HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A3) Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of Work Session of January 28, 1999 Agenda 2-16-99 Item III A 3 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION HELD ON JANUARY 28, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. The roll was called and a quorum declared.present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Human Resources Director Psaledakis, Personnel Specialist Bertling, Personnel Specialist McDonald, Budget Specialist Strickland, Buyer Meridith, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira and Personnel Board Chairman Resnik. ABSENT: None. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the purpose of the Workshop was to review the Personnel Rules and Regulations and said the audience could make comments. He felt the workshop could be cut into three parts if rules and regulations were considered for the police and fire departments separately. Human Resources Director Psaledakis responded by saying Personnel Rules and Regulations apply to all employees, which include police and fire. There is no problem with IAFF or any union representing the employees in the City to review the Rules and Regulations or offer discussion to them. When there is a union contract, the Rules and Regulations are the rules they follow, but the Rules arc not placed under the union contract. The only things placed in the union contract arc things that are unique to the particular union. City Manager Shapiro said the process included all the employees. The union reviewed the rules, which follow for everybody, except in places where there arc problems as a result of work weeks, etc. To break them into three sets might provide a forum for more grievances and result in different information or line items that could be grieved by an individual. They might require a whole set of administrative responsibilities because it is not the same set of rules. Three separate sets of Rules would have to be amended with three separate ordinances governing them, which would require three public hearings. Doing that would also separate the groups, and the idea in the City has been to work as a team. DISCUSSION - PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Human Resources Director Psaledakis advised she would go page by page explaining as she went along. Mr. Shapiro described the procedure for revising the Rules and Regulations. 'there are score boxes for a yes/no answer for each change reviewed by the Employee Committee, the IAFF Union, staff, the City Manager, the Personnel Board and the City Commission. He said there were only eight to ten items where there was a disagreement. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Ms. Psaledakis referred to her letter of December 2, 1998, that explained the process. Along with that were memorandums with comments from each group. She then began going through the Personnel Rules and Regulations page by page. Page I No changes. Page 2 1.04. Florida Statute under Section 1.04 was eliminated when they met with the Commissioners, but it was placed on Page 3. It speaks about public officials, and the Employee Committee, 'AFC staff, City Manager and Personnel Board agreed to place it back in Section 1.04. Commissioner Parker said she still has a problem with 1.03B. She does not like the . . . no member of the City Commission shall in any way deal with . . . any City officers or employees . . . ." She said she deals with City staff all the time on different things. Ms. Psaledakis said it is a direct quote from Statute 112.3135. Commissioner Anderson made reference to "significant other" in the Rules and said generally a significant other can have some of the benefits of married people or family, but it is not stated in this definition. Mr. Shapiro explained the wording is from a state statute. Commissioner Anderson then asked where a definition of "significant other" can be found if it is a state statute. Mr. Shapiro and Ms. Psaledakis replied a definition can he found in the rules. Ms. Psaledakis referred back to Commissioner Parker's objection, explaining that the statute keeps a member of the City Commission from having a family member promoted. Mr. Shapiro said the Employee Committee felt more comfortable with this rule's being in there so an individual who is a newly elected official will know the law. Discussion followed. Change approved. Page 3 l.04.C. Change approved. 1.06. Mayor Vandergrift asked that the City Commission set departmental policies regarding standard operating procedures. Mr. Shapiro said each department uses memos for that purpose. They are not in a procedure manual, but they are given to the employees, who sign for them. The only strong manuals that are done that are different from the Personnel Rules and Regulations are for the para-military organizations, which are police and fire. they have a complete set of rules and regulations aside from these that are not in conflict with these. One is called an S.O.P.. and the other is called an S.Q.G. Ile said copies, which are in hound hooks, can be gotten for the Commission. The Commission has a copy of the safety manual. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 A discussion followed regarding policy changes and notification to the Commission. Mayor Vandergrift wanted all the policies assembled in a book, and Commissioner Anderson suggested it be done and indexed. Page 4 No changes. 