of bid documents for distribution to the Purchasing Office and other entities that will make them available for review by prospective bidders(soc (6)sets are anticipated). 0 2 4 0 0 6 12 2. Sell bid documents to interested Bidders and suppliers. 0 0 2 0 0 12 14 3. Attend a Pre-Bid Conference with the City to answer technical questions from Bidders. 0 3 0 0 0 2 5 4. Prepare any technical revisions that became apparent during the bid period and provide them to the Purchasing Office to be included in an addendum. 2 8 4 0 0 2 16 5. Review the bid submittals and provide the City with comments and recommendations for award. 2 16 4 0 0 2 24 SUBTOTAL TASK III-BIDDING SERVICES 4 29 14 _.0 0 24 71 IV. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES(assumed 90 day contract time) 1. Prepare preconstruction conference booklet,attend preconsWction conference and write meeting minutes. 0 4 0 8 0 4 16 2. Coordinate with the RPR and make random site visits to observe progress and quality of work and conformance with contract documents.Advise the City of any defect or deficiency in the work. 0 8 0 8 0 5 21 3. Review and approve shop drawings. 0 16 0 8 0 24 48 4, Attend monthly project meetings and prepare meeting minutes. 0 12 0 20 0 10 42 5. Review the project and progress relative to the construction progress schedule and review monthly construction schedule at progress meetings. 0 2 0 10 0 6 18 6. Review field questions or problems and interpret contract documents. 0 4 0 4 0 4 12 7. Review results of tests or inspections Contractor is required to perform and submit 0 2 0 8 0 0 10 8. Prepare requests for proposals and change orders as required and review proposals for recommendation to City. 0 2 0 4 2 4 12 9. Review Contractors application for payment and make recommendations 0 0 0 8 0 4 12 10. Upon written request by Contractor,conduct an inspection to determine if the work is substantially complete and complete.(Engineer to make two inspections with preparation of punch lists.) 0 4 0 4 0 2 10 11. Make recommendations to City for final payment and.d required,prepare a final change order reflecting all contract price and time adjustments to the original contract. 0 0 0 4 0 2 6 12. Provide a reproducible set of record drawings based upon field data provided by the Contractor. 0 2 8 2 0 1 13 13. On.site project representative to observe progress and quality of work and conformance with contract documents.Advise City and Engineer of any defect or deficiency in the work. (Assumed 30 actual work days C�8 hours.) 0 0 0 0 240 0 240 SUBTOTAL TASK IV-CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES 0 _ 56 8 88 242 66 460 TOTAL ALL TASKS 26 205 101 88 242 143 805 • S i_vsoarwmerwar twxise1 ATTACHMENT B COST ESTIMATE for the CITY OF OCOEE OCOEE WWffP REUSE SYSTEM P-8124 DIR. MULT. 2.92 Par Total Raw Direct Multiplied Hourly TASK A TASK B Hours Labor Labor Rate Cost Cost LABOR CLASS Project Manager $33.50 2 4 6 $201 $587 Senior Engineer $24.00 14 38 52 $1,248 $3,644 Tech $16.25 6 16 22 $358 $1,044 CAM $21.40 0 0 0 $0 $0 RPR $16.25 0 0 0 $0 $0 WP $12.00 4 5 9 $108 $315 SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS 26 63 89 SUBTOTAL RAW LABOR DOLLARS $549 $1,366 $1,915 SUBTOTAL TOTAL LABOR DOLLARS $1,602 $3,989 $5,590 OTHER DIRECT COST(ODC) DETAIL EXTERNAL ASSOCIATE EMI (Electrical Subconsultant) $0 $970 Southeast Structural (Structural Subconsultant) $0 $2,000 Surveying (PEC) $0 $0 Geotechnical Services $0 $0 SUBTOTAL E.A. DOLLARS $0 $2,970 $2,970 OTHER DIRECT COSTS Reproduction/Printing $25 $50 $75 Computer Support/Plotting $0 $0 $0 Telephone(Long Distance) $0 $10 $10 Mileage $10 $10 $20 Postage $10 $10 $20 Fax $10 $10 $20 SUBTOTAL ODC DOLLARS $55 $90 $145 TOTAL LABOR COST, EXTERNAL ASSOCIATE, AND OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL COSTS $1,657 $7,049 $8,705 Gt.1PRW81P-B124AB.WB2(05/27/98) 08/02/199E 20:28 407359074E EMI CONSULTING PAGE 02 EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. EMI Fee Estimate 2238 Westbo»me Drive Oviedo,Fl 32765 DATE ESTIMATE NO. 6/11/98 229 NAME/ADDRESS Professional Engineering Consultants,Inc 200 E.Robinson Snta I Suite 1560 Orlando,FL 32801 PROJECT Alum Feed Bldg CATAGORY DESCRIPTION FIRS RATE TOTAL TASK I(Final Design) 1 Site Visit Data gathering 61 65 00 390.00 Engineering Design power,lighting for budding 41 65 00 260.00 Design(CADD) Design,drafting(CADD).plotting and coordination 8 40.00 1 320.00 SUBTOTAL i 970.00 1 1 If uapmble,pkasc sign below and return to EMI. Thank-you for this opportunity to be of service. TOTAL 3970.00 SOUTHEAST STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Engineers 16058 East Harwood Street Orlando, Florida 32803 (407) 898-3353 =-��•� RECLIW & JUN 21998 June 1, 1998 1609' CRC,' Mr. Chuck Shultz, P.E. o=,•: Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. 200 East Robinson St., Suite 1560 Orlando, FL 32801 E:ie Re: Proposal for Additional Engineering Services TO City of Ocoee Reclaimed Water System Dear Mr. Shultz: Southeast Structural Engineers, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal for additional engineering services. The scope of our work is outlined below: Description of Service Provide design services to produce additional construction documents for a containment structure for the Alum Storage Tank and a foundation for a pre-engineered modular structure. The design of the modular structure will be provided by others. Fee Compensation The compensation for this additional service is $2,000.00. Southeast Structural Engineers appreciates this opportunity to provide our service. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, /7.744j Roger A. Barth, P.E. Principal