HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (F) Discussion/Action re: Authorization to Award Emergency Purchase Order and Change Order to Emergency Purchase Order (Cleanup of Emergency Repair of List Station No. 1) Agenda 1-19-99 . . Item VII F Q o e u of Goo JAMES W. SIIIRA, P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(407)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 14, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E. Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Cleanup of Emergency Repair of Lift Station No. 1 Authorization to Award of Emergency Purchase Order and Change Order to Emergency Purchase Order This request for authorization is being submitted late to the City Commission because it literally got lost in the system. The Engineering and Utilities Department wishes to apologize for this problem and any inconvenience it may have caused the Finance Department. In June of 1998, Lift Station No. I began experiencing a leak in the discharge piping, internal to the station, of one of the submersible pumps in the station. The Engineering and Utilities Department developed a scope of services for the repairs and sent it to three contractors to obtain quotes. The internal piping in the lift station needed to be completely replaced, not just the leaking component. The scope letter is attached. During the time the contractors were preparing their quotes the other pump's discharge piping ruptured within the station. This significantly affected the operation of the station. The quotes were received from three contractors. With end of the week approaching and the thought of one of the major lift stations in the City being out of service, Staff was a little rushed to get all the facts and prices complete. Staff called ti THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE �� all three contractors to determine which pipe coating was included in their quote. The two low bidders stated that bitumastic coating was included and that they did not price the epoxy coating. but that they would provide epoxy if we wanted. One of the contractors sent two additions to their original quote, and one did not believe there should not be any significant cost increase and therefore would consider epoxy as part of their quote. Only one of the three quotes included all of the necessary data to effectively review the price quote; they were the highest bidder. The three quotes are listed below and attached for review. Preferred Mechanical Services, Inc. $11,430.00 Pat's Pump& Blower, Inc. $17,172.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $57,600.00 The Engineering Department prepared an emergency purchase order request(#1004398) which Mr. Shapiro signed authorizing the immediate start of the repair of the station. The contractor was notified of the approved emergency purchase order and was authorized to start immediately. since the condition of the station was worsening. It was determined that the corrosion in the station carried over to the valve vault and a second purchase order(#1004449) in the amount of$5,100.00 was awarded to Preferred Mechanical to repair the valve vault and replace all the piping and valves using epoxy coating. Preferred Mechanical contacted Staff about the epoxy coating when they determined that there was a significant difference in price as compared to the bitumastic coating. They were informed that the City would pay for the increase because Staff felt the improved corrosion protection provided by the epoxy coating was worth the costs. Had Preferred Mechanical added this cost onto its original quote it would not have put them above the second quote. This is the second time that the piping in Lift Station No. 1 has been replaced in its sixteen year life time. The original construction and the first replacement were using pipe coated with bitumastic. While bitumastic coatings are used very frequently all over the country, it eventually breaks down due to the corrosive attack of hydrogen