HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (B) Fish Orlando 0“-1- -re/Mcfl- GREATER ORLANDO SPORT FISHERIES PROJ7t.C ! - Program Narative FY 1999-2000 A. Need: Florida has become increasingly urbanized, with over. 10 million residents living in metropolitan areas it is imperative that freshwater fishing opportunities be deve7.cped and promoted for this segment of the population. B. Objective: To promote fishing in the Greater Orlando area with a focus on resident and nonresident families . To provide quality fishing lakes where the focus is on quality catch and/or harvest. The objectives will be accomplished using the quadrangle of state government, local government, private business, and volunteers . C. Justification: With 37 million visitors annually and over 2 million residents, there is a need in Greater Orlando to more aggressively promote fishing as well as provide fishing opportunities for various user groups . D. Status: GCS? is currently involved in two programs in Greater Orlando. These are Fish Orlando! and Fish Disney! . Fish Orlando! was initiated in 1997 and run by a patch-work of personnel from offices in Eustis, Ocala, Lakeland, Kissimmee and Tallahassee . Under this infrastructure six promotional events were conducted (Punt, Pass and Fish on Lorna Doone; Clear Lake and Lake Lawne Crappiethons; Grand Ole ' Derby on Lake Lawne; Clear Lake Clean-up; Youth/Bass Club Boating Safety and Bass Tournament on Lake Lawne and Conway Chain respectively; The First Annual Big Catch F:vent at Barnett Park) and seven lakes (Underhill, Clear, Beauty, Estelle, Cherokee, Turkey, and Lawne) were brought into the program to provide emphasis on catch. In November 1998, a local coordinator was hired to manage the team of GOSP experts that had been assembled for Fish Orlando ! . The coordinator ' s plans for Fish Orlando! include three phases : The FAB FIVE, DYNAMIC DOZEN, AND 1ENFP.STIC FISHING DAYS . 1 i . The FAB FIVE will be five water-bodies in the greater Orlando area where one can expect to catch quality fish. These will preferably be greater than 50 acres and/or have management potential for high usage in terms of man-hours/acre . They should preferably have good bank access and/or be within a city or county park. One of the lakes will be managed for quality speck harvest and one will be managed for quality bluegill and/or redear sunfish catch . Success of the FAB FIVE will be determined by creel surveys, fish population sampling, and a phone survey of license buyers in the year 2003 . II . If the FAB FIVE is deemed successful by the public and Tallahassee administrators, the program will move on to the DYNAMIC DOZEN. The DYNAMIC DOZEN will be 12 water bodies in the greater Orlando area where one can expect to catch quality fish . These lakes may be smaller in size than the FAB FIVE and do not have to meet the FAB FIVE ' s stringent requirements for access . III . FANTASTIC FISHING DAYS will be centered around numerous fenced-in or limited-access retention ponds and/or borrow pits that will be managed for a quality catch-n-release experience . They will only be opened during FANTASTIC FISHING DAYS events . Agreements will be made with homeowners ' associations, private business, roadway authorities, etc . , to allow our agency to manage these water bodies and conduct events . Ongoing throughout the Fish Orlando! program will be the protection of the Butler and Conway Chains which currently provide excellent quality