HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A 1 & 2) Discussion/ Action re: Employee Survey Presentations: Cody & Associates, Inc.; Office of Corporate Services for Valencia Community College Agenda 1-19-99p
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Joyce Meridith, BuyeLC)"3 )
DATE: January 11, 1999
RE: Candidates for Administering the Employee Survey
The (2) firms that were selected at the City Commission meeting on January 5, 1999 to
administer the employee survey, Cody & Associates and Office of Corporate Services for
Valencia Community College, will be giving a (10) ten minute presentation at the January 19,
1999 Commission meeting, per the direction of the Commission
Attached are the firms' comments to the concerns of the selection committee, per commission
direction, for your review.
It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission: 1) Review the attached comments, 2)
Select the firm to administer the employee survey, and to collect and analyze the data resulting
from the survey and provide management comments, 3) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute all documents necessary to consummate an agreement between the City and the selected
January 6, 1999
305 Jack Drive
Cocoa Beach,FI. 32931
Attn: N.C.Pellegrino
Re: Letters of Interest for Employee Survey
The City Commission has requested a ten (10) minute presentation at the January 19, 1999 City Commission meeting from
Cody & Associates and Office of Corporate Services for Valencia Community College two (2) of the firms that submitted
responses to our request for letters of interest for an employee survey. The meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m.. Please call to
confirm your attendance at the meeting. I can be reached at(407)656-2322,ext. 190.
Additionally,the City Commission requests that both❑nns address the following concerns, in writing,by Monday,January 11,
I� Maximum confidentiality for employees allowable under applicable regulations regarding public record.
2) How would your firm handle administering the survey to persons with a language or literacy barrier without causing those
persons to be uncomfortable or embarrassed in any way?
3) How would your firm provide a way for additional comment by employees on questions and still protect the individual's
confidentiality? Would the representative(s)of the selected firm instruct the employees on how to generalize comments to
get the point across productively?
4) There is a concern that disgruntled employees might skew results with unfair or undeserved criticisms. In your experience
is there a`margin of error"type factor or other method that is applied to results that takes into account without minimizing
valid criticisms?
5) What type of questions would be used to determine demographics yet protect the confidentiality of the employee?
All comments may be faxed to my attention at(407)656-7835.
The City's wishes the selected firm to administer, collect and analyze the data resulting from the survey and provide
management comments.
Should there be any questions on the above,please contact me at extension 190.
Si rely,
J ce eridith
cc: City Manager
RFP/Selection Committee
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January 6, 1999
Valencia Community College
Office for Corporate Services
P.O.Box 3028
Orlando,Florida 32802-3112g
Ann: Kevin Faubel
Re: Letters of Interest for Employee Survey
The City Commission has requested a ten (10) minute presentation at the January 19, 1999 City Commission meeting from
Cody&Associates and Office of Corporate Services for Valencia Community College two (2)of the firms that submitted
responses to our request for letters of interest for an employee survey. The meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m.. Please call to
confirm your attendance at the meeting. I can be reached at(407)656-2322,ext. 190.
Additionally,the City Commission requests that both firms address the following concerns, in writing, by Monday,January I I,
1) Maximum confidentiality for employees allowable under applicable regulations regarding public record.
2) How would your firm handle administering the survey to persons with a language or literacy barrier without causing those
persons to be uncomfortable or embarrassed in any way?
3) How would your fine provide a way for additional comment by employees on questions and still protect the individual's
confidentiality? Would the representative(s)of the selected firm instruct the employees on how to generalize comments to
get the point across productively?
4) There is a concern that disgruntled employees might skew results with unfair or undeserved criticisms. In your experience
is there a"margin of error"type factor or other method that is applied to results that takes into account without minimizing
valid criticisms?
5) What type of questions would be used to determine demographics yet protect the confidentiality of the employee?
All comments may be faxed to my attention at(407)656-7835.
The City's wishes the selected firm to administer, collect and analyze the data resulting from the survey and provide
management comments.
Should there be any questions on the above,please contact me.
ce Meridith
cc: City Manager
RFP/Selection Committee
JAN 11 '99 88:42 CODY 8 ASSOCIATES, INC P.2/4
Andy & cglsoclatEs,Llna.
305 Jack Drive
Cocoa Beach, FL 82931
January II, 1999
Ms. Joyce Meridith
City of Ocoee
ISO North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
via Fax (407) 656-7835
Dear Ms. Meridith:
Attached are the responses to the various concerns raised by the City Commission.
We look forward to discussing this survey In more detail on January 19, 1999.
If you have any further question, please call.
1,Fet U
N. E. Pellegrino
Senior Partner
JHN 11 'yy bd:43 CODY & ASSOCIATES, INC P.3/4
1 . To Insure maximum confidentiality within the perimeters of the Public Records Act,
the following basic steps will be employed:
a) the survey questionnaire will not be signed by the employee;'
b) after the questionnaire has been completed by the respondent, they will place it
in a sealed envelope and forwarded to a central collection place in the City for
eventual transmission to the Consultant; and,
c) after analysis by the Consultant, the final product (Report) will identify the results
by subgroups.
2. Individuals with a language or literacy barriers will be addressed on an Individual
basis depending upon the circumstances, without exposing the Individual(s) to any
embarrassment or discomfort. In our experience, we find employees do not have any
problems explaining themselves or opening up to an "outsider" once they feel certain
that their Input is anonymous and confidential.
3. Since the survey information (raw data) will be reviewed and analyzed only by the
Consultants, sensitive comments identifying specific employees will be reported by
the Consultant in a manner that will maintain the confidentiality of the Individual(s).
The Consultant will Instruct the employees on how to approach the survey questions
and any additional written comments that they may wish to include.
JAN 11 '99 08:43 CODY 8 ASSOCIATES. INC P.4/4
4. Since the results and analysis will provide trends and patterns of perception on the
part of the respondents, the usual number of unfair or undeserved criticisms does
not usually skew the results In a significant manner. If there are an "above average"
number of"disgruntled employees" who make unfair or undeserved criticisms, the
organization should consider this as significant and worthy of analysis.
5. Employees will be asked to provide the following background Information:
Department, Length of Service, Marital Status, Age, Education, Employment Status,
Occupational Grouping (clerical, supervisor, trades, etc.], and Sex.
The purpose of tins Information is to develop a variety of survey analysis by similar
groups of employees. This is not intended to develop a profile for identifying
individual respondents. The objective of the descriptive information Is to obtain the
respondents' perceptions by like groupings of employees. It may be used to identify
and aid in distinguishing why a particular subgroup might differ from the total
organizatlon's values (le: high number of young employees with short lengths of
service might explain negative responses toward salary). The purpose of the
demographic information Is to understand, as a whole, the survey results and not to
single out any Individual respondents.
Since the raw data is processed and analyzed by the Consultant, the demographic
Information will remain secure and confidential at all times.
1998 Community College of the Year January 11, 1999
National Alliance of 13usiness
City of Ocoee
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761-2258
To Whom It May Concern:
I am pleased to see that we are one of two firms having the opportunity to defend our
proposal to conduct the Confidential Employee Survey to the City of Ocoee.
The following represents the answers to the questions which were sent to me on January 6.
1) Maximum confidentiality for employees allowable under applicable registration regarding
public record.
The relationship of the survey is between Wonderlic, an independent third party, and
the participant, an employee of the City of Ocoee. The individual surveys and
responses are not shared with any party, including the City of Ocoee; only the results
are presented.
2) How would your firm handle administrating the survey to persons with a language or
literacy barrier without causing those persons to he uncomfortable or embarrassed in any
The survey can be presented in both English and Spanish for delivery methods of
interactive telephone or paper. To create a comfortable environment for any literacy
barriers, the use of the interactive telephone method is suggested. The administrator
would be available to work out any other issues on a one-on-one basis.
The resources of Valencia Community College are such that we have trained
professionals in this area of counseling who are bi-lingual in several languages,
Spanish, Creole, Haitian, French, to name just a few. They are available to assist in
this project.
3) How would your firm provide a way for additional comment by employees, and still
protect the individual's confidentiality? Would the representative(s) of the selected firm
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instruct the employees on how to generalize comments to get the point across
At the conclusion of the survey there is an option for an employee to make any
additional comments. If the interactive telephone method is used, they will be asked if
they would like to provide any additional comments or suggestions on how the
company could become even a better workplace (or similar verbiage). The participant
would then select #1 for no response or #2 for yes, then voice their comments. The
responses are transcribed and listed at the end of the report. They will be reviewed
and summarized by the facilitator, to maintain confidentiality of the employees.
4) There is a concern that disgruntled employees might skew results with unfair or
undeserved criticisms. In your experience is there a "margin of error" type factor or other
method that is applied to results that takes into account without minimizing valid
First we must welcome and accept employees' opinions and consider them as valuable
insight into the company or organization. There are however, certain safeguards
within the system to ensure validity of the survey.
The first safeguard allows only response from each participant. This safeguard is
provided through the use of a unique identification code for each participant. 'this
code can be either a portion of their social security number or a code for each location
or department; either ensures only one response is accepted. Either method provides
the ability to break down the survey results by corresponding location or department.
The second safeguard is confidence intervals that express a level of confidence in the
accuracy of survey ratings. Similar to political opinion polls, confidence intervals are
typically expressed as margins of error that surround a rating-for example, a poll might
indicate that 45% of voters view a candidate favorably, with a margin of error of plus
or minus 3%. This example indicates that the true favorableness rating falls
somewhere between 42% and 48%. When margins of error overlap, this indicates that
true differences do not exist. When margins of error don't overlap, this indicates that
true differences do exist.