sulfide being released by the raw sewage. The epoxy coating is a newer product developed to inhibit corrosive attack on the coating and piping and provide a significantly longer life to the station's piping. The Engineering and Utilities Department developed the scope of services to repair the station in a manner so as to effectively limit having to replace the piping again. The construction was completed and has performed in an acceptable manner. The reason for the delay in processing the paperwork is somewhat due to the contractor effectively going out of business because of personal problems. Staff was contacted in November about closing out the contact and that is when everyone realized that even the City Commission approval of the emergency purchase order had not been obtained. Both purchase orders and the change order will be paid out of the Reserve and Replacement Account. I recommend that the City Commission approved the action of the City Manager in awarding the Emergency Purchase Order#1004398 to Preferred Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of$11,430.00 and Purchase Order#10044449 to Preferred Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of 5,100.00. In addition, I recommend that the City Commission approve the increase of$1904.00 to this Emergency Purchase Order for the increase in cost associated with the use of epoxy coating on the replacement piping. Attachments • "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S.SCOTT VANDERGRIEP Ocoee COMMISSIONERS OY .4;4o CITY OF OCOEE DANNYHOWEL 150 N. LAKESIIORE DRIVE SCOTT SS ON 5 OCOLP.,FLORIDA 34761-2258 SCOTT A.GLANANCY J.PARKER re (407)656-2322 a\� CITY MANAGER tit GanN\ FIATS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: June 18,1998 TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager �a FROM: James W. Shiro, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Emergency Purchase A pipe inside lift station number 1, at the east end of Nicole Boulevard, has been leaking for a few weeks, and we have been collecting quotes for materials required to repair it. Last night, one of the pumps had to be shut down because the discharge pipe inside the wet well burst. The remaining pump has a leaking discharge pipe, and we are concerned that the station may fail altogether. We have received three quotes from contractors for a complete internal re-piping of this station, copies of which are attached, and we are requesting that you authorize us to proceed with repairs based on the low quote as an emergency purchase. Attachments Ocoee a IAMPS W. SHiRA, RE. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N-LAKESHORE DRIVE•(CIOEE.FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656 2322 EXT 142•FAX(407)656-7835 June 18, 1998 Kevin Aspinwall Preferred Mechanical Services, Inc. 43 N. Winter Park Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 RE: LIFT STATION NO. I REHABILITATION Dear Mr. Aspinwall: The City of Ocoee contacted you approximately two weeks ago to secure a quote for rehabilitation of lift station no.l located at the east end of Nicole Boulevard. We appreciate your response and quote dated 6/15/98. To ensure that the City receives similar quotes from all parties,we have prepared the following list of tasks: 1) Bypass pumping of the lift station: Install plug in upstream manhole to prevent the sanitary sewage from entering the station Setup pumps and associated piping to bypass the station utilizing the bypass connection Bypass pumping to be installed immediately upon issuance of purchase order and will operate continuously until completion of the rehabilitation of the lift station. Assume one week of operation and provide a cost per day for addition or reduction of daily usage. 