1.07. Commissioner Anderson asked why the collective bargaining agreement would prevail in the case of a conflict between it and the Personnel Rules and Regulations. Ms. Psaledakis and Attorney Rosenthal responded. Page 5 3. Change approved. Pages 6-10 No changes. Pane 1 I 4.02 '. Change approved. Page 11 4.03.A. Commissioner Anderson asked how the City can be the primary employer of a part time or temporary employee. Discussion followed. Commissioner Glass clarified that the desired language is the new language with the addition of this sentence: "The City Manager, or his/her designee, shall determine whether outside employment conflicts with the employee's employment with the City." Ile said the intent is to keep the new language that is shaded and add the sentence, which he thought was appropriate. Approved as stated by Commissioner Glass. Mr. Shapiro said, for the record, "Danny is a member and was a member of the Personnel Board as your representative, so he's been through all these and done that." Commissioner Anderson asked if solicitation in 4.04.0 has the same definition as solicitation at a person's house. Attorney Rosenthal said 4.04C is regarding distribution of literature. Mr. Shapiro said it deals with the safe operation and efficiency of an employee, that is, so that employee will not be distracted by a request to look at literature while doing a task that requires his or her complete attention. Mr. Rosenthal clarified that rules and regulations regarding solicitation within the City have nothing to do with work place activities. Page 12 4.04F. Change approved. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Page 13 No changes. Recess 8:15 p.m. - 8:27p.m. Page 14 5.02. Change approved 5.03. Change approved as follows: All employees within the City who apply for a posted position shall have the right to an interview before selection of the final candidate. if they meet the minimum requirements of the job description "as determined by the department director or his or her designee with coordination with the Human Resources Director." Page 15 5.05.B. Change approved. Page 16 6.01.F. Change approved. Page 17 6.03.D & 6.03.E. Approved deletion of D and changing E to D. Page 18 6.03.1. Change approved. Page 19 6.03.K. Change approved. 6.05. Change approved. Pages 20 7.01.B. Change approved. Page 21 7.03.D. Change approved. Page 22 7.04.F. Change approved. Page 23 No changes. Page 24 7.08. Change approved. 4 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Page 25 8.02. Change approved. Pape 26 8.02.C. Change approved. Page 27-28 No changes. Page 29 9.05. Change approved. Page 30 9.06.A. 9.06.B and 9.06.C. Changes approved. Page 31 9.07.A and 9.07.B. Changes approved. 9.08.B. Change approved. Page 32 No changes. Page 33 10.01.B. Change approved. Page 34 10.03.B.2. Approved with change to: "A travel expense report issued by the Finance Department, which shall he used by all travelers requesting payment or travel expenses, shall be completed and submitted to the Finance Department within at least ten (10) working days prior to payment date needed. The report will be filed within fourteen (14) working days after completing the authorized travel." Page 35 10.03.B.8. Change approved. Pages 36 - 45 No changes. Page 46 No changes. Commissioner Anderson asked about the origin of the requirement for a yearly wage and classification review. Mr. Shapiro replied it is a Charter requirement, and he stated for the record. "I would prefer to see every employee be the highest paid employee and he the best employee we could find for the people unless it is hurting the taxes of the City." 5 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Page 49 12.05.D. Change approved. 12.6. Change not approved. Page 50 12.8. Change not approved. 12.09.B. Change approved. Page 51 12.09.C. Approved change with following: When an employee "for physical reasons supported by documentation" is permanently transferred to ajob classification . . . . Page 52 12.1 I.F. Change approved. 12.1 I.G. Change approved. 12.11.F1.3. Change approved. Page 53 No changes. Page 54 13.01.B.1. Change not approved. 13.01.B.2.D. Change not approved. Page 55 13.01.B.4. Change approved. Page 56-58 No changes. Page 59 ]3.05.D. Change approved. Pages 60 - 61 No changes. Page 62 13.1 I.C.7. Approved change: Instead of returning books to IIRD, the employee must turn the books hack into the bookstore and obtain a receipt and money for the books. which are to he turned over to HRD. Pages 63 - 67 No changes. 6 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Page 68 13.18 and 13.1 R.B. Changes approved. Pages 69 -74 No changes. - Page 75 15.01 B.1 and 15.01.B.2. Changes approved. 15.01.C. Changes approved. Page 76 15.2. Change approved. Pape 77 15.3. Change approved. Page 78 No changes. Pape 79 15.03.25. Approved change to: Malicious gossip about the personal lives of co-workers "while on City property or on City time." Change approved. 15.03.28. Change approved. Pages 80-82 No changes. Page 83 16.2. Step 1. Change approved. 16.2. Step 2. Change approved. Page 84 No change. Page 85 162.Stcp 3.C.1.E. Changes approved. Pages 86 - 87 No changes. Page 88 16.03.H. Change approved. 7 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY 28, 1999 Page 89 No change. Page 90 17.02.D. Approved change to: "No document critical of an employee shall be placed in the employee's Official Personnel file unless said employee has initialed the document. Refusal of an employee to initial a document shall be noted by a witness." Page 91 No changes. Page 92 18.1. Change approved. Page 93 18.02.D. Change approved 18.3. Change approved. Mr. Shapiro thanked the City Commission for their patience and the Employee Committee for the months of hard work that went into the review of the Employee Rules and Regulations. He said the City Commission can be very proud of what the Committee did, and the employees can he very proud of what they have gotten out of this. Mayor Vandergrift asked what the policy is regarding how often the Rules and Regulations are reviewed. Ms. Psaledakis advised it is done every three to live years. A regular time frame cannot be set because of Federal regulations. Commissioner Howell asked for a copy of the ordinance controlling Commission expenses. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor N