HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (D) Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Service Authorization No. 99-001 with Glace & Radcliffe, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $39,012.00 for Lift Station No. 22 - Relocation and Upgrade Agenda 1-19-99
. ._= Item III D
Or c000 JAMES W. SHIRA, P.E.
PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX (407)656-7835
DATE: January 14, 1999
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners
FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E,-: e";„�
Assistant City Engincer/Utilities Director
SUBJECT: Lift Station No. 22 - Relocation and Upgrade
Award of Services Authorization 99-001 for Engineering Services
On Wednesday, December 16, 1998, quotations for engineering services were received for the
relocation and upgrade of Lift Station No. 22. The work in this project generally includes:
(I)Site Location and Planning Study, (2) Detailed Design of the new Lift Station No. 22, (3)
Assist the City in the Construction Phase Engineering Services.
Lift Station No. 22 was constructed many years ago, adjacent to the Pioneer Key No. 1 Mobile
Home Park to connect the park to the old M & M Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant that was
located adjacent to the Pioneer Key No. 2 Mobile I lome Park on Palm Drive. As a part of the
City's rehabilitation program in the early 1990s the M & M WWTP was taken out of service and
a regional lift station constructed to pump the wastewater into the City's transmission pipeline to
the A.D. Mims Wastewater Treatment Facility. Lift Station No. 22 has exceeded its useful life
and the station needs to be relocated to a site that would be more conducive to expansion of
public sewer services in this area of the City. Staffs initial concept for a new site is along the
Ocoee-Apopka Road corridor around the intersection with Silver Star Road.
Quotations were received from all three Engineering Firms contacted. The attached documents
include the original scope letter from Staff to the three Engineering Firms, questions and
responses to further define the scope and the quotation from the lowest responding firm. All three
quotes are listed below:
Glace & Radcliffe, Inc. $39,012.00
Hartman & Associates, Inc. $42,104.00
Ivey, Harris &Walls,Inc. $50,072.69
The study and design portions of the project are to be paid as a lump sum expenses and the
permitting, bidding and construction services are to be paid on a time and materials basis with a
not to exceed figure. The time and materials part of the project is to be as required by the City.
Staff agrees with the response from Glace& Radcliffe, Inc. and feels that this a reasonable
amount for this work. This work will he funded from the 1997 Utility Bond Issue.
I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Services
Authorization No. 99-001 with Glace& Radcliffe, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of
This Service Authorization, No. 99-001, hereinafter called SA99-001, as of this day
of , 1999, shall constitute an Addendum to the Continuing Professional
Consulting Agreement between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Grace and Radcliffe, Inc.
(the CONSULTANT), dated the F day of September, 1998, hereinafter referred to as the
WI IEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY
retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to
time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY
as herein defined.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set
forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows:
Section 1 and 2 -Services of the Consultant
The CONSULTANT shall perform the Study, Design, Permitting, Bidding, and Construction
Assistance Services as outlined in the attached documentation and listed as: (I) Ocoee Request
for Fee Proposal letter, dated November 23, 1998; (2) Ocoee Questions and Answers letter,
dated December 8, 1998; and (3) Glace & Radcliffe Fee Proposal letter, dated December 16,
1998, relative to the provision of the Continuing Professional Consulting Agreement.
Section 4 -Period of Service
The CONSULTANT will complete the Study and Design services in accordance with the
attached documentation. The Bidding and Construction Assistance will begin at the City's
direction and be completed in accordance with the attached documentation
Section 5 - Compensation
Compensation by CITY for the Study, Design, Permitting, Bidding, and Construction
Assistance Services of this project are provided under this Amendment and shall be in
accordance with Section 5 of the Agreement. The Study and Design services will be
compensated under paragraph 5.2.2. The Bidding and Construction Assistance services will be
compensated under paragraph 5.2.1. This Services Authorization shall not exceed Thirty-Nine
Thousand Twelve DOLLARS ($39,012.00) as outlined in the attached documentation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Services Authorization No. SA99-
001 the day and year hereinabove set forth.
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
day of , 1999. UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO.
City Attorney
a< C
0r coon` JAMES W. SHIRA, P.E.
PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(407)656-7835
November 23, 1998
Joe Margio, P.E.
Glace &Radcliffe, Inc.
800 South Orlando Avenue
Maitland, Florida 32751
RE: Request for Fee Proposal
Lift Station No. 22 - Relocation and Upgrade
Dear Mr. Margio:
Lift Station No. 22 was constructed many years ago, adjacent to the Pioneer Key No. 1 Mobile
Home Park to connect the park to the old M & M Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant that was
located adjacent to the Pioneer Key No. 2 Mobile Home Park on Palm Drive. As a part of the City's
rehabilitation program in the early 1990s the M & M WWTP was taken out of service and a regional
lift station constructed to pump the wastewater into the City's transmission pipeline to the A.D. Mims
Wastewater Treatment Facility. Lift Station No. 22 has exceeded its useful life and the station needs to
be relocated to a site that would be more conducive to expansion of public sewer services in this area
of the City.
The City of Ocoee is requesting that Glace& Radcliffe, Inc. provide us with a fee proposal for
preparation of a Site Location and Planning Study, detailed design of a new Lift Station No. 22, and
assist the city in the construction phase engineering services of this project. The proposal shall be
prepared in accordance with the Continuing Professional Consulting Agreement dated September 1,
1998. The proposal shall be a combination Lump Sum for the Study, Design and Permitting phases
and Wage Cost Multiplier for the Bidding and Construction phases.
The Ocoee Engineering staff has determined that the following tasks will need to be performed.
If you feel that there are additional tasks which we may have overlooked please include them in your
Site Location and Planning Study
• Propose up to three sites for consideration for the location of the new Lift Station No. 22. These
sites should take into consideration, but not be limited to the following criteria: the ability to _
continue to serve the existing customer service area, ability to include additional service area,
projected infrastructure improvements planned by the Florida Department of Transportation and the
City of Ocoee,the cost of land purchase.
Joe Margio, P.E.
November 23, 1998
Page Two
• The planning portion of the study should include projected service areas based upon incremental
depths of the lift station and opinions of probable construction costs for the lift station and
immediate required stubouts, etc.
Design Phase
• Prepare preliminary design documents, including plan sketches and some specifications, of a
standard submersible type wastewater pumping station for review during the Site Location and
Planning Study Review.
• Geotechnical exploration of the selected site for design of the structure(s) by one of the City's
contracted firms. Scope to be determined by your firm's requirements.
• Surveying services required for the purchase of the property, if required, and for design
requirements will be by one of the City's contracted firms. Scope to be determined by your firm's
• Upon acceptance of the Site Location and Planning Study and selection of a site by the City
complete the detailed design of the lift station and any site amenities including site grading, gravity
and forcemain pipeline relocations and/or installations and landscaping, if required.
• Prepare detailed plans and specifications of the project and an opinion of probable construction
Permitting Phase
• Prepare, submit and secure permits in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection for the construction of the new lift station, as required.
Bidding Phase
• Provide the City with one set of original documents to be used for printing of bid sets to be used
during the bidding process. The City will be responsible for advertising and bidding the project.
• Provide assistance in response to written questions received during the bidding process. Provide
assistance in the preparation of any addendum which may need to be sent out in response to
questions and/or changes in the design.
• Provide a written review and a recommendation on award based upon the bids received.
Construction Phase
• Attend and participate in the Pre-Construction Conference to be conducted by the City with the
selected contractor.
Joe Margio,P.E.
November 23, 1998
Page Two
• Review shop drawings for the project
• Review and assist the City in response to Requests For Information RFIs from the contractor.
• Assist the City in review of Requests for Proposed Changes in the design which will result in
contract Change Orders.
• Provide every other week observations of the project and provide the City with a written report of
that construction observation.
• Assist the City in the Substantial and Final Completion Inspections and provide the City with a
certification of construction in accordance with plans and specifications of the project.
• Provide the City with digital files of the plans. The City will prepare the As-Built record drawings
of the project.
The City will accept written requests for additional information related to the scope of this
project. These requests will be accepted until 5:00 P.M. December 3, 1998. All written requests will
be answered in writing, with a copy of each response mailed to each of the three engineering firms
receiving this letter. You are requested to provide your proposal including a detailed schedule and
completion date by 5:00 P.M. December 9, 1998.