largemouth bass fishing for both residents and nonresidents . Steps will be taken to investigate water quality, aquatic vegetation, and angler imparts E. Approach: Job 1 . Promotion Procedure : Promotions will primarily center around lakes in the program. Promotional tools will include events; contests; T.V. fishing shows; various radio and T .V. spots; road signs to the lakes; kiosks at the lakes; numerous press releases; newsletters; inserts in utility bills; maps; fishing guides; and appearances at retail outlets and big events . Attempts will be made to publicize all management activities associated with lakes in the program. In the year 2000, two events will be conducted on FAB FIVE lakes . The first will be April 1, 2000 (Third Annual Big Catch Event) . The second event will be at a yet to be determined lake and date . Job 2 . FAB FIVE Procedure: A media show listing approximately ten FAB FIVE ! candidate lakes will be presented in June 1999 to various local government entities as well as businesses. The amount of in-kind services, funding, and cooperation from these entities will determine which lakes become a FAB FIVE . Following FAB FIVE selection, the GOSP team will draft a 3 year management and promotions plan for the FAB FIVE sometime in July or August 1999 . The FAB FIVE plans will include enhancement projects, steps to ensure angler success, and assessment of the fisheries which will include single line sampling i .e. fishing. The GOSP team will attempt to complete all activities scheduled in the plan for FY 1999/2000 . Job 3. Protection of Butler/Conway Chains Procedure: Butler Chain - Work with GOSP team to assess tournament and landing net impacts on largemouth bass . Evaluate the abundance and importance of submerged vegetation in water greater than 15 feet to productivity and catchability of largemouth bass . Conway Chain - Maintain contact with GOSP team members responsible for assisting Orange County biologists in hydrilla management. • Starke (202 acres) I. FAB FIVE FOCUS: I arvemouth bass catch. Catfish harvest. Possibly quality speck and panfish harvest. II. Problems: A. No brush, rock, piers, feeders or beneficial vegetation along the public access area. B. Fish attractors in main lake need refurbished. C. Evidence of a good catfish population that is underutilized. D. Bank fishing difficult due to shallow water. E. In some parts of the public access area there are dense cattails and other nuisance vegetation. F. Private shorelines have numerous problems with torpedo grass and cattails. G. Potential conflict with jet skis. Hi. Solutions: Vote: The following expenses are total estimated costs and ideally will be cost-shared between the City of Ocoee and The Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. A One time Fxprnce (I) Clear city shoreline of dense cattails, etc. w/a crack hoe or herbicide. $1,000 (2) Vegetation enclosures (May not need as eelgrass is coming back). $1,500 (3) One fishing platform (505x 5' wide approach; 100' x 8' wide "T"). S31,500 (4) Handicap arress for fishing platform. $4,000 (5) Two 17 ton loads of no. 57 stone for the pier. $1.000 i6) Five brush attractors and buoys. $2,500 (7) Two feeders with davits i one on pier; one in concrete). 32.000 S43,500 A Other on fin? expenes (I) Feed for two feeders ($160/yr/ea feeder). 5320/yr Lt-yeti (-I-N, sA- ci (1 N\.-� D C thhvr_ hrlp (I) Have Recreation Dept. teach fishing classes and become part of Zebco's tackle loaner program. (2) Disposal of nuisance vegetation once it is removed from the lake. (3) Designated jet ski landing area; no wake buoys 200' out and parallel to the Ocoee lakefront property. IV. Fisheries regulations/other management activities: A. Statewide; possibly investigate a largemouth bass regulation. B. In the future collectively approach lakefront homeowners to see if they would be interested in enhancing their shoreline at their expense but under our permit. V. Fish Stockings: A. Evaluate the black-nosed crappie stocked at 100/acre in fall 1998. If this stocking proves viable then pursue more stocking. VI. Potential Promotional Ideas A. Promote to local bass clubs. B. Fishing contests involving tagged largemouth bass and catfish similar to the 96.5 FM fishing ng derby on Lake Monroe. C. Work with local tackle shops to have contests involving prizes for biggest fish of the month, year, etc. D. Highlight in Fish Orlando! fishing map. E. Press releases, and if appropriate, ribbon-cutting ceremonies for all management activities. F. Fishing shows; articles in the newspaper; articles in national fishing magazines; spots on the radio. 24. Lake dhows,mow,(head:On t side of Conroy Road Phone.407-858-2295 Maus.8 AM-6 PM Scat's Ft Fe T.x kl::N side of SR 50 approx.3 mi E of approx 3.3 mi of Kirkman.Paddng for boat ramp Is trs sand la 49.lc I'.e l:oft SR go South on Dean Road approx.3 mi,go 535 In Tri-Cl y Shopposg Center with Big Lots./T,B as top of hill E from ramp on S side of Conroy./BR L on Flower Ave for approx 1 mi.Entrance Is on L Non-motorized Phone:407-6565111 Flours.5-30 AM-7 PM M-Sat 25. Cane Muni)., Park (Lupine P..:.a, sls.xlvu Bay Pond. boat loading area,FP,looted BF,OA 5:30 AM-6 PM Sun Hidden Pond):Go Won Conroy off Kirkman;S(L)on Turkey Phone:407.249-6195 Hours:8 AM-6 PM K-Mart al:On W side of I f,ewassee approx 2 mi N of Lake.Park entrance on R.Lupine Pond is off park entrance road 50.i I.-I,,I.I',.'.-,v.. off SR 50 go S approx 2 mi on 520(after Colonial./T,L on N(RI.Shadow Bay is at the and of entrance road.For Hidden Bsthlo,before Christmas);W(R)on Maxim Pkuy(Le. Wedgehekd Phone:407-298.7533 Horns:8 Am-10 PM M-Sun Pond bear L after entrance.Road ends at Shadow Bay Pond and Subdivision)for approx 1 ml;S(L)on Bancroft Blvd for approx 1.5 Batter late,Bed-N-laskl,•:From SR 50,Non Bennett:W take hiking trail behind pavilion. Property beyond fence at nu,Ron Paddock St foe approx 1 mi;L on Dallas Blvd for approx.1 (L)on Corrine approx.7 ml.Tackle shop is on S side of Hidden Pond Is private,be con nderab./BF,OA ml. Entrance on R. No motor boats./Limited BF,C,OA road. /T,B,1. Phone.407-2965191 Hours:8 AM- 6 PM Phone:407-863-4290 Hours:Open 24 hours Phone:407.897.6636 26.lurkey Lake('kaki,lake Perk);Off Kirkman go W on 51.I eke kleu„rlh((Ill Ken,Park/Butler Chain):Off Kirkman go W Conroy;N(R)on Hiawassee Rd.Park Is on R.Pier has a fish on Conroy which turns into 6th Ave. (Total distance approx 4.1 mi). North last feeder to attract fish./FP,C,OA Go S(L)on Main Street for.5 ml;go W(R)on Chase for approx 1.6 Phone:407.299.5594 Hours:9:30 AM-5:00 PM mi. Park entrance on L. Take park road until n ends at ramp./BR The Fly Fr.l:.',•n.,,:Off SR 50 go N on Magnolia;take a R 27.lake San Sus.rn IUrIa.Vtsta Park):Off Kirkman go W on for annual pasts&debit cards(Wed-Sat only) on Orange for approx.3 mi.On R among pink awning Washington St.for approx .3 nil;S()on Nowell Ave..1 mi. Phase:407-876-6696 Hours:Sunrise to Sunset twildkgs./T Park is on R. /FP,OA NOTE:Annual pass$150.00,Daily pass$5,Charge only applies to Phone:407-898-1989 Hours:10 AM-6 PM M-Sat Phone:407-2965182 Hours:8 AM-6 PM vehicles with haters and motorized watercraft. Fish N-Pole:On W side of Mills.7 mi N of SR 50./T 28.Conroy Pond:Off Kirkman go E as Conroy.1 mi;Ron 52.lake Ies..sn erne Oleo dvnxe tt.r.,.,nq,:: Oft 441(approx.2 S Phones 407.894-2020 Hours.9 AM-6 PM KW Lacing LanePond and parking on E side of Laacking. Limited of American Blvd)go apprea.3 nil Into lake;E(Rion Woodsmere Ave 9 AM•7 PM TMF bank atom/BF for approx.3 mi. Ramp at end of Woodsmere Ave./BR 9 AM-5 PM Sat 29.Lake Richmond(Pone Halt Park):Off Jahn Young Parkway Phone:407-8366200 Hours:7:30 AM-5:30 PM Sports Authoesty a I:On N ssdeo!SR 50.1 on E of go Won McCleod N GO on Burton,W(L)on Prince flail bled 53.1 eke.lesssmn• Mywoter Boat Ramp).Off 441;E(R)on Oak Sonoran./T,L for approx.6 nor.Park tn on L/URBAN POND:BF Ridge Road;N OJ on Denotes DR;stay to the L Fa bans Into Phone.407-277-1994 Hoes.10 AM-9 PM M-F Phone:407.2462287 Han.Sunrise to Sunset Rockwood Avek Lon Bywater Dr. Go approx.1 mi and it dead ends 9 AM-9 PM Sat 30. lake Miner (North Lake Man. Peri):: Off John Young into ramp area./BR 11 AM,-6 PM Sun Parkway go Won Church St.;N(FO an Cottage Hill for.1 mi;W Phone:407.8366200 Hours:7:30 AM-5:30 PM Jumbo Sports:On W side of Semoran approx.5 ins N of (L)on Lawrence Se for approx.2 mu.Ron Bayshore Dr.for 54. Conway Chain IRasd.lph Boat Ramp):Off 441 ; E(R)on Alome/T.L approx.1 mu.Park is on L./FP,OA Lancaster Rd;•N(l)On Hansel Ave,E(1O on Hoffner Ave;N(l.)on Phone:407.679.6100 Hon:9 AM-9PM M-Sat Phone 407.836.6200 Han:Sunrise to Sunset Randolph. Boat ramp at and of road/BR 11 AM-6 PM Sun 31. L,oe N,,m. H,,,1.-.1 .`.L,:,,,•,•o Park,: Off John Young 55.Bear Creek Park lake(Bear Creek Park):Off Orange Ave just.6 Ars Bait-N-Tackle:On W side of Goldenrod.1 nil N of SR Parkway go Won CR Smith;Ron Basle PI;L on Mays Ct.then mi N of 417. Turn In at signs for Bear Creak Rec Complex(Cypress 50.Look for parking lot with small McDonald arches./T.B take 2nd left In unmarked road.Go approx.1 mi.and unmarked Creek High School). Go approx.3 ml past school on R and sign that Phone:407-380-6787 Hours:6 AM-6 PM M-F road dead anus in park./BR,BF,OA says'Lluses Only". Pond on ft approx.1 mi after park entrance. 5:30 AM-6 PM Sat-Sun Phone:407-246-2287 Hours:Sunrise to Sunset 'Starting up fishing classes again as well as rod loaner program Wal Not a I.On N side of SR SO approx 1 mi E of Dean 32.Clear Lake 11 Claudia Allen Senior Center):Off John Young BF,OA Road/T,L,B Parkway(423)go W on Columbia St.for approx.2 ins;L on Phone:407-858-4710 I lours:8 AM-PM Phone:407-281.8941 Hours:24 Hours Mabel Butler for approx 4 mi.Park is straight ahead at end of 56. lake I lot and Nov.lane !Mud,Park): 4 mi SE of SR 15 We(-Ma,I a2 on SR 50 approx.3 mi E of Alfaya Trail T,L,B Mabel Butler.Pier at and of park near bridge.Aeration in the (Narcoossee Road)on Moss Park Road. Phone:407-282-4440 Hours:8 AM-10 PM canal./FP,BF BR,BF,C,OA South Fast Phone,407-295-5722 Hours:6 Am-11 PM Phone:407-273-2327 Hours:8 AM-7 PM Palmer Tuxedo Feed Stole:NE corner of Church and 33.Clear Lake K'.,,get Basle,Jr Park):Off 441 go W on Gore Westmordaod./T,B S:.approx.5 ml;S(L)on Tampa for.1 ml;W(R)on Gore for Phone:407.841-8924 Hours.8 AM-5 PM M-F .1 mi.Perk entrance ahead on L/BR,FP,BF,OA 8 AM-1PM Sat Phone:407-246-2287 Haus:Sunrise to Sunset Denton Hnrdseasr:On W side of Orange Ave.6 ml N of 34.!at,I c-'s r 1 r.