2) Remove and replace the following items: 8" 90 degree base elbow 8" interior riser pipe from each submersible pump, approximate length 18'-6" 8" 90 degree elbow on each pipe run 8"pipe from elbow to the check valve in the valve vault on each pipe run 8" check valve for each discharge pipe The piping, valves, and fittings shall he ductile iron, flange design, and have an interior epoxy bonded coating (Protecto 401, Permite PCS-9043, or equal). Exterior coating shall be hitumastic as a base price option and epoxy bonded similar to interior coating as an additional cost for a second option; exterior coating selection is dependent upon delivery. All hardware shall he stainless steel. The exterior coating shall be applied to the hardware after installation. THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE Demolition and repair of the lift station wall and valve vault is included and shall be of similar construction to existing facilities. Please review your original quote and confirm in writing that it does include all the previously detailed items or provide a revised quote by 9:00 am June 19, 1998. The City's intent is to issue the purchase order by the end of today should the costs be within the City's parameters for this project. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CITY of OCOEE r David A. Wheeler, P.E. Assistant City Engineer/Utility Director cc: Jim Shira, City Engineer Robert Holland, Utility Superintendent MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Shapiro FROM: David Wheeler ,(may DATE: June 19, 1998 RE: Lift Station No. 1 Rehabilitation The Engineering Department has received three quotes for the rehabilitation repairs to Lift Station No. 1 which is located at the east end of Nicole Boulevard. The Quotes are: Preferred Mechanical Services, Inc. $11,430.00 Pat"s Pump& Blower, Inc. 17,172.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. 57,600.00 Attached is a copy of the letters sent to each of these companies and their responding quotes. I had to make some followup telephone calls to ensure that we are getting what we asked for and to ensure that the bypass pumping will be setup and operational today. These costs are higher than previously projected do to the emergency need for bypass pumping and the improved exterior coating to help combat the corrosiveness of the atmosphere in the station. The Engineering Department requests your approval to award this purchase order to Preferred Mechanical Services,Inc. under this emergency request.cc: Jim Shim 6{/ liIe Robert Holland !, 6113?..6.4) 4 1p(tRrevsi it, Pr n6'l rN,0 tom" aiu 4 1h e if cJ • tot-16 _. _.,. .. �. • �, . ��o..� nr-r t.Nt net ury Lug PAGE 01 ►AI Preferred Mechanical Services ae N ware Park Urine('ancibery,FL 32707 TetgAane:007)695-1000 FAY:0I07)696-5096 To. C • '1 V \ C C o•o c Date.. `, Col I°l 14 Project: • We ATTN: Mr (�a..�r� l.te -er Mk are pleased to submit the following prices \ nn`, LD- Pro Qole 'iv raft\Gee 1 ) c)c e\bo uS r: Sers 3 (.4 eptc rt on elb� .aS 1-0 peit 5) ct.4Lk ytto0 (0) Qrov,Ze br..e .,.)rani by -pis s�-��o - At./ic Jc .r I11V30 o0 ( _ l.i Total shipment price plus tax if applicable F.O.B. Shipment weeks after receipt of complete approval of submittal data Standard terms of sale, on the reverse side of this proposal, are incorporated in this submission. Approval of drawing submissions is required,thirty(30)days for approval will be allowed. No hold-backs, cash discounts, or other credit will be allowed. Terms: Accepted on_ day of 19_ Accepted on I1 day of t�^t 10 tit Buyer: Preferred Mechanicalch Services, Inc By: _ t'(re Apso Address: Kevin G.As nwall)President Phone: (407) 895-2400 Fax: (407)898-5048 .... .. ... �.. ruLE Hi POT'S Pump + BLOWER , inc. 6/19/98 \CITY P OCOEE WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOUR LIFT STATION PIPE AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT. TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 2EA. 8"WEIGHT&LEVER CHECK VALVES 2EA.8"90 DEG.ELBOWS COATED 2EA.8"X 5'COATED SPOOL PIPE 2EA.8"X 3' " 4EA.8"X 10' " " " 2EA.BASE ELBOWS COATED ALL HARDWARE"SS",GASKET KITS,AND MISC. GROUTING. ALL LABOR,INCLUDING REMOVAL OF OLD PIPE. PUMPER TRUeK. STANDBY PUMP ADD$200.00 PER DAY RENTAL<<<<<< YOUR NET(EXCLUSIVE OF PUMP RENTAL) $11500.00 NOTE: ADDER FOR EXTERIOR COATING OF PIPE UTILIZING BITUMASTIC ADD:$250.00 WE WILL REQUIRE 48-72 HOURS EXCLUDING WEEKENDS FOR PROJECT MOBILIZATION, AND PIPE PROCUREMENT. PLEASE CALK IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. • SINCERELY, ; /"��/y�J �J�/'�� GLOP ISSON� • G.1 PROJECT MGR. • CC. I F 5 > , Complete Machine Shop Sales • Service • Installation Flp. I.800-359-PUMP 630 West Church St. • Onondo, Florido 32805 • (407) 841-PUMP • (407) 841-7867 • Fez (407) 648.2096 �..v� �...