The Engineering Staff will review the proposals and prepare its staff recommendation to the
City Commission for the regular City Commission Meeting to be held on December 15, 1998. If
approved,the Service Authorization for this project will be executed on that day and notice to proceed
will be issued the next day. It is the City's desire to be ready to proceed with the Bidding Phase on or
about March 1, 1999.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
David A. Wheeler, P.E.
Assistance City Engineer/Utility Director
cc: Jim Shira, City Engineer
. . :-
a =
o. 4000 JAMES W. SHIRA, P.E.
PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(407)656-7835
December 8, 1998
Joe Margio, P.E.
Glace& Radcliffe, Inc.
800 South Orlando Avenue
Maitland, Florida 32751
RE: Lift Station No. 22 - Relocation and Upgrade
Request for Fee Proposal
Dear Mr. Margio:
The following questions were submitted by one of the Engineering Consultants requested
to submit on this proposal request. The questions are provided as they were submitted and
appropriate responses are given.
Question No. 1:
Is the intent to abandon the existing lift station? If so, will the existing lift station be
demolished? If the station is to be demolished, should we provide for demolition in our
scope of work for the final work product or will the city demolish the existing lift station?
Yes,the existing lift station is to be abandoned and demolished as part of the project and
accomplished by the contractor as part of the construction requirements.
Question No. 2:
Under the "Design Phase Task"on page 2 of the City's letter dated November 23, 1998
for Geotechnical and Surveying Services,we interpret that the Engineer will provide a
scope (description) only of the work necessary and that the City will contract separately
for geotechnical and surveying work with the City's contracted firms. We have assumed
that no geotechnical nor surveying costs will be included in our proposal. Is this correct?
If not, please provide us with a list of firms and contact names and phone numbers for the
City's contracted geotechnical and surveying firms.
The intent of the statement in the proposal was for each of you to use our contracted firms
and for you to coordinate with them in preparing your proposal and to include appropriate
costs for them to do the work based upon your scope of services. The three geotechnical
firms are:
Joe Margio
December 8, 1998
Page 2
L.J. Nodarse&Associates, Inc.
Contact: Dan Dunham
PSI, Inc.
(407) 645-5560
Contact: Larry Moore
Universal Engineering Sciences,Inc.
(407) 423-0504
Contact: Bruce Woloshin
We intended to present the recommended Surveying Firms to the City Commission for
approval at the December 1, 1998 Commission Meeting,but that was delayed by staff.
For this proposal include a set limit of$5,000 for surveying services to be paid in
accordance with the wage cost multiplier clause. With the site not determined and the
rights-of-way and easement issues unknown, the scope and associated fee will be
determined at a later date in the project schedule. See question no. 10 for more
Question No. 3:
The final design fee will be affected by the final location of the pumping station due to
relocation of gravity sewer mains and provisions of force mains to tie in to existing force
mains. So that all firms can provide fees for the same scope, we request that the City
provide us with a maximum distance that is anticipated that the lift station will be
relocated from its existing site. Therefore,we can prepare our scope and budget for
surveying and design of relocated gravity sewers and force mains based on the City's
anticipated maximum relocation distance.
The attached aerial photo print shows the location of the existing lift station and a
projected area of review for locations for the new station. There is no available land
within the existing Lift Station#22 property to construct a new lift station and the City
does not have a utility or access easement to the existing property. The distance from the
existing site to a possible new site is dependent upon available land at a reasonable cost
and the ability to serve the existing and potential new customers. Based upon the
projected growth potential along Ocoee-Apopka Road, it would seem appropriate to
consider this area as the most advantageous for the possible location of the new lift
Question No.4:
In the letter from the City dated November 23, 1998,the City requested that we provide
in our fee for permitting for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit
application. Our question is with regard to any additional permits. Will this be
contracted separately as additional services or will it be on a time and materials basis?
Joe Margin
December 8, 1998
Page 3
(i.e., if permits are required for SJRWMD stormwater permits or if Florida Department of
Transportation permits are required for main relocations; will these permits be contracted
separately of the project to the selected engineering firm?)
Depending upon the location of the site Orange County, FDOT, and SJRWMD permits
may be required. All costs associated with permitting will be done on a wage cost
multiplier basis with a set limit for this proposal of$10,000.
Question No. 5:
The City requests that the Engineer provide the City with a reproducible set of contract
documents prior to bidding. In what form does the City request that the reproducible
drawings be furnished(i.e.,mylar, sepia, vellum,etc.)?
