HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII(E) Approval Of Emergency Purchase Order No.1006162 To Prime Construction Group, Inc For $14,793.10 For Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Of Hawthrone Cove Drive Agenda 6-01-99 Ocoee Item III E oO•ii �o lo 44. Of G00 JAMES W. SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT. 142•FAX(407)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E.p(12,g p. Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director THROUGH: Ellis Shapiro City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Emergency Purchase Order Action for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation of Hawthorne Cove Drive In April of 1999, the Engineering Department received a notification of a problem from Mr. M. S. Blynder, who lives at 1085 Hawthorne Cove Drive. He had been experiencing a slow draining sanitary sewer connection over a number of months and it had fmally appeared to be plugged. The Utilities Department investigated the problem by putting a "sewer snake" down Mr. Blynder's service lateral which did allow the sanitary connection to drain and appeared to solve the problem. The sanitary sewer pipeline in the street was also video-inspected and a plugged service connection was discovered where Mr. Blynder's house lateral was connected to the City's system. The house lateral had become disconnected from the sewer main in the street. The Engineering Department contacted three contractors to obtain quotes for correcting the disconnected house connection. The repair could not be performed by the Utilities Department due to the.depth (approximately 14 feet deep) of the sanitary pipeline under Hawthorne Cove Drive. The three quotes are listed below and attached for review. Prime Construction Group,Inc. $14,793.10 Sunshine Building &Development,Inc. $15,850.00 Georgetown Enterprises,Inc. $18,350.00 THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE �a The Engineering Department prepared an emergency purchase order request (#1006162) which Mr. Shapiro signed authorizing the immediate start of the repair of the disconnected sanitary sewer lateral. The contractor was notified of the approved emergency purchase order and was authorized to start immediately. This purchase order will be paid out of the Wastewater Reserve and Replacement Account. I recommend that the City Commission approved the action of`the City Manager in awarding the Emergency Purchase Order #1006162 to Prime Constliction Group, Inc. in the amount of $14,793.10. Attachments 070,!e CITY OF OCOEE ,/C a 150 N LAKESHORE DR y D OCOEE FL 34761-2258 407/656-2322 x190 Fax '1*a0000a+ PURCHASE ORDER:. 1006162 Page: 1 of 1 .......:.:.......::::.::.:...:::: ...: P'O. b54 :.;:. :..... .........:........ ..... .. ... ... ... ..... .. ...... . . ....... . ....E,,Q.LYMP.>........rd p ................. .........Term .................................................................................:.................... 04/02/99 04/02/99 DEST Net 30 ... .......................Vendor::.Phone;;::•;;:.;;:.:.;:.::.:.;;:::::•::•;;>: a 3"; .a ;:.;:;•;:.;:.;:.;:.;:;.>:;.:>:.;:•;;:;:�;;:•;:.>:.;;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;;;;:.;;::;;::::>:;:;.>;::•;:.>;;:.;:.;;;:.:;:.:�;::: ............................ 228858-1 407/856-8180 407/856-8182 . .. ................ ::.9:<...Q.at1t111`:>... . /M. ........... ..eS.C� .U01?:`:>::>`:::>::»:<::<>:»:>::<:>'::»<:<::>::>::»<:::>:>:<�>::>::<:>:»:::>:.�>?:»::>Uiiit:PsiCe:>`><. :::»: ::: f• ::>:�::::::;::>::<:::>::>. ccou ts::»::»»::»:::»::;>:::>::>::»::»»>: 1 1.00 JOB REHABILITATION REPAIR OF THE 14,793.1000 14,793.10 407-535-00-6302 SANITARY SEWER LATERAL FOR • LOTS 37 & 38 (1085 HAWTHORNE DRIVE). • ** TOTAL ** 14,793.10 • Received by - Approved for payment • // Departrnert Date Received vA p/t1 ac !t'Q. �✓i�il,� • • Dopartrnent dead • VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS: .SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Mail Invoices to: CITY OF OCOEE WORK TO START IMMEDIATELY UPON VERBAL ATTN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AUTHORIZATION PROVIDED ON 4/1/99 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 2. Invoices and Packages must bear the P.O. No. Above. 3. .Purchases may'not exceed the total amount of this order without prior approval by the Purchasing Dept. 4. Acceptance of this order includes acceptance of all terms, . prices, delivery instructions, specifications and conditions. 5. State Tax Exempt#: 58-11-094593-54C EIN: 59.-6019764 ���.sing Agent ' 6. If you have,questions, please call 407/656-2322 x190 • original . jor , o CITY OF OCOEE �`' a 150 N LAKESHORE DR 1— ° OCOEE FL 34761-2258 4. 407/656-2322 x190 Fax +a 0000' ' PURCHASE ORDER: 1006162 Page: 1 of 1 ...... ............... . ;;.:. :; > :;..V.END.:OIL. . : :: :..........:.:.:....... :.:.::..::..........�......... 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' SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: - 1. Mail Invoices to: CITY OF OCOEE WORK TO START IMMEDIATELY UPON VERBAL L ATTN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AUTHORIZATION PROVIDED ON 4/1/99 ' 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 2. Invoices and Packages must bear the P.O. No. Above. ' 3. Purchases may not exceed the total amount of this /' - . - order without prior approval by the Purchasing Dept: • 4. Acceptance of this order includes acceptance of all terms, prices, delivery instructions, specifications and conditions. � 5. State Tax Exempt#: 58-11-094593-54C EIN: 59-6019764 "sing Agent 6. If you have questions, please call 407/656-2322 x190 original ' - - • CITY OF OCOEE REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPART. No. CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBER PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT u fty� &jotrfLl''�G^/ VGf,zls �47c/` #9D7-S3S-DD-00i ,SUGGESTED SUPPLIER pi, GPms, H` ('� FIN C SIGN1OOFFF::d TO BE USED AT LOCATIONpolv ye.- G't t (ILA TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE RGht G.'!.-/41644 p.F S'an 44,J it,��. DATE NEEDED: y//Ay JUSTIFICATION(MUST BE COMPLETED) 1 ;,s /s c�e7�c'y 4544 djf I LL Sant/C.r7 S4 6.,- /G Arc// C;�na t4 7'ic� fe,ei-t /G 7J 37 cp. 3 4 A 4� b e...Grm,i b/ot,k t ,-e of 06.5 GOO rD Gc,'EC/ Fet&•-- ybG .--•e.ei SC•... 'i y p ,fr G 1Ats b /ackt:f a a-7,4 dii.6 .,.�te, 4,0,t /t /o ca/to/ c 404, .-•ts.-, f;.tr e 1 • 7Jou G D t» I•/O'nori G{p ' a/ A4 v - J4 a 9'Gev 5e...••v` S '(/`'4 C 7` "At . COMMENTS: QUANTITYIUNiT, ITEM,DESGRIF.1?ION: : ' ``:,.' ;'e ;, , ,..., ... ,. ._. .. ,,,.._. r.� :...,. ... .;;< ... , .. ,va;,:,,,. .. ,, ,s'- RICE �/ nUNIT�P �-;ESTIMATEDCO•STnt6ha7„^ ��DG�/� Cf ;;:;; / 97. •C rah-ics- A t'vc/ F®/ /ofs 37 at. 7P ( i®s-c AC✓f+t✓ /3 t i v t ) la Lr/G '�•!r sYcr7 teyiti'161y 61 0 P01 Vet A t l C L1 71 Af-e t,.:7`10" f ael./11 f N m c) • I 06 GRAND TOTAL f y 7 S J. 4r) -to D--1432_ DATE • LC 5 m SIGNED �4,✓! �! 04VALA, Iy Okq MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Shapiro FROM: David Wheeler 00.q DATE: April 1, 1999 RE: Hawthorne Drive Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation The Utility Department has inspected a complaint registered by M. S. Blynder, who lives at 1085 Hawthorne Drive. The complaint was about a sanitary sewer blockage/slow draining house connection. The Utility Department TVed our main line in the street and determined that the main sanitary sewer is not the problem. The camera was directed up the lateral where a blockage was discovered. The lateral has become disconnected at the wye into the main sanitary pipe, under the street. The Utility Department does not have the ability to make the repair, because of the depth of the main sanitary sewer is approximately 14 feet below the road surface. Therefore, we requested written quotes from three contractors to perform the repair. The Quotes are: Prime Construction Group, Inc. $14,793.10 Sunshine Building&Development, Inc. 15,850.00 Georgetown Enterprises, Inc. 18,350.00 The contractors were provided as-built drawings of the area to use in preparing their quotes. They were also told that they would be required to start on Friday and set the dewatering system to run over the weekend. Assuming the area is dry,the repair could be accomplished on Monday or Tuesday. The work will require completely closing the road in this area for at least two weeks from start to finish. The Engineering Department requests your approval in the issuance of this purchase order to Prime Construction Group, Inc. under this emergency request. (1 cc: Jim Shira et,t? Robert Holland 0/4 ring.ou.1777 1•aDrri NO.184 P.1/3 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Parkway FL License#CG C037504 P.O. Box 590507 FL License#CU CO56650 Orlando, FL 32859-0507 FL License#PE 0039513 Telephone: (407) 856-8180 PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY IF ALL PAGES Facsimile: (407) 856-8182 HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED LEGIBLY_ SEND TO From Company Name ♦P�K�( oR Oaf!,t"aL 46. Vw1AALdr2,t1.5 S{, Attention Date u014 max.Ca. 3, -3 o - 4.1 Fax Number Phone Number 651. a8ZS 4oa (o'S(a 23 2.21 X 1zz aUrgent Reply ASAP JJ Please Comment ❑ Document will not be mailed E For your Information Total pages, Including cover sheet 3 REFERENCE. O4YMPm CoLrs Sa.wee, R,sposA . COMMENTS: IAvtO 9L - r$tIL 'r•+b 1144. Anks. QLAcet tE. Sin 0- rta SA14 I cA-% saw0.4. P&Part& � t o 85 14,4 cso¢w Q. �,�a PLe, &. Rea( _ IN G'ewkiv.e.r+4, 7.7H e `Lou. Fem. -ttskg. cstifE6QYwnt cr`1 .. p.S, w 041'm- ra4-3 4 u12.. lit D Q o mi'4 A-A As- 4.l*4..r. `r•dAA Z-iz a...a . ' "i w� I`U.J '4 r.d.ed Prime Construction. Group, Inc. 5528 Force Four Parkway .P.O. Box 590507 Orlando, FL 32804 Orlando, FL 32859-0507 30-Mar-99 Mr. David Wheeler Phone 656-2322 City of Ocoee Fax 656-7835 150 North Lake Shore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Refererence: Repairs to Sewer Lateral at 1085 Hawthome Cove Drive l Dear Mr.Wheeler: Below is a unit cost list of the items required to perform the above referenced work: Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total 8"x 6 Wye 1 ea .$ 22.00 $ 22.00 8"Repair Couplings 2 ea $ 12.00 $ 24.00 6" Repair Coupling 1 ea 8.00 $ 8.00 6" SDR 35 26 If $ 1.30 $ 33.80 8"SDR 35 13 If $ 1.80 $ 23.40 Soil Cement 22 Tons $ 12.00 $ 264.00 57 Stone .22 Tons $ .-16.50' $ 363.00 Misc Supplies 1 Lot $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Sand for Wellpoints 10 Tons $ 24.00 $ 240.00 Sales Tax $ 66.19 Labor . Labor w/47%labor burden Superintendent . 1 Week $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 Pipe Foreman &pickup 1 Week $ 750.00 $ 750.00 4 man crew 1 Week $ 1,600.00. $ 1,600.00 47% Labor Burden 1 L.S. $ 1,621.50 Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS . $ 500,00 $ 500.00 Backhoe 220 Komatsu 1 Week $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Loader Cat IT 18, Etc 1 Week $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Fuel ~ 75 gals $ 1.20 $ 90.00 Roller for Base 1 day $ 200.00 $ 200,00 Compaction)Equipment 2 days $ 35.00 $ 70.00 6"pump rental 1 Week $ 450.00 $ 450.00 Barricade Rental 10 Days $ 22.00 $ 220.00 Page 1 r l..J V•1 J J J 1-L J I 'IL).1 d4 r.J/J Subcontract Asphalt Restoration 100 sy $ 20.00 $ 2,000.00 Wellpoint Header 60 if $ 15.00 $ 900.00 Saw cutting 1 Is $ 150.00 $ 150.00 TotaI $ 12,720.89 Total w/15% Mark-up $ 14,629.03 Bond 1.2% $ 164.07 Total $ 14,793.10 Items not Included: Testing lab fees Video of Area Please take note that the MOT setup must remain in place for 7 days after soil cement installation, Asphalt to be 1.5"Thick S-3 Soil Cement base will be 8"thick over a compacted sub base. Replacement of sidewalk and curbs Is not included. Excavation location based on location from sewer video provided to PCG by the City. We can schedule this work for early April if you give us a written directive to proceed. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Reynolds Holiman Vice President Page 2 Sunshine Building and Development Corp. POST OF'RICE BOX 180958/CASSELBERRY,FLORIDA 32718-0958/PHONE(407)339-6721/FAX: (407)331-7542 Mardi 26. 1999 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Attn: Mr. John Cockrell Dear Mr. Cockrell: We propose to do the sewer line repair at 1085 Hawthorne Drive for a lump sum price of$ 15,850.00 according to our discussion and site visit of today. This includes excavation, bacldilling, compaction and replacement of existing base with six inches of asphalt compacted in two inch layers finishing with a two inch top layer. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you. • ;: ' u President • JTB_rvub Apr-01-99 10: 54A P.02 I' GEORGETOWN • Georgetown Enterprises, Inc. Roadways • Site Utilities • Erosion Control Thursday, April 01, 1999 • Mr. David Wheeler City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 Re: 1085 Hawthorne Drive(Lake Olympic Subdivision) Dear Mr. Wheeler, •This is a bid for repairs to be made on the sewer lateral at the main collection pipe located.at 1085 Hawthorne Drive(Lake Olympic Subdivision), Ocoee,Florida,which is currently broken and plugged, as described by you during our telephone conversation on April 1, 1999. Georgetown Enterprises, Inc. is offering a cost to repair bid of: $18,350.9-0 Thank you: Sincerely, David T. Norris VP,Georgetown Enterprises,Inc. 7 Licensed General Contractors ' P.O. Box 547163 • Orlando, FL 32854 • 407-843-3445 • Fax 407-423-1644