Confidence intervals are computed based on the number of cases and the Favorability
Rating. That is, few cases and moderate ratings (e.g. ratings between 40% and 60%)
result in larger confidence intervals; many cases and extreme ratings (e.g. ratings of
0% or 100%) result in smaller confidence intervals.
5) What type of questions would be used to determine demographics yet protect the
confidentiality of the employee?
Demographic data may he obtained in two ways. The first way is by providing the
information as part of the company or organization data file submitted to the third
party. This data file includes the unique codes of each participant and the total
number of participants in the survey. This allows only valid participants to enter the
system and determines when the entire group has completed the survey. Using this
method the company or organization may receive results on age, gender, race, tenure,
position, department, and location (subject to the information provided on the data
The second method is to select demographics as one of the modules. However,
position, department, and location breakdowns cannot be performed.
I am providing to you three report samples that may provide additional insight into the
integrity of our proposal and illustrate the answers to questions I and 4.
• The Response Rate Report — indicates the number of respondents overall and in each
department as a percentage of total employees —overall and per department.
• The High-Low Report—clarifies the 5 highest areas of employee satisfaction. Also, the 5
areas which standout as requiring further attention showing the percentages of
respondents who "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". In addition, using a scale of 1-
IOU, the Favorability Score is charted.
• The Department Report — states the number of respondents from that department, the
percentages of satisfaction and each category's Favorability Score.
To assist in preserving employee confidentiality, there will only be reports generated
for groups that have provided five or more completed surveys.
Again, thank you for this opportunity to earn you're your confidence. Should you have any
additional questions, please feel free to call me at 407-299-5000 ext. 3112.
n Kevi
Manager, Government Accounts
ACME Manufacturing - Employee Opinion Survey
Response Rate Report
1) Overall Total Surveys Rale o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Overall 431 337 78% I
2) Department Total Surveys Rate 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Collections 5 5 100%
Software Development 7 7 100%
Warehouse 20 18 90%
Maintenance 19 16 84%
Human Resources 6 5 83%
Customer Service 29 24 83%
Manufacturing 179 142 79%
Sales 12 9 75% •
technical Assistance 20 15 75%
Graphic Design 49 36 73%
Accounting 11 8 73%
Advertising 54 39 72% —
Engineering 13 8 62% •
Administration 3 ' '
Information Processing 4
Wondedic Personnel Test,
ACME Manufacturing - Employee Opinion Survey
High - Low Report
Top Five Items through strongly Favorability Rating
N Nava mama. aww Yin* aw.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
9 I am personalty committed to help the company achieve Be goals. 330 1% 0% 5% r43% 51% I I I '
17 lam proud of my work. 330 1% 1% 9% 45% 44% —I—
48 I am aware of the Quality Standards at my company. 327 1% 4% 9% 62% 24% y_'
30 Overall,I like working for this company. 330 1% 5% 9% 49% 37%
10 I am proud to say that I am an employee of this company. 330 1% 4% 10% a 32% 53 I r
Bottom Five Items swnWy &rough Favorability Rating
N or..w..Dingo* Neutral 4an. •v.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 W
41 I receive frequent performance feedback. 328 9% 29% 28% 29% 5% iF�
I t--i— I ti r- t _r
4 Promotions are awarded fairly. 328 25% 25% 20% 26% 4% —40—
48 There are barriers that keep me from providing quality products and 317 4% 21%j 18% 46% 10% y_
38 Management shares control with employees. 327 ;9% 23% 35% r19% 5%
- I t t F r_-
47 Sometimes things get so hectic that quality goes down.(Reversed) 327 2% 16%I 12% 45% 25% ' y_ •
wonderge Personnel Test
ACME Manufacturing - Employee Opinion Survey
Department Report
Favorability Rating
Accounting N us/avows. unr.vnr.u. Moira' F.rorMl. Favorable ngly r 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Overall Satisfaction 8 0% 0% 13% is-75% 13% _
Job Attitudes 8 0% 6% 8% '75% 10% ~~
'_ _.1--i_ .
Commitment 8 8% 3% 6% r66% 19% - --�- -_�__- - --r {Y - ..
Quality 8 10% 17% 7% 55% 10% _.1� f-� -I 1-
a- �
�_ - t
Performance Feedback 8 3% 23% 13% �83% 0% , -
Coworkers 8 6% 22% 9% '56% 6% --_. r--- t A- - t -_ I - t- t— -_
Supervkbn 8 13% 21% 6% �48% 13%
Communication ---_--� 8 3% 26% 13% '51% 8% -r- --I- y __r-- - -
Empowerment 8 5% 20% 17% 55% 3%
a I
t. ._.i
Pay and Benefits 8 3% 23% 33% '38% 5% r 1 - ~
—. -1_-__1_. _ F__-1 —r__ '
Career Opportunities 8 0% 47% 19% r34% 0%
Wonderlic Personnel Test