�.. .�.��.. YHut tll P RT'S Pump BLOWER inc. 6/19/98 CITY OF OCOEE LIFT STATION EMERGENCY PUMP SET UP FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 6/19-6721/98. COST FOR RENTAL AND ATTENDING $1320.00. PLEASE LET US KNOW. SINCERELY; RAY GLISSON • Complete Machine Shop Sales• Service • Installation R.R.• 1-800359-PUMP 630 West Churci St. • Orlando. Florida 32805 • (407) 841-PUMP • (407) 841-7667 • Fox (407) 648-2096 P(1T'S ---LamaUMP -- BLOWER inc 6/19/98 CITY OF OCOEE LIFT STATION PIPE AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT QUOTE ADDENDUM: PERMITE INTERIOR COST INCREASE $849 00 EXPEDITE CHARGE ON PIPE(2-3 DAYS) S508.00 NORMAL DELIVERY IS I WEEK. SINCERELY, RAY GLISSON Complete Machine Shop Sales• Service• Installation • RA. 1.800-359-PUMP 630 West Church St. • Orlando. Florida 32805 • (407) 841-PUW • (407) 841-7867 • Fox (407) 648.2096 4100 Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET TO: DAVID WHEELER, P.E. .ASSISTANT CITY ENGJUTIL. DIR. DATE: 6/19/98 COMPANY: CITY OF OCOEE, FL. TIME: AM FAX NUMBER: 656-7835 PHONE 656-2322 FROM: RICK ALEXANDER PAGE 1 of PHONE NUMBER: (407)321-8410 1 PAGES FAX NUMBER: (407)323-1236 MESSAGE: REF: LIFT STATION NO. 1 REHABILITATION OUR QUOTATION FOR THE WORK OUTLINED IN YOUR LETTER OF YESTERDAY WOULD BE $57,600.00. WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE SITE ,THEREFORE WE HAVE ASSUMED IT IS READILY ACCESSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND WORK ACTIVITIES,THERE IS NO CONCRETE, FENCING OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS THAT HAVE TO BE REMOVED AND/OR REPLACED AS A PART OF THIS PROJECT. WE HAVE NOT INCLUDED MONITORING OF THE BY-PASS SYSTEM OTHER THAN THE DAILY FUELING/MAINTANCE OF THE MACHINARY. THE CITY WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MONIORING AS THEY DETERMINE NECESSARY. WE HAVE BASED THE PROJECT ON A DUPLEX PUMP STATION. WE HAVE NOT INCLUDED; PERMITS, ANY ELECTRICAL WORK, REPAIR OF COATINGS, PUMP GUIDE RAIL SYSTEM-OTHER THAN THE BASE ELBOWS,RESTORATION OF THE SITE COST PER DAY FOR THE BY-PASS PUMP SYSTEM IS$275.00.WE HAVE INCLUDED SETTING THE SYSTEM UP AND FIVE WORKING DAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN OUR BASE BID. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT BRIAN KUHNLE OR MYSELF. 750 County Road 15•P.O.Box 471028•Lake Monroe.Plorida 32747-1028•407/321-8410.Orlando 407/830-8393•Fax 407/323.1236 CO CO32669 PC C04838S CM Cn35437 CV C056506 CITY OF OCOEE REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPART. No. CHAR ACCOUNT NUMBER � %� �� �p � L 535 -C110 PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT Uic! A I 1 e.0 ✓0�/1/'-' v'-' "\ ^� SUGGESTED SUPPLIER Y 'y �Q (hCed }LC}/J ��-(p I•NANCE SIGN OFF. / TO BE USED AT LOCATION L/} •1 V1 WQ 0.4G Id. TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE ( p �� DATE NEED BY'. JUSTIFICATION(MUST BE COMPLETED) X o a i — (Mt - cl a.vl_u- COMMENTS'. T ,iTEM DE6CWPTWN Est r':, , UNRPRICE• ESTIMAYrEDCAST t It S>>�, /✓o l l4FGb / ./:c I Iy3O — �n Crr//oontc 1-,/•-4 Sn %^C, 1 ''/f ICI 744 A d) anal Il/LFri/CCIS S✓�/. of=1oaA J4 ,(^O rs /9C >fcoheaf) ty T.,.r. 2 0 , 9 5 Y 4// fry 1t,ne, o,d L7c . /0 It , C CC1 In>r/ ,cf and Cxt,/',</ ,--/,714 Aja/^',/c PCS-50''1 —7,-.-w =f ca/- -- n„n a .?w 27 /4 SKI r..4/„3s Gdv+st 1 rn w/,/.^9 0 I -,o d cyl PLEASE CHECK ONE DATE 14 '(, SHIP r � LOCATION SIGNED /." o / C /jam WILL PICK UP CITY OF OCOEE 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761-2258 407/656-2322 x190 Fax PURCHASE ORDER: 1004398 Page: 1 of I "** VENDOR:***"" ** DELIVER TO "**** PREFERRED MECHANICAL Will advise of location when SERVICES, INC using services 43 N. WINTER PARK DRIVE LIFT STATION NO.1 CASSELBERRY FL 32707 ONcted Due Ship Via FOB " Terms 06/24/98 06/24/98 DEST NET Requisition No. Vendor No. Vendor Phone Vendor Fax 16800-1 407/695-2400 No Quantity O/M Description .::Unit Price Extended G/I.Account 1.00 JOB LIFT STATION NO.1 11,430.0000 11,430.00 407-535-00-6400 REHABILITATION: IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S LETTER DATED JUNE 18, 1998 (ATTACHED) AND PREFERRED'S QUOTE DATED JUNE 19, 1998 (ATTACHED).-BY PASS PUMPING TO BE SETIR AND OPERATIONAL BY JUNE 20. 1998. -ALL PIPE, FITTINGS AND ETC. TO BE COATED, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WITH PERMITE PCS-9043 -TIME OF COMPLETION IS DUNE 27, 1998 UNLESS ADVISED IN •* TOTAL •• 11,430.00 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Mail Invoices to: CITY OF OCOEE ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 2. Invoices and Packages mu t bear the P.O. No. Above. 3. Purchases may not exceed the total amount of this order without prior approval by the Purchasing Dept. /: M 4. Acceptance of this prole' includes acceptance of f all terms, llh r1l prices, delivery instructions. specifications and conditions.S. State Tax Exemptp: 58-11-094593-54C EIN: 59-6019764 Purchasing Agent 6. If you have questions, please call 407/656-2322 x190 original ►''I Preferred Mechanical Services 43 N ruder Pork Drive Canelberry,FL 32707 Telephone:(407)695-2400 FAX:(407)696-5048 City Of Ocoee 7,01 /98 To: Date: Project:Nicole ST. lift station ATTN:Mr Jim Shira We are pleased to submit the following prices WE propose to install new epoxy lined ductileiron piping from check valves to plug valves. price-$1600 .00 We propose to install new precast valve box with new aluminum access door so as to allow exercising of valves. New box to be large enough to house existing check valves and plug valves. price-$3500 .00 Total shipment price plus tax if applicable F.O.B.__._____ Shipment weeks after receipt of complete approval of submittal data. Standard terms of sale, on the reverse side of this proposal, are incorporated in this submission. Approval of drawing submissions is required,thirty (30) days for approval will be allowed. No hold-backs, cash discounts, or other credit will be allowed. Terms: Accepted on day of 19_ Accepted on / day of "- rY 19 9'9 Buyer: Preferred ec anical S ices, Inc By: Address: Kevin a Aspinwall/President Phone: (407) 695-2400 Fax: (407)696-5048 CITY OF OCOEE REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPART. No. CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBERVv PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT VI •f /I/l@� . L/csfe✓5fr/' # 7-. 35.,/-61//� SUGGESTED SUPPLIER /neie//et,/ /v7 LG hon/cF/ SV�,4C) -2n c- csFINNANG�SIIIGN OFF ::: TO BE USED AT LOCATION L,p, Sic fiC, NO TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE lle A&6 /r1, y/« PF 4,&7' $dal/p.. DATE NEED BY:f4/2199g JUSTIFICATION(MUST BE COMPLETED) /� LJA,/e, G••+�nq ch4Ai /LYe rive 4i0/'/L on. Lift $,'4>in /4 ( unGlel` /i,,,,L.A<SC D/oi St /00 ill 9? ad( i *ia / o/4 Vd4 /cfu//en/ loAa t.,.? /<r/cnCwn cY >,(r e//lfn,-, Of/ ,1 / uof/c.. TLo rC/va vof// /i o) ¢/6/ Gs >/k. 6as/oe //y de/n-i/, 8/Alec uP en ? a/lit / a/e/^U . COMMENTS: p, o,n1 was d/seo✓eel -/a 6G dtFse>'ive_ mycA <..,4° .. :..nn '�i<.ro vx ,.;9 e i pAt'®� x'�"^.' '' :r "" . .. �'VNIT'PWCE +� �0:2 I LS VJ,ey Io be, ,ns71u// v9 Finn ChoO% vc/vcs fn 1. 60G P/u1 ve lveJ / L.S, Pia ecsj COP‘/eie. Va10e, va,. ld >a Aovst 3, 500 Gli Lf,li v o ivcs 156c, to 944 Ole,) (wul4- ?ad o Ft Jinni e_nlic;€4,; /^s✓c//47'in.>) PLEASE CHECK ONE y DATE �e•/� Z / 5 t/ SHIP LOCATION SIGNED Q. /t✓/.