-r.Off 441 go Won Ouch St.Approx.1 Holden./T.L \\'''0 ru.Lake a on R bordered by Rio Grand Ave.Church St.Tampa 4 Phone:407-8594550 Haul 7:30 AM-5:30 PM MTF Ave and Central Bled.PushI g Ssavailable at Lake Lorna Doorne. ., �, 8 AM-5 PM Sat on the corner of Church and Rio Grand Ave.in parking lot on r .� Awa,si a slut N-T.sckle:Off 436(Senwranl go Won Curry Ave.or along road on Central Ave.Parking lots cost$5 , Fad.S(L)on Crystal Lake Dr for approx.5 mi.Shop on du.•vg Carus Bowl /URBAN POND.BF Tackle Dealers right hand side on S side of Grant/Crystal Lake intessection. Phone:407-246-2287 Flows:Sunrise to Sunset N.+nl.vL-e.t T.B 35.L Ake:Si On south side of SR 50.25 mi W of 1-4 overpass. Phone 407.894.5200 Hours.6 AM-6:30 PM M.Th 36.L,.c-Lc.rn:.•II aka Lucerne Park):Off Orange Ave after 6 AM-5:30 PM F-Sat Lucerne Cade intersection bear L at tde'Y'intersection and lol- Bitters Bair N T.v kk•a 1:On N side of 441.1 ml E of intersection 6 AM-5PM Sun low signs for 408 W/Go straight at the first light O.e.,stay on with 436.On shopping center with SevrA-Lot./T,B K-Mad e3 On S side of SR 50 approx.1 ml E of Maguire. Lucerne Circle N).Stay to L at next fork(i.e.do not go on 408). Phone 407-889-7030 Han:6 AM-7 PM M-F T,L Parallel parking is on Ron Lucerne Circle.If you stay on Lucerne 5 AM-7 PM Sat Phone 407.8967840 Hours:8 AM-10 PM M-Sun Circle you can go back on Orange Ave./BF 5 fun- 5 PM Sur. 7 AM-10 PM Phase.407-246-2287 Ifours.6 AM-11 PM Tackle Dealers Continued... 37.I ale f',,:,y:Off Orange Ave;W(L-)on Wier for approx.2 m.Lake Is on L.Parkoff Hospital parking garage approx.1 mi A Guide t o on L on Miller•OR R Miller lake a R on Kuhl,bear L at stop Wal_Mart a4:On W sale of Semoran 1.5 mi S of Curry sign and you can park in metered parking on R(Sturtevant St)or Road./T.L,B Fl continue on a take a L on Lucerne(parking is on RI.Note- Phone 407.277-4314 Ho-us 24 Haas Aeration;stocked with catfish./BF •shin T.I.K Man.4.On E side of Semoran.1 ins S of Curry Road. Holders i.,..:. oR Orange Awe: on Hold Ave Ica approx.3 mi.Entrance on S side of Holden. Phone:407-275-0462 Flours:8 AM-10 PM Follow signs for pk nec area./IP,OA Linens Ru N Tack..a2.On S side of Sr 50 approx 1 mi E Phone:407.836.6200 Hoes:8 AM-7 PM of the East-West Expressway 1408). 39.C,m uq,Clem(Fern Creek Br., i..-:' Off Orange Ave;E Phone:407-282-3130 OO on Gan Ave;S(R)on Fern Creek Ave for approx.3 mi. Khan a;-On E sale of Orange Blossom Trail approx.1 ml Boat ramp at end of Fern Creek ave.N /BR Han: N of Sand lake/T.L b Sunset area. Phone407.857.3060 Hours- un s-8 AM-10 PM M-S 40.lake L anca,ier(lake Ln.aster Park):Off Orange Ave:E IN h a In the Spat.Atena. 1:On N side of Sand Lake Road approx on Gatlin Ave,S(R)on Fa Creek e n els Ave approx 3 mi.Boat ramp .6 ns1 E of Orange Blossom Trail./T,L at end of Fern Creek Ave.Narrow area./BR Hours:6 AM-1 I Phone:407-857-1611 Hours:10 AM-9PM M-F Cr PNI 9 AM-9PM Sat 41.i.:,:mkee:Off Orange Ave,t on Kaley;N(U on Summerkn: n Ater O ria]-� 11 AM-6 PM Sun W(Lion Cherokee Drive;N(W on Cherokee circle.Parallel park- e 1 Lake Conway Idaio-N=tackle:NW corner of Heffner and hog available mound lake./BF G� V O Hansel next to Cumberland Farms./T,B Phone:407.246-2287 Hours:Sunrise to Sunset Area Phone:407.857.7040 Hours:6 Am-6 PM M-Sun 42. I.,ke I):w". Off Orange Ave. E on Haley; N (L) on Sell West Sarererlin; 12 or Lake Daukl Dr. Parallel parking available ,�ky Ffsilst„ Sian,Aul„anv er;1:On S side of SR 50 approx.2 ins lV of around lake except in a few posted areas near Intersection \). S;.e Hiawassee./T.L Land SummerLn h.