All drawings will be on 24x36 inch mylar, 3 mil single side matte finish, and all contract
documents and specifications will be on 8 'h x 11 inch white paper,20/50 lb., single
Question No. 6:
With regard to the digital files requested by the City at the completion of the project,
what version of AutoCAD does the City request this digital information to be provided?
The City of Ocoee has AutoCAD version 14 for the drawings and MicroSoft Word Office
95 for the contract documents and specifications.
Question No. 7:
Is landscaping design to be included in the proposal for landscaping around the relocated
pumping station?
Landscaping will be in accordance with the City of Ocoee Land Development Code and
include at a minimum: opaque fencing and surrounding shrubbery.
Question No. 8:
The certification requested in the construction phase noted in the November 23, 1998
letter,requests that the Engineer provide a certification of the project at the end of
construction. Is this certification noted,the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection permit certification that is normally provided for this type of project or is this
some other type of certification solely for the City's purpose?
Certification includes those required by all permitting agencies and a certification to the
City that the project was constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Joe Margio
December 8, 1998
Page 4
Question No. 9:
Have previous studies identified future land uses and/or wastewater flows anticipated
from the potential service area of the relocated Lift Station No. 22? (What types of
relevant data/studies or other information will be made available by the City for use in the
site Location and Planning Study?
The City has not had any studies performed in the past that would provide projected
wastewater flows. There is a current land use map available but potential land uses
change as new developers look at various parcels of land. As a part of the planning
portion of the project, staff will provide as much information and data as possible to
assist in the development of a set of assumptions to use in completing the study and
Question No. 10:
Are permanent and/or temporary easements anticipated to be needed for the project? If
so, can these be excluded from the Surveyor's Scope of Services and added when
adequately defined?
It is assumed that permanent and/or temporary easements may be required depending
upon the location of the selected site. See response to question no. 2.
I trust that this additional information will assist you in completing your proposal.
Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
David A. Wheeler, P.E.
Assistant City Engineer/Utility Director
cc: James W. Shim, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director
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DaAVN ar - SHE
l` Consulting Engineers
consu ring v 630 N.Wymore Road,Suite 370•Maitland,Florida 32751
(407)647-6623 tax: (407)539-0575
A WCG,Inc.Company E-mail:wcg@grboa.com
December 16, 1998
Mr. David A. Wheeler, P.E.
Assistant City Engineer/Utility Director
City of Ocoee
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Re: Request for Fee Proposal-
Lift Station#22
Dear Mr. Wheeler:
Per your request, we are pleased to submit the attached fee proposal related to the engineering
services for the relocation of Lift Station #22. Please review the attached fee proposal and
contact us if you have any questions. If the proposal is acceptable in its present form, we are
prepared to commence work immediately upon receipt of authorization from the City.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit the attached fee proposal for consideration by the City.
We look forward to working with oyu and the rest of the City staff on this important project. If
you should have any questions or comments, please contact us at your convenience.
ft 7/1),_
�e Margio, PE
Project Manager
jamK:My documents let-daw6.doc
Engineering Services Proposal
December 15, 1998
The City of Ocoee (the "City") owns and operates a wastewater collection and transmission
system which includes Lift Station #22 in the vicinity of Pioneer Key Mobile Home Park.
The City desires to relocate and upgrade existing Lift Station #22 with a new standard
submersible type wastewater pumping station. The City has requested that Glace and
Radcliffe (the "Engineer") provide a proposal for engineering services related to the site
location and planning study, detailed final design, permitting, bidding assistance, and
construction phase services required for implementation of Lift Station #22 improvements.
The following Scope of Services will be performed by the Engineer for this project and is
based on the City's letters dated November 23, and December 8, 1998, from Mr. David A.
Wheeler. The proposed scope of work includes services for a site location and planning
study, detailed design including preparation of plans, specifications and construction cost
estimate, permitting, bidding services, and construction phase services.
1. Collect and Review Existing Data and Information
The Engineer will meet with the City staff, and obtain and review existing data and
information pertinent to the project. The information may include, but not be limited to,
construction plans and specifications for existing pump station, record drawings, soils
reports from geotechnical investigations, City land use maps, and aerial maps. In addition,
the Engineer will visit the site to evaluate alternative relocation sites and review the existing
pump station.
2. Site Location and Planning Study
The Engineer will review and evaluate three alternative sites for locating new Lift Station
#22. During completion of the study, the Engineer will consider such factors as ability to
serve existing service area, ability to service additional service area, projected
infrastructure improvements by FOOT and the City, and cost of land. In addition, the study
will consider projected service areas based on an incremental wetwell depth increase and
probable construction cost of the pump station. Based upon the site location study, the
Engineer will recommend a pump station site. The Engineer will prepare a preliminary site
plan sketch and specifications and submit data to the City for review.
3. Final Design; Preparation of Contract Documents
Upon acceptance of the Site Location and Planning Study and selection of a site by the
City, the Engineer will complete the detailed final design for the pump station, site
improvements, gravity sewer connection, force main connection, landscaping, paving, and
any other required site amenities. The Engineer will prepare detailed contract documents
consisting of construction plans and specifications. The specifications will include standard
technical specifications and a bid form. The City will provide standard City front-end
documents for purposes of bidding. At final completion, the Engineer will submit one
unbound set of original specifications and bid form to the City. The City will incorporate the
technical specifications and bid form with the City's standard front-end documents and
complete the final packaging of the entire bidding document for issue to bidders. The plans
will be prepared in accordance with existing City requirements and criteria and will illustrate
the proposed utility and site improvements in a clear and concise manner. Land surveying
services for development of a site plan and gravity sewer and force main alignments have
not been included as part of this fee proposal. The City will provide all required survey
services and base sheets for development of construction plans. The drawings will be
prepared in AutoCAD format. At this time, the new location of the Lift Station #22 is
unknown. Therefore, for purposes of preparing this proposal it is assumed that the new
pump station will be within 1,200 feet of the existing pump station.
It is anticipated that the construction plans will consist of the following sheets:
• Cover Sheet
• General Notes & Informational Sheet (1 sheet)
• Site Plan Sheet
• Gravity Sewer and Force Main Sheets, Plan & Profile (2 sheets
@ 1"=20' scale)
• Pump Station Detail Sheet
• Miscellaneous Details (2 sheets)
Progress sets of construction plans will be submitted to the City for review at the 50%,
90%, and 100% completion levels. Five sets of plans will be submitted at each submittal.
The Engineer will provide one set of original plans and specifications to the City for bidding
4. Preparation of Construction Cost Estimate
The Engineer will prepare and submit a construction cost estimate of the project based on
the completed contract documents. The estimate will be submitted at the 100% completion
5. Permitting
The Engineer will coordinate with FDEP and will prepare and submit a wastewater
collection system construction permit application to the Department. Permit fees will be
paid directly by the City.
6. Project Meetings/Coordination
The Engineer will attend project meetings with the City staff to discuss the progress of the
work, design of the project, and other related issues. An allowance is made for three
project meetings during design phase.
Bidding Phase
7. Respond to questions from Bidders
The Engineer will review and respond to questions received from bidders. The responses
will be in writing. The Engineer will assist the City with the preparation of addenda. The
Engineer will prepare the technical responses for addenda and will provide the responses
to the City. The City will provide copies of the addenda and technical responses to the
plan holders.
8. Bid Evaluation and Recommendation of Award
The Engineer will perform a bid evaluation for the project. This bid evaluation will
include a certified tabulation of bids, plus a detailed review of the bid package from
the lowest responsive bidder. The review of the lowest responsive bid will include
an inspection of the bid package for completeness, errors and omissions, evaluation
of the listed experience on similar projects, evaluation of other submitted data and
review of the references. Following bid evaluation, the Engineer will prepare and
submit a recommendation of Contract Award.
Construction Phase
The Engineer will provide basic general services during construction. The Scope of Work
during construction is based on the assumption that the construction period from Notice-to-
Proceed to final completion of construction will be five (5) months. During construction
phase, the following scope of work will be performed.
9. Preconstruction Meeting
The Engineer will attend and participate in a preconstruction conference with the selected
contractor. The City will conduct the meeting and maintain meeting minutes.