��/ WILL PICK UP CITY OF OCOEE 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761-2258 407/656-2322 x190 Fax PURCHASE ORDER: 1004449 Page: 1 of 1 ***** VENDOR '**** ***** DELIVER TO ***** PREFERRED MECHANICAL -: Will advise of location when. . SERVICES, INC, using services 43 N.WINTER PARK DRIVE LIFT.STATION NO 1 CASSELBERRY FL 32707 Ordered Due ` Ship Via FOB Terms 07/02/98 07/02/98 DEST NET Requisition No. Vendor No. Vendor Phone Vendor Fax 16800-1 407/695-2400 No Quantity V/M Description Unit Price Extended GIL Account 1.00 JOB DIP TO BE INSTALLED FROM CHECK 1,600.0000 1,600.00 407-535-00-6400 VALVES TO PLUG VALVES 3 1.00 JOB PRECAST CONCRETE VALVE VAULT 3,500.0000 3,500.00 407-535-00-6400 TO HOUSE CHECK VALVE WORK TO PROCEED FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION) ** TOTAL ** 5.100.00 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Mail Invoices to: CITY OF OCOEE SEE ATTACHED QUOTE ATTN:ACCOUTTS PAYABLE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2250 2. Invoices and Packages must bear the P.O. No. Above. 3. Purchases may not ex eed the total amount of this order without prior approval by the Purchasing Dept. 4. Acceptance of this order includes acceptance of all terms, prices, delivery instructions, specifications and conditions. 5. State Tax Exempt*: 58-11-094593-54C EIN: 59-6019764 ng Agent 6. If you have questions, please call 407/656-2322 x190 original MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Shapiro THRU: Jim Shira 4 FROM: David Wheeler\\ o01'0.L, DATE: November 30, 1998 RE: Rehabilitation of Lift Station No. 1 This Memo was originally written on August 14, 1998.and have been attempting to obtain additional information from the contractor. He has been unavailable until a few weeks ago do to personal, professional, and other problems. When the Purchase Orders (# 1004398 and 1004449) for the rehabilitation of lift station no. 1 were processed it was proposed that we would use like kind interior and exterior coatings of the piping and valves. Based upon the corrosion of the piping which caused the failure of the station, staff requested coatings which would prohibit corrosion and extend the life of the station. Preferred Mechanical Services, Inc. (PMS ,Inc.)agreed to the change in the coatings when we were receiving quotes from three contractors. They assumed that there would not he any significant increase in cost and therefore "held"their quote. In fact when all three contractors were contacted only one had researched the difference in cost and included the difference in their quote; they were the high bidder. The second bidder offered the same comment that PMS, Inc. did,"not significant-use the same bid". When we requested this different interior and exterior coating we did not anticipate that the increase would be this significant. But, based upon the recommendations of some fellow engineers and other utilities it is worth it as a corrosion prohibitor. The attached invoice from PMS,Inc. is for the cost they incurred from the supplier with no markup. PMS was to provide an invoice from the material supplier-they will not provide this additional invoice, now. We have been waiting for this additional invoice since August. I recommend that we process this addition to these two purchase orders or to issue a new separate purchase order. This cost would be paid from the Wastewater R and R fund which should have been where the original purchase cyder work was funded. Preferred Mechanical Services 43 N. Winter park Dr. Invoice Cassclbcrry FL 32707 Number 1524 Date 07/0K/98 Bill To Ship To City of Ocoee City of Ocoee Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable Addressl50 N Lakeshore Dr Addtess150 N Lakeshore Dr Ocoee FL 34761 Ocoee FL 34761 Number 'lens Sales Rep Sales Territory Code Jim Shim Now Due Quantity Description Unit Price Amount 56 linear feet of piping to receive exterior coating of 34.00 1904.00 permite SIGNED RECEIPT OF GOODS9 NEEDED FOR PAYMENT ry T v3 U3944 ce" ye1 a I p, f Amount Paid LLW Amount Due 1,904.00 TOTAL $t904.00 E �gineering • . .. - iFOR PAYMENT r1 A cr Acct N .Jga'✓c we/r (cdle Auir::vt-cil by _ ./-42,4n✓ Date ___/lie,Lir---