•�c&FA,,,, I.*, Phone:407-291-653 Han:10 Am-9PM M-Sal BF Ham:6 AM-11 PM i l Am-6 PM Sun 43.Grer•nwxxl l Wean Wetland,:Off Orange Ave;E on Kaley; x V -"}�_ �F,rt^. Wal Mart a3:On S side of SR 50 approx.2 mi E of N(L)on Sanmedln;R Ol on Brlvdiff Drive;N(U on Mills. C s a '<Hu an.look for'Cash America Pawn"sign on SR 50 as Wetlands can be accessed r-Mrt Is set back In shopping center./T.L,B by gang E CR)to Greenwoodcreenwoaa sir, e 41 Akre,.St,or Elmwood St(distance from Milk to Wetland parkingii. Q� r = Phase 407.2901s977 Hours:7 AM•10 PM Sun t a approx 2 nu.for each street).'NO fishing m Greenwood Cemetery property. s K-Mart'is:On E side of Turkey Lake Road.1 mi N of Sand Phone 407-2462287 Hans:&ri nse to Sunset lair./T,L 44.1-... .Y,;k..,a I Lake irk•k l,,I Off Orange Ave,E OO Phase:407.352.56fa5 Hour 8 AM-10 PM MS.. on Kiley St;N(U on Fern creek Ave.L in Brie:cliff Dr;Ron Cp of K-Martal.:On W side of John Young Parkway.5 mi S of Stacey Lane:R or L on Lab Weidc a Dr.Wel flora Dr dead ends MM ISSa 417.T,L to either road Parallel parking on lake side of the road. Phone 407$55-5530 Han:8 AM-10 PM M-Sun Phone 407-246-2287 Haas:6 AM-11 PM W.'I Man sr,On W side of Orange Blossom Trail approx.3 45.. I I(Col.Jos•Kitts+ger Park):Off 436 go U'(1.1 f�� mi S of Said Lake Road./T L.B on Lake Underhill Road for 2.3 all;N(R)on Crystal Lake Drive Ifl) Phone:407 8575325 Hours:24 Hours • for<1 nil.Entrance on R.To get beck to Lake Underhill Road take a L on Crystal Lake and take a Lon Anderson./BF,OA Phone;407.2462287 Han:Sunrise to Sunset Dial For More Information Contact: • 46.lake link-hill Ili eke Underhill Palk,:Off 436 go W(U on Lake UnRed.Park is approx L4 mi on R.Can also park 1-888-Fish Florida The Florida Game and on N side of of Underhill Road.8 ml from park just before entrance to 408(E.W)/BR,BF Fresh Water Fish Commission: Phone:407-2462287 Hours:6 AM-11 PM To order an instant Fishing The Greater Orlando 47. I n,I:..., fU,",:.n„• I'.,,!.!: Off 436 go W(L)on Lacosb Dr for approx.4 mi(its the 2nd street N of Curry Ford); Sport Fisheries Project N(B)on San Lads Dr for 3 ml;(P Ill on Tease Cl for.1 mi. License Today! 924 N. Magnolia Ave. Entrance at end offend /URBAN POND.BF,OA Suite 315 Phone:407-246.2287 Hours-Sunrise to Sunset 48. . .. - , 1<.,,..-.• Off 436(Semaan)go Won Orlando. FL 32803 Galt&n for approx.5 mi. Entrance on R. One small retenteon • _ `caul kanedwelg sac L. B;rr er'ake and shalom retention pond Residents or Non Residers. Or call inharkave the hark that woe l lee Mr dutch unto us;din road and - a IV" n s-r^rnnn IFGEN° ,,• a tent r+ •: - BR:Boat Ramp ,lee Ler� 444 Lam Gandy Lake Lu.t•n Y ;I 1'ltXe Ann Garden t• �� 426 FP:Fishing l.er Maiden.BF:Bank Fishing Lak 1 phareila . ' . . Lake Shadow g I I :ear Gully Lake I r Sells tickle B earn Lake Long lake /I • Westo• n a ken'" 17 • B.Sets Bad N Cla • I - litiaidand L-sere Fishng Ixermes k#Wit ar • ' - rod OA-Have other activities stash as Lake , Lake Arlie • • Bell ( / hiking trek,playgrounds.es • •� I k p ,011 Lake Martha 1• .Georgia 4 tl ® l Lake Fr,• Lake Nan I lee . Lake URBAN POND:intcndvef managed since 1991 2 Sanchez Lake Lake .•rung ' inter Lake ,aunatta \ Lake Phillips Lake to provide good action for beginners and/or I •ff'� those wanting to eat fish.Ustalty has good bank Crooked Lake Lake Wekiva a Barney ., •Mi • 22 access,fish feeder,.fish attractors,and aeration 'rairie lake h le Lake Far levy %�T Routinely stocked with catfish and on occasion 16 4+ �-� Lake Inn 21 - 'er I hybrid striped bass and drat largemouth bass. lal�Genie Lake Tiny Lake -•rah 1 / Lake�rg7 W lair Jean lake Bar Lake Pinto 1 ,/ Lake Berry The Lakes 3 ey �D i wi 15 Lake S Doug, 1.lake Beatxlair(Trimble Park):Off 441 go Won GT) 416 '• 14 p 19 r 20 �' 1 Sadler Ave.for 1.5 ml,Sdkr is approx 5.4 mt Lake Lucy in - />� are Lake Kowa from the 441/437 Intersection.inert go N on 1-1 z J 111111111 ON \ 8 - -■'c I Lake Corrine Lake Dora for 1.1 ml,W t.)or,Fariwood for A ml.bear S / R on Trimble Park Road.Boat ramp entrance•.1 lake 1•-lorence L- 6 • (� 3 • ■ © _ mJ on R.Fishing pier entrance is 2 mi after boat ramp entrance.Signs direct you to the perk from Lawne Lek e-'-1 , ..�� hoe I.12 Cary Dee Lake Sloan_- , �',, 441./BR,FP,SF.C,OA • nerHills id Lake Lake Overstreet Phone:352-3831993 Hours:8 AM- 6 PM • r= d 1.k7ke Be! 2.Lake Apopka(Magnolia Park):Off SR 50 go N 27 ( ` iris u illigil � Lake Gear Little La.• •'non \ . ■t$ on Maguire for 5.5 mi.(Note:Maguire turns into , 30 ' 1 r ,/ 11 © eo ,. ,. Loh Bar-ton /� ( Lake K Kissimmee Ave then Bowness Road then "' •� r�� ' ,1C II Occoee/Apopka Road and then CR 437 N1;Go W . ��■ n■ •.■-��'..t 1 35 �{• -- 46 ■ ■ ■ (U on Binion Road/CR 437 for.6 mi.Boat ramp r Lake ( e 43e , ® / ' on W W side of CR 437;other activities on E tl) _■ •0 4 ' u: side of CR 437./l3R,C,OA s ae'LStd O iI ' Phone:407-8864231 Hours s AM-7 PM J Geyer Lake Sunset • •, . -• '-'43 _., \Ti -6- -� Azale Nark 3.Lake Apopka(Newton Park}Off SR 590 go N 4 1-■-■ on Vineland Road wlyrh becomes Mai,Street and __A 33 6,, urerne cues - therr bevva,ses Surprise where a dead eras at the alto Steer Lake Hiawassta , , W.••.c 44 Tina 47 .___�,f pie..For the ramp m OA take a_or.Garden at "\ I 1 . [OL Garden/Surprise intersection. Go approx. .1 mi. BC•� '.. _ ..,. $ J \\ Park and ramp are on R./BR,FP,OA P""' v ear Lake I _,�, 1 Phone:407-656-4155 Hours:10 AM-10 PM Lake Ce,r6ss ■_,r !�• 4.Joins Lake.Off SR 50(1.2 mi W of turnpike B1 • 26 ;� I Lake overpass)go S on Lake Bhd...I ml.Ramp is on L. 24 L /•.�Wade i \ l 1 BR 1 obi Bass Lake lee Porter ,0 5 :, • 5.Starke Lake:Off SR 50 go N on Blueford for / t� e W Lake Wil/jsara Little B ss Lake Lake1redrica �" l" approx. 1.3 ml; go E(RI on Oakland Ave forelt9 • \ approx.2 ml;N(U on Lakeshore Drive for approx ..ake Holden ' .1 mi.Ramp on R./BR,BF W'key Lake 28 39, aref Lake :• •' 6.lake Lawnv(Barrett Park).Off SR 50(Colonial). 51 25 • ( 38 lekwel � • •Anderson .48 Go N on BMX Lane wwl<r h just past Centro + Florida Fairgrouds took for Barnett Bank sign). Little Lake Co • Take a R at next 2 Intersections.Pier s oo R m th.->s v 23 A..' atlill I I paring lot. Rost ramp is on R past pavilions. -, l Fishing also available behind County/Park -,,, •jn Administrative Buildup. • 56 BR.FP,BF,OA , , arsha a t rake Jes.•• tie '1' 55 4 Phone:407-836-6248 Hairs:8 AM-8 PM .. • I It 4' / \, r 7.lake Fairview(Lake Fabvtew Beach):Off 441 go E on Lee Road approx.1 ml.Entrance is on R. 11.Park lake:Off SR.4 mi E of Mills.Can park off SR 50 or Park Road./BE Phone:407-599-3334 Hour:Sunrise to Sunset Note:Aeration In one lobe of lake./BR,OA Lake Circle unless otherwise posted.Note:Aeration Phone:407-246-2287 Hours:6 AM-6PM 18.Winter Park Chain:lake Maillarxi(Fort Maitland Park)On 17. MAP SCALE 1 1.4 miles Phone:407-246 2649 Hours:6 AM-11 PM . BF.FP Hoes:8 AM-6 PM 15.Lake Lsw•Ile/liowrtw i I..och I faoen Perk):Off SR go SON on 92 N of Lee Road on E side of road across from Chic Center. 