10. Shop Drawing Review
The Engineer will review shop drawings submitted by the Contractor. Activities for this task
include maintaining a submittal log/record, reviewed shop drawings and providing review
comments and transmitting copies of reviewed shop drawings to the City staff and the
Contractor. The Engineer will determine the acceptability of substitute materials proposed
by the Contractor.
11. Scheduled Site Visits
For the duration of the project, commencing from the time which the Contractor begins
construction activities at the site, the Engineer will perform site visits once a week on an
every other week frequency. The Engineer will observe the construction activities and
progress for compliance with the Contract Documents and inform the City of observed
deficiencies. The Engineer will provide a written construction observation report and
submit it to the City for each site visit. This scope of work includes an allowance for daily
visits during a 4-month period of active construction.
12. General Coordination Activities/Technical Assistance
The Engineer will provide technical assistance to the City representatives during project
construction to provide clarifications and interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications,
to resolve technical issues or conflicts which may arise, to respond to RFIs from the
Contractor, and to review requests for proposed design changes which will result in
contract change orders.
13. Substantial and Final Completion Inspections
The Engineer will perform site inspections at substantial completion and final completion.
Each inspection will include a "walk through" of the entire project, formation of a punch list
for deficient work and formalization and transmittal of the punch list to the Contractor and
City representatives.
14. FDEP Certification
The Engineer will prepare a certification for FDEP clearance for the project and submit the
certification to FDEP. The City will prepare and provide as-built record drawings to the
Engineer for submittal to FDEP with the certification.
The City of Ocoee will perform the following activities:
1. Provide available "as-built" drawings for the existing pump station and existing
utilities in the vicinity of the pump station.
2. Review of the Contract Documents at the 50%, 90%, and 100% design levels and
submittal of review comments to the Engineer.
3. Provide project standard front-end documents for the project manual.
4. Prepare as-built record drawings
5. Distribute plans during bidding
6. Review and approve pay requests from the Contractor
7. Other services or activities as cited in the above scope of work
The services described above are anticipated to be completed in accordance with the
following summary.
1. Submittal of the site location recommendation and preliminary design documents
will be within 14 days from receipt of notice to proceed.
2. Submittal of Contract Documents at 50% completion level will be within 10 days
from receipt of site and sewer alignment survey drawings from the City in AutoCAD
3. Submittal of Contract Documents at 90% completion level will be within 20 days
from receipt of City's 50% review comments.
4. Submittal of Contract Documents at 100% completion will be within 10 days after
receiving the City's review comments for the 90% completion Contract Documents.
4. Services provided during construction will be consistent with the contractors
construction progress.
Compensation to the Engineer for services performed under this fee proposal will be in
accordance with the lump sum method for preliminary and final design phase and wage
cost multiplier method for bidding and construction phase, as described in the Contract.
The total lump sum amount to be paid to the Engineer as compensation for preliminary
engineering and final design services is $ 14,206.00. The not-to-exceed amount for the
survey, permitting, bidding and construction phase services is $24,806.00. The following
is a summary of the fees:
Site Selection /Planning Study/Prelimin. Design (lump sum) $ 2,432.00
Final Design, Prep. of docum., & Cost estimate (lump sum) $ 8,974.00
Permitting allowance (NTE, wage cost multiplier) $ 10,000.00
Survey allowance (NTE, wage cost multiplier) $ 5,000.00
Geotechnical Engineering, Design phase (lump sum) $ 2,800.00
Bidding Phase Services (NTE, wage cost multiplier) $ 1,059.00
Construction Phase Services (NTE, wage cost multiplier) $ 5,747.00
Geotech. Eng., Constr. Phase (NTE, wage cost multiplier) $ 3,000.00
Total Fee for Engineering Services $ 39,012.00
The following tasks and activities are not included in the scope of work and have not
been made part of this fee proposal. These services can be provided by the Engineer
under an additional authorization issued by the City.
• Additional design meetings
• Changes to the documents during or after bidding as a result of the Owner's
direction to change the scope of work
• Pre-bid conference
• Conforming contract documents
• Preparation and negotiation of contract change orders
• Full-time RPR services during construction phase
• Progress meetings with contractor during construction
• Providing copies of plans and specifications beyond the number specified herein
• Review and approval of contractor's pay request
• Preparation of Legal Descriptions for utility easement or pump station site
• Preparation of record drawings
• Soil density tests during construction are included, however, material testing
services are not included.