8.take Ade:r IDxr Dudley Park):Off SR 50 go N 12.H4;hlanxt lake(Ifighand Park):Off SR SO go N on 1(ghlartd Mills approx 8 mi.Park on Mills or take a Lon Rollins and park in 'Winter Park Chain bating sticker b required,see Lake Virginia note on Edgewater for approx.3 mil:W(U on either Ave fee approx 5 mi.Lake on right hand side.2 hour parallel park- museum parking lot on L(Museum lot open 7 am-9 PM,but some- for more information./BR 22.Bithlo Park Off SR SO;N on CR 13.11 on Old Cheney Huy;L Lake Adair Bled entrance-Parking is on Lake Adair ing on Highland Ave./BF times closed for spedal events)./BF 19.Lake Baldwin(Lake Beenterur.al Park)Off SR 50 go N(R)on on 6th St,go.2 mi end turn R on Washington t.e.park entrance). Bhd opposite fare side./BF Phone:407-241,2287 Hors:8 AM-6 PM Phone:407-246-2287 Haas:SAM-Su set Bennett:W(U on Corrine Drive;N(R)on General Reese;E Oil on BF OA 9.Lake Cocord:Off SR 50 go N on Edgewater 13. Lake Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe Bid East Park): Off SR 50 N on 16.Winter Pa,CT•w:n Lalx Virgin's link',Dais:Off 527(Orange Gknridge Way:S(Mon Lakemont Asa.Park is or.kit/BR,BF.OA Phone.407-568.4710 Hogs:8 AM-8 PM approx.2 mi Late Is on It No par;dng around Magnolia;take a R on Orange and go approa.5 min take a L in Ave):E(5)on Fairbanks Ave;R on Otte Awe:dead ends at ramp Phone:407-599-3334 Hans:Sunrise to Surat 23. Lake Hanccde Off SR 50 go S on CR 535(Winter Garden, lake,must leak from Lake Adair Blvd ivonhoe Blvd_Entrance immediately in L Note:No feeders or(air Dock and Beach.Note:In order to use ramp,boaters need to buy a 20.Lark F cxiockhataeh a River(Lark Eccn Bike?rail):Off SR 50 Vineland)for 5.6 m;go straight onto Figoetee Rod at 535/Flgxtte 10.Lake Ivanhoe(Gaston-Edwards Parki:Off SR attracton at thus side on the urban pond. Winter Park Gain sticker which can be at Water 50 go N on Magnolia.Go through Orange Ave. URBAN POND:BR,FP.BF Finance 407.599-3292)orY �ofPark N on I BF, khaaacltee Trail approx.2 mi.along rear.Parkug t tancock Stay on F-appr¢for ni; nil then bear R onto Ler light and through Ivanhoe t then take a L onDept( City of Maitland(407-539 6200)/ on right./co OA Road ck Road and go. approx 2 ear then bear R s,onto Porter � Phone 407�2462287 Hours:Sunrise to 1 I PM BR.BF,OA 21.lank FtmbckhatcFnec Riser(Blanchard Parfe Off SR 50 go N Road and go eppruac.8 mi;then bear R site Phil Rttsm Way and go Lakeview Blvd.(Le.follow the sign for 14 West). 14.lake I,,rrtxrssa take Furmossa Park):From Orange Ave go E Phone:407-599-3334 Hours:Sunrise to Sumxt on Dean Road approx.6 ml.Park entrance on R.BR for rein motor- approx.2 ml.Dirt BR on R. Get Immediately Into R lane Fishing area immedr' on Princeton;S(RI on Mills approx.1 ml.Parallel perk on Mills.Fish 17.Winter Park Chain lake Maitland(Kraft Aeak•a Patkh Off 17- feed boats. Boat slide olf of bicycle trail. Canoe and kayak rentals. Will need four wheel drive for trallerod boats./BR atety on R under bridge./URBAN POND:BF around bridge.-OR- From Orange Ave go Eon Princeton,5(R)on 92(Mills);Eon Park Ave,W(U on Pakner Ave;N(U on Alabama Rod loaner program,fishing classes,annual site for end of February I aka.(ltntitxed Other Sin. Phone:407-246-2287 Hours:Sunrise to Sunset Alden Road approx 2 mi.Parallel parking on both skies of Alden Drive.Various parking areas on left hand side of road. "Fish for the Fun of IC Event./BF,OA